Sunday, February 26, 2023

my sisters boyfriends

 my sister just turned 19. her name is gertrude but i hate the part "rude" which she is not! so i call her gert.

her best friends are bert birch and burt birns. however she started to flirt with birt. 

since then she flirts,

with those three birts.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

the UNIVERSAL bible

 the bible tends to include the various versions so one book united many groups.... the fact they conflict does not bother anyone except me. i cant add words but translators and lying rabbis break that same rule and add things not in the prophecy.
whether story like the three versions of each plague, where the prophecy differed from occurred simply to be universal for several groups with different versions we have all the versions they assure the public taht we have yours too...
to sacrifice they included book leviticus that can cause the error that god commanded and wanted sacrifice but only if you dont know isaia hosea and jeremia all 3 prophets that they included specify god DENIED commanded sacrifice so believing sacrifice is considered error. these 3 prophets confirmed each other isaia 1 in past tense "blood i did not want" and hosea "not sacrifice" in chapter six, and same message from god in jeremia that i noticed first when they read it in jew place as if good book but if true... as they said in blessing there, then not command sacrifice see jeremia 7 matching hosea and isaia. if not blood then maybe spice incense? isaiah  rejected that too and without leviticus no source for flour offering.
rabbis were wrong to include both books for and against sacrifice but which should we prefer? 
mathew 9,13 jesus preferred hosea 6 matched jeremia and isaia and we can understand that the people were erring to offer sacrifice so god BOTHERED  to respond stop i dont want and DID not want blood.
the fact these were included indicated the TRUE order at the time of jeremia no book existed to conflict, yet,  so it was included as prophecy. similarly isaiah 1,12 if you would know deuteronomy FIRST this phrase in isaiah is absurd "WHO" asked.... but the TRUE order was FIRST  the book isaiah was written WHEN no conflict yet, going ONCE a year even once was not yet commanded... why did Samuel SIN if he knew three times go? no book commanded yet go, not 3, nor at all as isaiah preserved in 1,12... no other conflicting book was written yet.
later hasmonean priests used king authority to force the addition of book leviticus for self glory for priests ignoring gods message by 3 prophets that confirmed each other.
if you obey god you will not accept the error that god commanded sacrifice which is considered an error by 3 prophets whose  message i was sent in this generation to emphasize. same as jesus emphasized in HIS generation in matthew 9, 13. see for yourself we can know that the books attributed to moses are not from god nor holy nor true but can cause this error and other errors from a foriegn wrong faith that ignored prophecy as  above.


Friday, February 24, 2023

world war one history

ww1 summary and later fix order and grouping
declaring war
July 1914: on 28 july austria declared war on serbia. after that the rest of europe aligned on the two sides: germany and bulgaria joined austro-hungary. russia and the west joined serbia.
july 29, austrians bombed belgrade, serbia, later a' invaded west s' by crossing the drina river aug. 13.
aug. 1, germany on russia and later: date 3 on france and date 4 on belgium [page 805] which it invaded with more than 500 thousand troops.
aug. 2 germans invaded lux. using its 4+5 armies each with 200 thousand troops.
aug. 4 brits on german empire in response to the german invasion of belgium and later date 12 on austria with france
aug. 6 austria on russia [that did not reply], also serbia on germany but u.s. avoided war.
aug. 8 brits battled german colonies
aug. 12 france on austria
aug. 13 austrians began invading serbia, page 947
aug. 23 japan on germany who had started a "world war" around the planet even the sea called pacific ocean around the world. the world war ended in a few months but the war around nile [med] sea continued until 1918.
aug. 30 new zealand took german colony samoa [968]
sept. 11 australia took german colony bismark arc'
sep. 21 germans in new guinea surrendered page 968
Sep. 22, 1914, german warships 3 cruiser class bombed french colony page 950. they cruised southeast toward chile.
oct. jap attacked german base tsingtao on china coast 
oct. 3 japan took german colonies: marshal isles  [japanese records that i translated see other post for more details]
oct. 5 caroline isles
oct. 14 mariana isles
nov. 1 german naval victory in pacific sinking brit warships by west coast of chile. the germans left pacific so the calm resumed. END world war with this german victory. the war continued around nile sea hemisphere until the empires of germany and austro were annulled.
nov. 2 russia declared war on turkey page 955 but s+o no declarations
nov. 5 brit with france on turkey but italy avoided war until the following year.
may 1915, may 23 italy on austria
aug. 21 italy on turkey
oct. 14 bulgaria on serbia joining austro-german side.
march 1916 portugal? 
aug. 27 romania on austria
aug. 30 turkey on romania
april 1917, april 6 u.s. on germany [not austria yet until dec.] swaying american countries to expel german diplomats [prevent risk of spy and misuse of diplomats].
june 27, greece joined west against austro-side.
by japan see the section world war above for sea and island activities. japan attacked china coast in oct. 1914 as above.
by china, china was neutral. it offered to join allies but japan insisted china not join them. china had just recently changed from empire to republic in 1912 and had battles with "nationalists" like a civil war. topic "bai lang" rebellion. russia only battled on its west side. india under brits sent troops to fight on the east coast of africa see nile section below. turkey joined the war a bit later.
by RUSSIA and austro, see:
in NILE [AFRICA] continent:
aug. 8, 1914, just a few days after brits declared war on germany due to german empire invading belgium, brits started attacking the german colonies in east nile continent. b' bombed coast ports which faced zanzibar isle. india soldiers attacked north from those ports, landing from ships at tanga [nov. 2, on coast 45 degree angle n.w. from north madagascar] where germans defeated them. however the brit main effort was defending france and belgium with almost no effort there until end of 1915, when they attacked from central africa to the west edge of the colony by lake tan.
aug. 23 japan declared war on germany and landed troops on china coast to prepare to attack the german base at tsingtao. in oc. allies bombed it and attacked by land until it surrendered nov. 7. its cruiisers had left at the start of the war and went to a french colony see section world war.
aug. 26, in the west bulge of nile continent on the south coast in the niger river region, brit n french attacked from their colonies into german togo. they took the german colony and divided it.
sep. 7 brits invaded german colony cameroon on that continents east coast by the arm pit shape.

french border: the war had various "fronts" by russia in east and italy and greece in south and between france and germany so among these fronts the one by france was the western.
aug. 2 germans invaded lux. using its 4+5 armies each with 200 thousand troops. 
seven german armies each with more than 200 thousand troops, faced belgium luxembrg and french borders. germany expected war on both their east and west. they planned to only defend their east until they captured paris france.
aug. 4 germans invaded bel. using its 1+2+3 armies each with 200 thousand troops. belgian defenders were pushed westward until brussels fell aug. 20. then b' retreated to northwest allowing germany to swing south toward france.
meanwhile, aug. 14 french invaded germany, to draw troops eastward but that failed. the germans stopped the french. by aug. 25 the germans expelled from lorraine the french invaders who suffered heavy losses.
the french sent troops into lux. trying to block the german advance but soon retreated back out from lux.
aug. 21 french lost a battle 21-24, in belgium at a city south from brussels. 
aug. 23 french and brits tried to defend mons belgium but germans defeated both so both fled. germans captured many belgian cities in the end of august and took maubeuge belgium sep. 7. french and british retreated until MARNE river inside northern france that germans would later cross.
Sep. 3 french government moved out from paris southward to escape war risk.
german sent troops from france toward east germany weakening french front. they arrived in east germany too late.
sep. 5 french counterattack. battle by marne river raging many days germans blocked french.
sep. 9 germans west from paris retreated preventing the seige or encirclement of paris. brit and f=ally followed. battling until sep. 12 when germans reached aisne river in north france.
sep. 13 germans stopped withdrawing after losing marne.
sep. 15 until oct. 10 many ally failures at aisne and other north france battles.
battles raged for 3 years across northern france, with almost no change, from then until u.s. intervention in 1917. germans had taken almost all of belgium but did not reach the coast, stopped at ypers in west belgium. germans held belgium until surrendered in 1918.
germans held the northern ten percent of france, a stripe including over 20 thousand square kilometers one tenth of france area. despite failing to get paris this strip had much coal and iron and industry.
germans continued main effort against france. similarly brits main effort was defending france, after failing to defend belgium their ally for whom brits entered the war.
both sides sent waves of soldiers charging at the other's trenches where rapid fire guns mowed down the many humans time after time.
end 1914 by france and belgium. in 1915 germans started using poison gas that detterred the allies from any attempt for three months.
year 1915 April 22, germans used POISON gas chlorine, for first time and first user in this war, while defending a french counterattack. french fled but germans did not take ypers belgium. g' only advanced a bit. the allies responded beginning sep. 25, 1915 to use poison gas too with minor strategic effect due to both sides wearing gas masks, but numerous injured on both sides. july aug. sep almost no battles due to german poison gas.
sep. 25, 1915 brits "first used" poison gas p. 946 at artois [3rd battle] region in north france. in belgium allies successfully pushed germans eastward from saint pol in west b. toward lens barely 15 miles around 23 kilometers away. also battle loos in france sep. 25-oc. 8. more battles raged in north france and in belgium but with barely any change in land. this repeated year after year until 1917 despite using airplanes for spying seeing reconnaisance and later as warplanes.
EAST front, meaning from among the border wars this was the eastern won by russia.

