Thursday, September 29, 2022

the RESCUE story of son and flood

 the RESCUE story of son and flood  

do you know the story "a father agreed to kill his son for his god but the boy got saved"

the story was told by various religions for its system of religion.

in the west you probably think the father was "abraham of the bible" wrong.

in ancient times people sacrificed their son the DIFFERENCE is that the son got saved but how?

the greeks who admittedly had a culture after moses generation in 1300 before count, wrote an ancient story about their ancient gods.

"a father agreed to kill his son" is detailed that a father wed... someone amazing! her name was "nepil" the cloud goddess. then he met another lady who tempted him and he took her as a "second wife". two convinced him to offer his children as a sacrifice to the gods "pa agreed to kill his children" who were "the children of nepil" the same phrase as the hebrew "nefilim" in book genesis the children from nepil same spelling. how were the sons of nepil "saved" a winged thing "saved" the children but only the "son survived" because the daughter fell off and died.

the greek told the story that the winged flyer had gold fleece and this was the gold fleece that later jason went to get on the boat called argo and its argo-nauts.

this ancient story was preserved by greeks because the son was saved. the fathers love for the gods was stronger than his love for his kids.

moses ADJUSTED the story for his system of religion. the same ancient story "pa agreed to kill his son who got saved" moses had one god named "elohim" said to abraham take your "only son" the word yahid differs from the word ehad one from many used by rivers and for god "ehad" one from many not yahid but this son differed from god. god is not yahid but ehad one from many but this son was yahid. the liars say the bible wrote ehad for god because that was the word for yahid the bible never hass that word but it does and it was not used for god. this word yahid preserved the original ancient story when the son and daughter had "the only son" refering to the children of nepil... but moses scattered nepil to a different story and put only son in a story with two sons corrupting the story to exclude ismael who was "his son" and from "two wives" same as the original ancient story of the goddess nepil.

moses wote the story adding suspense that they "traveled" to a mountain and the kid asked for the sheep? indicating he had not agreed to "be the sacrifice". dad talked about a sheep. this obviously calmed isaac. if abraham knew god would give a sheep as his words then it was not truly agreeing to offer his son. moses you ruined the story.

moses deleted all the amazing stuff like a goddes nepil which he moved to a different section of nepil and the golden fleece and the jealous wife drama. what a jerk!

anyway how was the kid saved from the decree of the god "elohim"?

an angel of yahweh" interrupted. why not an angel of elohim? elohim was the one who sent him. rabbis said that the the two names are the same one god but that ignored the truth that abraham said the plural verb hitu they so these were two gods one decreed to kill isac but the second god opposed human sacrifice and sent an angel which has "wings" in the original story and in book isaiah but genesis angels were not described with wings and in fact genesis angels were also called men they were the form of men so wings just means the idea of winged birds that it was a flying man who saved the son. abraham could say "sorry yahweh but the other one named alohim already decreed and i agreed" the flying creature in the original story by th egreek and the angel in the genesis story was probably a visitor from another planet who interferedd to save isac life from a cruel father who "heard voices in his head". and to preventthe crime of murder at least for the preservation of the israelite nation. moses could say the angel "revived" isac returning him to life but moses served the purpose of opposing human sacrifice a message that rabbis ruined by "praising abraham the attempted murdereer" as if he was good for agreeing to kill his son to obey elohim. moses added that this was a "test" which could eaither mean he planned to stop him which does not match the story "elohim" did not stop him nor the angel of elohim but the angel of yahweh as above for polytheistic abraham they are not the same one. the test was if he would do it. abraham of teh story failed by lifting the knife instead of obaying judaism religion "lose your own life before killing" that was abrahams first sin. the crime of attempted murder. the second was not challenging the angel saying you are not god nor elohim who sent me. moses who wrote genesis according to rabbi moses rambam and rabbi moses ramban ruined the story. he shoulda prserved the original ancient story as the greeks did where god did not send him to do human sacrifice but a jealous wife. then god interfered to oppose human sacrifice that would serve that purpose, to teach god opposed but instead the winged got changed to angel of yahweh, so moses ruined the story in many ways instead of preserving the orginal ancient story of the son who survived his cold hearted harmful father.

we see fro the word "tested" that moses was trying to adjust an existing story, an ancient story before moses, that he heard but the authors adjusted to the jew system system of religion probably in the time of second temple lying that moses was the author as the two later moses preserved. 

the ignorant reader meaning rabbis who forbid reading other religions such as greek goddess stories this ignorance prevent themselves and students from knowing the story of the golden fleece but that story of the goddess nepil is not only ancient but if written by moses as rabbis claim, "moses stole the name nepil" and the son story, not giving credit to the source of the essebce if the story, the son of nepil was offered but saved, instead moses is the one to blame according to the two moses rabbis, for stealing it as his own but moses broke it into two stories for other stories and adjusted the story for his system but as we see ruined it at several parts.

