Thursday, August 30, 2018

improvements to game

when we consider a ball spinning, we can define the axis of the spin and between the two axes an equator and that middle area is the greatest length around called circumference .
the same for the planet earth near equator so for a game this should be shone
i start with one good thing in map of game "axis and allies" version 1984,  is when they 'magnefied" the european countries they correctly aligned spain with the correct western part called new york city now for improvemnets that distance is more than the distance from tokyo to midway so it seems fair a ship needs a second step.
yet near equator the fat part of the ball of the planet even greater length should be marked on each side of nile continent
yet a ship near amazon river is marked one step to nile c. coast this is unjustly marked because it further than 4200 or 4100 km. as detailed below similarly the east side of nile c. a ship from mumbai should need a second step to reach kenya and this should be marked with narrow sea zones and also fix islands near japan many islands only separate for land battles but several separate island in same sea zone so ship can move from fuji m.r. to fly r.r. in second step sane as midway because less length and similarly from magata rr to murray rr in second step not as unjustly marked in game axis and allies from 1984 these improvement are truer to the length which a ship goes and as detailed below
from philadelphia near east coast to south is WESTERN COAST of amazon continent or sea WEST of am.c. this should be fixed on the map but then what about the vast ocean between am.c. and nile c.?
***add narrow sea zones. consider length across from am.r. to gabon is near equator so the fatter part of a ball 6400 kilometer. this should be marked justlky not one step for ship. even go north-east less sea distance still more than length to midway as above not one step. when we compare the range granted to the transport in ganges rr to the transport in fuji mr we see the unfair and unjust advantage granted to the allies. choose! either the allies need a second step to reach kenya or japanese ships can go the same far distance. and make the sea zones near the allies the same as the ones near the axis..
to make a map accurate spain should align with philadelphia and good that when  MAGNIFY europe then correctly philadelphia alligned to position phil. facing spain.they did so good for this detail.
yet from belem brazil NE 4200 km so less than spain length yet longer than tokyo to midway as explained below and this should show on map of sea zones
in map better to remove neutral brazil because they made north of libreville so from belem on am.r. 6400 kilometer one step yet very far 6400 so in that part of ocean amazon by belem to freetown siera leon 4200 one step? but **tokyo to midway 4100 second step, so why one step? choose: either belem near am.r. to freetown 2 steps like midway not one beause 4200 km as above-
or tokyo to midway one step of 2. cannot have both different separations when atlantic is greater kength,
and certainly by equator the fatter part of the ball, cannot be one step like they drewbecause it is length 6400 km because near equator of ball not bad "one step" as game map, to coast of libreville gabon near equator that is even further 6400 km but they map one step which is too short admittedly to spain and france second step like tokyo midway bcuz 5500 kilometr but to gabon more than 5500 aqs above because ball.
tokyo to midway 4100 km in two steps so for 5500 km across atlantic they require a second step hence in south water must ALSO have separate zones to show greater length and for accurate moving of ships even if smaller zones. also from peru to philadelphia is north not to miss.gulf
what about new york to french coast? 5700 needs second step yet from belem to sira leomn 4200 greater than tokyo to midwatatool so not one step but second stepo must be shown with narrow sea zones for accurate moving and certainly to gabon add a narrow zone for accurate moving because further than to french coast 5700 needs second step so 6400 cannot be one step must mark narrow zones.
details bcuz length west from spain to phil. is philadelphia city is 40 degrees north of the real objective equator between axes of spin. east due east 5500 km is portugal and true south from it is west peru and water west of amazon continenet. not only does coast not align with west coast but west coast of am.c. is FURTHER EAST than the east coasty of the mis. c. so what is true range of submarine they allow 6000 in second step from hawaii to caroline that is not justly marked it is too far even 4100 needs second step so 6000 needs third step. in addition to added zone narrow as above netween whitney mr and loa mr. should need third step to get from whit. to wake and second step to get to loa. and similarly second step to get to from belem by am.r. to coast even to s.l. is more than 4100 and certainly to gabon solution do not show neutral amazon continent which is so problematic it is west of the southern line from east coast wrongly when truly south is west coast and since appears near gabun needs add narrow zones or not show itsince neutral and trouble as above.
distance from india to madagascar
durban in oranj rr from mumbai 7000 km too bad mzmbq was nutral tr in mumbai cannot evacuate troops in oranj rr why orange? because e with g=gentle but better oranj. englisgh has j not like other languages so use it. so too far even mumbai india to mumbasa kenya 4450km more than midway but unjuslty allow british transport to move more than japanes ships that is unjustly marked. game allows one step but realy second step just to kenya so unjustly narked to help the only british marker in region so even kenya second step and certainly since mzmbq nutral too far to evac doomed troops in oranj r.r.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

