Tuesday, June 28, 2022

sorcery scool part 3

on a cloudy afternoon a dark wizard came and zapped beein. his name was kinthig and he took beein captive and then flew away on a dragon! they will need a rescue mission but how will they fly after the dragon? they know much magic but what magic can make anybody fly?
part 3
the problem is intensified when they realize they threw down the food bags [oos fled, remember in part 2?] oo said first we must eat before the rescue mission. he used magic to change leaves into fish... already cooked so they quickly ate. after they ate they started planning how to fly after the dragon. suddenly FOUR wood branches, bewitched branches surrounded them from four sides! "fini" yelled bookin. he coulda yelled fin like at the end of foriegn films but no need for the long "finiti incantatum" of harry potter world. the bewitched branches collapsed like wood. frithij announced "same as they bewitched wood we can make it fly! so he made the first flying wood. oo said we can disguise it as a broom! so that was how the first flying brooms were enchanted copying th idea of dark wizards to bewitch branches.
they took more branches and added to the four. on a clear starry night they slept.
on a windy morning, after eating sweet fruit, the oos flew in the direction of the dragon. they flew much faster than a dragon and soon saw it! by then the wind had calmed and by the bright noon they flew nearer but... before they can rescue... the dragon flew down to a tall tower. it landed on top. kinthig led beein into the tower.
as they neared, the dragon turned and blew blazing flames at the intruders. sadly the deadly flames killed a wizard and burnt both his branch and his partners branch. with no broom he fell to his death. [in contrast to harry potter world fall but stop, kuz i cant steal their idea].
oo transformed the dragon into a boulder same as he had first made magical creatures from boulders. the dense heavy boulder strained the roof of the tower until it crashed down opening the roof. smash crack crack... as the boulder dropped punching through layer after layer of wooden floor in the tower. they land on the roof-remnant and see several prison cells. they found many prisoners but only focus on their pal beein. no need to unlock! beein cell was under the rock that fell opening the roof. one flew down on a branch and flew beein up. 
on a rainy afternoon they freed him. rain poured down through the shattered roof.
oo transformed all the prisoners and prison gaurds and the head warden into little lizards who climbed between the metal bars and then down the wood. they will live lizard lives. despite most of the weight removed the boulder had shook the foundations and the weight of the oos caused the tower to implode. luckily they had flying wood.
more cops chased on dragins. the rain stopped and cops neared so the oos zapped some and changed the dragons to stone, which drop out of the sky so the chasers died and the dragons cant blow fire nor chase. they flew down under the leafy branches to hide behind wood. oo used magic to HOLLOW TREE TRUNKS so they end the brooms and hid in the tree trunks. on a sunny afternoon bookin watched from inside a tree trunk as the chasers flew down to where they were and look around the trees. finally they left so bookin left the tree but did not know which (h10) of the trees contain his pals. so he asked them to exit. his pals stepped out from the tree trunks. they flew the bewitched branches over a narrow and long lake to the village on its coast. here slaves were marked with murnt marks to show who had bought them from the muslim slave traders in egypt. bookin suggested they hide. first they uncharmed the branches then they used magic to change into fish and swim in the lake so the slaves and owners would not ask why they came nor accuse them of their unlimited suspicions. they looked for a place to secretly climb out of the water but the wood piers had people who would see them. bookin said "let them catch you in nets then THEY will pull us from the water." so they swam into the fisher nets andpushed on the nets. the bells rang telling the slaves that the nets had fish so the slaves some light skin and others darker negro skin from for south on the nile river pulled a net full of fish out from the water. they carry the net toward the cleaning hut. the slaves dumped the fish on a table and the oos surprised them transforming into people. the slaves were scared some grabbed the knives for peeling fish and stabbed themselves from fear. the rest fled from the appearing humans. now the oos continued their quest to find and take the treasures that pirates stole and hid. they walk into the market where adults are buying stuff. they see the children are watching cloth puppets. the story is about the descendant of a king who came to the city named athens. he repeated a prophecy that foretells that he will meet a women named elsa who will go with him to find the treasure of the pirates and share it with the villagers. the other puppets in the town celebrated the good news that he will share what he will find.
hero, then a villain puppet came and threatened "lead me to the treasure or i will kill this woman hostage." the hero said "i will lead you to the treasure just let her free" the villain said i dont believe you we will go together. when they leave the other puppets celebrated that the hero led the danger away. a kid argued "they celebrated too early he had not shared the treasure with them".
the oos interrupt saying we are the people in that prophecy about the future. the puppet man called his brothers and they all rejoice that the prophecy will be fulfilled. "we always knew
that the prophecy was true." they rhymed. and sang the rhyme many times and drank alcohol drink. bookin realized they were wrong to hide but they had not known that the people had believed in a prophecy that they could exploit and came they were fulfilling.
the king of the town came and said "only one more hour of singing for they must bring the treasure so we can feed the poor of the twon" so they continued singing and after one hour they brought the old lady who knew the secret location of the treasure. she said "these are onot the people so i must continue hiding the secret" bookin cast a cjarm on her and she agreed to lead them to thr treasure. when she led them away a man shouted "they will keep it for themselves and not share it." at that oint others grab him and start hitting him for the heresy of denying the prophecy and one even stabbed him so he would not repeat his lies and cause doubts.
she led them to a cave but the cave is garded by dangerous dragons. one blew fire and burnt the lady. at least they know which cave but the three dragons prevent them from entering.
bookin announced that one of the dragons ins the one that in the puppet show.
they leave to plan how to fight the three dangerous dragons and the heretic was right that they didnot bring the treasue back.
the king of the town then execyted the three prophets who had said the prophecy for false prophecy. they take new branches bewitch them and fly into the forest to sleep and plan they know they cannot return to the village without the treasure which they promised to share nor defeat three dragons easily. oo announced we will use magic and defeat the dragons but bookin doubted they could succeed.