FLOOD drown story

similarly the flood story which is again existing long before moses on a clay tablet from the era of sumer hundreds of years before moses, according to rabbis was later the thief stealing the existing story as his own without crediting the source the college crime called plagiarism, because according to rabbis moses led exodus around 1300 bc long after the dating of the sumer clay tablets 1700 bc which was hundreds of years before moses and after the ancient sumer kingdom in third millenia bc before 2000 bc, who preserved the flood story.

again moses is the one to blame for ruining the story as i will demonstrate.


the "skeleton of the story" is 

1 a decree to kill people and animals [by god enlil or 

2 someone warned a man to build a boat and save his family and some animals

3 they survive the boat ends up high on a mountain far above the sea to show it was a flood not simply a boat at sea. he offers animal sacrifice.

the original sumer story preserved that the conflict was two gods. one named "enlil" decreed destruction the other god named enki acted to prevent enlil decree. the conflict was two opposing gods but enki could not stop the floof of water. so god enki saved one family. the flood was "seven" days as confirmed in three sources including galgemis. moses edited that part for his own reference to "forty days i was on the mountain".

the greeks adjusted the story to their god zeus! and moses adjusted the story to his gods... yes moses was polytheistic with PLURAL verb niglu they, about gods until fortieth year. only then did he teach the egyptian king 1390 message of one god, a sun but not as we draw a sun with rays in all directions around but a sun disk of light only pointing DOWN rays indicating lanterns in a flying disk or saucer. since humans could not yet flu according to mainstream the flyin saucer with lanterns and rays downward was not a sun that shines around it but some OTHER visitor from outside human planetteaching the egyptian king named iknatan or aknaton in 1350 bc, teaching one god. after this in 1312-40 in 1270 bc almost a century after aknaton moses taught singular and this in 40 year after that ame year teaching, one from many "ehad" not the word of isac "yahid" which truly existed in bible in cintrast to rabbi liars who told me that word was not able to be used.... but did exist for isac but not for god who was not lone yahid but one from many same as rivers... instead later in fortieth year moses said singular "none beside him" finally teaching the gyptian monotheism preceding him in 1350 bc decades before moses who led exodus according to rabbis in 1312 bc and almost a century before he taught it. that is the rabbi number so now we must return to the topic. the lie about older than moses i refuted in a different article and briefly mentioned above so we must end the tangent now.

the place of the warning was "surpk" in three babylon versions including galgamis.

the sumer had a detailed story the king of surpuk not any man but a king. enki warned and saved him by saying buld a boat. enlil's water flooded seven "days and nights".

king met sun god... the lone god of egyptian monotheism who had the downward lamp on his fllying saucer, enlil the god who decreed destruction was angry that his plan was the conflict of destruction opposing save was two opposing gods enki opposing enlil who drowned everyone else. the rescued king "went east" moses wroting genesis moved that part of the story to adam exoelled from garden and "sent east". moses ruined the story to serve the purpose of deleting the sun god that rises in east but the saved guy went east matching the sun appearance daily. we all know the bible story of the flood and can compare and see how moses not only adjusted the existing story for his system for example changing severn to 40 days for self honor his forty days on the mountain but worse ruined the story.

like the original sumer story the conflict is two gods enlil decreed destruction and enki opposed saving simalarly moses who wrote the plural verb niglu in genesis plural they gods and chose the word ehad instead of yahid that existed for isac, named his gods yahweh the "merciful" decreed destroy in genesis 6,7 yahweh is truly the name of the judge not as rabbis wrote based on elohim being used for judges because yahweh decreed the destruction. so he was the judge not the merciful one.

the other god elohim warned noah the job of enki adjusted to the name of moses gods. moses does not want the gods arguing so he adjusted the story that yahweh the judge agreed with elohim to tell noah to enter the boat.

did they agree? someone told noa to "take two" of each animals and someone said take "seven" the god elohim said take two but the crueler god yahweh the one who decreed destruction as quoted above said take seven to kill even the survivors. this adjustment was needed because according to the sumer he saved some animals and then sacrificed them they would not remain so moses adjusted the story to seven indicating he was "responding" to a flaw in the original story while preserving two as the other god elohim wanted  so in moses story the gods did not agree. one said two but the other said seven.

and i was expected to believe it was the same one god despite the plural verb niglu.

the story is EXTREMELY BURDENSOME with many repititions and interruptions ruining the story. even if we would include the dates most could be shortened. moses adjusted seven days to 40 as above moving the seven to the seven animals and a seven day warning. so he had seven days... to build the boat? in seven days build a boat 900 feet long and 90 feet across in seven days that was the seven day warning. 

if you need a miracle than build it in one day but moses needed the number seven days because he changed the flood to forty rining both the boat part of the story iand the flood part.

what about the other boats? the rain flooded filling other boats from the top. thi is hinted in the part the roof one cubit" hinting this boat had a slanted roof so it did not fill with water as the other boats did. 

the dates preserve the original jew calender 17 of month to 17 was 150 days so that was not a lunar calendar but dividing the year into 12 would be 30 days per month based on the number 150.

when i tried to count it on a calendar my liar father lied that i counted wrong and made me count with him and as we counted and he saw the rabbis were wrong he would say distracting words and number sand jump his fingers to the wrong week of the calendar to try to distract me from counting so i knew that he knew the rabbis were wrong but was desparate to hide the truth from me what a jerk. most of the repition isnot in jospehus but if the bible forbids work on saturday then they NEEDED a lengthy story filled with "empty fillers" to help pass the time instead of amking an interesting story with gold fleece as above. so we see moses ruined this story too switching the name of enlil and enki for his two gods elohim and yahweh but that the decree was "everybody except" noah instead of two different desires enlil destroy and enki wanted to save. so that is how moses ruined the story of the sumer history book making a fake legend that never happened and this adds to our warning to avoid the bad book genesis enough to read here the selections and why genesis is bad book which must not be included  with the holy books of jeremia and ecclesiastes meaning kohelet. so that compares the saveed son story and the flood story. the wooden boat may have been a symbol for a non wooden flying cylander but the primitives changed the story to wood because they could not imagine metal floating. but it was flying like the disk with downward rays in the egyptian carving. same as the crystal car in mahbarta that could fly. so that is enough for today.

