Wednesday, November 16, 2022

refuting fans star trek

written sd 4701.3

the fan site for trek has stardates per years 2266, +7+8 not only do those numbers conflict each other but total per year does not match. also claiming 1329 new year is refuted by thanksgiving 1533! if 1500 or more per year then 1312 same year.

the estimate of 66  can be true in the fifth year but in 2266 certainly 2 stardates per day in corbomite.

stardate 1533 end nov, minus 654 started year near 900 so 1312 same year 3 months before Thanksgiving, end august both 2266. new year must be from nov 22, 66 39 days, 78 sd from 1533=1609 end 2266. 1312 not 65.

CHART, solution 2sd in day.
from near 900 to 1609, 2266
from 1610 to 2340 67
from 2340 to 3070 68
from 3070 to 3800 69 y3 of 5
from 3800 to 4530 70
fifth year 2271, sd 4500 to 5940

match sd and match "fan claim for 2266" claiming 1500 sd per year, but for 71 not 66 see proof corbo!

5940 last of year 5, 1460 sd per year from 4500 match end 4, so:
fifth year 4500 to 5940 match and match.


charlie x Thanksgiving v sd 1533 but they wrongly changed years 1312,65 and 1329 new.
if sd hundreds 13 til 28 2266 1500sd per year but same site started 2267 sd2100? for 2100 sd in year, then start 68 by 42 match 1500sd in year not in 68, year 2500 sd, typo 4200.
all these fractions 1500 cant be november from 1329 as fan wrongly claimed. kuz only 200sd from start of 66. also change each year 32 til 58 68 if so til 32 from 700 67 how thanks end year in 1500. solution 2 in day.
1533 end nov 660 started year at 900 so 1312 same year 3 months before t. end august both 2266. new year must be 60 from nov 22, 66 39 days, 76 sd from 1533=1609 end 2266. 1312 not 2265.

the computation of 7 per day is refuted by 5940sd! last 5900/7=800 days half of 5 year mission. solution 1512 2 per day but 2271 changed 4 per day like fan 2266 match and match.

still 7 per day interpretation has basis from vulcan so we should use near zero in cycle as in preceding posts.

#startrek tos kirk enterprise


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