a country without money

 a country without money
i tried to imagine a country without money my habits are "so money" that i could not so i asked four other people and got outrageously absurd replies. when will i meet the rare inteligent thinker?
in a country without money i would go to the restaurant to WORK preparing food, and NOT get any salary because no money and no need to pay rent for the home i live in seems good?
i can go to any shop and take a shirt becaue no money... uh oh? the strong will take many shirts if free and none will remain for me.
so i asked other people for input if they ever thought about this.
1, me: "have you ever thought about a world without money?"
lady: yes i want that kind of communism.
me: how will you get bread?
lady: the government will use my taxes to arrange bread for me. BEEP she forgot no money so no taxes. note: she was a supporter! of the idea without even thinking about the details of the idea.
attempt 2: me: "have you ever thought about a world without money?"
man: yes. i dont want that kind of communism but it is better than now.
me: describe a restaurant if no money.
man: people come and eat without paying. the workers cook the food without salary because they get clothing of they work.
me: what if someone does not work?
man: like in soviet sent to work camp NOTE: his word "gulag" BEEP that is ugly sending unemployed people to slave labor to force work what a horrible person. these are the people who support communism.
attempt 3: me: "have you ever thought about a world without money?"
man: nobody would work if did not need money to pay rent and buy stuff.
me: if i can get clothing without paying i would not work.
lady: people would work because they are bored and want to use their abilities. BEEP that would only be certain jobs but the difficult jobs... nobody would do just kuz bored. they would paint unskilled paintings and write poor quality stories but who would carry the heavy garbage cans and clean the old people who lose bodily control of their smelly food waste?
only money. so people get a MASTERS degree in psychology to get thru the competition for the privilige to leave philipines and work in israel cleaning the smelly food waste from an old guy who is too old to control his sewage body part. such old "generate jobs"?? still we cant murder the old just kuz too old to work.
so both pro communism demonstrated they are horrible monsters and the thinkers reject communism.
i concluded "good point, now take some cucumbers with you" sending him away.
___attempt 4: 
one lady said "the west bank is jewish land but still the problem is arabs should be able to live there" beep! failure. what is she trying to change? arabs ALREADY live in west bank and even have their own government with abbas who prevents the people choosing between him and another leader despite as the arabs say "his time ended he is not legitimate anymore" yet this arab abbas oppresses the arabs preventing elections... and people are too busy talking about the minor flaws that they call oppression while ignoring that abbas is oppressing the arabs in the west bank and that hammas is oppressing the arabs in gaza this unveils that the "oppression and occupation" emphasis is MAINLY veiled jew hatered while ignoring the oppression done by arab leaders such as abbas and hamas to arabs. is israel the only place occupying land? who heard the SAME fuss about french continuing its colony in french giuana north of amazon river no protests "end occupation" because the complaints of occupation are fake not because occupation is bad but mainly jew hatreda veil to be a jew hater with a different title than jew hater not because occupation is bad or the muslim conquest was bad... give egypt back to the egyptians such as coptic christians gasp!!
__in the big picture egypt which even in name is "arab egypt republic" ALREADY made peace with israel. however many splinter groups remain. when people shout "peace now" they are not analyzing the cost and the situation. do the LEADERS of both sides want peace? i doubt it. in actions mr. abbas who prevented and prevents elections so he can be long term king rejected peace talks many times because he does not want peace. even if an arab representative would say he wants peace the question is at what cost and price?
____one more "brilliant light bulb! about jesus.
me: what do you wanna talk about?
man: messiah.
me: what is the purpose of messia.
man: many messiah and already came." BEEP he ignored my question that is not dialog.
me patiently trying to advance the dialog: when did messiah come?
man: david was messiah.
me: will messiah bring peace?
man: yes we need messiah to bring peace.
me: but david fought battles.
man: so what if he sinned. BEEP failure, he was not even listening to himself!! 
me: you said messiah will bring peace if so david not messiah.
man: well jesus was messiah.
me: what did jesus do that showed he was messiah?
man: he was the son of god.
me: what did he [louder] DO that showed he was messiah?
man: the talmud said three partners in a child father mother and god so everybody has  father god same as physical father." BEEP failure not dialog.
me: if evrybody is son of god then jesus same as everybody.
man: but jesus was skilled better than other people.
at this point i gave up, lost hope of dialog. when will i met someone who can have a dialog?? g

Saturday, June 25, 2022

sorcery scool part two 2


sorcery scool continued

the super sorcereror named oo set up two groups of students one to gard the scool if the selfish wizards would attack. another for "offense against the cruel" which had special training. oo personally led the police. first they tried to find the wizards who had done harm ergo were most famous and feared. the ones who enslaved were also targeted but priority went to to those who used magic for harm and causing fear.

oo-police traveled along a road when two groups of united enslavers attacked from both sides of the road. they were intent on stopping the police so they could enslave neighbors. the forest animals, deer and rabbits and foxes and more noisily fled from the battle. oo led the group from the path northward between trees. this caused the two groups "advancing" from both sides to accidently zap each other as they zapped at the oos. the enslavers were trying to KILL the police so their deadly blasts of magic power killed their allies. on that day 15/20 of each of the two groups burnt in magical flames of pain until their bodies were piles of ash that the wind scattered. the same hex that they had cast toward police had hit them from the facing group.

however despite the significant loss and only few remained the danger continued as the survivors chased the police. as the police ran they dropped their food bags so they could run easier.

oos were blocked by a narrow stream. oo made a "waverly place" bridge [credit disney but only needed one boulder kuz narrow] causing one boulder to hover over the water while other boulders rose up floating in the air to block the deadly zaps of the pursuers, which hit and killed the dead rocks. the police jumped on the hover-rock and over the water. oo bravely turned and zapped back a similar fatal hex at the attackers despite the danger and risk to himself and the future of his scool and legacy... just so his police could regroup. he saw the angle of the incoming zaps and aimed well using magic to help his aim [credit star wars 1977] killing 4 of the ten and changing them from human to dead water vapor, but painlessly since water does not feel.

oos form a line on the far side of the stream and zap at the few surviving pursuers so oo can escape... but as oo stepped up on the boulder an enslaver zapped the rock! changing it to a leaf. luckily the leaf also hovered! and supported his weight as he went across. 

the enslavers were desperate to stop the police and charged at the stream in a row. oos zapd using the same hex so four more of the six died painfully in the way they had tried to kill oos. only two remain... one jumped on the leaf but lost his balance... the enslaver splashed into the water. the other enslaver simply jumped into the water to crawl across and discovered that while in water he cannot use magic! [credit warner brothers cartoons in contrast to harry potter world] his wand is powerless.

with the end of danger oo stepd out from behing a thick tree and zapd the water changing the water to a type of poison that can soak into skin. the one who fell off the leaf accidently swallowed water and cried in agony. an oo named jellith zapd the poison and changed it to hot lava to quickly kill the attackers... who howled in pain as the boiling melted rock quickly cooked their bodies, before they could climb out of the poison. jellith criticised oo that poison will not kill them swiftly enuf, so they would climb out of the narrow stream and continue the danger! oo agreed that although lava was painful that was necesary.

they find that the dangerous enslavers had succeeded at getting two zaps between the floating [same as alex caused boulders to float in waverly place video] boulders one was now dying painfully... which meant he had not yet died. beein zapped a charm to heal him and reversed the death hex [in contrast to harry potter world no counter spell for avada kdabra this world has counter curses for death hex and especially now despite delay it was a painful death spell so had more time before death] the other had turned into a... leaf and he was begging "help me stand up" oo reversed the spell but he could not completely undo the powerful hex so that oo remained very thin from his waist up like a green leaf including his green face and eyes. so they changed his name to leafin. with the battle ended chifip went back to the stream to drink. as he dipd his hands into the poison oo shouted a warning but too late! the poison stared soaking into his skin!  oo had accidently caused the death of his own team by not undoing the poison! as they watched the poison kill him too horrified to think, leafin repeated and echod the same charm that had saved him and reversed the poison so it would not poison chifip. however oos hex was so powerful even the charm could not reverse it only limit the poison affect so chifip was paralyzed almost like dead even his heart could not beat and only the magic charm with air moving freely into paralyzed lungs, kept him alive until the poison wore off. 

suddenly the cops SMELL food. the delicious aroma of boiled beef in cabbage and onion! each followed the scent... but in different directions. the enslavers had lost all three of their leaders and two more of their most powerful power-director wizards but a weak wizard who had failed several attempts and had been excluded from the raid and only followed to watch, finally succeeded at a deception smell and he had scattered the police. he was frustrated that he could not direct enuf magic to kill the cops. each cop followed the smell which was a real scent caused by magic but not the aroma of the stew! when the scent hex used its energy and the smell ended... the cops were scattered in the forest not knowing how to return to the stream nor forest path from their wandering after the aroma. the shade of the leaves caused darkness and the weak wizard added clouds brought from over the sea to further darken the sky.

each was "lost and all alone" [credit song, im lost without your love] luckily four of the wizard students thought of clever ideas! using their limited knowledge of spells they generated a similar charm! two independently generated the direction charm! their wands pointed toward the stream! they went back from their wandering and met each other at the stream which they turned back to water and found many dead fish. another two generated the group charm and aiming the wand at themselves moved themselves to the group so all regrouped at the stream with the two and they exchanged their new knowledge. most had not even tried to fin the others and simply sat in horor that they had foloowed the scent and lost hope.

oo cast a charm to unpoison the fish. leafin started a fire and its crackiling sparks burnt a few holes in his leaf chest! they cooked the fish and rejoiced that they were reunited. the weak enslaver put his wand in his mouth and walked hands waving. oo accepted his surrender if he would commit never to ensalve nor inflict pain on people. the weak wizard named bot'thin lied that he would commit and asked for fish. however his words appeared in blue smoke since they were lies! oo said he must honestly commit so they ade a magical pact that he would not do those evils or else magic itself would hurt him with pain. then they shared the roasted fish.

