Thursday, July 27, 2017

if i could go back in time and do the alleged goals of the "axis"

luckily for westerners nazis made some mistakes. not just mistakes but costly mistakes. my guess is that the actions of the nazi show that their hatred of jews in poland was SO strong that it caused them to make these errors.
if i was sent back in time to fulfill the nazis goals i would do the same mission in a different order.
if i was sent back to fulfill the british mission i would have germany do the british rebel penalty when hitler had his pouche in the 1920's the british hung rebels in those decades and had the germans huing hitler for the rebelion then he would not have organized the nazi takeover in the 1930's
back to what i would have done. annex austria nothing to fix after all austria speaks german.
annex zczechoslavakia with britians approval- a nazi success. now comes the mistake.
choice: take the land from poland which was german in the previous war?
or: delay that?
consider that britian and france are allied with poland and that in the past experience germany fought on both sides east and west- this is a reason to delay attacking poland. however many jews are in poland if i want to be master race i want kill them so which wins? the nazi hatred of jews blinded them to attack tyhe one with french allies and repeat the problem of world war one.
instead hitler could have attacked russia through czechoslavakia to "then hungary" into ukraine to weaken russia resources. quickly taking the oil of the caucasus cutting resources off and then taking moscow from the south. all of the many aircraft [which in our history attacked britian] could focus on moscow including vast carpet bombings which would flatten the industrial part of the city instead of getting distracted with "leningrad" now renamed petersburg as before stalin.
possible that france would be an ally of russia? perhaps but that is a defensive war which might not happen because russia does not need france. also negotiate with poland to keep the eastern half and return the part which was once german could avouid war with poland and benefit a buffer zone between russia and germany shortening the "war front".
also i would use italian forces to take more of africa to limit british resources.
we can imagine africa as a continent the size of 4 australias.
do you know the map of the game "risk"? africa has only five parts while australia has 2.
 an area the size of australia could be one unit of which africa truly has only five! but if so australia could be one!
anyway the troops from italy could spread through the undefended africa in zones the size of australia lik eon the map of risk and draft the african men do defend the lines of south africa border and egypt borders while taking the vast resources of africa especially west african coast and ethiopia already controlled by italy spread along east coast.
at that point in 1939 draft the men of africa to defend the borders by egypt and state south-africa while doing the racist goal in africa first.
the nazi belief in masterr race could have been fulfilled if they had focussed first on africa.
we value human life and so rejoice that the nazis did not use the vehicles like trucks to load specifically young girls [more small bodies per truck] into trucks wuith the exhaust pipe tubed into the truck the way they did to jews in poland- on a larger scale throughout africa and the bodies lined up either in a boat and feed the fish on the east and west coast which would supply fish for hunman eating later and those bodies from north africa could be lined in the desert to dry.
what about floating bodies?
to accomplish the nazi goal the bodies would need to have long cuts in the stiomach so the see water would get in and sink them.if so there would be much fewer marriages when those boys aged to marriage age and all the young girls were dead and the master race would have a victory over the other races simply by delaying the attack on poland and changing the order.
the happy ending is that hitler hated jews so much that it blinded him so he attacked poland with british ally and fought on both sides and not kill the billion non-aryans.
so the happy ending the nazi government was defeated and the german citizens freed from hitlers fist and started a new government.
a similar change for japan change the order.
simply delaying the attack of navy to us- delay while focussing the numerous aircraft [those which attacked america in our history] to assist attack on china first. while bbuilding to invade russia by sea with battleship escort. phase one build to invade east russia and meanwhile use all aircraft in china they would succeed quickly and then the naval attack would drive russian back who would bnot want war on both sides and finally use all aircraft against west china of if british in india did not buil factories in australia attack australi the defense of russia and chinea would be 3 and 3 miss ned two and quick victory then wiyth more resources atatck america but the japanese citizens were freed from emperor happy aending.

