Thursday, March 30, 2023

birth date of rama

 today is a hindu festival. despite i do not accept the faith of hindu at any of its stages, still the stories are very good quality and in terms of story standards far better than bible... only someone biassed will lie bible is better.

rama birthday, a god came as a human to preserve the word. he used his life to slay demons and the demon king ravan. 

last he flew a flying car to return to be king.

later  he would come in a different body called kroshna and advise arjun sometimes killingbis proper and the harm is small due to rebirth.

Saturday, March 25, 2023

end of homo sapien is nearing

 did you know? sapien means wise.... they chose the name sapien for wiser humans than the apes.

in contrast to animals that "simply eat and simply make babies" humans consider responsibility and deceive each other some openly steal and others not only jews use deception to get more than the agreement.

the knowledge of responsibility is causing the sapien humans not to have children while the "duller" sapiens like my parents have children that means the dull ones MULTIPLY while the wise ones do not "replicate" their wiseness because life is simpler without the responsibility of children so the ratio of sapien will decrase... for example: if today ten percent are the wisest and most of them are SMART enough to relize a chilf is a repsonsibility that will interfere with career and fun then most will not have any while a few will have one for the sake of family.

as the sapien lessen... that ten percent is replaced one kid for 2 parents and most smarter zero, 3 replaces 20 parents in each generation maenwhile the DULLER humans like my parents recklessly make babies... yes it would be better if they had been responsible and not had a child who they could not manage... i know the n i would be dead but that just showed i can be objective anout benefits even at my loss....  but they were DULLER and did not plan nor prepare for their responsibility same as most duller humans and onlly those duller are multiplying... like the simple animals... so in a few generations the sapien of homo sapien will be replaced by homo non sapien.  admittedly some dull parents have a msart kid like me but we get traumatized by their bad decisions... and most of the kids are like the duller parents as above. also some of the kids of smart parents are not as inteligent as their parents so the sapien will wind down less and less and less... the end.

caste levels neither hindu nor krishna

we see the caste system based on family, if pa is warrior son is warrior but what if son not skilled?? 
was the varna called caste from any hindu god? yes and no. krishna DID mention the names used later sudra workers etc. but specified LENGTHILY by:
bhāvaḥ qualities
repeating that word bhava and svabaha several times with descriptions of qualities in baghavad gita chapter 18 verses 41 to 44. 
admittedly the first warriors were defined by skill and overcoming fear... but krishna never saiid the son of ksatra was also ksatra or a daughter warrior or king.  the caste system of family by father is baseless nit in krishna teaching who did emphasize bhava meani g abilities qualities as above so that would answer my question and refute india baseless caste system nit from god krishna not even in the late b.g. that is part of mahabharata after veda.
a ourana  described the bad furure "not by caste" that bad was already ALREADY fulfilled when they changed it to father caused in contrast to krishna who emohasized qualities REPEATEDLY with word bhava and examples. hindus disregard krishna in this and vishnu is angry at the sinful hindus. thatbis why he subdued them under british until british challenged  the corruption of krishna list.

Friday, March 24, 2023

published data men eject

 on the awkward topic of male ejaculation that can start at age 9 nine if puberty mature, and which religions "even" christian wrongly taught to suppress as if is is a bad sin.... such impractical attempts at holiness lose a benefit in picture between 21 to 30 eject male seed each month LESSENS RISK reduces risk for cancer including the MOST common male cancer... coincidentally COMMON due to trying to obey religion... and we suffer from ignorance.

