Monday, May 30, 2022

new nicer "patience" card game

new nicer patience game
based on patience, like klondike3, but plannable.
goal: cause order despite limitations. limit seven columns as below
first exclude the picture cards, jqkj then shuffle to mix. lay 5 visible numbers in a row. except left-most add one card. except the leftist of those add, until the fifth column has 5 and to its left 4 etc. NOTE: all are visible for planning only move a card if it is SAME COLOR and one less for example black 5 [and the lower with it, no limit kuz not freecell] on black 6. move ace like one to the shape section.
reveal one at a time [not classic patience third that wastes time] until used pool then when pool empty mark a vertical line, like letter i on a paper or a computer text this will affect score.  then flip pool and try more.
when a column empty, move ANY card [with its lesser] there to uncover, in contrast to klondike kuz game patience so this like classic p. but new p visible.
SCORE: if stuck with no obedient moves or time limit, for example a four minute game, COUNT the cards in the shape section each card is worth one point. due to stuck,,each card 5 or higher is two points. deduct the number of times you repeated the pool pile but do not count the unused cards.
if succeed all from columns then ADD bonus the total unused cards in pool then deduct the number of repetitions.
the "quicky" use the pool only once and count points meaning cards in shapes and deduct one. do not count unused cards neither in columns nor in pool. gather for next game.
__sample game.
i shuffled and had columns:
6s,4c2s, 8c8s9s, 3s10s5h4s, 7sas5s6h7h
pool showed 5c: moved it to 6s so 4s on it.
ah went to shape section, later 2h on it. 8h not on 9s kuz only same color not classic p.
10d allows new column but only add 2, start 5 like human fingers and can reach 7 columns like weekdays.
later 5h on 4h in shape. so 9s on 10s  NEW column and 8s on it. 9h on 10d.
3c on 4s so 2s on it.
mark for using pool: i+ii
8h on 9h so 7h on it and then 6h to shapes only blacks remained so all h to shape section 10d stuck but ten strong free so remove.
3s to 4c. 5s to empty column. as to shapes. c organized so all s to shapes.
2c to shapes on ac so 3c 4c 5c up. 8c remain.
repeat 7c to shape so 8c to shape. ten strong deleted. success so compute 
score: 10+8+10+8=36 points deduct 3 repeats =33 due to emptying columns add bonus unused cards +4= 37. if stuck add second point for each card over 5 as above.
write score and save for next time to write. when time to clean or need to stop game photograph for counting points later and "clean up" gather cards, ALL, for next time.
if time, between patience-planning games make 5 rows of 5 and gather a+10=11 5+6=11 as a shuffle for the n.p. game.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

fix bad summary, potter BOOK 4, 2000 goblet fire, 4th try

fix bad summary, potter BOOK 4, 2000 goblet fire
intro: after we saw the film which added things that conflict the book, for example "harry got trampled" in film PREVENTING him going to forest, in contrast to the book, we can understand it is a different story. 
the story in book differs, he did go to forest so this is a summary of book!
in video harry asked "what is portkey" this difference from book story that he heard before also matched the change later in story that "harry not in forest" 
when the video "skips" something in book it did not happen in that different story.
__common story in both film and book, very little from first ten chapters is common to both sources: chapter ONE a ground-keeper came to a meeting. v' killed him using wand. 2x, 3x 4x 5x]. Harry and group went to "Portkey" [6] using it to appear at the game. [in video minute six! reached chapter six kuz different story and the challenges are more important]. enter tent [7]. ET pregame show differed in film and book. story of pregame did not occur in film, instead the hologram of leprkon danced not a shamrock which is a leaf. 9 some wizards CAUSE harm. ron saw "the Dark Mark" of skull in sky 10 x. Harry, Hermione & Ron met friends and enemies on the train=11. 12 Dumbledore announced the Triwizard Tournament. 13 Moody transformed Malfoy into a ferret. 14 moody taught the "Unforgivable Curses": control others, excruciating pain and death. 15 students from other schools came in a flying carriage and submerged ship.
ONE The Riddle House; fifty years ago [before harry 14], in "the Riddle House," "all three" in riddle family were mysteriously murdered. people refused to live in it so no fixing it. brats broke its windows. a ground-keeper came to a meeting. v' killed him using wand.
ANALYSIS: the family murder is "only book not film" as explained in intro. "all three" in riddle family were mysteriously murdered. NOTE: if tom found dead and buried, then not voldemort so correctly deleted from video.
FAN fiction: harry already defeated v' when v rode q to get sorceror stone. remember? ha' saw he' petrify n' so knew. when surprised q he swiftly petrified q. surprise! v was riding and stoned too. ergo cant kill groundkeeper! and did not and even if murdered not relate to the future. harry dreamt v' killed frank if not petrify v. but only dream if, but did avenge parents by stoning. then d trapped v in mirror with powerful magic. harry now returned to study magic for fighting OTHER weaker dark wizards due to the danger to life must stop deadly dark wizards even sinning the sin of sorceror for saving lives from risk.
TWO, The Scar; Harry awoke from that dream [that v' murdered the man]. his "scar burnt his fingers." Harry recalled his dangerous injuries during quidditch and other adventures, such as meeting ron's rat as a human who escaped, and meeting his "godfather" [really? yes! see analysis] named sirius, to whom he wrote a message. 
ANALYSIS: in film dreamt at ron home, and after dream rushed to portkey so NOT write dream to sirius yet. story differd these chapters 2,3,4,5 did not happen in story of video. still here summary book. the dictionary said godfather means "a person who promises at a Christian baptism ceremony to be responsible for a child" hinting potters were christian. this attracts christian readers while skeptics dont mind ignoring and censoring dictionary like catholic censorship for the atheist faith even twisting the word godfather.
THREE The Invitation; [Dudley violated diet in chapter 2!] harry got "invited" to join Weasley watching the World Quidditch, between bulgaria and ireland. [not in video. furthermore dream after came to ron so different story 3x]
FOUR Back to the Burrow; Weasleys came by Floo Powder ergo got trapped in the blocked-off fireplace. they blasted thru. Dudley ate a magical prank toffee, [weasly twins caused this] ergo tongue became huge and purple until Mr Weasley fixed it. Uncle Vernon was throwing items. they Floo "Back to the Burrow" with harry [who was there a different time so also "back". film 4x)
FIVE Weasley’s Wizarding Wheezes; they ate dinner in the garden. "Weasley parents showed anger" about prank. [video 5x]
SIX  The Portkey; Harry and group went to "Portkey" using it to appear at the game, (as they explained before the trip in book but not in film. furthermore, "added harry asked what portkey" to show different story.)
SEVEN Bagman and Crouch; at the campsite they met "people". they "erect" and enter tent. [video: tents were prepared.]
ET The Quidditch World Cup; Harry met Winky, a female house elf. harry saw the teams' mascots: bulgaria had a group of ladies with shiny skin who danced causing harry to lose control until hermione saved him from jumping from high. irish mascot stem with leaf, formed by flying leprikons. during the "game" Ireland scored many points despite MANY Bulgarian fouls. despite Krum catching the snitch, irish won due to more points. [video no match]
FAN FICTION due to fouls, the referee granted penalty throws which the irish successfully scored goals adding to their points.
NINE, The Dark Mark; some wizards ruind tents, caused fires, and lifted people to scare and shame them. [note: fixed bad summary not describing book, and opposed book, truly the aurors [who fight mean wiz] feared muggle will FALL! so i must fix NOT "Ministry wizards tried to stop them"] Harry, Hermione Ron hid in the forest but harry cant find his wand. they saw "the Dark Mark," which was many green lights shaping a skull with snake in mouth. [note: video several differences: bad wiz attackd wizards rather than "those different." they act directly ignited fires. harry not go to forest indicating different story. also, mark only cloud kuz green lights was irish show.]
TEN Mayhem at the Ministry; they Portkey HOME. kids prepare for school year. +the workers "at ministry" of magic are frustrated by the attack. note: title is poetic if so also "sorcery school" why not name of school?
ELEVEN, Aboard the Hogwarts Express; trash bins blew rubbish out! Harry, Hermione & Ron met friends and enemies on the "train."
TWELVE, The Triwizard Tournament; windy rainstorm [now needed train instead of broom]. the students got soaked by Peeves’ water balloons. Hermione discoverd house elves at Hogwarts. Dumbledore announced the "Triwizard Tournament."
THIRTEEN Mad-Eye Moody; harry in fourth-year and classmates studyd magical plants and beasts. Malfoy argued with ron and when harry retorted, d.m. zapd at Harry [moved zap to film 6 not 4 but fan fiction i had it in two]. "Moody" transformed Malfoy into a white ferret, and slammed the ferret repeatedly against the floor. [x not bouncing around the hall] and added detention.
FOURTEEN The Unforgivable Curses; in dark art class, moody taught the 3 "Unforgivable Curses": control others, excruciating pain and death. Harry and Ron fake their predictions for Divination. Hermione invited H&R to join her project to help house elfs.
FIFTEEN, Beauxbatons and Drumstrang; Moody TEMPORARILY cursed and controlled the fourth year students. only Harry resisted it. students from other schools: "Beauxbatons and Durmstrang" came. note: name "Beauxbatons" of girl only scool, considering boy is beau a boy baton is... gasp.
SIXTEEN, The Goblet of Fire; Fred and George "fail to fool" the "Goblet of Fire." the Hallowe’en feast was decorated with carved pumpkins and live flying bats. Goblet chose: Krum for Durmstrang school champion to compete with Delacour for Beauxbatons and Diggory from hufflepuff for Hogwarts, and a fourth Harry Potter.
SEVENTEEN, The Four Champions; talk about the extra "fourth". many suspect Harry put in his own name including Ron, who fumed that harry did not tell him the secret. note: this reaction indicates intimacy and matches the hint that later ron was more than a best friend. and matches hint that harry's room was under the stairs in a closet! but let him in dudley's room "out of the gay closet secret".
ETTEEN, The Weighing of the Wands; [bad summary: "xMalfoy taunted Harry, provoking harry to zap. Malfoy zapd back." not summarizing book. see my summary 13-26,  LINK later. for now enjoy: "the curses collided and hit Goyle and Hermione. Harry's wand went to the "Weighing of the Wands".
NIneteen, The Hungarian Horntail t.b.c. AT LINK BELOW BUT for analyzing: NINE The Dark Mark; some wizards "ruin tents and cause fires. and lift people to scare and shame them." note: bad summary not describing book,  lack what wiz did, and worse opposed book, truly the aurors [who fight mean wiz] fear muggle will FALL! so i must fix NOT "Ministry wizards tried to stop them"] Harry, Hermione Ron hid in the forest but harry cant find his wand. they saw "the Dark Mark," which was green lights shaped like skull with snake in mouth.
video several differences: bad wiz attackd wizards rather than those different. they act directly ignited fires. harry not go to forest indicating different story. also, mark only cloud kuz green lights was irish show.  
TEN Mayhem at the Ministry; they Portkey HOME. kids prepare to return to Hogwarts. +the workers at ministry of magic are frustrated by the attack. note: title is poetic if so also "sorcery school" why not name of school?
ELEVEN, Aboard the Hogwarts Express; Mad-Eye Moody jinxed items. Mr Weasley helped moody. Harry, Hermione & Ron met friends and enemies on the train.
TWELVE The Triwizard Tournament; the students got soaked by Peeves’ water balloons. Hermione discoverd house elves at Hogwarts. Dumbledore announced the "Triwizard Tournament." needed train instead of broom due to rain now.
THIRTEEN Mad-Eye Moody; harry in fourth-year and classmates studyd Herbology, and beasts
from Hagrid, and Astrology in Divination. Malfoy attacked Harry [moved to film 6]. Moody transformed Malfoy into a ferret, bouncing him around the hall until McGonagall stopd it.
FOURTEEN The Unforgivable Curses; in dark art class, moody taught the "Unforgivable Curses": control others, excruciating pain and death. Harry and Ron fake their predictions for Divination. Hermione invited H&R to join her project to help house elfs.
FIFTEEN, Beauxbatons and Drumstrang; Moody TEMPORARILY cursed and controlled the fourth year students. only Harry resisted it. students from other schools: "Beauxbatons and Durmstrang" came.
chapter 16 at