celebrate despite minor, the ceasefire with egypt

 in february 1949, on 24 february THIS date during israeli war of... independence? nope, the brits left due to the time ending so not like independence from brits. it was a DEFENSIVE WAR when egypt LEFT its border and invaded young israel so israelis call it "tkuma" establishment but more accurately the RENEWAL of the jew government continuing from solomon dynasty but with elected representatives.

so... the war of renewal faced the massive tank and warplane army of egypt and other arab attackers. egyptian warplanes flew out of egyot border to bomb cities and tanks streamed up israel's west coast until after many months of battles and israel getting help from european allies and u.s. the strategy trapped an egyptian army and the worry caused the egyptian king to submit to conditions that they had previously refused but in the end submitted to terms.

the cease fire was achieved to end the battles on that border region. so a step toward peace which was significant due to the power of egypt... a major danger ended. despite the war continued against other arabs for example lebanon continued until end of march but from then the jews were able to move the soldiers from egypt border the same forces that had battled egypt army [for example golani 3] to move south and reclaim the southern part of israel including "eilat" mentioned in the hebrew bible. some accused israelis expelled arabs from their homes but the accuser must prove ant accusation not simply say slanderous accusations that generate hate and prevent the peace now due to arab hate and desire for muslim revenge for a false accusation without any evidence.

also near this date, SOON a sad loss for the allies at java sea that is the part of chang (pacific) ocean north from JAVA isle that is north from western australia. both sides had cruiser class warships [u.s. u.k. and exiled dutch against japanese] but no battleship class in this battle. 

on February 27, 1942, the exiled netherland=dutch navy led the attempt to save the dutch colony. in a seven-hour battle allies lost 2 cruiser class warships and total 5 warships including two brit destroyer class. the Japanese invasion of the dutch colony continued. other allied cruisers survived for example USS Houston (CA-30 meaning standard cruiser class).

the following day, 28 [oops last day in february], in the sea west from java isle, in Sunda Strait, a night  battle began. allied cruisers participated in a "fierce overnight battle" and sadly for the defenders, both allied cruisers got sunk by jap invaders. this included  u.s. lost a cruiser during this battle on march, 1.

so march 1 should be a sad day with a "comfort meal of comfort food" for the significant loss of a large cruiser and its crew taken prisoner. with songs in the topic.

the survivors were taken as prisoners of war. ENDNOTE: until liberated at the end of the war when japanese emperor surrendered in 1945 due only to the soviet land assault that threatened the military industry south from amur river... the first atomic bomb did not cause a surrender... does that mean need a second? dnc president thought so but an atom bomb is WORSE than chemical weapons and far from accurate bombing of factories so dnc is guilty for ordering that wide weapon. once they saw it did not budge EMPEROR dumb dnc should understand that it would not "end the war" as dumb dnc claimed and the second was known to be "unjustifiable". instead of "one is not enough need a second" learn that even an a bomb and knowing the danger and threat of more, did not budge the emperor. the japs did not surrender the day after the atomic bomb in august nor the day after the second so the atom bomb did not "end the war" and was known to be unjustifiable and must not be used the second time even if the first one hoped "to end the war" but the second was wrong and knowingly unjustifiable.

only the treachery of the soviet seditious violation of their treaty ignoring it caused the ending of the war later in august and was justifiable to end the war and stop the killing on both sides and save the lives on both sides for a quick end. still the soviet claim to korea peninsula was dumb dnc submission when should have said "can't grab land" as soviets had done to poland in 1939. even the division was by the line that gave soviets more than half but dumb dnc c-in-c did not care about koreans and caused the following war in korea during 1950's which cost u.s. lives when coulda stood firm against soviets saying only take the japanese industry not more. 

in fact considering soviet bad guy to poland, the decision to help soviets by dumb dnc was not only unjustifiable after they pushed nazis back from moscow but worse the dumb dnc was helping the bad guy who had divided poland. respect for human life would be not scattering u.s. soldiers all around sprinkled in algeria and italy and france but focused on the one who attacked u.s. that is japan instead of sending u.s. lives into danger... after all he had been "reelected" due to preserving neutrality until then but acted treacherously to his voters misused the declaration of war on japan to send americans into danger against germany.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

School for Good and Evil 2022

 School for Good and Evil 2022, amazing symbolism

the story was AMAZING aside for the MARKETING of contemporary silliness, i mean that the popular idea of this generation of the "true love" being two women... that is "true love" more than man and wife. and the parents being "open minded" fiction at its extreme and hinting for parents tolerating a lady pair but other than that for marketing and attracting weak minded audience also for finding investors... the story was amazing... it even referd to a historical swap... of course those many weak minded people only see and refer to strong israel and weaker but strong enough to harm, palestinians but a previous status in 1948 was the change from  a century ago when the "good" arabs went to war "for shielding the palestinians" who had never ruled in jerusalem but by ATTACKING as in this school story the arabs who invaded out of the borders of egypt and jordan i mean borders that had existed for 3 decades... the good "shielders of palestinians" attacked showing that the egypt and other arabs were truly evil like in the story of schools were truly the evil, while the "jews who appeared evil" taking land that at the time seemed to be arab but was never ruled by palestinians... those jews were the defenders as the TRUE good as this story symbolized.

admittedly netflix probably meant that the story symbolized the following stage when the jew defenders attacked egypt in 1967 but even THAT decade in 1973 the jews defended while the "seemingly good" arabs were attackers were the evil arabs. only by killing rafal aptly a negro as their reputation proceeds them... can we stop focussing on "words" that do not cause bleeding and not injure if i asay nigger or other words then we can focus in the real issues and end the violence from "islamic revenge" and jew defenders.

and speaking of bleeding... how can society be so very inverted to emphasize words that do not bleed while insisting on something that does BLEED... the infant circumcision without any medical urgency. if they can cut why cant i speak protected? and if even words are censored certainly we must deter the "mohel" and circumcisers and even the parent accomplice who hired the cutter... at least for causing bleeding without the surgery situatuon nor urgency while ditsinguishing words which do not physicaly cut deserve rotection whether i hate "white biden or black obama". hate speech is only speech and must be orotected unless it urges violence such as islamic revenge.... but opinions must be protected.


another THEME  in this story is more noticeably emphasized in second book, despite less noticeably here, until second book or comparison with harry potter pattern, that is the equation of men in the evil school in book 2 but lady is the "moral hero" this element was already in this story, as i will select.
in contrast to story of potter where the author jk bothered to balance a "girl hermione with men harry and ron to battle evil" man wizard you know who and the murderess of sirius lady, this story tips the men as wrong both in the second book where evil is the men school and also in this story agatha girl was the SAVIOR saving tedros in the forest and later when tedroa was the "man moraly wrong" the moral heroes lady agatha protested and lady sofi while showing her ability to destroy did NOT kill only showing power on the wolf guards and stopping the men in the good dance and later stopping the wrong men in at the bad dance and more significantly the lady moral heroe killing the "man morally wrong" leader was a man which pushed the agenda bad man but lady moral hero, admittedly some men ARRE as bad as women but the equation is sexism which i and my girlfriend protested.

bored scientists? dinasaur era

 did you notice the names given by "scientists" for the time of dinosaurs? they must have been VERY bored to suggest "triassic and jurassic" but when they voted who would vote against such cool names tri-ass and jur=your-ass !

two brats argued:

tim:dinosaurs are so strong and cool

jim: bo-o-oring...

tim boring my ass!

jim you mean jur-ass!!

Sunday, February 19, 2023

beg prayer rhyme

 My lord Jesus, Odd-oan shelly
God sent you down from up above
to clean our sins and die for me
down from heaven, with God's great love

where is that love? when we feel pain
we supplicate, how long the wait?
i beg with prayers. Will You accept?
we suffer with a heavy weight.

words can't describe many troubles
our lives are filled with suffering
despite abandoning body
king. for our souls you are caring.

in your holy sight: none are clean
not even one in this low world
rejecting faith is filthy sin
by grace like sand becomes a pearl

messiah your death, served to clean
our many guilts our many sins
your death then life, for everything
our death then life, our hope begins

after we die, we'll get revived
not by earning, only God's grace
please also help, our body too
many troubles and pains we face

save us from all troubles and pains
from sickness and complications
pour your kindness and healing too
we believers are your nation

we gather here and we study
holy messages and stories
we  need so much of your kindness
our life service is your glory.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

infinity stones loop

 fan fiction: when dr. strange got captured he used the GREEN TIME stone to go to before thanos got the power crystal purple. he gathered all six in the order below. then used the six to destroy the five except the one that he had vowed to protect. this prevented thanos from getting them before he had gotten the purple power and blue space crystals.

infinity crystal loop hanging from a hexed thread necklet

my summary of jekyl hyde

intro: Dr. Jekyll did chemistry research in a lab.

STORY: A lawyer [according to author trustworthy... haha that is extreme fiction] went for his weekly walk with his pal, who told him the "gruesome tale of assault." a man trampled a young girl. people followed the murderer who entered a door and came out offering her relatives money instead of them suing him for money. he revealed that his name was Mr. Hyde. L' knew that name because Dr. Jekyll had prepared a will document that his will was to transfer all of his property to this same Mr. Hyde.

Later, l' visited another pal, who told him about the argument with Jekyll. he called j's research “unscientific balderdash.” later, l' followed Hyde to a lab attached to Jekyll’s home. Hyde told l' his address and entered the lab. after that Jekyll came out and told l' not to worry about Hyde his pal.

