Thursday, February 29, 2024

the EZV bible exodus chapters 1 to 4

intro: EZV means EZ easy to read version. NOT a translation just a version for EASIER reading to read here stories that are same ideas.

SETTING: the place: the nile river delta [north end of nile river].

the times: Josef RULED. so 1200+430=1630 B.C. he was hyksos as greek historians wrote, quoted in josepus apion. "The Hyksos were a mysterious group of foreigners who ruled Egypt from 1638 B.C. to 1530 B.C." in Smithsonian history.

this differed from bible numbers: Mesa 843 b.c. +100+480=1420 b.c. exit egypt but book kings is known from other details inaccurate so no conflict for this either. the story best matched: 1638-430=1208 BC exodus so this story during 430 years IN egypt [ex. 12.39], described the centuries 1600 to 1200 BC. 

chapter one: Pain in Egypt

Israelite families came to Egypt [1.1] when Josef ruled it [book Acts 7:10. called hyksos 1638 B.C.]. after Josef died, his dynasty ruled Egypt [until 1530 BC]. Israelite families greatly increased.

A new king +lacks which king, in contrast to real history, so readers know: none of Egypt's kings, just a lesson fable.+/ a new king of Egypt appointed SLAVE drivers to cruelly oppress israel by forcing them to build cities, and do types of field work. 

Israel *cryd to God +the time had not been filled [acts 7.17]+/. the more the pain increased, the more israel increased, so pharo ordered the Hebrew nurses, "when you help births, if a boy got born, then kill him." The nurses feared God so the boys lived. Paro orderd Egyptians to throw newborn boys of Hebrews in the river, to drown. 

a son was born [2.2, when? rabbis said 1312+80 so 1392 BC but not match their own bible, exit 1420 BC nor fact that ramses ruled by jordan river, but fable as above] Ma hid him for three moons. she coverd clay all around a soft basket and put him in it and lay it in reeds by the riverbank. His sister watched from far. 

Pharaoh’s daughter came with her maids to wash in the river. She heard crying so sent her maid. Princess pitied him. his sister came and asked, "Should i bring a milk lady?" Princess agreed so she went. 

he became son of the princess who named him Moses +like the egyptian name ramses: "ra" the egyptian god and ra+mss "mss" this was his name, that means in egyptian: born+/ their mother came n took him home and fed him. when he stopped milk, she gave him to the Princess.

She raised him as her own son [acts 7.21 he was powerful in speech: this teaches that the original jews did not have the rabbi version!]. when Moses was age 40 [acts 7.23], he came to see his own people Israel. He saw an Egyptian was hitting a Hebrew. he lookd around if nobody would see. 

he killed the Egyptian to save the victim. he buried it. The next day Moses came to two angry Israelites. Moses askd why he will hit his own nation! he said, “will you kill me as you killed the Egyptian?”  then Moses fled to Midian, before pharo heard. 

Moses sat by a well. seven shepherdesses came to water sheep. other shepherds came and chased the women away. Moses saved them and watered insted of them. they came home n told this. pa sent them to call him to eat. Moses wed a *dautr who gave birth to 2 sons.

After forty years passed, +the time was filled so+/ paro died. Moses led sheep [3.1] up a mountain. god's angel appeared in his dream: a fire did not burn a bush. he neared to look n heard his name. the angel said not to come closer. god said, “I care about the pain of israel's slavery. NOW I will take them out [3.10].” 

Moses FEARED if he will return, they will punish him by killing him, so he askd God, to tell his name. God told Moses to tell Israel that 'I will be' sent him, and that the God of their fathers will free them from slavery. Moses said that israel won't believe [4.1] him that he could hear god.

god told moses to throw his staff on the ground, so Moses did. it became a snake so he ran from it. god said to grab its tail, so Moses obeyed with faith. it turned back into a staff. god said that this will be a sign. If israel won't believe this sign, move your hand in and out of your cloak twice: it will be white as snow and then heal. 

