Saturday, May 27, 2017

A Clockwork Orange (1971)

alternate ending to A Clockwork Orange (1971)
the video ends with the "wonders of love"
placing this at the end defines it as a happy ending. however the question remains if choosing violence is a happy ending?
the video contains the fact that the description of the picture he wants violence so I think the ending should be:
alex jumps from the window crashing his legs. frank first toasts his raped wife  and after a drink calls the doctor. frank accuses the government that the suicide was the fault of the treatment. the minister of interior said "this is unrelated".
alex tells his probation officer deltoid, that two cops are criminals in his gang. the screen fades and we see "six months later" the two cops who beat him are patrolling together and alex watches as they pass.
from behind he jumps on one, stabbing a knife into the neck of one and as the other turns to fight he stabs in the stomach. both lay helpless on the ground alex uses the cops truncheon bat to beat them as he chants i am healed i am healed.
this  leaving the audience in doubt!

tenth graders part 3

[the fun days of recuperating will be told later, skip to get to the school story now]
Josh was beginning his new life. he was done with his old life. now for the first time in his life, he went to public school. he wore his newly bought clothes and ignored the loud rowdy students around him.
josh sat impatiently through the math class, feeling despair that he could not comprehend the math Miss O'Conner taught. he stared dazed at those crazy shaped notations which he had never seen in his life. he also was impatient for recess, hoping to talk to a girl for the first time in his life of course, not counting mother.
as soon as the bell rang josh hurried to the nearest student with long hair and said "Hi my name is josh." the girl sneered snobbishly. josh needed to talk to a girl! "I really had difficulty with the math class" the girls eyebrows jumped in surprise. josh continued desperately, I hope you can assist me with the work during breaks or something.
the girl shut her eyes and asked what color are my eyes? josh stammered uh I am sorry id din not pay attention. the crowd watching began to laugh at his embarrassment and another girl took the first one by the arm to lead her out of the disaster zone. "My name is Stacy meet me at lunch" she called over her shoulder.
josh stood there stunned. two big guys came really close and said "you think you can just take our girls" one shoved josh in the shoulder. josh dropped his books and the crowd laughed. "I am a homosexual" blurted out josh in desperation "gross" shouted the two jocks. Josh reached toward a hand of one of them and he leaped away. josh continued reaching toward each person and they soon got bored and left the room. finally josh bent over and gathered his books.
another boy with short black curly hair approached his skin was the same color as his dark brown eyes. "You are tough" the boy said and explained that he would never tell those strong bullies he was a homo. if they knew they would keep away and no friends.
josh knew better than to say that he found the sight of the brown skin revolting and instead asked "my name is josh wjat is your name?" "Bert" responded the new friend. josh asked bert to tell him what led him to his first gay experience. bert told his story that ever since fifth grade while others were all interested in girls he just was not interested. soon other students were laughing at him and calling him a virgin and ridiculing him as if that was a bad thing. however he would not try to meet a girl who he was not attracted to. finally one day in the sevnth grade he saw a boy that he wanted to be near. that boy was kevin and we started hanging out after school. at first he was very shy about his attraction but one day he had laid his arm on kevin's shoulder. kevin looked nervous but had put his hand on bert's knee. bert had slid kevins hand along his thigh. bert paused in the story but was encouraged by josh's smile continued that kevin had asked if he wanted a hug we then stood and pressed against each other you know. "cool" responded josh, "is kevin in this school now?" yeah we can go and meet him. in those days students didnot have mobile phones yet. josh and bert went to kevins class room. kevin was sitting alone in the empty classroom writing. kevin had light brown hair cut veryu short except for those bangs hanging down his forehead similar to josh's haircut except that josh had dark brown hair. josh took notice of the eyecolor this time. kevins blue eyes were surrounded by the usual white of the eye and the pinkish white skin of the majority race in the US. josh imagined this bi-racial couple and considered that he had only seen parents of the same color together but love "knows" no such distinctions. josh asked why kevin was in the room instead of playing? kevin smiled and said with confidence I am a homosexual. bert shook his head and whispered "I dont know how you crackers are so open." to be continued.

refute christianity and judaism? easy!