suddenly they hear a loud THUMP! the oos turned toward the sound and saw a large black adult hand on beein's blond hair! it was the size of a human hand with et thick black legs a giant spider! many time slarger than common spiders with one inch legs. its body was unusually large like the back of an adults hand and just as hairy! oo tied to calm them and taught them that these have weak poison but suddenly... hundreds of hand spiders dropd down from the trees... each drop of weak poison injected from the fangs, combined with hundreds of drops from the hundreds of poisonous spiders who succeeded in injecting the poison... and the cops were soon feeling paralyzed... only magic can save them! but they know magic!

some were so scared they triedd to use common methods to knock them off their shoulders and necks and arms and then stomp their shoes crushing  them but the spiders have vast numbers. most are already paralyzed by the venom! but before the spiders can "drag them to their webs to feed the baby spiders" [credit indiana jones amazon ant] oo waved his wand with a powerful charm changing the venom to water so all the venm already injected changed to water nd the following bites simply injected water. leafin was least affected by the poison because his neck and back were not flesh! so he blasted a round wave all around him that changed the spiders into black sparrows which flew away harmlessly to search for worms to eat. beein sent another wave to change the sparrows into spider eaters so they would eat and minimize the number of pain inflicting spiders in the forest. despite the distance that the sparrows had already flown his wave of energy from his wand reached almost all so they returned and started hunting the spiders nearby.

leafin fainted. why? his flesh is not affected by poison and the poison was changed to water? but his nature was to "tremble like a leaf" and the fear of the spiders had caused hi to faint the moment the danger passed.

they continue through the forest using the direction spell to find north and move northward toward the treasure despite the trees that force them to change direction they are guided back to north until they find! many wizards with a strange tattoo!

oo protested "people must not mark tattoos". beein argued "respectfully master, it is their own body so they can ,mark it how they want, it is not like aborting a fetus that is a different human body inside the mother" oo explained that tattoos are like poison they harm the essence of a person and in magic drown the person in evil... well that is what these wizards had intended they were murderous warrior wizards who used their magic to raid villages. when the defenders tried to fight for defending their homes and families these wizards used magic to kill the adults men and ladies so they could rob the village for supplies. they were not as bad as the pain inflictor group who simply hurt people to show their power for no temptation and those suffering begged for death to end the pain... these were evil but less evil granting the death and only to teal supplies not for greed of gold.

their tattood arms extended from fluffy white bundles. the spiders had stunned many of these wizard bandits and wrapped them in fluffy webbing so they could not crawl away while stunned.

others were simply stuck on the webs, spread between tree trunks, webs which had surprisingly sticky glue even a human wizard could not free himself especialy when stunned by the venom of many spiders. oo examined the tat and saw it was the form of a certain flower.again they transform the spiders into black birds this time ravens but only the nearby ones so the sparrows can eat. suddenly a dragon attacked!

the flying beast blasted through the branches and grabbed a tat wizard from the web the glue is so sticky that even the huge dragon wings strained until it pulled the tat free.

chifip zapd the dragon changing it to a harmless butter colored butterfly... but a tat wizard cast a hex despite being stunned and no wand! it chnged the butterfly into a poisonous snake like a cobra with pointy poisonous fangs! it charged at appith! in a swift jump to strike annd bite and inject fatal venom! appith swiftly performed an invisibility spell and stepped aside so the snake could not manouver toward him. leafin swung his leafy arm with a long sword and severed its head it fell to the ground and continued hissing... but unable to slither to bite anyone. leafin lifted his muscular leg  and stomped with his boot with a loud crunch of brittle snake skull. this flattend the snake head driving its pointy poisonous fangs into th eground and pressing the brain thin as a leaf. the snake body can be food. 

the group argue about freeing the wizards? they all have tat of the same flower and oo interpreted that as being a team of evil wizards who will misuse magic for harm and stealing and killing. others argued respectfully that they will die of hunger so they must not allow people to die.

oo warnd "toward who is your comapassion? where is your comapssion to the victims of these bandits if they are free". so they stopped cutting the webs and decided not to free them. leafin added no spiders will eat them because they changed the nearby spiders into ravens and any other spiders would be eaten by the new breed od sparrow spider eaters. so they agreednot to free the evil wizards and without action woul dcontribute to the death of evil.

during the discussion and eebate they were distracted! another dark wizard came and zapped beein and took him captive... his name was kinthig and he took beein captive and then flew away on a dragon! they will need a rescue mission but how will they fly after the dragon? they know much magic but what magic can make anybody fly?

to be continued.

Friday, June 24, 2022

abe adventure part 3

abe had an amazing dream. a red robin bird had landed near him. so he pulled his bread from his pocket and pealed the dry crust off. then he broke a piece of crust and threw it down by the red robin bird. before it ate, it spred its wings and pushad apart many red feathers before it spoke. it asked for more crust to carry to her chicks. he hesitated because he liked the crust but felt he could spare the crust and gave it. after he gave the crust, the red robin ate the first bit and grew very big and said for thankfulness i will fly you to see my chicks and for a pleasure flight. abe climbed the big bird [not yellow big bird with verticle back, i cant steal their idea but i can grow a red robin with an angled bird back] and he rode it as it flew straight to the nest where it chewed the crust and dripped some down eats chick throat. after feeding the red robin flew abe for a pleasure trip to see lakes and rivers and mountains and green hills and a palace with many red flowers in clay flower pots on the balcony which red bird loved to see. the fliht was over in just a few minutes. robin asked abe if he wanted to see an amazing life-form. abe agreed. robin explained that the legend of werewolf is based on a secret family of humans that are similar to werewolf but real and secret.
robin flew over another river and the lake he had seen on the far side of the river changed into a fortress. its walls were hewn rock cut from big boulders into giant gray big blocks 15 inches each dimension. many human gaurds stood on its walls wearing silvery armor. they called to the robin "welcome."
it flew down angling down but straight. the king came to greet his pal. robin requested to show his change to abe. the king gave his pointy golden crown to his aid but continued wearing the red velvet robe. "i like your robe" said robin.
then the aid brought a pile of leaves on a silver rimmed clay plate. first the king changed hsi face. from his lips the pale face changed to wrinkly and dark lime a bulldog... then his jaws changed lengthening forward toward robin but narrowing like the jaws of a doberman dog. its nose far ahead from its eyes at the end of the long jaws but the nose and eyes were shaped more like the put bull just stretched apart.
next the secret king changed his his size swelling into a huge ape taller and wider and hairier like a big beast. as an ape it grabbed the leaves and stuffed it in his mouth. the aid explained that when kids do this they run around searching for leaves because apes dont eat meat so they always prepare leaves so their king need not search for leaves. 
after eating the leaves the ape grew a bit taller as the feet changed into long wolf legs with short toes instead of the human foot in the shoe horizontal along floor the ape lifted its feet from the shoes easily due to the new shape and spoke "surprise". i am now a werewolf with wold legs and dog jaws and still human. based on me they invented the false legend of werewolf that "change to animal losing human mind" but i am real and both a human and a ape dog wolf. [someone already copyrighted three halfs half bear, and hobbit bear-man but mine is:] "one third man, its mind, one third dog its jaws and face, one third tall giant ape body and stomach and food and one third wolf legs because it remained a man. the king returned to his form and said i am real and based on seeing me change people invented teh scary false legend any lady i marry will have kids like me because my ability is dominant and even when you awake know that i am real and secret. then they changed back to "normal" the king returned to human form and rewore his crown which only had rubies around it, the one he wore when red robin visited from his several crowns, and red robin returned to normal brid size so abe complained how will i get home who will fly me across the river and the king said you are far from your home."
then abe awoke, from his dramatic dream, among his new friends on the town by the coast. abe's fellowship left without eating breakfast to hurry toward the treasure that the pirates hid.
the hope for the treasure caused them to sing traditional tunes most without words only melody but some with words as they rode toward the treasure as shown on the treasure map.
a messenger came to warn them. "albanians have allied them selves with greeks to prevent you strangers traveling along this road i am warning you to turn back and not to trespass."
carroth said "if you join us we will gibve you part of the treasure just stay with us and dont warn them we are coming." he greedily replied "for treasure i will guide you the safe way into their terrirtory!" so they left the road and hid between trees traveling through a dense forest. they "forged" through the forest. the trees were so densely positioned that they had to pass separately between the trees and abe was almost constantly unable to see his unit of fellow humans. 

