stardate clues solving the meaning
written sd4704.8
INTRO: the star trek 1966 series [tos] bothered to tell dates but what is the meaning of the dates?
fans bothered to organize production order which is nice, not only the published and shown order which differ on disk from shown on tv... the fans bothered to organize all these orders including the most real order of production. thanks but... the episodes have DATES! that order of the story seems important for the story, except fans know the dates have flaws.
i copied the list in the order of dates, for three years of the five year mission [published in a previous recent post] but what are the dates referring to?
i researched and found one guy who selected the clues. his conclusion is problematic but still useful as i will explain for analysis of the fictional system which can be applied in the real world. his conclusion of 7 stardates per day would mean one year was 365*7=2555 per year but if so not only is thanksgiving 1533 the same year as 1312 not matching fans but less than a year from the start of the count as he published but the problem is 5900 is barely 2.5 years far less than the five year mission. this system is only useful near zero when we need an accelerated system to sound cool "one-o-three point one" despite still january of the cycle using seven per day as an estimate and as i explained only in the first three years because near zero and because of four digits in the 1966 series. year four should reestimate using the "real" hour equation as i will explain "jumping back" to 3*730=2190 to start the fourth year and allow later years 730 stardates per year same as the real counting revealed in corbomite hours as i will demonstrate.
CLUE one for solution
clue one the researcher mentioned the story of thanksgiving in charlie x episode. that episode specified the story happened in stardate 1533 which was thanksgiving so we can match "our" calendar's end of november [fourth thursday not fifth] to the stardate system's 1533. this helps refute the claim that 1312 and 1329 were in separate years as fans wrongly claimed because thanksgiving is near the end of the year but only 200 stardates from the episode 1312 claimed by fans to be in 2265 before new year 2266 yet only 200 star dates from thanksgiving which is in november! does that define the long length of a stardate? see below. instead 1312 is same year 2266 a partial year of missions... but... how many hours is a stardate? we need more clues.
CLUE two for solution
in corbomite episode the number of "hours" is revealed with the stardate showing a day is near 2 stardates not the theory announced by series author one stardate per day! despite author! but in series the use of the sd was 18 hours nearly is two stardates so each nearly twelve hours.
we combine the evidence and estimate from end of november 200 sd 1533-1312=221 is 110 days before known thanksgiving in end november the eleventh month, months ten nine et... the first week in august for sd1312 with the bad title "where no man had gone" conflicting story that they "followed an earth ship distress signal" where man of earth HAD gone. we return to the topic dates: this is the earliest stardate revealed. only two in 1300's until 1533 thanksgiving.
since two per day was revealed in hours, as above, we can estimate 365*2=730 each year refuting the fans claims of more per year.
the clue of thanksgiving above, is by the end of the year so we count days from thanksgining around forty each day two sd as above and sd1600 is the end of the partial year of missions known by thanksgiving 2266 which is three hundred years after publishing.
sd1600-2300 is approximately the first full year of missions not as fans wrote.
sd2300-3100 is approximately the second full year of missions not as fans wrote.
sd3100-3800 is approximately the third full year of missions not as fans wrote.
sd3800-4500 is approximately the fourth full year of missions not as fans wrote.
if so how can their be missions after sd5200? well the PLAN from 1312 was as they said a five year mission but at the end of four years we have several interpretations available.
despite the plan from the start five years, the success caused an extension of mission more than five years OR better than that is the adjustment of the dating system in 4500, to allow greater precision and from 4500 used the "fan error" of 1500sd in each year, wrong in 2266 as above by thanksgiving and corbomite, but true for the fifth year.
we can count back 5900-1500=4500 which matched! and can estimate 4sd each day. 4*365=1460sd that year ending the five year mission in the 5900's.
once we see the matching this interpretation is a better explanation of the clues.
#tos #startrek #stardate
endnote: the fan claim of 1500 per years DOES have a hint in the publishing when 1967 was sd2800 causing the error 1300-2800 is a year however 1966 ALSO included sd3025 so the years of publishing do not match their error anyway, and the series ended in 1969 so they needed to squeeze many stardates into one year. instead the clues as above provide the solution.
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