Monday, September 26, 2022

palestinians and avatar film 2009

avatar film #palestinian #arabs

note in english we say palestinian but arabic lacks a letter with that sound for example the name for cola, bebsi ergo truly no #Palestinians exist. no such nation exists.

the popularity of that video showed that islam STARTED after jews but truly arabs second. the original blue natives symbol the original jews descendants king solomon beating back the human muslim arabs who are the humans in avatar story. 
sully who joined the blue natives was not merely a symbol in film for the few muslims who serve in israeli idf army  but more importantly the popularity of the film indicated the audience appreciated the symbolism that powerful arabs and egypt cant take what they want,  in 1948 war, from the previous jew owners who returned.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

star trek food synthesizer

star trek food synthesizer
intro: in the year 1960 in the u.s. american born actors showed the story of star trek. the fictional part was to trust then contemporary enemies to cooperate indicating it was the future. japanese who were the recent enemy were long ago in the past and represented by american born japs and russians in the crew indicated 300 years in the future 2260 the contemporary war between soviet and u.s. were long forgotten. even now that story is 250 years away.
one of the futuristic devices was the food machine. if we wanted to show the food appearing we would need a picture of the empty "oven" and then hide the inserting of externally prepared food until filming the oven containing the food. the watcher would see the food appear.
how did this device begin? if it would be produced on earth who could buy it? whoever produced it would certainly want to sell it... and the buyer very probably knew he could replace any payment with whatever "item" he had been "saving" to buy. if he loved his wife or she demanded jewelery for mating as common in marriage as a disguise for the female nature of acting the whore, then instead of earning  ahundred thousand dollars and giving many months of salary to a shop he would buy a synthesizer for less than gold and make the ring and necklace to buy his wifes consent.
she could stop cooking and claiming men should cook dont demean women by saying "lady cook".
only the rich who could buy whatever they planned on synthesizing would be able to buy the device. if a generous person bought the device imagine the soup kitchen! all the people under poverty line could get food delivered to their job site from the device that rearranged cheap dirt molecules and even human bodily post-digestion waste into the true molecule shape chicken thighs in gravy. it would truly be chicken without killing any chicken nor feeding them instead lessening sewage processing.
on a "star trek star ship" this is risky. if someone argued with his superior and felt insulted or shamed for whatever reason he could use the device to make a "faser" weapon and zap the synthesizer. no food until they go back to earth sweet revenge on all who were mean to him and for the authorities who ignored him. so the story despite being cool could not begin on earth for those reasons.
one last bit in introduction the machine was operated by cards... that was the "real contemporary" technology of computers in the 1960 to show a computer appearance to the audience the same computer then used for calculations and organizing data using the familiar "punch card" is the computer used for the future food preparation with no need to store dry flour nor livestock. how else would they eat unless they had production.
STAR TREK fan fiction.
vulcans had been exploring their galaxy for many decades before humans on earth in the same vulcan galaxy started using light bulbs with glowing metal.
in a massive vulcan war only one country was absorbing new allies and destroying any opposition. with one global government by conquest all submissive governments either by fear or agreement or by surrender submitted to the victors, because that was logical. trying to rebel was not logical.
the one government felt it wasnow safe to cancel the suppression on the synthesizer technology. any family thot would stop using currency could have a synthesizer produced at government factories... on vulcan because that was logical.
it would not be sold because that was not logical. delivery began all around the planet from city to city. the synthesizer was only programmed to make food and pure food. no devices nor weapons were possible.
they watched  earth mass murder itself with poison gas in world war one and decided humans did not deserve the device not only because they were not logical but worse they were gassing each other in europe with poison gas from germany and britain.
u.s. was neutral so vulcan made a secret alliance with u.s. if they stayed nutral they would teach some of the u.s. government negotiation skills. for the years of u.s. nutrality the europeans mass murdered each other for the greed of taking french land and for hurting the invaders.
finally in 1917 u.s. sent soldiers to france and the vulcans stopped advising because it was bad to join a war on either side. as the vulcan ambassador named ak of awxlin warned "i will stay if you stay nutral" when they argued it would help factories he warned that was not logical and the harm was greater then the gain and it was bad to join a war on either side.
only a dumb dnc dem president wilson would ignore the advice of a superior creature but he thought he had enough information to negotiate a leag of nations once the empires were replaced but only the czar empire and the vienna empire and the german prussion empire but the brit king could stay... because wilson was a dumb dnc dem.
the leag was organized until the violent me,bers "left" the leag to avoid the limitation and the leag refused to stop nazi rearmement using force.
this policy was mostly brit policy "as long as they are weaker than ourselves we can win so we prefer a glorious victory" at the cost of more lives considered precious in the west but not for brits nor dumb dnc dem presidents.
in 1938 nazis invaded austria. brits said "the victory over nazi will be more glorious if they are strong so let them get stronger if they are less than ourselves" they approved nazi taking austria chekoslovalia and poland... until the polich bank threatened some brit parliament members. the bank was on the nazi side of ex-poland so the brits only declared war on germany not on russia despite they also invaded polan. 
on sept 3 brit and france declared war but on who? on both? no only on germany they would not have saved poland at all except for personal gain.
recalling the vulcan advice u.s. avoided joining either side neither supporting poland nor soviets.
roosevelt contacted vulcan on his red phone and said "we will stay nutral if you advise us". the vulcan ambassador returned and advised them to prepare a defense.
when he saw the jap fleet approaching he WARNED the u.s. to move the warplane carriers to deliver planes to other isles while keeping the battleships in a shallow harbor not leaving so they could shoot back and if sunk could be raised.
when japan sunk arizona and oklahoma vulcan offered a deal. "logicly you should put your effort to weaken the invaders of gilbert and wake and solomon so they dont build better fortification but them many more japanese lives will die i offer you the technology for a superweapon to use against japan after you defeat nazis if you spare the japanese lives."
roosvelt replied "that fits my plan perfectly i just wanted an excuse to join britain not to repel the japs."
so they did with vulcan advice gradualy increasing patrol areas for convoys to supply britain and soviets. they waited over two years until 1944 to start repelling japs from marchal isles that the japs held since october 1914.
in exchange for this sparing of japanese lives the vulcan helped defend midway isle. when the carrier force neared midway the vulcan advised where to send the planes but the inferior u.s. pilots were not succeeding... so in the midst of the u.s. warplanes trying to chase back the japs... the vulcan sent one escort and as the american warplanes attacked missing the vulcan zapped disguised holes in some of the japanese capital ships only 2 per day so it would seem believable. 
with the japs significantly weakened they could have attacked the perimeter of japan isles but the vulcan said if you kill many japs we will withhold the super weapon you can cause their surrender without expelling them from the occupied land in asia and isles.
roosvelt replied "fits me i only wanted to join britain anyway."
most of the effort was for supplying britain and russia and controlling trade routes in atlantic ocean. while preparing to invade france the u.s. finally started freeing isles from japan. until 1944 they only freed a couple isles in solomon chain. during the whole 1943 the only effort in pacific was by new gini  including a couple more isles in solomon chain.
finally in 1944 u.s. started slowly freeing marshal and marianas isle chains. very limited just enuf to be a super duper to make citizens think they were fighting against japan while the battles in france barely budged.
in october 1944 the vulcan gave the first data for the superweapon and how to launch it. armed with information and scientists who could figure out the rest they invaded leyte and this time the u.s. pilots were skilled enuf to sink many jap battleships.
the vulcan ambassador was furious that they stopped sparing the japs and left... but u.s. already had the information. without the vulcan they needed amost a year to prepare and test it but they had the data and in august 1942 dropped the first vulcan weapon on japan.
u.s. warned surrender or we can drop another.  emperor said no.
if one nuclear bomb isnot enuf then need another. the vulcan council sent ak back. as the u.s. bomber flew to the second industrial city he "beamed" the emperor hirohito onto the vulcan ship cloned him quickly sent the clone to the palace and beamed the human hirohito to the ciity where the warplanes were targeting. clouds interfered and dropping the bomb on homes was immoral for the ethicly superior western pilots and generals so they went to nagasaki industry city instead. ak improvised beaming the human emperor from wherever to nagasaki so the bomb vaporized him.
the clone agreed to surrender but the prime minister refused to give the command order. jap warplanes continued activity evene near japan no excuse of far away and the far generals did not want to lose the territory in china. the vulcans hesitated to swap the prime minister too... but a few days later they beamed the prime minister up cloned him and took the natural one to a prison on vulcan. the clone was ordered to surrender so he ordered surrender. it wasnot truly a japanese surrender.
once the war ended the vulcan taught u.s. how to shoot down other alien starships which they told the public were weather balloons and swamp gas. the vulcan offered each human government the synthesizer technology if they submitted to u.s. under the one who had been cooperating with vulcans. commies said "no way!" and made the korean and vietnam wars.
vulcans waited patiently. humans continued to massacre each other including the 2026 war.
finally in 2240 the vulcan decieded the humans would never be worthy to join th efederation. they offered the synthesizer not for submitting to u.s. which had failed in 1945 but to submit to the interplanetary federation!
when each givernment said "no" the vulcans used mind meld to sway the greedy corrupt politicians. each submitted to the planetary federation in exchange for one synthesizer for food and water for their citizens and the deletion of all borders. 
so that is how the humans got vulcan food synthesize machines and ended the multi nation of earth each one deleting its borders and cancelling currency no need to buy a home nor rent.
but what about choosing who lives in homes? the glovbal gvernment was advised by vulcans to expell the rich from the large homes and resettle the population based on area. any land owner who gave his land willingly to the federation would be the frst to get a synthesizer for jewelery and food.
no cars but jewelery to bribe the wife was worth it. the poor were reassigned and also given synthesizers but only the weaker type for food only no metals nor hydrocarbons so they could provide more to more quicker.
once the global government convinced by mind meld abdicated or submitted to planetary federation the u.s. started joining the crew of federation star ships built on many planets and a few built on earth in orbit... and that is how the story of star trek began and how the humans gt food synthesizers made in vulcan by logical people who used mind meld to sway the greedy humans to submit to the federation they had waited they felt long enough and swaying the humans with mind meld was only logical. the end.