Friday, May 27, 2022

fix bad summary potter book 4, 2000 g.f. improved

fix bad summary, potter BOOK 4, 2000 goblet fire
intro: after we saw the film which added things that conflict the book, for example "harry got trampled" in film PREVENTING him going to forest, in contrast to the book, we can understand it is a different story. 
the story in book differs, he did go to forest so this is a summary of book!
in video harry asked "what is portkey" this difference from book story that he heard before also matched the change later in story that "harry not in forest" 
when the video "skips" something in book it did not happen in that different story.
__common story in both film and book, very little from first ten chapters is common to both sources: chapter ONE a ground-keeper came to a meeting. v' killed him using wand. 2x, 3x 4x 5x]. Harry and group went to "Portkey" [6] using it to appear at the game. [in video minute six! reached chapter six kuz different story and the challenges are more important]. enter tent [7]. ET pregame show differed in film and book. story of pregame did not occur in film, instead the hologram of leprkon danced not a shamrock which is a leaf. 9 some wizards CAUSE harm. ron saw "the Dark Mark" of skull in sky 10 x. Harry, Hermione & Ron met friends and enemies on the train=11. 12 Dumbledore announced the Triwizard Tournament. 13 Moody transformed Malfoy into a ferret. 14 moody taught the "Unforgivable Curses": control others, excruciating pain and death. 15 students from other schools came in a flying carriage and submerged ship.
ONE The Riddle House; fifty years ago [before harry 14], in "the Riddle House," "all three" in riddle family were mysteriously murdered. people refused to live in it so no fixing it. brats broke its windows. a ground-keeper came to a meeting. v' killed him using wand.
ANALYSIS: the family murder is "only book not film" as explained in intro. "all three" in riddle family were mysteriously murdered. NOTE: if tom found dead and buried, then not voldemort so correctly deleted from video.
FAN fiction: harry already defeated v' when v rode q to get sorceror stone. remember? ha' saw he' petrify n' so knew. when surprised q he swiftly petrified q. surprise! v was riding and stoned too. ergo cant kill groundkeeper! and did not and even if murdered not relate to the future. harry dreamt v' killed frank if not petrify v. but only dream if, but did avenge parents by stoning. then d trapped v in mirror with powerful magic. harry now returned to study magic for fighting OTHER weaker dark wizards due to the danger to life must stop deadly dark wizards even sinning the sin of sorceror for saving lives from risk.
TWO, The Scar; Harry awoke from that dream [that v' murdered the man]. his scar burnt his fingers. Harry recalled his dangerous injuries during quidditch and other adventures, such as meeting ron's rat as a human who escaped, and meeting his "godfather" [really? yes! see analysis] named sirius, to whom he wrote a message. 
ANALYSIS: in film dreamt at ron home, and after dream rushed to portkey so NOT write dream to sirius yet. story differd these chapters 2,3,4,5 did not happen in story of video. still here summary book. the dictionary said godfather means "a person who promises at a Christian baptism ceremony to be responsible for a child" hinting potters were christian. this attracts christian readers while skeptics dont mind ignoring and censoring dictionary like catholic censorship for the atheist faith even twisting the word godfather.
THREE The Invitation; [Dudley violated diet in chapter 2!] harry was invited to join Weasley watching the World Quidditch, between bulgaria and ireland. [not in video. furthermore dream after came to ron so different story 3x]
FOUR Back to the Burrow; Weasleys came by Floo Powder ergo got trapped in the blocked-off fireplace. they blasted thru. Dudley ate a magical prank toffee, [weasly twins caused this] ergo tongue became huge and purple until Mr Weasley fixed it. Uncle Vernon was throwing items. they Floo "Back to the Burrow" with harry [who was there a different time so also "back". film 4x)
FIVE Weasley’s Wizarding Wheezes; they ate dinner in the garden. parents showed anger about prank. [video 5x]
SIX  The Portkey; Harry and group went to "Portkey" using it to appear at the game, (as they explained before the trip in book but not in film. furthermore, "added harry asked what portkey" to show different story.)
SEVEN Bagman and Crouch; at the campsite they "erect" and enter tent. [video: tents were prepared.]
ET The Quidditch World Cup; Harry met Winky, a female house elf. harry saw the teams' mascots: bulgaria had a group of ladies with shiny skin who danced causing harry to lose control until hermione saved him from jumping from high. irish mascot stem with leaf, formed by flying leprikons. during the game Ireland scored many points despite MANY Bulgarian fouls. despite Krum catching the snitch, irish won due to more points. [video no match]
FAN FICTION due to fouls, the referee granted penalty throws which the irish successfully scored goals adding to their points.
NINE The Dark Mark; some wizards "ruin tents and cause fires. and lift people to scare and shame them." note: bad summary not describing book,  lack what wiz did, and worse opposed book, truly the aurors [who fight mean wiz] fear muggle will FALL! so i must fix NOT "Ministry wizards tried to stop them"] Harry, Hermione Ron hid in the forest but harry cant find his wand. they saw "the Dark Mark," which was green lights shaped like skull with snake in mouth.
video several differences: bad wiz attackd wizards rather than those different. they act directly ignited fires. harry not go to forest indicating different story. also, mark only cloud kuz green lights was irish show.  
TEN Mayhem at the Ministry; they Portkey HOME. kids prepare to return to Hogwarts. +the workers at ministry of magic are frustrated by the attack. note: title is poetic if so also "sorcery school" why not name of school?
ELEVEN, Aboard the Hogwarts Express; Mad-Eye Moody jinxed items. Mr Weasley helped moody. Harry, Hermione & Ron met friends and enemies on the train.
TWELVE The Triwizard Tournament; the students got soaked by Peeves’ water balloons. Hermione discoverd house elves at Hogwarts. Dumbledore announced the "Triwizard Tournament." needed train instead of broom due to rain now.
THIRTEEN Mad-Eye Moody; harry in fourth-year and classmates studyd Herbology, and beasts
from Hagrid, and Astrology in Divination. Malfoy attacked Harry [moved to film 6]. Moody transformed Malfoy into a ferret, bouncing him around the hall until McGonagall stopd it.
FOURTEEN The Unforgivable Curses; in dark art class, moody taught the "Unforgivable Curses": control others, excruciating pain and death. Harry and Ron fake their predictions for Divination. Hermione invited H&R to join her project to help house elfs.
FIFTEEN, Beauxbatons and Drumstrang; Moody TEMPORARILY cursed and controlled the fourth year students. only Harry resisted it. students from other schools: "Beauxbatons and Durmstrang" came.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

