Thursday, September 26, 2019

card game awards

did you know? one of the awards is named "expedition leader." it is in the packet of card games that are included in the Microsoft operating system [windows ten etc.] named "solitaire collection. this is the award for "tripeaks" card game when removing 14 cards in a row very rare and more than the total of 13 cards for each shape [I mean ace until king of each shape: clover or hearts etc. each 13].
when I play the game sin the collection I never had an opportunity I mean never noticed  cards that are this series. so when today I claim I achieved 14 in a row I feel disappointed that the computer did not register the rare achievement. I could lie that on my first day I got "beginners luck" but only today when I counted 14 and checked I saw it was not registered.
I guess "challenges" are separate and I must ask? if I have the reward or not can I buy anything? will an additional person bleed either way if I have t or not? truth I cointed 14 and fr  truth want oit because t is rae but not important in contrast to the bleeding baby in infant circumcision. that is the important issue save baby from knife and DETER parents.
was the mass murder performed by the Nazis bad? no doubt and yet they were getting rid of the jews who do and teach baby cutting.... I would be happier had the bad Nazis been defeated a few years later.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

neptune is now aligned

as we look out at the sky we can see the moon. we know this is because we are now between the sun and the moon as in line below
the light of the sun is lighting half of the orb of the moon and we can face it in contrast to the beginning of the bad Chinese lunar when it is hard to see the moon when we know the light side faces away from us.
now the moon is in line with Neptune in the same direction from our planet to moon and aligned with Neptune. now.

the song "how do i live"

in the year 1997 Rimes sang the song How do I live which is a song that I enjoy. great melody so good it overcomes some of the flaws in the wording.
in 1999 a different singer sang the same song and altho her website mentions that the song relates to rimes, which was obligatory, she made the song sound ethnic. now both music videos are available but the original was by rimes and only rarely shown despite her voice in the video "con-air".

my summary of episodes in "love Raymond"

my summary of the story in the pilot episode of the series  "Everyone Loves Raymond".
disclaimer all the details are from the episode not mine.
1. Raymond enters the kitchen, where his wife Debra is busy with their daughter Ally and the younger twins. They each tell the other the events that they experienced. Later, Debra goes out to the movies but Ray stays home and cares for the kids. While Debra is gone, Ray's friend Leo arrives at the door and invites Ray with him to Nemo's Pizza. Ray's mother Marie babysits. When Ray returns he sees his father and brother made a mess. He kicks-out his parents and brother. Then he hurriedly cleans before Debra gets home. Later that night, Debra finds the food that Robert gave the kids. She said that she wanted Ray to watch the kids. She demands that Ray tell them NOT to come to her birthday party the following weekend. Ray wants to avoid insulting his parents that they should not come, so instead says that he and Debra will go to Bear Mountain for her birthday. That Sunday, on Debra's birthday, they are at home as planned. Just when they begin getting intimate, his parents enter and see that he lied. Ray tells his parents and brother to leave so that he and Debra can have privacy, but Ally is home and she interrupts them.
Ray is interviewing a sports player, Tommy Lasorda, by phone. At the same time, he is watching Ally and he yells at Ally for eating a cookie. This ruins the interview. Later, Ray and Debra are at Nemo's Pizza. they are with their friends Bernie and Linda Gruenfelder who are very affectionate. Debra tries to be affectionate with Ray, but Ray is too shy to act that way where people are watching. That night after they get home, Debra complains that Ray never says "I love you" anymore. She says "I love you" and he responds "...and I you." The next day, Ray gives a greeting-card to her, saying 'I love you' in writing. Debra complains that Ray refuses to say it from his own initiative with his own mouth. Later, Ray talks to his parents, Frank and Marie, about the situation. Frank criticizes him for wanting to say that phrase but Marie insists that they should start saying it. They begin saying "I love you" yet Debra complains that Ray told his parents. Later, before Ray leaves on a road trip with the New York Mets, he stops by the bed. He starts to neaten the sheets. Debra enters and sees. Ray hugs Debra and says that he loves her - expecting her to finally be happy. Instead after a brief silence, Debra laughs at him.
note: I think that is the reason he hesitated to to tell her for that response whatever her reason for laughing he feared that she would laugh.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

vaccine vaccines victory

vctory after forty years vaxeen vaccine vaccines
i discovered that medical STUDENTS must be vaxd for "pertussis" which reminded me that as a child in 1970 i argued a loud shouting argument with the doctor too many injections with needles and i specificly did not consent to pertussis which was not required in the 1970's. i negotiated around age 3 with the doc who conceded to only give me blends in 2 injections each with several vax and less shots less needls. and against the greedy doctors wishes no pertussis.
did i know that medical students need pertussis? aha it seems i was wrong... wrong i was correct no need for an EXTRA injection needle. they can mix the pertussis vax WITH tetnus aha. and with polio in the same needle. ipv.
tetnus should be renewed every 5 years by now i had waited more than ten years [yet again unplanned] so... after ten years i needed in a new tetnas and asked to attach in the SAME injection tetnas with diptheria and WITH pertussis in the same injection no extra needle so I WON i beat that greedy doctor who i outlivd. i wont even record what role my heartless mom played in that argument on a vax that was not REQUIRED in 1970 and at a time when they did not combine vax the way they do in this decade... may she suffer for wanting me to suffer amen. and i wont be lengthy about the heartless genital circumcision... may she suffer greatly for partying at my sufering amen.