Saturday, September 24, 2022



liberating pacific isles and africa?

 liberating pacific isles and africa?
first i will summarize the story of isles until 1944. the u.s. dangerously delayed the liberation of the pacific.... AIRFIELD danger on isles in pacific as i will specify with details. admittedly a success deserved mention: in november 1942a significant victory for allies who sank "one japanese battleship and five large cruiser" warships.... still japanese navy had 12 so more than ten armored battleships remained! 
the first step in chasing the japanese away from u.s. WOULD be wake and marshal and gilbert isles. but even in pacific same as in africa america was LAST for dumb dnc democrat president we will help australia instead of gilbert wake and marshal, whose airfields threatened the navy around hawaii but america last.
military strategy would be to demand australia FIRST help u.s. push back japanese away from hawaii BEFORE helping free solomon isle chain which they did not truly try to free just 2 of its many isles one tiny tulagi island and isle gaudalcanal. no other major landings in solomon EITHER! the next MAJOR EVENT WAS DESTROYING A CONVOY IN MARCH 1943 but they could and should have been using warplanes and warships all around the perimeter to disturb the building of defenses and sink the transports bringing reinforcements all around the perimeter from java to solomon to wake imagine how many transports and soldiers that would cost japan, and thinning japan especially in 1942 when the jap' carriers were by lanka. the strategy of c-inc dumb dnc dem president was objectively awful and did not start liberation until july 1943 long after the unjustified risk in french west africa.
in july u.s. started liberating another isle in solomon chain. capturing rendova july 2, 1943. u.s. trops helped in new gini where the japanese had already been blocked for MORE than a year since march 1942. no urgency there but america like u.s. navy by hawaii was LAST dont chase japan away from gilbert wake and ,arshal, help brits where they dont need help and help the soviets... who stole poland same as hitler! that is shame stain... only a dumb dnc dem would make america LAST like biden now and his mate obama in last decade.
in august 1943, allied efforts succeeded, another airfield again in solomon chain was captured. the goal was to supply australia ignoring the threat to hawaii that had already been attacked with loss of major battleship arizona, all liberations were in solomon and only a few of the isles while the efforts were "helping brits" in new gini not justified militarily as explained above. in sept. and oct the efforts were wrongly in new gini. an additional isle by new gini was invaded in end oct. delaying gilbert isles for nev 22 1943 almost two years after the isle war started. 
instead as soon as japan invaded wake in december 1941, u.s. could and should disturb the efforts to build defenses ans send troops and supplies to wake marshal gilberts and demand british help them in 1942 in exchange for helping solomon in 1943 AFTER brit help u.s. insted the only other isle beside solomon was by new gini in dec. 1943 ending 1943 with the acheivements of a few isles in solomon and  two isles by new gini. almost nothing all year and as above delaying gilbert until nov 22, 1943 two years after dec' 1941, insted of quickly gilbert and not delaying marshal until 1944! and wake. imagine the danger of a fictional submarine base on wake as in the "realistic" but far from accurate game.
so this summarized the first phase of liberations in 1943 almost all activity  limited to solomon isles a bit isles by new gini and most effort where not needed nor justified in new gini all this isle effort BEGINNING twenty months delay after u.s. was attacked in hawaii and wake in december 1941, most of the effort in july until nov' delaying gilbert and marhsal until nov 1943 and 1944 respectively as above.
next 1944 later. before 1944 isles i will first explain the story liberating africa. but... from who for who?
during world war one the brit buddies punished german empire for battling france. they took german colonies MANY in AFRICA, but not for freeing the locals for self rule autonomy but for brit and french to colonize. good guys? liberty? nope. 
brit buddies also took from germany isles of pacific for example, new zealand sent soldiers to a german island colony north from n.z. australia took the german part of new gini. japan with "permission" from brit buddies took many more all in the year 1914. by oct. 14 japan had taken the last of german empire isles mariana as i wrote elsewhere. that truly ENDED "world" war one no more war around world only fighting continued around turkey and germany until empires crumbled and emperors fled. germany used submarines around brit isle "despite" no bases on french coast this will be significant later here.
elected leaders lasted briefly in the danube continent.
the second "world" war started when seperate wars blended together.
a separate war between italy and ethiopia was not a world war and "we" should not risk our citizens for "them".
a separate war between japan and china stretched through the 1930 decade... unrelated from ethiopia. germany invaded austria in 1938 extinguishing that young democracy which had avoided elections that decade. next germany ate chekoslavakia in two bites getting weapon factories and tanks that they were not allowed to build. still each of these wars was separate.
the second "world" war began in sep. 1940 when japan and germany joined. then the wars in danube continent and in china became one world war. until then despite brits were warring against germany due to the partition of poland between germany and soviet... germany already lost its isles so no war "around world" until germany joined japan then the separate wars united... despite this britian did not DECLARE war on japan until AFTER japan attacked brits in the chinese colony hong kong and brits in the malaya peninsula in december 1941 so the war was not "world" until the axis joined together. then the war against china was the same group that was erasing germany's nebbors.
the amazon (atlantic) ocean had battles between german and brit boats while the pacific remained calm and pacifist for years after the war in poland and france raged... until... emperor japan felt that china was not falling and they were not growing. the emperor chose between worthless undeveloped frozen forests in siberia or island empire... he already "occupied" many isles with brit "premission" as above taking from germany and no wars were there yet. but he wanted the oil in kapuas river region called borneo. this is a problem because netherland had surrendered to the axis so their colony was axis? japan offered to "split" the netherland colony with u.s. but u.s. was nutral. japan COULD HAVE invaded borneo without attacking philipines considering u.s. was nutral but emperor wanted to "swell" an uninterrupted continuing area.