my improved summary of video hobbit 1, 2012

hobbit 1, 2012, part 1 Dwarves: in a place named "shire", before frodo destroyed "the ring" [story the trilogy of 2001] and before Bilbo left Frodo, Bilbo Baggins (Ian Holm) was telling a story to his nephew, frodo. the "fabulously wealthy dwarven kingdom under a mountain" was ruled by king Thror. [this story introduces the first chapter of the book "hobbit"]. its neighbors were the human kingdom of Dale and the wood elves ruled by ELF Thranduil. dwarves mined gold and jewels and found the Arkenstone a giant jewel. Thror exhibited it above his throne. this prosperity ended when a dangerous DRAGON, Smaug, attacked and invaded their cave kingdom. the surviving dwarves fled.  
king Thranduil, of elves, refused to attack the dangerous dragon. instead these dwarves pland to reclaim Moria. it was a dwarven kingdom in the Misty Mountains until orcs greedily left their place and conquered it [like evil umayyad, ottoman etc. did to real moriah]. Thror and his grandson Thorin (Richard Armitage) led dwarves. orcs were led by a huge, pale orc, Azog. at first, orcs successfully defend their home. in the battle, Azog decapitated king Thror.  
Thorin attacked Azog that knocked his shield away. he used an oak log, causing the name "Oakenshield." He chopped off Azog's arm. some orcs pulld azog away from danger. the dwarves continued the battle until defeating these orcs. few dwarves survived because many died in battle. the death of king Thror, caused his son Thrain grief so he gave his inheritance to his son Thorin because he went away.  
Thorin's dwarves were too few to defend Moria, +if orcs would return so they can't stay there nor make any new safe colony. the dwarves "scattered from moria" to do dwarf jobs: mining [seven dwarves] or toy-making [santa's dwarves] or be metal smiths. 
part TWO Bilbo continued the story by adding HIS adventure with "the twelve dwarves". 60 years ago, the wizard Gandalf the Grey (Ian McKellen), came to the Shire, during morning [chapter ONE of book Hobbit when bil wished gandalf will have a good morning]. Bilbo (Martin Freeman), a half-ling dwarf called hobbit, was sitting and smoking outside his front door. he saw somebody wearing a pointed hat. Gandalf +introduced himself and invited bil to complete a group for an adventure. Bilbo wanted his safe life. 
Later, Bilbo just sat by dinner plate, but before he can eat, he went to open his door due to knocking. an imposing dwarf acted invited. He ate Bilbo's portion. more dwarves arrive some with pairs of rhyming names: Fili, Kili; Oin Gloin; Nori Dori Ori. Gandalf also came. last, the king's heir Thorin Oakenshield entered. the 12 dwarves ate and drank sloppily in contrast to bilbo's neatness. they took huge amounts of food from Bilbo's storage and sang a silly song to tease the victim, "Chip the bowls and crack the plates,
That's what Bilbo Baggins hates" they did clean afterwards. later, they discuss their plan to reclaim their mountain kingdom and their treasure from the dragon. they need a silent burglar type. Gandalf  had told them, "Bilbo can do that job so he is the one to add. another reason for bil was his difference from dwarves. Bilbo the half-ling will surprise the dragon Smaug because it is not familiar with that scent." Bilbo will get an equal portion of treasure. +bilbo said no and went to bed. in the morning Bilbo chased and reached them. they give him a pony to ride. they went east. at evening they noticed that some ponies were missing. some saw firelight [chapter 2 book]. They silently went closer until they saw three trolls. Bilbo tried to reclaim their ponies, but got captured. The dwarves attackd the trolls despite the extreme difference in size. at first the dwarves succeeded at hitting the trolls who are giant. a troll threatened to rip Bilbo apart so they surrendered to save him. trolls tied some dwarves to wood over the troll's fire. they tied the rest in bags. Bilbo warned not to eat the dwarves or else they can catch illness. Gandalf magicly broke a boulder allowing sunlight to change the trolls to stone.
some dwarves realized that the trolls must be by a cave to hide from sunlight. they searched and found it. inside, Gandalf and the dwarves found some magical swords. Gandalf gave a sword to Bilbo. he explained that it will glow blue when orcs or goblins will be near. later, the ponies fled. Radagast the Brown, a wizard, came driving his "rabbit-drawn sleigh". when he gave Gandalf an item, dangerous orcs came to attack dwarves, so Radagast led them away. The fellowship went over hills. the orcs, riding wargs, chased r'. one orc followed dwarves who battled it. the fight attracted other orcs. Gandalf led the group into a deep crevice in the rocks. the orcs fled when elvish horsemen came. b's group went along a cave and exited by an ELF town [c3]. elves named Elrond and his riders greeted Gandalf and the dwarves. Thorin showed the map to Elrond who noticed secret writing. Blue letters glowed on the map under the moonlight. Elrond explained how to enter their destination Mountain.
Later, Gandalf met with wizard Saruman, and elve leaders: Galadriel, and Elrond. They talk about the mysterious Necromancer who seemed to revive dead. Gandalf showed the item from Radagast: an evil sword, that had been buried. Meanwhile, the dwarves and Bilbo continued journeying.
goblin capture=4, 5 saw gollum n found ring.

they climbd a mountain until the came to a battle: three "stone giants" were hitting each other. Bilbo's fellowship run into a cave. That night, Bilbo prepared to return to his comfort lifestyle at home, after the danger of the giant battle. Bilbo's sword glowd blue. the floor opend causing them to fall onto a wood platform. they see that they were surrounded. goblins took them captive. Bilbo silently escaped until he met a goblin. they duel until both fell. elsewhere the dwarves met the bigger goblin king.
Gollum killd a goblin so this motion caused a gold ring to slip out of his garment. the ring wanted to be found. Bilbo puts it in his pocket.
Gollum saw b who pointed his sword at g. They do a contest of riddles: if Bilbo wins, Gollum will show him the way out; if Bilbo loses, Gollum will eat him. Elsewhere in the goblin caves, the king notices the dwarves' swords so orderd kill the dwarves. a sudden white burst Gandalf appeard
the dwarves grab their swords and ran along wood bridges. Goblin King blocked their path so Gandalf slit king's throat to slay goblin. elsewhere Bilbo competed against Gollum. b slid ring on his finger. gollum tried to block exit so he followed it until he saw Gandalf and the dwarves running past. Bilbo just jumps over Gollum and out
dwarves went to woods. Gandalf noticed Bilbo is missing. b still invisible, heard Thorin say he never relied on b. b suddenly appeard proving his help. Azog and his warg-riders came and chase the group to the edge of a cliff, where they all climb trees.
the snarling beasts topple some trees until they fell into the last one tree. Gandalf hurld blazing pine-cones at the enemy below, and soon the area is in flames and the animals retreat. Gandalf grabbed a moth, whisperd to it, and releases it. Azog on his white warg surprised Thorin who believed he dead. he led many orcs
Thorin ran toward Azog, but got knocked down. Bilbo saved crown prince Thorin from death [despite he was the 1 criticizing b and then the dwarves will be submitted to a king instead of choosing a leader after the bad experience with thror greed] FAN FICTION bilbo waits for the warg to kill thror and said "you are free choose a leader"
dwarves battle azogs orcs until many orcs are too many. a flock of huge eagles flew down, by moth invittion, and started grabbing and dropping the orcs beyond the cliff while other eagles flew the dwarves and gandalf away on eagle wings. thorin thankd Bilbo until later! Bilbo saw the Lonely Mountain their goal. A bird flew toward the gates of the old dwarf home. Inside, Smaug in a pile of gold coins, opend one eye. t.b.c. 
in PART TWO part 2.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

crime ghost

i tried to be a criminal. i took a kitchen knife and went to a dark alley.
while i wited two thugs came and said give me your money or you die. i figured i would steal later so i  opened my wallet and gave them the two 20 bills. they left and i waited.
 finlly a man came hurrying to me. i waved the knife and said "money or life" he argued people will hear the gunshot you wont have time to search... i waved the knife and said "no sound of gunshot" he screamed so i stabbed him and searched his pockets his wallet had 3 bills fifty. the two thugs returned hearing the cry and waved their guns cops came too and shot the thugs with the guns. i told the truth "they took my two twenties. the cop gave me the two 20s.
as i walked home a different thug stopd me. he waved a gun and said money or die. i would lose 190! no way. "i shoulda bought the silencer" said the thug looking for an easier victim.
i walked nearer home then two thugs appeared with long silencers on their gun "come with us" first i feared the gun but then i realized if i went with them they might torture me so i better die than torture i tried to run so they shot me and took the 190 but at least i avoided torture the end.
after i floated out of my body they stopped a lady and said come with us or we will shoot she feared the gun and walked i whispered in her ear rape... she would rather die than rape so she tried to run they shot her but at least she wasnt raped. the cops had heard when they shot me and saw them shoot the lad so they shot the two thugs my crime spree had led to the death of five criminals including myself and the city was now less crime. and you thought crime does not pay?
on my way up to heaven i passed a jet. inside highjackers with ceramic knives threatened to kill pasengers if not open the door. the pilot stood to open the door and let the terrorists fly them to hostage on some island off coast.
to save from death. i told copilot "he is helping bad" so copilot ran and pushed hand away from handle he slammed pilots head against steel door until collapsed unconcious... i knew pilot was even dead. terrorists said "you think we wont do it" they led a lady to door and said "beg" she was scared and screamed but copilot would not help terorists so they slit her throat i whispered "they acted not your action". he focusd on flying to planned destination they shouted through door we will kill one perminute each minute you wait.
he knew i was correct and ignored them five minutes later five more bodies and the terrorists saw it was not working.
they called the airline and said "we killed six we will kill more tell copilot to open door"
the radio by copilot ordered him to open door to save lives. i whispered then they will be hostages so he argued "i dont wanna be hostage" the manager warned that is insubordination you will lose your career if you dont open the door as ordered. he lafd hahahah i would rather that then be a hostage minuute by by minute the terrorist group grabbed people and held and slaughtered like a rows of cows until only one remained. they needed him a live to get away. finally copilot landed police entered and while the terrorists threatened to kill the last hostage they shot the group and saved one life the copilot came out. police praised him for preventing hostage captives hardere to rescue. he wasnt even fired. at the gate to heaven i stood with all ythose criminals and passengers. only some of the passngers were innocent and entered heaven. most went with the terrorists and armed robbers to the fire... and me? i was sent to tell my stry in a dream before i entered heaven for saving the lady from rape which outweighed my theft.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