1 the refutation of western religions, such as christian and jewish, is as easy as predicting "there will be a woman president for US."
to demonstrate: in the year we call 2007, mrs. clinton competed with a man in the primaries of the democratic party group. a man announced "the US will have its first woman president". this prediction seemed to be easily tested, simply check the results of the primary election. when mrs. clinton lost the primary elections and obama won the primary [to face the republican representative] we would criticize that man as a false prophet. he would stubbornly respond "i never said when" so there is no way to test. when there is no way to test it becomes easier to lie and tempting to lie.
similarly in the christian new testament:
jesus did not say "include revelation to john" as a holy book. this is not in any gospel instead some humans decided that revelation was a book worth preserving. now if we NOTICE that the book revelation has the word "soon" in it, we see the error of those deciders. they knew by year 300 AD that "soon was a lie". was truth important?
if truth was important they would remove the revelation. yet they decided to teach that it was a holy book despite this lie and "soon" had long passed. we know by noting the "when" of the prophecy that the book lied and that the deciders included a lie and cannot be trusted to choose which books to reject [which they should have preserved but did not and now lost good books] and also cannot be trusted to include good books. at the time they knew revelation was a lie. we cannot trust those deciders about any book. [books may have been disputed yet these deciders who cannot be trusted included revelation and now we lack the evidence to show the other books are bad but we do know that the deciders cannot be trusted.
2 similarly in the jewish religion of the old testament. when we look at the prophet isaia, did the prophecy say when? some say "days are coming" if he was a true prophet, speaking 700 years before jesus and saying "days are coming" that is like soon, then by 600 years before jesus they were fulfilled already or possibly not fulfilled and known that isaiah was a false prophet yet the deciders included isaia revealing the poor judgement of the deciders.
worse still, we look at prophecies which do not define any time, are as much "prophetic" as the guy who said the woman president. missionaries quote "the virgin will have a child" a message in the jewish book,  but when? isaia never said. it may have been fulfilled 600 years before jesus because he never said when, or isaia possibly lied because nobody would catch him in those primitive days.
3 we look at the book of isaia first prophecy "your land is desolate" did he say "will be desolate"-? no. and he did not say when. this reveals several challenges. if the book is true=he prophesied in the time of certain kings, when jerusalem was not desolate yet, then each detail is a lie and the book is impure and contains lies. again we notice the bad judgement of the deciders, despite this the deciders included this impure book despite the fact that it contained lies and ambiguous claims, these examples reveal not only that isaia is a bad book of lies and not holy but more extensively: "the deciders cannot be trusted" to choose the good books whether to include good books the deciders cannot be trusted in their decision what to include, possibly erring to reject a good book which should have been preserved and was not preserved,  nor trusted to include good books. it is possible the same as isaiah, other impure books which also contained lies which at that time they knew were false, they included the same as the decision to include impure isaia.
4 if jeremia is a true prophet, as religious jews and christians agree, then jeremia brought a message from god to correct and fix an error regarding sacrifice. god of israel announced "eat your sacrifices because i did not command sacrifices" this would correct the belief in the book leviticus and exodus, which claimed the lie "god commanded sacrifice" by warning that is not true, books which claim i commanded sacrifice are not true and are impure with lies because god corrected the belief by sending a prophet to deny that claim and announce "I did not command" so at that point they knew books of exodus and leviticus were bad books with lies that cannot be trusted, are impure with at least one lie and perhaps more lies. not only has the problem to those books been demonstrated but also more extensively the poor judgement of the deciders who included both jeremia and leviticus when god warned not to believe books which lie god commanded sacrifice because that is not true [the books of exodus and leviticus lied according to god himself] such deciders cannot be trusted which book is good and the decision what they included is also a problem so the books with sacrifices as well as the other books by poor deciders are all in doubt which removes the reliability from the foundation books of judaism are revealed asbaseless.