Monday, July 24, 2017

what men need to know about clitoris usage

women know, now men should know
CLARIFICATION: this article does not justify the crime of the muslim custom even when defining a benefit of that crime. the point of the article is to discuss the consequences of the usage of the clitoris to serve as a warning for men who barely hear about the use of the female clitoris.
women know that there are two different pleasures in the lady-parts. they will not speak of them separately so men must be aware that they are separate.
one pleasure is the clitoris pleasure. the part called clitoris is not located in the "deep part of the tube" where the man-part reaches while women with tricky words say "it  IS in the same place" and that is just tricky. a second separate pleasure is from the part of the tube where the man part reaches, which is less pleasure than the clitoris pleasure.
the easiest way to define the difference is:
when a woman is self-satisfied and does not feel a desire for her man because she is satisfied already. when we consider the usage of the clitoris we should ask "why NOT get divorced if i can self-satisfy. who needs men? there is no real need"
i do specify that the specific act of removing a girls clitoris is in my opinion a crime the same as male circumcision equality must be important regardless of gender and ethnicity, but that does not mean that in the big picture there is a clear benefit.
this benefit can be defined: if a woman cherishes the IDEA of marriage and realizes that the clitoris can be used to encourage divorce and when we see the frequent divorces in "western" countries, we see that the main usage of the clitoris is to encourage divorce,  rip-p-ping apart families. if a woman would cherish the idea of marriage as important and that divorce ruins family, she would offer to fix the error of the creator with adult circumcision why? before you freak out... think!
because with a clitoris she can self-satisfy and push away her man both during marriage and during divorce.she feels "I am satisfied already."
***my MAIN POINT is to warn western men about the dangers of "making commitments" to a woman with a clitoris. this is necessary because men have a different body and do not discuss the usage of the female clitoris and we see the dire results of ripped families.
2 without justifying the crime of the muslim custom i do recognize the benefit, now we identify the benefit of the muslim custom because there are two different pleasures and after the muslim custom the woman pleasure is from the man. the MAN is the cause of her pleasure. in contrast to western women who prefer divorce because they have a clitoris with a usage the main usage to self-satisfy.
islam has the clear benefit. this would justify an ADULT woman if she cherished the idea of marriage, removing her own healthy part the way removed [until now] sons in male infant circumcision common in the USA, why circumcise a clitoris? for the sake of the importance of marriage, because the usage of the clitoris is to rip families apart.
the clear benefit of the unjustifiable muslim custom is MAN-pleasure, from her man instead of feeling "i lose nothing in a divorce because i can self-satisfy with a clitoris."
3 what if a wise creator existed? then things would be different because he would be wise and know what men do not talk about. he could create a woman without a clitoris or position it specifically where the man is the cause of her pleasure, deep in the tube where the man part reaches.
analyzing this "flaw with disastrous results" adds more proof to the randomness and absence of creator,
we can imagine god planning the engineering of the lady parts. what is smart? to position the clitoris deep in the tube. why? so the women wants "penetration" and wants to repeat the feeling of insertion.
place it in position where the pleasure is from the man then she will desire the man to put his part there. in contrast to the creators error now women self-satisfy and push away the husband.
it would CRITICALLY serve the purpose of reproduction to plan the clitoris be in the depth of the tube so she wants the man to put his male part deep inside, instead of the place we find the clitoris.
4  if there would not be such dire consequences we would hardly notice that western women can self-satisfy and prefer divorce. why not? the clitoris pleasure is greater and more satisfying anyway. the MAIN usage is self-satisfying NOT FOR THE MAN TO "COMPLETE" the experience when he finishes before she does. whatever that means.
a creator could position the clitoris deep in the tube where the male part reaches. then the female has husband pleasure but instead the clitoris is in a different spot. the error of the creator which mmuslims fix. and proving the randomness of growth and the MAIN use of the clitoris is self-satisfy which results push away man.
now we can comprehend the benefit of the result of the muslim crime.
5 teaching the women that for the sake of marriage which means to prevent divorce, "make yourself" wanting a man is not simply a meaningless removal of the clitoris but a cherishing of the idea of not ripping apart a family. i mean, consider, a women who wants divorce, what will she do without a man? no loss she uses the clitoris which is greater pleasure anyway. so in simple words removing the adult clitoris sounds bad unless we see the big picture and how the usage of the clitoris results in western divorce. now christianity tells the women "masturbation is bad" but that does not work so the muslim [i cannot justify the crime while pointing out the benefit] fix the error of the creator described above, by removing the clitoris of young girls and in the short term this is a crime to the girl and cannot be supported. also in the big picture when we see western divorce relying on the self-satisfaction of the clitoris without a man- we identify the benefit of the muslim custom and the victory over western divorce.
if a woman cherished the idea of marriage enough not to break marriage with divorce could do this "change" which is adult circumcision if marriage is important to preserve, instead of divorce, then a woman would want to fix the creators error of separate clitoris pleasure. adult circumcision would be a benefit in the big picture.
is that what women do? they prefer divorce relying on self-satisfaction. this leads to the selfishness and divorce.  islams custom in which muslims do not consider it a crime, while i cannot encourage this crime but I do condemn the cutting of both genders,  results in a benefit of "man" pleasure and wanting to repeat the MAN pleasure instead of auto-erotic pleasure which destroys western families.
6 if god would create a clitoris in the smart place or no clitoris, then woman want to stay with the man because she will not self-satisfy and therefore a woman who truly wants to cherish the idea of marriage will choose to fix the mistake of the creator who put the clitoris pleasure separate from the part of the "tube male receptor," she will want adult circumcision of her clitoris why? because marriage is important not to rip families apart as we see in the western countries. a noticable benefit of the muslim custom and a victory over the west.
why do we use the word circumcision which is acceptable in western countries? because "foreskin cut" sounds horrible.
7 the usage of the clitoris demonstrates that women want to self-pleaure. westerners consider islam a crime so we must ask americans also cut off healthy bits of male genitals so islam is the same plus a benefit to protect idea of marriage so in the big picture we see the western failure of marriage and rippping families which hinges on the women self-satisfying with the clitoris. something rarely spoken but which man must be aware.
so is my opinion to cut girls? no i condem the crime of cutting healthy boys and girls while encouraging adult circumcision if marriage is cherished. men should be warned before saying any commitment to a woman with a clitoris. now we understand why women are only shocked by the idea of circumcising girls while circumcising boys is accceptable because they prefer self-satisfying and pushing away husbands.
and when these women hear about the muslim custom they prefer self-satisfy over the idea of "marriage" preservation. why preserve a marriage? no reason because the greater pleasure is the clitoris pleasure.
when we see the results of western families ripped relying on the clitoris self satisfying then we see the benefit of the islamic custom
8 now after stating facts i reveal my opinion: i say marriage is not important, then i can also say do not cut healthy parts off of either gender boy nor girl, and consistently do not commit for marriage to a girl who will self-satisfy and push you away.
only if the idea of marriage is important to a woman then preserve it! by doing adult-clitoral circumcision.
a "good" woman should WANT to be less selfish. and would cherish preserving the marriage but we see the preference of western women. something islam avoids.
the clitoris  and specifically the usage of the clitoris does contribute to western families being ripped apart by relying  on the clitoris self-satisfaction and no point in sharing the husbands bank account in marriage because "i can get his money after the divore" and self-satisfy so these justify riipping families and men need to be aware that women can self satisfy and will feel no loss in a divorce "why not? what do i lose? i self satisfy and get money more than before the divorce."
9 when we consider the families of westerners ripped apart by divorce we see the victory of islam by removing the clitoris with a clear benefit-  I cannot encourage this crime yet do notice the difference and the benefit of the muslim custom considering the results.
so what can men do? we can realize we must avoid commitments to any women with a clitoris.
while not justifying the crime of clitoris removal, the benefit exists and if westerners can accept male circumcision which westerners are comfortable with then they should see the benefit of the muslim custom "doing what is best for their daughter" in a country liike egypt where it is not a crime.
the muslim custom causes the women will cherish the MAN-PLEASURE and so the union with a man instead of self-satisfy leads to push away man and divorce.
10 again i must emphasize while not encouraging the crime i can encourage adult women who cherish the idea of marriage, to acheive the benefit of islam and we should all recognize the benefit. MORE IMPORTANTLY the point of all this is to warn men to comprehend the problem and risk of commitment or marriage to any women who had not removed her clitoris we will certainly lose so much.
in conclusion i may not justify the muslim custom, but i do recognize a clear benefit on an important isue of families ripped apart because of selfish clitoral usage- benefit which can be applied to an adult woman if cherished the idea of marriage not to break marriage with divorce and not push away her man, they would want to fix the error of the creator who separated the clitoris as described and remove the temptation which has led to ruining marriages and ripping apart families by self satisfying as if divorce "no loss" for the woman because the clitoris is self-satisfy and more pleasure anyway. if so the only thing a man is good for is an addditional source of money and in a divorce the woman gets that too !
if a woman would cherish the idea of marriage she would WANT to fix the error of the creator because she sees the families RIPPED APART however we see the preference of western woman and can now define a benefit of the muslim culture in which the man-pleasure is the pleasure something western women do push away.
the fact is westerners not only divorce frequently but have no reason to stay married because the clitoris is more fun than the man.
what could be different? a wise creator would position the clitoris deep in the tube part where the man part enters and then the pleasure is not separate from the man. the fact is women do use shaped  "dildo"-type products and even in the better place, would prefer the dildo as they do now...
that is the preference of women so a wise god would know this and not make a greater pleasure proving there is no god and no wise creator.
women do self-satisfy. so the western women's idea of divorce is "i get money and do not lose pleasure"
the only true reason [which needs to be disguised] for a female to marry is: to make enough kids that the child support will be bigger...
and to acheive this,  women "play the game" of love, to disguise the only benefit of marriage, and this means that men must be warned based on past experience.
in contrast the resullt of the crime in the muslim culture has a clear benefit: the women cherish the man pleasure- in which westerners clearly lose.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

