Thursday, August 24, 2023

whites game


four red or white circles checkers pieces on the white squares in  third row of chess or checker board faced four black circles on the white squares in  its 3rd row.

black first so i hold one of each color in my hand behind my back maybe switch hands or not. then show closed fists. opponent chooses hand so show which piece on that hand to set the teams control.

dark starts by moving, a dark piece checker game style, always on white to white diagonal . when move, ,  start the timer countdown ten minutes. players alternate moving the pieces that they control until back row become kings.

in contrast to checkers, this not obligated to jump if can jump, still either jump over a black piece to capture or advance towards back row.

at the end of ten minutes,  count pieces to if tie or one  has more to win. 

a king can get captured by any piece not only by king.

despite errors black captured all red in 7 minutes. now you try.

Friday, August 11, 2023



we have globes but easier to draw and store a flat map. each map has a scale because some maps are for larger areas.
the arctic is a good name for its region due to the stars resembling a bear in that direction and we call the arctic direction north. its opposite is antarctic that we call south.
to map the surface of a sphere the fat part is wider in center than the top of sphere. tradition was to make a rectangle despite the ruining of accuracy and the prevention of the scale mentioned.
objectively better to make a diamond shape with curved sides for scale and accurate length. i saw on internet a guy trying to make "strips" of map closer to accurate length. good try!
our planet has land and sea. one sea surrounded all the lands and most of area is sea.
planet area see below: 317 m.s.m. ( 510 m.s.k.)
land total 93.5 m.s.m. ( 150.4) including oceania so sea 223.5 msm, (360 msk).
parts of sea were named to identify which side of land despite connected. west from Africa , the nile continent, called sea Atlantic the amazon ocean,   but sea east is called india but better no nation names so name by major river indus.
on a map we see vast land some connected by narrow necks. objectively one large island with amazon river and another with indus river besides isles like greenland considered same continent as nearby giant and equaly australia and its neighbors.
another option is to separate necks like north and south america both america due to connected as above. equally the neck narrow bridge africa from ural continent total 4. schools teach more due to tradition from biased europeans. objectively Australia is far less area than south america so simply a larger isle but brit bragging say we control many continents... america, australia and india subcontinent. this is not objectively true. australia is not even near the area of south america. just a larger isle relative to isles.
also the names honored people for example america for amerigo. but objectively better to use a physical major feature, example ural continent and nile continent,   amazon continent, missi' continent. it would identify the place and pair the major feature with its location.
AREA i saw many books and websites all disagree numbers but the one i believe is: area of earth: 510 million kilometers squarred=m.k.s.
length around equator 40,000 kilometers.
the surface area is land and sea as above. 360+150.4=510 m.s.k.
ural continent 55, nile 30,n.a. 25, s.a. 18, isles 8.5, ant. 14 total 150.5 m.s.k.
imagine a sea between two countries between korea and japan... japanese can call it west sea but korea can call it east sea. in the past japan ruled both sides but that can change and did so seas should not be named for any country and the subdivisions are each so huge they barely help identify the location anyway.
if sea is called south china sea can only chinese do fishing there? maybe near its coast but the name is not accurate. so better no country names for sea nor gulf etc.
until now i strained to be objective but on a personal note, the inclusion of the age of the sun in a map atlas , was totally wrong topic and inappropriate but did serve the purpose of me seeing it before preschool when i learnt "the sun was 3 days younger than earth". then i can choose which one to believe.... for a four year old that can be frustrating... but the truth is probably both wrong because between the two versions?

