Thursday, October 31, 2019

meaning of hebew prayers

dear diary
for many years i read the hebrew words of jew prayer mindlessly yet aware that i did not know the meaning of the forin words yet accepting that the words were forin and no expectation to understand hebrew from age 4 until seven.
finally after the physical hits of the rabbi in grade one, in grade 2 i felt that i knew enuf hebrew to try and understand the prayers.
i knew by then hundreds of hebrew words yet the words in the prayers were the rare unused words. i complained that reading words mindlessly is stupid so my parents bought the book with both languages however the translation was so overly poetic that even the english was foolishly empty of any clear meaning.
i did not notice after several days of reading the translation that the translation of certain words were exchanged that taught me that the words were the same.
around one month after i started reading the translation in two languages the rabbi stole my book so that i could not understand the words i was reading nor learn new english words for the hebrew that i read.
luckily by grade 3 a student taught me that the jew tradition itself specified that prayers and blessings are "for whoever that wants to be"  in a separate category and not "every person wants" that so not truly obligation. yet sad that nobody emphasized this true idea and instead lies win as the students hear the lie "you must read these pages" when the tradition itself specified as above not obliigation but for the one who wants.
worse the most common word in prayers is easily shown "grammaticly wrong. that word is baruk.
to easily see the problem we can compare the grammar of the parallel verb.
wen i THROW a ball the ball "gets thrown" by me. the term is "zaruk" same verb form as baruk. yet god assuming god exists, as the praisers believe, sends the blessings meaning the person is "baruk"  got the result of the verb got the blessings as the bible said "isac got blessings". so we cannot reverse that god is the baruk since he is the giver that is backward both in the bad choice of words of prayers and in bad psalms. yet the mindless people obey the rabbis without thinking of the word baruk that they repeat so many times each day until only habit moves their lips as they plan the list of things to do that day... without a thought to the words that flow from lips now in america that is easy to start because kids dont know heberew and the surprise is even in israel where people speak hebrew and know the word "zaruk" they still say the word baruk wihout noticing the word is "gramaticly wrong" and typical of religion will ignore any evidence and insist that the religion obligates them to say that word therefore it must be correct when as above that is false. yes a rabbi in europe claimed the word baruk meanss source yet we see the use of the verb in the bibe as above in the story of isac that the word is wrong in psalms and later books.
how did i get the rabbi in first grade to stop hitting me?
 first i told my parents but the cruel heartless jews replied "no big deal we hit you too"
then i asked people which car was rabbi narkman and at lunch break before eating i watched that car saw that he used that car and later damaged it as a minor i could not be punished by law. so i said if you hit me again i will damage your car lights and that forced him to stop hitting me. for my parents i went to a nebbors house and called tthe police on them they shoulda done prison time... justice is that when they are helpless i inflict physical pain on their body but there cannot be justice.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

