in theory death seemed the apt punishment for murder. killed body lose body but what if age forty killed age twenty the murderer certainly lived age 20 til 40 so not enuf.
in u.s. they have death penalty for murder while other countries dared to cancel. but for murder? how can we compare unless a country "dared" to cancel its death penalty. we can study the result if a country "dared" to cancel its death penalty.
france cancelled its death penalty in 2007. we can study their stats.
in a population around sixty million, the rate was 600 around 1/100,000 in 2006. seemingly the death penalty did not deter angry people who hoped they would not get caught. then in 2007 they cancelled the death penalty. what was the result? the murder rate jumped! over 1000 nearly doubling 2/100,000 in 2007 and 2008.
once france saw that they should renew the death penalty for murder as we see when the deter was cancelled more people wanted to murder in contrast to under the death penalty the angry people who did not restrain in 2007 n 2008 did restrain in 2006.
we can learn from france that france should execute murderers and israel should kill murderers if the punishment is big we see it has less than when no death penalty. despite a murdererr will kill self still less murders as above. despite a muslim will kill undeterd by death kuz he will live after his body dies such is his thought... still we see the difference and need the death penalty so the angry people will restrain themselves.
admittedly for other crimes that did not kill a body we must not kill the criminals body especialy condemn the religious death penalty in jew mishna for harmless sins and muslim law "dont kill unless by law" which allowed killing crimes and religious sins beside murder.
i condemn and reject and declare the jew mushna and its death aws i protest and the fact that jews do not protest their mishna shows just how cruel they are accepting even in theory without protest but what can you expect from the evil culture that changed a baby body with blood and cut with no mercy to stop the action instead the eat a banquet during the baby pain.
jew books call themselves merciful tell yourself lies.... they are not mericyul to care abouut the death of a sinner. mercy in "feeling" while doing the killing? the guy became a judge... and as a jew judge will kill the homosexual... but he will feel mercu while he does it?? that is not mercy if he felt mercuy he would refuse to accept the cruel book. what about the sin? he would rely only on god to punish sin... so when jews call themselves merciful while cutting theor own son blood and change alter body that is far from mercy what can stop those cold hearted jew?
for punishing homosexual if they felt mercy they wouldd protest and oppose the mishna as i do and protest here kuz they could rely on god to punish sinners... but wait...
the book claimed god is merciful... what mercy s that if the punishment is fire or death? that is not mercy so if true then the description of god is false and did not describe the evil cruel god... or if thw description is true then he would not hurt even a sinner except for murder as above dead body matched dead body but only if same age as above... otherwise must other punishment but for judge we have doubt for human death penalty and would need to cancel temporaroy to see effect and as above in france they cancelled and we saw more murders so we must learn from that as above but not kill for rape whne victim alive and not suicide from the emotional pain.
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