Monday, June 20, 2022

sorcery scool

Who was the first wizard? EVERY WIZARD MUST HAVE LEARNED FROM A TEACHER who had learned from a teacher... so who was first?
imagine a book that begins "chapter one": "the next day they went hunting." i cant start like that but oo was a lazy hunter. he went with his pa to hunt but was too lazy to throw rocks and spears. while the group faced dangerous large beasts such as mammoths, he would gather different various leaves. some had pleasant smell and some strong gross odor but he would mix and cook them... and blend the flavors in soups.
pa would carry home their portion of meat and in addition to meat they had soup. each day oo tried different various combinations and amounts until one fateful day... a new combination made him feel very strong! this was a special soup. he would not share with his family.
his physical strength was only a bit improved but he could direct energy.
on a windy afternoon while he was hunting he zapped the beast so the hunters could trap and kill their food easier. this was the first use of magic. 
later, he also directed power at grass to change it into grain.
on a sunny morning, while cooking the grain he saw a vision of the future; people were grinding the grain and mixing the crushed white powder into water... that seemed like much work, however now that the hunters were catching the beasts much sooner due to his magic... they needed something to fill the time. his magic revealed the future [divination] so he directed and taught them to build the first grinder and to put the grain that he had magicly made from simple grass... and as he had seen the vision of the future. they mixed the powdered grain in water and baked it. they enjoyed it and it was good for their stomachs and moving waste out of the sewage exit of their bodies, but mostly theu enjoyed the soft bread ts texture and smell but it lacked taste. 
oo told them that was a benefit because they could put ANY flafor fruit on it.
from then whenever people ate baked bread they would say the wizards name "oo"!
after much practice directing the powers using magic and helped by visions of the future that he magicly saw, he made stronger potions and spoke sounds that directed the magic.
soon he was able to direct the power to change stones into magical creatures. then he would take part of the magical being for example a feather from a grifin lion-eagle or other magical creature [harry potter has some examples] and that would allow more powerful hexes.
he combined words with the feathers but the feathers needed a shell for protection so he told his group in exchange for bread they would cut woood and scrape out some of the inside and attach the curved together around the feather. in a protective wooden shell called a wand.
he tried many sounds and based on the results calculated new combinations of sounds and hexes.
once he had so much information he announced the "sorcery scool" all resulting from herb soup and mixtrues that he was lucky enuf to make the first potion which caused him to connect to the power of magic.
after practice directing the power he made new potions and words for spells. his magic helped him see the future and his group baked the first bread.
s a resu;t of the potions he could change rocks into magical beasts and then use parts of the beings to make wands in a shell as above which drected the magic.
soon he was teaching potions and words for hexes to students who did not need to spend time hunting.
some used magic for getting food. some saw the future to warn about a nebbir group that will attack so they could prepare for battle. 
the magic haelped them see the time after the attack in the future so they prepared for that attack and changed the future so the sorcery scool survived.
at first oo was careful to teach only use it for benefit... but some students who were skilled felt that they should use the power selfishly.
they would attack nebbirs and defeat them quickly using magic... but then they started to fight among themselves too!

abe adventure part 2

Abe chased the fleeing greeks deeper into the tunnel but tripped... oww! his hands scraped the rough rocky floor in the cave and his wrists ached. he stood but the light of the fire behind him only showed a split in the cave and he did not know which way they went. the left side seemed to have a dim light so he guessed they had a fire there and went in that cave... but soon the cave darkened so he realized the source of light was not from the cave he had only seen some reflection of the fire behind him. he felt scared he would stumble again and started crawling BACK to his team, thru this tunnel. luckily as he moved his right hand forward, his hand felt a CROSS of smooth moist metal. it was exactly two inches wide and extended one onch longer like 3 inches long of which one inch beyond the intersection and an extra inch longer the opposite length. he lifted it and heard a metalic scraping as its chain dragged on the ground. so he put the chain over his head and felt the moist metal hit his chest... and drop down his shirt! the chain was broken... it continued down his right pants leg and clinked on the ground so he lifted it again. he gripped it in his fist. as he moved forward the moist cross felt warmer... not the warmth of the palm but a miraculous warmth. what did it mean? suddenly it felt VERY hot and a pale cloud appeared he could see a transparent ghost! just a bit opaque and the shock of a ghost in the form of a man combined with the heat caused him to drop the cross. then the pale ghost vanished. safe he raised the cross with his fingers... and as he wrapped his hand around it so it would not fall again he again saw the ghost and started to speak with it. the ghost told the story of its death in a battle between muslims and christians when a muslim boat brought warriors to the balkan peninsula. when he died he was prevented from entering heaven and hell to stay on earth and do a mission as a ghost. the ghost pointed abe to the exit so abe went along a tunnel. he heard the sound of tiny thin streams flowing down the cave wall. when the floor dipped down his foot "splashd" in a puddle so he stopd. did the ghost fool him? he raised the miracle cross and called "ghost of muhamed". the ex-prophet was forced to submit to God and came.
the ghost confessed tricking the christian because he still hated christians despite his mission to undo his false teachings called islam, so he had pointed to the puddle as a mean but harmless prank. now ghost led abe the correct direction... but a fox blockd the cave. abe waved the miracle cross so the fox floated away leading them to the exit. the ghost also exited and began its mission to teach christians that the detail in quran that the book of jesus is good is correct but his other teachers were just "intended to pull the pagans to one god" but he must undo the contents of his false teachings. abe pointed out that christians already believe and he would accomplish his mission if he would appear to muslims... they could not kill him since he is a ghost and his message would match that section of quran so some would reject the false parts.
next chapter