god added, "do these wonders for pharo [4.21]. i will teach you what to say. You will tell your brother Aaron my words. he will speak. all those who wanted to kill you are dead." Moses +awoke and+/ told his father-in-law that he will go to his brother [aron]. he agreed.

continued at


Friday, February 23, 2024

summary sg1 s4 all

 sg1 s4

e1 in 2000, at sea in the Yukon (pacific) ocean, a mechanical replicator, that eats metal and can spray deadly acid, survived the crash and infested a submarine. how will sg1 end the threat, that even advanced aliens can't defeat?

e2 sg1 came to a military base during a war. aliens want to trade *thair own advanced tec for supplies from earth. Which side in the war is the victim? is helping these good or harm?

e3 sg1 wore arm tec that enhanced speed and strength, but they could not take it off. on a mission it fell off! they were in danger!

e4 sg1 offer a defector to tokra who accept this risk.

e5 an sgc guy shot a tokra leader. tokra say it was mind control so sgc got a lie test.

e6 jack got zapd by a device and was repeating his day! how will he escape the time loop?

e7 sg1 came to a russian gate that won't switch off. sam came throo it to switch off their probe. the water trapd her team so how will they get home?

e8 DJ got abducted by an alien beast. how will sg1 free him?

e9  sg1 joined a nation celebrating its new home. a ship "scorched" the land to prepare it for a different alien type. how will sg1 save their frends?

e10 sg1 was working "under" ground. they do not believe tealc that they had a different life that they can't remember. how will they escape, from under a domed city on an icy planet?

e 11 a guy left a message for jak, about knowing secrets. he did know the truth so jak went to talk. his wild story turns out real! this led sg1 into danger!

e 12 jak n tealc flew a modified guld glider until they lost control. it flew them far to jupiter! how will sam save them before they suffocate?

e13 DJ came to a funeral for a guy he knew & learnt items got stolen and about old items with a guld curse. in egypt, he got ambushed by a guld. can they kill it? +in s7, after it regained power, they capture it at dj home. tokra free the host... killing this powerful system lord.

e14 sg1 flew to a mine-space and used a mine to attack a ship to prevent the alliance of 2 guld s.l. tealc got betrayed n captured. can sg1 free him?

e15 jak suspected the switching leaders was evil. the new leader sent each of sg1 on separate missions. jak found that a general got threatened! he joind a sneak to find the plot and reverse it.

e16 in year "2010" earth had hi tec allies who helped defeat guld. sam found a scary secret. how will they warn the past to prevent this problem?

e17 in 2001, sg1 led a boy to base, where he disclosed to dj how to defend earth from Guld. dj controlled a powerful weapon system so how will he prevent nuclear war?

e18 a guy killd himself. his team are mysteriously dying. SG1 came to that planet n saw a lyt device. its addiction was deadly so dj n jak came back to it. how free?

e19 sam came with a smart student to see energy fireflies that got annoyd. they became danger n can go throo a solid. how will sg1 escape? 

e20 something was controlling *thair computers. it started to control sam too. how will they save her?

e21 SG1 got captured by guld. when guld killed one... they were robot copys. sg1 joined the battle. how will they win?

e22 SG1 flew in the ship that they captured from a dead guld. they learnt Apophis led his huge fleet there so Sam pland a trap to make the star explode. Tealc wanted revenge. how will they escape alive in time? will they finally kill apophis?

Thursday, February 22, 2024

my summary of star gate universe e6+7

sgu e6, continuity: on the destiny, they now have power due to flying in a star.

STORY: brif kuz no enemy: soldiers were guarding the water supply. CY came and heard that their water levels quickly dropped again, by far more than people had been using the first days. despite getting power, the ship only charged part, so still lacked the power to dial Earth to go home instead of thirst. 

later, a mysterious cloud swirld in the corridor. ship slowed by an ice planet. technicians fixed two ancient Ancient environmental suits and workd on a third. CY and Scott gated to the planet for ice collection, leaving nurse TJ in command. there they found the ice sample had chemicals. in ship eli attached some flying orbs to a cot for carrying ice. 

