Tuesday, June 30, 2020

my summary of season 2 of series phineas and ferb P&F

my summary of season 2 of the series, that i enjoy and recommend, phineas and ferb
well not the entire season, this post contains summaries  201-209 [[some already in a previous post]
note: d.s.=Disney Channel US kuz disney states, xd means disney xd
pc201=48th [from start after 47 in s.1] seen first=1 in this season 
The Lake Nose Monster, seen on xd 19 February 2009, but d.s.=seen on Disney Channel US 27 March 2009, note: this season started six days after xd started televising. no break between seasons. in contrast subscribers to  Disney Channel US were still catching up season one.
SUMMARY: At Lake Nose, Phineas and Ferb, P&F searchd for a legendary being. their pet, Perry the platypus,  tryd to stop diabolical doc, Doofenshmirtz, who started to suck and gather zinc from the lake's waters. A.P. was the delivery-dude so came and brout doc his food. Devilish doc trapd him in a helmet. luckily while ap=A.P.  tryd using a file to saw for escape, the larj legendary Beast Bangd doc's submarine causing the trap to topple and open. the hit also wrekd the submarine, and releasd the zinc, ruining doof's plan. ergo ap returnd to his family.
202a, 2,2, Interview With a Platypus, xd 20 February 2009, d.s. 8 May 2009
P&F made a Translator-Tool to hear the meaning of Perry's chatter. they hear whatever each animal wanted.  Doc opend a dam so water would go in the streets forcing people to buy his "bo-at". A.P. opend gate so water flowd away insted. then he chatterd but the translator showed it was only "sound".
202b, 2,3 Tip of the Day, xd 20 February 2009, d.s. 8 May 2009 after 203 both both.
P&F made a concert about the "hard tip of the shoelace" their pet ap tryd to stop Doc who made a devilish device that can erase minds so people will forget a video about himself. while ap trapd, doc activated device, but thout of the shoe-part ergo people forgot that idea insted. thinking he accomplished his goal, doc broke the device so ap couldn't, then freed ap... but found too late that the eraser had erased a different idea.
203a, 2,4, Attack of the 50 Foot Sister, xd 21 February 2009, d.s. 1 May 2009
P&F helpd baljeet make a growth fluid, for b's vej to compete at the mid-summer festival, on August 6. their pet ap must stop diabolical Doc kuz made a vile vaporizer that can spray the bad odor of filthy diapers to ruin the festival. Candace, voiced by my idol Tisdale, pourd some of bros growth-liquid, but swelld to 50-foot tall. she climbed a tower, doc's tower. Two people followd her and tryd to grab the vial of growth-fluid causing it to fall towards docs balcony while ap was still trapd. the vial bumpd out doc's "vile vial" so doc's sprayer sprayed the growth fluid insted [this could explain the final story in video hitchhiker guide to galaxy and sheldons dream of size hundred pants]. ap finally escaped and pourd docs bad-odor potion in docs lab... get the portion you wanna give.
203b 2,5 Backyard Aquarium, xd 21 February 2009, d.s. 1 May 2009
P&F made a big aquarium for their new pet goldfish. they organized a marine show. their pet must stop doc who made a freeze ray. a stray ray zapd n froze bros aquarium. doc tryd to zap the food "hotdog" that vendors sold so ap tryd to stop him, but doc grabd a long bratwurst to swing at ap, who used the less long hodo in a food duel. then ap pulld one from the big pile of long bratwursts causing the pile to "avalanche" unstack rolling bumping docs device that toppled and smashd.
204a 2,6 Day of the Living Gelatin xd 28 February 2009, seen on Disney Channel US 15 May 2009
not pf isb fix both fandoms they removed shorts good i added v
P&F made gelatin in Isabella's pool. doc made a devilish device that can turn anything evil. He tryd to zap ap but ap dodjd. the ray zapd the gel ergo it turnd evil and came to obey doc. gel grabd ap so threw hat at fire-extinguisher, breaking the sprinkler open. it streamed water that dissolvd gel and also soakd docs device. the water wrekd the electricity so doc's device fryd.
204b (2,7) Elementary My Dear Stacy, xd 28 February 2009, d.s. 15 May 2009
P&F made a slide around the clock tower-monument in London named big ben. ap used the same base as before [110a]. Candace and Stacy dressd like Sherlock Holmes to investigate and bust her bros.
Doc activated the rockets that started to lift the "Big Ben" clok from london to steal for himself and relocate by his window. ap threw a brik at switch, successfully opening his trap unaided. ap grabd control bar from doc and pushd doc down bros slide. ap pressd the switch to control rockets to return the monument, while the brit agent was still using his laser to cut free from doc's trap.
205a 2,8 Don't Even Blink  xd 4 April 2009, d.s. 29 May 2009
P&F made a notice-able ride. their pet ap must stop doc who made a ray that can make things invisible. at the yard, the gang watched to see if "the big obvious" ride would disappear. A.P. wrestled with doc while the gang enjoyed riding the ride. docs ray zapd the ride making it invisible, just in time for mom to come... and not see it. candace, voiced by my idol tisdale, tryd to convince ma that it was there and she had felt it. c ran to pour paint on it... doc pushed a switch to change his zapper to destroy-ray, that destroyd the ride, just as she threw the paint... splashing on the ground. ap zapd its control panel so doc cant use his ray anymore.
205b, 2,9 Chez Platypus xd 4 April 2009 but seen on Disney Channel US 29 May 2009
P&F made a restaurant named for their pet. note: chez means "near" and the letter z is silent. devilish doc made a ghastly gadget that can ruin feeling love. He arranged a date, optimisticly, but if he cant find love then nobody else will feel love either. Jeremy also has a date, with Candace, so they wait to enter bros restaurant. 
doc's date was a succes, so doc gave the controller-bar to perry who broke it, preventing doc ever using this ray. the zapper satelite started falling from the sky.
she liked doofenshmirtz, until doc's zapper crashed and its ray zapd her and had the effect.  note: famous guest "Sheena Easton", known for starring in a video with the spy james bond, voiced Doofenshmirtz's date.
206, P&F made... doc made agent perry did...
206a, 2,10 Perry Lays an Egg, xd 11 April 2009, d.s.  22 May 2009
P&F found an egg near their pet platypus, ergo they made a good gadget for the needs of a platypus egg. Candace wants them to stop using gadgets for the purpose, but insted human care. Doc made a translator for himself for shouting insults at whales.  A.P. went to sea and there saw this is harmless so returned to family so does not stop doc.
206b,  2,11 Gaming the System xd 11 April 2009 but seen on D.s. 22 May 2009
P&F made a special video game. They can be inside it. [similar to disney's videos tron and also fairy-godparents]. candace accidentally zapd herself in it. they must help her get out. a.P. must stop Doc who made a zany zapper that puts gowns on men, without consent. [similar to beauty and the beast, when they invade the beasts castle and a ward-robe hanged the man's clothing.]
Doofenshmirtz was flying his vehicle and also zapped Phineas, Ferb, and Isabella, dressing them all in ball-gowns. Agent Perry jumps from the vehicle and the gown he was wearing fell onto Candace, just in time to prepare her for her date. Jeremy states that he thinks Candace is beautiful, and adds that everyone else looks beautiful too. He shows surprise that the boys were also wearing gowns. Jeremy and Candace left and went to the cotillion, a dance in wich the dancers exchange partners while dancing quickly. [then the countdown ends and the self destruct buttn that perry had pressed destroyed the zapper and the vehicle stopping doc's plan].
207, 2,12 The Chronicles of Meap, xd 18 April 2009  d.s. 19 June 2009
P&F followd an alien named Meap, who crashd in their backyard, and left. Meap's enemy  captured Isabella.  Doc found his old friend "Balloony." ap followed doc to the space station where candace defeated the alien.
208a, 2,13 Thaddeus and Thor xd 15 june 2009, d.s. 3 July 2009
P&F made a fort. their pet ap must stop doc who made a device to help him unjustly win a sport tournament. Candace met the guests visiting her nebbir. A.P. followed doc to the compitition and watched doc "lose" despite his device. A.P. comforted doc.
208b, 2,14 De Plane! De Plane! xd 15 June 2009 d.s. 3 July 2009
P&F made a long-wing plane. their pet ap must stop doc from drying swim-pools. Candace and Stacy enjoy Jeremy's pool party until Doc succeeded at drying that pool. Then candace changed the party to another style. Luckily the bros plane blocked the sun preventing the solar-power-zapper from evaporating A.P. so he broke the devilish device.
next 209 at
there, enjoy !

Sunday, June 28, 2020

critic deadpool 2, 2018

use logic... notice 2 flaws in deadpool 2 despite very popular. as common for marvel the investors had bad messages that they wanted to sway the audience similar to bad ideas in avengers
first, so first, when fyt bad guys no diversity in the series, at start , he only fyts white criminals… people who make a fuss to notice skin color "why no "blacks" in the cabinet? same for criminals asian abductor, sicily wyt, russian name wyt, japan wyt no diversity, mexican for spic and negro drug dealer to fyt? no fyt jihadist... he later is against racism yet he wont stop black criminals that is not equal.
also 2 later while "powerless in collar" he attached. showd by jump in front of bullet "sacrifice life" yet already earlier, we forgot? he already fout to defend kid EVEN while wearing the collar… until collar fell off and that did not help change kid… so in the end changed? why? that is a flawed ending only to teach "if we give our lives to save criminals then they wont be bad…" our lives are less value than criminals according to liberls, but then only criminals would remain… stupid marvel. they have similar flawed themes in avengers so we must focus only on the battles and reject the talking and themes and never ever buy a ticket to the marvel cinema nor buy there dvd. at most rent when we are forewarned to ignore messages and only watch the shooting.
even the" fyt crime part " is bad kuz only fyts whites as above. why not fyt black crack-dealers? or mexican drug lords with their army? that is as bad as "black lives matters" emphasizing the difference insted of "human lives matter equall black white spic and even black abortion too… but those black lives dont matter to the black-lives-matter activists.
and speaking of abortion religious jews in israel believe cant do abortion nor birth prevention so have many kids per family if so we would expect to FEED them with large containers of cottage cheese or feta cheese… shops would sell containers with 700 ml like u.s. cottage cheese kuz greater need for large jewish and muslim families yet only sell small contaners 200 gram feta or 250 gram cottage hmm… why not allow buying large container at least for large family… in place with large family, sadly the israelis have a jewish trick… to feed a family of five must buy many small containers with NO OPTION of large container… the hint is when we compare the price of a lrage container per ounce to the small container, the price is higher for small container hence the israeli company does not allow option of large container… co-ercing everybody to pay the higher price of small containers… and you thout "if nazi mass murder therefore they are wrong about everything" but truly their description of the jews was accurate as i just demonstrated… israelis invented a soft cheese i never saw in america creamy… the water was not removed as normal common cheese then they can charge the rice of cheese for THE WATER gasp. same as only small containers oh and the "israeli pride" bamba puffing air so the bag seems big… then charging for a few grams of puffed peanut butter the price of a similar sized bag of more content… before i learnd to be politicaly correct i had to admit that the nazis accurately described the jews… the store workers evicyed me nd my parents when i was three and announced "the emperor has bno clothes" about israeli jewish trick.... the adults could not say the truth... but if we complain about price the trick is that the small containers are commonly more for any food but the difference is NO OPTIN of large containers.
in america 400gram feta and 700 gram cottage but israel only small containers no option of big despite the large families who are co-erced to buy mamy small containers at the price of a small container. after i calculated the difference tonyt, i literally vomited. the feeling of horrible jews made me sick. i lost my creamy dinner into a plastic bucket. and felt to horrified to have an appette to replace the lost calories. as insider i cant be accused of racism just pointng out the ugly facts for the sake f truth.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