remotely ancient planet

1 the term "history" is used to refer to the time period which began when people wrote their stories. before that is called pre-history.
"pre-historic-" if history means the past, then that includes all of the past so how can anything be "before" the past? but see above.
so what happened on this planet before history-era? also what can we possibly know about the ancient world... almost nothing.... except studying old bones and tools.
we begin with this planet which we live on. not the sun or the universe but see appendix b.
if life existed on this planet earth for over 2.5 billion years [2.5*10^9] then the sun must be at least that old. scientists discovered that the sun is much older than the earth... not 3 days younger.... as religious book claimed, [well respond the rabbis, one day the scientists will admit that the sun is three days younger.... hahaha or as one kindergarten teacher taught us "the scientist did not see [observe] the sun created before earth" hmm good enuf to trick 4 year olds... yet there are other evidences to observe. if this dialog interests you see appendix a. or not.]
anyway-  the story on earth begins with "the crust hardening" but that means the earth was molten rock? how can claim it was molten when it is possible that the solid rock was always hard rock.
evidence as humans dig deep in the ground, they find the tunnels become much hotter than their body heat. there must be a great heat because we observe hot lava which is molten rock which comes out of the earth. this heat could be caused by pressure we know from physics that pressure causes heat. [we use that idea in engines combined with a spark.] so the mass of the earth from every direction causes pressure which causes heat and this could heat the earth enuf [=enough] for life not to freeze even without a sun [this refutes my assumption written above that life relates to the sun.] anyway we should focus on the planet.
we know today that there is great heat under the ground which melts rock into lava which comes up to the surface and we observe. as the heat goes out into space each night the surface cools and that is what happened when the first day of the solid planet. in other words "the earth hardened as it cooled from the previous state: molten rock". deep underground despite shaded from sun heat, yet still: deeper is hotter. so as heat escaped as we observe each night, the top of the molten cooled until the surface changed from hot liquid molten rock to a layer of solid rock a layer like the crust of bread the outer crust is harder but for the opposite reason. bread outside is hard because the heat dried it until it changed from moist cool dough to hot dry crust but the planet cooled from hot liquid to cool solid crust layer.
2 can life exist in molten rock? maybe yes maybe no? either way we would not find evidence as the liquid kept changing shape because liquids move. also we know that we use boiling water to "sterilize" equipment to prevent infections, the boiling water kills all life so we can be certain that nothing lived until the surface cooled enough for water to be a liquid. in other words "no life existed ON EARTH prior to cooling below the temperature of the sterilizer".
altho science claims that the simple small preceded the complex larger, the earliest signs of life did contain the complex "dna" and "rna" molecules.
on page 144 of book "genesis and the big bang" by astrophysicist schroeder, is something which needs to be mentioned at the beginning of a story of the planet. that life appeared, on the surface [leaving marks in the rock] of the newly formed solid surface, soon after the cooling, well in his words about geological time "almost immediately" is hard for me to define. also "this first life contained the complex genetic material that we call dna and rna".
based on what we observe in rocks for 2.5 billion years only tiny life of single-one-cell lived. i speculate that bigger life could have left a mark but earth shifts and vibrations cracked any ancient large marks so only tiny marks remain from that era which show the single celled bacteria. [ which creatures existed then? we should not speculate base-lessly. ]
2.5 billion years pass. in that era of 2,500,000,000 years we can only know that single celled life lived. one-celled life forms, as we find marked in fossils. observed sign of life with only-one cell; tiny and simple yet containg the amazingly complex molecle dna as above. after that era the multi-cellular life-forms are evident in the fossil record.