Abe exited the cave and saw the sun a bit above the horizon. was it rising in the east? if so he was facing it and east. or was it setting in the west? he started walking toward the sun and soon it neared the horizon and with a blaze of rose pink and gold started setting he knew he was facing west and since the mountain was behind him he must be on the west side of the mountains c6. he knew he was facing italy and the branch of the nile sea between italy and the balkan peninsula. this land was named by his uncle nam "westvil". Abe started to mourn his dead group. certainly the captors killed them. no point risking going back into danger.
as abe walked up a hill, from the elevation he saw a group! he turned to run toward them and it was his unit! he shouted "caikin!" and they saw him and rejoiced to reunite. they want to continue toward the treasure. which? they told Abe that pirates stole from many ships and hid their wealth somewhere along the coast and they think THIS map is th eone that the pirates used to return and enjoy their riches.
however a new danger! from behind them a group of greeks came running and shouting! they are furious. Abe's group did not know that when abe shot an arrow that killed tiny ty, the managers under ty started fighting who would replace them and their followers formed into groups to fight each other except for a tenth that felt free from the tyrant and now could leave to start a new life and these forty who were only loyal to ty! and now ty dead they want to hurt the ones who killed their leader instead of just picking a new one.
how will they get saved? similar to casper the friendly ghost... the ghost of muhamed the prophet who had met abe showed itself to the greeks. when they sae a ghost many froze in their place and then fainted as they mumbled a g-g-g-g-ghost. others turned and fled the ghost only two remained and ordered the ghost out of their way.
ghost said i must protect abe who led my out of the cave so i can do my purpose and go to paradise. unable to kill abe one rode away back to join ne side of the civil war so the leader he wanted would be king. the other asked what is preventing you from paradise? the ghost explained that he had good intentions when he knowingly lied about messages from allah and teachings that he hoped would lead people away from polytheism and worshipping demi-semi-gods, but as his role as leader excited him he thought to much of himself and wanted to be a general with a powerful army that he led in many wars and using rear to "convince" people who did not truly accept the faith only wanted to live. therefore, continued the ghost i was prevented from entering paradise despite my good intentions and i have not yet finished my mission so only after i teach muslims that i lied about allah then the muslims will cause me to be allowed into paradise when they renounce the book quran because i admit i wrote my own ideas. the ghost begged the greek and the group to spread his message as he headed to muslim land to start undoing the "fruit" of his teachings and turn muslims away from the book which he knowingly lied about. the last greek agreed to escort him and together sway the people of the nile continent.
so the ghost had scared away their attackers of forty angry soldiers. carroth led them toward the coast based on the map and told them the story of a wizard who could vanish and re-appear to surprise and kill the king of the enemy by surprise. once the wizard even used magic to seem like a woman's husband and fool his wife into passion.
another danger. a group of ten hungry wolves [not unique but in the story beauty and beast and more]. the ghost will not scare wolves [in contrast to casper, even animals feared ghosts] as the humans were scared away. how will they be saved from the wolves? the plain has no trees and even if it had, they would surrounded up trees. they try to run but the faster wolves soon surrounded them! being wolves they can attack and bite! one charges forward and the brave army unit united to swing their swords and poke their spears sometimes missing but more often hacking and jabbong the wolves. but even as four are too injured to move and 2 died the other four are "hungry as wolves"! meanwhile the greeks continued their civil war.
as the defenders are tired from the fighting and almost collapse... Abe used his miraculous cross to ignite FLAMES that blaze on the fur of all the wolves. 
the hundreds of greeks have massacred each other and the few survivors surrendered and submitted to the leader named undin. they now came on fast horses to recapture abe's team. abe used his miracle cross to make a new miracle... creating a hundred feirce-foxes whose only purpose is to fight the attackers. 
the greeks are busy with foxes who bite and injure them soon most of the greeks were eaten alive. as the survivors fled the foxes chased them and each fox that was no longer needed ended its temporary existence.
abe prays for a miracle to fly them to the treasure but for that the cross did not provide a miracle only to save them from danger. it only symbolicly attracted a group of rare birds to show that Jesus heard their prayers as his mix of human soul and God sat beside God on the heavenly throne.
instead they take the quick horses of the attackers and rode them. the horses "carry" the group
to a town on the coast. luckily the dwellers welcome the peaceful strangers and invite them in to share food and sleep in soft straw beds.

Friday, June 17, 2022

ABE'S adventures and the poisonous striped saber teeth tiger

the poisonous striped saber teeth tiger
1 around 950 years, before i wrote this, was an era, when brave notable knights boldly battled beasts. abe ayboe had always wanted to save his home from the dangerous beasts. he lived on the peninsula called balkan by black sea.
abe was slow in growth for a human. when he was in third grade he was the size of second graders and even when he grew in fourth grade he was the shortest in his class... he comforted himself that he had grown the same as the third graders.
his human life had hardships. others in his village ate two meals each day, simple bread in the morning and cooked vejtibils in eve but his family was so poor that it could not even buy bread. when he was seven his father was suffering from hunger and illness struck him. he soon died. after his next birthday when abe was et his ma suffered so much she climbed the greek orthodox church tower and jumped... to her death [must i specify this is a novel my imagination?]. 
on a cloudy morning, the teacher at church found her body and went to the ayboe home to tell her husband but found only young abe at home. as he reported the death... a striped tiger attacked. it was like a gryphon except the neck and face were not an eagle... but a snake with long sharp fangs dripping poison! it bit the teacher to stun him and then swallowed him alive along the snake neck into the striped snake body. abe fled to the oven to grab the knife... but the satisfied striped snake left. abe decided he would train and chase the striped snake from his village.
a childless neighbor named freeda whose husband died of old age around age forty... started to alternate day by day to be the parents of abe. sundays she would take him to church... the same painful place abe's ma had died.  mondays she stuck wool on her face like a male old beard and led her to her shop where she sold rags. abe feared the stranger who he did not know and who acted odd with the fake wool beard.
between costumers he helped her organize the shop and listened to her stories of magical creatures such as tall trolls. she explained "the last trolls were defeated when i was fifteen years old. "my pa had watched them at night roasting woodland wolves they had literally "lifted" then after they ate they went to a cave to hide from the sun. with the information of the cave pa arranged an ambush! he and some troops from rumania went at night when the trolls were out and hunting wolves... near dawn they blocked the entrance to the cave! the trolls desperately tried to fight their way in and away from sunlight... but the troops swung long swords at the trolls and threw pointy spears until the sun rose and turned them to stone! now no trolls remain."
tuesday, of that week, the striped snake returned to eat a human. in the panic, a group of nine tall army deserters kidnapped young abe. they took him from the home and pushed him into a carriage! but... it had food! he feasted on the cooked chicken ignoring the locked door. he was with men who would care for him and train him to join their troop.
four escort the carriage while five follwed the snake-tiger. it walked slowly out from the town until a hill and entered a dark cave. they drew a map of the location to plan the attack.
abe was amazed to see the precious treasure that the nine had captured from the neighboring prince.
raggin told abe, who he named abram, the story: "when you were a baby prince caithik led his soldiers to search their town for anything valuable. we had deserted the army but were trained in battle. our archer carroth shaped an arrow like a knife and shot the prince. half his men around 20 fled to freedom from the cruel carroth. the remaining twenty howled with rage and charged but our group of thirteen were prepared we battled boldly and killed all twenty only suffering wounds. none died that day until some wounds worsened and 4 died.
now that their army was crushed we did to THEM as they had planned. we raided the dead prince's castle. we locked the princes 2 sons and daughter in his own dungeon so they could not claim the throne. then they found and loaded the treasure into a carriage they stole and brought much money back to gikton. anybody who worked the grain fields got added money from the raid. 
abram was amazed at the gorgeous gems of varied colors and the size of the pile of shiny glittering gold and shiny silver coins. candin returned to the home with the location of the cave. we will try to kill that beast before it will kill again. abram wanted to join but they said he will help in future battles after training.
the next dawn noise awoke abram. some of the troop rode to fight the striped snake. the others fed boiled rice to abram. after he drank milk fresh from their cow he started training.
during the training... a few returned reporting that the beast had bit one noble knight and despite our group attack it had used its speed and tiger claws to kill a second. we only wounded it.
abram comforted them if it has two bodies to eat it will not be hungry to attack the town. yeasr passed... they did not try again until abram was older and trained finally the day arrived! abram rode with the troop to attack the striped snake. he recalled its orinj fur with many black stripes and long sharp pointy fangs that bit the teacher. they rode toward the cave. carroth complained "the rain started we should have taked the carriage with a roof." abram argued "we will face a dangerous beast so wet rain is harmless."
abram was wrong! as the crossed a river that was swollen by rain... the river toppled a horse and another knight drowned in the swollen river. on the other side of the river burly bulgarian knights in heavy armor charged at them! archer shot arrows killing two before they came near. he had killed the largest ones. but the third huge muscular bulgarian swung his club knocking one of the troop of his horse before the others could unite to hack his huge body to pieces. they looked under the helmets to find huge tall muscular knights.
they got ambushed! as they searched the horses for supplies two more knights rode out... one grabbed abram captive! the other died quickly by archers arrow.
as they pass the tiger cave it came out to chase them away. its paws and claws kill the horse and fatally injur its rider allowing abram to escape. abram fled hoping the tiger will not chase... indeed it was busy eating the abductor.
the team arrived. archer shot arrows at the beast who howled in pain and turned toward them in self defense.  abram charged his horse at the tiger! as he neared it pounced... his long spear pierced pouncer! it plunged deep into its body! abram fell back from his horse. the dying beast swung its snake head and tried to inject poison in... but carroth came in time and chopped the neck... its snake head fell harmlessly beside abram. carroth caikin and others chopped it to pieces and tied them to a horse to show the people the danger was defeated! some of it they could eat and feed to poor in their town... but more danger came!
TWO ___2 , on the way back to the village serbian knights attacked! these were a much larger group so the team surrendered. serbians tied them and led the team behind their horses... until... one of the serbs surprised his captain! he killed the captain and declared himself leader. another argued if captain died then only i should be a leader. most were free from their cruel captain.some fled home... others fledd to start a new life. four friends came and untied abram's team. these serbs surrendered. carroth caikin and abram thanked the surrendering serbs and while the two "leaders dueled each other" brutally smashing each other with weapons the serbs threw away their weapons and joined the team.
the serbs tell abram's fellowship about the secret serb stash. they had been raiding many travelers on the road between towns. they had captured many animals and even stole from tax collectors! this would help abram's town.
after resting on the horses as the horses walked toward home... they turned and the serbs led them to... an ambush... nope! to the stash. the leaders were busy dueling so they took as much food and chickens as they could and tied cows and bulls to the horses to lead to the town for food.
they are so happy to help their poor village they started singing traditional tunes without words.  they reach the same river where their pal drowned in the rain... and hum a sad song.
after they give the animals to the council to decide how to divide, they travel along a valley to the neighboring town on the border of macedonia. its leader of council named david davis greeted them. these mac's stunk from rotting garlic they wore so they smelled them from afar. some of david's men were big macs. [not the burger with the copyrighted name].
david offered them to rest but carroth insisted "we rode so we are not tired."
suddenly, some macs interrupted and shouted "theives!" they accused abram's team of stealing from travelers who blame the serbs. dave apologized for the accusation and ordered special fruit pie baked. they only slept one night. 
in the morning carroth asked dave about a map. abram did not know what they discussed until later. in addition to the fruit pie dave gave them each new swords before they left on a new dangerous adventure up the balkan mountains!
3 they rode the horses up a mountain.... higher.... and higher. they pause so the horses can rest and eat. soon the continue "up, up, up".
that night the wind blew harshly so they traveled after dark until they found a cave. abram's fellowship slept in the cave until... greeks! who had slept in the same cave but deeper came to raid them! abram abandoned his team and fearfully tried to run down the mountain. the rest awake to the torch light flames and surrender to the greeks who tie them and lead them into the cave to their low leader tiny ty a dwarf human. a huge fire lit the cave. tiny ty said "dont tell me any story i will not believe your lies anyway." his advisors say various outragous accusations. "they came as spies to help their enemy" they came to kill us and steal our wives.
when caikin argued "we did not know you are here" a soldier yelled "stop talking". another snapped a long whip at caikin who collapsed to the floor in agony... as everybody watched the whipper and caikin... an arrow whizzed along the cave! abram had overcome his fear and taken archer's weapon. he had aimed at tiny ty target and despite his dwarf size hit the thin neck which burst into a horrible red rain. all the greeks fled deeper into the mountain.
abram gave the bow to archer who shot a few at the retreating greeks who had accused them and wanted to slay them. his arrows pirced many greeks before they turned the cavern curve.

