Thursday, November 29, 2018

who agrees? recognition

when a person says "this is mine" to his own benefit each person wants to say that to gain.
how do we get recognition?
the truth is that the Israelites not only lived in the land near the Jordan river [named "israel"=as preserved in the new testament matthew] but they were the only nation that had Jerusalem capitol city. Solomon ruled in Jerusalem and ruled the land before his kingdom was torn into parts.
consider the ottoman empire moved its capitol city but not to Jerusalem. the caliphate in bagdad moved its capital from the old city to … Jerusalem? no way muslims showed with action time after time and caliph after caliph jerusalem was never important to muslims until the jews returned then they want to take from the "beloved" jews.
so who to believe? some Arabic speakers who are truly arab based on the language- say we want Jerusalem as a capital city- yet even if a caliph chose Jerusalem which we see they did not.... Solomon was the capitol city Jerusalem ruling from Jerusalem but maybe the jews mad that up in 1948? too bad the catholics preserved it long before the muslims began.
so we come to agreeing and recognition special NOW the day of recognition for the rest of the day and evening: "this date the United Nations on November 29, 1947, voted to partition land so jew and arab would SHARE land so each has land. the arab representatives opposed sharing despite such solutions in Pakistan. The U.S. and its allies agreed with the Soviets and their allies that this was a good solution so not "only" arab control land but also jew should have some.... much less than half=unfair, but happy for me to have a place to flee from Nazis.... 8 years too late... yay brits... not. bittersweet to remember and celebrate the partial cup "half full".
note: we can remember in abc order the 12 "families with portions" [in contrast to sons ef. like rubin so more than 12]
Asher Benjamin Dan, Efrim  Gad Isakar, Juda Mnasa Naftali, Rubin Simon Zebulon
these Israelites lived in Israel long before the religions Christianity and islam began and if you do not believe the jews well other recognized it so accept the truth.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

a powerful sad song

note this song makes me cry so let the tears flow.
intro.  this is a song inspired by end song in chinese video about depressed people and suicide hotline who themselves in the end suicide self. if find melody, these adjusted lyrics words match melody or simply loose rhyme
1 very slow: "is life only,, a series of struggles
is courage only,,  for our worried souls?
+slow pace "all walking this path of no-return
as our fates OCCUR-
faced-with endless, troubles and doubts-
we struggle more and MORE.
2 high part [from Chinese song] "in a life- of dark and light
who knows my worries?
in a life- of fast and SLOW,
who hears my cry?
[again high] "in a life- of ups and downs-
who knows my worries?
in a life, of stop and GO
who? [rising tone] understands... to help me.
note: the melody alone makes me cry and the words so powerful.

parts for next

modern hebrew
teaching vovel marks despite not printing dots for adults beginners can learn and learn words to prepare
from simple in groups group single dots together in first two:
1 one dot above letter vowel "go" +group with "dot over line |" same "plus with colon +:" same sound in modern hebrew=go however rabbi say read bible=ancient hebrew same yet wrong as josepus preservd omicron like vowel in "soft=raw" noe=naw+eh and other 2 sounds i heard also wrong
2 one dot under vowel "bee" in modern h. but ancient not preserved so same.
3 a pair under has 2 shapes if horizontal .. then vowel "bay" in MH. but ancient h. as josepus preserved "bed" sadly he only preserved one name as he specified.
if vertical like colon : marks no vowel like zero vowel so only letter. matches ancient that did not mark this shape
4 only in MH group of "3 in triangle form"=vowel "bed" but ancient h. sounded "ah" for the letters with this mark. instead the sound was with ".." as preserved and as above.  if : added then faster shorter sound but israelis say fast even without : end.
5 group of 3 in diagonal vowel "boot=grew" same group line with dot near middle |
6 MH plus + or - or - with : colon all same "ah" vowel "pop=father" also ancient hebrew preserved this sound for plus however even +: which today is changed.
endnote: the line was once pronounced like vowel "bee=be=he" as preserved in hebrew genesis which as a book should not be preserved except this quote here preserves with warning bad book only this detail worth preserving pnee-el sound with line | or without.
for november 21 anchored unmoving one month before the longest night an event in nature
note if miss then makeup the evening of the longest night in nature called December 21
BAKED because oil fattening so health to bake on oil instead of fry in oil. anyway oil not important  in ancient jewish nor should it be now except to cause obesity which is bad.
need oven and grater and "baking paper" also ricotta soft cheese eggs vej-s oil
choose spices you enjoy cinamon or salt and black pepper or kamon or korkum?
per person 1 small potato 150 gram (or larger potato more portions)GRATED
sweet potato half around 300 gram
one carrot 100 gram
one small onion 100g
one fresh egg
1/2 cup (0.5) ricotta cheese around 50 gram
GRATE all vej-s and squeeze between absorbant paper towels
PREPARE OVEN  200 degrees centigrade pre-heat while:
MIX with other items and shape 5 centimeter or 2 inch diameter
oil the baking-paper "parchment" place the flat disks on it then on tray in oven
BAKE 12-15 minutes enuf
note: this improves modern hanuka by shifting to firm time in nature and removing fried potato
it improves ancient hanuka which did not have oily food neither 500 years ago nor earlier while fixing the date by linking to nature one month before shortest night instead of silly calendar.
song inspired by end song in chinese video about depressed people and suicide hotline who themselves in the end suicide self. if find melody, these adjusted lyrics words match melody or simply rhyme
1 very slow
"is life only a series of struggles
is courage only - for our worried souls?
+slow pace "all walking this path of no-return
as our fates occur-
faced-with endless, troubles and doubts-
we struggle more and more
2 high part [from chinese] "in a life- of dark and light
who knows my worries?
in a life- of fast and SLOW,
who hears my cry?
[again high] "in a life- of ups and downs-
who knows my worries?
in a life, of stop and GO
who? [rising tone] understands... to help me.
note: the melody alone makes me cry and the words so powerful.