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

warming but not global

 when we look at the daily fluctuating temperature, we see the days are consistently hotter than night and equally nights are consistently cooler than day. simply d>n therefore n<d.

we can predict that the sun adds heat... duh. obviously... until we realize that would refute global warming claims. then the cult mentality takes over with name calling and can't "oppose science".

it seems, the atheists need some blind faith and having rejected god still have the need therefore in global warming... just kidding to lighten up the DRY statistics.

when the historical average for nights was 79 d.f. but now 71.6 gasp how???

when the historical average for nights was 79 d.f. but now 71.6 gasp how???

if we imagine two people with bias and know the fact... the fact is the nights are less warm than the historical average then we can predict the bias. bias: the one wanting to prove global warming says, "look at the days SO HOT." to show heat. and we expect the opposition to look at the night "less hot" to oppose but objectively we can measure as above the sun adds heat "obviously" so the "cause is the direct rays of sun." period. that is the CAUSE for heat.

especially the fuss about GREENHOUSE gas that can only be measured without the cause of the sun to CHECK if trap heat or not, so the "concerned" scientist who should focus on facts not emotions, who publish videos the ice melting in Antarctica in November ... you think you feel cold? even when you are cold ice melts! see? global warming... but there not winter duh.

instead should test IF the gas traps heat or not.

if the "lows" are warmer that would be a test... at night is the heat trapped? more than past? and is that occurrence phenomenon global? that would test but instead of observation, kuz science is observation, the concerned scientists exited its own limits to make predictions in ten years... they saw in "the computer model" they observed it... after they programmed the computer haha.

one website i tested made predictions for hot days and consistently the actual temperature each days high [even highest] was less warm, even during day, under sun, than their prediction so the prediction is just for sensation not science.

when they make predictions, opposing global warming predictions is not opposing real science. similarly how animals evolved in the past is not observation therefore not true science and never observed any ape birth a human. claims without observation is not even science. real science is now improve the jet engine but not past history nor future predictions.

but instead they talk about "calving" glaciers that means solid ice it does not mean melt but birth solid which is CAUSED by added snow so much added the weight pressures the ice out despite ice solid that must be lots of snow the opposite of melting because calving is solid.

they know their followers are scared to "oppose science" and RELY on that to say all 3, calving and antarctica in November and measure during the time of sun rays. only i dare to point these out because i can't have my professor job cancelled by cancel culture.

so i measure the lows, why? due to bias? no but due to testing the GAS... when the heat DOES escape AS USUAL DAILY in the evening how much heat is trapped.

if EVEN ONE city is less warm, then the warming is "not global" refuting the "global" part, so no need to prove every city unless claiming "global cooling" but opposing them is not claiming global just opposing global warming so easier, their claim global would need to test every city and therefore is easy to refute because even one exception is not only not "global" but also shows the amount of heat is not trapped despite greenhouse gas.

the fact is in one place the lows at night are LESS WARM than the historical average. gasp

so what? just one place? burden me to check more? no need because they claim global... remember? the warming is not really global.

nor is the gas trapping the day heat... less trapping heat than the historical average and much MORE of the heat, than past, escaped as we see the difference by 9 degrees Fahrenheit less warm so more heat is escaping... not just a bit more escape, but lots more nine D.F. now despite all the added co2 from trucks since last year... it does trap heat but LESS than previous years and less warm than historical average and by a large amount too because August is usually hotter in north hemisphere and despite August and despite added co2 from trucks millions of trucks day after day month after month hundreds of days since last year added, and less trees to convert it to oxygen, due to harvesting lumber and fires huge fires destroying innumerable trees... still the heat is less trapped and not by a bit warmer or even a bit less warm which would be stable but by NINE degrees fahrenheit that is much more heat escaping than the past.

now reply but only in the topic but no name calling.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

gun ban

 people in u.s. who read news, and the news company too, seem to think that if #murders happen "with a #gun" the attacker wouldn't use a knife. despite "truth most murders are with guns"... as if the same guy who chose to kill, would not use a steak knife, if he couldn't get a pistol.

murder homicide increase:

The reports of Murder bother to mention if used a Gun, not only for truth, the event, but also the statistics "75% were pistols" to fool people: if no gun no murder for the anti-constitution agenda... coincidentally in the state that LIMITS guns... murder increased and by gun despite laws... surprised?? why do you assume "criminals" obey laws??!

trail blazing trend setting limitations and their consequences

the stat comparison is to preceding year, but see below.

despite the laws, still the total murders and rate increased... and by gun:

mentioned for the anti-constitution agenda but as above not solution

what is the consequence? less murder? more crime.