the abraham club, details

the abraham club, details
1 until the jew leaders cancels the section, quoted by child hitters to "obligate them" to hit physical pain to children, same as whipping a horse in training, the cruel jew and christian too will "obey god" and do cruel evil pain on children no matter what the year number is.
2 similarly the non painful but immoral abraham club. also based on the so called "holy" bible.
if you feel horrified by the story below things these brats did, touching genitals when minors, then how can you not be more horrified at the physical pain that strong big adults hit so inflict on smaller weaker children in hit and cutting genital circumcision cut and blood adding to the same bad act of touching this genital in circumcision yet worse cut and blood. all these must be edited and fixed.
these cruel people must be deterred, by punished harsh enuf to deter.
3 back to the diary: when i was in first grade at the jew institute the rabbi told us bible stories. around  two months into the skuul year the stories were about abraham kuz the jew reads these stories in hebrew in the jew church. by then the rabbi had already been using the recess break to hit me. each day many repeated hits together as I howled in physical pain. helpless. he had been hitting me often already during those months I did not know that "sadists want to hit more when the victim protests" yet the victim must protest especially if they have pain or the hitter can lie "how do I know it hurt?".
one fateful week during class teaching time, the "holy" rabbi told us the pen, is,  story. abraham sent his slave- yes a slave. god never commanded "all slave owners shalt free all their slaves." religion and bible is not a lesson for ethics. anyway the slave said a vow to bring a wife to the son of abraham from family of abraham.
the rabbi included that in the story, the bible wrote that the slave "placed his hand under abrahams leg" why would he touch his leg? the rabbi explained: the holy place of the holy circumcision that abraham chose as an adult to cut himself.
i add differs from baby or child that is compelled and forced and does not agree nor "consent with understanding" the issues and harm from circumcision.
this story caused the "abraham" club.
everybody knows in western society we must not touch other people in the "bathing suit" place kuz the same reason the clothing for swim must cover that place, same nobody else touch it. an adult that touches a child there does deserve punishment and yes cut and blood is worse crime added to touch with measurable harm and yes also touches the place too. if 3 years in prison for touching then touching with cutting should be three plus double six years total 9 in prison fed only water. until thin, and low range of body mass per hiet then also dry bread once per day.
4 back to the story: an older boy not named jakob was starting fifth grade. apparently nobody in fifth grade agreed to join his club so he asked 3 younger kids. i heard about the club from a young boy in my class year, not named isac. we will see that isac had been in the club for a year, since pre-first and served in the club as "gaurd" meaning the lookout.
in first grade the rabbi told us to read and chant the hebrew words of praise to "god" meaning jehova of the jew. then rabbi left the room and no adult watched. the kids obeyed and chanted the hebrew prayers. until isac who sat at the desk near the door looked around the room and chose me. isac left his desk and book. he came and invited me to the abraham club.
we went to the secret clubhouse in the skool and another young boy, this one not named josef stood in the doorway making sure nobody saw the things we would do. isac and i passed the gaurd josef who was one year younger than isac so age 5 years kuz isac was 6. josef had a big brother not named jakob he was starting fifth grade and was already in the clubhouse with his younger brother josef the gaurd. isac explained that the club represents the respect for gods commands and this abraham vow bible story that we had heard that month, of the oath kuz otherwise they would not allow touch.
for honor the circumcision i was easily swayed,  based on the story of the slave of Abraham in the "holy" bible,  the same as the older boy had convinced the other young boys.
5 the oldest in the club not named jakob had already uncoverd his circumcision. i could see his stomach and some fuzz at the place where the soft tube hangs from the stomach. jakob announced in hebrew words the section that the slave put his hand under abrahams leg.
jakob did that action to isac age 6 in my class year when isac pulled his soft tube through his zipper. josef the gaurd was watching us so jakob hissed "look to warn if anybody is coming." josef obeyed. after the hebrew words, jakob said "this is for respect of the holy commandment" kissed the holy place of circumcision same as the vow or oath of the story.
next i uncovered same as jakob had rolled his pants down from his waist. jakob put his hand on the back of my thigh. the soft tube for waste liquid called urine responded with inflating longer. jakob kissed his soft lips on the place of the holy commandment. the soft tube was no longer soft.
jakob rose and announced "hail king arthur. you isac have found king arthur. he is the only one not soft so he is the king of the club." jakob rolled his sweat-pants back up to his waist covering his body. i felt relief that i would not placing my mouth on the place where the waste liquid called urine streams out.
however isac complained "i did not kiss yours yet". jakob explained that now we found a king so all members only kiss the king. isac whined "you kissed mine so i should kiss yours." jakob was silent. isac continued whining "i waited all last year to advance from gaurd to active service and now you kissed me and i dont kiss yours. that not fair". jakob comforted him that he would kiss the king. so isac kissed my holy place.
6 next josef the gaurd wanted a turn. isac said that last year when he was gaurd he could not do service. but jakob told his brother that if he showed that he was a jew, same as josef in the bible showed his brothers, then he could do service. again isac whined "that is not fair". jakob sent isac to be lookout and josef uncovered his circumcision show he was a jew. then jakob approved so josef covered himself and did the service kissing the holy place of the king. after this third kiss i covered myself.
jakob pointed at the bulge in my pants and said "nobody can know about the meeting. they will notice the bulge in your pants." so jakob taught me to do the exercise of leaning against the wall and sliding down to a sitting position so the weight stretched the muscles near my knees. within seconds the distraction caused the tube to return soft.
jakob hissed angrily that we must only read the "standing prayer" so nobody would notice that we were not in class during prayers.
isac and i returned to first grade classroom. jakob led his brother to preskuul and probably returned to his fifth grade classroom.
i obeyed jakob that day and only read the standing prayer. when the other brats stood from the chairs and read the standing prayer i started at the same time knowing that i had skipped, not read many pages that day in contrast to the previous months. those months I chanted the Hebrew prayers with the other students and did not know the excuse for punishment hits from the sadist rabbi those months.
the other brats read the hebrew faster than myself and finished the silent standing prayer blessings first.
the following day was the same as future days. the club did not meet kuz only once per month on inconsistent days for the secret. i started reading the prayers chanting loud at same speed but the silent part, everybody else read the hebrew faster and probably skipped words. this would all change in second grade when i tried to learn the meaning of the hebrew words. story in next diary.
to be continued.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