Friday, May 26, 2017

desert in china

desert affects china: limiting place to live and limiting agriculture. many people are desert refugees as deserts relatively large, spread larger and government limits herding in an effort to minimize the spread see below the incrrease in desert.
in theory 80% is not desert and could be used for growing food or herding.
china money called yuan around 6 per dollar now see example:  china citiezen buy house from build company 12,938y (US$ 1,871.34) per square metre 12=1.7usd for example in Jiangsu province 12,938 per square metre. around Price per Square Meter to Buy Apartment in City Centre 12,000.00 ¥ Prices in Taicang, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China or Price per Square Meter to Buy Apartment Outside of Centre 7,000.00 ¥
china has one quarter desert, total of separated regions such as gobi and other see below. this total less than one third of sahara but still total China has 2.6 million square km of desert that accounts for 27 percent of the country’s total land area.
China now has the second largest desert [of hot deserts not counting cold antarctic deseret] in the world the Taklimakan desert(320,000 square km) which was big yet smaller and has grown by 21,000 square miles more desert
according to nytimes in 2016 less than 27% yet Nearly 20 percent of China is desert, and drought across the northern region is getting worse. One recent estimate said China had 21,000 square miles*2.6=54 tsk, more desert than what existed in 1975. this size is almost three times the size of a small country like israel twenty thousand and the increase is 54 thousand.
As the Tengger expands, it is merging with two other deserts[perhaps linking gobi to t?]  to form a vast sea of sand that could become uninhabitable.
along rivers such as huang-he=yellow already is an agricultural zone, with hydroelectric produce electricity
conclusion:  outside of cities remain 80 percent of land not desert could be used for agriculture or cattle however herding can cause desertification and government prevents herding to limit desertification while desert spreads despite this effort.
china considers important friendship with north korea more important than "dangerous neighbor" opinion and supply wih friendship dispite disputes.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

the christian old testament

when christians publish bible they include the old testament of the jewish religion.
is this the correct path?
corinthians 3 said jesus is the foundation it does not mean that no foundation can be laid unless jesus laid it as one book tried to claim:  truth: "For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ." that means jesus is the foundation but others may be a source.
did jesus quote from the jewish bible?
we are told "yes" but that is a trick compare mt 19 "the two will be one" that differs and is not a quote from the jewish old testament .
not only does the septuagint have the word two, which jesus quotes, but more important than claiming jesus DID  quote sept. is the fact jesus did not quote the jewish one. so he has a word that is different from the jewish one. similarly paul quotes "live by faith" differ from the jewish bible live by "his" faith.
a researcher quotes romans 1.17 to claim "ambiguous because paul used sept"  on page 11 with a chart showing several examples where paul is quoting sept and not quoting the jewish bible. or they are quoting a book not preserved.
1cor 2.16,
what is unique in romans and matthew is they specify they are "quoting" specifying "as it is written" and the quote is not the hebrew jewish text... so we know they are using a different source.
a true follower of jesus would not include the jewish version of jamnia but would suffice with the quotes included in the new testament AS they are quoted and not as the rabbis printed the books.
is having the jewish version convenient for evangelizing? that is no excuse because the holy spirit through paul and jesus they may have used the septuagint or a different source which was only preserved in these quotes.
in conclusion stop printing the jewish version because  jesus and paul quoted from a different source.
*another researcher wrote on page 32 note 46 the letter called epistle peter was written "after peter's death" a liar claimed from peter. if so not from the apostle but worse from a liar.  not from peter who had died.
if this is true save more paper and do not include a lie that peter wrote because after peter died not tru;ly [eter and not truly apostolic but written by a liar who lied he was peter.
researchers also divide the letters of paul into "pastoral" only seven are "undisputed" as a researcher writing about tesol. on page 149 tes differs from the "undisputed" letters only seven 7 are undisputed according to researchers and these are opinoins taught in christian bible colleges not blasphemy to ignore but to teach. if so we are not only saving paper but making a book with fewer inpurities by leaving out the lie of peter and the deuter-paul and the diffferent version used by the jews.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