if he would attack philipines u.s. would be angry and u.s. had three aircraft carriers in the pacific besides several old but major battleships.
so japan sent SIX all six aircraft carriers from japan leaving in november with radio silence so they could not be withdrawn to fill the pacific with war expanding the world war.
japan spread southward to java isle and westward to burma blocking china supplies. the war in china continued. not northward to soviet as above. in the end of 1941 japan called nipon spread the world war eastward attacking the u.s. navy and air in hawaii territory. they sunk a few major battleships but all but one arizona was lifted and fixed same as italy had done with its sunk battleships and similarly french sunk battleships.
japan also spread eastward taking wake island and southeast taking solomom isles chain.
they spread south taking more isles in philipines and kapuas river region.
when would u.s. respond?
if horrid dnc democrat president would not put america LAST perhaps they would focus on repelling the one WHO ATTACKED!! insead dumb dnc used it as an excuse to attack german troops in africa who had not attacked u.s. while letting japan strengthen their isles in the pacific. objectively that is bad military strategy because japan was the attacker and was strengthening the islands undusturbed while u.s. was busy sending people to die in the atlantic and soon in africa.
instead of military objectives to prioritize america by deterring its attacker dumb dnc put america last sending the effort mostly towards britain meaning to dump lives, supposedly respected in the west, and resources into the brit war.
they waited until AFTER japan strengthened their isles to liberate the isles from japan. WAIT was it liberating? yes. u.s. allowed self governemnt by locals not adding to the "states" of united states. the army presence was not to bully local government policy on most issues such as education but for gaurding. similarly later when u.s. occupied japan with admittedly less freedom as i will explain due to japan being the attacker as a bove.
what about liberating africa?
in 1942, in november a frigin YEAR after u.s. was at war they finally started helping the allies... as above they should have focussed on the one who attacked themselves, was this liberation? no. french had colonized north africa and when nazis conquered paris the west third of nile continent was axis. invading algeria to "return" it to colonial france was not liberation and as above wrongly dumped lives considered precious in the west except to dumb dnc president.... for returning the worthless desert and jungles to colonial france which did not have a governemnt yet... only a dumb dnc president would prioritize that dumping america into the european volcano.
admittedly when italy had attacked brits in northeast africa the brits quickly pushed the axis back south and back west. germany had no colonies in nile continent as above so only the italians caused war there. since algeria and french was not truly liberating the decision to "take the brit side" was not only wrong but helping colonial france that did not have a government anyway... who could be THAT stupid to that degree other than a dnc dump democrat who put american lives LAST after the whim of britian INSTEAD of sending the same warships and warplanes toward... the one who ATTACKED U.S. jeez!
if brits wanted to take west africa they should invade it themselves if they want u.s. help then FIRST the must help u.s. against its attacker japan instead of retreating its two battleships west away from india jeez.
what priority to attack west africa? to weaken germany? at the time when u.s. only joined the war due to japan? that is so dumb only a dnc democrat president who put america last would do that.
sure pbama and biden think that was correct because they too in action put america last.
so the war in africa was not truly liberation and when france was ffinally independent the locals were UNDER france that is not liberation you dumb dnc democrats. west africa was not "locally" governed until around 1960. admittedly the problems in africa of violence after france left indicated the type of monsters that the french had been suppressing but that is not the topic.
so we turn back to the pacific isles.
u.s. had been preparing soldiers and warships and warplanes but instead of landing on the japanes places they tried to "liberate" the desert and jungle worthless in terms of resources and development if nazis or italians lost.
definitely not the potential to build two tank armies as the wrong game assigned and not to britain but axis due to french surrender.
insted the u.s. warplanes could have ought to have counterattacked the japanese who attacked them. sending aircraft carriers to destroy japanese convoys around the giant perimeter of span. especially at the time when brits were fleeing the six japanese aircraft carriers by india that was the time to prevent strengthening of the pacific isles and to destroy the shipping of the japanese who had attacked u.s.
instead u.s. waited and waited until japan was strong in pacific... costing more u.s. lives apparently worthless in the eyes of dumb dnc president.
when did the u.s. start freeing pacific isles?
they waited and waited... japan's aircraft carriers chased the brits away from india and returned to midway island. in a two day battle u.s. sunk four of the six. two each day... how? probably with extraterrestrial escorts who tried to make the u.s. victory seem and appear "believable." only two per day totalling four. but that did not free any islands. in fact japan continued to invade more islands in alution chain same as they had invaded philipine and invaded guam and wake and java isles etc.
not until august 1942 u.s. sent "marines" to free some of the isles in the solomon chain. what about gilbert chain? or marshal? or caroline? u.s. led by dumb dnc democrat did not bother with that... he was trying to pour american lives into the european volcano which he had committed not to do... and a japanese attack was no excuse for risking lives against anybody besides the attacker japan.
as above after a token of some small isles in solomon in august starting a battke in guad' island the big force went to war in french west africa... did the brits need it? they were successfully defending egypt and even if not that was putting america last as above. americas need was dettering the one who attacked it.
all those warships and planes could have been to draw the japanese navy thin and scattered around its giant pacific perimeter from wake and marshal and gilbert at the japanese east edge and around solomon and java in the south all that could have been attacked forcing japan to spread thin and in numerous places SINK japanese convoys INSTEAD OF  only a few significant convoys sunk.
in march 1943 allied warplanes destroyed a significan japanese convoy  but this could and should have repeated all around the perimeter described above spreading japan thin. that would be strategic.
to be continued...