youngest memories

dear diary my earliest memory
adults know that a childs mind develops in stages and that a baby can recognize mom proving they can remember but those years are not stored in long term memory.
my earliest memory was something that i saw, i saw a white table below me. now i can compare that two years later my head was near the table top so i understand that at that time i must have been sitting in the raised "high" chair as common for two year olds. i looked over the table thru a doorway at the outer door of the home as it opened and my first memory is the emotion called fear as the man who had been hitting me with physical pain entered. so that is my first youngest memory of fear and pain. yes thank you dad for my first earliest memory. any events before that day i cannot remember because i was too young to store in long term memory but the fear shows that at the time i knew he had been hitting me before. can i do revenge? revenge is the action that god does as paul wrote so humans should not act revenj.
between that memory of fear and later days nothing special. just days same day after day. no memory of birthday celebration age 3 only at age 5 after i called the police on my ma for hitting me. that year the police forced them to make a party but not age 3 nor 4 nor 6 when the police ended their involvement.
i recall 3 stranj events in "day care" i must have been age 3.
wet jew cap, dirty mouth, and stolen pillows.
1 a gang of jew-brats, also age 3,  gatherd around me during a play time and said "you cant move if your hair is not covered" and then the tall one jumped towards me grabbed the jew-cap i had been wearing since waking in the morning, and ran to the window and threw it out the window. then the group all shouted in jeer tone of "you are different and lower than us" that "you cant move you cant move". i ignored them and ran to the teacher and said is that true? and she said yes you cant move so i stood still while the jew brats taunted saying "you cant move. while they walked around. the teacher sent her aid to get the jew cap for me and it was wet from landing in the small pool outside. the pool had rain water in it so the jew cap was wet and i did not want to wear it yet as the teacher said then i would be obligated not to move. so i was compelled to wear the water soggy jew cap. yay jew brats for another young memory. the tall kid ended up in the same school as me in first grade.
another strange memory from those unusual days because the common days are "forgetful" if almost the same, easy to forget, not in memory if almost same or which color shirt people wore day after day but a strange event was the first day of music class. i grabbed the tube like a flute and started to blow toots and one brat lafd at me saying "you just put your mouth on the flute that everybody else puts in mouth so your mouth is dirty and gross" and i felt very dirty and gross but realized it was too late so i kept tooting. the music teacher heard and came and said "every day we clean the flute for that reason, that kids put in mouth" so i felt relieved.
my third memory from daycare was a story my youngest "long memory" spanning several days in a related story because as before the other events were only brief memories of drastic change and strong emotions.
memory 3 the stolen pillow
each day at nap time i would lay on a fabric low cot simply fabric cloth stretched over and between the posts of metal. i recall that the pillow i brought from home was not soft nor smooth but the outside "fluff" material was scratchy. in hindsight it must have been wool. on the first day I liked to see it but later my face on it was bad.  i would lay my head on the fluff and feel the scratch and move my head to the fabric of the cot. yes i recall drooling and awaking from nap with the cloth near my mouth wet because my head was not raised on the pillow the drool slid out of the mouth and down to the fabric. this repeateed and somebody said "you dont use your pillow. i agreed so he grabbed it from my hand and ran out so i shouted "that is my pillow i brought from home." the other brats responded "you dont use it anyway" and i felt confused.
if i would take stuff or item from somebody else that wud be bad because need PERMISSION and i never gave it. i recall, now that in that past moment of confusion I was remembering [memory within memory] the other days not using the pillow.
a girl in the day care came to me and gave me her pillow. she was the only nice kid in the day care and i swore that i would marry her because she was nice. obviously a child swearing at age 3 is not a valid oath but that was the memory.
then the brats told the teacher that i stole HER pillow. so the teacher saw i did not have mine yet held hers....  hence she started yelling "you cant take other peoples pillows."
instead of saying "she gave it to me" i said "but a boy stole mine." and the teacher said "so what? just because one person steals you cant steal". then the girl heard and came and said that she gave me her pillow so i had not stolen. the teacher did not agree "you cant give him your pillow because you need one".
she was focused on me not the bad stealing of whoever stole from me despite seeing I no longer had mine. if stealing was as bad as she made it sound, then  she shoulda found the brat who stole mine but she treated me different even after hearing I had permission. that is called a bi, tch.
the young gal geniusly fixd both issues by saying "i will use his." then the theif carried my pillow back into the room and gave it to the girl.
when the bit,ch did not yell at the theif same as yeld at me I noticed and said "yell at the theif same as you yelled at me" and the other brats chimed in "punish him, he has his his pillow" but the teacher did not punish theifs. only if I steal it is bad not if I am the victim of theft.
from then the memory continued several days i used the girls pillow and each day returned it to her  traded the use and retrade. the days repeated the same hence forget-able.
so in sum fear, wet jew cap, dirty mouth, and stolen pillows.
time passed and i recall the first day in pre-school TOGETHER WITH together with first day at day care in next diary.