tenth graders part 2

previously=[until now: we met josh a teen with dark brown hair nerdy glasses and pinkish white skin. the story told of the phone-call to report that the medicine was wrong, and that he was always hungry and was now sick yet again. the morning after that phone call dad came to the dorm.]
now joshua was in the dorm, in bed for the day, because he was sick.
the truth, despite what was wished for in part one, was dad had not bought boots nor a new coat, because the walk was only a short walk to the taxi so it would be silly to buy snow boots for just a few minutes and besides in california there was no need for snow boots.
dad had urged joshua to hurry to the cab, and not pack. josh did not pack he grabbed a shirt and tied his black shoes and only wearing pajamas they ran out over the snow to the taxi. the taxi returned to the airport. on the way dad said that for the last few months he and mom "had not acted married and argued frequently." and  "I cannot bear" added dad, "to  hear that you suffer".
in the cab josh buttoned the white shirt over his pajama shirt. in the airport dad bought two pairs of sandals and they tossed the wet socks and soggy shoes into the trash.
josh asked his father when he had arrived? dad told josh that after the phone call he had asked mom to act married. she had refused despite many months not acting married. dad had accused her "who is satisfying you" that she had no desire to act married, for so long.
mom had exploded how dare you accuse me and jumped on dad scratching his arm. dad showed the scratch marks to josh. so dad had hurried to the airport, to the one named for jfk president kenedy, and bought the ticket for a flight from new york city to lax of los angeles with a long stop over in ohio. dad had flown from around 2 am until 3 am and waited until morning to take a taxi to the dormitory of the high school. there (as mentioned) they met and returned to the airport to proceed to lax.
dad pointed out "I did not bring the jewish prayer boxes" which he had always worn in the daily prayers and added that josh could choose freely, if he wanted to skip the prayer ceremony that was fine. josh was not in the mood of praising god and was delighted to skip the prayer ceremony. instead they went to a "mcdonalds" o-r and ordered two portions of sausage mcmuffin o-r and egg mcmuffin o-r. it was the first time josh ate at a mcdonalds o-r, ever, and the first time eating "meat with melted cheese together." all with dads guidance emphasizing his option to choose freely. they ate silently because the mouth was busy and later they spoke about sports mostly about the recent football games of the new york jets. as you know winter is football season.
finally they boarded and entered the plane for the flight  westward. josh had ended his old life and was now beginning a new life.
soon the stewardess brought the peanut snack [described in part 1]  and they both listened to the radio using the earphones of the airline. josh had switched from channel to channel trying to find music which he could enjoy, while dad listened to a sports channel.
the flight felt long but was a great relief from the cold of ohio. the jet plane was a comfortable temperature and the sun was warm through the windows already josh felt that he had not coughed in several hours.
the plane landed in lax and they drove to a hotel to the room dad had reserved earlier that morning and then they went clothes shopping.
six pairs of short pants and some jeans and some long pants josh chose the color gray for the long pants while the shorts were all the boring colors blue grey and black.
dad had encouraged josh to get colorful shirts and josh was delighted because he hated the white shirts. he had bought a red t-shirt with the name of the basketball team of los angeles but all the other shirts were colored shirts in the "polo" style with a soft collar which was the same color as the shirt and with only 3 buttons by the neck. they also bought shorts for pajamas however josh wanted to keep the pajama shirt. dad said that after the illness passed he would go to a normal school.
back at the hotel, josh finally unbuttoned the white shirt which covered the pajama shirt. next he removed the jewish religious rectangle shirt, the one which he would wear when he slept because of peer pressure, as well as removing the undershirt. he slipped on the sports tee shirt the one with no collar that was red and enjoyed the warm california weather.
dad encouraged josh to enjoy the tv while he looked for an apartment for a few months and met with a lawyer to finalize the divorce. before dad left he said, "no tricks, all you will do is tell the truth. you were sick and i took you out of the high school and bought you a new wardrobe and take care of your hunger needs."
josh felt cynical but first said thank you, before noting they had skipped lunch because of the timing of the flight. dad winced and called room service, ordering pasta to be delivered for one. josh flipped through the tv channels until he found some animated cartoons that were exciting and interesting.
in his mind he heard his parents' critical voice "how dare you lay in bed all day" but responded in his mind that he had a fever and would need antibiotic drugs. dad had left to do the adult stuff.
josh felt thankful but already knew that he would not help his father get custody. not because he wanted to be his mother. mom he remembered had also been viciously violent to josh and he remembered the afternoon when mom had spent several minutes of continued hitting until her hand was tired while ignoring his cries of pain to stop.
no, he would not be near that woman until he had an opportunity for revenge. and he did not believe that his father was really changed. only in action dad did not hit. Josh believed dad was not truly reformed nor changed. that was not a changed person he was being nice because he wanted custody. no josh had already decided what he would tell the judges.
to be continued...