A year passed uneventfully, until one night, a girl saw Hyde brutally beat an old man to death. cops questioned l' if he knew hyde so he led them to Hyde’s address, on a foggy morning that felt scary. they found that the murderer was not at home. l' again visited Jekyll, who claimed separation from Hyde. j showed l Hyde's  note apologizing to him for the trouble he caused and saying goodbye.

part 2 STORY:  [censored] For two months, Jekyll showed friendliness until Jekyll stopped being sociable and refused visitors. l's pal gave him a letter, while noticeably shocked, and just before he died. he told l' not to open it until after Jekyll dies. Later, L' passed jekyll's window. j motioned him to come, so they talked until suddenly j' exhibited horror and swiftly slammed the window shut. Jekyll’s butler asked l' to come see something frightening: Jekyll was secluded in his lab, which is strange but now the voice sounds different. they went back along windswept streets. at the lab, the servants showed worry. After an argument they broke the door and found the corpse of Hyde, wearing Jekyll’s suit.  l' reported that he read two letters: one from his pal who wrote that he saw Hyde drink a fluid that changed him into Dr. Jekyll. The second by Jekyll who explained his study to separate his good side from his darker impulses. using chemicals he isolated the harmful shameless part which harmed freely. he called himself, Mr. Hyde. after an exciting and enjoyable freedom he would return to his natural mix. later, he awoke as Hyde, even without potion. this repeated several nights, until he murdered a man. when he returned to j' he felt regret and made a chemical to stay j which succeeded.

later, j was sitting in a park, and became Hyde while awake. cops saw him and chased him due to his murders. hyde had written that he had asked a pal to bring him potion, which he drank and returned to jekyll, same as reported in the pal's message. this explained the shock. Jekyll wrote that he had returned home. the changes were more frequent until he lacked potion. an ingredient was hard to get so he could not make any more. he realized that he would get stuck as harmful hyde so he killed himself to prevent further wildness. the end... of jekyll... and of hyde.

the terminator series part 1,2

 the terminator series part 1,2
continuing from summary of terminator 1984 part 1 of part 1.
continuity: two people appeared at night in 1984. one starting killing women named sarah conner. the other followed sarah conner and stopped the murderer. he, named reese, led her to flee and told her the story of the future: when computers would murder almost all humans using nuclear weapons and drones. her son would lead resistance that would defeat the computer drones. therefore when the computer was losing it built a time machine to send a cyborg meaning it appeared human due to organic skin, to kill the mother of the leader which is her. it bled and sweats due to this organic skin, to blend in. they defeated the computer and used its time device to follow the cyborg and interfere with its plan. 
the chase continued...
part 1,3 STORY: the chase resumed. she drove, while Reese used a shotgun to blast t'. when t grabbed the car, she stopd causing t to fly and crash against a wall. cops came so r aimed at them to kill them so they cant interfere with his mission. Sarah said we must surrender so they dont kill us. cops led her and R to the station. at r's questioning, his story about the cyborg from the future is treated as extreme delusion [despite it would be a good story!]. [censored kuz a cyborg came]. Reese began screaming that it must be destroyed because it will not stop until it kills Sarah.
to be continued...

Friday, February 17, 2023

friends rhyme

the meeting with friends, it is fun
we'll enjoy time 'til it is done
at its end we will all be gone
same as darkness gets swapped each dawn

version 2 religionized

after worshipping we have fun
we'll enjoy time 'til it is done
at its end we will all be gone
same as darkness gets swapped each dawn
note: freedom from the old testament included anything in it including onan lesson. 

barry's bad birthday
my buddy barry invited me to his party. we sang happy birthday but one brat sang crappy! when barry opened his presents he saw the brat had been right all along. 