Thursday, October 24, 2019


1 the argument:
jew: i cant be a christian
muslim: because no evidence?
jew. no even if evidence still cant kuz the christians were nazis. i cant join the nazis that killed my own nation.
muslim: separate.
jew. wadya mean?
muslim. two different ideas. actually christians saved you jews.
jew. only to sway the sons to their religion.
muslim. so you ADMIT admit they saved jews opposite of nazi kill.
jew. nazi bad and christian WORSE kuz better to die than change religion.
muslim: many feared nazi proof if only accepted child to educate, then fear from punishment would prevent...
jew. huh did you say accepted? parents gave the kid to christians? i would never do that.
muslim. i also send my kid to die in jihad we are the same.
jew yes we both dont eat pig and do cut our sons.
muslim alla akbar.
2 so the argument ended with agreement and we refuted some lies from jewish propaganda.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

my summary of star-trek-4

summary STAR TREK 4.
a probe moved toward planet earth and sent powerful signals that stop electricity. it destroyed 2 klingon ships- same as story shown in st1, klingons shoot and it shot back. meanwhile kirk is on planet Vulcan which "had not been destroyed when kirk was younger" [note: at the time of the video no doubt until a later  video showed a later time, a romulin came thru a wormhole and destroy vulacn at an earlier time but at this time the Romulan had not yet traveld. hmm. had no cause to travel yet.] anyway, inside klingon space vehicle continuing from part 3, after rejoining spocks body see addendum. they vote to confess and travel to earth for judgement for violating orders in their rescue mission to bring back spock in st3. they would probably be caught anyway so they might as well be nerds and squares... for the marketing to the video buyers customers who certainly like that personality.
they flew to earth and hear the warning that the oceans are boiling into vapor and no electricity.
spock understands that the probe was aiming at the sea hence uhura adjusts the sound for water density. the sound is whale song and spok knows which family whale. they use the klingon sv to fly at warp speed around sun combining speed with sun gigantic mass curving space time [gravity] to move to "around" the second half of 20 century. as spok said with "this" equipment precision is impossible. [they lacked the copyrighted back-to-future device which does calculate precise dates].
they succeed and use klingon technology to hide the sv. they have a complex mission eventually saving two whales and bringing them to their time. how? that is the story. the whales sing and the probe leaves. the end? ah the judgement. yes kirk is punished. they decide they want him flying so they demote him from admirl to captain which is both cnvenient for the brass and truly punishes kirk with demoting.
ADDENDUM: when the video "Star Trek: Into Darkness,2013" told the story of the romulan that destroyed vulcan in star date 2258 they included "older spock". this is a conflict with part 3,1984. older spock needed vulcan experts to rejoin body in the story of video st3. after the romulan destroyed vulcan in 2258, the old spock "will not have rejoined" with body and would vanish. yet they kept him alive until the end relying on most fans forgetting the details of st3.
wen i saw st3 i did not recall it either. until now summarizing st4.