my summary of season 2 of series phineas and ferb

my summary of season 2 of the series, that i enjoy and recommend, phineas and ferb
well not the entire season,  the first nine storys 201-206 with more to follow later:
note: d.s.=Disney Channel US kuz disney states, xd means disney xd
pc201=48th [from start after 47 in s.1] seen first=1 in this season 
The Lake Nose Monster, seen on xd 19 February 2009, but d.s.=seen on Disney Channel US 27 March 2009, note: this season started six days after xd started televising. no break between seasons. in contrast subscribers to  Disney Channel US were still catching up season one.
SUMMARY: At Lake Nose, Phineas and Ferb, P&F searchd for a legendary being. their pet, Perry the platypus,  tryd to stop diabolical doc, Doofenshmirtz, who started to suck and gather zinc from the lake's waters. A.P. was the delivery-dude so came and brout doc his food. Devilish doc trapd him in a helmet. luckily while ap=A.P.  tryd using a file to saw for escape, the larj legendary Beast Bangd doc's submarine causing the trap to topple and open. the hit also wrekd the submarine, and releasd the zinc, ruining doof's plan. ergo ap returnd to his family.
202a, 2,2, Interview With a Platypus, xd 20 February 2009, d.s. 8 May 2009
P&F made a Translator-Tool to hear the meaning of Perry's chatter. they hear whatever each animal wanted.  Doc opend a dam so water would go in the streets forcing people to buy his "bo-at". A.P. opend gate so water flowd away insted. then he chatterd but the translator showed it was only "sound".
202b, 2,3 Tip of the Day, xd 20 February 2009, d.s. 8 May 2009 after 203 both both.
P&F made a concert about the "hard tip of the shoelace" their pet ap tryd to stop Doc who made a devilish device that can erase minds so people will forget a video about himself. while ap trapd, doc activated device, but thout of the shoe-part ergo people forgot that idea insted. thinking he accomplished his goal, doc broke the device so ap couldn't, then freed ap... but found too late that the eraser had erased a different idea.
203a, 2,4, Attack of the 50 Foot Sister, xd 21 February 2009, d.s. 1 May 2009
P&F helpd baljeet make a growth fluid, for b's vej to compete at the mid-summer festival, on August 6. their pet ap must stop diabolical Doc kuz made a vile vaporizer that can spray the bad odor of filthy diapers to ruin the festival. Candace, voiced by my idol Tisdale, pourd some of bros growth-liquid, but swelld to 50-foot tall. she climbed a tower, doc's tower. Two people followd her and tryd to grab the vial of growth-fluid causing it to fall towards docs balcony while ap was still trapd. the vial bumpd out doc's "vile vial" so doc's sprayer sprayed the growth fluid insted [this could explain the final story in video hitchhiker guide to galaxy and sheldons dream of size hundred pants]. ap finally escaped and pourd docs bad-odor potion in docs lab... get the portion you wanna give.
203b 2,5 Backyard Aquarium, xd 21 February 2009, d.s. 1 May 2009
P&F made a big aquarium for their new pet goldfish. they organized a marine show. their pet must stop doc who made a freeze ray. a stray ray zapd n froze bros aquarium. doc tryd to zap the food "hotdog" that vendors sold so ap tryd to stop him, but doc grabd a long bratwurst to swing at ap, who used the less long hodo in a food duel. then ap pulld one from the big pile of long bratwursts causing the pile to "avalanche" unstack rolling bumping docs device that toppled and smashd.
204a 2,6 Day of the Living Gelatin xd 28 February 2009, seen on Disney Channel US 15 May 2009
not pf isb fix both fandoms they removed shorts good i added v
P&F made gelatin in Isabella's pool. doc made a devilish device that can turn anything evil. He tryd to zap ap but ap dodjd. the ray zapd the gel ergo it turnd evil and came to obey doc. gel grabd ap so threw hat at fire-extinguisher, breaking the sprinkler open. it streamed water that dissolvd gel and also soakd docs device. the water wrekd the electricity so doc's device fryd.
204b (2,7) Elementary My Dear Stacy, xd 28 February 2009, d.s. 15 May 2009
P&F made a slide around the clock tower-monument in London named big ben. ap used the same base as before [110a]. Candace and Stacy dressd like Sherlock Holmes to investigate and bust her bros.
Doc activated the rockets that started to lift the "Big Ben" clok from london to steal for himself and relocate by his window. ap threw a brik at switch, successfully opening his trap unaided. ap grabd control bar from doc and pushd doc down bros slide. ap pressd the switch to control rockets to return the monument, while the brit agent was still using his laser to cut free from doc's trap.
205a 2,8 Don't Even Blink  xd 4 April 2009, d.s. 29 May 2009
P&F made a notice-able ride. their pet ap must stop doc who made a ray that can make things invisible. at the yard, the gang watched to see if "the big obvious" ride would disappear. A.P. wrestled with doc while the gang enjoyed riding the ride. docs ray zapd the ride making it invisible, just in time for mom to come... and not see it. candace, voiced by my idol tisdale, tryd to convince ma that it was there and she had felt it. c ran to pour paint on it... doc pushed a switch to change his zapper to destroy-ray, that destroyd the ride, just as she threw the paint... splashing on the ground. ap zapd its control panel so doc cant use his ray anymore.
205b, 2,9 Chez Platypus xd 4 April 2009 but seen on Disney Channel US 29 May 2009
P&F made a restaurant named for their pet. note: chez means "near" and the letter z is silent. devilish doc made a ghastly gadget that can ruin feeling love. He arranged a date, optimisticly, but if he cant find love then nobody else will feel love either. Jeremy also has a date, with Candace, so they wait to enter bros restaurant. 
doc's date was a succes, so doc gave the controller-bar to perry who broke it, preventing doc ever using this ray. the zapper satelite started falling from the sky.
she liked doofenshmirtz, until doc's zapper crashed and its ray zapd her and had the effect.  note: famous guest "Sheena Easton", known for starring in a video with the spy james bond, voiced Doofenshmirtz's date.
later 206
P&F made... doc made agent perry did...

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

QUICKLY build abs of six pack

disclaimer: the muscle can be built and firm and larger, in "a short time each day" over a couple weeks, but "the six pack" probably will remain coverd by fat, among those who like me need these exercises, for several months. still a notice-able difference is the shape of bulge around navel when standing. hopefully the navel shape and depth will change with weeks of exercise. not "quick six-pack" yet short time each day quickly builds muscles. tip emphasize drinking much water each exercise day kuz body builds muscle with water, no ignoring thirst and even add water if not thirsty. in addition to usual balanced diet with either beef or plenty of lentils as i exlaind in article amino.
the four styles:
based on a bad article in men magazine and improved based on my experience.
first of two: when fresh use lower abs, name: Legs Raise as described below. beginner repeat 45 seconds consecutive, no rest, or count raises until feel ab muscles strain plus five until pain, then stop for beginners. [not daily so skip a day only third ex. that day] day 3 resume with previous total plus five additional or til fifty if possible.
Position: lay face up, arms on floor/mat, legs extended straight. try to keep legs strait, and raise both high. SLOWLY lower almost to floor hovering, emphasizing proper form over speed. then Repeat, as above.
next: a Crunch: beginner  45 seconds repeat consecutive no rest, or until feel ab muscles strain plus five until pain then stop.
your face up, legs extended straight. arms on floor. [for strong: to engage your abs for the whole cycle, lift torso a bit away from the floor]). bend your knees, and pull both knees toward your chest, realizticly until v-legs reach swollen stomach, that why we start this exercise ! slowly undo until legs strait controld nad hovering not drop.
II day 2, only third style kuz rest to grow previous muscles now a different one. i found harder so separate day. name: "alternate crunch"
beginner 45 seconds consecutive no rest, or until feel ab muscles strain, rest ten gasps and continue until total fifty cycles.
position, WRISTS near ear-tops, shoulders off the floor and legs bent "A", make three moves "together" especially important for males ! same time, twist your right shoulder up and leftward while pulling your left knee over stomach, moving right elbow toward inside of your left knee as you straighten your right leg. Return to start position legs bent "A", then other side repeat.
not for beginners 4) after adjusting to the three, add fourth on cycling days, "the U". 
face up legs straight hands on floor FAR from legs. slowly lift both, arms and legs, at the same time, perpindicular to floor curving like the letter "U".
slowly unfold until muscles "burn" that only tells which muscle is straining but warns only add three to five more repeats. rest ten gasps to drain chemical from muscle, then next set. pain is a warning, but not a good thing except for those who enjoy watching others suffer called sadistic psychopaths.
only a short time each day so dont skip days with zero exercise.