Monday, June 13, 2022

the Spirit of God, another angel and created

the trinity according to dictionary claims "three divine" which accurately represented catholic who claim holy spirit divine but does that claim have a source?

gospel john chapter 16 and other sources teach not divine. holy spirit gets sent but god can't be sent if self powerful. furthermore "not his own" if true not divine because God DOES speak his own. so gospel john is teaching that spirit is an angel weaker than god. no source for omniscient only that he was created able to know god but not god nor eternal but instead created.

if so the spirit of god on water which is an angel COULD BE the same one. before people were created on water kuz no heart to dwell in. we can be certain that in genesis it referd to an angel not only due to tradition david radak but by the phrase "god's spirit"  indicating Gpd created a spirit not god so angel. if god and other then polytheistic and genesis is polytheistic using plural verbs but if so false book and even if angel  other lies cannot be from god so genesis not from god because lies cannot be from god.

if you believe in prayer i prayed and the "counselor in my heart taught" holy spirit ghost truly weaker than divine and not eternal but created by father hence the name "spirit of god" and since god IS spirit then the spirit is not "part" of god nor the same one if so either angel which is true or polytheism which described genesis but not in gospel john only weaker angel.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

my summary of cliff, hardy boys b2, by dixon

 my summary of cliff, hardy boys, by dixon.
intro: dixon wrote QUALITY stories with danger, detailed difficulties, surprises and suspense. he also ruined the start with roughness instead of "describing the characters" at the start.
first i replace the bad rough start. instead of starting with "talking and vagueness" where the decription of characters belongs i will fix and summarize.
__ the cliff by dixon
Joe rode a motorcycle home from Bayport school. his BLOND [page 2] hair was hidden by a crimson colored simple safety helmet. his blue eyes [p. 2, obviously his eyes were white with a black circle but the varied part was blue] were safe from dirt due to goggles. he slowed down so his brother, Frank, age 18 and precisely "a year older," could keep nearby [using these clues can you young detectives determine joe's age?]. Frank's dark hair matched his black helmet, which had a thick plastic visor shielding his eyes that were dark brown like milk chocolate.
Joe rushed upstairs to his dad's "second floor study", even before doing the boring simple school homework, as usual. "I want to help you on another case", Joe excitedly said to his famous father Fenton, a detective, who was known internationally. pa replied smiling, "alone?" joe frowned and conceded, "with Frank."
"you teens want some dangerous adventure?" Mr. Hardy asked. Frank entered the study and combed his dark brown hair using his fingers. "Dad, yesterday you told us that the case you are working on now, is very mysterious. the police failed to find the secret successful smugglers" said Frank, "you could use our help, we could tackle some angle of it." Pa gazed out the window at the bay, and answered, "you will like to find smugglers."
"we can capture them" Joe replied in a voice of anticipation. Pa corrected him, "that is too dangerous. i meant spy on them from a safe distance." the "lean athletic detective" turned back to face his sons, both taller than their classmates, saying, "take my telescope, which you practiced using, and watch the bay for smugglers." He explained that legal drugs were missing in various places in u.s. and probably smuggled and sold here on the east coast of the states. "Saturday after lunch, go 8 miles [north] to the pollitt place, where Mr. p. died around a month ago. from there you will see a wide view of the sea. Just plan to return for supper. now to your school work," pa urged.
Saturday afternoon Frank and Joe rode to their buddies and invited two to ride with them. Chet stopped working on his car that he had purchased used, quickly swallowed some carrot cake, and climbed onto joe's bike. Chet ate too much and that showed ergo he rode with the younger brother. [fixing page 5 and 4]. frank rode with his classmate Biff who had eyesight even better than the hardy's. none of he 4 needed spectacles in contrast to most of their classmates.
[after the detailed start i can summarize the exciting story with selected exciting parts in chapters 2,3,4].
they set up the telescope at the  vacant home. they were lucky enuf to see someone climb down a ladder from a big boat into a smaller ship. they heard a scream, "help" and hurried to help... as they climbed in a window they heard "help"... but nobody was in any room [c2] when they returned to the telescope, the lense was missing. frank said "i hope they did not steal our motorcycles too!" they were relieved to find their bikes. 
they rode home to tell pa about the odd boat but on the way home...  when they  Frank's motor stalled. he opened his seat and saw his tools were stolen like the lense. luckily, chet had some tools in his pocket from his work on his engine. frank reconnected his engine and they continued riding... until a new danger! rocks from the side of a hill were rushing down [c3] like a minor avalanche that knocked Frank's bike over. "you are lucky," chet commented. "joe argued, "not lucky enuf to keep the lense."
when they were stopped and almost ready to continue the ride home... they saw movement on the bay. a speedboat was moving away from a curved cliff. soon they saw another ship chasing it. when it neared someone on the chase boat threw something at the lead boat... "a sheet of flame" [p. 25] blasted high up and the guy on the lead boat flew into the bay.
they swam and rescued him. they led him to a nearby farm house to rest. finally theu returned their pals home and arrived at their home. they reported to pa over a dinner of chicken parmissian and glass cups with cold milk.
they discussed the possibilities why he had sailed away and why they had tried to bomb him using a hand grenade.
chapter 5 pretzel pete