the most joyful "joy of the bible-day" autumn 1982

the most joyful "joy of the bible-day"
dear diary--"joy for bible" day
soon after starting third grade, i enjoyed a special emotional experience.
i had already switched schools, from the jewish institute in new york city to the jewish academy. briefly, the boy who convinced me to switch was in fourth grade so a bit older than me. he warned me that the rabbi in the third grade used a wood pointer rod for hitting the students so  i feared the physical pain that i had already suffered by the first grade rabbi who used his hand to hit me many days nd each day repeatedly series of crule hits body pain and emotional helplessness of the big man over a child. wen the other students played at recess this rabbi led me to a room. probably the one he knew had no police cameras and there each time hit me a long series of repeated hits. the pervert rabbi did not suffice with sadastic pain but wanted the direct contact on the bare bottom of a young boy. but enuf of those painful memories of physical pain from cruel rabbis.
the background was: i told my parents i wanted to switch skools for that reason and the cruel parents responded, scoffingly "big deal... we also hit you." i felt betrayed and abandoned by those heartless parents, who doomed me to this painful fate. so i returned to the older boy and asked him to help me convince my parents to agree to the move for other reasons. so he did the study and taught me to explain, that the academy was better "quality academic" in general subjects and that his parents were switching him so i should switch too.
this was the factor that swayed my cruel parents to move me from the violent-adult-rabbi place because the cruel parents would not move me to protect me from pain. so the real reason I wanted to change school was to save me from body pain from the wood rod, justifyd by bad relijin that bad to "spare the rod". this older boy switched to be with me. I then began third grade and he began fifth.
our frendship was special. on the first day of skool at the academy, i was in the third grade. the rabbi lebstein explained that he expected us to know the prayers and trusted us to read them. then rabbi l. left the room. no adult supervision. we began the long readings many, many pages of hebrew words.
i found that also at this skool i read the hebrew words slower than the other students who probably skipped words to shorten the time and daily burden of reading around ninety pages of hebrew words. the same pages day after day was a boring burden. and so many pages. jeez.
the leader was already on page thirty, and loudly read the sentence that marked the section while i still was on page 9. then my savior came.
in the door walked the boy not  named shalom-not his real name. i chose this name because one boy named shalom was my frend at the institute. he was the only kid who was not mean to me but only because he was a cripple with leg defect.
the other brats at the institute attacked me using hurtful words and even physical pushing me down which is greater force than a hit. and you thought jews were taught to "love your nebbor"... ha.
also at the academy in new york city a boy named shalom [real name in my grade but older] was polite to me. he explained to me that the reason nobody invited me to their birthday parties, including his party, was because i never invited anybody to mine. wen i explained that my birth date was on a day of jewish fasting so i never had a party, he was a frend enuf to explain that my parents COULD celebrate a few days before date, same as wen his birthday was on Saturday. I then realized that clearly my parents were too stingy, even more than typical jews, to buy me a birthday present or buy decorations. and i thought they had a good excuse. until he explained this.
that is why i chose the name shalom as the pen name for the older boy.  he used the opportunity wen the adult rabbis were not watching the class students, to come to visit me. he waved to me by the door and i hurried toward him to say hello and thank him for aiding me to switch skool. he urged me to come with him and play checkers.
i hesitated because i thought i needed to read prayers but for gratitude joined him. we went to a section of the school that he knew was empty during class time and he opend a small game of magnetic checkers. while we played i asked him about the law of reading prayers and he assured me that the following day he would show me the source that we were "not truly obligated." so we played checkers and i enjoyed the fun eventhough he won.
next he gave me pencil and paper and said write every two letter word that begins with letter a. again his list had more words and he gave me his list and said learn them in the dictionary. we listed a few more letters until his watch beeped. yes the new fangled technology of the 1980s.
he walked back to the fifth grade room and i walked to the third grade room.
i was just in time for the whispering part. everybody in the room stood quietly swaying as they had seen their dads sway. i started reading that section and same as in the previous skool the other brats finished reading the 20 paragraphs and i had only read around 14. i had a new idea. instead of trying to finish all 20 as i had done in the institute, i would complete the others the next morning.
from that moment the following paragraphs of that day prayer, i only read the beginning of each paragraph, a few lines, until the leader read the verse marking the end then i skipped until that place and read with the group. a rabbi had once told me to 'read with the group by doing that" but i did not like skipping. until that day when I heard shalom said i was not obligated.
then we had math studies in the morning and the boy next to me made a mark " so i learnt to use that mark for the repeating sentences.
in hindsight we see the idiocy of the lady teacher who told us to write with no number digits:
1 "one plus one equals two"
2 "two " two " four" etc.
after lunch, rabbi l. read the hebrew of the bible book genesis, phrase by phrase so we heard and repeated. then he added the rabbis commentary to the story. at recess none of the brats included the new kid me in their game because they "already had teams from last year". at least nobody hit me during recess in contrast to first grade holy rabbi.
the next morning as planned, the other brats read the prayers but i started my reading at the end of the "silent prayer" meaning i continued from paragraph 14 and finished that set of 20. then i waited for shalom. he arrived and led me to the relijis library. he showed me the source that said in the reliable religious library that the things in book "brakhos" are for "whoever wants to be a hassid" so not everybody wants to be that category named hassidim. i certainly did not "want" to be hassidic nor read so many pages of any book and certainly not the dull repetition of the same words daily.
so no obligation only a lie to the students "everybody reading blessings and silent prayers" the jewish tradition itself said "certain people who want" therefore the lie gets reveald.
so we went to the hiding place and played checkers with magnetic peses. then word challenges until we finished two letters words and then three letter word lists I askd if any word is one letter and he said two. a and I. smart kid. each night in addition to the school homework I learnt the short words that we had listed.
day after day for around one month, until the vacation for the "joy of the bible" called simhat tora.
rellivit to that festival, shalom had warned me, before the school vacation,  that dinner would be delayed that holiday so i must eat at normal time.
as planned, on the afternoon before simhat tora i obeyed my parents to shower during the afternoon. i dressed in the bothersome fancy suit i was forced to wear. then my parents showered and dressed.
i removed the suit jacket and tie. i quickly spread peanut spread on bread. then i shoved the samwij in plastic and into the jacket pocket.
i grabbed a book and pretended to read. then i walked with dad to the prayer building. i read from a certain psalm. wen dad stood and silently read the "afternoon week" prayer i relied on his faith not to move. i went out and ate the samwij before the festival started.
sure enuf as shalom had warned me we did not go home for dinner after prayers. I shoulda rememberd from the previous year but did not. after many pages of reading they had auction selling ideas for real money. this took time and finally singing time.
 for a long time. the clock showed an hour passed and they just kept dancing in circle. the time was so long even my samwij was not enuf and i felt hungry again. i was allowed one piece of cake but i recalled from last year that the sugar in cake was so much that i had felt dizzy.
note: in hindsight i was truly dizzy from hunger that year, not from sugar,  but as a child did not know that.
then my savior-ettes came. the girls not named adina and atara in the above event.
story at