3 but a mystery is from non-living to living meaning from a chemical compound which does not move to a cell which searches for what it needs. another related mystery: why "almost immediately" after the surface cooled? well that means "around 250,000,000 years" so plenty of time to assemble. in other words rock deep 2.5 billion years old has marks of one-celled fossil but 2.6 b.y have no cells at all. we would expect millions of years for complex dna molecule to assemble on a new surface and inded 250 million years until the marks of single-celled life forms. the concept is CHEMISTRY from chemical to something moving based on its needs. if i put a solid on a table it will not move because it is solid if i put a liquid on a table it will spread on the surface of the table.... if truly flat not tilted haha. it will not search for food. it does not need food and does not move but life-forms such as bacteria search for food and water so they move because they are searching for something which they need.
i think this deserves mention before bronze age on page 32.
4 after we described the solidification from liquid rock [made from a chemical compound called feldspar which is a molecule with assembled silicon and gaseous elements] as above .we can begin the story. in the beginning of the planet the surface of planet earth solidifes from hot liquid rock to solid rocky crust. the gasses around the planet move as winds which erode the land like rain and rivers will later. tectonic plates which are like solid plates moving on the molten core bump into each other and the rock "buckles" raising into mountains such as the mountains on the east edge of mississipi continent which bumped onto the plate of the atlas mountain region forming thoise two ripples and then separating as we have now.
the earliet sediments already contain the first traces of life. the sole life-form on earth are "simple" bacteria "nucleous free" meaning no nucleious in contrast to the bacteria which live now. the era when such bacteria live lasts 2.5 billion years as above from around 250 million years after the crust hardens until 2.5 b.y., then "eukaryotes" meaninf bacteria with nucleous appear and eat each other and are dominant for 600 million years. still only single celled. until 3.3 b.y. from solidification of crust. after this era of 3.1 b.y, the first multi-cellular life appears also micro-size invisible to human eyes. what are they? plants or animals? they are too small "microscopically" small to be either one but they "move to get food" so like animals and no roots so not like trees.
were singele-cells the father of multi-cells? only some split into attached multicell while others SPLIT into separate single cell life forms caled bacteria
appendix 1: Note about title: a certain astro-phycist wrote a book named "genesis and the big bang" the contents do not match the order in the book "genesis" but rabbi liars who apparently only know the title, told me the book says that science said the book genesis is the same content. well i read it and it is not the same.
appendix 2 the change in inflation
in the first second of the expansion of the area with matter, no matter existed in atom form. also until 10^-36 second the universe expanded until suddenly abrubtly a change in rate from size "10^-24cm to 10 cm" diameter like those yellow grapefruits, this is called the "inflationary" epoch which was brief and abrupt sudden expansion afterthat time the rate slowed again. this one time sudden expansion was "faster than any rate before or after" some type of suden release of energy.schroeder "poeticaly called it" the "wind of god", altho the religious wind of god was "over the water" a very different description which was AFTER THE EARTH and water were already created "in the beginning" as verse one stated so in verse 2 a "wind was over the water" in genesis but hey the writer of genesis did not see what happened. so we must observe the particle physics to know.
schroeder describes this inflationary epoch briefly on page 93 and it occurrred as described at link below at 10^-36 second briefly and suddenly until the rate slowed again one website describes this epoch when something "releases an enormous amount of energy, enough to drive the exponential expansion of the very early universe." for a fancy descriptuion which i do noyt pretend to comprehend you can read this 
Anyway at 10^-36 seconds, the inflationary epoch begins. at that brief epoch only the particle named gluon exists later particles called "w bozons and z bosons" will exist when a pphoton breaks away from the special pre-boson type of boson.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