only a foolish man gets married- explained

why only a fool would "enter" join a marriage-bond
trust me i tried it... and even tested my theory on single women... only a fool enters a contract of marriage and the bigger fool gets married without protecting money
first the women are granted encouragement to be mean because if they are mean to the man, then they will be REWARDED with money which they want... to buy more shoes.
but a more basic problem is the terrible-triangle
1 instead of slapping your wife- only negotiate
2 women know all the tricks NOT to negotiate
3 that leaves by deduction... only slapping... so muslim culture wins and for the same reason we cannot get married.
and since i lack the freedom to "say" this at all or at least uninterrupted i must warn foolish men in my blog and say a different answer to interviewers "oh i am not married because i am a zero."

Friday, November 23, 2018

dear diary age 21

dear diary
in the spring of year 1996, i traveld when my parents had generously bought me a plane ticket. i flew to israel and shared a van to jerusalem. i studied at a rabbinic school in jerusalem. the dorm was very stingy with 8 beds meaning four bunk-beds which each with two levels in each narrow room. i made the effort to discover also secular colleges in jerusalem used bunk beds for college age students which is disgusting to make a man or woman age 18 climb up and also stingy. is that how bachelor students are housed in your country? in any bachelor degree? or associate degree?
anyway my first night there was saved by a yung man who showed me how to get in from the correct entrance. see that wouldv been a disaster standing at the wrong locked door all night and probably getting robbed same as every country.
so he directed me to the correct entrance and warned me that the mountain of jerusalem is VERY cold in the morning so that was helpful. sadly he was correct and despite having a blanket in the morning i was soon sick with a harsh cough but luckily no fever.
before i was sick, the lunches were much better quality than those served in the stingy college in america. however the problem was we sat at tables with 4 chairs yet the plate was served with FIVE pieces of chicken that is very un-american and stupid- what idiot decided to serve 4 people the wrong number of chicken fillets- and imagine the fighting this could cause. my desire to meet the locals caused me to sit at the table with israelis... and as is common from the stories we see in videos and television, the students lied that the seat was reserved. i lied too- that i would just sit until the usual guy came... and as i expected nobody came.
i jamd my fork into the plate "snaring" one piece of chicken fillet. the students protested so i bit and garbled in broken hebrew that now that i bit it is too late. so they cussed at americans angrily with mean faces. i watched to see which jerk would take 2... meaning the fifth piece.  when he did i attacked in broken hebrew words "you cant take 2- is more than the other people" but the others said he should get it because- his father was a rabbi- gasp! they consented so i was equal to 2 of them.
i only sipped a bit of the drink [water with syrup flavor] because i had been warned the water in jerusalem often makes americans sick with diaria because it is very different and i guess the cause is the dissolved rocky minerals which is not common in american water. probably not dirty virusses which cause illnesses in "developing" countries which means dirty and not yet developed.
after the meal i went to the principal to complain that tables with four should be served exactly four servings because it would cause fights.
the principal said "just take turns each day who gets the extra piece" and he was surprised a complaint about too much!  so i told him that is not what happens instead people think the rabbis son should get the extra piece... but he was stubborn and i felt "as long as nobody bleeds, i am still equal to most kids."
yet the next day, i sat at the same table and again they protested. i said "i sat yesterday and yesterday nobody came" then i SPEARED two fillets of chicken and they hollered in protest...  haha i said in broken hebrew:
"now it is my turn. yesterday he got two and today i got 2"
quickly i licked them both with my tongue so they woudnot take them from me... they were so furious they left the table without taking food and went to complain to the principal that the "unfair american took 2" obviously i knew he was aware that one of them had taken 2 already.
with nobody sitting at the table i greedily took a third from the serving plate!! 2 remained but my stomach should only eat 3 chicken fillets not more.
day 3 they were prepared 4 sat at that table even before class ended so i could not sit with them althoe that day i planned only take one because after i had MY TURN to get two.
by the third day i was adjusting to the time zone and jet lag but that was when my cough arrived and i felt horrible laying in bed coughing for 2 weeks. one of my study partners brought me meals.
finally the spring warmed and a new problem came.
after eating the chicken lunch i felt HUNGRY- that was crazy considering i had eaten a meal with chicken, at first i bought cookies as a snack but by the third day of eating cookies after lunch, i realized something was wrong with my body.
sadly only years later i would learn that my body SENT The WRONG SIGNAL hunger feeling when truly thirsty for water. digestion needs water so good to drink and rabbi maimonides that said not to drink water at the enmd of a meal is bad but the truth is we need extra water to digest= silly rabbi. but that year i didnt know.
so i would eat the chicken and an hour later feel hungry in my stomach so i walked the neighborhood in search of a snack shop and found the pizza shop. but they did not allow paying with dollars so i returned to the dorm and just ate cookies again. then i learnt that a nebbor changed dollars so  instead of going to the bank [probably black market illegal so no name.] i returned to the pizza shop after i felt hungry, despite the chicken lunch, and bought two slices of pizza and i "saw that it was good" despite breaking the religious law of waiting between chicken and cheese i was just so hungry i succumbed to temptation and sinned against the rabbis rules.
i would not buy yogurt because that was this same sin but i did buy and eat pizza.. whatever.
well since i was consistenty walking there at lunch time within one week soon the "the daughters of jerusalem" noticed my walking there every day and one young lady approached to ask why i do not eat in the school.
i said that i did eat chicken but i felt hungry anyway. she was delighted and said "you are just the rule-breaker i am looking for because i am very []" censored for what we call horny... she said forget the pizza come to my apartment and i will give you vejtibil soup in exchange for you satisfying my desire.
i was scared her parents would be mad like the parents in america whose daughter i had impregnated secretly [but they discovered when she swelled with pregnancy] this girl named sara [fake name] assured me her dad was at the school for the college degree studies and her mom was at work earning money. based on past experience i knew to shave betwen my legs so asked if she had the machine electric razor. she was scared to use it so that day we simply ate soup and i used my pointing finger and after a minute switched to thumb to rub inside her lady-hole. i was surprised the process took almost ten minutes becase i knew i reach orgasm barely 2 minutes. when she reached orgasm she said "now it is your turn." yay a fair deal.
she used the electric haircut machine on my stomak and between legs and i almost "sprayed" just from that. then she spread a towel over my exposed male-finger to cover it and absorb the male-milk as expected. she climbed on the towel while wearing her dress then she moved in a circle with her weight on the male fnger and that was great i was "milked" in barely 30 seconds. then she announced we are even but you better come tomoro... so that was the beginning of my lunch break fun around 3 times per week. she also invited her 2 struggling friends. it seemed their whole class was "frigid" while these felt the urge of ALL 30. they taught me that condoms were better than pills for pregnancy and each supplied the condom on the day they wanted which was only once a week! once "sara" was satisfied she was not in the mood for a week so vered had a day and same pattern week so daniella next it seemed nature built a man to bde with more than one wife together between saras days were days for rthe other two. so very different were these horny girls miles away from my frigid wife just 2 years later. i must admit when i needed this "therapy" treatment  the most- meaning those years i had it... in contrast around age 24 my urges were much less frequent barely once a week. then it was still too  much for the frigid witch i was stuck with in marriage i mean she even refused to drink wine to relax... therefore like the holy jacob of the holy bible i continued to visit sara when my wife pushed me away as below. she liked me mostly because they knew i did not "stick" to the religious rule of "cheese apart from meat" and that i would not confess that i did sins and we would have a secret.
when my wife was frigid i would travel the next morning and lie to sara that i was still single while justifying in my mind that the "holy righteous jacob" had 4 wives so i could sleep with 4 too... especialy since i did not sleep with the witch whom i was married to so less than 4.
this friendship lasted until around year 2003 when i decided to divorce and neede to avoid suspicion.
to be continued.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