Saturday, June 11, 2022

is book genesis truly holy? "did jesus ever say" that?

the apocrypha category
did you notice? when Jesus said something "similar" to book genesis he was truly rejecting that book.
when we read the bible we have MANY preconceptions for example "these books are from god". instead of inspecting IF from god? or not. the first preconception is harmful, not only as an assumption but worse causing "therefore no contradictions" which causes "after we assume from god therefore no contradiction therefore "apparent conflicts MUST be twisted away from the simple message that appears." caused the alteration of meaning.
the same logic "no contradiction from god" could be the opposite direction that one of the books is not from god because "no contradiction from god" so one source or both not from god.
only the preconception caused claims like "dont exclude a book" ignoring the step of inclusion the human inclusion can be an error. in fact, if a message and its opposite are included in the same book such as exodus or the same volume such as psalms with ecclesiastes then neither is any message because opposite also "true". 
how to respond? judaism easily corrupts from simple meaning based on conflicts but luckily christianity has a spiritual METHOD. guided by a "recognized" christian pastor who i checked "others respect" but i doubted... i said we can both do the spiritual method and see if god tells us BOTH the same solution we both "fasted from food"... and i said you tell me your message from god first... he said he ate because no doubt... my message "from god" having obeyed "the recognized guy" direction would be considered heresy... lies are preserved by calling the truth heresy to scare and silence people.
so back to inspecting.
in mathew chapter 19 verse four. they asked him about divorce and said "the two are one" similar to genesis... but only if you dont notice. he never mentioned the book by name... in fact the quote preserved the REAL source which differs from the book called genesis. so the only remnant is the quote but he truly rejected the "book genesis" firstly by "not naming it as his source for something similar" if he referd to it as the liars claim... and for the book genesis not matching the "true quote" that jesus quoted from a different book that humans failed to preserve but replaced and wronly "included". sadly the book matthew itself has a similar flaw so i only "got verification" only recieved information from holy spirit for that one quote not the whole book of matthew, and certainly reject book genesis.
gospel john remains due to recognizing the error to "wrongly include mathew" most not holy as claimed by humans.
we can inspect. "duo" that word is a good quote but not from book genesis which differs lacks word two duo. jesus quoted, was quoting a different book not preserved.
faced with my complaint "no book name" some would be tempted to lie that the word "beginning" in the previous verse is a book name... but we all know they only lie as a reply to my claim while truly the translators knew and wrote differently the claim book name is false due to the greek "the creator at the beginning made" not the name of a book which differs so truly jesus was REJECTING genesis by quoting differently "from the bad book named  book genesis" that humans "wrongly included" despite jesus specifying the real and different source which humans failed to preserve. 
similarly in book judges the book seems to "emphasize by repetition" that they sinned therefore the enemy came each time repeated until... the end of the book chapter 18  they sinned and lasted for generations... if true that rejects the idea of the first chapters 17 chapters... which is true?
a book that contains both is by the acceted logic ""no contradiction from god" therefore book not from god and human erred when included book genesis and book judges.
which do "i want subjectively" either one.... it does not affect me... just truth is important. but the answer in ecclesiastes is that the lesson of the last story is true "the wicked lengthen" not lose life so the ideas in book judges and psalms and proverbs that oppose this "message" and gods grace... are not from god so those books not from god. 
similarly which day was jesus crucified?
i did an expirement. i quoted gospel john to one christian and said do you think he was crucified at the time of the passover.... hoping they would remember matthew... but either they did and chose to lie or they simply agreed with the quote in john... either way the lady's faith was that jesus died at the time of the passover.
i continued my experiment asking a pastor... 
this time quoting matthew by name "matthew said jesus ate the passover at the passover time before he was arrested. so i ask is that what you believe"... hoping he believed same as the lady or was aware of the conflict... as a pastor he must have been aware! but he simply agreed with matthew he was crucified a day later!
the ABSURDITY is when messianic jews published a "blended" story from the four gopsels in one book... i bothered to check how they handled this and ABSURDLY they include both versions a few pages apart: at the time of the passover jesus was crucified, died for three days also ate the passover at the time and was crucified the following day... could the authors not notice they wrote he was crucified twice? that is ABSURD in the hebrew version.
so which do i want? either one i would and can accept... but which was true? the spiritual solution taught that i must publish only john is correct at the time of the passover not ate passover but books matthew and mark and luke not holy because "a lie is not from god" so not from god only FEAR and threats of heresy hide this. the catholics would torture me if i wrote this luckily catholics are weak so god via holy spirit sent me to warn you which book is from god john do not insut john by saying he ate the passover before arrested... while three "gospels" are not holy nor psalms nor proverbs nor judges all these books and more "the inclusion was an error" preserved by fear of violent rabbis and catholics all these books are in the category of "apocrypha" same as martin luther of protestant labeld some catholic books at the time people would say "99 percent" say these books are from god but he led protestants to label apocrypha and today the preconception of protestants is je was correct to "exclude" claiming wrong to include and i bring the same message for other books to purify the group... except that my message was by fasting and prayer as guided by a recognized pastr who others respect despite that he ate that day!
other examples book jeremia is mostly holy with gods messages and word from god we must not insult in contrats to most of the prophets  for example samuel and the "twelve" and others not holy so only IF WORD OF GOD DO NOT INSULT but book genesis in category apocrypha same as many other books. enuf for now.
i emphasize these issues dont "affect me personnaly" if jews were in egypt four hundred thirty years or less... i could accept either one but which is the true one?
what will i read instead of the apocrypha books genesis and exodus and more?
the regular book despite not holy is at least good quality and better than a book "seeming to be true but containing lies mixed in among good "must not murder".
i am impressed and worthy to praise the creativity of "dodgeson" who hid his name behind carol for his amazing ideas... i could not generate such a story nor long neck nor shrinking nor the fish face nor the cow-turtle even after knowing mermaid and gryphon of lady attached to fish and lion attached to eagle i never "generated the similar" pattern of a human legs with fish FACE instead of tail nor other animal blend... and he does not pretend to telling history as the book genesis misleads hiding lies in the disguise of "recorded history" which is very severe and i must warn you to prevent errors at least before they burn me for repeating the same thing luther did labeling some "accepted" books as apocrypha which simply means out so that is what i recommend reading instead of bad book genesis and others.
before i forget! beginners are taught "holy spirit PREVENTED errors" while scholars know to admit the book contains errors "scribal errors" and "imprecise" because not prevent errors...
so any time they show you a verse reply "just keep in mind that wording might have been a scribal error"
or that doctrine was based on a verse that might have been a scribal error.