summarizing the beloved star-wars-8

intro: sw8 appeared in the end of year 2017. all details below are from video and not my original concepts only my summary of their exciting video.
crawl: "long time ago and far away". text crawls telling that the "first order"=f-o rules [many systems] because already destroyed the republic government with the planets from which they governed. snoke leads f-o and wants to rule entire galaxy. lia leads the Resistantance=r to fight back. she hopes her brother luke will assist the battle. f-o discovered  r. base  and comes  to atak so r is evacuating.= the resistance is evacuating because the evil "first order" is coming to attack. [end text]
from the planet, many space vehicles=sv go up for evacuation. meanwhile, f-o sv. arrive. a giant gun aims at the r. base. one brave pilot named poe, negotiates until he sees bads are aiming at him. he flies the small fast x-wing at the sv guns and destroys many of them. poe and his droid bb8 continue shooting at the guns of a huge-sv=h of the bads.
many tie-fighters come out to battle so lia orders r. to escape. po argues and orders bombers to destroy the huge dangerous  sv of bads so they will never use it again. he thinks they must use the bombers to destroy h. now when they have an opportunity. the bombers attak h. but many get destroyed by the enslavers. po destroys many tie. paige drops bombs on h. which successfully destroy it but sadly the explosion kills her. the evacuation succeeded. r. escapes and poe goes to visit finn [the one who had been "brainwashed as a slave-warrior" for f-o until the trauma of seeing friend die released the mental conditioning of the enslavors] who is recovering from the injuries of a light saber.
snoke uses the dark side of the force to angrily throw his general to the floor. he also criticizes ren [who is connected to the dark side] until ren breaks his helmet in frustration. the bads follow the r. and attack them. they damage the r. the leaders shoot out from the sv. they all die in space except lea who used the force to fly back in. sadly she could not breathe and faints. When she recovers she interrupts poe's attempted mutiny.
rey flies to the planet where luke is. chui and the droid r2 are in her sv. she hands luke his light saber,[which she brought] but he throws it away. he avoids her but she follows him. he shuts the door to his hut until chui breaks the door.
she follows luke as he gets milk from a giant mammal and  spears fish but he refuses to train her. later, r2 shows the old message, for obi-wan, to luke so he finally agrees to train her. he begins teaching her about using the force. rey sees a vision of a pit pulling at her. luke interrupts it because it means she is being pulled to the dark side. luke is very worried that she will jion the dark side especialy when she did not resist uin the vision.
she mysteriously can talk with ren. then she accuses luke of trying to kill ren [the night before ren killed many jedi] she battles luke angrily. Rey leaves. Luke walks to the tree which contains Jedi texts. Yoda's spirit appears and destroys the tree and texts [as luke wanted] by shooting a force-lightning-bolt. He tells Luke to train Rey and that the teachers "who fail for some students are the best teacher" for other students. [so far i have based on video aware that summary at imdb differs but i reject and wrote opposite of their details]
rose sees that finn is trying to leave the rs and zaps him. they go to a planet with fancy casino, because maz [who was fighting a fierce battle] told them to. they find the Master Codebreaker but sadly get captured and sent to jail (for illegally parking their ship.) In their jail cell, they meet "DJ" who manages to open their cell to help them escape to the "fathier" stable. they steal some for riding, but a boy sees them and reaches to push a panic button until Rose gives him her ring with the Resistance's symbol. They ride and the herd trample through the once fancy casino until they reach the sv. they find it is destroyed. DJ brings them another one, so they succeed at escaping from their pursuers. The trio dj, finn and rose fly to a ship of f.o. which captures them.
meanwhile rey came to snoke's shuttle.. ren captures her and takes luke's light-saber from her. then he brings her to snoke; the f-o leader.
+SPOILER ALERT maybe stop here and use summary as intro and watch. after seeing review ending.

snoke orders ren to kill rey. He holds a light saber and surprises snoke. Kylo Ren has ignited Luke's light-saber to kill Snoke. The troops loyal to snoke attack Kylo [for killing their leader] but with rey fighting too, they kill the f-o henchmen. They force-duel for control of a lightsaber.
rey manages to escape and fly to the resistance. then ren declares himself the new leader of f-o.
 Resistance fighters fly to Crait. f-o fire upon them and destroy many sv. the pilot of resistance command ship realizes the painful loss of many soldiers which will continue hence she rams it into the First Order ship, splitting it in two and destroying other nearby ships. meanwhile Finn and rose are still captured inside the bads sv. BB-8 escapes and drives the AT-AT armored Walker to fire on f-o soldiers. Finn battles Phasma until he overpowers her. when the impact occurs [as above] sv breaks apart, and Phasma falls into the burning wreckage. Finn and Rose fly to Crait. on crait, gigantic walkers attack the Resistance stronghold. Poe, Finn, Rose, and others fly narrow speeders to fight back. Rey and Chewie fly the Falcon and attack TIE fighters. Some chase the falcon. Luke finally appears there to visit his sister lea. then he faces f-o who shoot at him but surprisingly he is unharmed by the massive amount of firepower. meanwhile the few survivors try to escape. they go to an exit but find it blocked by fallen rocks. rey leaves the falcon and uses the force to open the path.[huh? or lea?]
 Ren goes to duel with light-sabers. he swings at luke and discovers Luke is a hologram... projecting himself while still on Ahch-To. meanwhile, the heroes return with the survivors and all board the Falcon to escape while Ren screams in frustration.
 luke watches and enjoys a twin sunset. he smiles and vanishes and joins the force. the falcon visits canto and the people see it and become inspired. end of 8.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Global Warm? more like warm-mongering