Saturday, October 19, 2019

my summary of star trek 3 and others.

my summary WITH introduction to star-trek-3, 1984.
note: all the ideas are from the videos not mine. see below for brief summaries of the other star trek videos.
INTRO st3: those, who chose the name for the title and knew the story of this video, should have known that this title called "search for spock" does not match the story, so it is a bad choice naming this story with that title. both those who know the previous video, i mean 2, before this third and those who know this story would know that spock did not "need finding." so an intro must warn that the name is bad because "nobody searched" instead the opposite everybody knows as in part 2 where spock is. in part 2 spock died and everybody knows the place where his body lay. nobody in this story "searches for spock". kirk knows the place of spocks body. spocks dad thinks he knows that spocks "essence" is in kirk until reading kirk mind. then he knows spocks essence which "relied depended" on a body is "lost" same as a flame when no wax remains for feul, ends. so dad does not search either.
so only if you do not know part 2 you can be misled by the bad title that spock "needs finding" which is wrong.
to introduce the story we continue from the point that spock DIED. how? we will not be lengthy about part 2 simply "Spock died." the location of spocks body is known.
the story continues in this video REPEATING some of the final moments of spocks life. some very vague and only for the purpose marketing to cause people to buy part 2 since the sequence was selected in a way that you will not understand unless you buy part 2. this video repeats that they sent the coffin holding spocks body onto a planet. that introduces the story of part 3. 
SUMMARY S.T.3 trees grew around the coffin that contains spock corpse. the sv named 1701 moves through space on a background of stars, returning to planet earth. kirk recorded that his son is exploring a planet and repeats that spock died. people talk. a science vessel studies the planet "newborn" by the technology mentioned in part 2. as will be repeated soon. doc mccoy is in spocks bed. david, son of admiral kirk, studies the new planet. he sees plants and is surprised to find animal life.
spocks dad tells kirk that spocks essence lives in kirk. but he finds he is mistaken and that spock stopped existing.
admiral kirk asks permission to get spocks corpse. when the top ranks forbid, he steals the sv with a small crew. they open the doors and fly out to spock. yes, they "know" where spock is.
david finds young spock outside the coffin. spock is growing at a faster than natural rate because of the proto-matter used in the process changing chemical matter into living plants. yes soon he will look the "same" as before he died. spock is at the phase of age 8 then a teen then an adult. klingons come to the new planet. they want the power and call it a weapon. they take david and spock captive. wen kirk arrives the klingons demand the technology or kill the captives. they almost stab one scientist but david, kirks son interfered until the klingon killed david. kirk is furious. they set the transporter device to bring klingons after they leave the ship.
kirk destroys the enterprise when only the klingons are inside. they are stranded on the planet with spock. the klingon general comes to the surface of the planet and sends the captives to his sv.
kirk wrestles with him until kicking the klingon over a cliff. he speaks klingon and is "beamed" up to the klingon sv. the humans control the sv and fly to planet vulcan. the vulcan lady "melds" joining the minds of mccoy with new-spock. happy ending until part 4 when the leaders will punish kirk for stealing the space vehicle. end.
other brief summaries:
my summary of STAR TREK ONE, 1979
after many short episodes, now kirk leads a crew on a new adventure.
a powerful force destroyed a space vehicle and is moving toward planet earth. klingons shoot at it but it will not stop its mission and destroys the klingons. kirk flew to it and does not shoot. he enters it and spock communicates with it. what is it? what does it want? spock finds out. as mccoy says "it will be disappointed". and a surprise ending.
my summary of STAR TREK TWO, 1982
scientists go to a planet and find the prisoner named khan. khan outsmarts them and escapes. he wants revenge and tries to kill kirk. even more than desiring the new technology to change chemicals into living plants, he is obssessed with killing kirk so how will kirk beat khan?
st3 as above they return to bring spocks body to Vulcan but Klingon interfere. they hope that spock has a soul that lives separate from his dead body.  next st4 see future post.
st5 a vulcan uses hostages to take control of sv named enterprise. kirk is locked. how will he escape? where is the sv going to?
st6 the klingons lose their source of energy and become weak. they ask to negotiate a peace treaty with federation. who shot the klingon representative? how will kirk escape prison and stop the war-mongers on both sides? end of series of stories.
comment: these six respond to issues argued by religions: issues related to a "creator maker" 1 and the "source of prophetic messages" 5. the power of creating a planet 2, but calm down if you believe in god because in part 3 the planet is unstable. the issue of a soul, the essence of the conscious thinking 3. making sea life exstinct is bad even far worse than you would think 4. war mongers are bad and the good guys will stop them, 6. except for the situations when war-mongers are correct.