i do MY part to copy the information already published

Thursday, March 23, 2023

fascinating festivals

 fascinating festivals
this year i wanted to celebrate holi and mahashivratri... despite i reject hindu faith, but i saved the date in the wrong month in my digital calendar and missed both! maybe i will not miss rama in a week.
full moon called purnima the one near end of winter before start of spring.
burn piles of wood and put colored powder on others' faces  
prahlad was son of a demon that was angry at him for worship of vishnu. pa sent his daughter and pra' to sit in a fire where she was safe protected by a magic cloak. pra saw safe and followed her in... into danger! so vishnu saved his follower from fire. this story source was also the source for book daniel save from fire. the fire did burn her despite cloak... the power of vishnu! when the demoness died they celebrated holi. burning fire symbolized represented burnt demoness insted of devotee and despite cloak.
also krishna colored radha= his lady lover's face. see bahagavata purana not there. krishna was dark blue in paintings and worried she would reject him for being different so he put colored powder on her face. same part of year and of month jew paint face for purim despite not in authoritative jew book of customs only from hindu. similarly same part of year jew burn wood not from jew only from hinduism.
note: hindu has "gods" the usage is immortals however they get defeated by krishna as indra one of the immortal gods god of water and clouds said in vishnu purana 5:10 i got defeated by krishna in 5.30 in vishnu purana... god indra, the one worshipped in veda, even he called krishna "the one who does the jobs of "3 gods brahma vishnu and shiva" despite one, krishna not three but one krishna doing all when vishnu in body, does all, just different name for different job like  i am a baker named baker and a rider named rider and my name is visnu similarly the one doing the job of brahma is like the baker called baker so called brahma. see  vishnu purana 5:10 despite being vishnu in krishna body one does three. book 5 chapter 30 gods fought krishna s. of devaki and k defeated god indra and immortals. if so less than god perhaps what hindu called gods are angels below the one god named krishna or vishnu or the jew name.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