dear diary age 18

dear diary
around the year 1995 a man invited/recommended i study in jerusalem. i decided i would go so i asked my parents for money for the trip. they agreed however i told them that i was not certain if i should go now immediately or delay until the next school year. they were relieved that they had time to save money to prepare for the expense instead spend the money now.
i was torn on one hand by the dread of the harsh winter in northern states, mostly because of past experience in the cold winters i mean snow always wet my socks so  my feet and toes felt painfully cold all day even when indoors. this was my main concern althoe i also had no hood on the coat to protect my neck and ears from the cold and wind. i did not know that also in rainy jerusalem cold wet socks are painful even "50 degrees" not only when so cold to freeze water like snow stays frozen from the cold.
on the other hand i had met a young woman it would be nice to continue the intimate friendship  for a few more months. i prefferred to stay the winter with her.
how had we met?
1 around the year 1990 i finally reached physical maturaty later than other boys my age meaning did not have "wet dreams" until age 15. the book said it is common and natural for teen males to dream about girls and then wake up wet pajamas from male seed. an ancient book said it was possible from age 9 so i was 6 years late. well- that dream had no girls in it. i slept as usual in the school dorm like harry potter and  dreamt that i was in a large closet like walk in closet with many hangers each with coat and suddenly i awoke with wet pajama pants. i was not scared nor surprised however a few days later the urge to empty the tubes brimmed greater and greater and i could only hope the seed would leak while i slept because the book of jewish rabbis forbids teenage boys from squeezing out seed.
the urge grew day by day and surprisingly i awoke dry. this was very disappointing to wake dry instead of emptying the tubes during sleep as expected and common and the urge became so great that i could not concentrate on school studies. instead of daydreaming about girls during class like a normal teen i was distracted by the urge simply to empty the male pipes. so i decided to take a long walk to distract myself.
2 i walked outside and left the school campus. i walked the pavedd path and turned left because that is the direction to the shopping center. [a place with good memories from a different year but not for this story] this left turn was fateful because i passed two girls playing in the snow. the older one called out to me "you look cute" so i approached and said that i respect that she is spending time with her younger sister.
they told me their ages 9 and 19 years. i asked why they were not at school. the younger one said she had a sore throat so she stayed home from school with her big sister who had finished school the previous summer. she had graduated school. also that month she just celebrated her 19 birthday and now they were playing in the snow outside their apartment building.
i said i am supposed to be at school but i needed fresh air because i could not concentrate on my studies.
somehow the older girl understood what i meant and invited me inside to drink some hot cocoa. the lady [carol- but fake name to hide identity] cooked the hot cocoa while the younger sister [allison- also fake] brought me dry socks change socks.
we sipped the cocoa and chatted about carols stories of school but ali felt bored and left the table. carol encouraged me to take a hot shower. a hot shower on a cold day would be awesome.
i entered the room with the shower and undressed. i opened the curtain to the shower stall and surprise ali was there. i was so surprised. and shy. ali explained she had only seen naked boys her age and wanted to see big boys. well she had seen i let her enjoy the view and after a few minutes she left the room opening the door... and carol entered in her pink one-piece bathing suit obviously i was seksually aroused. she insisted that she wash my back and that was nice. next carol whho was the  older one said wash between your legs because i will teach you something new.
the younger sister had left while we stood in the steaming shower and the 19 year old lowered herself to unite in a very pleasant way which our culture does not allow details.
thus began a pleasant relationship which lasted until i was age 18 and continuing when older until around year 1995- so back to the decision of WHEN to switch schools- i wanted to continue that for one more winter. since she had no school, she was always at home while her mom was at work and her younger sister at school. when i felt the urge which was around 3 times a week i would not wait but instead i walked to her building to knock on the door hoping she was home. she was and she taught me many tricks. the age difference did not bother me. i must admit that once i cheated on her iintimate relationship.
althoe most of the weeks when i spent weekends with families off-campus i was loyal to the relationship- once i fell into temptation
one weekend like many others i visited a friends family. this time at night felt "the" urge. i planned on waiting just a few more days to see carol again but i could not sleep and the urge was so strong. should i just squeeze? that would be a sin. only if i could not resist in half hour i would succumb and squeeze like milking a cow. 
while i waited resisting the urge i walked and wandered around the house trying to calm down but even pacing the urge was too strong. i did not know but his sister was at ovulation which apparently led to what happened next. she heard me pacing and went out from her room and saw the bulge in my pajamas. we hid in the shower while she obeyed her chemicals that was fun. the next morning she acted noticably to ignore me because she did not like me. when she informed me she was pregnant i realized that she was only in the mood because of hormones but not because she was attracted to me. understandably her parents were furious at both of us and i could never visit that friend again. she did not plan nor use the pill to prevent pregnancy in contrast to carol. i kept the secret of the pregnancy until our daughter had a daughter and invited me to her birthday party. fun fact this girl and our daughter each became "gay" with other women.
so that was my cheating on the intimate relationship which i continued during the cold winter.
in january i told Carol i planned to travel out of the country in spring. i was hoping we would continue the intimate relationship until spring however once she heard that i planned to leave she broke up to find a new man.
a few months later i was in jeruslem. i was lonely until... one fateful day i walked to the pizza shop near the dorms and met a new lover... to be continued.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

mexico border

dem's want the immigrants to enter- and grant pathway to citizenship period why is that bad? because at the expense of those other IMMIGRANTS doing and waiting for the process
but rep's say only same process for all immigrants come with process only for all.
what do border states say? because new york does not care what happens if a million mexicans illegally enter texas what does it do with me? so far away... well once inside they can take a bus or plane to new york....
anyway the stupid non borders close their eyes to evidence hence what about on the border
from the east texas is the first border state
border states federal senators
texas since 1970 texas had one d and one r until 1993
from 1993 2r
the people liked r for OVER 24 years
now that r wants to cclose the border texans keep r.
East not border to the west called new mexico=border
i predict close border? wrong!
50 years ago new mexico 2d then briefly 2r but 1983 d+r
in 2009 one r was swapped for 2d and even now they want d this is a threat on texas people who cannot enter the border crossing at texas will enter nm and then go to neighbor texas. similarly the next west border- arizona border
1970 rdrr
so since 1995 rr both r keep out but between is a gap between a and t is n wanting let them in this annoys t and a but they are not majority of norder
california is also border and they say dem so 2 against 2 and the resy are not on the border so ignore the texans...  except that on other issues most are republican in senate and possiblu will try to build that wall. i want that wall... eventhough i am not in texas. why? it diesnot affect me?
because i know to lock the door fo my home and the same for my country trust is not granted to anybody until earned and worse for a mixed group.