alice 12, alice testified edited by n. tal

CHAPTER 12; Alice testifies; “Here” cald Alice. she jumped up in such a hurry that she tipped over the jury-box. all the jurors flew up and fell on the heads of the crowd.  “Oh, pardon me” she said. king told her, “The trial cannot proceed, until all of them sit in the box. all,” he repeated. +she rushed to obey him +she feared they were like fish out of the water bowl adding urgency to quickly return them. when she put the the last one in, King asked Alice, “What do you know about this?” a: “Nothing whatever.” k read from his book, “Rule Forty-two. All persons more than a mile tall must exit the court.” [3m in long] ==a: “I’m not a mile high,” said Alice.  q: “Nearly two miles high.” a: “I will not exit. i shall not go out. i won’t.” The King's face turned pale. he shut his note-book hastily and said to jury, "Consider your verdict.” the White Rabbit jumped up in a great hurry and begged, “more evidence will come, please your Majesty. this paper came now. it seems that he wrote it." pointing at prisoner.
n, “Please your Majesty, I didn’t write it. no name was signed at the end.” k“You must have meant some mischief, or else you’d have signed your name like an honest man.” the spectators clapped hands. a', “no. you don’t even know what was written. i will tell you. [differ and flaws in rythm "character and obstacle fail and rare so i fixed a bit]
“They told me what you gave to her,
  she walked with us to him
She went and said, "go now dear sir" 
    you said "I cannot swim." 
He told them we had never gone
  they knew that this was true
we must not stop, continue on
    What could they do to you? 
I gave her one, he gave her two
    she took so many more
They all returned from her to you,
    when i walked through the door  
My item sat on grass so green  
  Before she had a fit
a very tiny crumb was seen 
  i hope she won't see it.
k, “That’s the most important proof.” a' "It does not have any meaning.” k, “If it does not have meaning, that saves time. we needn’t try to find any. jury, consider the verdict.”  q, “No, no, no, sentence first. before verdict.” a' loudly argued, “nonsense, verdict first." q, "stop talking” and her face turnd purple. a, “I won’t.” q' shouted, “Off with her head” [censor] a' “You’re only playing cards." the cards jumped up and came down on Alice. she screamed, half with fright and half with anger. she saw she was lying with her head on her sister's dress. dead leaves had fallen from the tree on Al's face. s' “Alice dear, you had a long sleep.”
“Oh, i met strange animals and beings, had odd experiences and even some danger" both heard long grass swish as the White Rabbit ran. the Mouse splashed in the pool. a shrill voice, the Queen ordering execution. the squeaking of the Lizard’s slate-pencil. the choking of the bagged guinea-pigs,  the sobs of the Mock Turtle. the older sister sat with closed eyes, and half believed herself in Wonderland. knowing the dull reality the grass only moved in the wind.  the rattling teacups were sheep-bells. the Queen’s shrill cries were the voice of the shepherd boy with sheep by farm yard. 
all the other noises if she opened her eyes would change to the noises of the busy farm yard. the distant lowing of cattle would take the place of the Mock Turtle’s heavy sobs that that you read about. After al told her story,  she ran indoors and knew what a wonderful dream it had been.  END ab' version.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

memories of a 3 grader

memories of a 3 grader
my first MAJOR step away from rabbis occurd in grade 3. despite in earlier grades i also "stopped" praying that was a step toward the rabbis... as i will contrast in endnote kuz now about grade 3.
i had argued with the school principal to accept me into the school. he had asked me an "entrance exam" question about negative numbers. i knew math and argued "taking more than what you have is impossible." he argued you cant enter the school if you dont know enuf math. i argued he could put me in second grade for math... but he misused his authority to refuse... i was desperate because the third grade rabbi hit... and i had enuf hits from the first grade rabbi so i bluffed, "i know a donor of the school if he heard you refused to let me explain myself he would stop donating." the rabbi ignored my bluff walking away... until i said the NAME.
he spun! "last chance" i bluffed "he would be glad to hear an excuse to stop donating here, if he heard my math explanation and that you were too stubborn to be a teacher en kapdan mlamed" a jewish source that a teacher must not be stubborn in action.
money talked! we returned to his office and he said explain. i said try  from twelve candies eating three. he wrote nine. i argued "you skipd a step twelve has 2 ones and you must borrow from the tens" he argued "no 12-3 is simply 9" i argued "you dont know ones and tens try 24-5" he said 19. i said write he argued no writing... he saw i was correct but would not admit it... i mentioned the donors name again "mr donor will understand you realized i was right and stop donating."
then he wrote kuz money talks more than words. he wrote on the paper 24-5=19
i argued "you skipped a step if you skip a step in math you lose points explain why you crossed the two. "i took from the tens" as i had taught the principal rabbi. i demanded "explain why you needed to take from the tens" finally he conceded "because you cant take five from four" THAT is what i said you just said what i said. he shook his head. "mr x will be delighted to hear YOU are pre-third grade, not fit principal, HAHA" i faked a laf.
"you dont know negative numbers" he hissed as he signed the paper to accept me to the school. "the school will teach it to me or put me in second grade math" the rabbi fled.
so i entered the school that had less physical violence. the hypocrit put me in third grade... by the way we did not need negative numbers that year we did multiplication all year.
so the first day i was the NEW kid at school. i entered the building and asked the office which classroom was third grade. instead of a number the secratary argued say your name. so i obeyed she checked a list and said "go to the third grade class room" what an idiot!! 
i repeated what room number is that?
finally she revealed the answer "upstairs room 301"
i walked upstairs and enterd the empty classroom. i considered sitting by the door but then all the brats would  pass me as they entered i would be a target same as in the previous school.
so i walked to the far row of desks and sat second from the edge. i waited for the other brats to enter... we need to be in class before the teacher but i sat alone with empty desks. the brats were outside in the sunny september of new york in the 1980's i hid from the sun and did not know anybody i was the new kid.
i opened my ring binder to a lined paper and took a pen out. i didnot know which book to open so i sat bored waiting. finally a kid came in. looked around the room at the rows of desks... walked to the back of the room to a corner desk... then changed his mind and sat beside me. i knew class would start soon so i didnot talk to him. he opende his rich "trapper" binder. the one safer for fingers than my poor snapping ring. you know? the one with sliding plastic curves that grip the paper instead of a spring ring that can drop papers when spring gets old or snap quickly on my fingers. yikes each snap.
we sat silently beside each other he knew which book to open but i did not copy him.
finally teacher entered... third followed by a stream of brats.
she said we need to write math rules. i responded thinking that is stupid math is numbers.
she began telling us to write math ideas in words specifying without numbers. 2x4=8, 2x5=10 this seemd stupid i looked at my nebbir his second row had pairs of tiny marks. i did not know what they were but if he used them so could i. starting my third line i put " the way he did... not knowing the meaning between the numbers... as the sentences grew longer this was more profitable than i predicted!
mrs. teacher walked around the room and saw his rows of " and frowned. she knew those marks and did not complain... until she saw my page... i had written words on the second line so she challenged me "what are thos marks" i bluffed "surely you know teacher". "you dont know so you should not use them" she separated me from my nebbir. i dared not argue... class continued repeating the boring blurr of pattern day after day of teaching stuff... the only memories were recess.
the first day recess i was the new kid so i walked outside and searched for my class mates. i did not see them anywhere because i did not yet know there was a basketball place in grade 3. i wondered around watching younger kids chase each other in tag... none were from my class. finally i found three brats who i recognized they were sitting and talking about tv. i listened and did not know the tv series my parents did not let me watch tv. i did not understand the parts of the story they were laughing about... the logic seemed stupid if they already knew the story of the show both had seen then what was the point of telling each about the show that they both already knew... i listened but could not understand the story they were telling nor reffering to so i went back to the classroom.
i opened a scienc ebook and searched the list of topics for something interesting... no no no yes. i opened to a chapter that attracted ne and started reading to fill the time... i struggled to understand the strange sentences and words and figured out many new sentences... somehow. the words that i failed i listed on my paper... i couldnot stop or else i would have nothing to do so i read more. when the list of words reache around 8 new words i surrendered... i went to another classroom to see if older kids could explain the words... i found that when my class had recess break... several classes were studying that seemed mean not giving them a recess break?
i peakedin the tall narrow glass window of each wood door... full classrooms... with a teacher i could not interrupt to ask... finally i reached a room with three brats i guessed fifth graders... i did not notice if the number was labelled on the door?
i went to the group and asked if they had a dictionary. they lafd and one said "we are boys obviously we have dik-tionaries" they al gigled at the double meaning but i was too young to know what a dick was. i replied but i DONT have a dick-shinary" spacing the syllables to pretend i knew the joke. the burst out laffing hilariously and i tried to smile... "he doesnt have a dictionary" two echoed as they lafd their way out of the room. the one who stayed said i could use his book but only for a few minutes. i showed him my list and searched his thin dictionary. i found a word and wrote its meaning then i dearched another word but didnot find it. i asked him what it meant and he lied he didd not know and looked in the dictionary and saw it was not there. "its not an important word if its not in the dictionary" he claimed. but i wanted to know so i would understand the book i was trying to read.
i found the third word and wrote it until he said "enuf". it was his book so i returned it. he asked which classroom i was in i said "301" like 3o1 the way i heard the secretary say it. he argued "do you mean 301" yes i agreed for that was the number on the door. he argued "WRONG" the three is the third floor not three hundred. now get lost shrimp." i went back to my book and tried to read the strange words... util the bell rand and the brats returned and teh teacher taught as we sat in rows of desks which later changed to a curve along the walls instead of rows.
the second morning i entered the classroom and we started with orayers... apparenty i had missed prayers the first day?
all the brats were facing the same wall i did not yet know why? and reading the prayers same as in the previous school we read in hebrew no teacher watching until the older kid from "yesterday" entered my classroom to llok for me. "follow me i wanna show you something"--i argued "i have to read the prayers" then he asked "are you sure about that? what source?" gasp a new method of thinking. the book of prayers itself was not enough. so i followed him out of the room and we walked along hallways to the jewish libary. he opened to a certain page and showed me the relevant qoutation i read the hebrew guessing the words. he asked "what do YOU see" i responded "i dont know some of the words?" he argued "start withe the ones you know" i sounded the letters "hai man dbai lmehevi hasida" i paused and guessed "like hassid?" he nodded so i continued "ykayim" i translated "fulfill" he corrected me "do" i continued "mili dbrakot" i added "i only know the word braka" he argued that is the only word you need you see for yourself in the book not kuz i said so who fufills blessings? "i answered "a hassid". he asked "do you WANT to be a hassid?"--"no" then not obligated to fulfill saying blessings. "i asked you mean like praising the wise rooster?" "yes and for studying tora and the standing prayer." i argued the standing is so important to say that we need to stand? he explained "baruk" one word was enogh proof it was blessings in the same category.
i asked what would he do instead? he said "i need someone to play checkers against me. and since you are a word nerd [that rhymed] i want you to do a project with me."
so from then on i obeyed tradition and stopped SINNING  the sin of "unnecesary blessings" which is truly a sin if not required... and we played checkers in a secret place.
he had a list to start the game a different start each day and he challenged me to write a list of two letter words that start with a.
obviously he won checkers but at least he did not cheat. some days he won quickly, then he said write the words you knwo then he added new words for example 
a, a.c. a.d. ah am an as at aw ax 
he said ac and ad are not words but i missed ab and ad and more so each day i could use his dictionary at recess to learn but only if i focusd on the short words not all the random words. 
so that was my first step away from human rabbis and toward the jewish tradition to know blessings such as prayers were not obligation for everybody and obeying it. instead i played checkers. when time ended before he won we would count the peices and he would write the total and we would start a new game with different beginning based on the list day afer day different games.
another memory was when the peer pressure to "show me yours".
three brats asked me if i was "ashamed" of my privates. as expected i said "not ashamed" they argued "good if so show it". i did not want to be different so i argued "you dont show yours" one guy argued that is because we ARE ashamed but if you arent show it. the logic was flawless but i did not want to be different. you wear clothing because you are ashamed but if not ashamed then dont cover? you dont need to cover but also not a cause to uncover?
the pressure repeated day after day... one kid reminded me that he had seen it anyway "remember when we played mummy?" that opened a memory of two brats wrapping me like a mummy yes they had seen it then... they argued "we saw it anyway only he didnt so make him equal". that was a cause to do it... i said "you convinced me but not today".
one brat said people pay for peep shows we will each give you a coin and you will have 3 if yakou show. i argued "peep" is for dirty people i cant take money for that.
they gave up until the next week. a new strategy. a kid had a foam bowl from home they had poured dry oat inside and wanted me to add the fluid from urine. i argued then nobody can eat it. they argued it would be an expirement to see if a pet would eat it but they were ashamed to show their privates and since i was not ashamed i should provid ethe urine for the sake of the experiment. that was cause to do it so i agreed to give in the toilet room. they said but if so he isnot equal.
so went to a corner of the yard and while the brats watched i gave some urine... i did not know where this would lead... luckily it was the corner of a yard! i could not stop after  filling the bowl and continued onto the paved yard. they mixed the oat so it absorbed the liquid then we went and gave it to the pet who knew not to eat it. experiment success... and they had peeped.
the third kid enjoyed seeing it and wanted to see more. he begged me to let him see again. i argued "you know not to show yours so i am the same" he argued "at least trade snacks" he had a bag of salty corn chip snack and offered to give me some if i gave him from mine but my snack was only fruit that is not fun that is kuz you need to eat fruit. then he went to the original plan. "if you dont have snack to trade i will share my snack if you show me again".
i agreed. i got some snack and he looked in a secret place he found. the next day i asked for more snack for a deal and he said the secret place is used all week we only went on sunday.
the next sunday he gave me snack pay per view. sweet candy. the third week i asked for candy but he said "it was boring just hanging no deal" i did not know where this would lead.
i offered to give him nice chills in exchange for his fun snack so he agreed i preseed his neck and he jumped away "you are makin my tube hard" he protested and fled... no more snack but a year later we would have fun in fourth grade with stories that i cannot write about because they involve private male tubes. the end of that. another brat started giving me his choclat. i would say mean words to him and he said if i hate him i should take some shared choclit. i argued that he should not reward me for being mean nor pay me to stop." he argued it was to build friendship and indirectly i would stop because i was his friend. soon i felt bad saying mean things. to the one who shared his choclit. when i stoped saying mean words he continued sharing for friendship "see he proved not so you will stop you already stopped from the start it was not a bribe". i imagined if i gave candy to a bully he would take it and continue hitting pushing on the ground. i felt different because i was just less human than most humans. the end.
endnote: in first grade i noticed that i did not understand the hebrew words we had been chanting since preschool i decided to STO saying words that i do not comprehend and only pretended to read until second grade. that was for respect of prayers not to mindlessly chant sounds. then in grade two i convinced my parents to buy a book of prayer with translation tragicly the english was rare words and did not help and soon the brats told the rabbi i was reading at a slower pace so he stole the book and refused to return it until the end of the school year so i would not know the meaning of the words. then in third grade i learnt most was "optional" not obligation as explained.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

