Thursday, August 29, 2019

my summary of star wars New hope 1977

s.w. 1977 continuity, continuing from my previous summaries of the pre-trilogy, in previous posts abut sw episodes 1-3, the first galactic emperor started ruling and the reconstruction of vader body.
here is the summary of the first shown episode sw 1977. 
note: all details are from the video, but not my own.
words crawl that:  rebels battled the evil "Empire" of their distant galaxy. Rebels stole "data tapes". (changed to "sent a signal to copy data" see below, but tapes of film is canon. rogue not canon] the secret "construction-plans" regarding the powerful weapon, named the DEATH STAR. it can destroy a whole planet.  Princess Leia flew the data in her starship. [note: the rebels sent that data by signal from an imperial base in "rogue one 2016" which is not canon. the real story is stolen data tapes, missing, minute 38. as expected some details not match the added exciting stories which are not canon.)
WHEN long ago, "nineteen years" after the first Emperor was granted power by the galactic senate. where? far, far away, in the galaxy with Tatooine and over Ta.]
STORY: P. lea's space vehicle=sv flew over the desert planet named Tatooine, on a background of stars. i.s.v chased and shot bright laser blasts at her shields. her sv returned fire. isv pulled her sv. surprisingly, Imperial troops enterd her sv. they shot down its defenders. [how? imperial troops cut thru the roof.) they did not "miss" until later. Darth Vader [leader of this platoon and pilot under a governor] enterd her sv.
lea hid until imperial troops stund her. Vader accused her. meanwhile 2 droids flew an escape pod down to the surface of planet Tatooine.  [one named R2-D2, and another named c3po].
on the surface, a man and his nephew, Luec (lucas!) did buy the droids. later, R2-D2 rolled away [for its secret mission]. in the morning, Luke and C-3PO search and find R2. they were followed. Sand people attack them. a jedi aids Luke and the droids. his name is Obi-Wan Kenobi. after the battle they go to k's home. k gave luke the light-saber that anakin, luke's pa, had owned until "it came" to kenobi [story in "Star Wars: Episode III, Revenge of the Sith (2005) told later]. then  r2 showed k the message that Leia had recorded. meanwhile imperial troops killed lukes aunt and uncle lars.
  they go to the lars home and see the destruction. Luke, Obi-Wan, and the two droids travel to Mos Eisley. they search for a pilot who will fly them to Princess Leia's home planet.
they meet and make a deal with Han Solo and a Wookiee named Chewbacca. both imperial troops and henchmen from Jabba the Hutt try to catch solo. but they reach the sv named the Millennium Falcon. they escape thru the Imperial Blockade at Mos Eisley.
meanwhile, they show lea the power of the death star. the empire destroys her planet named Alderaan. when solo came to the location they find only rocks. the deth star pulld the Falcon using  its tractor-beam [revealing the technique to capture lea's sv earlier].  when the troops search the sv, Solo ambushes two stormtroopers. Solo and Luke wore stormtroopers' uniforms so their faces are hidden. k went to the device of the tractor beam. R2-D2 plugd in and found Princess Leia in prison cell there.... etc.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

celebrate with me

soon time for joy !
tmoro, Aug 29 - Birthday of Plastic Man [source dc] born an orphan. changd from crime to anti-crime. story 1941 dc bought from "quality" comic publisher. last year in dec. 2018 dc announced preparation for his video. soon sept first also special.
> sep
> 1 Sep 1 - Birthday of Jonathan Kent "Superboy's Foster Father "=dc . he adopted and gave care forsuperman. clark was superboy until later superman. supermans son was named for this jon.

rape is bad

not expelling undocumented? look at the results.

even one additional rape is a big deal
and sadly sanctuary-policy against immigration laws caused more additional rapes which were avoidable.
the claim that "all immigration is good" not only ignores those "process" immigrants who obey the process but worse those who ignore the laws and try to avoid the process are ALREADY criminals and some add beyond the citizen crime... even one avoidable rape is a horror. being sanctuary is harmful. in a big way.
no human wants to hear this and this blog has been isolated so nobody will see it but maybe in the future somebody will hear my cry for help.

districts "lines" must be lines

Obama is making a fuss about district shapes. I say straight lines for districts, objectively straight
  objective straight lines would make objective rectangles as I will explain.
imagine new-york-state, based solely on population density, rows of rectangls with OBJECTIVELY straight lines for the congressional districts, except smaller squares around cities with high population density, instead of the "pizza style" of diagonal slices dividing one city in illinois into many pizza shaped slices. that and salamander/gerrymander shapes demonstrate the bias in choosing such lines that resulted in new york and illinois being dem states . make the district lines "objectively straight lines" starting in new york state and illinois and then other states .
next: lack conservative options in all 400 congressional districts new york twelfth needs a competitor against engel. did engel win because most people wanted him? or because there was no other option available?
next we need to stop pouring money out of the country foreign aid of millions of dollars each year at a time when national debt is so high is BAD NEGLIGENCE  this is not a situation when it is reasonable to give charity at this time. trump good that lowered some of the forin aid charity but must be stricter temporarily halting all forin aid to every country equally whether suffering kenya or even amazon tragedy simply because OUR debt is too gigantic to spare charity beyond our borders.
charity "begins" at home in this situation of that huge debt stop pouring money out of the borders. later we can give charity to kenya and egypt and if and only if they are strong frendship.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