critical of rabbis

religious jews obey the special dates in the bible as interpreted by rabbis on a lunar calendar of the moon. for example the "date" of the "song" often translated as "trumpet" [however the word truly refers to singing the use is in truth for singing voice. that is the use of the hebrew word.] is the seventh month with no name only a number. so the rabbis interpret it as the "new-year-day" rebelling against god who wants it seven.
there is no basis in that section to interpret based on moon and the application of moon allows the rabbis to demand power and authority so that is why rabbis prefer the moon because the moon cycle is not the same number of days each month and differing number of days each time with an average of 29 and a few more hours so it is hard to calculate and this was preferable for rabbis because now people need them and the rabbis can control and manipulate them and gain authority control and respect.
this shows the evil "power chasing" of rabbis who want power and control. when the bible never said seventh month of the moon. the rabbis had control every month until only later a calendar was "calculated" which is important=rejecting the previous phase of rabbinic judaism as preserved in the book called mishna. this helps us reveal another lie. MOST SIGNIFICANTLY it is good to change from the previous form and the accusations against the reform jews are just a dirty trick to have less competition and consistent with the power chase.
also the rabbis often talk about an "oral law" not written and often lie to beginners and children that the mishna is from god.
welcome to the  LIAR LAIR of the rabbis.
if so they should obey the mishna and check the moon which differs each month. the fact that they do not obey the mishna is either a rebellion against god so bad and we should not join the jewish calendar OR admits that the mishna truly is not from god and therefore not important nor HOLY since not related to god. in fact the bible said "do not add" so any rabbinic ceremony besides the ones in the bible are a sin do not add.
some rabbis reply do "not subtract" as if that justifies adding? that is a distraction another rabbi trick to ignore and say "you admit it is a sin to add" so all of rabbinic judaism is truly rebelling against god to add more ceremonies relative to the bible.
back to dates the bible shows no basis for moon for calendar and even the famous rabbi ba-ya admitted that. the few hints which rabbis lie to children are words that are different from the word for moon "yarayo" and trick young children who must trust the teachers on all subjects and trick them about the meaning which is wrong.
the only source for moon is mishna which even rabbis today show WITH ACTIONS louder than tricky words that book mishna is not divine because they pre-calculate and do not do the mishna instruction showing man source and not from god anyway.
now we see the biblical dates are different and they miss the biblical dates ever since the previous system was lost, LOST and not preserved EVEN "THE NEW MOON HOLIDAY" IS REALLY THE WORD FOR MONTH NOT THE WORD FOR MOON "YARE-O" so the LIES are revealed.
for example on the date called 23 july the moon is dark and the new cycle begins. that would be the date for a lunar "new moon day" which the rabbis miss by a day and as mentioned not what god wanted anyway he never said based on moon and the previous system was lost.
it is important to publish truth so that the truth is revealed so people will not be tricked by rabbis who erased the previous tradition of holidays erased gone and lost and replaced it by a moon system with a trick, and with no basis in the bible to use the moon and instead lies about a calendar either pre-calculated and so against tradition to check moon or check moon which is not from god anyway.
this information can help save people from the lies of rabbis and knowledge that the dates in the "jewish religious calendar" differ from the dates god commanded and they miss the real day and mark  other days which are wrong based on the moon while not even based on the moon nor on the will of god of the bible.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

