Tuesday, November 29, 2022

see you later elevator

on a rainy morning cecil seeson enterd the international airport. he ran along the corridor to the elevators. he pressed the button to go up to the third floor.

inside he sadly discovered it was going down... he waited... as it went down to underground parking. two very fat ladies wearing light blue dresses squeezed thru the doors. they filled the whole elevator! it went up to floor p1 where the two ladies left but a new blond haired lady entered with a shopping cart. she pressed one and two. cecil judged she was unsure which floor. the elevator pushed his feet as it started rising. 

at one the lady left leaving her shopping cart. now cecil understood that she wanted the shopping cart to go to two. when the elevator reached two he pushed the cart out of the elevator. he could not leave it in the hallway so... he pushed it until he found a shop. a lady wearing white jeans and a bluish-green shirt put a wide low carton of apples in the cart. cecil watched in horror, worrying how... would he get to the third floor? to fly to his country... a lady was using his shopping cart.

cecil considering stealing that cart to return to the elevator but not his apples, to take from shop and he did not wanna pay for them. perhaps he could take a different cart... too late he realized he could climb the steps... from this second floor only one floor up! to the third floor but he had already missed his plane... then he awoke and realized that he had wanted to fly to his wife a woman that looked different than... his wife but he was single and his name was not cecil! what a crazy dream. why had he left the elevator? he could stay?? the end. or was it like the film infinite 2021?

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