sorry no time

i truly want to continue the story but no time sorry it will be continued but not today

Saturday, May 20, 2017

tenth graders part 1

BASED on a true story=a blend of fact with fiction while names were changed to protect the guilty and myself from guilty liars who would deny the some of the crimes i describe but I could not video-record.
chapter 1 a new life
JOSHUA sat on the jet-plane flying westward. he was now leaving his old life behind. beside him sat his dad howard, who had reformed from being a child-beater. dad was bringing his fifteen year old son to a judge hearing for custody in the course of a divorce.
joshua had dark brown hair and plastic glasses with thick lenses. the color of the skin on his face was the pinkish white of the majority of  citizens of the US. despite being fifteen he had no mustache yet.
his white shirt, was the fancy one with buttons in a long neat column essentially like row down his puffed stomach. the stain from the food which had dropped on this white shirt, had not been successfully removed and joshua thought how much he hated white shirts.
joshua munched on the peanut snack, the one in the tiny packet provided by airlines as a courtesy snack.  a small gift at no extra charge.
joshua considered the miniature packet and it reminded him of the first time his parents had pointed out an israeli product in the food shop. -not only jews are stingy- thought joshua, critical of all stingy regardless of nationality race religion.. he recalled his surprise during a past fateful moment, when picking up the bag of imported snack and feeling the surprisingly light package- significantly lighter than the force he had instinctively and automatically used to lift the snack bag- thoughtlessly and based on instinct. young four year old joshua had blurted out "this is a dirty trick!" but nobody would believe him that the bag was lighter than- what he had intuitively lifted. but joshua refused to submit, and when joshua had stubbornly insisted on comparing the weight and price to other snacks, his parents had freaked out and dragged him away from the evidence demonstrating they had something to hide.
joshua glanced at his dad and remembered that dad was physically violent hitting for several minutes of continuous hitting, each instance of physical pain, while saying the "well known" phrase that abusive parents say: "this hurts me more than it hurts you". admittedly his parents had stopped hitting him but the feeling of betrayal still lingered. -"not to mention"- joshua thought while
curling his lips inward, -that they had changed my body in circumcision. I do not even know what they took away, and stole from me- thought the tenth grader.
joshua was now leaving his old life behind. he glanced again at his overweight father. dads white button shirt also stretched over a swollen belly. -is it his fault I am fat?- wondered joshua. he could not comprehend why his own body would store so much fat. could it be genetics? or perhaps he was trained in the habit of storing food becuse of skipped meals when he was too young to remember.
MOTHERS who diet and limit their food during the weeks of pregnancy truly train the baby to store all the nutrients and calories when they come. weeks of training and the body acquires the habit of storing fat. and he would never know if he was treated like a normal child or his parents skipped meals at an age when he was too young to remember.
josh inhaled a deep breath and muddled in the miserable memories of the past few days...
his feet and socks had been wet, very cold and wet, almost the whole day, from the snow that had dropped into his shoes, for each day these the last few days. soon he had begun coughing and felt very weak. same as in ninth grade when i had a bacterial infection. it was the second winter in a row that josh had gotten sick. was it because i did not wear a coat? the doctor had asked.
stupid question i was freezing and wore the coat even indoors. the problem was: the coat had no hood to protect the head and neck from the cold and snow of an american winter.
so now josh was sick yet again same as last winter. he remembered asking for boots but was denied  in ninth grade, because all the teens were treated equal with no boots in the snow. it could not be parental negligence if ninety parents decided teens should not wear boots in the snow. nor hoods on their heads in the snowy winter. it is not negligence because he had a coat and thankfully it was rarely windy.the doctor had prescribed a medicine which came with a big warning paper. josh had read that the drug was for urinary tract infection apparently he was supposed to believe it was the same drug used for strep? well he did not.
josh had phoned home, just last night at around 9 pm, to report he had fever, had the wrong drug and that every day he felt hungry almost all day, from morning class until dinner served relatively late at 7 pm. he felt hungry all day due to lack of decent lunches. mom had agreed he needed a second opinion for the drug and put dad on the phone to convince josh not to surrender. dad had argued that all the kids were treated equal and lunch was served daily so stop complaining.
josh had been frustrated and stumbled to his room to rest. he slept through the night and was awakened by the music played on the dorm loudspeakers. Josh had decided to stay in the dormitory that day to rest. despite coughing, his tenth grade teacher had said "you are coughing your lungs out"he managed to fall asleep again until suddenly dad had appeared at the door fo the dorm room. dad looked disheveled with his coat only partially buttoned at the top but in his hand he held two large bags. in one was a pair of snow boots and in the other a coat with a hood. "we leave now for california. no time to pack" josh had slipped on the boots and wore the coat over his pajamas and followed his dad out of the door to the waiting taxi. they drove to the airport and had bordered a plan to warm and sunny california...