6 MAJOR events from jesus until year 1000

first jesus- because his legacy influenced many followers in our generation.
#1 baby-jesus was born in the rule of herod therefore at the latest year "4bc"- hmm...  surprising isn't it?
note1: the number now 2018 is not from his birth. now truly from herod at least 2022 years so not counting from jesus birth just using the numbers we continue for the calendar.
note2: some claim the date when the romans killed jesus  was 7 april  year 30 matching age 33.
note3: they probably called it YEAR 333 bkuz 333 since establishing GREEK EMPIRE
Event year 326 ad. after 1078 years [perhaps 750 more precise] since rome was founded, the roman capital  becomes byzantium [recently named istanbul same city] in the east. [not city rome in italy anymore and  this year is 326+3 years after birth of jesus as above based on herod and farmers almanac too. also 661 after greek empire established and spread with  the conquest of alexander of macedon.
note2.1 between jesus  and roman change no "major" extraordinary world events until roman capital change. the notable  events are only important to separate religions.]
year 560 ad baby-mohamed was born in mecca. exiled in 622 at age 52 and died 632 his legacy influenced many followers in our generation.
Event year 731 mayan empire founded lasting around 250 years.
year 800 pope [appointed by council] appoints emperor/king of franks.
year 1054 the church divides  rome/vatican  west  "catholic" while eastern church "orthodox"

arabs say "we are family of abraham and ismael... so...

muslims mark "Eid al-Adha' to preserve the ancestry through ismael and abraham family- because it marks that these were very loyal to alla. this reveals that when people like arikat claim 'we [arabs] are descendants of canaan" claiming to inherit from the owners before the israelites... such an idea which they know is false yet say it anyway. the simplest lie is to say we were first- yet having marked this day eid for generations- reveals the lie and the hatred and the incitement of making the jew look bad-unjustly.
they should not be claiming an idea which they know is false yet to convince europeans to hate the jews as preserved in newspaper page 3 of 2.2.2014 arikat and others claim "we were before jews because jews battled canan and we are that family so should inherit canan" yet they know themselves they are a different family not canan but the family of the eid al adha- this reveals the great hate towards jews and the great foolishness of europeans which we can inform.

Monday, November 5, 2018

logic proves

logic proves
if we read the hebrew bible in order: first we see that the jews were slaves [israelites] in egypt four hundred years 400 and simply believe that number after all god must have known and so 400 not 410 or any other number. that is what appears first.---but--later we keep reading and find that the YEARS that kehat son of levi lived in egypt show that they were in egypt less--and worse we keep reading to a third section with a third version that is bad three different numbers all in the same volume which  rabbis claim is true so that is ridiculous
so some try to twist genesis to mean "a different number than 400" some even dare to pretend they can ADD add words to the text which are not in the text when logic shows these books are WRONG and misleading content and cannot be trusted and should simply be removed from the volume od so-called good books. instead start the volume with the story in joshua 24 about the roots of the israelits to replace and remove the bools of genesis and exodus which are misleading and wrong about the number of years as above. these two books CERTAINLY cannot be trusted. perhaps others too.
another option--edit all 3 sections can show "whichever" is the number which everybody should agree on- but nobody is willing to edit and "as it is and appears' is certainly wrong and misleading therefore we must remove both bad misleading books and reject the volume of bible which contains these misleading details until the religious leaders fix this and other errors so they are not misleading
therefore the basis for the jewish religion has been removed by logic.
see next post for a story of a spiritual search about this issue.

cross reference

correction add mauritania

in a previous post i summarized a book about the arab governments governing vast areas of land [and another post about refusing to unite despite being nebbors and being all 6 sunni muslims and in all 6 the people can vote in contrast to the king of moroco] i must add something not in the book- another flaw in the book because the nile-continent truly has more than 5 governments of countries that speak arabic also mauritania speaks arabic and that addds another million square kilometers so arabs have so much land.... yet they complain about the hebrews having a bit of land on the coast of the nile-gulf [badly named the "med" sea].

Sunday, November 4, 2018

West-Nile-Republic? i guess not

imagine a "west-nile-republic" it could have the letters wnr which is like winner! they truly can/could unite and share the food so desperately needed by the northern ones in exchange for unification as i explain.
algeria was controlled by france until 1954 so even long after brits granted independence to egypt in year 1922.
from 1954 the berbers in algeria fought to remove the fench control. around 5 years later the french granted independence to the NEBBORS of algeria all 4 in the same year 1960 hence with independence they could have "united into one government chosen by the people" of the connected region south of algeria what we call now mauritania and mali and niger and chad all 4 in 1960
this was a great mistake bkuz they could have united.
however it is not too late considering they all have voting and at least NOW  that libya has removed its dictator they could make one joint government with the people of these 6 countries- which all have voting now- choosing one parliament for all of them, why not they are all mislim and all have voting?
arabs show that i am wrong in assuming that Muslim-arabs can unite.