Friday, October 18, 2019

"joy for bible" day

dear diary.
as the date for another jew-festival is nearing, i remember the rare joyful memory that i could never speak about. until now.
i had recently started the third grade. the night was festival named "sim-hat tora" meaning "the joy of the bible." the men were dancing in the jew-church. they danced in a circle while some held the scrolls. the women sat on chairs along the walls.
i felt hungry as explained in the long supplement- stay focused on this story. so only read the supplement later. please not now. so i walked away from the dancing. i was planning to walk home and eat regular food. that means unsweetened cheer-ee-o-s with milk, since my neglectful parents refused to feed me at a normal time, that day, with nourishing food meaning chicken as new-york-state law required daily.
on the lawn of the jew-church, many children ran, to-and-fro. i had been the only kid my age inside with adults while others, old enuf to be away from parents  were allowed to play. i discovered that i was treated different and that hurt. I had "already" turnd seven years a few days before this festival.
anyway a younger girl came to me, she was only six years old, yet already taller than myself, and said "you look cute". i replied that i dont want to play because i feel hungry. so she ran to her big sister and we walked to their home. it was on the street, number 241 street, in the bronx. [near south-broadway which is a stupid name for that street that is very far "north" from the street named simply "broadway". an absird name.] while walking, they told me their real names which are not "adina and atara". at their house the girls gave me a plate with chikkin and cooked vejtables. and a cup with wine with 12% alcohol for the ceremonial blessing said before the meal.
when i finished eating and drinking i thanked them. adina, who must have been age six years, grabbed my left jaw and turned my face and pressed her lips on my lips. my first real kiss. i must be the youngest third grader to kiss. the sensation of soft moist lips was pleasant and enjoyment. yes a truly joyful "festival of joy".
i rotated on my chair to face her and to enjoy the youthful kiss. however  this joy was soon joined by anther additional sensation. her small hand moved to a certain place where i was convinced, there i was not allowed to touch. she leaned her young weight below my zipper. the pressure caused a response similar to inflation of a balloon. that pressure and inflation also felt pleasant. the pleasure was much more intense than the enjoyment i felt from the kiss on the lips.
soon i felt the inflated-male-finger filled my clothes and did not have any place to lengthen by inflating. the young girl knew how to handle this. she rotated the finger same as the hands of a clock and that pressure was very pleasant. truly the joy of the joy-bible day.
then adina, age six years, told her older sister, perhaps age 14?, saying "i told you from age nine the pen, is, functions.
atara, not her real name, explained that at my age there would be no chance of pregnancy and that she wanted to see if her body functioned. they had chosen a "younger specimen" for the first experiment, so while my parents and their's 4 were dancing at the jew-church, we lay on the floor of the narrow shower room. i lay on my back and considering we were in the shower room that is the place normal to remove clothing. the teen climbed on top of my shirt and slowly lowered her stomach onto the male-finger. i could see that this teen was not a boy. the younger sister, adina not her real name, urged "atara dont be scared, he is younger than you". slowly her slot and socket slid down like an envelope around the male-finger. less pleasure than the squeeze, a few minutes before this, yet it was very special emotionally. her socket fit loosely around the male finger. i was curious what the point of this was, while enjoying the warmth, until... she began moving like a rocking chair as she sat over me. i did not understand that she was moving to cause certain pleasure places in her body. felt very good for me. so much enjoyment that i did not know where i was, anymore. after a long time passed, atara announced, "yup this works. and you better visit tomorrow".
as she stood, her stomik rose up the pole of the male-finger. she grabbed a towel from the shelf and dried the man finger. that also was enjoyment. then we dressed and walked back to the jew-church where the adults were still dancing. along the walk she explaind that these pleasures were the actins that married couples did nad that ever since her first period she felt that using that body pary was important yet she was scared of boys her age and the pain associated with the first opening,  so until her younger sister found aa short young nine year old she had waited worried that her monthly blood might noy continue kuz she needs to use that part. I did not correct those two errors kuz I was mostly like the "cat who enjoys when you pet him" and more importantly now that I understood what this "plug action was" now I felt like a MAN adult, instead of running with the kids on the lawn.
i sat on a chair beside the women watching the sweaty adults, and thinking about the most joyful "joy of bible day" ever.
for me it had been a truly joyful evening. and now that i knew their address and that all four of our parents prayed for many hours, it was not the only meeting. obviously pa forced me to sit beside him during prayers but other years at dancing I could meet them until grade 8 see that diary. also when the adults slept Saturday afternoon I had almost weekly "conjugal visits with their nebor who met me at their house" once a month atara for her belief and the other weeks the nebbor not named julee jum.
yes "older girls"  is far more pleasant proving the idea of the six year-old girl was absolutely correct in her plans and predictions. the experiment was a success and was worth repeating.
SUPPLEMENT for background.
I will publish in a few days. now for this story. if you have not yet read? please enjoy diary story above.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