Monday, June 22, 2020

ten more summarys of storys, phineas and ferb

ten more storys from the great series that i reccomend [rent or buy only 2$ per episode] named phineas and ferb
209a, 2,15 Let's Take a Quiz xd 22 June 2009, d.s. 10 July 2009 
P&F prepared and broadcasted a quiz-show. their pet A.P. must stop diabolical doc who made a devilish device to scorch certain transmission towers. Candace's crush, Jeremy, became a model in a commercial, so she tried to be a star in her bros tv show. luckily for ap, doc also made another shrink device [besides 111a]. after it shrank the bros stage and bleachers, ap zapd doc shrinking doc and preventing doc from doing his plan.
209b, 2,16 At the Car Wash xd 22 June 2009 d.s. 10 July 2009 
P&F made a car-wash as a fund-raiser for Isabella and the Fireside Girls. their pet ap must stop doc who made a  devious device that can enlarge mole-hills, evilly ignoring the lesson "dont make a mountain out of a molehill"... literally. ap was trapd so he tossd his hat in frisbee-style at a rope. it cut the rope causing cables to fall on a lever that increasd the power overloading docs device that fryd. Candace, voiced by my idol Tisdale, went for a ride with Jeremy.
=Phineas and Ferb prepared and broadcasted a game show. Their pet Agent Perry must stop diabolical Doctor Doofenshmirtz from scorching some transmission towers. Candace's crush, Jeremy, became a model in a TV commercial.  She  worried that he would leave her because he would be in a higher league. Ergo she competed in her brothers competition to be the star of their TV game show. A.P. zapped doc with doc's shrink device shrinking doc and preventing the scorching.
210a, 2,17 Oh, There You Are, Perry, xd 11 July 2009, d.s. 24 July 2009 
P&F did not know that perry was sent to stop a different villain, so they used music to attract perry to return, kuz did not see him for a long time. doc worked as a helper to the worse villain... helping ap escape.
210b, 2,18 Swiss Family Phineas xd 11 July 2009, d.s. 24 July 2009 
P&F were on a brief family cruise until a storm wrekd the family's boat. they must survive on an isle. Candace tryd to convince her engineer-bros to build a bridge, quickly enuf for her to goto Jeremy's party. doc used monkeys for free laundry to bankrupt the laundry business. ap flew there and freed the slave-example-monkey by nokd off the enslaver helmet. the monkeys then punished doc.
211? according to disney fandom: Phineas and Ferb Musical Cliptastic Countdown, xd 12 October 2009, after pc 212, d.s 16 October 2009  some say pc 211 [matching disney fandom so not 215 nor 213] ergo 2,26.
the music that audience voted as "Top 10" songs, in a countdown. [voted from date Sep. 1, 2009 on DisneyChannel.com and DisneyXD.com.] Phineas asked "Where is Perry" kuz pet 
was guest star on stage of music show. devilish Doc made an Evil-Enslave-device to hypnotyze the audience that he is their ruler. this diabolical doc also caged mm, the superior of ap, while they hosted the show. A.P. came and ejected the mind-control video, but too late the audience was already enslaved, singing to honor doc. ap showed the best song that was so good it overpowerd the hypnotism, ergo freed the viewers. ap also freed mm from cage but put doof in the cage.
pc212, 2,25 Phineas and Ferb's Quantum Boogaloo, xd 21 September 2009 , d.s 25 September 2009
bros traveld to the future to find a tool that fuses metal with wood. future-35-year-old Candace followd them to past and "busted" them on the day of rollercoaster.
this causd ap injury. so cant daily stop doc who did become dictator. until candace convinced herself not to catch bros... so ma did not see nor A.P. injured.
213a [not 211a as i had copied] 2,19v Hide and Seek, xd 18 July 2009, d.s. 31 July 2009 
P&F made another shrink-ray [besides the one in 111b]. their gang shrank and playd "hide and seek." Candace carryd device til shrank too. Doc made a "bug bug" mini-robot to spy on aPerry. A.P. does not know the bot is on him. luckily ferb reprogrammed it to use. After he used it to help baljeet, ap saw n crushed it. when doc saw the signal stopd, he pressd self destruct, exploding the bug bug and the bros zapper that was by it before candace could show mom.
213b [not 211b as i had copied] 2,20+47=67 That Sinking Feeling xd 18 July 2009 d.s. 31 July 2009 
P&F helpd Baljeet try to woo Mishti. ap tryd to stop doc kuz attached rockets that movd Lighthouse... far from his home and ignoring the reason the lighthouse was built there. doc trapd ap and won this one.
214a, 2,21 The Baljeatles, xd 25 July 2009, d.s 7 August 2009
P&F helpd Baljeet with music for "rock camp". Candace, voiced by my idol Tisdale,  arranged for stacy to meet Coltrane. their pet ap must stop doc who made a ghastly gadget that can gather infants in the area to be his army. [similar idea in kimpossible too!] a robot mother trapd ap in a big "play" cage so he poured from his drink bottle, milk to wet his diaper so the robot lifted to change the diaper. ap then jumpd away from robot hand and ran at doc who fled. docs heart rate increased so babys were not attracted and his transmitter fryd overloaded.
214b, 2,22 Vanessassary Roughness xd 25 July 2009, d.s 7 August 2009
Ferb went to a shop, where Vanessa tryd to get a container of cemical for her dad, Dr. Doofenshmirtz. ferb's pet, ap, tryd to prevent this, but Ferb helpd her. who will get it?
next summarys from 215 at link