big problems and bigger jew problems

is it nearest? no.
soon will be the "new moon" we know the moon will be between us and sun in a few days. the lit side of the moon will face the sun so we cant see it. that would be the new moon ANNOUNCING the approach of autumn... the natural time when the lengths of night and day are equal. balance.
i checked and found that the "new moon" chosen for the jew new year is not always the nearest to the natural equinox. when there is a two week difference gap, it is before... which could be praised... and supported unless not always before... in fact this year they ignore the announcer and chose the one after... after so too late indicating bad choices and bad jewish calendars and wrong they added a month called second adar.
but there is a bigger problem....
if only they would stop being dam wee-wee-choppers we could focus on the bad calendar but bodily harm seems a bigger problem even if "less than chopping off the entire fire hose" still bodily harm- is bad and a crime.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

which was a larger success?

star trek started for tv with around 80 episodes.
then it was "finished". the next space war was in 1977. star war 1977 was very popular the most popular of any video that year. top with 322m. apparently this CAUSED star trek to make a "motion picture" sw caused interest in st. but it was not popular. st 79 only sold tickets of 82m far less than sw. and was even less than drama.
1977 sw77 was top and 322m
1979 st 79 far less, 82m
1980 sw80, top 290m more than both st combined !
st82 only 79m even dramas were more popular
next sw1983.309m top all 3 most of their year even if woulda been the same year more popular than trek. so why do people speak Klingon? those who like it are intense. while star wars never tried to add a language so it appealed to many more people.
so I also found sw mre exciting while st too much talk. but I enjoyed both. not equally.

Friday, August 9, 2019

replies to aaccusing trump

instead of unity dems are divisiv blaming trump who just wants solutions for tragedies.
accuser trump is racist white supreme? if so... only appoint white?
gun law? obviously criminals BREAK laws and illinois has gun laws yet MANY shooting bkuz criminals break laws.
and don't blame video-games bkuz violent games? s korea has many yet not shootings why? culture.

Monday, August 5, 2019

trump did not cause and we should look at the motives

nice of you, tucker, to "avoid" using the tragedy politic-ly but the fact remains that those mass murderers WROTE their motives. one sided with dem about climate change remember? cortez said "the end of the world is doomed in 12 years" have we forgotten?  so he wanted to save the world because "too many people" killing causes "less people" directly based on cortez. if woulda sided with republicans who say "global warming is a myth". he would not have shot people.--similarly the warren-d supporter openly supported the demo. and was mad that so many in his state voted trump. had he not been agitated by dems that trump is evil... he woulda used his rifle for hunting animals instead of voters.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

america imports from where 2018

america imports from where 2018
as the dems try to spread their doubts and ignorance claiming "trump acheevd nothing" and "I never heard" of anything good from that lady-hater trump, yes that is how dems talk these days... to me, lets compare the "usa imports from china" CHANGING with trump policy. "The top five import origins of the United States in 2017 were China ($476B), Mexico ($307B), Canada ($274B), Japan ($125B) and Germany ($111B)." now compare 2018 and see the change that china exports to U.S. totaling $395 billion as of the end of September 2018. next "Mexico exports to U.S. " $258 billion imported from Mexico in 2018" these are each much less by 80B from china and by 50 billion from mexico. a change of around  20% each [certainly over 15%]. jesus Christ also now as of july fox news claimed that china exportsto US have  FURTHER DROPPED even lower than mexico and canada so i hope somebody can help me fact check comparing january to july of 2017 to same in 2019.

sorry for delay the "they" is hiding the data very well. many searches failed to show the data until now. to serve the purpose of hiding trump acheevment.--so here is data "China exports dropped to the US (-7.8 percent)" almost ten percent of a giant number. in general chinas "recovery" in first quarter 2019, was as weak as the parallel quarter crash, even after the 2019 recovery. details: this years first quarter 2019
started at 2200 fell by FORTY percent in the parallel first quarter recovered partly but not back to 2200 ending the quarter around 15% less than started even after recovery 13.6%
"China exports dropped to the US (-7.8 percent)"
the current quarter is incomplete so we can compare the first quarter
 in 2018 first quarter china EXPORTS were 2000 then fell by 15% the entire quarter below 2000 until recovering and increasing beyond 2000 for the rest of that year until this years first quarter 2019
started at 2200 fell by FORTY percent in the parallel first quarter recovered partly but not back to 2200 ending the quarter around 15% less than started even after recovery 13.6% mathmaticly rounded to 15.