Similarly, Suicides in u.s. are often by gun... so if zero guns zero suicides? suicides a justification to ban guns? the person wanted to hurt themselves or their enemy if not gun, then plenty of other options.

in India the most common suicides they find he swallowed chemical fertilizer to poison. seems much more agony than a quick bullet an Additional obstacle but many chose suicides even without pistols. "no guns" did not prevent suicide it increased suffering because the CAUSE was the decision to suicide, similarly the decision to kill, not "the gun commanded use me."

if someone chose to murder with a gun, but can't find which locker it is in, he still wants to and can use a knife but he has a gun.

while studying about crime in California, the place where gun laws... i contrasted categories with china and noticed an amazing difference in presentation of crime stats.

in u.s. we read rates, that contrast crime totals to previous year. more murders is higher rate, for example in 2021: "last year less homocides but this year despite stricter gun laws in California more, 2,361 homicides," in 2021.

however china has clever ways to camouflage the totals using a different rate...

by divided by population per capita... in the most populous country... that seems small.

only 0.000053 of population got murdered. seems tiny crime... absurd?? i am not joking that is the published method and amount. divide by the numerous population... and growing each year china added 7 or 8 million people each of these years, to population. meaning born more than deaths.

some murders are excluded, in picture, those included: 5 murders in million, in populous China.

Similarly china hid the "total violent crimes" by saying only 3.9%... of what? of all total prosecutions. if they had many insult government crimes, then homicides are a smaller percent.

clever! they gave an amount, successfully made it seem small and successfully hid total while publishing an amount.

Thursday, August 3, 2023

preserved history israel

 introduction: at a time when the arabs are learning the propaganda tricks, to sway the public who did not yet study master degree in history, it is time to remember the non-arab side of the story that arabs will not tell you.