on the planet, they searchd more and tested but again undrinkable. they finally found a frozen waterfall and loaded ice on the "hover board". in ship a guy shot at the mysterious cloud so it hit back cutting him. by the gate ice came in. later, a guy fired  flame causing the cloud to retreat. on planet, while moving more ice toward the gate, the earth quaked so Scott fel into a narrow slit.

despite a rope, Scott was stuck! Another tremor wedged Scott in deeper and ripped the suit! it started losing air that was hissing out. people argue: bring the ice for the many quickly, for more trips for ice for many, more important than one. but chloe loved scott! and CY "can't leave a soldier behind," +if he has a chance to rescue, even delaying ice for many.

in ship, the flame chased the cloud swarm of dust size bugs to a room. when the door was seald, doc pumped out the air but they did not suffocate! to death as hoped. some escape around the door. so soldier used flame on bugs. on planet, scott was suffocated! lost air. luckily, another tremor opend the gap wider so scott fell. 

now wider so CY can pull him up and was there to pull the unconscious scott up and out. on ship TJ opend a barrel of water. the door opend so bugs lured to the water that they want, they did! she closed it and gated to the planet and opend the barrel. the bugs searchd for water. the pair came to ship with ice. scott came to the nurse. 

the ship flew fast=FTL, so CY recorded a summary: the cut guy died.

e7 continuity: they got ice for drinking.

STORY brif kuz no enemy: TJ and CY kissed but he awoke from that dream. people used tec to talk to earth. they argued about using a star, risking everyone's life. eli explained that they can dial far while in a star, getting power. NOTE: flaw, that would time travel according to series sg1 and refuted the interpretation of getting element from star]. 

doc argued too dangerous, might actualy cause the ship exploding killing everyone before they evacuate. orders were try! on ship others agreed with doc the system might not handle this! on earth eli controld a body to visit ma. she didn't recognize him so he said the host name and told her about her son. 

Chloe also used talk tec to visit her ma. On ship, guys in space suits workd on tubes. when power came throo them, coolant leakd. a guy came to fix the leak but the explosion injured him. on earth, CY argued with wife throo door until she came out and hugd him. in another guys body they made love [yikes?]. Eli and Chloe came to a nightclub. they party! 

Eli led Chloe out from the club and back home. on ship, for the plan of dialing in a star, they used power by firing weapons. it workd. the ship flew to a star. it entered and started getting energy. they started dialing but the ship shook and the capacitors reached capacity! the shaking intensified! so they tryd to abort but no response. 

they moved stones for switching off the talk tec. when the crew left doc switched off the gate showing he had faked the problem. CY gave a speech giving them hope they will go home. CY analyzed the data from the dialing attempt. what if doc was hiding something from them?

next: finally some real stargate instead of using "gate and ancient" as a sci-fi drama with political agendas that are for deception and anti-white. instead after 7 episodes, on a planet they get attacked by jumping snakes.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

my summary of star gate universe e4+5

e4 continuity: they fixed the air system on the ship.

STORY brif kuz no enemy:  Doc studeyd the ship computer. He came to Lisa and told her to save power by switching off systems. passengers got food powder. doc warnd that power is near gone, so all must stop using stuff that can drain power. people talkd. *som found "recharger tec." it recharged a flashlight's dead battery. still they must not drain power.

Eli helpd cloe find showers so she showerd. people looked out the window and talkd. the ship slowed and systems failed and lights switched off, all due to limited power, to save for the air system. doc complained about the use of energy, especialy angry about the waste dialing earth when knew too far! ship was nearing a star. hope it will have a planet to breathe on it.

they attach shuttle power to add to destiny's low power. doc fainted with a nervous breakdown. CY used tec to update O'Neill in u.s. a guy enterd the shuttle where people are connecting the power. more talk. on earth a guy using talk tec spoke to his wife who said leave me alone. drama! a guy told scott to get earth to replace CY but scot refused to get his officer fired. 

ship neared the star's 3 planets. hope they can breathe there. smokers including doc sufferd withdrawal! FINALLY something realistic and helpful! ship neared a planet but uninhabitable. CY walkd along a corridor with a soldier who drew his gun. a gal saw the orb camera so accused Eli spyd on her. Destiny neared planet. people came to window to see passing it. 

ship started shaking, in atmosphere. soon it calmed. Destiny changed direction and is in danger!  flew directly at a star it seems they will burn in it! note: even with sheilds a star is too hot! certainly now with no power for sheilds! t.b.c. in e5.