yom kipur ?trust? rabbi or not

trust issues
rabbis claim the interpretation of "suffering" or "afflict" means not eating nor drinking on yom kippur like the fasting... not only is it possible the interpretation differs because the hebrew word for fasting in ester is not in the section but worse we can reveal a flaw in trust so we cannot trust rabbis. here is the evidence for revealing the risk of "trusting" jewish orthodox rabbis as if they "represent" and respect their own jewish traditionn from "ancient" original jews. we can inspect: even assuming the two most important issues of jewish new year are not wrong yet they have big problems. only focusing on these two issues.
a1 the ram horn. even if we assume the calendar is not wrong still the bible said hebrew words meaning "remember" the song.zikron trua. never with verb sounding nor hearing and even if book woulda still the word trua is song same as "bzmirot naria" in psalms and "zilzile trua" in psalms meaning sing songs and the latter which medevil rabbis noticed the flaw were forced to write deception about yet truly the cymbal of song.
anyway song differs from single sound described in rabbi mishna and even if we allow the deception still only "memory" of song not actual sound and similar even if we allow the quote "day of song" that is the same reference to book leviticus "memory" of song so thought fulfills not sound neither blowing nor hearing ram horn so rabbi revealed as false to connect ram horn to this phrase and word. also these quotes do not mention "king" so not "important theme" of day as rabbis claim.
worse the evil rabbis are revealedd as adding a heavy baseless burden on the simpleminded followers in the herd.
jewish tradition describes blessings with a "blast". yet the evil rabbis only "do" that set as described at the "end" after many hours of other readings including SEPARATE sound of ram separate from the reading and then claim you did them searate and must stay for the ceremony of "together reading with ram" and one blast in rabbi akiba tradition but they burden far more sounds even ridiculing rambam maimonidies who limited forty 40 with a warning "do not burden" because more time than 40 is truly, from a rabbinic perspective" a "bad burden" but the jewish rabbis lack respect even for their own tradition and refuse to respect mamonides and DO  burden the simpleminded followers who do not bother to check nor inspect then they would know the rabbis are so evil burdening them.
too late? now is the day of atonement yet still relavant for trust.