despite reports that japan hotter than past, that is only partial picture. it is just an opportunity for "global warm-mongering" to make a sensation about a partial picture. firstly we must see the facts of night. people make a fuss about global warming and "greenhouse" while ignoring the fact that each and every night the heat LEAVES each and every night, is cooler so atmosphere not "green house walls" which keep in heat. also cumulatively i checked last year a two week period compared to this year. even one city "stable" challenges the claim of "trend warming"  we cannot accept the claim of warming. in fact the TREND is "not warmer". in 2017 the random sample this month most days 8/14 "same as average" that is the trend "same not warmer" so no tricky "climate change"; SAME as average is not a change.
2 not warmer as "emotionally concerned scientists" claim "warming" in fact 5 days were "less warm" than average. total 5+8=13 of 14 "same or less warm" TREND is "not warming." also compare this year in picture "despite" humans adding "another years worth" of pollution , some claim that should "keep the heat in" the TREND is 11 of 14 days were "less warm" than average. in farn degrees more precise 12 of 14 cooler. this shows cooling since last year 2017 "despite" humans adding another years pollution. both relative to last year and relative to the average "less warm or same" is the "trend" . yes a few days were warm is that the trend? the trend is "not warming" so people who say warming ignore part of the picture night and see photo. they MUST not have authority for action. obviously when new york is cold the antarctic ice melts... is that a sensation? it is only a trick because during summer there! and melting does not mean "warmer than usual" ice melts at 33 degrees it is still very very painfully cold.
if so no surprise that an average last year the average for the sample was 32.3 c same as historical average 32 centigrade while this year after humans added A WHOLE YEAR worth of added pollution the average cooled to 30.8 degrees centigrade and for farn. 12 of 14 same or cooler not warmer

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

the west

AREA 10.2 msk of land on the western side of Ural mt. range. almost half 4msk is russia [not counting ukraine] if we compare "amazon" continent [with big amazon river emptying into amazon ocean] area 17.8 so europe is too small to be considered "its own" unless truly separate like "south" continent but the land "contin-ues" like the word "contin-ent" so bad to separate from "ural" continent because land contin-ues.
now look at the remaining 6.21 msk see just how bad this smallest so-called-continent is crumbled into around fifty separate governments now compare to canada 10 msk one government we may conclude europe sucks! why do they need to crumble such a small "cookie" into tiny pieces when they SHOULD cooperate. jesus christ cooperate, europe sucks!   s
*consider in the last few decades they have crumbled further from yugoslavia and chekoslovakia into even more smaller crumbs that is terrible why can't people cooperate?   because they are bad.
similarly, chad egypt libya sudan could unite all muslim governments but bad cannot cooperate together like baad europeans and since you asked "yes same sunni".
same jordan and saud both sunni muslim in contrast to israel not muslim country but why cant the muslims cooperate and unite?

Monday, August 13, 2018

summary of gospel of jesus

assume "book matthew" is good, what is in it?
A. birth until reveals plan of die (a-l)
A.a. The HEIR of David's birth 1=chapter one. [not genealogy from ancestor because not ancestor if no dad.], b.  Go to and return from Egypt 2, c. john teaches "will come" 3, d. devil tempted 4.1-11, e. jesus teaching 4.12>7, f. Heals 8>9 , g. sending 12 9.38-10, h. teaching 11-12, i. parable style 13, j. wonders 14, k. free from law of moses 15, l. beware of bad teachings 16.1-12
B. Death and revived (a-k)
B.a. reveals plan of dying and standing revived from dead 16.21-17.9, b. parables 18, c. free from sabath and ten commandments, except ethics 19, d. parable and heal 20, e. entering jerusalem 21, f. parables and guidance 21.28>25, g. oil head 26, h. jesus prayer 26.36,  i. pilate dialog 27, j. romans torture and crucify and stab 27, k. the Christ stands revived  from dead 28.
note: instead  of reading every word, know the contents and the problem: the day described in this book conflicts the day in gospel john so which is true? neither are reliable so do not bother to read every word from a book known to be problematic. instead this summary is enuf and avoids the problem detail.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