Sunday, June 21, 2020

star wars, a summary of part 4, improved

i again improved my summary of the most important story. named star wars. the one about the empire and the death star weapon and alderaan and yavin.
another "pass" as i further improved the summary and share for you.
 STAR WARS [1977 but they changed title to "new hope" kuz added videos to this series]
1 main characters, 2 crawl+intro, 3 story
1 main ones Princess Leia Organa, Darth Vader, Luke skywalker. note: the word darth seemd to be a name until used for others as a title. it blends: "DAR-k lord of si-TH." sith means connected to dark side of force. for idea of force see intro below.
2 words crawl that rebels faut against the empire. [any empire is evil kuz cant choose leader but this one was:] the Galactic Empire. Rebels also copyd secret plans about the Empire's powerful weapon: Death Star. [note: that is a huuj armird orb. how huuj? the empire wanted bigger than one hundred kilometer wide, to hold gigantic generators for the weapon able to destroy an entire planet, but 200 km diameter would take too long to build so built 160 kilometers wide, see endnote.] a Princess carryd these stolen plans, in space vehicle=sv while empire chased her.+intro: we now know that rebels transmitted a copy of these secret plans from a base that they attakd. the data is on her space vehicle. the imperial sv that chased her containd the leader named vader, who can weild and direct the energy cald the force. the force means "energy everywhere, produced by every life-form, that a jedi can use. it also has a Dark Side" as kenobi explaind in video when talking. when did these sv fly? in future? the video started with phrase 'A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away" idea: despite space travel, not future instead the story already happend. i add: if far galaxy, from us, must be very distant past allowing time til we receivd their story. about liea: we now know that lieas parents named organa, adopted her. about the 2 droids who now escort leia in her sv, one of the droids helpd luke's father. lukes uncle owen told luke that his brother- anakin, who is lukes pa, died. 
3 story: on a background of many stars, 2 space veeik'ls=vehicles=sv, shot laser ray pulses at each other's sheilds weakening them. they are above the desert planet-Tatooine. A huuj Imperial sv=isv chased and shot at the small Rebel sv=rsv. why? as explained in crawl. In rsv, the force of the laser puls threw an and-roid C3po with droid R2-D2 across the room. the isv damijd the Rebel sv n  puld it inside, [using a "tractor beam".] soldiers, wearing white armir [stormtroopers=i.s] blasted their way into the rsv. the two sides shot at each other as the i.s. advanced. 
after i.s kild many rsv defenders, Darth Vader (David Prowse; voice: James Earl Jones), enterd. he wore black armir and black royal cape. his black helmet hid his face. i.s searjd the ship computer for the copyd secret data. next, evil Vader strangld the captain. i.s started gathering everybody to vader for interrogation.
leia (Carrie Fisher) now hid the data inside droid R2-D2. she recorded a message too. then the droids C-3po and R2-D2 flew down, to planet Tatooine's surface, inside an escape pod. when i.s detect no life in pod, they decide to save energy and not shoot. these droids landed on surface n argued with each other [each obeying different programs for purposes] so split different directions.
on sv i.s found and zapd leia who had hidden from Vader. they led her to Vader. v n l argued til v imprisond her til later when he will caus her emotional pain. Commander Jir announced that liea died. 
i.s followd the escape pod, to search for the data, n find the empty pod. then they followd footsteps.
meanwhile natives capjird each droid, n brout them to a town for sale. Owen Lars bout C kuz wanted translation skills. he also bout a droid that soon droopd. the Jawas gave R2 as a replacement. 
at home, his nephew cleand them. his name was Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) age 18. Luke sadly cancild plan to fly with his frends. while cleaning R2 Luke saw message from Leia to someone named 'Obi-Wan Kenobi'. she begd for help. owen interrupted so Luke went for meal with uncle owen and wife. when luke mentioned Obi-Wan Kenobi, Owen acted nervous and told luke that both k and his bro, lukes pa died. to prevent adventure n danger.
censord. luke went to finish cleaning the droids n saw that R2-D2 escaped. if the night were not risky time, kuz of dangerous raiders, they would chase r2 now.
in the morning, Luke flew with C. his device located r2. they quikly reajd r2. then a group surrounded them. One hit Luke's head so he lost conscious. the day is dangerous too! C fell down a sand dune. R2 roled away and hid.
the raiders stole some parts from the "speeder" til a hooded guy scared them away. uncovering his face, the white bearded man woke Luke. his name is Ben Kenobi (Alec Guinness). luke askd k if he knew Obi-Wan Kenobi. k reveald "i am." they help C stand from sand and went to k's home. there k told luke about Anakin who is luke's father. an. was a jedi before the republic changed to empire. k gave l Anakin's lightsaber [it is an energy sword]. k explained "the force" to luke, see intro. Jedi can use and weild it. 
k told story: k once taut a young Jedi, who joind Dark Side and who murdered your pa named Anakin. that guy is now darth vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith under Emperor. he hunts jedis. next k saw the message hologram, that R2 brout from Leia about helping rebels to defeat the Empire by using information in R2's memory. bring to pa organa on Alderaan. so k invited Luke to go with him. Luke said owen wont let. so they argued. k wanted to go to a space port.
in galactic space, vader's sv dokd with the huuj orb cald Death Star. the orb's size is "160km wide" so volume v=2.1mkc, similar to the moon amalthea [one of jupiters larger moons 
see endnote for details assembled from several nasa and "space dot com" websites]. Vader and high rankers discuss the huuj weapon. emperor's idea: after "using" the weapon they would have less populace to rule, so better just caus fear of weapon. [similar idea on earth, chinese book art of war] Vader claimd "the ability to destroy a planet is small compared to the great power of the Force." Motti replyd "the Force did not recover the schematics nor find the base of the Rebels." instead of arguing, vader simply Force-strangled him. the emperor granted, to each of the regional governors, control over their populace and authority to enforce the emperors desires. so they could request ds.
on planet t., k and l.s were traveling when they saw a destroyed veeik'l. the Jawas were 
dead, kus the i.s kild them. this causd luke to fly home. he saw destruction so too late to warn them kuz I.s burnt the home n killd his aunt and uncle. Luke flew to k to join fyt empire, for hurting his family and especially now owen cant stop him.
L.s, k and the two droids went to the spaceport. I.s stopd them n askd about their droids. [kuz saw tracks by escape pod].  k waved hand n lied these were different ones. the Force can influence minds.
two strangers harassd Luke n threatend to murder him. k stood to defend. one stranger pulld a gun so k swung his lightsaber to cut gun.
they met Han Solo (Harrison Ford), pilot n captain of sv named the Millennium Falcon. Solo offerd for 10,000 credits to bring them to Alderaan. k bargaind "now 2,000 and when arrive, even more than askd, 15,000". han agreed so k,l left. also Chewbacca, a 7-foot-tall Wookiee, went to sv n prepared it for the flyt. 
in pub, solo payd. a bounty hunter stopped so. and threatend using pistol to bring him to Jabba the Hutt, for a debt. they walkd to an empty corner and sat to negotiate a bribe. while tauking, solo pointed gun under table and shot the guy. Han left n went to sv. but jabba was there. so han offerd to pay interest for time to delay paying so Jabba agreed.
Luke sold his veeik'l for money to pay for the trip. [oops after theivs broke parts?] k led l.s and droids to solo's sv. it seemd "old freighter" but solo  modifyd  it for speed. as they enterd, I.s came n shot at solos sv, [knew to come there for droids kuz somebody told em]. sv flew away but not safe kuz two isv chased. so chui accelarated to "light speed," [cant go faster than that, unless star trek fiction using anti-matter but in future but sw is "long ago].
the empire agents questioned Princess Leia: where Rebel main base so they can destroy it using dS, for both goals at once: weakening the rebels and causing fear of the weapon. leia refused to reveal, [despite evil empire certainly pain torture] so they used a "mind probe"  but she did not know.
vader threatend to destroy her home planet-Alderaan if she won't reveal where. She begs dont do it, saying base is at planet Dantooine. she said this to save her family and her home planet.  then the d.s flew with leia to Alderaan... and zapd it... it shat'rd to roks... a lesson about making deals with the evil empire [and a lesson to naive americans who think goverments should "make deals" with violent groups REMEMBER ALDERAAN. a similar idea in series batman when he bribed penguin, important kuz penguin took money and did not free him, will they do their commitment? dont be naive. similarly when emperor told radio on august 15 "he surrenderd" yet did not use "divine emperor authority" to order stop fyting so even after this announcement the jap air force continued to attack the uss hancock. also a dive bomber attacked a brit boat which askd hancock to help and they chased away the jap dive-bomber].  leia's face expressd  horror that her "surrender" did not save them. she sufferd watching her home planet including her family die and her... d.s is powerful.
in solo's sv, Millennium Falcon, k taut L.s to weild the Force.  k said that he felt the change in the Force as hundred-millions humans died the same moment.  Luke tryd to allow the Force to guide his reflexes. with concentration and practice [and same blood as anakin, as we will learn in p.m 1999] L.s weilded the force despite eyes covered yet succeeded to block laser pulses using a lightsaber. four in a series that a hovering droid shot. then solo's sv neard Alderaan. they stopd light-speed, and saw many roks in place of Alderaan. do you remember why roks were there?
in Death Star, Vader checked leias info. she told truth, but that base was already evacuated. 
a small Isv [named tie] flew near solo, so he chased and shot at the scout [for preventing report]. the tie flew to... the weapon, named death star, [there kuz it destroyd leia's planet.] d.s puld "tractor beam" the rsv inside. Imperial troops forced the door open and enterd this rsv. they searjd the control room for crew but cant find, kuz rebels hid in secret compartments under a corridor. unable to find a crew, i.s used scanners to searj. Vader left the hangar, l.s and solo surprised a scan unit n shot them. one rebel wore the white armir n signald for two i.s to enter. inside they shot the i.s and now have enuf armir. The helmets coverd their faces besides chu. they led R2 along a corridor where it plugd into the computer. r2 reported the way to the tractor beam-generator so k, not wearing the armir that they brout for him, kuz relyd on the force, went to rek it, for the escape.
R2 read all the imperial data [haha recognize that phrase?] and came across information that he reported: leia's location is there, in prison cell. hence l.s led the 2 others, in imperial armir, on the dangerous rescue mission. they led chu as a prisoner to the prison area. there an officer askd qustions so they ran.
then i.s shot so rebels returnd fire. chu also shot til that group of i.s died. an alarm sounded so more i.s chased, as the heros ran to leias cell. they freed her n gave her a weapon. surrounded by i.s, Leia blasted a hole in a garbage tube so they jumpd down it into the trash compactor.
a big serpent tryd to drown L.s under the filthy waste liquid... til suddenly it freed him, but the relief is brief kuz the compactor walls moved to crush the trash and them.
L.s told C, thru device to tell R2 to stop "all" garbage compactors in the prison. as the walls pressd, they try to slow it but finally R2 switjd them off, and opend the doors so they left.
Vader went to fyt Kenobi, kuz sensed k was aboard. where? Kenobi switjd off that generator.
l.s and h kept the i.s items but left armir. they started to return, with lea, to solo's sv.  i.s blokd them, so solo with Chewbacca zapd pulses of laser to "cover" leia's escape with L.s . along another corridor more i.s chased l,l til they reajd a wide air shaft that they cant cross. they enter doorway and then L.s shot the control panel for the door. this lokd the i.s on the other side of the door. that panel also operated the bridge ergo they cant extend it across the air shaft... i.s came to opposite side of shaft and shot so l,l returnd fire killing them. l.s used imperial belt with hook and cable to swing, with lea, across the shaft.
while k returnd to rsv, Vader blokd his way into the hangar and they argued. then they dueld using lightsabers. k forced v back into the hangar. the i.s gards watchd the fierce duel.
Luke and Leia, rejoind Han and Chewbacca by the hangar. vader's duel on the other side of the hangar grabd the i.s attention. the 3 rescuers and one rescuee with droids R2 and C, shot the few near the door of sv and quietly enter rsv. Kenobi and Vader continued dueling until k saw lea safe in rsv. k switjd off his saber. Vader does not take him prisoner, but saberd k. k's body vanishd [kus killd when not a threat] v poked Kenobi's cloak on the floor.
from door of rsv l.s shot at the i.s. he ignored the teem's call to enter, so they can fly away fom vader, kuz trying to kill every I.s. nearby. k's voice told l.s to run from vader, so he enterd. next the rsv flew out so i.s tryd to use tractor beam, but cant.
four TIE attakd rsv, ergo Luke and Han went to guns one atop and other under its floor. chu piloted as they shot at and wrekd each of the isv that zapd at them. after the victory, lea warnd that vader wanted the location of the rebel base so will follow them, especialy chasing R2 who was carrying the data about Death Star. um so not bring that data to rebel base? she wanted to bring to her pa. the d.s did follow them. solo  brout r2 with data to rebel base, on a moon by planet-Yavin. there, rebels read R2's data. they found the Death Star's exhaust-tube, for the generators. its opening is "two meters" around six feet wide. the rebels have "proton torpedo" weapons [like atomic force which differs from photon torpedo in other series, despite both sound cool]. if they can shoot a bomb into the exhaust it would destroy the generator and possibly explode the whole d.s.. the info showed the location of the opening. it was protected in a narrow trench with powerful guns able to destroy big sv. so The Rebel General sent small fast sv that are more dificult targets. also a group of Y-Wing bombers (Gold leader referd to the guy who led the bombers] will bomb the trench guns. a group of almost 30 faster, "more maneuverable" X-Wings, [Red leader led these] garded the bombers from TIE and would attack the exhaust pipe.
Luke flew an X-Wing. Rebel pilots flew toward Death Star which neard Yavin. luckily it arrived on the wrong side of Yavin [coming from alderaan] opposite the moon with the base, allowing rebels time before it can wreck the rebel base. but only 30 minutes til it intercepts the base. they must wreck d.s first.
l.s saw a buddy who said "again, we will fly together". the rebels payd solo [for bringing them the data and bringing the group, as kenobi had offerd] so he left to avoid danger. "i cant enjoy the money if i die" also he must hurry to quickly pay jabba his debts. Luke with R2 flew from the base toward d.s..
the rebel groups neard the Death Star and flew "attack speed." xs shot pulses, to draw TIE to them, instead of bombers, so l.s shot a gun that exploded a giant blaze. the d.s. lasers missd the tiny swift xs. 
Vader sent six elite pilots, in TIEs, the best imperial pilots [that were under his direct command] to repel the X-Wings. also many more ties swarm at the bombers. so xs flew to protect the bombers. a tie shot an X-Wing and more chased the other rebels. l.s followd a tie. as it neard an x he wrekd it.
the bombers retreat from the swarm of tie-s. [did they destroy anything? i add: "after brifly bombing many guns"]. the battle was fierce. an i.t chased and neard l.s so a 
buddy swung toward "red5" who led the tie to face the x that shot it.
vader flew into battle with escorts. his TIE is better quality and new shape. he flew toward xs til bombers returnd and bombed the trench guns. Vader with two escort ties shot bomber after bomber while quikly dodjing the lasers. many rebel pilots died including "gold leader"... the rebel attak is failing. luke must use the force. 
X-Wing pilots attackd the trench. As a group neard the exhaust pipe, a pilot, Dreis, used a targeting computer to aim. two escorts blokd his vulnerable tail from enemy fire. vader hit escorts as Dreis shot a proton torpedo at the exhaust... even a computer calculating his speed, missd pipe and wasted on armir... vader soon shot him too. his x spirald n crashd.
Luke tryd, despite damage. 2 buddys escorted l.s . Vader and his escorts shot one x that exploded ablaze. they damijd the second x, so it flew away but Vader chose to chase l.s. to destroy threat in the trench. Luke heard kenobi's voice "use the Force" to gyd bomb [after tech faild] Luke switjd off targeting computer. 
the Death Star neard the Rebel base so its  weapon starts powering...  to destroy the moon with rebels. but some officers led troops to evacuate the battle zone, ignoring superiors that said the bombers were reppeld... Luke concentrates, weilding the Force to gyd bomb. luke knew to move... vader zapd but l.s had dodjd. another shot damijd r2 but not the engines. 
vader's escort shatterd unexpectedly. solo had returnd and shot at the ties chasing the rebel x. he continued to shoot more. the other escort dodjd but bumpd Vader's sv, rebounding to smash against the wall of the trench, ablaze. the explosion pushd vader away spinning.
luke reached pipe and fired. he gyd'd the bomb with the force into pipe. luke warnd that the bomb was "in the hole" so he, solo and a few other xs turnd away from the Death Star. behind them the bomb hits the inner generator. death star weapon exploded with huge fireball, destroying the threat from this powerful weapon and also killing many empire leaders and all the imperial generals inside, except vader who had joind the fyting. Vader stopd spinning regaining control of his sv. he flew to a larj isv and they jumped to lyt speed followed by the imperial fleet to regroup. 
rebels finally have a major victory, destroying the terrible weapon before it destroyed their base. the triumphant heroes flew to their base. there luke thankd solo. Leia greets both l.s and h.s. they celebrate the success of the wrecking of the empires super weapon. they take R2  for repairs kuz hit by vader.
in a huge chamber, the rebel leaders gave awards. Ls, solo and Chui enter the chamber and walk to Leia. the droids C and R2-D2 are notice-ably polished. L.s and h.s waukd to leaders in the larj chamber. Princess Leia gave them medals while the audience clapped. now there is "new hope" kuz luke can weild "the force" that helpd them.
*endnote: dimensions of the weapon named "death star" and amalthea, one of the larger moons of jupiter.
amalthea's volume "2.4mkc" source: nasa dot com. similarly this huuj weapon is "160km wide" so radius 80 hence volume v=2.1mkc almost same as that moon. both same radius so that moon is a good choice for comparison kuz amaltheas radius according to nasa is 83 kilometers [width around 167 km like weapon 160, but note: amalthea is not a sphere yet nasa calculated that moons volume 2.4mkc, nasa.] for a sphere the formula is "v=4/3pr^3," therefore orb width 160, r=80 so v=2.1mkc almost same. i found the moon that is similar. this volume contained gigantic power generators for the weapon. 
this weapon was far larger than sixty of jupiters small moons kuz the largest in that group is 6.2 miles around 10 kilometers wide. the orb is so big that it is one tenth the width of europa one of jupiter's largest moons.