wild teens

wild teens: i got pregnant
by sally samuels
on a windy autumn day, when i was age 18, i felt cramps. again. during class, my cramps were very painful. they hurt more than other months when they hurt less. i felt scared. the strong cramps frightened me. i walked to the math teacher's desk. mr. dan daniels. i barely heard the numbers in whatever algebra methods he was explaining. i lifted the plastic hall pass, scribbled my initial in the records and walked out toward the nurse office.
i had never been surprised by the monthly blood. ever since fifth grade oops. age NINE is considered normal range for starting monthly blood, see source below. even young girls MUST be prepared by age 9 what to expect and must have pads ready and many pads ready. near 9 birthday if breasts are growing girls should read data at:  story: from when i was near my 9 birthday, i knew what will happen. 
author note: also male possible SAME age nine 9 if started puberty pubic hair. average male both hair and fluid later but 9 in healthy range. story: i remembered awkward day: miss mikes had explained first that age 14 young men started "manufacturing" a fluid that contained half a baby. a pair of factory glands hanging in a bag made it. she explained to the boys that when they wake in mornings they will often find that they have wet pijamas. they should distinguish between urine and semen.  a brat shouted seamen make semen... gross. a boy asked, "if that starts at 14 why when i was six felt the urge to squeeze"?
teacher replied, "i dont know that. but if you feel the urge when you are near age 14 then expect fluid." a girl said, "i learnt the gross way. i put my hand on my older brothers neck while he was reading. when i saw the bulge in his boxers i put my other hand on his knee and slid my hand toward it. by the time i reached fabric, his hand was squeezing his boxers. i slid my hand into the leg of the boxer shorts and pressed the tube. that is when i learnt to expect to get your hand wet." a brat shouted angrily, "as if girls don't drip" another brat shouted "a hand job to a brother"
miss m continued "yes young women also drip. each month the lining inside slides down (oops not "gets squeezed out and replaced. muscles squeeze it out so expect cramps) so expect aching. boys dont get this monthly ache but everybody who has a uterus usually will.
she continued saying more things to expect and that understanding that these things related to making a baby you can plan not to have a baby before you are prepared by wearing a cover that will catch the male baby oil so it wont join the girl half baby before they are ready to plan kids. also it limits the spread of illnesses.
i was feeling those cramps, miss had explained, but they were sharper maybe i was sick. i recalled that same awkward day, after school i told ma that they taught about monthly blood. ma said she did not drip until age 11 and 8 months... so i had time. still despite i was still 9, she told the story that her breasts felt sore. "never offer a guy oral sex" my mom had warned me. if they want it or regular plug in, just say no. if they pressure you then they are not acting like a friend kuz they can milk themselves. i argued "i like some boys i want them to feel pleasure" ma argued at most use your hand but only if the guy brought and wore the cover so you dont get your hand wet.
in February that year my ma gave me my first box of products. she said notice if your breasts feel sore the blood might drip before age 12... she was right. the seventh month after my birthday they felt very sensitive and sore. even my soft bra was annoying. i put a panty pad. like a clock one hour later on the school bus i felt cramps. they were gentle squeezes. by the time i got to school i could feel the pad was wet. good thing i knew about sore breasts i would have no way to add the panty pad  in the bus and then i would have sticky panty all day.
each month i had my warning and put the pad. i had never been surprised by a bloody drip. however i felt scared and surprised by these painful cramps. the nurse office was empty so i lay on the paper on the cheap couch to wait. laying flat eased the cramps a bit but i was still scared. very afraid. totally terrified.
nurse nancy came. i told her "my cramps are unusually painful what is wrong with me." she asked some questions, gave me a pain pill and note and said go home, lay flat."
i left school and at the road rode a city bus toward the library. i wanted to read anything about monthly blood. i felt too shy to ask the library lady so i went to the card shelves, found letter em found menstruation and wrote the shelf code. at the shelf i saw another young lady by the same shelf. we saw several books about blood in culture and anthropology.
she wore a long blue dress that covered her snow boots. i wore fluffy snow pants. i said "hi my name is sally." she said that her name was cathy carls. i asked cathy if she read any books about... um... that. i pointed at the word on the book. she shook her head no. i asked if she ever felt strong cramps. cathy nodded but added ever since i met nerdy ned the cramps hurt less.
she told me a gross story: WARNING this story is gross and for teens.