__e5 continuity: ship's power was dangerously low. all systems except air switched off. The ship used a planet to swing but was flying a collision course with a star.

STORY brif kuz no enemy: Destiny was continuing to fly at the star. people can't steer it away.  in the Gate room, Colonel Young=CY warnd all the passengers, the ship will fall into a star. they can't turn! one shuttle could fly people to a planet. it can only serve 17 people due to air system. he announced a random lottery to choose who can live! 

in Scott's room, Chloe and Scott made love. eli recalld ma woke him for an interview that he canceld. now, he gave an orb with recording as history for the shuttle. of the 3 planets, the gas was too cold. the 2nd was too hot. the 3rd he can't chek because it is the far side of the star! but hope they will breathe there, because it is habitable distance from star.

two needed for mission, besides the random 15: nurse TJ n Scott as leader so CY appointed Scott leader. +fan fiction: if no other hi rank chosen." CY came and explained that doc said to exclude him same as him so both names excluded. [this is important later, but stupid kuz must be random!] a box held names on papers.

he mixd and randomly chose 15 names for the shuttle. +fan fiction, CY drew his own name and said, i was randomly in, so i will replace scott who was only due to doubt of random."  those enterd the shuttle. a guy protested and said "we should all go" so a soldier used his rifle to hit him and deter trouble. the shuttle flew away. 

on the screen in destiny, they saw how Destiny looks from the outside.  feeling doomed to death the passengers say their farewells. some doomed people pass the time until doom by playing a card game. a guy walked by a room where many people prayed. In the shuttle, they learnt that the planet has a breathable atmosphere. 

near the star, doc saw *sheild was strong enuf and was protecting them! energy collectors extended beyond the sheild and got power. NOTE: some interpret got the fuel from the photosphere of the star but that does not match the next episode "part capacity" can hold gas!" lights switched on in destiny. Power got restored.

the "jump" countdown started warning it will fly away, so need to tell the shuttle. in shuttle, they neared the cold planet but turnd to destiny that started accelerating so shuttle too far! doc told Scott to fly the shuttle by the planet to fall and go faster. they send the course data to the shuttle and it workd. the shuttle gaind speed and is nearing the destiny. 

Eli ran to the Observation window. the shuttle needed speed and had it but... for docking is going too fast. when near, Scott used  maneuver thrusters... The shuttle crashd onto an airlock. the docking clamps clamped so they exited shuttle into the destiny. 

they celebrated their survival and reunion! now they are better with power! Young askd, what if doc knew what would happen? but hid it so they split the crew?  END.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

series umbrella academy e4 summary

 e4 in in 1999, sir locked Klaus with corpses for practicing his ability to fearlessly hear and see ghosts. Sir came n saw Klaus was scared. Sir lockd again, saying "for 3 hours."

in 2012, Luther got sent on a mission due to theft of a dangerous substance. Luther said, "no need to call my number, since i'm the only one here." Luther got fatally wounded. Sir injected him to save his life. Luther awoke to see his hairy, ape-like body.  NOW, Allison led Luther to the robot that was off. vanya awoke on Len's couch. 

she feared she will be late for violin practice and panikd that she doesn't hav pills. he calmd her that she can skip pills one day. he walkd her to the Theatre. v's competitor passed so she told him about the compitition. At the motel, C&H tortured Klaus by strangling but that does not scare him. they flooded his face with water so he drank.

Klaus mokd them that they took the one who "nobody tells anything" to him. Patch found Diego laid on her porch. They talkd. Allison came to v's home and saw Len there. he gave v's keys to her. 5 questiond a guy. he confesd selling items illegaly. they went to the lab. in motel, Klaus soberd 'n saw an old lady gost and Ben. 

