Wednesday, November 16, 2022

warp eleven, trek to andromeda galaxy

 warp eleven
published stardate 4701.1 [in cycle six but the topic here is warp].
in star trek original, when kirk managed enterprise, which speed is warp?
in my interpretation warp one could mean 8c as i will explain but if warp one means the speed of light called c, then magnitudes will be difficult to compute for warp eleven. 
anyway it cannot be cubed, as the system in 2154, when kirk enterprise due to progress after archer enterprise in 2154, a century before kirk enterprise, 2265 which progressed in technology until kirk enterprise.
admittedly that series had warp 3 greater than 100c while its own canon had warp 3 as three cubed 3^3=27c on chart so unreliable regardless.
we must separate the systems of warp because we can expect that in "next generation" the idea of warp 2 would be faster than the same number warp 2 in kirk enterprise due to years of progressing technology. similarly we can expect that archer enterprise around 100 years before kirk would have a slower warp 2 than in kirk enterprise due to the progress until kirk. in archer enterprise warp 2 was 2^3 8c and warp 3 was 3^3 27 ly which must be less technology than kirk enterprise a century later. we can expect that this was slower than the technology in kirk enterprise due to progress in the one hundred years until kirk. so what system of progression can gap between warp one as the speed of light one time, called 1c, to warp 11 a rate that can reach andromeda galaxy, 2.5 m l.y. in 300 years?
if w11 meant 11^3 that rate is not enough to match and SHOULD not be the same as old technology. 11^4 would arrive in 200 years not three hundred years.
warp 11 is certainly not 11c because that would need more than 300 years to go even 5000 l.y. even before we knew about the series enterprise. it must be magnitude. as above cubed would be same technology and not fast enuf rate while 11^4 would suffice 200 years to andromeda 2.5mly but they needed w11 for 300 years. so which magnitude?
we know that the distance of 1 light year must be traveled by light in one year at the speed of light called c because the distance was defined by one year of light or photon motion. we can compute 300 years to travel to andromeda galaxy 2.5 m.l.y. [currently 2.54 but moving together in relative position will have been 2.5 in 23 century of kirk enterprise].
it should be obvious that any photon moving 1c will need 2.5m years to go 2.5m.l.y. rate*time=distance 1*_=2.5mly? 2.5m' years.
a rate that will arrive in 300 years must be 2.5m/300=8333c, meaning each year it moves 8333l.y. which is the rate 8333 times faster than c totaling in 300 years that distance.
if we know warp eleven 11 as "they said," and know not warp twelve until the "upgrade" in stardate 7000, at the end of the v...ger probe story, possibly aided by the kelva allies! then i interpret a doubling magnitude that must be FASTER faster than the system in archer enterprise as above not "warp two only 8" but must be more! as above the progress of technology until kirk in 2265.
after analysis and finding the matching details, i interpret warp one simply as c the same as the speed of light x.m.p.s. which... is impossible for mass to go... unless using anti-matter fuel.
warp two in kirk enterprise is 16c, DOUBLE the speed of warp 2 in archer enterprise w2=8 therefore matching the progressing technology which matches simple halving and is faster then the old 16c as i estimated working from 8333 at warp 11 as i will explain and this coincided with double warp 2 in archer enterprise before progress of technology as above.
despite my CHEATING to divide backwards, halving the rates, as i will show, it DOES MATCH the improvement of technology expected by the technological progress between archer enterprise and kirk enterprise.
in fact i interpret the number one as one c 1c, as above but warp TWO of kirk enterprise MEANS double warp 2 of the earlier pre-progress technology because the numbers match... admittedly the authors of archer enterprise did not intend to half the rate in kirk enterprise when they wrote their fiction 40 years later... still the numbers match and the interpretation explains many of the issues.
if we know that warp 11 is 8333c as above each year 8333 l.y for 300 years, then we can halve that rate half of 8333 is around 4100 etc. and FIND it matches.
w1=1c, w2=16c
warp 1 one unit of speed of light
warp 2, in kirk e. 16c, called 2 in 2265 because "double" warp2 in archer e.
w3=32c, w4=64c
warp three double warp two 32c. from 3, each magnitude doubles the previous and matching faster than old tech 27c.
w4 double w3 meaning 64c and similarly:
w5 128c, w6=256, w7=512c, w8=1024c, w9=2048c, w10=4096c, w11=8192c matching aproximately 300 years for trip distance 2.5m.l.y. going nearly 8200 ly each year needs nearly 305 years called three hundred for simplicity. so the interpretation matches the known rate as expected due to halving and also matches the better technology which must have improved since 2154, in the century after archer enterprise.
note: i calculated this using year and light year for simplicity. not meter per second! using meters in light year! gasp. that would be a waste! since year is the same common description.
i calculated this 186+90+28+16=320 days into year 2022, after six years into the ten year cycles of 1966 and 2016. for years i estimate 365x2 star dates per day based on the episode carbomite when they specified hours so 730 per year, as an over-simplification, for estimation, so this afternoon is 4701.1 in this ten year cycle. still in the first three years near zero we should use the other system for the cool sound of four digits even near zero. for example november 16, 2016 would have been stardate 641.1 in afternoon and same in 2026 when the 7 cycle will end and the 8 cycle will start.
#startrek tos kirk enterprise

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