purifying "black panther 2018"

 purifying "black panther 2018"

intro: the story in video "blek penther" was not only the worst story of marvel videos relative to marvel's good stories such as marvel civil war but worse it had noticable pandering to dark skin with objective internal contradictions between the SAME character for several characters.

maybe i should purify it, considering it was popular... but only due to pandering and fear of being called a acist if customer did not buy a ticket and see the different skin at least twice...

they should have called it "black pander" for pandering ugly-ly to blacks. perhaps when they thought of the character in 1966 due to pressure... they intentionally hinted with the name panther like pander to explain how he bested the fantastic four! gasp.

like black rappers and singers who lack quality but are only cheered for their skin color and "the A for effort style prize" for trying to sing. and jackson's "cool moves" far from dancing and even from dance skills praised for trying only due to his skin color which he tried to flee from... and the "jazz improvising" hides the failure in rhythm and errors in tones.... oops i digressed but same category. what if i purify blek pander?

without ugly pandering and two faced characters? some story would remain so i try to make a less ugly story.

STORY: "a young boy asked his father about home" nope. his home is where his parents are. where is mom? and worse calling the far away place home,  as if africans insist on african identity to represent their desire to return to africa... well do they? i wonder? maybe like zionists they wish they could return home to kenya congo mali etc. if i ask a black "do you hope to return to africa" you all know they will beat me up... such people should go to their ancestral home and take their violence away from me and chicago etc. okay we cant start with that question so i censor that and i try again:

STORY: "yo pops you dont expect me to go to bed unless you tell me an exciting story."--"speak politely, brat, but i will tell you about an amazing meteor--a rock? how dumb can you get?--this was a very special rock with powers that affected plants--"useless" interrupted the brat. pops continued calmly, [it is fiction okay?] "until a warrior ate from a mutated herb and became very powerful in battle. when the enemy leaders saw him overpower many soldiers they begged for peace. the first panther asked his tribe if they want him to be general or king. they all cheered "king" including the king.

the neighboring tribes gave all disputed land to him and INVITED him to protect them against their neighbors in exchange for paying for jaguar's army. jag's tribe made a treaty wth "three others as protector" by their invitation. [one detail is worth saving just in a different context]. he was ONLY protector but allowed each of the tribes their own leaders. he refused to marry to prevent "inheritance for kingdom" so instead he chose one of his loyal friends who he felt would do good for the tribe, "if i die in battle or from age you will lead because i appointed you."

brat asked "why not have voting?--kuz hard to catch cheaters so better for leader to appoint leader. anyway those four tribes could then finally stop fighting between themselves and gave all disputed land to jaguar in exchange for his help against their neighbors. the herb was a secret so nobody else ate the herb unless the king appointed them. wait... what?? if a guy got mad at anybody he could eat the plant and beat up his enemies justly or unjustly... oops. soldiers must have garded the herb garden... it is called a garden like gaurded... but what if a soldier got mad about policy?? and grabbed the herb, oops. the story cant be herb either... i will start again. oh and this type of flaw WAS in their story when lady "snuck in and stole" some to give to her "lover" that could happen by many lovers causing many super-warriors... a herb story is a bad choice, marvel took a bad direction again, so i purify.

STORY try 3: "millions of years ago," a SPIRIT arrived on earth-23 riding a meteorite of special metal. it crashed near the peaks of ethipoia.

the spirit watched "five tribes" brutally and "constantly battled" there. the spirit "showed a vision in the form of a panther goddess" to offer each of these 5 leaders of each tribe a test. "if you will stop eating human flesh of your enemy i will grant you power." most ignored the spirit, but one was tempted by the power and committed only to eat animals. the spirit commanded "eat the fiercest animals instead of humans for one month and i will grant you power." the warrior asked his friends to help him hunt lions and other panthers. the danger was great but with his leadership and motivation they killed many and shared the meat with their families. 

in battle they stopped eating the human enemy and when the spirit saw they obeyed their commitment he entered the body of the leader who had obeyed his commitment. in the next battle he had "superhuman strength, speed, instincts" and agility of panthers. in just minutes he scared the attackers away. he chased and quickly reached the fleeing general, soldier leader. "tell your tribal king never to attack again." when that king heard of the quick defeat he offered a treaty. in exchange for jaguar's help with his own neighbors he would cancel all claims to disputed lands.

this repeated itself for "three other tribes as protector" due to their invitation. ONLY protector but not "under" not king of many tribes. each tribe retained its own leader who annullled the claims. jag rejected the fifthe and others. the fifth went away to the "mountains" and cold peaks in ethiopia.

each neighboring tribe that attacked and saw his power fled. others asked for his protection but he chose only to protect the first three who had invited him besides his own. in just one generation, the neighbors knew not to attack and that region became the only "island" of peace in the whole continent. nobody dared to attack that region nobody came near... the four tribes prospered and cooperated with each other. when jag was ill the SPIRIT advised him to invite his trusted friend and appoint him as next king. in the presence of witnesses jag appointed the next jag to replace him. the spirit warned if he ever ate a human he would leave but most obeyed so the spirit entered and empowered them. many generations passed... until the spirit decided to teach them about technology. 

around year 1300 on that earth, the muslim conquest spread southward but whenever they neared the area named "wakanda" the people refused to change their faith. when the muslims warned of war against the infidels jag defeated them again and again as islam spread around sudan. this group never accepted muhamed. instead they praised "hanuman and bastan". they never lost battles to suffer capture and sale to slavery to whites by the victorious native tribe.