criticism of game "axis and allies" +sample

in response to the game "axis" their are several DOUBTS which at the beginning of the game tip the war unjustly in favor of allies. when we compare australia region=one zone, we see differed from the game named "risk" where it is in two parts because it is large. this means the troops in australia can defend the whole thing so relative to risk that gives britian an unjust advantage because it is big and should be divided primarily because most other zones such as east siberia are small much less than 7 million kilometer squared but smaller bits. this size is only acceptable in empty areas like siberia and african jungles or desert which is the reverse of what the publisher made the game.
if the foot-soldier are in the capital then japan should easily take the deserted desert and it is unjust to allow the f to defend all of it like one only the other examples of empty ice or undeveloped jungle or desert should be big and this is not done- inaccurately which slows the axis advance through east russia and africa and since inaccurate hence unjust. based on map of "risk" as validated by other divisions on the same map australia should be two unless we consider it desert... then all desert can be one region like australia and if so west africa named fwa should realy extend from the coast until the middle of libya region and not at the joint as they published. this inacccuracy of australia desert differing from west africa inconsistently tips both regions in favor of britian and since it is inconsistent it is unjust inaccuracies because it takes more moves for the nazi tank to take africa while making australia easier to defend for britian when the game begins. also making a four corner joint is unclear unless they specify all four can move one for example tank from libya can blitz fwa BECAUSE  all four touch and second step to central sahara- to be in better position to advance yet this is unclear because only algeria and fwa are aligned so it is unclear that the tank from libya can be used in contrast to using the areea size of "west canada" and of australia then the fwa can be named "ANEY" and extend from the coast until aney of west niger near the latitude 19n near 13e. then it is justly divided and clear that the tank can go to aney first step and continue to second region of same area as west-canada and australia or siberia  reaching the red sea coast called ethiopia  while egypt would be like the map of "risk" since deserts are large regions as wee see in australia.
similarly the cold desert--the game axis cut siberia into many pieces and gives the allies 10 "potential" 5*2 and this is DOUBTFUL because siberia is not developed. only there would it be appropriate to have regions with the area of "australia" sized zones because it is empty and also jungles of africa could have three australia sized zones but australia itself has a developed east so it should be divided like eastern europe- nad the decision to make africa more peices while australia is defended inconsistantly gives britian 2 unjust advantages at the start of the game in spring 1942. similarly deciding on spring 1942 would mean that madagascar was not yet controlled by britian...
another unjust advantage addding one potential  an additional one peotential unjustly besides the unjust potential of 9 in africa plus m total ten when jungle and desert is not military potential and all this in 1942 when the USA adds 36 potential- the game is begum with no way for the axis to out produce the allies which is not a challenge and very stupid unless you are nine or ten years old.
onlky if the allies would buy only the most expensive battleships 24 and aircraft-carriers 18 from USA using their potential and then consistently losing them to the axis bombers would the game be any challenge. and speaking of USA 3 potential in brazil is also unjust and iuinaccurate because brazil was neutral until 1945 like mexico so this inaccuracy gives USA seven unjust potential when it could be justly 29 still plenty more than axis and unjustly madagascar which britian did not control yet in spring- when the game starts as they specified in the rule book and have not changed online yet. and africa itself is jungles and desert it should be only 3 potential in 3 zones south of egypt see previous post for diagram with total of 5 regiions the same total as map of risk but more evenly. this reveals inaccuracies which tip the favor for britian ten 10 instead of 4 and usa would be 29 instead of 36 and russia 17 instead of 24. and large zones for equal troop movement for both sides.
+another doubt is the distance to hawaii. a ship can travel "one of two" steps from the west coast of america to hawaii+ and continue a second step--!-- this is very different than the smaller zones in japan and this is doubtful because a ship can travel "distance" so if hawaii is true then japan should have equaly large zones including several islands with movement  equal distance again unjustly japan cannot move ships nor transports with reinforcements the way hawaii can... inaccuracies which favor USA movement while crampin japanese defenses and reinforcements. even if this slows down the USA invasion it is still inaccurate instead of equality.
another doubt is the value of siberia resource not ten but only 1 in east siberia which should be australia size and 2 in west siberia also australia size from west china to moscow and north so russia total resource is seventeen 17 not 24 unjust advantage to allies for non-developed siberia.
similarly africa has jungles and desert should have australia sized zones with few resources perhaps 3 zones of 5 m-km-s south of libya including kafue region like "south africa zone" on map of risk game. potential of each 1 so britian unjustly 30 but 4 for africa 24 potential and zero for madagascar because not controlled in "spring 1942" as website and rule book specified - and according to game rules would need a transport ship-!- which is not there.
in theory knowing that ships are more costly to build we see a terrible of error of britian...
imagine preparing two tank-divisions to attack france, 10 that requires two transport=ts to move them 8+8+10=26 for each pair even if nazi would not attack allied shipping.
the same 26 could be used for land movement using the british region nearest russia--PERSIA if they would invest in factory development in persia admittedly this would require intense protection of the factory from nearby nazi tank so russia would need to protect the factory in exchange for britian building 6 tank divisions each turn to attack germany faster.
SUCH IDIOTS  building ships using vast resources sunk by nazi submarines when  persia is near eastern europe.
although these above criticisms are true and show the contrast of the game possibilities which i wish to FIX--if anyone cares about accuracy... which theyy just play because it is only a game...the biggest complaint i have is the "order" of countries- again giving the allies an unjust advantage after 36+30+24 so outproduce 57 this was not enough? and see above even those  numbers are inaccurately unjustly provided.
another flaw is the order=why should russia attack first? it is a defender!
today the game website said begin with atlantic, why? that is so stupid.
firstly russia is not atlantic! if the "world" war began when polands allies responded to the invasuion of poland then starting a cycle must be NAZI not russia. imagine the war starts with nazi then continues and begin the game at the start fo a new cycle with nazi--or better yet-- use the "map" in the OBJECTIVE ORDER of sunrise. the first capitol city is tokyo so it should be first another reason to support japan is the selection of spring 1942 after USA entered war- japan attacked USA and it responded so starting the game should be at the start of a cycle with japan first making japan after britian gives britian an unjust advantage in india and persia--they could build in persia before japan can act.
so it seems to me to that the planners of the game wanted the allies to win without a challenge... we dould imagine if we alter the board more realistically perhaps with australia divided like map of "risk" yet it is desert so okay one large region and like it siberia and africa regions. only africa [similar to risk but see previous post] and siberia with area of australia. large zones of low value.
the order should be "the earths rotation" so japan first then r, n, b.
perhaps the game would be a "true" challenge if usa was still neutral- set up and only act after an axis attacks it as if it started in 1941! and japan could choose to postp[one the attack on america until it had more resources...
also as above brazil not enter war in 1942 and unfair to give USA 36 in that setting. also fix blunders of hitler and emperor to delay pearl harbor one more year, and see what happens... the axis would get much of the resources of britian quickly that would be a challenge! then there is balance until attack USA then activate like game but no brazil and mexico so 29.
to demonstrate:
begin japan [not ussr] why?
because first on map with earths objective rotation. it gives axis advantage but justly.
25 can buy many things what is the strategy? get resources and weaken allied resources priority to destroy russia from both sides
***emperor wanted pacific but that has few resources could delay until control more of asia perhaps until 1943.
build for this goal and meanwhile use forces to get more resources.
build to attack russia. 25 can by tank and 4 foot=a and need one transport ship=ts potential used 8+one tank for attack 5+ 4 infantry 12 total 12+5+8=25 good. can save because potential.
in this example delay attack hawaii until 1943 for one year and delay attack russia until build and transported.
phase 2
attack phase: everything to expand the beach-head in china?
although the bombers can reach there- the potential is only 2. it would seem smarter to attack for the same potential first, weak australia so britian cannot use it to free siam nor reinforce india-- although very far that is reason not to waste time on new zealand but australia is a threat to siam [fic] as well as to four islands.
so delay the use of military division until more tanks come from tokyo.
later will use 6 infantry 2,2,2 for attack to allow long repeated use of air-army and also to outnumber air-army.
suggestion rejected why not use all air-force on china? because australia weak and will be reinforced from new zealand. delay china until ts brings tank with more forces to secure.
another reason to reject this is because the troops will move one that means they are in china and cannot defend siam--imagine: "6i+t+3fp+b also cs brings fp to philipines to get fp and continue to attack 2fp. total 6i+t+5fp+bp--against 2i+fp.
6i one hit, tf 2 more and possible more hits but not needed.
china at same time 2i one hit  and fp hit.
2i lost so 4 "move one" to attack if succeed they are in central china will need to reinforce siam and manchuria facing many troops and divisions so too soon for thiis strategy.
build as above 25=4a+t+ts. good.
first only attack weak australia.
so it has been demonstrated japan begins with the map and in the onjective direction of the rotation of the planet.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

the marriage poem rhyme

Bob wanted me, to buy a certain toy
I said "i will check if the price is high."
bob wanted me, to promise i would buy
after he heard "no", he began to cry:

"for yourself you bought an expensive car."
"no. it is for, our family of four,"
I said to avoid another word-war.
I feared in my core, from the fight before.

bob replied, "you truly do not love me."
I said "that is not the meaning of love,
loyalty with caring, that is true luv.
you have boots to protect you like a glove."