toddler terror

 WARNING this story is VERY gross but must be told so readers be warned.
toddler terror
note: this story is a fictional story that my FILTHY mom told me about a boy toddler, when i was age 16 and half to teach the lesson "a teen boy MUST do his OWN self care despite religions" that forbid male masturbation which means: man seed spilling besides into wife, that jew and christian forbid based on the story of onan and onanism which differs because he COULD use it in a wife, so a sin when did not, in contrast to single people.
in the year 1968, at the end of summer, a toddler named tom succeeded at toilet training. he knew how to hold in the stuff until reaching the toilet and emptying body waste filth into the toilet. when he awoke in the middle of the night he went to the toilet to drain the liquid and soon learnt that the delay before sleep called "get me water" which parent would never dare to deny, was not worth the interrupted sleep. however, despite not drinking before bed, tom still awoke in the middle of the night needing to drain waste water fluid. 
this occurred almost every night for six months until the spring of 1969. one fateful night in 1969, when tom flushed the toilet, his pa heard it and awoke. pa came out of the room to complain why are you not sleeping and why making noise, tom pointed to the toilet. pa said from now on you will sleep in diapers again. tom understood that the noise of the flush had bothered his dad and that this was different than losing control when kids are bed wetters so he was not ashamed to wear it.
dad got the left over diapers from half year ago and said "lay down." tom argued "i know how to put it on myself." dad handed it to tom who unfolded it and pulled it between his legs but did not have enough hands to hold it and attach the sticky seal. dad came forward to help and tom retreated to the bed to sit down. while sitting on it, he could attach the sticky stuff. but dad was worried it would leak and he undid the sticky part to redo it tightly.
pa ordered "lay down" so i obeyed, then pa stretched the soft absorbent stuff and pressed tight against my skin. the pressure awoke my private tube while the tight diaper trapped it. i asked pa to redo it so the tube could move so pa undid the diaper and used its edge to push the inflating tube so the hole pointed toward my face and then pressed the soft diaper on the tube i felt a new fantastic pleasure and gasped in surprise and said "tight is good".
the next morning tom awoke needing to drain and he debated using the diaper but decided he did not need it and went to the toilet and pulled it down and drained the fluid and did not flush, so his pa would not complain. then he pulled it back up and felt fantastic pleasure again as the soft material pressed firmly.
tom saw the time was too early for school so he returned to bed. finally his alarm rang and he switched the diaper for big boy panty and dressed in his school uniform which was black slacks and a white button shirt of coarse stiff fabric. then he pulled on his shoes and tied the laces. ma entered to check he was awake and saw the diaper and shrieked! "a-ee-yiy-y, dont wet the diaper anymore". dad heard and came and said "it is just for sleeping so he wont make noise flushing the toilet kuz he woke me once." mom burst into hysterical sobs and tears streaked down her face as she fled the room.
did ran to get another diaper and said to tom, "dont worry if you wet the diaper at night even i wet a diaper." tom said, "you do NOT." dad instructed tom what to do and tom obeyed he opened the belt on his pa and unfolded the pants and pealed away the boxer shorts to show an adult male tube. pa instructed to use the middle of the diaper to cover the hole and wrap the front and back like a samwij under and over the tube. "now climb up and sit on the tube". i obeyed and thought this was funny and giggled as i sat on the diaper that covered pa tube. 
pa explained "start sliding toward my face and away" tom was laughing at this crazy game as he slid forward and backward for about 90 seconds before he reached fifty slide cycles tom felt the tough rubbery tube soften. pa then removed the diaper and showed the wet inside to tom "see you are not a baby if you wet a diaper, adults can do it too, from  now on no noise at night, you already woke me once." tom understood.
he went to preschool as usual and the memories between the sliding game and the holiday visit had nothing unique. no memories would surface as each day simply repeated until... the jew festival of passover was nearing.  pa and ma told toddler tom that they were invited to the home of a coworker to spend the week of passover, before the "summer of 69".  they carried in luggage from their car tom did not lug any luggage due to his small size so he carried the package of diapers.
when they entered the rude ma hostess not only jumped to conclusions but did not obey the rule "silence is golden" she announced "at his age he should toilet trained already" pa defended the assualt and said "we DID train him this is so he wont flush the toilet at night." tom added "even adults wet diapers!" refering to what his pa had shown him... which was not yellow urine but still wet. the hostess argued, "you mean old people who lost control."
tom hated that she spoke for him and said, "dont say what i mean. i mean that i sat on my father who is not old and wet it." that gave the hostess an idea for a FUNNY prank. the adults schemed and told toddler tom how to do a repeat performance while  the teen sat. toddler tom argued, "he is gonna be very angry" but hostess laughed and said "i will tell him when you are in MY house you must obey whatever i say" toddler tom argued "that is a threat to send him away. you cant send him away" hostess explained it is not a threat it is a rule. ma asked "what if he will not obey?" hostess explained he always follows rules and the adults laughed in ridicule.
she sent the couple to jfk airport to drive her teen son, born in 1953, home from the airport. he had flown from the orthodox jew rabbinic college to jfk to be with his parents during the jew festival pessah called passover. the couple waited at the luggage carosel at the "correct" airline complany. they looked for the teen who they had seen in the photos on the wall and soon spotted him. as the teen not named mare lugged his wheely suicase away toward the glass doors he searched for his pa who he expected to drive him home due to ma being busy cooking the festival meals.
he did not see them instead the strangers saw and recognized mare. they said "we came to drive you home." however mare's personality was to obey rules and one rule was never RIDE a car with strangers and these were strangers.
mare ignored them and went to the main entrance while the young couple followed shouting "stop mayer" they pronounced his name correctly like the month may and then sir without the s sound.
mare turned and argued "i cant go with you stop following me". they argued your pa is not coming and we know you dont have nay money for a bus.
that was evidence. how did they know he had no money for a bus unless his parents sent them. so he followed them to their car. it was mustang. pa announced he had liked a ford that he saw but ford had been noticeably jew hating in his writings so he did not buy from that company. ma added we could NOT afford a ford. teen mare laughed at the word game.
when they got to mare's home the prank began.
pa carried mare's suitcase up the steps to "mare's room". hostess told mare to sit on the wood piano bench so tom would sit on his legs. mare argued, " i need to unpack and..." but hostess interrupted "how dare you argue with your mother is that respect?"
mare submitted as usual and as expected so toddler climbed onto mare's legs.
the trauma begins NOW: 
tom's right thigh was on mare's right thigh and his left thigh was on his left thigh... the problems was toddler shifted a bit to the side moving his ryt thy between teen's thys. and suddenly sliding back. he was sure he had hit the target as ordered despite not feeling anything.
toddler started the sliding game this time in a circular motion that dipped his toddler weight between teen's thys repeatedly untl tom could feel the rubbery tough bump poking. then began the sliding step with his ryt leg between teen's thys he slid toward teen shirt and away.
the teen protested "stop sit still" he resisted the idea of a toddler causing his orgasm that was gross.
toddler giggled as he bumped again into the bump and said "you arenot my mother i dont need to listen to you." teen then turned to the guest couple "tell your son to sit still and stop moving." they just smiled at each other. teen added "or else he cant sit on MY legs they are mine." at this ma guest called hostess and said, "your son is not doing what you said" meanwhile teen stood up so tom slid down to the floor. the couple said "how dare you push our son down on the carpet".
hostess came from the kitchen and said in a very stern voice "when you are in MY house you MUST do MY rules, and i say you need to hold him on your lap and do not argue." teen obeyed and the toddler climbed up again to do the sliding game.
when teen gasped the adults giggled all three watching toddler slide on teen bump... away and back and repeating until tom felt the tube soft. then he stopped and announced "you are like me you wet your underwear." mare awkwardly argued, "this is not pee" the couple argued "wet is wet you are a baby." so that was the trauma of the teen mare which did not happen... in 1969.
the story gets WORSE, once the toddler tom learnt the game he said i want to apologize in your ear. then toddler tom whispered, "tomorrow morning you better be wearing a diaper kuz i am gonna wet you again".
mare did not believe him and said "i accept your apology".
the prank had not ended since ma hostess had been watching the prank she blocked the steps. mare tried to go up the steps. hostess said, where do you think you are going?" as she concluded the funny prank.
mare answered, "to unpackk my suitcase" the couple chorused "and change your wet panties" teen swallowed his shame and repeated, "and change my wet pants". hostess argued that the geusts were using his room so he must sleep in the basement. then teen comprehended that moving his suitcase was part of the prank. they knew he would want to change his panty underwear but separated him from his suitcase with clothing.
mare went downstairs and comforted himself that the wet was only a bit. still he went to the basement toilet room to get a towel but the prankers prepared for this and the towel shelf was empty. the hand towel was also missing and he would not have used that anyway. so mare pulled an encyclopedia from a book shelf and started hunting for something interesting to read... the boring evening went as usual supper meal and mare driving with pa host to the prayer building where mare sinned by leading the prayers in wet undies. but how could he explain whu he was refusing to pray? he felt ashamed so he sinned and read the prayers while "not clean enough"... twice because the leader repeats all the blessings.
that night, mare, get it night mare? yes this trauma was like a helpless nightmare, but the shame would grow GREATER gasp. mare asked for his pijama, but the couple echoed again "dont tell us what to do." and ma hostess continued the prank saying with a laugh "you cant go into their room they have personal stuff in their room."
mare submitted again and went to the basement. he climbed onto his bed with an encyclopedia. he heard a plastic crinkle and looked for the sound a folded diaper was under his sheet by the right edge of the sofa. "gross" he ejaculated aloud" and pulled it out to see if it was new or used... either way was awfully horrible. he unfolded the diaper and saw it was clean and unused so that was not the prank... but the dread soon hit him that the toddler would do his prank in the morning. mare comforted himself "better the kid should drain the seed rather than i do the sin of onan in the talmud". but even this preparation of emotion could not prepare him for the toddler's NEXT prank.
mare looked for some interesting stuff to read but before he found anything he drooped into deep sleep... despite holding the encyclopedia and the lamps on.
while he slept pa came down to see why the lamps were lit. when he saw mare was not reading he returned to the door switched off the lyt and closed the door.
the next morning the SHOCKING shame was even worse.
i had been sent to sleep too early so i awoke at six am with the sunlyt. i had used the toilet in the middle of the nyt but this time did not flush kuz my parents would "smack me" if i woke them in the middle of the nyt and even at dawn. so i let the adults sleep. it would be mean to wake mare before sunrise but the the lyt was already coming thru the windows so i did MY silly prank. i stealthily went to the basement to wake mare but this time i held one of my new diapers and his huge panty from his suitcase.
i whispered in mare's ear, "the sun is up." mare opened his eyes blinking and moaned. he looked at his watch and said, "dont wake me so early i did not sleep enuf" i argued the lyt is here time for you to get dressed. dont you wanna change out of your wet panty" i teased offering his choice of his folded panty or a new folded diaper.
teen took the panty. he hid under his blanket. i waited until he moved the new panty to his legs. i YANKED blanket! gasp. 
no adult had sent me for this but i had seen naked men before anyway, so this was not my first time. i jumped onto mare and modestly covered his hole same as i had covered my dad's. i folded the diaper as i had learned to make a wrap to catch the wetness. i warned and asked, "you want anyone to see you like this?" mare shut his eyes. i slid forward and away, in a truly gruesome assault... and under my weight his diaper stiffened due to the suporting pole. i counted down from fifty... 49 cycles 48 47... by the time i got to 20 the support collapsed and i was on a flattened diaper.
then, i was too scared to wake my parents so i only whispered, when i climbed down, my taunt, "you wet a diaper." mare was busy covering himself with a new panty and his black slacks. so i repeated the taunt finally he responded "it is not pee" and i echoed my mom "wet is wet, wet is wet". mare begged "go away i did not sleep enough and prayers are not until 730" but i was being too silly and repeated the taunt "you wet your diaper like a baby" again and again. 
mare left the house. i dont know where he went maybe he went to pray early. later when i grew up i realized the amount of shame i had caused him when i realized how i felt uncovered... i felt horrible that those vile parents had sent me to do a prank that was not silly but horribly shameful. but what is done is done. the end.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