in 1517 a sultan conquered egypt and spread southward long the nile but wakandans defeated the evil muslim sultan.

in 1821 the egyptian ruler "ali" invaded and captured most of sudan but around wakanda he was always defeated by the agile jag. by then humans were using fast metal balls so the PSIRIT taught jag how to use the strong metal in clothing for his officers sheilding them from enemy bullets... they were never captured due to jag's success. if a trusted officer deserter tried to leave with the special uniform jag would chase them and carry them back immediately for justice.

egypt controlled most of the land called sudan but never came near wakanda. in 1881 sudan rebeld against egypt. jag decided to isolate and be nutral. this started the tradition of isolation. in 1899 the brits took control of sudan. then the spirit warned jag and taught them how to use the metal in his meteorite to make technology to hide appearing like uninhabited forest. whenever a brit came near border patrol  would distract him and lead him away. finally the brits left in 1956.

wakanda had avoided the german brit colonial wars of 1914, by appearing like uninhabited jungle or forest.  even avoided the italian brit wars of 1940. [good choice choosing isolated place west from ethiopian mountains]. once hidden they used the special metal to "develop technologies" better than any other. they never used it for evil to take neighbor land similar to safe canada beside powerful u.s.

in 1992, a foreigner succeeded in infiltrating wakanda. he stole some of the special metal and used "bomb at border to escape". he must have been helped by "an insider." who?

meanwhile two lady soldiers holding spears came to a royal w' prince in california. king accused brother then flew 2016 king got assassinated. [cap am' 2016]. jag wore a "bullet proof suit" [see 1821] kuz his father had already chosen this son tchala as next jag. he interfered with a prisoner convoy, surviving the bullets. he freed his lover to join his ceremony to replace pa. later, son of prince led klau to steal a vibranium tool. censor the brutal duel.and herb as above. tchala dreamt saw pa. he spoke with a lady about isolation or  helping sufferers. he saw the new tech. he went to korea to capture the theif klau.

part two: battle of korea and chase next. til 45m

wonderland 1903 short film

fixing and blending four summaries: alice wonderland 1903; this film short was the first film version of the book amazing wonderland. it demonstrated alice shrinking and growing using effects and relative to a table.
__Differences from book: a SIGNIFICANT difference was fixing the error that i noticed in the book. after a fan shrunk her she gets a fan and grew so got stuck in a room. did you notice she had the fan? this film fixed that, "resumed natural size until remembering fan" yay! before i saw the film i edited "stuck before got fan".
__Story: Alice dozed on grass. she woke when a huge white rabbit came. it wore a waistcoat [chapter 1=c1] and checked the time on pocket-clock. She followd it down its relatively larger hole and into an empty hall. she found a low locked door. a table formed. A key opend a low door. she tried to fit but can't. she started to "drink and to shrink." door was locked [wiki was wrong about this part but film like book. wikipedia not only unreliable for history or information, but also bad even for fiction]  so she reached onto the table but the key was too far. she "ate causing height" so she gets key [c2] but cant fit the low door anymore so she cried.
she lifted a fan and fanned herself. this caused her to shrink c2. she went thru the low door c7! into a garden and met a dog [c4 after stuck. "in" the White Rabbit's room] she grew c4, until her natural size so "again she fanned to shrink". she exited. in a kitchen c6, lady with big hat gave baby to Alice. baby became pig and struggled free. a Cheshire cat appeard, disappeard and reappeared. it directed her to a tea party. end c6. she met Mad Hatter c7 and March Hare. when she left, the pair "dunk a dormouse" in the pot. end c7.
Alice joined a royal march with walking cards c8. the Queen of Hearts decreed alice death c12.  executioner came so Alice hit the executioner's ear and ran. the playing-cards chased her. She "awakes" safely. without reference: she lifted a fan and fanned herself. this caused her to shrink. she went thru the low door into a garden and met a dog. "in" the White Rabbit's room she grew her natural size so again she fanned to shrink and to exit. in a kitchen, lady with big hat gave baby to Alice. baby became pig and struggled free. a Cheshire cat appeard, disappeard and reappeared. it directed her to a tea party. she met Mad Hatter and March Hare. when she left, the pair "dunk a dormouse" in the pot. Alice joined a royal march with walking cards. the Queen of Hearts calld the executioner. Alice hit the executioner's ear and ran. the playing-cards chased her. She "awakes" safely.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

wonderland 1915

wonderland was a silent film combining parts of books wonderland and looking glass

my summary: Alice went with her sister to picnic. Al dozed. Alice chased a White Rabbit into a wonderland where animals talk:  a Mouse, a Dodo, and an Owl. She shrunk and swam in her own tears. Alice met men named Tweedledee and Tweedledum. She conversed with  a talking Caterpillar. she runs until seeing the Cheshire Cat. She joined a tea party with The Mad Hatter and March hare. Alice conversed with Lion and Duchess and Mock Turtle. She saw Humpty Dumpty, a Puppy, and The Queen of hearts who played an odd game.  playing cards were walking. Queen choked Alice causing her to wake from her dream.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

alternate ending to "blacklight" 2022

alternate ending to "blacklight" 2022

this video misused words like "innocent" for the murderer rogue agent who killed to escape not quite innocent!

a better ending before electrocution of my heroes is the rehab of one: the pair offer to "talk to block" neeson, then one distracted boss handing him a clue while the other shot boss... and surprise also his partner. the reformed guy has killed the bad boss and then informs blok where his family is. the same happy ending reunion, journalist covers the emotional reunion but decided like in  batman the public needs faith in fbi. blok retired kuz boss dead.

Friday, May 6, 2022

the classmate "who loved me"

dear diary may 7

i went to watch the new video about the red panda called "turning red". the story is the fear of being  a "hairy red panda" and for me this was a reference hinting to "maturing" getting hairy... and the video even contained openly revealed the mom telling her daughter about the monthlly girl red...  and bringing "personal secret" pads to school yikes! which led me to combine the ideas.

they coulda said at the point when mei awoke as a red panda "ma dont come in EVERYWHERE i am so hairy and red" ma said "oh no surprise. every girl grows hair and then gets red monthly." then mei OPENS the curtain and said "i dont mean hairy and red i mean everywhere red hair!" and she shows her panda! surprise! 

that would be a good surprise. then ma only shrugs so mei asked "this is horrible how can you be so calm?? ma replied "no surprise i was also a red panda." mei exclaiming, "you? your just saying that! you were never like THIS." then the story can continue in the temple like their's.... but i guess that would too obvious and unbelievable. instead as you also saw ma opens the curtain and is surprised... that it came so soon.

however this story was combined with an "imported snack" that i had not eaten in many years... when i was eating the snack a "suppressed memory" started surfacing. the snack alone would not have caused the memory but the snack plus the hair started opening a difficult memory... i was eating the imported snack as i walked home... and my mind started to cloud and lose conciousness i walked almost mindlessly... i found my home and tried to watch the video "black panther" which was a VERY poor quality video with a "very lame story" with silly details... and the order hard to follow probbaly referencing a comic book that i had not read. but i struggled to concentrate but something NAGGED AT ME and within half hour only seeing twenty minutes of disk, my eyes were shutting and i fell asleep barely entering bed.... was i tired? nope? i awoke after just a few hours... my suppressed memory had surfaced... the candy had reminded me of a candy bribe i accepted when i was in grade 7.

i had supresed the secret memory. this is the shocking story... the red panda alone didnot unlock the memory but with the imported candy... my mind unlocked it.

in new york city on the first day of school after "labor day" i rode in the "private" mini school bus. i went to a jew religious school so we lacked the normal public bus for school. the bus ride was repeating as usual kids talking about tv shows that i was not allowed to watch but they had seen and were talking about their favorite parts or jokes in the show.

finally after feeling "separate"  didnot know the story of the show nor the jokes i started "another boring" day at school... until after lunch... the math class. from the lunch hall i walked to the classroom and felt surprised that the students who had been with me all day were not entering the classroom. the bell rang... but the teacher and most of the students in my class had not arrived. i looked around the classroom a smaller classroom only fifteen desks in 3 rows and only 12 brats? but all day i had been with thirty?

finally the teacher entered and read the attendance list. i noticed three boys who had NOT been in my class that day. one much shorter and two taller. the two taller sat in front of me beside each other. mrs. fraklin was teaching anout multiplication. she specified this is something we should all know and only introductory. the two tall brats were whispering to each other in some forrin langauge. i was curious but did not understand so i listend to teacher.

after several minutes of whispering, suddenly the one to my left front folded his arm and pinched his skin.. the brat in front of me burst out laughing... loudly. fraklin shushed him nad warned "stop disturbing or i will move you to the stricter teacher."

she continued teaching... and i whispered to him what was so funny? he bent his arm pointed to the "lips" and said "lady." i copied him folding my arm and pressing the newly formed lips into a lip shape... he shouted "you are a girl look!" the other brat looked and burst out laughuing loudly echoing "he is a lady."

fraklin was furious. "STOP making noise". the brats told the truth "he" pointing to me "distracted us."

teacher called me to the front board and said "were you listening?"--"yes" if so solve the math i just taught. i obeyed and copied her method for multiplication of decimals. "good now stay here. " she said in a relieved tone. the short brat protested "that was too easy."

next she called one of the persians, in 1987 when the iranians were busy in war and education there had been disrupted for many years somehow they had fled and came to new york. she wrote a problem on the chalk board. in those days the board was green with white or yellow chalk. i watched the kid struggle he had not been listening... in fact he did not know "six times three." i was by the board so i wrote "3x4" asking, "can you solve that?" he said "that is not real the symbol is +" and he wrote +.

teacher warned "i am warning you stop pretending. if you do not solve this problem you will need to work MUCH HARDER. multiply this. she wrote 22 and below it x 6.

the brat said six times 2 is twelve and wrote twelve then six times two is also twelve so 24.