refuting einstein

one detail of einstien is that light moves in "energy pulses" an experiment of perpendicular slits proves that light is not a photon because it does not pass it is only a wave. refuted.
the wave-amplitude cannot pass the slits.
so how travel through space? not photon... as above energy form differs from matter wave so not like sound waves in physical gas. not like water wave ripples in water but energy wave does not need matter to move because light it is not matter. no problem.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

humans have changed very very much

the "values" of our generation are so far away from the method of thinking when the "entent" fought  the "central"s. reminder the "great" war in 1914.
by the ideas of our culture no violence can begin until somebody aims a weapon threateningly.... if so in the "so-called" start of the "great war" when somebody [born in serbia] was about to shoot the austrian royal guy... that is the time to shoot at the threat and since he surprised them... the result by THIS GENERATIONS  values should be "the serbian court will judge its citizen' for the crime and nobody outside should be involved. sadly the austrian empire was ruled by one person. and he was personally connected to his relative so he ordered his army to shoot at the serbs.
July 28: Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia this was a month after the killing. the story is the austrians demanded concessions from the serbs. by our values this is bad because the court in serbia could judge the killer.
anyway a month later austria declared war on serbia.
at that point russia who was allied with the serbs would be expected to have SENT soldiers into serbia and belgrade "now capital of serbia/yugoslavia" to defend the smaller serbs because they were allied. they would claim by the values of our culture "we are helping the weaker serbs" our ally similar to america involvement in vietnam.
the border of russia could simply keep the border gaurds and send some helpers to serbia. but that is not what happened.
the following week the humans did the wildest stuff:
instead of FIRST "Aug. 12: United Kingdom and France declare war on Austria-Hungary" for shooting at serbs... the humans acted crazy insane...
Aug. 1: Germany and Russia declare war on each other
Aug. 3: Germany and France declare war on each other
Aug. 4: Germany declares war on Belgium, United Kingdom declares war on Germany
as we say these days W-T-F !! at most the russian [as allies with serbs] would attack austria... from north to draw pressure off serbia and threaten the capital and emperor...even that is silly since the point is defend serbs but if the austria is the bad guy... at most attack the bad guy... even that is bad just defend serbs not more but beyond attacking the austrians is so far from reasonable it is absurd worse than absurd=crazy. unless...
this war was TRULY about each one trying to grab more land.
the ACTIONS show that these moves had nothing to do with the serbs.
also when france and germany declare war on each other at that time did france invade germany? that would be bad... except they had weapons and had declared war... invading germany hen would be justifiable... after the declaration of august 1. but as above even the declaration is just so far away from the thinking in our culture. but after the declaration they were now a threat... no. the french idiots did not strike their aggressor.... instead the french fools waited for germany to declare war on belgium... august 4 as above.
for more details:  i like the timeline and some of the well-worded details at the website:

Monday, August 6, 2018

absurd borders and strategies in the nazi war

remember the game "risk" with the cool shaped pieces and the world map?
something is dreadfully wrong
africa is divided into 5 regions yet africa is 4 times the area of australia. australia area is 7.7 million square kilometers and this game described australia 2 regions so africa with 4 times the area 30 msk  should be just as hard to attack or defend with 8 areas...
and canada 9.9 msk= 3  and soviet union 22 million sk [now only 17msk] 3*2=6
now we can compare to the game axis and allies also cool pieces  and in version of 1984 the area of 7.7 msk was one region how convenient...
imagine troops from philipines landing in the undefended desert of west australia... clearly a bias to make aust. easier to defend uet is that just?
well if africa was 5 regions because not industrialized then yes africa should be four regions and australia one.
canada 2 and russia 3 muscva river region bordering dneiper river region then ob river region then soviet amur rr because 22/7.7=3.
how absurd that the bias makes the game unjustly difficult for the axis... on all 3 conflicting issues preventing japan to land in australia while the conflicting idea cut africa into more than 4 parts so axis cannot capture... when empty and axis cannot capture the 8 zones of soviets when there is a conflict the same area should be 3 and 4
also the production potential as i pointed out in the pasty africa was not industrialized
the four zones in australia should be each one.
the nile rr including east africa similar to teh division of "risk" worth one. and orange rr worth one mostly jungle. madagascar worth zero  and axis because of french especialy if the  number 1942 was chosen.
and atlas mountain region should be all the axis land area same as ara of asutralia 7.7msk leaving one more region same 7.7 msk in french west africa for axis to call them french is correct but to give production pptential to britian? that is absurd the axis controlled it and as above worth for brits 2 and for nazis 2. not 11 for brits when controlled by axis...
and why china potential to america?? the potential there could not be used to build submarines in whitney mountain region... that is absurd instead the potentiol should be soviets and on soviet turn because resources nearby so compare justly
japan 20 pp 8+2+2+2+3+1+1+1=20 justly but 25 not justly
soviets 8+2+1+1+2=14 but 24 and many ice zones is absurd as above australia area so 3 regions and icy so 8+2+1 plus desert of china 1 plu 2.
and color of soviets and turn of sovietys unless uniforms.
nazis 32 because instead of algeriia 1 and libya 1 the axis controlled the fench stuff so atlas m.r. 1 and iger r.r. 1=32. total axis 20+3252.
brits new zealand not industrialized zero pp!
as facing sun 2+3+1 fior murray r.r. ganges rr and one long area like length of australia tifris rr the same as  footsoldeirs in the east coast can defend the west same in tigris rr defend both nile sea coast and ganges rr border. 2+3+1=6 +2 for nile continent as above four regions 2 axis and 2 brits so 1+1=2. total 8+8+3+1= 20 same as japan.
last washington claiming 1942 i so brazil and mexico NEUTRAL no production apotential and mississippi rr same as main rr ten each [not 12 but same] and whitney mr 8 same as japan and brits temz rr.
 and alaska icy only 1 total 10+8+1=19 while lua is same as solomon zeor and midway same as wake total 19+14=34 almost matching nazi 32 that would be a balanced game... for comparison the game the way it is is jsut absird. to make the allies win unjustly... what is the message? the axis was not a threat?? and
the allies strategy building ships is not efficient
use the chinese and soviet resources to build tanks in tugris rr assist soviets with tanks and soldiers from india and nile continent so many soldiers and tanks from the same side as soviets the brits  would have ended the war in 1941 conquering berlin and removing the threat to the brits instead they said build ships the goal could have bben berlin. capture the berlin and the factories and no weapons the war would have ended in 1941 with the millions of soldiers from india and nile continent what idiot decide to sen dsoldiers into france... ah unemployment was high... no we understand...

august 6 ATOMIC BOMB

AUGUST 6 the atom bomb. it is difficult to justify the use of a weapon that kills thousands at once how can we know which is the soldier and which is not a dangerous threat? in the story of japan the atom bomb only killed soldiers... the government led by a god-emperor appointed the whole population to be soldiers so the bomb only killed soldiers. AUGUST sixth is the day i focus on japans surrender OBVIOUSLY the moment the bomb exploded on the morning of the sixth, emperor shoa ordered all his soldiers to lay down the weapons... oh... he did not?? well then i understand the need for a second atomic bomb... when by the next day the government leaders had not yet ordered the soldiers to LAY DOWN lay down weapons to enforce stop shooting... yes august seventh. but is that what america did? they gave japan several days during which both sides shot at each other. august tenth still no order to lay down weapons? then additional ones were NEEDED a third and a fourth were needed. imagine... if prime minister tojo instead of quitting in 1944 when he realized japan had no hope would have given the order to the army to lay down weapons... he knows then and showed with actions then the war was lost so only he can be blamed for the deaths on both sides between 1944 and the surrender. i emphasize the options were not atom bomb or invade. consider what was the plan of germany against britian? submarines sinking all supply ships... once americans [that name is good because it refers to the country whose name includes the word america USA not canada] controlled the air and water around japan the method could be the same as "island hopping" not invading each island and similarly not invading japans 4 islands... the issue was the soldiers in the mainland both sides were shooting at each other... stop ignoring the soldiers were shooting at each other the war had been too long and needed to end fast... was the fiorst one needed? stop arguing about the first one once a second one was needed and even a third one was needed as above. america was not choosing between "either invade japan" or atom bomb there was no option to invade japan only to end the war quickly and after 2 the government still hadnot ordered the soldiers to lay down the weapons so without justifying anything a third was needed. the surrrender on paper is only paper which day did the soldiers all lay down weapons i do not know propaganda said even after september 3 japanese did not lay down weapons... but whatever that is the day to mention it is this evening august 6 from 18.00-23.59 had hitler called all citizens soldiers then an atom bomb on berlin would have only killed soldiers.