"please buy the radio-controlled toy car
I want it much more than the boots from you,"
he shouted. but i said "if that is true,
bad judgement shows me if your wisdom grew+

"also the money for rent is well spent!"
bob argued "what about moms fancy jewels!
that is not necessary! you are fools!"
"no. for you to be born, those are the rules!"

in my heart i knew, my son bob was right
marriage jewels are like "pay a whore for fun"
pay the woman for zex to have a son
now things became clear same as the bright son.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

adolf hitler died. when and how?

the attitude of "we cannot totally reject" an idea, is not reasonable. some of the research stuff on history channel is annoying. consider we cannot totally ignore the possibility that dragons exist- huh?
but before criticsm: some background.
sometimes, among the possibilities, i watch history channel and imagine i am adding to my schoolyears and wisdom. that channel has told some interesting stories about rome and other ancient wars. i consider that history. however, the subjects, which apparently other humans like, often annoy me.
a few of the subjects annoy me. one such subject is on several channels.i guess the average human enjoys seeing people looking for second hand stuff in storage, for buying old stuff. i doubt that stuff could ever be resold. are they buying something to resell? and if it cannot be resold does it have any true value? its use ended long ago and now it is second hand and older. now people want to buy it? now that the stuff is even older. is there true value? and if so more than one dollar?
i feel like this category is the type of thing i would be tricked: spending much more than the "fair" value for second hand stuff which is old. if i realy need something then not used, unless it would be half the price of a new and it is not half! even new is it realy worth ten or 5? yet they show these bargain buying on so many channels. for what? to keep stuff out of the trash?i guess people have so much money it is like blowing air from their mouth, which annoys me immensely. also so small sense of value and that annoys me to see people buying old stuff and deciding value when it is realy UNSELL-ABLE for resale and if so barely one dollar value for anything yet people want it and enjoy watching that?
episodes about buying the second hand stuff in lost luggage and inside warehouses in britian or canada and i fear i would be fooled to pay an unfair price for something used and old and not truly worth one dollar.
if i would buy an old sign, nobody would rebuy it, so that defines the value.
the idea that people want smaller land-fill volume and use tv to manipulate us as if trash has value adds a third level which annoys me.
similar to keeping trash in our hands is: so many episodes about restoring old cars which are old.
i guess rich people have so much money that it is like blowing the air out of mouth, when they hire people to rebuild old cars. they are old. get a new one if you are rich. consider the effort and resources because it is hard to get the matching repair items and it is just for old. so they say renewal is like recycling but instead they couldrecycle the material. i would like to see the metal recycled into new yet they recycle it by renewing the old. i guess the average human likes that kind of recycling but to me it seems like such a waste of resources which could be used to melt and make new. wasted time and money which could be used more efficiently.
now we return to research episodes.
well i am curious about "aliens" and if there is evidence i want to keep an open mind. did they come thousands of years ago? are abduction stories true? yet the attitude of "we cannot totally reject" an idea, is not reasonable
we cannot totally ignore the possibility that dragons exist- huh?
so what about the kennedy assasination that succeeded?
history is that "a man named oswald succeeded in killing the unique president and was killed"
it truly was a unique event. without knowing the details i can imagine somebody with hunting experience who wanted kennedy dead. we need not speculate motive because there could be a million reasons posible perhaps he wanted the other candidate to win. i often read now the hateful words of hilary voters who hate trump
and hilary clinton supporters now hate trump. that must be how oswald felt towards kennedy he wanted his choice to be president and not kennedy and hated kennedy.
how one guy felt.
the question was how to get a gun. it was totally legal to buy a hunting rifle.
totally legal. why believe the people who say gunshots came from a building of books or a hill? no reason to accept that. a rifle can shoot from far.
also consider the getaway. if gunshots came from a hill as some peole say they heard, then the people nearer to the hill would hear even more clearly and see somebody with a rifle trying to get away, but we all know getting direction of noise is not acuurate and a loud noise like gunshot can echo against buildings.

somebody with a rifle shot kennedy from far and was successful, a unique tragedy but if he wanted to keep it a secret and not be prevented, then the shooter would not associate with others because then he would be followed and prevented. unless he wanted to get paid for the job so he would offer his service to an enemy and say i want to kill him pay me but that would risk discovery, because enemies are monitered which would lead to prevent him from killing the hated kennedy who defeated his favored president.
did oswald do it? maybe. history said yes. we "cannot entirely rule out" that he acted alone. but can we totally ignore the possibility somebody else did it or he acted alone for the reasons above to avoid detection and prevention.
with which weapon? do we know? or was it a hunting rifle from a distance and because far easily escaped with the hunting rifle after killing kennedy. we need to monitor hilary supporters.
what about the research about hitlers escape.
well it is reasonable to imagine that hitler had a bunker. even plausible that it had several escape routes however proving a tunnel connected the bunker to the subway or the airport does not show he actualy went through the tunnel. in fact if we consider that berlin was severely bombed, throughoout 1945 and that allied planes were over germany, it is likely that hitler would not risk flying, when so  many allied planes were in the sky constantly.
but then we have the attitude "we cannot totally ignore the possibility' why not? be reasonable. suggest plausible. base on fact and what you know. so they say "hitler escaped by plane" is that even plausible? consider the allied air activity with fighter planes all over. an airport would be useless during the seige of berlin and if hitler appeared in berlin in april then air would not be a way out.
chill out! for a channel that claims "aliens visited in the past and abductions today are real" deserves some space to speculate. we can connect the dots hitlers body was not found because aleins abducted him.
what for? to take hitler to the unique justice which humans would not do properly. if "we cannot totaly ignore' possibilities then it is just as possible as "he escaped by air" despite allied warplanes active all over.
also submarine is not plausible because sonar knew what was under the water since 1940 or earlier. the only way out would be alien technology. or...
the russians did get hitler and punished hitler in a way that westerners would cringe at. they claim that russians sent a womans bone to america. does that mean they did not have his body or that they tortured hitler as they felt he deserved for betraying russia after the fake treaty and for the bloody war. they could send a woman bone to tease the americans.
so from the possibilities what is my opinion?
i do not know and do not doubt the version of history. kennedy was killed by oswald who was killed too. that is history. hitler died in the bunker. that is history that could be the documentary but research of other possibilities? that is not history.
if history is wrong then i have only one suggestion for each.
i have blind faith that the killer of kennedy acted alone and received no money. based on what? on the need for secrecy. motive is not important. however after seeing the hatred towards trump that is what oswald or whoever felt
hilary voters do hate trump now. i dubt that the weapon was recovered because a hunting rifle is successful from a distance. maybe not even oswald, because from far the shooter would have escaped.
if history is wrong then i also believe with blind faith that the russians did capture hitler alive and punished him with severe torture which russians felt was justice because they are not lame westerners.i believe that there was no way hitler could get out of the bunker by air because of the numerous alied planes controlling the area- except by alien abduction and that "cannot be totally rejected" either.
for what? they knew humans would not give hitler the punishment he deserved and could have punished the one responsible for the use of atomic bomb too- unless they believed its use was necessary twice until the emperor surrendered.
so hitlers alien abduction for justice cannot be "totally rejected" either.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