firstly, we did not see ourselves what happened BEFORE arabs somehow arrived in syria and jordan those who now claim give us our "palestine  home" back... which they did not try to get back,  at the ceasefire in july 1949 when calm returned and no excuse "we fled danger".
we need history books and since anybody can edit wikipedia, plus the winner of edit wars is whatever private company agenda, instead of researchers in peer reviewed journals, and we cant assume with any certainty that the decision in ANY edit war, is any expert, only hope, just whatever company agenda probably to get donations... therefore whatever angle will please whatever "more populous" such as arab countries...
we need the PAPER history which cannot be edited weekly, LIKE DIGITAL, based on the shifting swing in weekly agendas and DAILY word "games" to sway people.
a, this story started as a researcher named morris published "Arab commanders ordered villagers to evacuate" and several times the Arab league announced the same as a general instruction. they did not say "hide in a basement" nor leave temporarily and come back simply evacuate.
if we know this, we will not believe the propaganda "never" such calls to evacuate and "even zionists do not say that anymore." well that is because it was published by morris as above. no need to repeat until now.
similarly in 1972 al azm prime minister of syria confessed in his memoirs, "we made them leave by inviting them and pressuring them to leave" he then confessed how his government, syria "lowered their social level" and made them suffer for "political purposes" so they would beg to return to israel.
Surprisingly the u.n. has TWO refugee organization one for refugees and the other for... those born in safety so not truly refugees so need a separate group to have different policy because involves jew in israel therefore needed different than the usual refugee policies.... if not for jew hate, they could be in unhcr... but they would not fit the rules as i will explain.
one u.n. organization is for refugees the real ones, "UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency. UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is a global organization dedicated to saving lives and protecting the rights of refugees" this is for "refugees" and also another "unrwa=United Nations Relief and Works Agency... "for Palestine Refugees" (UNRWA). specific for the ones related to jews, separate because this one involves jews and we easily understand the reason that jews need "different policy" for refugees that relate to jews.
the point here is not to say "bad u.n." just to show the two separate organizations in the context of the arab leaders commanders and organized arab league calling the arabs to evacuate. that was before they arrived in syria and jordan, and the cause, because they left obeying the leaders... in contrast to the lie "jews chased them out at gunpoint".
people who did not see... would only believe the expel story, if they felt a prejudice to hate and blame jews. even before reading the study by morris, which i know because i did study a master in history very wide topic including this one.
anyway, why believe that arab serving version? they have reason to lie. and the truth is in the paper books.
b, how many? the u.n. mediator recorded the high number of 472,000 arab refugees, nearly half million but the propaganda exaggerate even more than the official report. the israeli record bent too... less? actualy estimating more than the objective mediator who was probably more precise. jews knew they would get nitpicked so swelled the number to avoid accusation.
nowadays people try to say double but we have records such as the u.n. mediator who was objective third party.
i add those myriads did not demand to return when the ceasefire in 1949, summer, they had "moved" and moved on.
c, who were the "refugees" in the story? paper history books call the jews refugee why?  the jews fled deadly pogroms in russia and poland so they were refugees and the "peel report" preserved that too. in contrast to those born without any danger of pogrom and those who did not try to reclaim when the "war zone stopped being a war zone" at the cease fire as above.
al nadi is famous so i will not detail their atrocity look for yourself.
british eyewitnesss preserved the horrors done in action, arab rioters some police doing some "extra-judicial" executions with swords including one shocking story of a "jewish child" beheaded by sword, preserved among other atrocities, that we won't hear about just hear the fuss about the human shields, killed... not the arab violence.
we dont hear complaints nor fuss about the arab riots attacks on jews and jewish shops. murdering unarmed jews in hebron as the brit police chief recorded with more details than i can handle for the gruesomeness if you want details study history.
the savagery is unspeakable. the arabs were never willing "to share" land nor even let jews live.
leaflets in 1929 incited arabs to attack jews not caused by the establishment of a jewish state but as the rioters shouted their reason as eyewitness preserved  "muhameds religion was born by the sword" that was the cause and the reason not hidden.
d, furthermore, until 1947, the "neighbors" had existing borders egypt to the west of the british colony called palestine not due to a palestine government just the name of the region that the brits governed.
and jordan with its border to the east of the jordan river.
in the 1947 war... jordan LEFT its border and invaded the new israel... taking the west bank as jordanian. the west bank was never governed by any palestinian government until then. it had been under ottoman turks who are not arab until lost to brits. under brits and now jordan grabbed land for jordan. the west bank was jordan in 1948.
e, i add some more details about the balfour recognition.
it was not merely an opinion but a recognition that was included in international treaties and the LEAGUE OF NATIONS MADE IT LEGAL
despite a colonial style, from far, it did not ignore the local presence who could be in a parliament if not for the evacuation orders that i started this story.
the beneficiary the jew despite being in europe was the group with a historical claim and a connection always mentioning jerusalem in prayers all the centuries , when travel was very difficult until ... the 1800s trains railways and steam ships.
when they could return home they jews did.
true it did not belong to britain before brits conquered at the time of the declaration but that is not the authority. just the recognition of a defacto governance of building infrastructure and management under ottoman in small cities and many towns.
EQUALLY to brits in 1917, THERE HAD "NEVER BEEN A PALESTINIAN STATE NOR GOVERNMENT" in that place because the name was the name of the place not of any government.
 when brits expelled ottoman, they could make a new arab state including the jew parts and equally a jew state including the parts with arabs but they preferd partition. same as the legal premise of India that i mentioned recently.

churchill and u.s. congress recognized the jew right to retrun to their ancient historical homeland.
e, last, the stretched term "genocide" truly meaning "kill a race" like by the train load but that cannot accurately be applied to israel that does not send people "hunting masses of arabs" and the opposite of targeting civilians , israel army has been as careful as possible protecting enemy civilians.
such deaths were not "acts of hate" targeting civilians as shown in action by considering the safety of enemy civilians in contrast to the arab method as we have not forgotten p.l.o. hijacked planes and even now arabs are  targeting civilians with knives and stabbing etc. in addition to deadly rocket attempted murder.
israel should not need such a missile defense umbrella but since gaza caused that expense then gaza must stop attempting murder using deadly rockets etc. and also pay for the expense they caused. nuf for now.