her brother cory carls had told her a secret. for the past year he was gay, but now he was ready to tell his secret. he went to the jew high school in new york city where he felt the urge to hug certain boys. when he asked them if they wanted to hug they replied angrily. boy after boy until one fateful day cory went to the gym to jog around. there he saw an older student nicknamed nerdy ned. the urge to hug returned, despite the awkwardness that they were years apart. cory was in tenth grade high school but this bearded young man was in the rabbi college. he was also jogging around the gym, gasping for breath almost wheezing as he strained to carry his overweight body around. "i could barely delay hugging that cuddly body," cory had said to me. when chubby cody cohen passed the door, my brother ran following him until cody stopped and leaned against the wall struggling to breathe.
she continued cory story: i stopped too. i said i am in tenth grade my name is cory. cody nodded and tried to talk but failed so he exhaled "cody".  cory confessed that he often felt the urge to get hugged, adding a lie: i never felt comfortable enuf to ask anybody. did you ever feel that?" cody continued wheezing while his head moved no. i added: i came for an exercise run but when i saw you i wanted to hug you. will you be mad if we hug? cody answered "if you want" while raising his arms. cory hugged cody pressing palms on cody pair of bony back bulges under his shoulders. the college guy pressed palms on cory shoulders pressing cory against his shirt.
cory felt very excited. he enjoyed it very much and felt comfortable enough to confess "sometimes i am gay" cody asked, "what did you do?" while continued the long hugging. cory confessed that he liked to squeeze his own tube. cody argued gay is different. every boy feels that urge. cory said "i know, but i also feel the urge to hug men. same as men like some women i liked certain men."  cody with certainty argued in a stressful tone, "you never kissed a boy."  cory agreed. "you are far from gay. gay is something else."-what-i cant tell you kuz you might try to do that sin.-not just gay squeeze selves?-no.-you squeeze yourself? asked cory.
cody confessed, "i try not to but i often lose control and squeeze." cory asked "why do you struggle?-kuz the religious rule book said dont touch.-i enjoy this hug so much that i will help you with your goal. if you hug me every morning instead of praying the jew prayer, i mean a long 5 minit hug, then the next time you struggle with your urge i will do the sin for you.
cathy concluded : that is how my bro cory started a relationship with nerdy cody. cory had a plan and told me: "i want to check if he is as gay as me. surely at your age you want the plug, i want you to prepare to seduce cody and see how he responded. oh and saying you wanna save him from sin is important to cody so say it to tempt him." concluded my bro. i felt awkward but he was right about my urges. twice every month i felt a strong urge and twice every week a pale urge.
cory added "if you virgin, please open now to get ready for the weekend." i was appalled and shocked at his doubt and for even mentioning something so personal so i stammered "w-wa-what do you mean?"
i asked cathy, "how did you open?" she told the story: months ago, she came to this library and used the computer to search for "adult toy shops." she used some allowance money that her parents gave her to buy a dildo. slowly she had pushed herself open and that is much smarter and controllable than a guy pushing in.
i decided to do the same thing while i listened to her story. her brother cory had kept his bargain and saved nerdy ned from sin in exchange for a long hug each morning. in fact he saved nerdy ned from two sins of touch and of fluid sin that ridiculous religions teach. this rule is not relevant when not in the situation of onan with wife nor even reasonable to expect to keep it in month after month. ridiculous religion that alone showed that the author of genesis was not a wise god but a stupid human. still nerdy ned felt guilty that he did that sin so cory did it for him so ned did not do the act of the sin himself.
the same week that i opened myself, she continued, cory invited ned for the weekend. saturday afternoon when our parents napped i sat beside him on the couch and said, what my bro had advised. "i want to save you from sin" ned asked "what do you mean" she explained that she wanted him to plug in like electric plug. ned asked "do you know that it will hurt the first time? we learnt that" i replied that i am already open and no risk of pregnancy kuz we will use the cover. "great!" exclaimed ned agreeably so i hushed him so he would not wake parents. cody lay on the soft rug. i covered him with my long dress, [cathy continued to me] and sat on his knees. i covered "little cody" and slid down until i plugged him in. that was sweet! i told ned to come every week. ned said he wanted to but people would get suspicious, if he he left the dorm every week, so he would come once every two weeks. i argued twice every 3 and he agreed.
cathy concluded "ever since then we secretly meet and... to answer your question about cramps, the cramps hurt less ever since i started plugging with him and that gave me the idea to rub the dildo inside during cramps and somehow that is calming too."
i listened to her story and asked if i could see if it would calm my cramps. cathy agreed to introduce us but on weekends she cant drive her car because she is jewish. cathy added, "if you drive to street s we can be passengers." i was shocked that they were worried about sin of cars on saturday the jew sabbath but not about the sin of out of marriage at least i was consistent not accepting any idea of sin.
we planned the meeting place and i did not even borrow any book from that library a new york public library. i trusted her that it would help. i rode in cathy's car to the adult shop and purchased the opener. and some jelly. i would have ten days to heal until nerdy ned came.