most of the brats burst laughing. the teacher said "i warned you stop joking" student insisted in a serious tone "i did it! what do you want from me?"

teacher stormed out of the room...

the boy not named morduk begged me "show me your lady again! but i was already in trouble... so i asked his name and he said "i am morduk and he is nanuk. we speak farsi" i asked "why are you in this class?" morduk said "for math we are a grade lower." then the short kid came to the board and said "i am in 6 grade but for math i am in the this advancedd 7 grade class." i was surprised i did not know that this was the advanced 7. the short kid told his story "in fourth grade they moved me to fifth grade math. then in fifth grade i was in math six and now in 6 i am here.

teacher returned and told the two persians to follow her... and then the rest is secret... i could not rememember seventh grade until tonight.

with teacher and two persians away, the brats started chatting by their desks and the younger kid said  "when i am your age iwiil grow hair in my private place same as you." that was awkward. i changed the subject and asked his name? his name was not joe. joe grabbed my wrist and said "let me tell you a secret" i was short so i only needed to bend down a bit for him to reach my ear and whisper "from the moment i saw you i wished you would hug me."--"um fine just not now here." i agreed scared. he motioned his hand and i bent again "i mean no shirts hug." i felt very awkward but imagined i could cooperate with that... but then he added "surely you feel weird that hair is growing where you never had hair but you should not be ashamed." [later timmy in fairly odd parents would have dad say that to him] he had guessed wrong i had not yet started maturing with hair under my arms so i told him pointing at my arms "no hair you will see when we hug later." i had seen adults with hairy armpits but i was too young for that. he motioned again "i meant in the secret place." yikes i never knew hair grows there... and never imagined hair would... i did not know what to say?

he ran to his desk and held a plastic bag of soft candy sweets... the kind i had not seen in years and had bought this year after many years. he motioned again and then whispered in my ear "iwll give you this if you let me touch your fur." yikes! 

what did this kid want? i was very curious what he wanted but knew i had no fur yet. so i told the truth in his ear "i didnt start growing" he interrupted whispering in my ear "stop acting shy. i will bring a whole bag tomorrow if you let me touch your fur. and this is for you now if you let me hug you." maybe i should have agreed? i felt so awkward i fled from the board to my desk. joe followed his face showed anguish "why do you hate me? i only said what i felt!"--"i just dont know you yet. i promise after we are friends we can hug like you wanted." his eyes were filling with tears... he even sniffled his nose... i assured him "not hate i promise."

"i will do anything. what do you want to know? i will even show you my secret place if you want."--"no that isnot what i want." i tried to clarify. "you mean i need to offer more?" gasp no wonder i blocked this memory.... "no i just mean know about you." his face showed horror at my rejection "but i told you my story already and that when i see you i want to hug you... i would even let you touch my secret place... please." "later i promise" luckily teacher returned so joe went to his desk. 

mrs. fraklin led the principle in he asked me sternly "did you distract the students? i shrugged everybody saw i had done it so they would catch me lying. "yes" i confessed. teacher added "after they were talking anyway." principal waxplax left the room silently. fraklin said i am upset that you joined them but i always want you to tell the truth like that so i will reward you no homework for the class today and for you she handed me three "get out of homework" cards. use them whenever you want except the day befre a quiz.

joe moaned "no homework?" i felt so sorry for the nerdy kid even nerdier than me which was far nerdy! i told joe i will give you practice problems. "back to your seats" ordered frakilin and the day continued boring until the bell rang... jo was by my side "you promised. take it. i feel so strongly." i accepted the bag of soft red candy. we went to the privacy stalls near the lunch hall where nobody was passing during class time.

i pulled off my shirt and religious strings leaving an undershirt. he pulled off all his shirts at once. i touched his shoulder and he hugged my shirt close for a long minute. then i said i will take off the shirt. i yanked it off and chest to chest we hugged a very long time i could feel his heart pounding very loud and fast... it was a bit scary... he really was excited. so i held him... a long time until he said, "i want more" so i agreed "more time"--"no! you dont understand me!" he started crying as he pulled his shirts on and left the private stall.

i follwed listening to his stifled sobs. until i felt the cooler air i had left my shirt behind oops! i hurried back to the stall and only pulled on the outer shirt i was late for class! the bel had not rung in this part of the building... the rest of the classes were boring as usual until the second day of school at lunch.

joe showed me my own whole bag unopened one portion of soft cherry sweets... the bribe. "he repeated i will give this to you if you let me touch your fur." i repeated pointing at my arm "i didnt grow yet" he pointed at my pants. and said "i need you. you cant imagine how i feel."

he was right i could not imagine and i was curious what he wanted? "i agree same place as yesterday after math" he handed me the bag "i trust you. you can have it now" he ran away.

at math class the room was emptier... half the kids in the advanced had already asked to move to standard. the 8th graders who were moved back to advanced seventh were moved to a lower level maybe 4h grade? for multiplication. i kept glancing at "the kid who loved me" i was feeling so confused how he could love me if he did not know me?

nerdy as ever he concentrated on the lesson and didnot notice i kept staring at him.

one kid kept complaining that he didnot understand and teacher said "i explained do you have wax blocking your ears?" i raised my hand and offered to show it on the board and say in different words. 

fraklin offered me chalk. i wrote the problem from the book and i said in simpler terms what i was doing. the kid complained "that is even harder to understand you made it worse." i said "i guess it is complicated because we are th advanced group". "i am smart" insisted the asker as he stormed out of the room without his bag and book.

i returned to my seat for more boring math until the bell rang. 

i was ready to fulfill my promise i wanted to know what he meant by more?

he gathered his stuff into a back pack. i stood by the door waiting for him to follow as he walked toward the door i exited and walked to the lunch room as i turned the corner i looked back to see if he was following... i need not doubt there he was at a distance.

i passed the dark lunch hall and went to the private stall. i said you can open see for yourself. i doubted he really wanted.

he whispered arguing "no you open." so i uncovered and he searched for fur. "you shaved" he accused as his finger pressed under my navel. "i promise i did not need to shave i told you i did not grow".

he searched surprised that at my age no fur. he pushed the tube to side to search at the joint and stretch the skin while he searched to find the fur. "more" i whispered. "you like that?" he whispered. "yes."--"which do you like more this or this?" he moved his hamd on the tube. "both" he offered another bribe. "i will bring you another whole bag if you let me rub until... you know" i almost said "the opposite if you do the work i need to pay you" but realized he was the one getting pleasure... that is why he offered to give me the bribe for permission. so he started pressing and sliding and i enjoyed so much i did not where i was? nor how much time passed... finally he paused and said "nothing came out so you dont get the whole bag". i felt confused about the deal.. he had specidied until something but had not specified until what... anyway he HAD given me THE BRIBE IN ADVANCE but that was for the fur which did not grow. anyway he had given me a very good bribe. i said "if you enjoy this we can meet whenever you want." "i want weekly inspections until the fur grows." he insisted. so we met once a week for the inspection and we each got our excitement repeating the previous two intimacies... he always wore his pants but he enjoyed the lack of shirts. sometimes i felt guilty that he did effort but he was bribing me for permission so i gave permission and i got physical pleasure and sweets until finally hair grew and he found the fur and he was satisfied. once he felt the fur we stopped meeting. i thought he loved me and wanted hugs? i even wanted to ask him for more but that would be wrong... no surprise that i blocked out these memories until i ate the same type of candy ... but this time i felt exhausted and fell asleep... i was too exhausted to watch the disk video black panther and finally the supprressed memory surfaced and now i cant sleep at night so during these night hours i write my memory... i wonder what hapened to joe? hey joe, you know what we did do you remember this? how will you ever find me? do you even want to find me? the end

wonderland topic directory

alice wonderland 1951, summary of video with alice 1999

wonderland film 1915
other al
chapter directory for my abridged version edit by me