israels neighbors-now

if we would attempt to accuratey color a map from the western coast of the nile continent across it to the tigris river we would use yellow for desert for almost all of the land except a bit of green in northern israel.
title: ISRAEL'S Nebbors now
to the east of israel the neighbors speak arabic. this culture spread very far to the east even beyond tigris river. inside iran many speak persian but even there, arabic spread to a region. also the arabic letters are shaped the same as persian letters.
around ten arab governments [for example iraq syria saudi etc.] govern the vast region, around 3.3 million square kilometers so they are not "one" arabic nation. the arabic language spread from suadi arabia north and east even beyond the tigris river. if we include the arabic governments to the west of israel: 5 governments [for example egypt algeria etc.] govern 5.4 msk not including sudan which has 2 official languages. these many governments control 8.7 msk yet have shown with war that they cannot tolerate a small bi-lingual country of hebrews around 22,000 square kilometers so these fifteen arabic governments govern an area 400 times larger than israel and still refuse to share the land. these govern so much land even more than the area of Australia only 7.7msk.
CORRECTION: add area of mauritania too they speak aranbic and that government controls another million square kilometers so 6 arab governments in nile continent govern even more than the book i am summarizing said.
the so-called "palestinians" do speak arabic because- they are ARABS and zero palestinians exist. in contrast to germans who speak german the hebrews do speak hebrew because they are not limited to israel in this century but link to ancient hebrews while the palestinians do speak arabic because they ARE arabs.
the british called this region to the east of israel "near east" including saudi and iraq. the "middle east is "iran and afghanistan" according to the book. obvously the western nebbor of israel is "south' of the brits and called "northern africa" for example  the nile river is in north africa. the land west of it for example niger river region and atlas mountain region is west africa and only west because it west of the lend in the continent so only west in contrats to the nile river region is only north africa because it is north of the southern part of the continent so the niger river is only west not north of any land. and this fixes the misleading map of a certain game.
 what about pakistan? far east like india and beyond.
arabic also spread to the western nebbors of israel through the nile-continent as far as the western coast. the western nebbor is egypt and other large countires there are algeria and libya which have barely 2% and 4% agricultural land is in previous posts. sadly they import 75% of their food instead of increasing the agricylture and somebody should tell them to grow food for their citizens.