Friday, September 23, 2022

critique of episode in series orville, s3e6 lifetimes

Critique of episode in series orville, s3e6 lifetimes, simply they used a time machine to go to the past. then they "did not activate" as usual the technology for hyperspeed and caused time to become relatively slower for themselves by traveling near speed of light. cool? it seems to match the idea of relativity... unless...
this application of the idea intensified my question. going near the "speed of light per second" if we assume that relativity caused time to become relatively slower, if so LESS time LESS seconds at that speed so less distance and did not reach the destination as they showed: as if time passed especially without the fictional technology.
this gives words for my question that fewer seconds passed when traveling at that speed if light is 600 thousand? km per second then the "few minutes" is around 200 seconds not two years needed to travel the distance of two light years in that story so this demonstration assisted my question about relativity and reveals that people who trust einstein were DUPED by his brilliant math... the genius was NOT to formulate correct equations but his genius was to formulate the type of equation that "jewed" experts in physics who would not notice what i noticed... if we imagine relatively slower time then the traveling is less seconds and the total distance even at the high speed is less than someone traveling for more seconds at a slower rate.
and now i show that despite my failure to understand einstein and accusing him of over-jewing, i dont hate all jews i include a hebrew poem by an israeli author. and truly every culture has dishonest people not only jews who have the reputation based on true experiences very often. the tricks they use inent and say... jeez.