tenth graders j=10

after kev's pa warned that he would not be manipulated and said "stop manipulating me or else he would divorce", we continue the drama.
kev asked "does jew religion talk aout divorce? you know like discuss inserting the male finger in the rear exit?-- yes it forbids inserting  the tube in the "manhole" but  divorce is a commandment so everyone must do as many commandments as possible and this is one.-- what if you like her?-- well at first they feel love but love is like milk even in a frij it will not last, and without effort it will rot even sooner. oh, if men do insert, then the faith is that they deserve to die"
at his point kev blurted out in shock and horror " jesus christ " and then continued "that is not justice.-- i agree that cannot be from god. also man's nature is to take a younger woman after years of marriage so it is natural to divorce and marry younger woman." pa said "jesus died so the sinner will not die.--it is not justice because the sinner does not deserve any harsh punishment and certainly not death-- hmm time to stop going to church" replied pa in a frustrated grumble.
kevin announced time for homework. ev and ed came to kev for supervision and i asked pa to assist me with crazy math. pa was surprised that i did not know it. i had passed ninth grade so i explained that in 9 grade we only learned about shapes and geometry and the 2 dimension plane area and infinite plane and a bit of three dimension volume and graphs but we never learned about equations.
pa explained the idea of a graph like a soldier on a battlefield. the enemy is in a certain place relative to the city a certain distance to the side and forward so if the city is 0,0 that means no distance from the point then we can describe the place of the enemy for example 2 kilometer north and zero kilometers to the sides like this and pa pointed to the graph. we can mark the troops movements. similarly when we have equations we can mark the location on a graph.
i was finally understanding this stuff and asked about airplane height. pa explained that the graph has only two directions for two dimensins so in order to mark our reality we need a second graph with time and height so we can mark the height is 45 meters after one minute and diving down to 20 meters at the second minute by using a pair of graphs showing which part of the city it is over, with the north and east graph. then pa wrote 1,45,2,0 and said these are the four dimensions of reality. then i asked what if i add a third pair of coordinates?-- then it would be true in math but not any point in our reality and to claim it described our space would be a lie. -- a lie?-- yes like you could say a point is at 1,2,3,4,5,6 point in the dimensions of time and 5 space but we do not have those. also we can say that after a minute it changed position only in the fifth dimension e=e+2 and say the true equation 1,2,3,4,e,6 and 2,2,3,4,7,6 and this would be true in math but still not be a true point in space and to claim we had four dimensions plus time or more, is a lie because there is no space.-- i agree especially if the three dimensions are infinitely long like a line-- you understand infinte length?-- yes if there is an infinitely long line and i cut it in half then the two halves are the same size as the original-- wow i guess so-- in fact any point even a point two kilometers from the first point chosen is the center because both sides are equally infinite-- i guess so but lets return to the assignment.
when kev finished helping ed and ev we all took a break for absorbant time.
pa left the room and soon returned wearing a large puffy absorbant jock. pa announced, now we all follow my example to keep the sheets dry. kevin said i assure you it is fine just play along. ev and ed removed all their clothes first. then each pulled up an absorbant jock. adolf announced he would pea before bed anyway. now it was kev's turn and kev asked me to help him close the diaper style absorber. he removed all his clothes and raised the back flaps to his lower back and i lifted the front flap up and over his male finger. kev snapped "no! not facing down! dont you know that seed comes out facing up?" well i had known but also i honestly had not considered that. i was surprised that having me look at him did not cause his to extend so i gently raised his male finger into the upward position and then pressed the front of the panel aginst it. then i attached the stickey sides. now it was my turn. i was convinced there were a hundred reasons this was wrong but everybody else including pa was wearing absorbants. so i slipped off the black jocks and feeling everyone stare at me, mine expanded erect again. kevin handed me the absorbant and i held it over my lower back. then kevin pulled the front panel against the erect finger and pressed firmly and i sighed suddenly in pleasure. he quickly fastened the side stickeys and said "only use it for urine okay?" ed announced yea i never need to schit in it for the past four years. kevin corrected him "actually you are clean at night since you are three. "
the younger ones went to bed immediately and were allowed to read in bed until nine pm. after the break kev finished his homework and watched tv while i struggled with the unfamiliar math with pa's guidance. i felt so ignorant and said in the religious school it was the schools decision which subjects we learn. pa did not reply to this justification and continued asking me what was  the next step and guiding me with an example and then watching me do the formula. finally it was time for bed.
pa asked "do you know? a piece was cut off your bean-iss.-- i answered with a distinct feeling of horror "yes i was circumcised," i answered in a shy voice hearing for the first time exactly what circumcision was, without tricky jewish word games. pa continued "if only you knew what precious part you lost, you would not do it to your sons" pa shook his head sadly. for the first time in my life, i felt like i was missing something special. i felt like a winged fairy that had its wings chopped off. if i was informed and asked then i would never consent to take away something precious i would never have agreed, but they did not give me a chance to choose nor say no. they cut off healthy good stuff from  MY body and i had never agreed. i was filled with anger to my tradition and to my cruel parents. soon i had no strength for anger but felt great betrayal.
to distract myself it was time to hear what benefit there was to wear absorbant considering that i had not urinated in sleep for so many years and that would be in the next chapter.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