Friday, November 2, 2018

ISRAEL's neighbors' HISTORY

israel's neighbors' History
prolog: during the 1950's, a book was published to teach israelis about ISRAELS NEIGHBORS that was the topic of the book content. also considering many americans are interested in israel both due to politics and the christian faith therefore i want to summarize some of the ideas from that book which has a very bad name practically erasing israel. so to replace the bad book which has bad title with a cleaner replacement i selected some good content to re-organize and preserve and to replace these bad book and bad title. based on the content the TITLE could have been ISRAELS NEIGHBORS.
Worse- THE TITLE CHOSEN is not a name spoken by british who colonized,  EXCEPT BY THOSE WHO WISH THEY COULD ERASE israel. so i will not preserve the bad name and instead replace with a summary of the book content.
i will fix by replacing the title with a new one "ISRAEL'S NEBBORS", spelled as above despite STUPID TO NEED AN "H" LETTER only to show the "g" is not same as usual.
+chapter one
althoe now israels nebbors speak arabic, this is a relatively recent culture when we look at the regional history.
ever since "the beginning of the era of writing" we find only one ancient civilization around the year 3500bc- it is a civilization to the east of israel called "mesopotamia." it is the earliest civilization around 400 years before the egyption dynasty and around 1500 years before chinese civilization. the writing of that earliest culture is "cuneiform" so althoe now the nebbor to the east speaks arabic that was not the ancient civilization of mesopotamia. that civilization had kings and writing - not arabic but their own language and SUMERIAN culture. they lived and ruled near the rivers now named euphrates and tigris. these rivers pour into a "bay" with a narrow opening well not really narrow like "straits" so perhaps it should be named BAY and since tigris river pours water into the bay we should refer to it tigris bay bkuz tigris is a long major river so the bay should be named a bay as its real shape and based on the long river which pours into it tigris bay and same effect for ocean and all  shared water certainly not based on any government or language bkuz "shared water" should not be claimed by "people of persian culture" nor any other.
along these long rivers was a sumerian civilization. it was the only civilization near the jordan-river-region so althoe today the the culture to the east of the jordan river has arabic language that was only the recent part of history but in ancient times there was NO civilization to the east of the jordan river including no arabic writing nor any other except the sumerian civilization.
from the beginning of the "era of writing" around 7000 years ago called 5000 bc a civilization with agriculture began. instead of wandering around hunting and chasing the moving animals, somehow the people decided to grow grains like wheat and grind it to flour and bake dough=doe [words can have more than one meaning], we see evidence of ancient agriculture and "even" ovens from around 5000 bc. as well as looms for weaving threads to make fabric and textile and cloth all around 7000 years ago.
we begin objectively with the east nebbor which see the sun appear first. the book about israel nebbors teaches that "from fourth millenia bc" the mesopotamian civilization "established a kingdom." that civilization was SUMERIAN with writing called "cuneiform." this was around 3500BC. however "the land between egyptian kingdom and it" including the land east of the jordan river, left no writing of any civilization.
in this era from 3500bc until 1400bc the two earliest civilizations egypt and mes. SPREAD into that region. this spreading continued throughout the third and second millnia bc meaning from the establishment of sumer kingdom in 3500 through the 2000's bc and also nearer our time called 1000's-bc spreading "continued" which was truly one era of spreading.
the sumerian culture developed.
in the second era around 1400bc the ASSYRIA kingdom was established.around the year 1400bc [source britannica] during the second millenia [not million as it sounds- stubid brits- this is thousands while "m" in science represents million a thousand kilogram or a thousand kilometer- it is difficult because millimeter is not millionths but thousandth part of one] around 1400bc the people in the north part of the  region between the two major long rivers named tig. and euph. established its own kingdom which spread its control. until then the people were under the sumerian kings.
ISRAEL around 1000bc (perhaps david and his son) solomon "established" a kingdom in israel of the israelite families. later this nation included two kingdoms one named israel including most of the israelite tribes and a second of the same divided family the tribe called juda. the dynasty ruled  throughout the "first millenia". the book with the bad title not worth preserving also briefly mentions other famous kingdoms besides egypt and assyria: phoenicia [which influenced the hebrew language in both words and spelling] sometimes israel kings battled the assyrian kings. for example their is a mesa stell of king mesa and the stories of the book "kings and isaia and jeremia and chronicles" are loosely based on that historical background like historical fiction.