amino acid for protein in lentils "complete amino acid"

so I am fed up with BOTH sides repeating wrong "data" that they heard on the topic of protein in lentils and beef... here are the FACTS for you to see for yourself and share.
but first to lighten the criticism: which TIME is the name of an amino acid? 3:09 ! haha.
humans NEED to eat nine types of amino acid, lentils have ALL nine. not "missing part" of the molecule nor "missing a type" either. no need to combine lentils with anything... nor ADD lentils to anything besides more lentils ! what is my bias? i eat lamb and beef so i am nutral and eat lamb... that i did not pinch nor kill nor cut until after it cant feel pain.
anti-vegetarians LIE often that "only beef gives you the protein you need." they say a deceptive half truth too: "vegetables are "missing" amino acids... well guess what? a SMALL portion of beef or lamb is "just as missing" the full-day supply, as the portion of lentils.
as above lentils are "not missing" any of the nine vital types of amino acid nor "missing any part" as if incomplete molecule.
vegetarians SAY we combine the lentils with rice to get a "complete protein" that is also a lie... no need to combine lentils with anything else other than more lentils to total the daily amount for the nine vital amino acids that our body cannot build, relying on food from animal OR plant.
lentils has MORE amino acids than bread. the context is usualy to praise the arab culture for wisely combining rice with lentils... as if arabs dont eat beef... haha yet truly no need to add anything to lentl except additional lentil for protein. also add INJECTIONS of vitamin b12 to vegetarians.
propaganda i read is easily proven false kuz lentils HAVE all nine types same as beef. the only difference is beef has more methionine per serving while lentils DO have less pr serving... so add lentils to REPLACE the beef to total the daily total.
lentils has more of the nine than bread. a website lied about cystine but lentils have it and one serving is complete for all nine except methionine so add a half cup extra dry to replace the beef beside the lentils... if you want but i prefer beef or lamb.
lentils have more than bread in each type of the nine vital aminos, especially lysine bread low but a serving of lentils over 100% of lysine and other types from the nine vital only need to add more lentil if concerned about methionine.

Friday, June 12, 2020

ten more summarys of storys phineas ferb

TEN more storys
215a, 2,23 No More Bunny Business xd 1 August 2009, d.s 14 August 2009
P&F made a pair of X-Ray glasses. their pet A.P. fout a bunny that candace adopted, kuz it was trying to spy on perry's agency. Doc trapd a plant and made a rocket to pull a bone that he coated with gravy to tempt his nebbirs loud dogs to follow the rocket away. luckily evil lost, despite ap busy fyting agent rabbit, kuz doc angrily pushd plant  causing it to swing, away and back... it hit him. so doc surrenderd. then while the bone still in his lab the nebbirs dogs smelld n came crashing thru the door to eat the gravy. with 215b, 2,24 Spa Day same dates 
P&F made and hosted a spa. Doc welcomd a kitten, that acted wildly. on their way to a spa, Candace and Stacy visited and joind Jeremy for construction. ap went to doc's lab and saw the kitten on a ray gun. it jumpd wildly causing zap many rays til slipd, so doc ran to catch it... and tripd falling over a balcony edge so ap saved them from death. outside doc returnd the lost kitten to its owner. C&S ended the job with jeremy and enjoyd the spa that P&F had made.
216a, 2,27 Bubble Boys, xd 17 October 2009,  D.S. 30 October 2009
bros DeVelopd a device that made a Big Bubble in which="where-in" their gang and the Fireside Girls floated. they flew visiting many places. ap must stop Doc who made a HArmonic HAt that enhanced his ability to sing. A.P. threw a toy that nokd off the hat so the audience heard his real voice and left. when the hat fell the Gratifying Gadget banged the floor and broke.
216b, 2,28 Isabella and the Temple of Sap, xd 17 October 2009 D.S. 30 October 2009
While P&F made the bubble Maker-Machine, that needed SPecial sap, Isabella and the Fireside Girls went to get the sap. In a closed "Amusement Park" that troop had an adventure getting the sap from maraca-nut tree. Also Isabella's pet dog, Pinky, passsed A.P. before stopping Professor Poof. from taking abandond cans containing hairspray.
217a, 2,29 Cheer Up Candace, xd 24 October 2009, d.s. 13 November 2009
P&F made a card-house til candace screamd, knocking it down. they tryd many ideas for cheering candace, kuz Jeremy canceld their date, but nothing has effect. Perry got fired kuz video showd he did bad stuff. ap found clones, that doc made, that were acting bad. except for monogram, the high ranks thout he was guilty. ap sukd the clones into a machine.
217b, 2,30+47=77, Fireside Girl Jamboree, xd 24 October 2009, d.s. 13 November 2009
candace tryd to earn enuf badges, for tickets to a concert, so she joind the Fireside Girls. P&F made roller coaster to help her deliver cupcakes. Doc made a ZAny ZApper that can transform a bridge into broccoli. ap ruind his plan, despite in a glass trap kuz threw a screw, thru the breathing-holes, that turnd the aim, as doc tryd to zap the brij,  to change his trap to broccoli. he continued to caus it to aim at other stuff til reflected back and changed itself to broccolli.
218a, 2,31 The Bully Code, xd 31 October 2009, d.s. 20 November 2009
P&F MAnufactured a MAchine that would caus danger, so buford would save baljeet. why? kuz Baljeet saved beaufort from choking, so bf committed to serving bj. bj does not want bf's help as payment. doc made a TiRe-ThRower-weapon. before doc shot at a certain ice cream truck, ap top'ld the Wretched Weapon. the zapper crashed on docs foot hurting it and snAPPing the zAPPer into peices. also Candace, voiced by my idol Tisdale, regretted sending fotos to Jeremy's cell phone. she and stacy workd with j to get his phone and deleted the fotos.
218b, 2,32 Finding Mary McGuffin xd 31 October 2009 but d.s.= disney in states 20 November 2009
P&F followd and found Candace's doll, kuz parents hosted a yard sale n thout she was old enuf to agree to sell it. doc had bout it to fulfill his dauter's long-overdue request. A.P. came to stop doc's evil plan but discoverd the new-invention only opend... the lobster trap he was caut inside.
219a, 2,35 What Do It Do? , xd 14 November 2009, d.s 15 January 2010 
P&F investigated an "it" that landed on their lawn. A.P. threw a scepter at doc's invention causing it to fly. it sees its twin that bros made and they fly together, far away.
+219b, 2,36 Atlantis, xd 14 November 2009, d.s 5 January 2010
P&F&gang dove by a beach, finding the lost city Atlantis. Doc made an army of evil... plants. luckily they only attakd doc. the vines tied up doc while he flew his blimp, justice.
+eleven more summarys up v
continues at link

there pc 220

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

sun time changing

sun change: we start simply: at different locations on our planet we expect sun-visibility to differ. for example in the state fo georgia U.S. savannah on the coast sees the sun at a different time, than atlanta georgia, that is simple but what about the CHANGE? we know that the months in the end of spring season and beginning of summer have many sun hours. yet already in the end of spring season there is a change. until june the time between sunrise-events [horizon setting uncovering sun in morning] is shortening, adding sun time. we also kknow that during summeer season the length of sun-time shortens until the lengths of nyt and day are equal. so when is the change? 
that depends on how far north you are.
starting from famous new york city:
nyc? jun 13 change: stopd add sun-time. until then each morning had a few seconds of sun added but then it stopped adding. later less sun-time in morning, yet still adding sun time before evening.
further south from nyc, in the state of georgia, i chose kuz many people like the religious idea of israel and that state is same north as israel  is.
georgia is much larger in area and in north-length than israel.
back to the topic:  when is the CHANGE?
in the citys Atlanta and Columbus GA, both same pattern [at different times of sunrise kuz different locations as above], june 10  measuring minutes and seconds, added sun visible as before so not change yet. atlanta is 33.7n, in contrast to a northern city in israel: haifa 32.8n, between atl. to savana at 32.1n
on date 11: atl changed stopd add sun, svn also changed same date, less sun, like clm ga 32.5n, measurably less sun but in atlanta not until 12 measurably less sun seen.
further south differs:
miami changed on 8th june stopd add. from then less sun each morning until short days of autumn.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