אימי אמרה "עמוד איתי, זה רק סכסוך תקופתי
למרות סכסוך צריך מיקוד, המשפחה צריכה איחוד

אם התווכחו- עמי נהר, מי השולט- במי נהר
אחד טען "לנו מים, זכותינו הכול לשים

שני טען שמתם ביוב, בנזקים תשאו חיוב
כהחוב של הטלפון, אחריותכם שילמו חשבון

טבע ראוי יותר כבוד, ככה נכון לשלם עוד
כי תכנון רע העיר בונה, שלמו יותר מארנונה

כמו סכסוך עמי נהר, מי השולט במי נהר
ככה חלקי המשפחה, כגוף נקרע שמאוחה

למרות סכסוך כולם בכף, כמו צפוף בתוך מגף
כך בסכסוך להיות עמיד, רק ביחד אז יש עתיד

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

lonely family part one

 a lonely family
during winter on a sunny morning, Danny davis was laying in bed under his thick quilt stuffed with feathers. his home was with his family in jersey state. his wife, who slept in a separate bed was long gone... she had awoken at 7 am,woke their son and daughter who usualy ignored their alarm clocks and had insisted they eat breakfast. the brats went to the bus stop for school and wifey had driven her company car to her job as factory inspector of sewing machines.
danny was unemployed... had been for months. in february his company decided to give the ceo a raise in salary so they fired half the workers so the budget would allow that. his last payment was february first and they had not given him the pink slip. when he came to work the gaurd would not let him enter, because he was not on the employee list, not even to ask for the document.
so he had written an email to his boss... who ignored him. so he sent a written letter registered mail and finally they sent him the document called pink slip.
he had willingly gone to the job office, in his town jamaica city, in jersey, to see if they had jobs for him and they sent him to interviews to drive a tractor at a construction site. at the interview they asked if he had a tractor license. he said only a car driver license so they complained "why did you come waste our time?" he said the government forced him or else they would not give him rental assistance.
each week they sent him to ireelevant interviews wasting his time and the time of the staff of human resources at amny companies. luckily that was only on thursdays... the rest of the week he had nothing to get out of bed for.
most mornings he was not happy to be free from effort. he felt sad that nobody needed him. when he texted wifey named wendy wessin davis, she comforted him that he was "currently not needed" but he must wait for later when people will need him at a job.
the sun was warming the room so he rolled the quilt aside but still... had nothing for which to leave bed.
actually he did. he remembered that he needed to swallow his depression medication... and had not recalled nor thought of it all the time he had been laying in bed awake. he did not even know how long he had been awake.
he slid from the bed popped a pill that did not need to be taken with food, gagged it down his dry throat, and returned to bed.
he glanced at the clock but it was empty. he expected its bright blue numbers digits but no digits. maybe the plug was loose. he had reason to get out of bed so he checked.
the plug was stuck firmly in the outlet but no power. he grabbed his cell phone, and the charger and tested other electric sockets... no power. 
no bigee he comforted himself i dont need to know the time for anything anyway and i dont feel hungry for breakfast. the depression caused no appetite and the drug caused nausea and dizziness so he could not swallow food even if he were hungry.
so back to bed only waiting for the time when people would need him at a job. he could sit on a chair for waiting but the mattress was softer.
what could he do while he waited for people to need him at a job?
he could listen to music. dan started listening to music but soon worried that the battery would empty and he had no power... what abot the frij? panicking dan was motivated to leave his soft bed to check the frij... he felt the walls were warm. he checked the control dial it should be cooling but it did not. he turned it to the higher number with no effect... as he had expected it would cause cooling to switch on. perhaps the number meant higher temperature? between the warmest for a low power cool? so he turned the dial the other way to one for a lower temperature again the cooler did not switch on. he turned to switch off and was about to switch on when he recalled someone had warned him to wait between on and off. in this case it had been off a long time anyway so he switched it on he heard the click but no effect. he thought of phoning the frij company but they would ask if he checked the outlet? so he checked the plug was in the outlet.
next they would blame his home wires... so he checked the electric box and saw all the switches of the safety connecters were in the correct position. that meant the problem was not the frij.
perhaps a power outage? he called the electric company from his cell phone expecting a recording for his area and an estimate when power would resume? he entered his data and waited minute after minute... again he feared the battery would end when he was unable to recharge so he switched off the phone.
the food would be ruined so he rearranged the freezer so the most expensive stuff in the frij would be near the frozen stuff.
while he was doing that his son saul and his daughter dawn entered together. they claimed the school bus had not come.
daddy danny felt annoyed and accused "you should not have missed the bus". dawn started crying, which surprised dan kuz she was eleven. saul explained "you should not accuse dawn like that. we were early same as every day. the bus schedule is..."
dan apologized, "saul, i apologize for accusing you, the bus has a schedule and i know mom woke you in time. and dawn i am sorry i hurt your feelings."
dawn sobbed and said, "why dont you ever trust us? we dont make trouble like that and you just assume and blame us like i am a brat." she stormed out of the room... not wanting to hear more. dan shrugged while saul said "at least you apologized."
dan asked if he wanted to eat. saul said he ate breakfast but if something was good could eat. dan pointed and said "raid the frij before the food rots."
saul looked around at the sweets and sugary stuff. dan said "it will go to waste so enjoy it. just brush your teeth and exercise afterwards.
as dan walked back to bed the door opened again. wendy wifey was back. this time dan did not accuse, he asked "did you forget something?"
wendy started crying and said between sobs "stop accusing me you always make me seem bad and irresponsible i did not forget"
"honey i meant not in your control like not in my control to get a job."
wifey waved her hand like she was pushing his words aside.
"something awful happened at work. i came and started inspecting and no new products moved along the assembly line for me to inspect! so i went to the other section and no workers were there! 
saul coommented "no bus driver either."
ma noticed him for the first time and said "you should be at school why are you here and not at school." saul explained that the bus never came.
ma accused "you should have left earlier" saul corrected her "you walked us to the bus stop dont you know we were there before the scheduled time? ma argued "that does not matter, you need to wait if it is late." saul, "we waited twenty minutes" ma, "that is not enuf" dan "stop being silly twenty minutes is more than enuf and who are you to complain you are not at work either." ma, kuz there is no product to inspect." dan "aha! same as me w eare not needed" ma "how dare you equate! tears poured down her cheeks as she sobbed and fled the room. saul age five commented "at least i am not a crybaby anymore."
to be continued...