***i emphasize we know with certainty that the year numbers on those books is certainly false and  hence the contents are not reliable and the span of years between mesa and nebucadnezer is known so we should not TRUST the jewish rabbis who preserved and decided those books were good when truly the contents of those books is not reliable and only loosely based on the historical background. also"arab" is mentioned in the biblical book of nehemia so see below.
assyria strength ebbed and strengthened throughout these centuries until around 320bc --so we may summarize 3 eras:
1 first  3500bc-1400bc--the development of the sumerian kingdom which should be named sumeria until assyria ruled around 1400bc ruling that region which is between the two rivers euph. and tigris (so "between rivers" is the idea of the word "meso-potamia" meso like mid and potam like
++river also "potomac river.' near capital of america.) that kingdom spread as above beyond the rivers until asyrian kingdom ruled. this includes from the beginning of the era of writing parts of the fourth and second millenia-bc.
2 1400bc-300bc assyria ruled from the northern part of mesopotamia spreading its rule and battling the israelite kings as preserved in stell mesa and other written sources. the assyrian kingdom had periods of weakness between periods of strength. other kingdoms of that region also existed: babylon battled and defeated the israelite kings several times. this era include sMOST of the first millenia-bc and even MOST of the 4th fourth century-bc.
3 300bc-600ad this era is the greek and roman era. around 300 BC alexander came from teh region macedonia and controlled this region extending east to the tigris river. altho now the region to the east of thee jordan rives is an arabic culture and language we see that this is only relatively recent but in ancient times other cultures and civilizations existed and spread and developed. alexander divided the greek kingdom into parts and the successors battled each other for example ptolmey and seleucs. they were replaced by roman rule. we wil discuss the ptolmy regio nseparately becase israel nebbors can be identifiedd as eastern nebbors and western nebbors and until now i am summarizing the eastern nebbor. so only briefly ptolmy ruled along the nile river to the sea badly named mediteranean sea- because those ancient people were too primitive to distinguish "gulf and bay" but trul.y that water called med. is a GULF shape and should be named for the long river which pours into it the nile river so nile gulf all around the coast of the nile-gulf was controolled by ptolmaic dynasty which battled seleucs. to the east of the jordan river which we focus now on the eastern nebbor--- the romans defeated greek and ruled instead of the greek, including roman control of jerusalem. the roman era extends until roughly 500 ad as detailed in next post.
during the same periods thus i have fixed the flawed periods in the book with the battle title based on the events recorded in the book. it much to brief about the egypt sio i will fix by adding a bit.--part 2 west --the west cosast of israel is water and the nebbor to the south had the ancient egyptian culture . it is younger than sumeria because the egyptian kingdom began around 3150bc. the western nebbbor of isreal developed the egyptian civilizatin with the picture language- which lasted almost continuosly from the end 4th millenia bc 3150bc until the greeks came. this book is bad barely mentioning egypt so i must fix.--details the egyptian kingdom begins later than the sumerian kingdom which as above around 3500 bc but in that era the peoples of egypt were separate each city had ONLY ONE GOD which differed from city to city. in 3150 bc a powerful king took control of much land along the nile river even the upper higher south part and forced eevrybody to follow his gods. first era 3150bc-2000bc egyptian dynasties of regyptian culture along nile river surrounded by empty desert no people liver and no plants grew in the dry areas to the east and west of teh river.
around 1800bc hyksos came they were 'semitic" from the region of the jordan river [britanica calls them palestininians for bad political-misleading or bkuz they fear muslim violence we know this is false considering the name poalistine was not used by any of these cultures until the late-roman era changed the name] 1 era 3150bc-1800bc egyptian kingdom and dynasty with egyptian culture and picture language called hyroglyph. until " shortly after 1800 B.C.E." around then hyksos came and ruled replacing the local rulers. then hyksos ruled around three hundred years until expelled aroud 1525bc and locals of nile region restored the egyptian dynasties until the greek took control around 330bc. so 3150bc begins egyptian dynasty younger than sumeria. 1 era 3150-1800bc. then hykso era 1800-1400bc and third egyptiamn dynasty 1400-330bc. for more details about hyksos i recommend this source :

ptolmaic dynasty ruled along the nile river with greek culture and language and greek gods which include at least one god that died according to greek mythology- surprizingly we consider zeus a powerful god yet he is the one that the greek mythology said died. this is preserved in the culture of crete.

pair of riddles which language do jews speak? now and for thousands of years jews spoke and wriote hebrew
2 which language do the so-called-palestiniens speak? palestinian? wrong they speak arabic and are part of the arabs there is only arabs no palestinians zero.