a nazi error

whenever mentioning the nazis i must keep in mind the emotional responses and so I clearly state CLEARLY that murder is bad and mass murder is a severe crime. the nazis performed a severe crime of mass murder and this is bad and I denounce it.
on this background i want to point out how differently they "could have" not permitted of course- but capable and that the error of the nazis is revealed less murders is still no comfort at all.
we examine the four largest chambers in the killing center at auschwits in poland. they were certainly not the only ones and i will not list all but a few I remember now belzec treblinka and other killing centers. outside of the city hence called camps for that reason they were in fact killing centers and that is bad.
on this background i consider the "volume" of each room. the largest ones could hold two thousand people at a time and there were at least 4 big ones beside other smaller ones.
picture in our minds the criminal procedure: a train with 60 cars approaching the killing center. twenty cars are separated to fill the "length of the platform" and thousands of people struggle for air as they come out of the cramped crowded trains into the killing center. men are separated from women and children. some would be separated to be worked to death with suffering leading to death while others would be mass murdered sooner- both severe crimes.
now i would focus on the volume of the chamber. if a chamber could hold 2000 as mentioned then it would hold more children considering the bodies are smaller. it would seem efficient for a mass murderer to change: after separate the women and children, FIRST have young mothers lead groups of children into the gas chamber because the volume which could hold two thousand would hold more  than 2000 children because bodies are smaller and that is the main reason besides other reasons that children "should" [bad word but see context above-] be led first into that chamber. many young girls led by young mothers first. why? consider the jewish identity depending on the female parent. each man that takes a space in the chamber means that a woman will delay and possibly live the result is her children would be jewish,  in contrast to focusing on young girls means less mothers to continue the jewish identity. only if there was space in the volume, after all the young girls from the train, were already inside, adding young boys as second priority=because small bodies are more lives each murder and no woman survivors. so this error of the nazis not to prioritize women resulted in young girls and women survivors- which did determine babies considered jewish in contrast to a male survivor who would marry a polish and the children would not be jewish if there were no jewish women to marry.
so having women survivors shows an error in the nazi plan. that is the point of this discussion.
there is no intention to claim that is comforting because a crime so great has no softening while the fact can still be stated.
if they had desired the extermination of jews the priority would have been the smaller bodies of children and females who are the deciding-factor of jewish identity=continuity first and only if there is time before the next trainload, young boys to fill with more smaller bodies and finally men.
first mass murder the women who the male survivors would marry.
the nazis did not consider liberation however as the russians approached these factors indicate prioritising smaller bodies of females then smaller bodies of boys to mass murder more lives in each murder and revealing the error allowing jewish men to find jewish women whose children based on the mother were jewish because the determining factor is the mother.