that night i snuck my adult toy into the shower and slowly opened myself owwww i cant believe i had planned to let my husband do that... he would not know what to do.
cathy was right using the dildo eased the cramps during the cramp and the following days but no proof maybe it was only big pain one day.
the days of waiting dragged on and seemed forever day after day at boring school. rejecting the gross guys... finally the date arrived.
i drove my car from pepper pike new york to flatbush to the intersection of eastern parkway. sure enuf the lovers the couple were there. cathy was wearing a long yellow dress over her snow boots. i called out the window hi cathy. the guy who looked every bit his name nerdy ned said "your name is cathy?"
the couple entered my car and we drove to my home. i entered the home and introduced them to my parents: "we wanna play a group game." pa teased like "spin the bottle?" i argued "gross!! i dont wanna kiss his hairy beard! and anyway that is for little girls we are gonna play "risk" i chose that for the double meaning to hide my plans.
ma looked suspiciously at the young man almost glaring, so i i repeated "we are a group." that soothed her and we went into my room. cathy told her plan. "we already did it while my parents napped and he will need around an hour to rest since then. so we will play risk like you said and then i will tell you what i did." we set up the game and started rolling the dice at 3:30 counting the minutes. on the fourth turn, at 3:45 ma knocked on the door and i opened it. she held a tray with mugs of hot coco. she peaked in suspiciously to see we were truly playing risk... if she only knew.
i told her thanks but please do not interrupt our game.
once mom left, cathy told me how she sat on ned's knees and slid down guiding the plug in like 'lectric. she was shockingly accurate about the sweet pleasure. i told them next time i will bring you before you do it and you can do it here and we can play longer.
the next two weeks i could barely concentrate at school i felt obsessed with the new pleasure. i tried using the dildo again and it felt good but still something about nerdy ned was better seeing a nerdy guy having a good adult time. screw religious rules.
i did not even notice that my period did not come nor that my breasts were not sore. i felt usual.
two weeks later when i drove them to pepper pike new york and watched her put the long cover on ned's tube.... i realized that we had not. but... married people dont get pregnant the FIRST try it usualy takes several months of tries maybe even a year.
this time, after we played so he could rest between jobs, i rolled the cover on him. we plugged but.... disappointing. i would risk it. i pulled the plastic cover off and said "whatever risk, we already had". we rubbed longer this time than last time and it was... screw religion... heavenly. and seeing him smile behind his nerdy glasses and beard added a dimension to my joy. i felt part of his joy too.
cathy asked if my cramps hurt less and i said "um... it did not come yet i guess it will come tomorow because..." i paused... the weeks were more than usual. cathy commented "we met at the library when you had cramps then we waited until his visit plus two more weeks... we are in TROUBLE !!" cathy concluded her voice trembling.
nerdy ned said "better it should be used as our son then get rinsed down a shower or washing machine" what a nerd!! that was his concern? cathy asked cody, "what are you gonna tell your parents? you cant marry her." cody asked "why not?"-because i did not tell you she is not jewish and we only marry other jews,"
cody shrugged "that is not important to me. i will have a wedding and be a father." problems solved we continued the game of risk i mean with the dice.
before nerdy ned visited again my mom noticed i was puffy. she accused "did that boy knock you up?" that was easy to deny. "no we just had some adult fun and my period did not come". mom was furious you will never see those filthy jews again i cant believe you did not scream when he was raping you.
pa heard the screaming and said "what the hek is going on"
i told them that "i seduced the guy twice because the first time felt good"
"THE FIRST TIME???" hollered ma almost hysterical. pa added quizicly "felt good? but that rips the thing open." i argued "you are so old fashioned! i was open before i seduced him"
ma argued "so not the first time.... was first with him?" i shrugged "something like that." ma "well you will never see that boy again." pa argued "we are not old fashioned. that was how YOU were born too. we had to marry kuz we were wild."
ma burst into tears and fled the room. pa asked "did you decide if you want an abortion?"
i was hysterical "ARE YOU FUKKIN CRAZY?" i hollered "i would never kill my own son!" pa shrugged. "that is a relief because when i was a christian i heard it was a sin."
my hysterics exploded "you men and your sins that is the only thing important to you??? what about people???"
i obeyed my parents that we never gathered again not even just the girls my trusted friend cathy carls.
poor rose... she was growing up without any father not even a nerdy one... who would probably be more stable than most men. that would have been a good experience but i obeyed my parents and separated from her father my lover so that is how i got pregnant and rose was born. still when my parent surged to marry and recommende dmen i argued "i already have rose and anyway anybody YOU recomend is probably my harm after you forced me separate from my lover." the end.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