C&H seachd Klaus' clothes so found his drugs. they started destroying them relying on his addiction. it worked, Klaus told  that 5 was at the eye maker. the couple celebrate by eating his chocolate... soon getting hi! they drunkenly burn the eye lab. 5 ran to the building and screams in frustration. Allison visited Vanya. 

At the motel, C&H talked and put Klaus in a closet. he had trauma from childhood gosts. a maid cleand the room, but wore earphones so didn't hear him. Detectives investigated the lab arson. a van was parked near the lab. on its window about their prisoner klaus: "Your brother says hi". D&L searchd a Library and found 5 drunk with his doll. 

C&H came to the motel, followed by Patch. she argued with clerk before phoning Diego. she left a message:  your brother is at the motel. D&L led Five to the gym. At the motel, Ben explained that the old lady gost is their victim. C&H came so Klaus mentiond the name of the lady shocking them.  At V's apartment, she saw flowers from Len. 

she thankd him and pland breakfast. At the motel, Klaus used secrets from gosts: Hazel let a victim's wife go! so she got angry at hazel. Patch searched the motel. Klaus saw her pass a window so bangd his head on the table for noise. she came and freed him. she aimd a gun at Hazel. Cha Cha shot her dead. Klaus used the time to climb out by vent. he stole the briefcase. 

C&H searched. Klaus rode a bus and tryd to open the case, and vanished in a flash of light. At the gym, Diego got the message about their brother. Diego came to motel too late. he saw her corpse and got angry. he took a paper and left.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

breif reminder umbrella academy

 s1 e1  famous teen crimefighters, who scattered and are now age 30, gatherd for *thair adoptive pa's death memorial. some angry at some. a teen told his story of time travel 'n battled abductors.

e2, 5 investigated a glass eye. two assassins tried to kill him.

e3, Cha-Cha and Hazel battled the team in the mansion and abducted klaus.

e4 Luther got injured so injected and had changed to muscle guy. At the motel, Klaus got questioned by C&H. 5 days til tragedy. klaus escaped but a flash of light made him vanish.

e5 Klaus appeard wearing metal tags. "Vanya" stopped her meds. -4 days

e6 Vanya found the team meeting without her. Five started his new job managing time. allison left to be with her daughter for the end.

e7 3 days left. the team tried to find a guy, for stopping the tragedy. vanya tested her power.

e8 Allison went with a cop to investigate a crime scene involving vanya.

e9 Vanya got locked. Five celebrated prevented tragedy but does not know what to do next.

e10 the team united to try to stop vanya. will they succeed? will they live in the past? 

s2 e1, 5 put each member in different months or years but in the same alley. they searchd *unsuccesfulley for each other and faced dangers. 5 saw another tragedy.

e2 Five found the film Hazel gave him and watched it.

e3 the Swedes chased Vanya in a cornfield. she controlled her powers to blast them away but without killing them. perhaps this time she should kill because they were trying to kill her!

e4 Vanya searchd for a lost child and found him drowned so used her powers to HELP rescue and revive too. Five spied in a Consulate but got *cuat and *fout!

e5 swedes tried to kill diego

e6 Allison proved her powers to her husband. Dave visited Klaus scool. 5 heard a deal for everything important to him but he still has hopes so the team visited sir.

e7 Five came to 1982 and killed "ten" board, the top management. the chairman leader escaped so he used powers to chase and capture "it" ending the board [but said 12?]. Vanya got warnd "stop kissing my wife".

e8 an FBI agent used electric shock [in contrast to real torture like strangling in s1 e4] to question Vanya. Diego saw the timeline and the atomic extinction. 5 met himself.

e9 they try to rescue Vanya.

e10 after the president got shot, the team came to the farm where they battled.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

my summary of star gate universe e2 +3 "air"

 e2 is very boring with a bit of danger so read the summary here instead of an hour of boring drama.

part 1 no enemy so brif summary..