u.s. government spending and debt

 more biden harm

the biden dnc administration, with its increased debt burden  and increasing, is continuing its "dnc legacy", same as "flawless protected minority" obama dnc, of outrageous spending to the point of , yet again, ruining u.s credit rating and credit worthiness.

pic 2011

we  are all familiar with family credit scores, rating if worthy of loan and debt. obama dnc,  managed to spend enough trillions...   to swell the debt from around 13t to around 19t gasp adding almost 50% like 150% gasp.  i was so horrified i screenshotted but too long ago to search for the pic.
back then, in 2011 s&p, aptly named p for poor, downgraded u.s credit during obama term due to the worse than awful financial policies by obama, spending and reckless debt increase.
luckily trump independent and eventually rnc too, understood business and finances so the growth of the debt slowed, despite the expense of "build the wall". trump success even  affected the income part of the ratio, due to the unpopular tarrifs that were similar to e u. tarrifs.

now biden is ignoring the rnc warnings about overspending for Ukraine,  and other wrong priorities and harmful policies not only the loss of money that could go to education and critical military spending to stay pace with china, but to the point of a second of major raters, this time Fitch, downgraded credit score means downgraded u.s. credit rating of worthiness
pic 2 tu

as i will select some quotes.
a, government wealth in u.s. has been negative for decades. that means less than even 1$ and even less than zero $0 no dollars, due to VAST debts and liabilities.
pic blu

b fitch compared to other countries, noting the biden-d administration "high and growing general government debt burden,".
pic f a
c, despite u.s. amazing industrial might, "people power" and u.s. huge gdp from which, taxes to government, unimaginably much,  still the ability to "sustain spending" and take on debt is trembling shuddering which shows the degree of the biden recklessness. i mean consider not only is u.s. wealth nearly double even china's industry might, not just top of the world, but over 10 times !! each france, italy and nearly 10×u.k. and taxing THAT income still biden-d managed to chop at the supports of even THAT. his advisors cant be THAT stupid it MUST be for ____ fill in the blank with your speculation i only draw the picture of ugly fact.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

why the bleep did u.s. agree to soviet about israel

answer: de facto means adverb, "​in a way that exists as a fact" due to this being a LEGAL terminology and an existing reality , many Countries in U.N. recognized, Israel in 1948. the defacto, that in latin the word facto seems to mean: formal homeland.

I used to think simply "in 1917 brits expelled the turks and as conquerers made the Balfour declaration" but that is the wrong order, despite both same year, because the declaration was before the brits owned it. the reality is a bit more complex.

since the end of the 1800s Jews moved, from European countries to the "part of Ottoman empire by jordan river" buying land with approval of the ottoman empire. call them few? or many? that is subjective but the FACT is "even before the balfour declaration in 1917 a DE FACTO #Jewish "national home" existed. over 80,000 people Dwelled with approval of the ottoman empire. they established new towns, dozens! that they managed. this was UNDER OTTOMAN and with the legal game rules not simply "British colony" as i thought and the accusers complain: bad colonialism... "against the will of the native locals" they claim. the balfour was a RECOGNITION of the defacto return to the ancient home land and actual management and administration under ottoman, until ottoman turks lost.

the u.n. offered a LEGAL solution, same as EXISTING premise, to divide the unruled land to two parts same as they had done for india and Pakistan and Bengal in 1947, that nobody complained because that does not serve the anti jew agenda, and legally valid, equally same as in india, by jordan river, an eastern #arab part... far more than a fair half but just a bit to the jews. the only loud fuss is a poorly camouflaged hate jew agenda using indirect words.

so the accusations that "israel relied on a bad balfour colonialist" ignored the legal reality called de facto, even before brits conquered it and balfour wwas actually RECOGNITION of an existing reality which even russia (then called soviet) AGREED with strong u.s. was real. this was probablythe only thing those two soviet and u.s. ever agreed on! due to the defacto reality as above.