hyksos came at end of 12 dynasty shortly AFTER  amenemhat 4. ruled for 15 dynasty
some say 14 dynasty is 1640 but that is bad bkuz hyksos were 15 and much before 1640 bc as above near 1800bc. so "met" bad.
slightly better is record of expell!
Ahmose I, king of ancient Egypt (reigned c. 1539–1514bc) and founder of the 18th dynasty who completed the expulsion of the Hyksos (Asiatic rulers of Egypt)" so hyksos ruled parallel to from end of 12 until begining of 18 dynasty parallel to 13,14,15,16,17 until ahmose around 1525
some websites claim hyksos ruled around 1600 bc others claim 1700 or 1730 bc others say 1800 bc this is supported by the gap both at met website and at new world between the end of the 12 dynasty in 1807bc to "think rapper emenem" king amenemhat4" to sihathor 1685 this is when hyksos entered 1807 ruling until expelled as above around 1525bc by ahmose

Thursday, November 1, 2018


libya is 98% desert
only 1.7% of the area is for growing agriculture [SOURCE APPEARS BELOW] which is far from the needs for feeding the samll population of around ten million.
they should invest much more in feeding the nation independently.
algeria had around 3.1% agriculture land in year 1997 and it grew a bit to 3.4 percent in 2016 however all other land which grows plants is for grazing- and this is likely to expand the sahara desert- somebody should tell those muslim governments to grow food for themeselves instead of repy on import grain. on the other hand if there would be  awar thecountries could say stop fighting or no food? the western countries would GIVE FOOD and never say that... so no advantage of this weakness. soebody should tell algeria and libya to increase the food growth from 2% and 4% to much more wheat feilds to feed the citizens and even export after all that region was once a source of food for rome! in the roman era. they should invest in that considering they do not have enough for their own citizens grown locally.
one website claimed "production of cereals in 1998 (207,000 metric tons) met only 15 percent of the country's needs. Therefore, Libya has remained dependent on large agricultural imports, estimated at about 75 percent of its annual needs. SOURCE --Read more:
SIMILAR to the "75% NEED"=IMPORT same as  Algeria
"The production of cereals as well as orchard and industrial crops has significantly dropped. As a result, Algeria today has become dependent on food imports, accounting for close to 75 percent of food needs.SOURCE--Read more:
HOW MUCH AREA? the data at this website is corroborated by another site and similar to an old book from year 2000 hence plausible that "arable land of about 8.2 million hectares accounts for only 3.4 percent of the total land area."SOURCE--Read more:
sad that they do not try to grow food for their citizens. i year 2000 very few universities and even less for technology. that is not URGENT but growing food is urgent and the countries should provide for the citizens instead of importing relying on others.

is EGYPT middle east?

we have heard about the "orient" interchangeable with FAR east... so what is middle east?
often people speak "middle east" for israel and egypt- if so "near east" would be turkey and what? even turkey is parallel to egypt. you can ONLY have a "mid" if there is 1 near and 2 far and between them!
the truth is "" defines "Near East. an indefinite geographical or regional term, usually referring to the countries of SW Asia, including Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia" therefore middle east MUST BE between iraq and far east- it MUST BE. or stop using near east and middle east see below.
in reference to european countries [the greeks already divided naming europe to greece and its neighbors and naming asia to the land we call turkey- wrongly considering that the land of greece CONTINUES  contin-ues like contin-ent around black sea and problem to imagine a line from ural mountain to black sea] egypt is SOUTH NOT NEAR EAST. so syria would be "NEAR east" and israel too like saud- while middle east could be iran
so saudi should not be middle east because must be "mid" between near-east  and far east.
americans can call algeria "near east" relitivey nearer than the orient and if so israel is middle east but europeans stupidly call it middle east when it is south east and no near east exists.
the solution is to name based on REAL geographic realities so instead of "near east" and instead of middle east replace with "ISRAEL'S NEIGHBORS" OR  "sh-chenot Israel" as follows
1 countries included in a group south of nile gulf [the wrongly named med. which is truly the shape of gulf with narrow strait- so we should fix nile gulf- based on the long river which feeds it] are the nile-gulf countries.
2 the group of countries between black sea/gulf and tigris ocean [west from nile continent] are black-gulf countries such as saudi arabia and neighbors because the real "physical feature" is black gulf which aligns with saudi and iraq and syria. from iraq east is tigris ocean countries. while far east is only relative to italy! what about australia??
stupid europeans were too narrow minded and stupid us  for not FIXING this until now. how can somebody in nipon (=jp) travel west to the 'far east"?? or an australian travel north WEST to the far east that is stupid and moronic we must fix all this. egypt is not "middle east" it is only simply "nile-gulf country same as lybia.and israel.

nightmares parade in kawasaki, Nipon (authentic name for jp)

parade 2018
pictures with costumes that i liked: first quarter 1/4:
2 great bus decoration 2/4
3/4 pirates
4/4 cute dalmatian and villanness: [see note below]
+also article with more photos if you want or instead 3 more links to photos below
note: the pattern of english is two vowels together or "paired" i.e. "game" is long "a" like "bay" sound, hence villainess is bad because sound not "bay" so must remove vowel "i" and isolate villanness.