hebrew version of the mini bot fiction

hebrew version
הסוף. הסוף היה בחודש חורפי אחד שתי תוכניות התממשו ביחד והתערבו: בסין קצין בחיל אויר החליט לברוח מסין. הוא תכנן לגנוב מטוס סילון עם פצצה אטומית אחת ועוד טילים לנקום בבריטים על המלחמה שלהם נגד סין בעבר הרחוק. בסמכות של קצין גבוה ציוה פקודות לחיילי חיל אויר להכין מטוס מתקדם עם הנשק למען טיסת ניסיון. גם תכנן להבטיח בריחה שלו בהכנת זבוב רובוטי הוא זבו-ב-וטי בו תוכנית לחפש גנרלים מסויימים באזור ועוד קצינים גבוהים למנוע מהם לפקוד על טייסים אחרים לרדוף אחריו
הזבוב היה של ברזל וזעיר מספיק להיכנס לריאות כדי להפריד ברזל מהדם של המטרות בדרגה צבאית גבוה, ולגדול ולפצל כמו רביית תאים בשימוש ברזל ולאסוף עוד ברזל  ולשכפל את עצמם ברבייה כדי שיהתפזרו לחפש את המטרות בזמן קצר. כאשר הזבוב הזעיר היה מוכן ובו התוכנה שלח אותו לכיוון בסיס צבאי והטיס את המטוס קרב הסילוני מבסיס חיל האויר הסיני באותה עת בפקסטין התממשה תוכנית דתית: תלמיד מוסלמי שרצה מאוד לקיים את הספר שלו שציוה עליו אלה להרוג כופרים בנביא מוחמד שכנע עוד מוסלמים שחובתם הדתית היא לממש את הרעיון שבספר הדתי שלהם
לפקיסטן היה מזמן פצצות אטומיות אבל הממשלה חששה להשתמש בהן פן יגיבו וישמידו את עמו אומנם פעילות דתית שונה בלי חשש של מוות ושל תגובה כי נכון להפסיד את הגוף למען הדת כאשר שכנע מספיק ולמד לטוס שותפיו עזרו לו להיכנס לבסיסי חיל אוויר בפקיסטן ולגנוב מטוס סילון שעליו פצצה אטומית  ישנה באותו יום שטס הקצין הסיני התממשה התוכנית הדתית כמו לפי גורל והמוסמי הצליח בעזרת שותפיו להיכנס לבסיס חיל אויר ולמצוא את המטוס קרב שהכינו שותפיו  ולטוס לצפון לכיווון הגבול הסיני
בבסיס צבאי אמרקני על גבול פקיסטן ראו מטוס קרב בודד מתקרב ושאלו מדוע מתקרב להם ןלגבול הקצינים הגיבו מיד שלא שלחו וביקשו מהאמרקנים להפיל את המטוס בשימוש טיל נגד מטוסים. האמרקנים הסכימו לבקשת הגנרל הפקיסטני למנוע פעילות שלא נשלחה  ולכן ירו טיל נגד מטוסים מהסוג המתקדם לכיוון המטוס הבודד... אבל מאוחר מדי המטוס היה קרוב מספיק לגבול הסיני לירות טיל ארוך טווח שעל ראשו הפצצה האטומית שהכינו שותפיו בדת למרות שהטיל האמרקיני פגע ופיצץ את המטוס מסוג מיג מתקדם וחדשני כולל הטייס שבחר לא לקפוץ כי רצה להגיע לשכרו אחרי מות הגוף עדיין הטיל שהעיף עבר את הגבול לעיר סיני
בגורל נוראי עשרים מהזבובוטים היו באותה עיר מחפשים את הקצינים הסינים ובעת שפתתה האטומית הפך את העיר לעשן ואפשר גם חצי מהזבובוטים נהרסו אומנם השאר הושפעו מהקרינה חצי מהם הפסיקו לפעול בגלל הקרינה אבל השאר רק התקלקלו במה שהתוכנה שלהם השתבש ובלי הגבלה התחילו להפריד ברזל מדם התושבים כדי לשכפל ולהרבות את עצמם. הריבוי של זבובוטים מיהר לאסוף ברזל מהדם ולא היה ברזל להביא חמצן למוח של התושבים ולכן מתו תושבי העיר. גרוע מאסון זה ההכפלות המשיכו להתפזר לממש תוכנה שלהן לאסוף ברזל ולשכפל עוד. תוך פחות מחמישה ימים היו מתים מרובים בשני צידי הגבולות של סין פקיסטן והודו מוות שהמשיכה להתפזר למזרח ולמערב וגם לרוחב ובכול אזור של תושבים הצליחו הזבובוטים ברבייה שהתפזרה יותר ויותר להביא מוות מוחי בכול האזור לפני ההתפשטות של המוות הטייס הסיני הצליח לטוס עד גבול צפון מערב של סין וכצפוי לא היה גנרל חי לצוות עליו לשוב ולא לשלוח מטוסים רודפים לפיכך קרא ברדיו למדינות שכנות לאפשר לו לברוח כי לא נאמן לסין הם העלו מטוסי מרדף ללוות אותו לכיוון צפון מערב עד ים בלטי ומשם מערב לגבול בריטי
הטיסה הארוכה המשיכה כעשר שעות למרות שטס במהירות פי שלוש ממהירות קול כאשר התקרב לטווח מיהר לשגר טיל של פצצה אטומית לבירה בריטית ובגורל היה יום שבו נאספו כול הבית הגבוה של מחוקקים עם המלכה וקרובי המשפחה שלה לטקס בבית המחוקקים הגבוה מלבד רוב נציגים בבית הנמוכה של מחוקקים הטיל טס נמוך מעל נורבגיה ועבר את הים לכיוון הבירה הבריטית במהירות פי ארבע ממהירות קול ורק מטר מעל פני הים הרבה לפני שהגיע הסיני לגבול מזרחי של נורבגיה הטיל הגיע מעל בירת בריטניה והתפוצץ בעוצמה של מיליוני טונות של דינומיט
למרות שהעיר רחב מאוד כמעט 90%של בנייני העיר ותושביה הפכו לעשן וטבעת מסביב פרצה באש עזה הטייס שינה כיוון לצפון והגיע לאי אייסלנד בעיני הטייסם הושלמו התוכניות בהצלחה כי המוסלמי הצילח להשמיד עיר סינית ותושביה של מיליונים שכפפרו בנביא מוחמד לפני שמת וגם הסיני מימש את הנקמה בבריטים להשמיד את הבירה ובגורל אף להרוג משפחת המלוכה וכל מחוקקי הבית הגבוה ורוב מחוקקי הבית הנמוך כאשר החליטו השארית לבחירות חדשות הצביעו השארית שלא יהיו שני בתי מחוקקים רק בית יחיד של 99 נציגים ולכן רק נאלצו להוסיף שש נציגים על 96 השורדים כאשר מתו מאות היינו הרוב של הבית הנמוך
בנוסף הצביעו לבטל לגמרי את המלוכה הבריטית כדי ששום יורש לא יטען שירש את המלוכה ולמנוע מריבות בין היורשים. זה היה ההשלמה של התוכנית הסינית ושל מלכות בריטניה אבל לא הסו של האסון כי מלבד שתי הערים הגדולות ומרובות אוכלוסין  של הושמדו היה הערבוב של התוכניות הקרינה מהפצצה הפקיסטני השפיעה כנזכר לע הזבובוטים ששרדו את הקרינה וכנזכר התחילו לפזר מוות מוחי באזור מאוד צפוף באנושיים ובחיות שבדמם ברזל רק שבוע אחרי השמדת הערים בירת בריטניה ועיר גבולית גדולה בגבול סין פקסטן שמע היוצר על המוות בגבולות סין הוד ופקיסטן
הבין שהזבובוטים שלו שהיו מיועדים רק לחנוק  קצינים גבוהים שבחר באזור תוכנה שלהם השתבשה היוצר מיהר לייצר רובוט זבוב בעל תוכנה דומה לחפש את זבובי הברזל יונקי הדם ולהפך אותם לברזל לגדול ולשכפל עצמם  למען להתפזר ולאסוף כול "זבובי מוות" שבאזור למרות שמיהר להכין והזבוב היה קטן עבר חודש של עבודה להכין את מעט זבובים זעירים ואז השקיע חודש להכין תוכנה מתאימה של שכפול ורבייה ואסיפת הברזל מזבובוטים ולא מדם בחודשיים האלה הספיקו הזבובוטים לכסות כול שטח הודו הענק בין ערים וביניהן וכן רוב שטח סין למזר ולצפון עד נהר הואנג הי הנקרא באנגלית ילו היינו צהוב
גם המדינות קטנות יותר סבלו מהמוות המתפשטת אומנם בגלל שהיו שם פחות אנושיים הרבייה הייתה יחסית פחות וההתפזרות לכיוון צפון איטית יותר לעומת הרבייה בסין והודו שם הרבה יותר דם עם ברזל באנושיים המרובים והחיות כולל פרים ופרות ונמרים בהודו ולכן היו יותר זבובויטים זעירים לממש את התוכנה שלהם של אסיפת ברזל והכפלה ולכן בזמן קצר יותר לא נשאר נושם חי בכול הודו וברוב סין המוות הספיקה להגיע גם מערבה למרות שאיטית יותר כי היו פחות תושבי איראן לעומת הצפיפות בהודו ובסין עדיין התפשטה המוות למדינות הקטנות שמצבפון לאיראן ואף למערב עד נהר הנילוס במצרים
סופסוף הזבובוטי צייד היו מוכנים לעצור את האסון של מוות מיליוני אתאיסטים ודתיים מדתות שונות, והחליט היוצר הסיני לשלוח רק שנים למדינת רומניה לצמצם כניסת הזבובוטי דם שהיו זבובי מוות אל מדינות אירופה כי אז ימשיכו מערבה לאי שלו אייסלנד בנוסף התחרט על הרצח ההמוני בסיף כי רק רצה לברוח ולמנוע ממפקדים מסוימים למנוע בריחה שלו לכן טס מעל רוסיה להביא שלושה זבובטים לבירת סין למרות שהצליחה התוכנית בריחה שלו הפעם לא הצליחה המטוס הגיע מעל מונגוליה גבול דרומי להיכנס לסין אבל עד שהגיע לא היו סינים לענות למסרי הרדיו שלו לכן המשיך לטוס במהירות על קולית שיותר מהיר מזבובוטים עד עיר הנמל בחוף המזרח של אסיה
המטוס נחת ארצה בשדה המטוסים של עיר רוסית בלדיבסטוק משם שלח את שלושת הזבובוטים לכיוון דרום להציל א שארית עמו שבצפון מזרח סין מהמחשב החזק שהכין הוא השגיח על הרבייה של זבובי הצייד ששכפלו והרבו מאוד מאוד רק מאה קילומטר מדרום לנהר אמור והבין שהגיעו זבובי מוות עד לשם יום אחרי יום הוא ראה התפשטות הקו של זבובי הצייד וחשש שלא יעצרו את זבובי מוות לכן טס לאי בודד ששמו מידבי שמצפון מערב לאיי הוואי האמרקנים הוא נשם לרווחה כאשר ראה שזבובי צייד התפשטו בכול אזור נהר אמור של גבול סין רוסיה ובכך היה ניכר שנשארו הרבה סינים חיים באזור נהר אמור
בימים ההם זבובי מוות המשיכו להתפשט לאור טורקיה ואף הגיעו ליון אבל אותם שהגיעו לרומניה היו מזון לזבובי הצייד שהתפשטו דרומה לחפש זבובי מוות כדי לממש את התוכנה שלהם הם עפו מעל הערים הריקות מחיים שבהונגריה ומדינות הקטנות בןי הים השחור לים אדריאטי הוא ממזרח איטליה ככה מנעו הכניסה של המוות לאיטליה ולשוויץ ועדיין עד אז הרבה ממדינות עצמאיות קטנות נמחקו והשאירו רק הודעות של פחד שהרבה מתים ולכן איטליה לא שלחה חיילים לתפוש את האדמה עדיין
באותה עת במצרים זבובי מוות הם זבובוטי דם מצאו את אלפי מיליון האפרקאים לאורך נהר נילוס ובחוף ים הנילוס והרבייה הייתה הכפלה זריזה מאוד ובכך התפשטה המוות במהירות רבה למערב ולדרום כי יותר זבובוטי דם התפזרו והשתכפלו  ולא היה זבוב צייד נוסף וגם לא רצון היוצר להציל יותר מעמו הסיני ולכן בזמן שבסין זבובי צייד המשיכו דרום ומערב כדי לאפשר לסינים שבאזור נהר אמור ללכת בלי סכנה לבירה הריקה חיים היינו המלאה גופות עדין באפריקה רק הרבו מאוד מאוד על חשבון דם האנושיים והחיות באפריקה
עד סוף אביב של שנת 2026 רק מעט סינים נשארו בכול אדמות אסיה מדרום לגבול מונגוליה כי לא היה אפילו זבוב צייד אחד עבור הדרום רק עבור עמו הסיני השורדים הסינים מיהרו לשנות את הגבולות של הפרובינס היינו מחוזות בגלל שלא היו תושבים חיים וכדי לארגן שריפת הגופות לפי גבולות ולקבוע אזורי חוק חדשים הכסף בבנקים ישב בלי יורשים והשורדים שכרו רוסים ומונגולים לעזור באסיפת הגופות ושריפתם כול מנהיג היה אחראי על מחוז שנקבע לפי קוי אורך ורוחב של מעלות העיגול של הכדור של הפלנטה
החליטו המנהלים החדשים לחלק מחוזות בשורות של מלבנים של חמש מעלות מעגל מבייג'נג הבירה לשעבר למזרח ולמערב הנקרא 121 עד 111 מזרח והוא היה מחוז שמספרו אחד לאורך עשר מעלות עיגול וכן לצפון ולדרום מקו 45 מעלות מצפון של קו המשווה שבין הקצוות צפון דרום עד 35 צפון היה מלבן של מחוז אחד באזור ההוא עסקה ההנהלה החדשה בשכירת עובדים לשרוף גופות של אנושיים וחיות מתות כי לא נשאר שום בעל חי של דם ברזל בין ציפור ובין נמר ובין פר וכן המשיכו קביעת גבולות המחוזות בחישוב ובמפה עד חוף הדרומי של אסיה נתפס מהמתים בשלטון הסין החדש שנקבעה מגבול רוסיה בנהר אמור בצפון סין עד הים שבדרום אסיה כולל הודו הריקה מחיים הכול סין 
וככה גבולות המחוזות נקבעו בשביל הנהלה במחיקת עשרות המחוזות המסורתיים בקביע יותר מאורגן לפי קוי מעגל כנזכר
שורה של מלבנים בין 25 עד 35 מעלות צפון ועוד שורה בצידי בייג'נג 35 עד 45 צפון  וכן לדרום שורה של מלבנים מקו 25 עד 15 וכן עד החוף הדרומי של היבשה לפי חשבון גם החליטו לחלק את יבשת הנילוס והכינו מפה שהחליף את הגבולות המסורתיות של עצמאות מדינות מערב אפריקה מצרפת גם לפי שורות מלבנים כי המקומיים לא היו חיים להתנגד כדי למנוע שעבוד הארופאים פעם שנייה באפריקה
 כבר היה לאירופאים תור להחזיק ולהביא לשם מלחמות אירופה ואין לאפשר שנית לכן טסו היוצר הסיני וצוות הנהלה לחוף המערב של אפריקה שם פיזרו כמה זבובי צייד חדשים כדי להפוך זבובי דם לברזל כדי להפסיק את מגיפת המוות וגם מנעו הסינים את כניסתם של אירופאים אומנם היו ערים על קוי הגבול של המחוזות למשל קו חמש מדרום למשווה והיה ספק איזו הנהלת מחוז יטפל באותם הכפרים או ערים לפיכך החליטו שכול מבנה שעל גבול הזה עליהם להרוס כדי שלא יהיה ספק חוקים של איזו הנהלה בתוקף שם
כל מחוז היה אחראי על אזורו המלבני וגם על הקו הדרומי שלו כי השורה שמצפון היה אחראי על דרומי שלהם כולל הצפוני  של השורה שמדרומם ככה מעט סימנים תפסו את האזור הריק שפעם היה הודו אבל היום סין וטיפלו בשכירת עובדים לשרוף את הגופות של האנושיים והחיות מתברר שמתו במגיפה שלושת אלפי מיליונים מהסינים והודואים ועד מיליונים מהמדינות הקטנות לשעבר שהפכו למחוזי סין הדרומי וכן מעל אלף מיליון אפריקאים כלול בשני שלישי האנושות האלה כולל מיליוני אתאיסטים של סין ואלף מיליון המוסלמים שהיו באפריקה ובצידי נהר טיגריס וומיליוני הינדואים
קשה לדמיין כמה שנים עד ששרפו מיליוני הגופות האנושיים ושל החיות אבל לפחות לא נשארו נחשים ועקרבים ושאר מזיקים וכן שאר סוגי חיים שהיו אוכלים את הגופות נגמר להם המזון ומתו מרעב ובכך נשארו רק חמש מאות מיליון מפוזר באירופה ובאמרקה הצפונית והדרומית אבל מה הם עשו? הניסיונות של אירופה לתפוס אדמה ביבשת הנילוס נכשלו לפעמים בסיבה שבאו למקום שלא הוחלפו זבובי הדם עדיין או כי הסינים ירו בהם להרחיק אותם מהיבשת שתפסו וניהלו  לפי המחוזות המלבניות כנזכר
בתום המגיפה זבובי צייד החליפו זבובי הדם והשורדים יכלו לחיות ביבשתות הריקות  של דרום אסיה ושל אפריקה וההנהלה השמידה כול הערים המכוערות  העתיקות כי לא היו שם תושבים רק השקיעו לבנות עיר אחת גדולה בכול מחוז עבור בירה יפה של המחוז מאז שטח סין היה גדול יותר אפילו משטח רוסיה וכך התחיל העולם החדש. ההתחלה 