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

abridged alice underground part 1

intro: to show the need for abridging, i show a sample of my attempt to adjust the great story of alice in wonderland to a "modern english alice wonderland" note: i already published my abridged version. it differed from other abridged. the need for abridging was due to the slow start of too much thinking instead of actions or conversations. now i tried to adjust this great story using modern verbs. from code 28 in the version titled under ground. the text of my attempt for comparison: Alice felt very bored of sitting. She sat by her sister by a riverbank. Alice peeked into the book that her sister was reading and saw that it had only words but no pictures nor conversations. Alice thought, "and what good is a book, without pictures or conversations?"
when she was considering if the pleasure of making a daisy-chain would be worth the effort of picking the daisies, suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her.
NOTE: even this has too much "filling page" with nothing happening, not even the necessary conversation by his own definition, therefore must abridge thinking and replace it with details around his good ideas.
alice under ground, 2023 abridged by n.t.
ONE; On a hot day, by a river,
Al was sitting by her sister.
Alice saw that the book, that her sister was reading, had only words but no pictures nor conversations. She thought, "what good is a book without pictures or conversations?" Alice asked her sister, "And what can i do?"
"You can make a daisy chain". Her sister had long blond hair, a long pale face and blue eyes. she wore a long crimson dress with roses colored rose on her chest. it modestly covered her elbows. Alice, who also had long blond hair, had taken off her navy blue hair ribbon. She was wearing a wine colored dress. Her eye color was the same as your eyes. Al smelled her sister's sweet perfume. She heard the sounds of animals in the farm and from sheep wearing bells and from their sheperd.
When she was considering whether or not the pleasure of making a daisy chain was worth the effort of picking the daisies, a white rabbit with pink eyes ran nearby. She heard the rabbit say to itself "Oh no! I will be late!" it wore a turquoise shirt covered by a sapphire waistcoat with teal and scarlet lines like a net. its indigo pants were almost the same shade as the sky. it took a golden watch out of its waistcoat pocket, looked at the time, and hastily ran. Alice felt surprised that a rabbit had a waistcoat pocket and even a watch to take out of it. she hurriedly followed it, full of curiosity, across the green grass and down a large rabbit hole.
She crawled along this tunnel, wondering what would happen next, until suddenly, she was falling down. First, she looked down, but due to the dark, she could not see anything. She knew she was falling very slowly, as she passed pictures that hung on pegs in the brick sides of the well. she noticed book-shelves and cupboards. As she fell, she took a jar from one of the shelves. its label had glowing orange letters that said "Orange Jam." However, through the glass she saw that it had never been filled. As she fell she put it into one of the brown wood cupboards. she started singing and falling faster so she heard the woosh of air. She fell a long time so she knew the well must have been very deep.
Down, down, down. She fell for such a long time that she started trying to dance while falling!
(Imagine trying to dance in the air!) She sang many songs. She thought she must be near the center of the earth, or beyond it! she wondered if she would fall through the earth to come out on the other side.
Down, down, down. She remembered her beloved cat named dina until suddenly she landed on a large leaf pile. she again began running hastily...

Sunday, September 4, 2022

nazi story

 the CHANGE from parliament to hitler in Germany was when 441 a majority in the german  parliament granted authority to hitler. parliament gave it. [similarly in star wars 2005] hitler used authority to GRAB buildings of worker unions and political party competitors. within one year all competitors self ended only nazi political party remained

in 1934, hitler ordered killing s.a. leader rohm so s.a. shot rohm. gestapo shot dozens even 150 s.a. leaders and it was "greatly reduced" from 2 mn to only? idk size.
from 1934 to 1937 war against jews removed jews from jobs. in march 1937 nazi pressured austria to submit but austria refused until president appointed new chancellor who agreed as chancler his country should submit under hitler.
leag nations had "guaranteed" austrian existence, since separated from the crumbled austro Hungarian empire and must eject Germany but the austria leader, who president appointed, had signed the submission. 
next hitler swallowed chek szechoslovakia in two bites getting many tanks artillery and factories for more of those. in 1939 nazi and soviet grabbed poland, can hitler be blamed for any of these things? everyone else supported each of these things.
why did brits help soviets just as guilty as hitler?
u.s. after japan attacked, sent ships to help soviets who were the bad guys in finland and poland. u.s. should focus on japan and demand brit help against japan before sending people to die in Atlantic for supplying brit and soviets as above. but an American life is as worthless as a jew. they dnc president and churchil did not value any human life. nor logical military goals. instead they helped the soviets who invaded poland... at risk in ocean and not learning from the danger there.