eleven more summarys of storys PHINEAS FERB

eleven more storys from series P&F

pc220a, 2,33, Picture This, xd 7 November 2009, d.s 4 December 2009
P&F made a good gadget that brout Ferb's skateboard. Their pet Agent Perry must stop Doc who became "a mime fyter" using a devillish device that trapd Mimes in invisible boxes so nobody will know they are truly trapd. A.P. went to doc's lab. there doc trapd A.P. in an invisible box. A.P. cut the box and went to press the self-destruct switch but P&F's device brout him home. there, A.P. fed a picture of doc's ghasly gadget into the transporter moving doc's  devilish device far away.
parallel if reverted "When Ferb accidentally left his skateboard at Grandparents home,  he and Phineas made a good gadget that can transport it and that retrieved it. Their pet Agent Perry must stop diabolical Doctor Doofenshmirtz who made a ghastly gadget that trapped mimes in invisible boxes. (People won't notice that they are truly trapped). A.P. went to doc's lab where doc trapped A.P. in an invisible box too. A.P. cut the box and went to press the self-destruct switch but P&F's device brought him home. There, A.P. fed a picture of doc's machine into the transporter, that moved doc's devilish device far away."
220b, 2,34 Nerdy Dancin' xd 7 November 2009, d.s 4 December 2009 
P&F made robotic skeleton to help Jeremy dance. Ferb controld it by dancing. Doc arranged a press-conference to say his evil message but the news companies did not come. So he led the "league of villainess evil-doers" [acronym "love" but longer], to a dance show where the cameras would spread their evil message. luckily they dance poorly so cameras dont see their evil message.
221a, 2,40+47=87, I Was a Middle Aged Robot xd 13 February 2010 D.s. 26 February 2010
bros made and flew a blimp. Candace and pa competed as a team in challenges. but not really pa kuz he "stumbled upon" Agent P's secret base. when they erased his memory, carl accidentally erased too much. ap drove the android-pa (from the set of robots that carl made for problems.) doc made evil "eulg," a liquid that can do "the opposite"of glue. luckily it spild on his own alate [winged vehicle].
221b, 2,41 Suddenly Suzy xd 13 February 2010 D.s. 26 February 2010 
bros made a waterfall for riding over. doc flew a blimp carrying a larj foot, that he made from "carbon"-paper to ruin nature with a big carbon footprint. doc stepd on the waterfall. ap threw a big plastic banana by the foot so it slipd and kickd docs blimp wreking it. Candace watjd Jeremy's younger sister, Suzy who cooperated this time. [kuz not competing for jeremy now].
222, 2,37, Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation, seen on xd 6 December 2009, but on D.s 11 December 2009
bros made a landing runway with a lounj for thanking santa claus. their pet must stop doc kuz Doc made a ghastly gadget that sprayd a liquid that signald santa to think people were "naughty." ap came to stop doc but doc tied him in christmas-tree lights. ap was helpless as doc sprayd it. santa claus sent back the gift-requests, kuz he thout they are nauty. luckily phineas made a song message for santa, who sent two elves to investigate. phineas brout crismas back to his locale kuz the elvs saw the people were nice and made gifts. While A.P. wriggled to get free from the lyt-string, ap dropd a disk. doof playd the music until its magic broke doc's gadget so doc broke the disk. the letters spell "santa claus" who had made the magic disk.
223a, 2,42 Undercover Carl, seen after 224, on xd 13 February 2010, but on d.s 5 March 2010
bros made a great gravity-gadget that can reverse the effects of gravity for short times, alternating, so they floated up. their pet searjd for a goose, like chasing a wild goose. Doc copyd the plans of PnF gadget and made a duplicate. luckily, despite ap on that other mission, before doc used it for evil, doc parkd in a place where cops towd the device away. doc chased the cop to steal it back til he saw PnF device. he cald norm to steal it. norm the and-droid stole PnF gadget and changed into a veeik'l to bring it to doc's lab. luckily norm had more than two axles so cops gave doof a ticket and towd norm with the gadget. [doc made a new norm after this, see 306a and 228b.] with:
223b, 2,43, Hip Hip Parade, seen on same dates
bros made and rode a "parade-decoration-float". they led the parade. Buford swill-d [meaning flooded] the streets to try to ruin the parade, but ferb dug a tunnel so the parade continued. their pet must stop doc who made a devious device that can duplicate things. before perry escaped the trap, doc shot the ray multiplying many balloons so the parade "floats" floated away. perry escaped the trap and wrestled doof, til it shot randomly. [in the end it overloaded and exploded].
224a, 2,38 Just Passing Through, seen on xd 6 February 2010, D.s. 12 February 2010
bros made an orb that can help them "pass through" solids. Doc made zappers that can destroy his bro's statue. Doc drove them near the statue. A.P. came to stop doc but he slipd on something that flew up and hit the self-destruct switch. destroying one weapon. Doc had many, so doc pressed the next ones switch and it exploded. A.P. shot the next zapper down and destroyd docs truck [and the zapper fell and rolled away?].
with 224b, 2,39 Candace's Big Day, seen on same dates.
bros decorated their backyard for a wedding. their pet must stop Doc from spraying "fattening" spray. luckily doc enjoyed the taste and ate all of it.
225a, 2,44 Invasion of the Ferb Snatchers xd 20 February 2010, d.s 16 April 2010
P&F repaird an alien's veeik'l. Candace noticed indications that Ferb is an alien. when she showd ma, ma was just a disguise for an alien. doc made a device that shrinks items into a box wrapd in a bow. A.P. causd it to fall over the balcony. he jumpd on it and as it fell he zapd doof's tower shrinking it into a box in a bow. with 225b, 2,45 Ain't No Kiddie Ride, seen on same dates. P&F "enhanced" the rides by a shop. Candace started the enjin of one, which flew. their pet, ap must stop Doc from using aerosol to mark his name in the ozone layer of atmosphere. A.P. nokd doc backwards into the aerosol cans [disconnecting them and ruining the valve]. Doc toppled into his own trap below, unable to materialize his plan to spray aerosol, into the ozone, in the shape of his name.
summarys continue at