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

sam spy the exciting conclusion of mini bots [from december 2022 posts]

 the exciting conclusion of mini bots:
the bot creator hated the western colonialism of britian and other countries. he heard that briton planned to recolonize the empty africa so he returned his loyalty to china.
he sent the chinese government his new mini bot made to copy itself and reproduce by eating the blood bots. they released it and slowly the nearby area became safe for humans. the bots found the blood bots and reshaped the iron into copies for reproducing. they multiplied and the total was vast as they hunted the blood bots who were searching for iron in blood in the dead cities. they took several of the copies on a jet for the trip to africa. to digest all the  blood bots near them when they landed in africa. the plan was for the copy bot to find blood bots and use its iron to copy and multiply and spread thru the nile continent so it would be safe for humans again. the jet flight was many hours from the spedial filter shelter in an arc north to the thinner part of the globe and south to the west coast of the nile continent. they saw many boats had already arrived bringing the african americans "home" as they identified that way but tragicly for them the discount ship tickets were to lead them to the blood bots... by saying the "truth" that the death stopped which was true since the last human died so no more death but still not safe. the african americans who heard that the death stopped interpreted it as safe... and when they landed from the gigantic crowded ships and big boats the many blood bots found the iron in their blood that soon could not carry oxygen to the their brains which died in minutes.
they released the copy bots called mini bot2 on the west coast of africa to make it safe and used the ships with many corpses in them to patrol the coast. the chinese plan was to prevent western colonization so they sent back the african americans who had been fooled by the neo nazis. they told them the truth that it was unsafe and that death stopped due to all dead already.
they also prepared a trap for the brits.
they told the truth that bot 2 was released and harvesting the blood bots and copying and multiplying which was true despite not being safe yet until more bot2s multiplied... 
the brits sent their colony ships to the places where the chinese had placeed the bot2 so the chinese shot and sunk those ships killing the soldiers and colonizers drowned at sea as their boats sank.
the french also sent boats from south france to the north coast of nile continenet where they once colonized algeria in the past... but the bot2 were not delivered there so the french soldiers and colonizers were doomed... 
the chinese redivided africa continuing the system of rows of squares from 111 e the region of the corpse-flooded capital city westward to 101, 91 etc. until africa's west coast. the old borders in the nile continent were ignored and cancelled and replaced by the new system for management and for burning corpses of the 1.5b africans. similarly in china, they had management regions to burn the 1.5b corpses of chinese athiests and 1.5b indians of which around half were hindu. also 1b muslim corpses already included in the africa statistic combined with those between india and the nile river and corpses of the relatively few jews in that region. for example the most populous was nigeria with 222m but now it was replaced with no border exceot the imaginary lines of longitude and only corpses remained there and on that continent now "protected" by china to prevent western colonization.

to be continued.

Monday, February 13, 2023

which year jesus got crucified

first inspecting the date claimed, second offering a better alternative  and finally rescuing the conflicted versions in gospel.

 a website claimed that romans killed jesus april 3 year 33. however we can estimate full moons using a 19 year cycle. 104×19=1976, 33+1976=2009 same as 2009 full moon was near 8 april prepare passover and same in 33 not april 3. only year.

still witnesses set month not calculated so if passover 9 april 33 like full moon 8 in 2009, then Thursday preparation buried in john 19 witness who "saw" in john 19.

nights after Thursday 3 until sunday morning "first day of week" matched kuz 6 hour. 

other years not claimed nor match, years 32, 29 one night. year 31 longer except 30 same Wednesday but more likely y33 based on tiberius 15 year. 

calendar pictures 

how i estimated 104?

if year 33 when full moon? how many 19 year cycles?
2023 is end 5 ap same 2004 prep 5ap so 2042 same.
2009 years/19=105+ cycles
105 x 19=1995, 2042-1995=47 47-33=14
2023-14=2009 lucky 8 april 104 groups
104x19=1976 2009-1976=33 we can test 33
if on passover time john april 8 Wednesday and buried then 4 nights. if ate passover and the next noon then matched but john "saw" in john 19.  n paul said he passover so not 33. claimer 33 said april 3, was friday but not full moon but witnesses set calendar until amora, so near full moon. 19 year cycles only to estimate moon and within a day.