tenth graders part 9

the drama continues with more sex but no real sex.
continue when i was in bed with kevin, kevin noticed that my male-finger was soft so he asked, why didnt you come?-- what is come?-- it means when the seed comes out-- i dont know, maybe i am not puberty-- we can keep trying." after a few more cycles of hard and soft, kevin said "enough. i am always tired after i come. now i feel like resting-- I enjoyed very much--  no need to thank me because we both enjoyed." i left the bed to go shower. i chose the bathroom at the center of the corridor. partly to allow kevin to remove his condom and mostly to see if ed had truly meant that we should bathe together. the bathroom door was unlocked meaning ed was not bathing. i entered and locked it for my privacy. i pulled off my jocks and saw the condom slid off easily. ed slid open the curtain of the bath and said, i had hoped you would join me. ed continued, please help me soap my back." i felt something was wrong and did not want to work and felt lazy, so i said "i dont want to do that" ed insisted "i will soap your back if you soap mine" that sounded reasonable. so i asked ed "how can you trust me to soap your back after you soap mine?-- you are my friend so i trust you-- fine i agree" i sat down in the warm bubbly water. ed scooped a bucketful of warm soapy water and poured it sloshing down my shoulder.
he wanted to talk about science. he said that in school they had learned that a mother and father, if both have brown eyes, then primitive people WOULD expect all of the children of these male and female parents to have the same color eyes as both parents with no variety and no diversity. this was a science subject which interested him and which i already knew. ed paused and pressed his male-finger to my wet shoulder and then began to repeatedly press and unpress it, in cycles while he continued. when their child is born with different color eyes, for example blue, then they would say that not only is he different, but he is not truly in this family, as evidence by his eye color. in fact, adolf continued, i would suspect mom of getting seed from another male, violating the promise of marriage. mom would deserve punish and also divorce for breaking the promise of marriage, based on evidence that the childs eyes differ. as ed said the next long word, very slowly HOW-E-VER, ed rubbed the male-finger downward so it was tip upward resting on my shoulder. how-e-ver, he said slowly in that motion, however, because we know genetics the child truly is from those parents, because" ed paused his talk and now resumed his pressing cycle of pressing and unpressing, which aroused josh and his male-finger swelled longer and fatter [as i type, i feel as impotent as a soft one after sex] adolf continued "the parents carry genes from their parents so the result is some like grandparents and some like parents-- and also a variety of hair coilors-- true but not skin color-- like rabbits and turtles. pet rabbits will always have rabbit babies and never turtle. similarly parents with white skin will only have children the same type of animal with white skin, because black skin is a different type of animal" josh concluded.
adolf replied "jews are the same type as we are, how-e-ver" and as he said that word however, he rubbed his soft elongated male-finger again, slowly on my shoulder. "HOW-E-VER skin of blacks is not black. the only reason they get mad when they hear us say "blacks" is because their skin is brown-- i agree" by now my male-finger was so long that it poked up with the tip above the warm water surface. now ed filled his hands with liquid soap and began cleaning my shoulders with soap silently and i enjoyed. working slowly across my back and down to the water level. finally he poured the bucket to rinse the soap off my back. adolf asked "again?-- enough, now it is your turn" i stood up and felt shy that he saw my erection. ed sat in the water and in the same order first i poured water on his back then quickly, my bigger hands rubbed the soap on his smaller back and shoulders. after i rinsed, i announced, now we clean the rest ourselves. ed argued no. now we wash each others erections. the suggestion surprised me and i quickly replied "it is a crime for anybody to touch you at your underpants area-- why?-- because it is bad for any of your teachers--[ed interrupted:] gross i do not want THEM touching me-- exactly, that is why it is a bad crime, for a teacher at school or anybody to touch your underpants-place. if they do, then i know that you will say, "stop" and warn them that they will be punished for the bad crime. even when they stop, tell kevin.
ed complained "I asked you, so it is different." josh had always been a sucker=easily convinced by arguments, even where to move his chess peices, and by this had discovered not trust himself when he was convinced by a discussion. I simply said "it is still a crime-- no it is not, because i asked. you are stupid, i hate you, i hate you!" ed climbed out from the bathtub and began drying himself quickly. i felt guilty for making ed angry,  but did not trust my belief that he was correct. i knew most times when people cry or are angry it is not justifiable most of the time.
i must not act. instead i opened the drain of the tub and switched the shower on to continue washing myself.
meanwhile ed unlocked the door and walked out. i did not see that eva now entered. she had been sitting by the door reading and now that ed had left she came in. she pulled the shower curtain and spray suddenly hit her. luckily for her she was wearing her pool-suit. eva announced "cleaning time". i switched off the shower and argued "you should not be here while i shower"-- i already saw you naked, so why cant i wash you-- why would you do that? i did not ask you and you are not my slave-- OB-VEE-ISS-LY, eva countered in a tone of annoyance, "but i want to, because you are my friend-- ed already washed my back, and i already washed my hair-- great, now time for your legs" josh remembered the pleasant touch, from earlier that day, and said "i accept your offer."
ev filled her small hands with liquid soap and started cleaning my left knee all around with soap working her way up thigh and all around. next more soap for the narrow arch between the thigh and the male-bag. that area she soaped thoroughly.
then, very slowly, she carefully grabbed the middle of the male bag with a thumb and finger. with the other hand rubbed soap all around. finally she pushed the male-finger up to clean the male-bag in a downward motion. switching hands she again did the same for the other side of the male-bag.
as expected the contact made the male-finger swell long again. she took the head of the shower, opened the water felt the water and rinsed all around and that felt really good. and it was good.
after rinsing the soap between my legs, she also rinsed the thigh and knee. eva announced, time for the next leg and she repeated the process again and rinsed.
eva announced "now you owe me". josh asked, in a trembly voice, "w-what do y-you mean by that?--now you have to let me feel your family jewels-- i accept your offer, ev" she slowly and carefully grasped the middle of the now clean male-bag and began feeling what was hidden inside. i explained that is like a grape and the purpose of it for making babies. she continued feeling as if i had not spoken. after feeling what was in the male-bag from all sides, without releasing moved her finger to the other side to feel the second family jewel. i was surprised that this contact was not sexually arousing and despite the contact which would be expected to cause "a rise" my agent p was now soft and facing down. josh felt like a very long time passed as she felt trying to know what was hidden inside unseen. finally she was satisfied and announced "two grapes" [now that everyone knows, that inside the male-bag, there are two grapes, i hope there is no need to actually check] then eva looked at agent p and said, your bean-iss looks droopy like a droopy face. it is time to cheer up-- i accept your offer." then ev did something that filled me with dread. she brought her small hands together and cupped the water like a bowl and lifted water which she dump on the tip of agent p. i was in horror that only she knew and not me, that you should not put soap nor rub the tip. all those years i had done it wrong.