the vast number of 2000 murdered each time, while the same volume could have been used to murder more girls considering young have smaller bodies so what is my point? only to point out the error in planning and nothing else.
do jews cause me to get angry? jews do not deserve to die for the suffering i admittedly experienced at the hands of many jews. i insist on not killing even the guilty but instead depending on each situation a punishment that is a match and a fit for a crime. so what was my point? only to note the error in planning based on volume and jewish continuity.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

another UN horror china representation

the UN resolution  2758 called the previous government "unlawful" yet although it is too late now, we must consider that before the civil war the government called roc was a "permanent member" so as permanent they cannot be voted out of security council nor UN which they lost entirely. they were representatives until the civil war for around four years see quote below. so even if we assume the communist government deserves representation in UN, [which is dubious considering the civil war] as representing china's citizens the communist prc should be like Portugal membership not a security council member. the failure of USA and Britain and France to prevent this injustice seems to be a stain on the UN but too late now, now all we can do is talk.
+quote "The Republic of China had been a member of the United Nations from the organization’s formation in 1945, at which time it still governed all of China. However, in 1949, the R.O.C. government was expelled from the mainland by the Communist Party, the founders of the People’s Republic of China." they were representatives and permanent members until the civil war this is another UN horror.
for more information see:
this follows the horror of egypt see previous post.

Egypt too late now

the UN claims to settle "disputes peacefully" yet we look at the history of UN horrors.
the so-called-permanent members such as US and Ussr could not reach agreement in issues of korea and vietnam and more, battling on each side.
long before this generation was born- now it is too late.
***members of the UN "commit" to "3. All Members shall settle their international disputes by peaceful" was egypt a member? since 1945 they committed to this member commitment above, admitted october 1945 yet after membership in 1948 egypt went to war and specifically in 1967 we see a significant horror.
not only did UN peacekeepers move out of egypt's way in 1967, instead of keeping the two sides of egypt border from war, this a specific peace-keeper failure, but also in policy,  egypt itself as a member had committed not to use force. yet they sent their tanks to the border and warned the peacekeeping troops to leave=UN failed double specifically by submitting to egypt by leaving and by not expelling egypt for violating the member commitment above.
now it is too late and egypt and that specific neaighbor have a peace treaty yet we see that the UN is a house of horrors.
we will examine the problem of communist china =UN horror next.
why would france and britian not accuse egypt of violating its commitment in 1948 and 1967? what a naive silly question especially since egypt was attacking israel.
in conclusion: mentioning the membership to UN in october 1945 with committing to "settle disputes peacefully" what about the UN failure to enforce this commitment in 1948 and in 1967 etc. too late now but a subject for talk at least.