priority list

direction for priority, fixing bad maslow pyramid
coincidence? i just watched "adrift 2018" this list is for tami the lady on the ship adrift.
list and explanation
list: water > health warmth etc. > food. resources [to get basics] > next group
group 2 getting love, self esteem, friendship, feel belonging. see explanation.
note: self esteem, which means "confidence in ability" not self admire, is more urgent than family, intimacy and reproduction.
group 3 after these we can chase intimacy, try to make a family with spouse and children
after these we can chase status... by using our abilities. respect etc. depends on others. list completed see explanation.
intro: fixing bad maslow pyramid for example "low before?" had bad order and poor wording for example everyone "actualy" has a self so i fixed his idea: "develop self to its most" also wrong just "use your abilities" 
instead of a pyramid that does not narrow... six respect more than four love so use direction... for priority. what is the highest priority that would die quickly if we lacked?
our environment has the needed air with oxygen. for the "goal of satisfying" the list begins after air.
PRIORITY: 1 water
need sleep but body will, almost without decisions similarly ejecting waste from food or fluid or stuff related to "unused baby preparation" both male and female, which i HOPE he called reproduction but literal baby is not a need, nor urgent, instead often would be improper.
note: despite religions males should empty "unused" seed at a normal pace rate when not planning to make a baby... and without hurting other people such as in female rape. helpful hint: the stuff is easy to clean if ejected in a shower.
TWO: protection from cold and wind etc. clothing and shelter. this does not include clothing due to society expectations but referred to the need for warmth. this is the "health" issue that should be most basic and "safety" too before child unless he meant materials as above. simlar flaw safety after reproduction?
3 food less urgent as priority not order after.
summary: water > health warmth etc. > food.
NEXT group: aids for water clothing and shelter: SUPPLIES including items to wear etc. as movable "property" and money to get the higher priority stuff due to the punishment for stealing. NOTE: his level 2 is very wrong health should be first layer as above. ALSO people can survive without security... it is not a need in fact our lives are a constant struggle without security neither emotional nor physical which depends on others so not needed nor realistic to expect.
jobs? children and retired dont need. even work-age would be included in resources, BETTER "supplies". job not "safety".
property? does that mean owning land and house? not a need if have "shelter" even if not own.
after food "items" for use and getting the more urgent and more basic needs
NEXT group after physical needs of items, also need to get love correct but depends on others. feel belonging.
try to get friends by... acting like a friend to people who are not evil... i cant find anyone who "acts like a friend". despite low expectations. 
intimacy not a need in contrast to loneliness... still alone is better than with hurtful people.
family? when young not a need instead any adult for example orphanage. when adult family is often annoying "i am so much better without you".
respect recognition depends on others but self esteem should be before.
too vague to list status? strength? freedom from what?
intimacy [if seperate from reproduction he wrongly told men to rape "must be before" intimacy so i fixed].

first world war by austrian empire

on July 29, 1914, a. bombed serbia. two weeks later august 13, a. invaded s. crossing a river on the west edge of serbia. meanwhile, russia sent many soldiers to the area north from the carpathia mountains by austro-hungary empire to take land from the attacker of serbia which indirectly weakened the attack on serbia but russia did not send soldiers into serbia to help defend. a. faced those troops to guard the oil in its east edge. for other regions see:
aug. 21 serbs defeated the a. invaders who exited serbia.
sep. 8 battle of drina river the west border of serbia. serbs held them for a few weeks and invaded a. s. took some land but got stopped.
dec. 2 a. conquered north serbia and took its capital city.
meanwhile, by RUSSIA
aug. 19-20 russians defeated germans in east prussia by nimen river east from  baltic sea. g' retreated west to vistula r.
aug. 26 r' had attacked southwest until battle at tannenberg, 26-30 when germany defeated russia, that surrendered over 100,000 prisoners who got surrounded. a russian general suicide self.
aug. 26, a. sent soldiers northward from "lviv=lvov=lemberg" on bug river, then in a. empire who also defeated russians but r' attacked a' troops in east who fled. russians continued pushing a. westward.
sep. 6 germans pushed russians back and battled by lakes. germans defeated russians sep. 15 capturing 125,000 prisoners of war. this was a decisive german victory. r. retreated back to nimemn river.
sep. 8 russian army attacked lemberg. battled until 13 russians took lemberg=lvov from a' that pulled its army away from the oil.
sep. 15 russia battled by dnister river and took more land.
sep. 21 russians had been moving west and took more land including jaroslav
sep. 24 russians reached carpathia mountains and attacked a' by the mountain passes.
oct. russia invaded german land again by baltic but was defeeated further south.
oct. 4 g. helped a. to attack russians in area north of carpathia mountains. russia retreated again.