Sunday, June 7, 2020

ten more summarys from series phineas and ferb season 2

from pc 226, also repeated last ten despite already published kuz adjusted some.
226, 2,56 Wizard of Odd seen on d.s=disney in states, 24 September 2010, xd 24 November 2010
bros made their home "spin-able" [for easily spraying outsides]. Candace was inside and felt so dizzy, she fell into the "land of Odd". there Perry, Jeremy, and others, led her to the Wizard who can help her finally bust her brothers. doof was a warlock who sent flying squirrels, that captured candace.  doof stuck her... with perry on a sticky spider web. perry took a saw from his hat and cut the web. oops coulda freed candace too. perry led group to fortress so they distracted doof with his helper monkey-spider. perry cut web freeing c so she ran along a corridor but the gards surround her. then same as in the book she had read that day she pourd water on doof but the water only shrunk his clothing. he went to change so gards freed them. doc started to raise the brij so they cant escape but perry had a hook that he shot to a blimp ruining doofs plan kuz candace escaped with her shoes. until her brothers gave doof her shoes. at least perry freed candace.
227, 2,50+47=97 The Beak xd 8 March 2010 d.s 12 March 2010
bros made a dangerous skate track. They also made a protective suit to wear when they will skate there. a villain heard about "The Beak," and flew a hovercraft to dump worms on the people so PnF wearing "the beak" vacuumd the worms. The mayor made doc mayor.
When the PnF climb from beak to talk to the villain, doc stole the hovercraft so perry wore the beak and crashd into docs vehicle wrecking it.
parallel: Phineas and Ferb built a dangerous skate-track. For skating there, they made a protective suit. A villain flew a hovercraft and tried to dump worms on the people. P&F wore the suit as "The Beak" and sucked the worms away. The mayor appointed Dr. Doofenshmirtz as his substitute. Doc starts the mayor job but interrupts to challenge Khaka. When P&F climb from the Beak, to talk to the villain, doc stole the hovercraft. Their pet Agent Perry donned the Beak and crashed it into the hovercraft wrecking it.
228a, 2,46 Not Phineas and Ferb xd 27 February 2010, d.s 14 May 2010
PnF went to the cinema to see space adventures. their nebbir Irving arranged for Baljeet and Buford to wear masks and to dress same as PnF, because he wanted to convince his brother, Albert that he was right about PnF making things. Then Albert came and was impressed by the Eiffel Tower [despite now only a hologram] that bros had made on another day. the diabolical doc shrunk unique landmarks and put them by his model train. Agent P managed to escape from the trap, and enlarged the Eifel tower so it fell from doc's vehicle... into the yard where the hologram had been, convincing Albert PnF made it. A.P. must return the tower so he reshrunk it, just as Candace tryd to show it to mom. Finally A.P. zapd Doof shrinking him into a "minor" threat.
parallel: in case reverted like in the past. "While P&F were at the cinema, Irving arranged for Baljeet and Buford to dress as Phineas and Ferb, and to wear masks like P&F because he wanted to convince his brother, Albert that he was right about P&F making things. When Albert saw the hologram of the boys' Eiffel Tower he was impressed. Agent P. went to stop the diabolical Doctor Doofenshmirtz who made a devious device that shrunk the Eiffel tower. Doc was bringing it to his tower to decorate his model train. First A.P. enlarged it so it fell from doc's vehicle. Next he shrunk it to return to France, at the time that Candace wanted to show [[Linda Flynn-Fletcher|Mom]] the product, so her brothers deserved to be busted.  Mom does not see it, so P&F are spared.
228b, 2,47 Phineas and Ferb-Busters xd 27 February 2010, d.s 14 May 2010
PnF made veeik'ls that spin. Also they made a wireless power source for the veeik'ls. A.P. must stop doc who made a new robot to serve him, instead of Norm. When it attakd doc, Norm [new norm? see 223a] tripped on a rug so coffee splashed on it, ergo the electricity fried. A.P. went to his yard and broke the power device because it had made doc's new robot too strong. meanwhile, Candace traind Stacy and Jenny to help caus ma to see the stuff PnF made so ma will "bust" them.
229a 2,48 The Lizard Whisperer xd 6 March 2010, d.s 11 June 2010 
bros found a chameleon. doc's ghastly gadget enlarged it. it wandered away so bros searjd but it seems invisible. Doc also hired Jeremy to teach a song that summons aliens. When the aliens came A.P. reversd the song from the end, so they left. Before doc can try again the enlarged chameleon ate the amp ruining doc's plan.
229b, 2,49, Robot Rodeo xd 6 March 2010, d.s 11 June 2010
bros made ox-bots to ride. Doc made a fog machine but cant think of any ghastly device for the evil-competition. A.P. wrecked all the devices at the evil compitition. except for one that seemd good not evil. v
pc230a, 2,59 The Secret of Success, seen on d.s 8 October 2010, xd 30 October 2010
bros made a real "all" terrain veeik'l even for climbing up the wall of a tower. their pet must stop doc who was hosting a donation "Telethon". Candace and Stacy listend to a lecture about the steps for achieving any goal kuz candace's goal was to bust her brothers. doc showed his telethon on tv until a "news flash" interrupted. ergo he flew out to the news van and tryd to zap it. luckily a news helicopter flew near doc so he was distracted causing him to miss the van and also to crash into his own building ruining his plan. nobody can see the telethon kuz interrupted so nobody new knew to donate. [later perry escaped... somehow].
230b, 2,60 The Doof Side of the Moon, seen on d.s 8 October 2010, xd 30 October 2010
bros made the tallest tower, reaching the moon. their pet tryd to stop doc who made a devious device to turn="spin" the moon so that the "dark side of the moon" will always face Earth. [which happens every month anyway at new moon]. as the moon spun ap pushed the device so the PnF tower, that turnd with moon,  bumpd it so rekd it. A neibbir helpd candace try to bust her brothers using cameras. note: during a full moon, other evil increases, so preventing any full moon, then nobody else will be evil and he would be evilest. despite spinning, the sun still shone on the full moon.
231a, 2,51 She's the Mayor, xd 14 June 2010, d.s 30 July 2010
bros made a pioneer style town. their pet must stop doc who made a ghastly gadget that can caus time to go faster during his golf game. ap wore a golf caddy disguise and followed doof who played golf. doc zapd the mayor roger, his brother, causing roger's time to accelerate faster than his own time. the golf game ends quickly. ap took a golf club and used it to smash the gadget. this reversed time backwards to earlier in the day, when the mayor had announced that candace's essay won, but now she does not win.
parallel: Phineas and Ferb used old-fashioned tools to build a log cabin and a pioneer village. Candace's essay won so she became mayor for the day. She made ordinances to bust her brothers. Their pet agent Perry wore a disguise and followed Dr. Doofenshmirtz who played golf with his brother, Roger, the mayor who was not working as mayor that day. Doc made the Accelerate-inator and zapped Roger. His time accelerated faster than doc's so the game ended quickly. This invention that can change time also brings an alien from another place and other consequences. Agent Perry took a golf club and used it to smash doc's ghastly gadget, causing time to reverse, both saving Phineas and Ferb before they got busted as well as returning time to when Candace's essay won... but now she does not win.
231b, 2,52 The Lemonade Stand, same dates
P&F made a robot that prepared lemonade. their pet ap must stop doc who made an insolent-inator-invention that can caus painful-"Paper-Cuts" ap put a plunger into the device so it burst backwards, wrekd, and sharp paper flew out cutting doof.
parallel: Phineas and Ferb made a robot that prepared lemonade for their lemonade stand. The chain of their franchise spread. Candace cancelled her plans to meet Stacy, and ends their friendship preferring to bust her brothers. Their pet  Agent Perry must stop Dr. Doofenshmirtz who made a "Paper-Cut-Inator" that can shoot sharp paper. Before doc can shoot anybody, Agent P put a plunger in the devious device so it burst, wrecked. the explosion threw out sharp paper that cut doc.
summer and musical
plus TEN storys already published with two parallel versions
232a, 2,57 We Call it Maze, seen on d.s 1 October 2010, xd 30 October 2010
bros made a maze, that was big enuf for the kids to walk inside. the kids faced various challenges in it. their pet, ap, must stop doc from using his insolent invention for tilting doof's tower. doc trapd ap in a rocket that flew ap to his sattelite. doof aimd his ray at his tower to zap n tilt it. so ap shut the doors. the ray zapd the doors ruining doc's plan. in maze, a girl appreciated the success of candace: earning 50 baj's in one day and together went through the maze. in sat'lyt, doc aimd at the city from orbit, and zapd again but it hit the PnF maze. it tilted n rolld away. while doc set the timer to "power up" and try to zap again, ap caused the satlyt to fly while pushing doc out into orbit separating him from the device. ap returnd to the surface in the same trap-rocket that brout him up.
232b, 2,58 Ladies and Gentlemen, Meet Max Modem, seen on d.s 1 October 2010, xd 30 October 2010
bros guided pa to dress and act like a music star. their pet ap, must stop Doc, who
made a hologram that seemd like an invasion by many aliens. ap squeezd out from the hoop-trap and turnd the hologram device away from doc so the holograms are by pa's music concert. [later he pushd the self destruct button and returnd to his family.]
233, 2,55 Nerds of a Feather seen on xd 16 August 2010 d.s 27 August 2010
bros made and wore costumes to the sci-fi and fantasy convention. there the fantasy fans argued against the sci-fi fans. their pet must free a hostage kuz Doc made a show about himself to sell to a tv executive so he tied the tv executive. doof showd the show about a mayor and ninjas. the exec wants doc to give the patypus a girlfrend but doc refused and left, so he cant sell his show. then ap untied the hostage.
pc234, 2,53+47=100, seen 100th on d.s.=Disney Channel US=disney of states, n before seen on xd, Phineas and Ferb Hawaiian Vacation, dates: d.s. 9 July 2010, but on xd 12 July 2010
bros surfd in Hawaii. their pet must stop doc who made a device that can cause people to lose intelligence de-evolving. Candace found a necklace that causd bad luck. ap zapd doc. it functioned so doc devolvd into a single cell. but doc had prepared a "mini control" panel and zapd himself to usual. then zapd self again to evolve super mind. luckily his brain grew, ergo too heavy so doc devolvd to usual n broke his own device.
235a, 2,61 Split Personality d.s 29 October 2010, xd 6 November 2010
bros made a revolutionary ray that can "split" components. their pet ap must stop doc kuz made a ghastly gadget that can enslave people by causing them to turn aside without will. PnF ray zapd Candace, who already had split personality, into two. one Candace the lover of jeremy, and the second Candace, wanting to bust her PnF . each does her mission til PnF zap her back to one... but only after multiplying her more.
at pool doc trapd ap in the floatation rings, so powerless. doc stood on diving board and activated his ghastly gadget, so they would not see him wehn afraid to jump. success ! everybody turnd their face. including doof... ergo he fell. ap jumpd in water to save doc ergo rings floated off him.
235b, 2,62 Brain Drain d.s 29 October 2010, xd 6 November 2010
bros made a com-link [communication] with frends kuz ill. for fun they play a competition game on the screen. doc made a device to cancel the wills so enslaved agent perry. ap is helpless, and pushd a cart for doc to go get his daut'r from a party... til doof conected wire, ergo unintentionlly causing the frends can control ap as part of their game. he fout doc and in victory threw hat which removed mind control helmet.
236a, 2,64, Make Play, d.s 11 February 2011, xd 7 March 2011 
bros made a big song-box containing jeremy's band with other bands. their pet tryd to stop doc... their pet TRYD to stop Doc spoiling mayor's ceremony. doc made a big claw that hung from a blimp for his plan. [note: tryd kuz dould not stop. not every episode PnF have difficulty nor conflict, so no challenge for "main characters" despite title and despite teacher lying "every plot the main character must have a challenge or trouble to overcome". still a good story enuf simply "made a song box." ap had challenge but even if faild to resolve still happy ending]. also Candace, voicing by my idol Tisdale, met a princess who lookd same so swapd lives til  she heard the princess liked jeremy. doc used claw to drop something on the opera house. it was the PnF big music box... containing bands that played which the people enjoyed ruining doc's plan.
236b, 2,65 Candace Gets Busted d.s 11 February 2011 xd 7 March 2011 [after season 3's 302 on march 5, 2011]
bros only sat on sofa. their pet must stop doc who made device to move items "away" for moving a tower. perry stopd plan by pulling a rug changing the aim. [before ap left he destroyd machine not see as usual self-destruct button]. while parents did adult stuff, candace invited a few frends but group grew into big party.
237, 238, 2,54 Phineas and Ferb Summer Belongs to You, xd 2 August 2010, D.s. 6 August 2010
bros flew around the world, on the longest day of the year. parents dont know kuz left for a weekend away. they flew: "around the world in... one day".
Doc and his dauter visited Tokyo. their pet searched for his superior. ap found major monogram tied so he freed Major Monogram.
239, 2,63, Rollercoaster: The Musical, d.s 29 January 2011, xd 7 February 2011 
P&F made another ride-rollercoaster all through their city. Their pet went to stop Doc who again used a magnet-magnify-machine with a magnet to reverse the spin by pulling "the Eastern Seaboard" to the west. note: the location must be near the east coast. or delete problematic from episode one. doc's magnet pulld metal, but not with buildings. the metal flew toward doof's tower so ap shot his hooks to a copter, and to docs magnet. the copter flew with ap n magnet which also pulld docs magnify-magnetism-machine so doc cant try again. the metal smashd doofs tower. the magnet pulld PnF ride off tracks so it flew to paris until it bent a tree that threw it back home.

Friday, June 5, 2020

pleasant light from moon

although in new york city already morning, so the moon set already,  still on west coast and in shishmaref alaska still nyt 3:30am. about moon,  both there and on the oregon coast, still nyt 430am, also there the moon will not set for an hour. they are lucky now kuz NOW the moon is almost full 99% and they can see it now. it has been full all nyt and will set in one hour in those two places as they turn away from moon to face the sun.
now is the time, these few days to celebrate the most lyt of the moon reflection for example with songs containing moon. this month i suggest a very recent song just a couple months ago with a very old song. we can see the moon tmoro nyt too, almost full and enjoy the bryt most lyt. so also worth celebrating with songs about moon.
suggestions for this nature event
"Moon River" 1961, and 1962, for details see link
and very recent, "moon" 2020 by BTS, a korean band, for details see link.
among many more.
 "Moon River", 1961, is a song by Johnny Mercer (lyrics) and Henry Mancini (music).
Actress Audrey Hepburn sang it in the video "Breakfast at Tiffany's"
Also American pop singer Andy Williams sang it on his album "Moon River and Other Great Movie Themes" in 1962 by Columbia Records.
One very recent song about the moon, that mentions the full moon in english, is the song "moon", album "map of the soul 7", is by a Korean boyband named BTS. they sang many albums. the song moon is in korean words mixed with some english phrases. on which album? this is tricky kuz two albums have similar names.
not on album "Map of the Soul: Persona" Release date: April 12, 2019
but on newer album Map of the Soul: 7, Release date: February 21, 2020 song 16 moon.
idea the couple is like the moon around a planet.
the song mixed english phrase "just a moon" into korean words honguk. for example "Neoneun naui jigu, Nege nan just a moon" meaning "You are my planet, I'm just a moon to you". like a moon is always near its planet. it mentioned the full mooon: "In the full moon night Du nuneu etc. meaning "In the full moon night, Do you mind if I open my eyes And hold you?".