now she took liquid soap and began cleaning the male-finger all around and i gasped with pleasure and the male finger swelled longer and fatter [as i type, mine is as soft as after the end of sex] josh involuntarily gasped from peasure. eva cleaned and cleaned with soap along the male-finger and back and along and back repeating many times. soon the soap became sticky so she added water and more soap and josh enjoyed very much. more and more cleaning. the pleasure was so great that i was speechless.
and then-
for the first time in my life, i felt something moving INSIDE the male-finger, slowly rising upward from the base of "my agent p" at the joint of the stomach, and slowly rising up. eva continued to rub soap along, forward and back but then suddenly she stopped, and hugged josh tightly. her arms wrapped around his back and his male-finger now was squeezed between his own stomach and the pool-suit over the bone in the center of her chest.she hugged tightly and much pleasure from the squeeze. so great a pleasure that i was simply frozen. an unknown amount of time passed before josh realized that he should hug her. finally he put his hands on her small shoulders. the hug continued for a long time until agent p began to rest. getting softer eva felt the difference and stepped back. she grabbed more soap and started rubbing again and soon agent p was back "up". the rubbing made the liquid rise again in the inside. i thought that i should warn her that male-milk was going to come out so she should move and not get squirted. josh barely whispered "please stand on the side" and she did but continued cleaning with soap along the male-finger called agent p, and around and suddenly for the first time in his life what had not happened with kevin was happening now. a natural job that the male body does, sometimes while sleeping which is fine or when planned rubbing which depending on the situation is usually also good and valid, now finally occurred and white-male-milk jumped out from the tip. eva released and the pumping continued as the white fluid, naturally produced by males, and different from waste urine, dripped out and some jumped out. josh grabbed the man-finger to finish squeezing out the male-milk and the short spurts of white man-milk jumped out a few more times and then agent p rested.
as soon as the pattern of white squirts ended eva said slowly "i am certain that i enjoyed this even more than you did" josh considered that his first orgasm was not hugging kevin but with a girl, which proved he certainly was not gay, despite enjoying hugs with kevin. briefly he considered relations with mary, but decided it is better to wait to meet a lady who he would be attracted to. several seconds passed in silence and then she asked "are you done"--yes.
eva bent down and i grabbed her warning "do not touch that-- why-- i dont know-- it is not dirty i just want to feel-- i am scared you will get pregnant-- get what?-- that is the baby seed, it becomes a baby so um only when you want a family, um ask your mother um i dont know how to explain-- dont be silly that alone cannot become a baby without the egg of a woman.
josh comprehended for the first time that spilling seed was not killing a human life because the seed alone is not enough to become a person. the rabbis had lied when they taught "it was a sin like killing a human life, to squeeze seed out." actualy male-milk alone is not even the potential of a baby and most religious sins are so harmless that it is proper to ignore. in fact some religious sins will cause problems to the so-called-righteous who are trying to obey the religions. luckily he was free from religion.
josh quickly aimed the shower at the white-male-milk, some together in a thick pasty puddle that appeared the size of his own palm and raised above the floor in thickness in addition to more pasty fluffs further away from him which were from the spurts. now i cleaned the bottom of the bathtub. then i rinsed the soap off of agent p, meanwhile i said "thank you ev, i really enjoyed all that-- no need to thank me, because we both enjoyed and i am certain that i enjoyed even more than you did.
eva brought two towels and we dried off. i picked up my jocks, to put them on and eva criticised, "jesus christ, now that you are clean, you should wear fresh clothes, not used jocks-- i did not bring-- i will bring" eva left and soon knocked on the door. i opened it wrapped in a towel and she said, my parents are home. these are washed" she handed me size 36 black underpants with no opening for urination. josh knew he would need to ask kevin how to use it but quickly pulled it on and then walked wrapped in a towel to dress in his black shirt with a soft collar and finally the shorts. i slid my feet into the sandals. i walked down the spiral stairway to meet the parents. both parents were blond hair and blue eyes and for the first time noticed so were all the kids.
they all sat down together except for dad who opened the "slow-cooker" and scooped out some soup into 2 bowls. one bowl first to mom. second to eva and dad said because you are the youngest. eva said, give josh first. dad explained he is bigger so i will fill his bowl more. "i also want alot" chimed both eva and adolf together. dad explained when you finish you can have more. dad filled two more bowls and served them himself, to me and kevin. i saw it was small cubes dice sized beef with small cubes of potato and sliced carrot-coins in beefy-sauce. mom was not yet eating but kevin dug his spoon in and started so i asked "why are you waiting?' mom answered it is too hot for me.
next, adolf got his portion and whined, "why am i last?" dad answered, "I am last" and put his own bowl last. i was too busy chewing to talk and felt very happy that they all ate in silence. Josh thought that everybody should eat without talking, because the mouth is busy. so we ate in silence. ed finished first and said "i am full" mom said, you did not yet finish your portion. dad spoke up "it is important to notice the sensation of fullness"-- ma: you should support what I say, at least in front of the kids-- pa: not when you are wrong, we are a team which is not led by you--  ma: adolf, listen to your mother and keep eating-- dad: are you supporting what i said?-- ma: stop arguing with me. dad stood and walked to adolf and said to him, adolf you do not need to finish. so ed jumped up and ran up the spiral stairs to the kids room. ma: because of you it is wasting food-- you can eat it-- no i will not eat it. because of you we will be throwing away good food. pa ignored her and put the bowl in the frij. mom stood up and took the bowl from the frij and walked toward the garbage can. josh exploded "i thought you are against wasting food"-- it is his fault--  you are the one wasting it. ma: Moses, why arent you stoppping him from arguing with me-- because he is right. now save your sons food.
eva announced "I am full" and carried her bowl to the counter. she pulled clear plastic from a paper box and covered the bowl. then she took a red mark-pen and drew an e. pa said "elisheba, please give the bowl to eva" ma glared at me and put the bowl on the far counter before storming out of the kitchen towards the front door. kevin whispered "what a bitch" and i replied "i think she has pea-em-ess" and kevin laughed out loud.
pa stood up and walked to the far countertop where the bowel was. ev put her bowl in the frij. meanwhile ed returned with a set of cards and asked if i would play with him. i said after i eat we can play. i felt happy that his anger to me passed and was willing to play. pa brought the bowl to the countertop near the frij and took ma's bowel and covered it with plastic saying "less bowls to wash!" he wrote a red m and put the two bowls in the frij. eva went to read her book and i asked for more. pa took my bowl and went to fill it when ma returned and shrieked "you saw me walk away and didnot follow me to apologize! you have no respect for me nor the marriage counselor who told you that you need to apologize" moses listened until she finished this accusation and said. stop trying to manipulate me i do not love you anymore, and unless you change your attitude we will divorce. ma: you cannot divorce jesus said you cannot divorce.-- any religion with such a general idea is not worth obeying.-- how dare you spit on jesus and the word of god-- obviously it depends in some situations jesus is correct and in others it does not apply.-- that is not what the priest said-- then i guess it is time to stop going to church.
to be continued...