balloons n stars

green balloons

also before using gimp to move onto background


commie star is red on white or yellow but this differs

Saturday, March 4, 2023

story of esther briefly, with illustration

briefly, what was the story of esther?

king xerxes? after age twenty. see josephus for king name

religion caused people to add a baseless presupposition: any thing in the bible was the word of god "narrated by god" like "transcription" god told whoever which word he wanted them to write... but does that claim have any basis?
bible scholars, several admitted to me that this expectation is false they know more errors than i found or noticed.
for example the book of esther does not even CLAIM "god said to a prophet this is the story in the time of king etc." in contrast to "god said to moses this is the first month" that was claimed from god and similarly book genesis didnot even claim god told the author any story by prophecy nor the author claim i know the story by prophecy.
this false assumption can cause people to try to defend the text even by twisting the meaning away just to defend it from criticism when the need for defense is absent... nobody said this book is from god.
so the next question is the book of esther with its drama a dramatization? or a precise record.
those who claim it is precise rely on a human telling them it is holy but we cannot check.
it is as if nobody claimed it was holy so what remains is a book of drama. so what did it dramatize?
we are familiar with  dramatizations that altered the story for several reasons to hide errors and poor judgement and harm or damages but add emotions and other elements that did not occur to make it interesting.
esther has such elelments matching the idea of dramatization. the fact that the queen did not know until she asked some outsider... as if she is not queen... we only try to defend it if we have a presuppostion instead of evaluating the contents. instead of reading hundreds of words tell me briefly? as the jewish saying "dont tell me the gantz mgilla" meaning the whole scroll. it is an expression when people are too lengthy.
maybe it was pure imaginary fiction that some clever authors compiled. or based on a fact that was boring so it got dramatized.
i can "glean" the boring facts by removing the exagerations and drama.
admittedly it is boring which is the reason the authors exagerated and dramatized.
without the drama: a king decreed [see illustration] kill the jews. the queen convinced the king to cancel the decree... somehow the jews were saved.
the boring story was: queen told the king jew-hating is bad for business and taxes. she suggested making a list of jew haters by allowing them to kill the jews "next year" so people would come and join the "army" to kill while protected by king.
once many people registered the king killed the jew haters probably a couple thousand in the country. you can see this is boring so they needed to dramatize the queen getting replaced and "secret" not knowing which nation until the surprise and the suspense of inviting to a party and another and as critics point out "fillers" which cause the story less boring and filling the time after work... what else would you do without television they needed a long story and since they did not have one they dramatized. for example the "glorious victory jews killed thousadns" these are all teh exagerated dramatizations added to "sweeten" the boring kernel of truth simply by removing the drama... if we search for a basis when the book might be pure fiction.
the point is the king killed the jew haters... probably "wishful thinking" that never happened, but that lacked glory so they added the jews killed the enemy for dramatization not for accurate records.

balloons on rainbow


rainbow with balloons

rb square

rainbow planning

i planned to copy a great image in a muppets video... on a background of a colorful rainbow, many colored balloons floated past.

my attempts at simplicity failed so i planned much better and here are the steps. NOTE: although christians fail to distinguish between rainbows and gay flag... they differ so do not forbid rainbow art! gay made their flag DIFFERENT with either six or 8 colors instead of seven "purple dark blue light blue green yellow orinj and red". gay has blue but only one blue in the standard six so dont ban a rainbow !!

step one preparing the bow: the plan to use the coordinates of pixels for precise size. i will not say what bad plan this replaced because it failed.

note i used size 400 square for easier calculation of coordinates
despite the waste of a circle this allowed for using tools for the size... and just imagine a reflecting pool across the center!!! :)

rainbow over grass. note the arc is too circular so i stretched it wide not ratio. the greens differ but not enuf

stretched for rainbow arc instead of circle. this stretch was exagerated in aditional stretches for this blog.
 fourth product a square with a stretched rainbow.