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

summaries series pf phineas and ferb pc 232 until 301

my summarys for TEN storys in series pf, season two. the last ten til end s2.
note: d.s. means seen on Disney channel u.s. like states Disney, but xd means Disney xd.
232a, 2,57 We Call it Maze, seen on d.s 1 October 2010, xd 30 October 2010
bros made a maze, that was big enuf for the kids to walk inside. the kids faced various challenges in it. their pet, ap, must stop doc from using his insolent invention for tilting doof's tower. doc trapd ap in a rocket that flew ap to his sattelite. doof aimd his ray at his tower to zap n tilt it. so ap shut the doors. the ray zapd the doors ruining doc's plan. in maze, a girl appreciated the success of candace: earning 50 baj's in one day and together went through the maze. in sat'lyt, doc aimd at the city from orbit, and zapd again but it hit the bros maze. it tilted n rolld away. while doc set the timer to "power up" and try to zap again, ap caused the satlyt to fly while pushing doc out into orbit separating him from the device. ap returnd to the surface in the same trap-rocket that brout him up.
232b, 2,58 Ladies and Gentlemen, Meet Max Modem, seen on d.s 1 October 2010, xd 30 October 2010
bros guided pa to dress and act like a music star. their pet ap, must stop Doc, who
made a hologram that seemd like an invasion by many aliens. ap squeezd out from the hoop-trap and turnd the hologram device away from doc so the holograms are by pa's music concert. [later he pushd the self destruct button and returnd to his family.]
233, 2,55 Nerds of a Feather seen on xd 16 August 2010 d.s 27 August 2010
bros made and wore costumes to the sci-fi and fantasy convention. there the fantasy fans argued against the sci-fi fans. their pet must free a hostage kuz Doc made a show about himself to sell to a tv executive so he tied the tv executive. doof showd the show about a mayor and ninjas. the exec wants doc to give the patypus a girlfrend but doc refused and left, so he cant sell his show. then ap untied the hostage.
pc234, 2,53+47=100, seen 100th on d.s.=Disney Channel US=disney of states, n before seen on xd, Phineas and Ferb Hawaiian Vacation, dates: d.s. 9 July 2010, but on xd 12 July 2010
bros surfd in Hawaii. their pet must stop doc who made a device that can cause people to lose intelligence de-evolving. Candace found a necklace that causd bad luck. ap zapd doc. it functioned so doc devolvd into a single cell. but doc had prepared a "mini control" panel and zapd himself to usual. then zapd self again to evolve super mind. luckily his brain grew, ergo too heavy so doc devolvd to usual n broke his own device.
235a, 2,61 Split Personality d.s 29 October 2010, xd 6 November 2010
bros made a revolutionary ray that can "split" components. their pet ap must stop doc kuz made a ghastly gadget that can enslave people by causing them to turn aside without will. bros ray zapd Candace, who already had split personality, into two. one Candace the lover of jeremy, and the second Candace, wanting to bust her bros. each does her mission til bros zap her back to one... but only after multiplying her more.
at pool doc trapd ap in the floatation rings, so powerless. doc stood on diving board and activated his ghastly gadget, so they would not see him wehn afraid to jump. success ! everybody turnd their face. including doof... ergo he fell. ap jumpd in water to save doc ergo rings floated off him.
235b, 2,62 Brain Drain d.s 29 October 2010, xd 6 November 2010
bros made a com-link [communication] with frends kuz ill. for fun they play a competition game on the screen. doc made a device to cancel the wills so enslaved agent perry. ap is helpless, and pushd a cart for doc to go get his daut'r from a party... til doof conected wire, ergo unintentionlly causing the frends can control ap as part of their game. he fout doc and in victory threw hat which removed mind control helmet.
236a, 2,64, Make Play, d.s 11 February 2011, xd 7 March 2011 
bros made a big song-box containing jeremy's band with other bands. their pet tryd to stop doc... their pet TRYD to stop Doc spoiling mayor's ceremony. doc made a big claw that hung from a blimp for his plan. [note: tryd kuz dould not stop. not every episode bros have difficulty nor conflict, so no challenge for "main characters" despite title and despite teacher lying "every plot the main character must have a challenge or trouble to overcome". still a good story enuf simply "made a song box." ap had challenge but even if faild to resolve still happy ending]. also Candace, voicing by my idol Tisdale, met a princess who lookd same so swapd lives til  she heard the princess liked jeremy. doc used claw to drop something on the opera house. it was the bros big music box... containing bands that played which the people enjoyed ruining doc's plan.
236b, 2,65 Candace Gets Busted d.s 11 February 2011 xd 7 March 2011 [after season 3's 302 on march 5, 2011]
bros only sat on sofa. their pet must stop doc who made device to move items "away" for moving a tower. perry stopd plan by pulling a rug changing the aim. [before ap left he destroyd machine not see as usual self-destruct button]. while parents did adult stuff, candace invited a few frends but group grew into big party.
237, 238, 2,54 Phineas and Ferb Summer Belongs to You, xd 2 August 2010, D.s. 6 August 2010
bros flew around the world, on the longest day of the year. parents dont know kuz left for a weekend away. they flew: "around the world in... one day".
Doc and dauter visited Tokyo. their pet searched for his superior. ap found major monogram tied so he freed mm.
239, 2,63, Rollercoaster: The Musical, d.s 29 January 2011, xd 7 February 2011 
bros made another ride-rollercoaster. this time many songs. Doc again used a magnet to reverse the spin by pulling "the Eastern Seaboard" to the west. note: the location must be near the east coast. or delete problematic from episode one. doc's magnet pulld metal, but not with buildings. the metal flew toward doof's tower so ap shot his hooks to a copter, and to docs magnet. the copter flew with ap n magnet which also pulld docs magnify-magnetism-machine so doc cant try again. the metal smashd doofs tower. the magnet pulld bros ride off tracks so it flew to paris until it bent a tree that threw it back home.

Monday, June 1, 2020

june birthdays

june, birthdays with explanation  of dc calendar

1. b.=Birthday of Hawkman Hall c1940=comic book when known long ago. 2e
3. start pf's vacation "june 3", +b. Shrinking Violet, "salu vi" c1961. 4foe. 
5e but: in 1967, due to egyptian tanks massing near border, israel bombed egypt warplanes on ground in 18 airfields. israel successfully destroyd nearly 90% of egyptian mig warplanes. israel invaded sinai peninsula successfully chasing the tanks AWAY from the border...but egypt king refused to surrender as the egyptian soldiers fled westward. israelis found thousands of boots and rifles and bags discarded to run fast. despite the loss of warplanes and "air superiority" [see below]  fighting continued there. also jordan started shelling israel that day, so israel fout jordan and syria. despite israel crushing their warplanes, the arabs did not surrender so fighting continued the following day. a strategist would have responded to the loss of warplanes and "air superiority" with IMMEDIATE cease fire and surrender and de-militarized zone but... hate was stronger and the arab leaders refused to surrender.... as israel advanced into egypt westward and also eastward taking land from jordan... that jordan "occupied" outside its historical border which was established in jordan independence in 1920's. arabs refused to surrender so fighting continued as israel took more land called west bank until reaching the "original" jordan border. fighting continued until june 10 cease fire.  
6 b. mr. Forrest gump, +x. 7e8x9x, link: https://thinkforyourselfn8.blogspot.com/2020/06/june-birthdays.html
10e but worthy to celebrate the 1967 "cease fire" ending "the short 6 day war" not exactly celebrating victory that israeli air victory was an earler day, yet not end war, but celebrating the cease-fire, between israel and muslim neighbors. see june 5. 11x
12 marty "back future"+foe. 13x
14.  [not federal] Flag Day, symbol june 14, 1777 new law describing new flag to unify many regiments each with different flag: 13 stripes beside 13 stars on blue. 15e16x
17e, Kyle's Mom  (Sheila),  "april" not IN vacation, so for phineas 14 days [despite not chronologic, yet need a day] after june 3. age "vague" as intended but one year older. 
18 Terrance Mephesto's b. s.p, "superbaby" landed on "a certain" Earth a week before official adoption. kent couple saw crash n found same day naming clark.
19.  b. Hawkgirl-Shayera, after 1956, +b. garfield
20 b. Token s.p+x
21. celebrated in summer b. ma, pf, also nature change, stop adding lyt, hence new season named summer. for symbol now is the evening for human "to lyt a lyt" kuz stopd adding nature lyt. but rabbis bakwards. 22 foe 23x24x25x26e
27 dobby h.p+ anniversary Aquaman wed Mera. next birthday not 28-30, july first, indiana jones. 28x29x30x non-celebration dates 4. b. of foe Weather Wizard, against flash c1959. 5e in dc, but b. of mean brat draco malfoy [h.p. world]. not only mean to harry but like dad a bad death-eater. he disarmd dumbledor.
1 indiana jones. 

with explanation of dc calendar

JUNE during this month, the star group cald gemini starts to be sun's bakground, not the star group cald cancer. also this month Krypton exploded, dc commented: "By the time they saw that JOR EL was right, they were "too late" to apologize."
 1. Hawkman's b. which? "Hall", c1940=golden age, see march 30 and august 21. 2e
 3. Shrinking Violet's b. c1961. [added more salu, so this "salu vi".]
 4. Weather Wizard's b. against flash c1959. 5e
 6. J. Gordon [batman world] Graduates from Law School. 7e
 8. young bruce, Batman, watjd the Murder of his parents.
 9. a soldier's b. c1960 group losers. 10e11. error kuz superboy title "april 1949", after first seen in jan. 1945.
 12. Harvey Dent Became villian "Two Face". 13. for presbyterian christian but not other churches.
 14. [not federal] Flag Day, symbol june 14, 1777 new law describing flag to unify many regiments each with different flag by one. 13 stripes beside 13 stars on blue. 15e
 16. Krypton exploded, superman's parents also died. 17e
 18. "superbaby" Landed on Earth a week before official adoption. kent couple saw crash n found same day naming clark.
 19. Shayera's b. (a Hawkgirl, seen after 1956, not c1940 but fans hid info by loopd links). 20 minor.
 21. change, stop adding liit, hence new season named summer.
 22. Pied Piper's b. foe of flash, c1959.
 23. Superman's First Battle With TerraMan
 24. in lex Luthor's Lab, an Accident causd e.s.p in lena, his sister. 25. see 18. 26e
 27. anniversary, Aquaman wed Mera see january 29,31.
 28. Wing Died saving Earth
 29. a dog, Krypto came from krypton, so pet and helper for clark. 
 30. Perry White [c1940, not preserved brown hair n worse race-ploitation] Hired Clark Kent at newspaper job.
end June happy spring season.