improve bad summary of book wonderland 1865

BOOK summary, i edited to improve a summary of the book.
by a river, where a boat was moored, 9]
Alice, a young girl, felt very bored [9].
Alice was sitting with her older sister who was reading a book that lackd pictures. a white rabbit rushed by. she felt surprised that it was wearing a waistcoat. when it checkd a pocket-clock, it talked, "i'm late". Alice curiously chased it down a rabbit-hole. she crawled along until suddenly she was falling down... down, down, down. she saw mirrors and paintings hanging on the walls,  as she slowly fell in Wonderland. she took a jar from a shelf. The jar was labeled "ORANGE JAM" but it had never been filled with jam. as she slowly fell, Alice put it IN one of the cup-boards. she began falling faster, deeper down for a very long time. it WAS very deep. would she pass the center of the earth? if so would she come... out the other side of the planet?  she had time to sing many songs. the "words came out wrong". finally she slowed and landed on a huge pile of soft leaves. 
Alice chased the White Rabbit that hurried. they turned a corner but she stood alone in a long low hall. a glass table with small area formd. a tiny golden key suddenly became visible.  after that, She noticed a low curtain. behind it was a low door. the key unlockd it so she saw a gorgeous garden. the opening was too small for her to crawl in. she carried the tiny golden key to the table, and felt shocked by hopelessness that she cant reach the flowers to which she wanted to go. a glass bottle containing lemon yellow fluid emerged on the empty table.  Alice sniffed the liquid and it had the fragrance of baked turkey. the "mouth" of the bottle moved saying, "drink from me". [contrast disney video, doorknob said drink it.] she did. when she had drunk she SHRUNK, low as the name of color yel-low contains "low, "  til the size for the low door.  it was locked again. she saw the key on the table ergo she was now too low to get it. She climbed a leg of the table, but it was too slippery. tears filled her eyes until she saw a glass box [protruding from a glass leg of the table.] In the box sat a cake with red cream. Alice ate the cake. 
TWO 7pC2 [which has much less events than c1] The cake GREW Alice so she grabbed the golden key, went one big step to the low door, and unlocked it. success! but she was further from fitting thru it than before. only one eye fit the opening. she began crying tears from her huge eyes. Rabbit returned carrying a fan. when it saw giant Alice, due to fear it [the future rabbit stew] dropd its fan and fled. Alice coold herself using the fan. she doubted if she is still the same person as before she had shrunk. the fan shrunk her so she swam in her own tears, until a Mouse swam by. Alice spoke with it. they were swimming, while she told it about her pet cat. this scared it, so Alice told about a dog that can do tricks. one is killing rats... this scared it away. she apologized by saying she would stop. it led Alice to shore to a crowd of talking birds. [this book summary which i edited, now has ten lines for seven pages with too few events] 
THREE 7pC3 The group wanted to dry themselves, so the mouse told them a "very dry" lesson about england's surrender. this failed so a Dodo suggested running round. they ran until dry. Alice gave her sweets to each one. mouse told them, a "tale" in the shape of a "tail", about its danger before it left. after that, Alice told them about her pet cat. this scared them away. she loved Dinah and felt sad that everyone else doesn't. Alice cried and felt lonely, until she heard someone coming.  [this summary which i edited, now has six lines for ten pages with almost no events. in contrast to praiseworthy chapter 4]. 
FOUR 9pC4 Rabbit returned and sent her to bring a fan. Inside its room, Alice grew and got stuck. one of her arms extended out the window. she fit her toes up its chimney. [censored]. +fan fiction: Lizard loosened ash when in chimney which blew into Alice's nose. she sneezed from her huge child lungs blasting air up the chimney]. it flew up into the sky. Alice heard the voices of animals, that gathered outside, exclaiming that lizard flew. 
The mob threw pebbles at her, thru a window. ow! that hurt her. they transform into little cakes. Alice ate one so it shrunk her low again. fan fiction: a purple pebble hit her neck and its touch shrunk her. she took the fan and exited. she announced, "your fan is here" and set it by the door.] She ran into a forest. a puppy seemd bigger than alice. She threw a stick so it ran to it, picked it up and sat tired. fan fiction: she threw a cake with yellow frosting from the rabbit's kitchen to it. it ate it and shrunk low. then she threw a cake with red cream, far so it ran far, ate it and grew.
She came to a mushroom. a blue Caterpillar was sitting on it. 9p5>after Al and Caterpillar conversed, it crawld down and into the grass. it told her that one side of the mushroom will grow her taller but the other side will make her shorter. She broke off pieces from opposite curves of the round mushroom. when she ate from one side it shrunk her body so her chin pressed on her shoe. the other grew her neck high above the trees. a pigeon accused her "you are a serpent trying to steal my eggs". Alice ate until her natural height. 
She came to a low house so ate mushroom to shrink to the door height.10p6>A Fish-faced man ran to the home and read an invitation to the Duchess's Frog-Face doorman. they bowed causing their curls to tangle causing alice to burst laughing. Alice entered.
+63+1The Cook was throwing dishes at the duchess. on the fire, soup was boiling that had too much pepper. the pepper in the air causd Alice, the Duchess and her baby (but not the cook nor her grinning Cheshire Cat) to sneeze repeatedly. The Duchess repeatedly tosd her baby up. next she gave him to Alice, before obeying the invitation. alice carried him until he changed into a pig, so she set it free in the woods. The Cheshire Cat appeared in a tree. it directed her to the March Hare, before disappearing. 9p7> Alice joined a tea party, with the Hatter  the March Hare, and the Dormouse. they drank tea. the date was FOURTH May. they talked until she left. Alice came to a door in a tree. entering it she came into the long hallway with the glass table. She opend the low door, ate mushroom, and shrunk. finally she entered the gorgeous garden. 9p8> In the garden, Alice met cards painting white roses red. cards marched  passed her. Alice met the dangerous Queen. when she saw white roses, she orderd "Off with their heads." alice and queen played a game, croquet. they used flamingos to hit hedgehog-balls. The Queen decreed death to many players. Alice saw the Cheshire Cat's head but its body was invisible.its head was floating in the air. cards went to lead the Duchess out of prison for advice. The Duchess came there, too late to decide about cutting off the cat's head. 9p9>She spoke with alice. The Queen of Hearts sent d' away. Alice met the Gryphon, who led her to the cow-Turtle named Mock Turtle. m' cried and told its story, "i was a real turtle in school" Gryphon suggested that they have fun. 10p10>The Mock Turtle danced with the Gryphon The Mock Turtle sang about Soup. Gryphon pulled Alice to a trial. 8p11>At the trial, the Knave of Hearts got accused of stealing tarts. the judge is the King of Hearts. The first witness was the Mad Hatter. next the Duchess' Cook revealed the ingredients for baking tarts... pepper! dormouse corrected her "syrup". Alice was growing to her natural size, due to the effect of the mushroom ending. she got called as a witness. 9p12> Alice accidentally flipped the jury box.  they argued about her size until The Queen decreed "Off with her head!" meaning without. cards flew onto her causing her to wake on the riverbank. Alice told her older sister about her odd visit in the dream. She walked home for tea. her sister stayed and heard the same characters nearby. she knows alice will become adult and tell her amazing story to children and listen to their simple sorros and joys.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

wonderland chapter directory, happy birthday alice

may 4

happy birthday, now is the special day of the alice who visited wonderland. uh oh disney story she said "its also my unbirthday" the day she visited mad hatter but book said may 4! but disney story no date, same story except different date not may 4 so truly unbirthday despite agreeing to date. 

chapter directory, ONE, TWO, THREE





ET 8





alice 11b, hatter testified edited by n. tal

may 4, happy birthday, now is the special day of the alice who visited wonderland. uh oh disney story she said "its also my unbirthday" the day she visited mad hatter but book said may 4! but disney story no date, same story except different date not may 4 so truly unbirthday despite agreeing to date. 

continued from:

continuity: the king accused the deceptive knave, but courts need witnesses.

the King commanded, “Call the first witness.” the White Rabbit blew three trumpet tones, again, before calling, “First witness, the Hatter." He came near and began, "your Majesty.” he was holding a teacup in left hand and buttered bread in the other. “ he began again, “these are due to not finishing my tea when I was called.” King complained, “You should have been finished. What o'clock did you begin?” the mad hatter answered, “Fourteenth of March.”

“15th,” said the March Hare who stood arm-in-arm with the Dormouse who added, "16th.” the jury wrote all three dates on their slates, and then added them! and wrote different totals! k ordered hatter, “Take off your hat.” he corrected the king, “It isn’t mine.” k accused, “not yours? Stolen!” h explained “I keep hats of others to sell.” the Queen put on her spectacles and began staring at the Hatter, who turned pale with fear. k ordered, “say your evidence. don’t be nervous or else I’ll decree death.” This added more fear. he was nervously shifting from one foot to the other, so nervous that he bit a large piece out of his teacup! instead of the buttered bread. 

Alice felt a very odd sensation. she was beginning to grow larger again. d' who was sitting beside her, complained “you are squeezing me, I can hardly breathe.” Alice explained, “I can’t control it, I’m growing.” d', “You don't have the right to grow here. a', “you’re growing too.” d “i meant "to grow" at your unreasonable and ridiculous fashion.” it stood up and went across the court. 

the Queen was still staring at the Hatter and said to an officer, “Bring the list of the singers at the last concert.” the Hatter trembled so much, that he shook both his shoes off. the King warned “say your evidence, or I’ll order your death, even if you’re nervous.” this obviously added fear. Hatter began, in a trembling voice, “your Majesty, buttered bread, the twinkling of the tea.” k' asked him “twinkling of the what?” Hatter answered, “It began with the tea.” k' angrily said, “Obviously twinkling begins with a T. Do you think i dont know?” Hatter continued, "the March Hare said...”

“I didn’t!” the March Hare interrupted in a great hurry. h' “You did.” m.h. “I deny it” k' “He denied it, so erase that part.” h' continued, “the Dormouse said...” but paused looking anxiously to see if it would deny it too: but the Dormouse was asleep so it didnt deny. h' added “After that I cut some more bread." jury bird asked, “what did it say?” h' “That I forgot.” k' “You must remember, or else I’ll decree your death.” The Hatter fearfully dropped his teacup. CRASH and SPLASH. he bowed down on one knee. “I’m a poor man, your Majesty.”

“You’re a poor speaker,” said the King. one of the guinea-pigs clapd. cards "suppressed" it by putting it inside a large canvas bag, which they tied shut. two cards of diamonds sat on it. now she understood the thing that she read in the newspapers about trials, “suppressed by the officers of the court. k said, “If that’s all you know about it, you may go down." h' whined fearfully, “I can’t go lower, I’m kneeling on the floor.” k replied, "you may sit down.”. now the second guinea-pig cheered.  h' begged,  “I’d rather finish my tea.” he looked anxiously at the Queen. meanwhile cards also suppressed this guinea-pig. k' permitted, “You may go,”

the Hatter hurriedly left the court, with his shoes in his hand. his rush did not save him due to the queen ordering, "take his head off outside.” luckily, the card didnot see the Hatter. by the door people began sneezing. alice knew that the cook was nearing. k ordered, “Call the next witness.” rabbit called the Duchess’s cook who carried the pepper-box in her hand. k commanded, “say your evidence.” c' refused, "i shall not." The King looked anxiously at the White Rabbit, who said, “Your Majesty must cross-examine this witness.” King was folding his arms and frowning at the cook. he asked her "in a deep voice", “What are tarts made of?”

“Pepper, mostly,” said the cook, ending her evidence. dormouse corrected her, "syrup.” in a sleepy voice. Queen shrieked “off with its head" which means without its head. she reconsidered, "or send it out or Suppress it... and off with his whiskers!” during minutes the whole court was in confusion.  a card led it out. they all sat again. the cook could not be seen. King spoke with great relief, “Call the next witness.” he added in a low voice to the Queen, “my dear, you must cross-examine the next witness. It makes my forehead ache.” White Rabbit clumsily moved the paper. she was feeling very curious what the next witness would say. she felt surprise, when the White Rabbit announced in a shrill little voice, the name “Alice.”

CHAPTER 12; Alice’s Evidence