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

world war 1, a historical summary

intro: the name "world war one" shows its uniqueness, in contrast to OTHER wars: this war was "world" all around the world, in contrast to the less famous "balkan" war in 1912, therefore this "world war" TRULY began September 22, 1914, when the "localized" european war spread to the european colonies on the OPPOSITE side of the world. german warships, shot at a polynesian  ally colony french in the pacific ocean. the causes, whether "real or claimed" and the war in europe, were before the world war started.
listing indirect or distant causes can pull before and before. instead a quality historical summary must be brief about pre-start. the first declaration of local war: july 28, 1914 austria on serbia [p. 805]. the local war began date 29: austria bombarded serbia's capital, belgrade. although russia did not declare war, nor send soldiers into serbia for its defense, germany declared war on russia [Aug. 1], claiming russia sided with serbia.
the world war TRULY began Sep. 22, as i will explain, ergo i will only briefly mention the local war that spread to colonies around the planet.
DATE: July 28, 1914. austria declared war on serbia, which started a "localized" war in Central europe. the war spread in all directions as countries joined two sides. the declaration began the war not any causes "real or claimed or blamed" considering austria could restrain themselves.
After germany and brits warred [see below], the war spread to THEIR colonies which changed the war from european to "world".
Sept. 22, in the pacific ocean, german warships bombarded (british x oops) a french colony in Polynesia, which spread the localized war "around the world." until this day many acts of war occurred in the fraction of planet near austria. briefly: Aug. 3 germany declared war on france when german warships shelled french african colony. on August 4, germany declared war on belgium, which truly was not against austria but far from austria. Germany acted like opportunity to steal land. germany invaded belgium on Aug. 4, ergo that day, british declared war on germany. in late August austria battled russia all before the "world" war began
area one: SEA
the first battle in "world war one" was at sea. until this event, only local battled.
Sept. 22, 1914 german warships in pacific ocean bombarded a French colony in polynesia starting the "world war" spreading to opposite side of planet. also near britin german sub sank 3 large british warships. on india's east coast, a german warship bombarded madras. its name emden and soon brits sank it. on french border, sept. 22 g' repeatedly attacked verdun but failed.
a few naval battles preceded that date but since before "the world" war began so only brief mention:
August 3, 1914 even before g' invaded belgium [4th], german warships bombarded French africa.
aug. 28 british warships attacked germany's west coasts so german navy repelld them.
sep. 22 start of "world" war 1 as above. since the sea battle of aug. 3 preceded land i summarize sea first.
oct. 29 turkish warships including two given from germany, in black sea's north coast bombarded russia [ukraine had been divided]. the two from g' to ottoman to replace 2 battleships which brits "took" which t' had been building in britain due to turkey siding with germany. in november and december g' battle cruisers shelld british coast, but german policy was not to use their dreadnoughts, which were floating uselessly on west coast.
nov. 1 in pacific by central chile, g' warships assembled from china coast and u.s. coasts, battled brit warships. g sank 2 brit warships. brit sent some of its home gard to south atlantic. they would later destroy 4/5.
dec. 8 off falkland isles around s.e. coast of argentina, those 5 german cruisers that left pacific battled brit navy which sank 4/5 german cruiser class warships. another german cruiser got chased into an east african river.
end 1914 sea.
zone 2, german west side, 1914 [only brief due to pre-war.]
the first land war by germany was after the first german sea battle.
aug. 4 the day after g' declared war on france, and had shelled french africa, g' declared war on belgium and invaded b'. [without declaring "war", germany invaded luxemberg on aug.2] around 2 weeks til
aug' 14 french invaded germany all along the france german border. g' repelled f' before they reached rhine river and soon chased french armies back from north france. french armies in lux. were "forced back" into france. g' continued conquering belgium reaching (and a few days later invaded) brussels b'. meanwhile g' conquered both sides of verdun and from v's west side, conquered south into france until marne river.
sep. 2 g' conquered laon, between paris and belgium. g' did not reach paris but sept. 3. government fled paris 
sep. 5 battle marne, after 4 days fighting, allies succeeded to push germans back north.
oct. 1-9 g' battled by antwerp belgium on its northwest corner defeating belgian army and british helpers. netherlands nutral. g' conquered far westward until ypres by belgian coast. g' only held about 9% of france area but took from the valuable coal and iron mines. those lines remained almost the same for the next years of war when both sides used "deadly poison gas" [april 22, 1915]. both sides dug trenches and tried to run at the enemy but were "mowed" down by rapid fire rifles. this repeated until 1917. spy planes started shooting at each other adding a new dimension of air war which did not tip either way until u.s. was forced into the war.
Zone 3 germany east side, 1914 austrian north area. pre-world war brief:
aug. 26 austrians invaded north into russia [no poland then] conquering towards lublin. [zamosc battle]. russians succeeded on the east edge of hungary from dubno to lemberg. russia conquerd lemberg on bug river, from austria sept. 13.
later germany invaded russia eastward occupying land toward Warsaw

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

summary book casino royale

my summary of great novel casino royale, the first "james bond" book
adding and FIXING bad summaries
in the 1950's, ["after 1950"] agent bond was in a casino in the town royale on the french coast. he had white skin, blue-gray eyes and dark hair. When he was a child both parents died [skyfall 2012] but now he was very lucky and his intuition helped win more than half of his gambles. 
his mission was to spy on the enemy agent called the "number" le chiffer. the royal government sent bond to use his gambling skills "to bankrupt" the enemy agent in a gambling card game called baccarat. the loss of money will weaken the enemy.
bond met agentess lynd so they dined together. after bond left, agents tried to bomb bond. luckily they activated the wrong bomb too early so bond survived as he walked by a tree. at the gambling table luck starts to favor bond so not only was bond winning but c' was more often losing... until luck reversed and bond lost a big gamble to c'. bond tried again with his last money but lost. he faced failure and worse had just provided money to the enemy for their "fear causing" missions of harm and death.
as he started to smoke a cigarette he got an envelope from the c.i.a. who also wanted to bankrupt this bad guy.
he asked for cards... a gun poked his back how will he survive? anyway he does and finally wins the huge gamble. mission accomplished? bond knows when the evil lose money they will hurt the winner! he returned the money to the CIA agent and then hid the check for the money.
he went to dine with agent lynd. she got a message to leave the table... and does not return. should bond report her abduction to the police? no time! he was trained in tactics so he tried to rescue [X not to "save life" of] agent lady Lynd... but a rug of spikes blew his car off the road. he crashed and got captured.
Bond [not "dodge nor fight off" kuz tied in metal wire called flex. i must fix bad summary] suffered "brutal torture" but refused to reveal where he hid the check. probably he regretted trying to rescue lynd alone. LESSON!
bond was finally saved... by a russian agent who had hunted chiffre. using a gun with silencer the agent had already shot c's two skilled guards and interrupted the torture. he shot c' for betraying "their russia". he said "i lack orders to kill you" so bond survived but the russian agent added pain by cutting a russian character in bond's hand. "s" for spy from bonds angle it looked like english m. bond lay in a pool of his own blood that mixed with the expanding blood of chiffre. he recovered in a hospital. the end? nope! lynd visited him and was friendly during the recovery. after he was healthy enuf to leave hospital he went with lynd to tour the coast.
her kindness ends as she changes to distant and deception. agonizing days pass... until lynd decided to lay with bond. they enjoy a passionate loving... "sweet love". ah... the happy ending. and despite the damage of torture "all my parts worked" but not the end. afterward she sent bond from her room to his own room. in the morning bond awoke to visit her and finds her corpse and an empty bottle of sleeping pills. her glass of water had dried whitish powder at the bottom. they found the note. she had been a russian double agent blackmaild by her love to a polish guy. she had resisted and tried to serve both sides until she decided to end her life. free from her job she had enjoyed "sweet love" with bond and then ended her torment by suicide.
bond understood that he had tried to save... a double agent! the horror. from now he will focus on weakening "smersh" [not only a fictional organization but referencing a historical russian agency mentioned in ww2 history] bond phoned the office ready for the next mission! the end. note: in some films the enemy changed from smersh to "spectre" instead of russian smersh.