i recently saw a "question" as common here and on quora attaching "why" to an accusationary opinion, to use "association method" for a political rival, while pretending it is a question.... but here they had the option to publish in  blog, so no need for the pretending.

the proud d.n.c. legacy? never replaced?

topic, emphasize authentic racism. and reasons i hope biden will not try again as incumbent candidate for President. from 50 d.n.c. Senators and many dnc governors,  they can't find even one worthy to support?

are all those, recognized by even their own team, as "so awfully unbearable" they need biden with his ugly past... why can't he "retire in style" like Former president o'bama and the ending of the old board game called "life"? buy a nice beach front mansion to watch the evening sunset over the pacific, as long as he can, before sea rises to flood the coast?

several issues are relevant here.

1, asociation, 2, ugliness, 3 integrity 4, reputation.

the issue of association is used in ads for example famous actors, who are beloved, including decaprio and gomez seem to take sides on issues to attract public support, i see them as actors who can pretend any character whether they agree or not? but people associate their love for the actors with the topic. some even skip the actor part and think if he agrees it must be important but... they are actors !! is decaprio a graduate of "oxfford school of climate science" he is an actor and can be a character on either side (even better than farkel in the debate episode in series girl meets world.) the public associated whichever side, with him, a beloved actor and hopefully not, but possibly, with his characters....howard hughes the genius, and x-men leader etc.

similarly we have seen the harms of fascist regimes. the problem is that fascism has several elements and some are harmfull while others are harmless such as tradition. a traditional idea alone is harmless without the bad parts of fascism. the problem is again by association , anybody with any elements, even the good parts of fascism, can be called fascist without lying... and painted ugly like authentic fascist but only the bad parts warrant opposition and protest. not all elements, nor all combinations, nor anyone who they can "pin a fascist detail on" , and say it is true, warrants opposition. Still not worthy to oppose at all, and not by the ugly antifa methods.

this method has been used various ways in comedy and public dialog. put a name of r.n.c. politicians on the evil star wars sinister empire warship. to associate the political rival with evil if a =b , b=a? tell a story of a serial killer but put a pro bush rnc sign... this comedy is used to associate political enemies with evil. it is excused by comedy but used in this way.many of the questions here which could be .... use the same method, some more lengthily "not all trump supporters are bad but all bad support trump" as if that described trump? the trick is association and it is used because it works, especially in a plausible way i am not accusing everyone.

in the instance i refer to i got "triggered" by the implication. the question claimed somewhat like all "evil wizards studied in slytherin " house in hogwarts, in harry potter world, "all racists support trump", not accusing all trump followers so your guard is down , but the implication: none remain on the dnc side??? what about biden himself and stennis in above picture. wasn't stennis dnc?


now ask yourself HOW this guy was not rejected by d.n.c. management from a second term attempt? as above he struggled for separation segregation and against equality for decades... he and d.n.c. had no qualms about being racist until today they call everyone else racist, " he bad racist, just dont remember our history."

but maybe that is all past? stennis is dead? but the idea continued, due to d.n.c. showing its policy, and later when then presidential primary candidate harris, correctly criticised biden for his own actions in addition to association carefully worded.... see picture.

bus and school policy too

she correctly emphasized his flaw not only association with the stain of dnc party both politicians and leadership. biden was given opportunity to deny and did deny part.

the ugliness grows as we see more details. in the phase called primary, the dnc voters showed their shocking ugliness... all their complaints about mysoginism were empty words as no female candidate got more than ten percent support gasp, if we naively believed their words then voters male like female would prefer a female, and especially the worthy harris who protested segregation guy. we know not to be that naive but if we had doubts it already happened dnc voters did not support the female candidates, almost no support, not even the good guy anti racist kamala!! instead who they preferred the one who DID the segrgation actions regarding bus and school. that is extremely ugly in several ways.

if we analyze further, the segregationist biden, not only by association but his own actions, as above, and not among the "all racists support trump" gang but opposed trump, he got the support... and then took the one who the voters rejected as running mate for v.p. that is ugly because they rejected her but he stabbed his support in the back taking their reject.

and harris herself, no problem getting power by teaming up joining the same bad guy she targeted the segregation guy, who she oppposed, if that is integrity what is moral high ground? supporting dnc would trample the ethics of integrity. it would praise the ugliness. look at the REPUTATION of dnc and biden and harris each... if i had any doubt these reputations would chase me away, if i wanted dnc to win, i would make a plan, SWAP out the ones with bad and ugly reputations but no alternative not even one of 50 dnc senators nor from yhe many dnc governors is worthy of support, all they can do is keep the bad reputation guy in position and hope they can distracted the public by making rnc look bad even by those association methods that i described. an objective strategy is find someone good and say why he is good and better but dnc is too ugly sleazy and pathetic to bother.