2008 at 32? ap19, too short one night til sunday first day of week. 2007 31, longer, 2006 30, 4 nights, 2005 29, 1n, not claimed nor match. 
CONCLUSION  this reconciled the "obvious and apparent contradiction" in the gospels. both versions agreed three 3 nights before rose sunday morning. john SAW and wrote died and buried on Thursday of preparation when passover started that year six hours after crucified end of Thursday. the other version in matthew AGREED thursday but wrote a different day due to MOON witnesses 19 years later. starting passover Wednesday if so must have been same in 33... so they added matthew after john with the version jew passover at the end of Wednesday... NO PROBLEM jesus ATE the passover on preparation day and still crucified thursday 3 nights before sunday. in other words the versions ONLY diffrr about the lunar calendar that was based on witnesses seeing the moon. 

Saturday, February 11, 2023

my life for jesus , poems

a, my life, a poem
put my life in Jesus hands
God we beg hosanna from you
we sanctified our lives to serve
and Your love and Your grace are true

Jesus you are master of all
and you're also our master too
our lives are yours. with our full hearts
hosanna hosanna by you.

b, Jesus freed

by Jesus believers are free
just his name, no other can be
my master you are "a and z"
the "start and end" of our study.

Jesus, his name can heal and save
spirits of evil it defeats
for inner calm and nations too
the solution for all real peace

anybody on land or sea
under stars or beneath the sky
can accept the grace by belief
for life not death, when bodies die. (source john 3 and cor. 1,12)

love flows from the Father's throne
God's glorious beauty: our aim
love flows from the Father's heart
by Jesus by jesus, his name

Monday, February 6, 2023

not another funeral and peter pan

 humans and earthlings baffle me... they call the sad funerals, funerals but they are sad-erals not fun-erals [because of the loss that families feel.]

when peter pan wants to hide, how does he travel?

"pan I am" airlines.

note: the video hook 1991 violated the limits of peter pan world, if forget to fly LOSE ability forever. also the PREMISE is a turn off ANYTHING about "grown up peter" VIOLATED that world "all children grow up except one".

in addition to these two fundamentals, also peter was NOT adopted instead wendy and FUTURE generations visited him so the premise conflicted all these. the SAME story should have been about a "lost boy" who WAS adopted especialy since the title was "hook"... not peter pan. a lost boy for example "curly" needed to rescue his kids and met peter pan. but for marketing they made "the star and peter and actor williams" all one... and it got many ticket sales over $100m and in top ten, sixth that year so marketing was a success at the expense of "sacrilege" relying most people did not read peter pan books.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

the terminator series part 1,1

the terminator series part 1 was published in 1984. it mentioned nuclear fire
historical note: this was "in the old world" when politics emphasized the danger between soviet and u.s. nuclear weapons.
STORY: in 2029 in l.a. the buildings were destroyed. remnants of walls remaind with twisted metal indicating heat and explosions. a hovercraft flew and lasers zapd. people with guns moved under fire by machine drones. a tracked vehicle rode over skulls which indicated heat of the "nuclear fire". the war was between machine against man. the war had raged for decades by 2029 but the final batle is in 1984.
in 1984 l.a., a trash truck was raising its electronic arm that stopped. no power. flashing lightning zapped. the driver saw a naked muscular man [schwartzneger which is repeating two words that each mean black, doubled black black] appear and fled. the naked man went to get clothing. three tough teens saw him come and teased him about no clothing. the naked man said "your clothes give them to me". [note the american style revealing the topic in contrast to brit style "give them to me your clothes" in several harry potter examples where the pronoun is explained later, but then the sentence is unclear until the end but in u.s. the topic is first so the phrase is understandable.] the tough teens pulled knives that snap open perhaps jumping out straight or swinging out. they are not scared of the muscular guy kuz they have switchblades... and wave them in self defense.
the naked guy wanted their garments so he attacked and punched the arm of one so hard he flew to the side. muscles threw another back against a gate. while hitting these two the the third used the knife to stab the attacker... who started bleeding but did not fall. instead he plunged his hand into the stabber and murdered [cute how fans refuse to call the murderer who started murdering and continued more, refuse the word murdered while blaming the protector guy for "stealing"] him... withdrawing a bloody hand. the corpse dropped. the one still conscious was scared enough to give his clothing.
elsewhere more bright lightning flashed. another naked man appeared exhibiting his own pain. he, named reese [actor biehn] commandeered pants for his mission from a street dweller. cops chased him. he commandeered a cop's pistol. Reese ran into a clothing shop and commandeered sneakers and a long coat. In an alley outside, he commandeered a shotgun from a cop car. Finding a phone book nearby, he found the name "Sarah Connor." meanwhile, in Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton)'s home, a young waitress talked with her room mate Ginger about her boring life. meanwhile, muscular man stole a car and drove to a hunt shop. the worker showed him weapons and told the license process. muscles loaded the shotgun and shot the clerk.
muscles=m found the names "Sarah Connor" in a phone book. he came to the home of Sarah Connor. when she opened the door and said her name, he used the gun that he stole to murder her. as a result, at sara's job at the diner a lady led her to see a report about a murder victim with SAME name. later, at home Sarah's roommate, Ginger, prepared for for her date with her boyfriend, Matt. sara prepared for hers who cancelled. she saw news: cops announce the murder of another woman with her name. 
outside, Sarah saw she was being followed, and entered a dance club. She tried to call Ginger who was making love. the Terminator attacked Matt and murdered him. using the laser aim gun he shot Ginger. after that he heard Sarah's voice on their answering machine saying where she was. T' entered the club. Reese was there and saw t' that saw Sarah. a dot from the laser aim pistol is on her. Reese repeatedly shot the murderer that got knocked down. Sarah felt shocked when she saw it stand up. it shot at Reese using the stolen uzi. reese jumped down to the floor. t' walked toward Sarah and shot.  the woman behind her fell dead and her corpse held s' down. when t' aimed again, Reese hit the killer using the shotgun. t' got blasted out the  window. r' told Sarah, "Come with me if you wanna live". t' chased them.
Reese and Sarah ran through an alley behind the club. t's vision and night vision is like a computer screen with data, like a robot, watching them flee. Reese shot the gas tank of a car which explodes. T walked through the flames and jumpd onto his car. t' smashd its fist through the windshield and was trying to grasp Sarah. Reese reversed it so t' flew off and down. Reese rode away. Terminator hit a cop (the screenwriter) and took his cop car which he drove to chase. t spoke like the cop's voice.
Reese explained to her that he is a sergeant with a serial number sent to protect her because Sarah is in danger. "the murderer chasing them is not a man but a machine called a "terminator" that is covered with living human skin to hide and appear human. They fled driving along alleys until entering a parking building. Sarah refused to accept such delusions and panicd that she is in a car with a crazy stranger so she bit his hand... but she knew her danger [+and remembered he had been stopping the murderer so needed him] so they switched vehicles. 
Reese told her the story: later, and before his own birth, a nuclear death will come by a computer program that will control the military drones without human decisions. he grew in the ruins. He was enslaved to load corpses into ovens. her son will organize some of the few survivors for effective resistance and will send him to the present after he will have defeated Skynet and took control of the time machine that the computer will have built.
to be continued in part 1,2

global warming, human or volcanoes

 people who are "emotionally  concerned scientists" hide the fact that volcanoes not only eject certain gasses but also move heat from underground to atmosphere.

if like me people don't notice that volcanoes are ERUPTING now for example in hawaii since 1983...

people might get fooled that humans are the cause and if dont "support the politicians who will restrict industry" we destroy the planet.... quite indirect and unnecessarily complicated propaganda.

however if people think if support such frauds the gasses will be less you are ignoring not only china uncontrolled pollution but also ACTIVE volcanoes.

where is etna? can you find it?

Saturday, February 4, 2023

song fixing spirit

 one worship song "invites come" holy spirit, but despite nice melody the words are problematic.

we can analyze "come spirit of god and fill my soul. lead us like children. only you we want. we invite you come. welcome"

this doesn't match the christian faith see 1 cor. 3, 16 ye are the temple of God, the Spirit of God dwells in you" only if you deny bible that it dwells in you, can you invite it. 

similarly in the jewish part, isaia 63, "the angel etc. rebelled the holy spirit etc. placed IN him holy spirit" see verses 9 until end 11. 

FIRST we swap "glory" instead of spirit to fix this problem, which matches usage in exodus 40,  before analyzing further.

"Come the glory (spirit) of god and fill this place (my soul.) Spirit of God, guide (lead) my soul (us like children. only)

glory of God you we want. we invite you knowing  you will come. 

welcome here, welcome here,  oh glory of god.

welcome here, welcome here,  oh glory of god."

in source, we see from context a certain "angel" was called holy spirit that term refers to an angel and similarly the spirit of god in the creation story was that angel not as rabbis taught day 2, but before light already an angel existed.

 the church teachers dared to write "holy spirit is less than jesus who is less than god" source one of the bible book listers. they are not the same one but jesus was less than god not divine nor other god  but lord greater than angels and holy ghost or holy spirit which is an angel INSIDE  as we see in above sources so not only is invite wrong it can only be sincere if deny holy prophet and apostle paul.

only the idea "lead" matched john 16, 13 "he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth" the teacher guide, but invitation is err and wrong and not possible. and not like children, like students.

invite and welcome are wrong already inside. we can switch lead for biblical "guide" as promised "teach everything". also why "fill" just dwell as source above and as elaborated later.

also the phrase "only" excluded god "only you" that excluded jesus and god and not same one as above even trinity said different person so saying only is wrong even if 3 persons are one god which is not the religion of prophets the prophet brought message that spirit is angel and in as above sources. 

similarly in genesis story spirit of god is angel sent by god as in 63,9 called his spirit. not a third appearance of one god or similar trinity ideas but less than jesus not the same one god but both less than god and therefore not gods.

we should delete almost every word of that song if we trust the bible.

come spirit of god and fill my (soul.) lead us like children. only you we want. we invite you come welcome"

the soul despite being a spirit and from god is not the "his holy spirit" that is the name of angel as in isaia 63,9. 

in addition to the part called soul mentioned in mat. 10, 28 which hell can destroy matching john 3 not pain forever, that part everyone has but another thing not everyone has holy spirit UNTIL accepted the gift of grace if accepted then "all baptised by spirit" all of us even before water which rejecting water is better, i did not come to baptise and acts 1, and other sources if baptism spirit and one in eph. then no other beside spirit which is in anyone who believes the gift. 

so we reorder the remnant "spirit of god, we want you to lead our souls." instead of their  song "(come) spirit of god (and fill) my soul. lead us (like children. only) you we want. we (invite you come welcome)" only if deny having can sincerely ask and want "it" but if have then not invite so we see that author rejected lessons in bible: dwells and in and "all baptised by spirit".

reorder finds 2 new flaws first the change from singular my soul to plural we. also if i already have a thing for example "a napkin" and i say "i want a napkin" that is wrong unless another but that is silly we can only "want" if think not have which rejected the lesson in bible so we must fix the order not "we want you." but as above want to be students. 

we can defend the inconsistency which is forbidden in grammar by separate sentences where each one started separate but joined group yet still... as a song planned for singers they already gathered.

 we could request fill as used in exodus 35, but still not fill soul just "filled him" so fill me but not soul because that would exclude body and OPPOSITE from song.... in fact the BODY is the temple as above... gasp. almost every word rejected the bible. 

and... what is the difference whether fills or dwells "in" even in part just in heart or wherever  as long as have. is fill more? of something infinite, if it is spirit it is infinite even without filling whether soul excluding body or body which is temple. the author denied many lesons so how could it this song be accepted by teachers? we must replace. and analyze as above... unless it and the teachers insincere as "row your boat". 

 an alternative is to swap out spirit for "glory" the usage "fill" is in exodus 40, THAT we could invite, "Come the glory (spirit) of god and fill this place (my soul.) Spirit of God lead my soul (us like children. only)  glory of God you we want. we invite you knowing you will come.  

welcome here, welcome here,  oh glory of god, x2"

salvation poem

salvation through Jesus set us all free
Your grace flows to us we are Your body
you showed Your Heart cares for humanity
we serve with faith to bring you more glory

we live to know your word and to find truth
prophecies are your holy word we learn
and stories and lessons to guide our hearts 
we are waiting: for Your Kingdom we yearn

now we see the suffering everywhere
we are praying Your Kingdom will be shown
we study and teach your lessons at home
also to others seeds of faith are sown

subdue evil spirits by Jesus name
and leaders may not lead without one wife
not by Mary but one powerful name.
God offered all the earth eternal Life.

Friday, February 3, 2023

top video 1990, 1991 with summary

1. Home Alone 1990, $286M [so successful even the best in following year could not surpass]
A kid age 8, was "home alone". he defended his home against a pair of burglars.
2. Beauty and the Beast 1991, $219M Animation
A prince got cursed to transform into an ugly beast. how will he earn a lady's love, to undo the curse. 
3. Ghost 1990, $218M
a young man got murdered. his spirit stayed to warn his lover about danger. 
She went to a psychic.
4. Terminator 2: Judgment Day 1991, $205M
A cyborg, identical to the one that failed to kill the leader's mother, was protecting the future leader, age 10 from a more advanced and powerful one.
5. Dances with Wolves 1990, $184M
during Civil War, 1860's at a remote western outpost, a soldier cooperated with  Native Americans and "wolves."
next <180m

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

alice under part five 5

 continuity: alice spoke with the caterpillar who explained that the mushroom would change her height when it left her. she tried to obey its directions.
part FIVE 5: Alice looked thoughtfully at the mushroom. she understood it that the taller part caused tallness and the lower part caused shortness. she did not trust it yet so she also considered that  it might be fooling her and one side would make her taller. if so how does a round mushroom have two sides? in this silly world it might not matter but first she would trust the caterpillar. she broke the stem. the stalk was in her left palm. the top was in her right palm. she carefully bit a bit of its top... one leg S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-D up while the other hung helplessly. 
she tried to balance on one leg as she bit a bit of stalk. ("Which? it had said! censor] she felt a painful hit under her chin that had slammed down on her feet. She felt frightened very much by this sudden change. she hopefully tried to bite its top but opening her mouth was hardly possible. she had barely enough space to squeeze it into her mouth due to her chin pressing on her foot. she managed to nibble it.  its top successfully helped her. her head became free at last! 
she felt delight which soon changed to alarm when she looked toward her shoulders but found that her shoulders were not by her neck. she could not see either one. she looked down and saw an immense length of neck, which seemed to rise like a stalk out of a sea of green leaves that lay far below her. she felt fear that despite moving her hands, she could not see them. She asked them "oh my poor hands! where are you?" She only heard a little rustle in the leaves.
Al lowered her head down toward her hands. she felt joyful delight that her neck was bending easily in every direction, like a serpent. She made a beautiful zigzag so her head lowered down to dive in among the leaves, which she found were treetops. suddenly she felt a pain on her face and heard a sharp hiss. she retreated from the leaves. a fly that was actually a large pigeon had flown into her face. it was using its wings to violently slap her repeatedly. it screamed, "Serpent!" 
"I'm not a serpent," Alice denied indignantly, "stop hitting me!" It ignored her and added desperately, with a frustrated sob, "I've tried every way but they always come." Al asked, "I haven't the least idea what you mean." it continued to accuse her, "SERPENT! I've built a nest on tree roots, but serpents came to take my eggs. I've tried on bushes but serpents came." I am always guarding for serpents, day and night! I haven't slept in three weeks!"
"I'm very sorry they annoyed you," said Alice trying to calm it. it continued, "I tried the highest tree in the woods," and concluded raising its voice to a shriek, "and was thinking I was free of 'em at last! you came down from the sky!" Al began again to argue, "But I'm not a serpent, I'm a... I'm a..." it interrupted her stammers, "Well! What are you? I see you're trying to invent something." she concluded doubtfully, "I'm a little girl." her tone was doubtful due to remembering her numerous changes. It exclaimed, "LITTLE??" Alice felt too surprised to reply.
it argued cynically, "A likely story indeed! I've seen many girls, but girls do not have such a neck as yours. you're a serpent who wants my eggs. have you ever eaten an egg?" She truthfully answered "only cooked and..." it interrupted, "you might take mine and cook it" while al finished saying, "certainly not your type anyway. I don't want any of yours. " it shouted shrilly, "if so then go" then turned and settled down into its nest again. 
Alice lowered her head down among the trees, but her neck kept getting entangled among the branches. several times she stopped to free it. in due haste her mouth was near her hands that still held the mushroom so very carefully she began nibbling at the pieces of mushroom, from one and then the other, and growing sometimes taller and sometimes shorter, until she had succeeded in making her neck and her body her usual size. a very long time had passed since she had been this size so even her usual size felt  unusually odd and strange for two minutes.
al planned in her mind, "now that i am my right size again, i must find the beautiful garden." she added aloud to her neck, "our constant changes are confusing i do not know what will happen from one minute to another!" she looked around her and noticed that one of the trees had a door. She exclaimed, "That's very strange" she reconsidered a WOOD door on a tree is not VERY far from normal. it had no handle. when she pushed it, it was locked. she searched but could not find any keyhole so she pushed again... this opened it. Alice walked through into... the long hall. she stood near the little glass table, once more. she felt hopeful due to the mushroom pieces. she took the tiny golden key, and unlocked the door that led to the garden. this time she stayed by the door when she ate the pieces of mushroom and after a few tries she was about fifteen inches tall. she walked along the little passage. at last! she entered the beautiful garden. she walked among the bright flowers and the cool fountains.
+fan fiction: THE PIGEON said "go" ERGO she asked it how to GO to the garden. it told her "go to the room there." pointing at the mushroom. al went to the mushroom on which caterpillar had sat, and found a seam where the mushroom stem was layered and overlapped. she pulled the layers of mushroom apart and ENTERED the room... IT the room in mushroom was the chamber with the glass table and low door.

to be continued