__e2 continuity: due to an attack, dozens of unprepared civilians and soldiers evacuated by gate. they came to a space ship, billions light years from Earth. the ship doesn't have enough power for gating that far.

in spaceship, Doc took a bag and learnt the air system is weak so "air" is limited. doc came to a private room and took out rocks that are alien tec for space talking. doc connected to a guy on Earth and controld him to tell O'Neill [a star in series sg1] that the people left the Base and survived on an Ancient ship. 

in the ship they found a hull hole leaking air that strained the system. Scott found a locked door and calld doc but Eli answerd. Scott orderd Eli to open a door. Eli saw a warning light there but obeyd by opening it. Eli saw more red. scott saw a big rip patchd by a forcefield. Eli shut it. Scott markd the door using chalk as a warning. 

In the Gate room, doc showd passengers the talk tec. he claimed onil appointed him leader. they doubt that! Alan demanded to talk to O'Neill but fell. nurse TJ chekd him and found a large bruise which due to his medicine is more danger. Wray argued with doc that she should lead because she has more authority. Scott interrupted that CY  appointed him. 

nurse TJ told CY: they are in a spaceship. its air system is failing. he can't walk so he sent for doc to come. Scott chased a flying orb that led him to Eli who controld this orb camera that helpd explore the ship. Eli & scot went to doc who found the problem. the CO2 filters failed. a guy opend a panel. black oil had leakd. 

in chloe's room, pa awoke and spoke. she left with his pills that can increase his risk. Meanwhile, guys found no food and only a bit of water. a shuttle leakd air. someone must sacrifice to shut its door from inside or all will die. someone injured? alan held two guys at gunpoint. he shut door from inside and died. death to the white politician! in the time of obama! woke agenda is awful!

stopping the leak added time but carbon dioxide poisoning can kill everyone in a day. doc found the ship's name: Destiny and said those who attackd the base had wanted the nine symbol address. later, They saw stars, meaning the ship slowed, not faster-than-light= FTL. the Stargate diald. the ship computer chose this planet over others. 

they hope the ship computer was helping them to find a solution to the air problem. they sent the orb camera that showed they can breathe on the desert planet. time was limited as a clock counted down. a geologist came with others by gate. t.b.c. in e3.

___e3 continuity: in a space ship named Destiny, passengers learnt that the air system was failing. luckily the ship computer dialed a planet.

STORY brif kuz no enemy: A team gated to a planet to get a mineral to fix the CO2 filter. the desert air was hot. the first sample of sand did not match. a guy tested the gate. in ship, they used the Long range talk tec to visit people on Earth inluding O'Neill and families. on planet, the team walkd in the desert. Scott ordered they split to search more area for the mineral.

on earth. some people talk to hi rank but others with family. a lady cried when she heard her husband died. in ship, Young's body was controlled by an earth guy by the talk tec. he complained of pain. nurse tj gave a drug that causd unconscious. someone argued that was too much and bad. tj retorted straining CY's body was bad and needed to stop. 

on planet, Scott sent a guy to take doc, who was too weak, back to the gate. doc gave his water to the team so they can drink and continue searching. on the way back to the gate doc wanted the guy's water. they argue! "my water you gave yours!"--"but i need" they wrestle but doc weak.

part 2: 2 guys gated to another planet but before the one with the remote gated, a guy shot him injured. a guy went to find scot on the desert planet. scot saw sand swirl that seemed like a person and had memories about him causing pregnancy before legal age. he told a "preist about wanting an abortion". more woke agenda misusing fiction...

not even for the "air" plot! added even out of place to push the anti-christian agenda. but this should not be in the story  but neither should telling a preist about abortion. the sand swirl uncoverd the lake! the test matched! he gatherd mineral into his backbag. scot carried the heavy sand in the heat until he fainted. a guy came and gave scot water and led scot towards the gate. 

time... walking... only one minute left! held the needed lime but too far for the time! doc radiod Eli to put his arm into gate. [bad according to sg1 ergo ship won't hurt him!]. it workd! ship safety kept gate open, for not hurting arm. so ship stayed to keep open. guys came with lime. they can fix the system 'n did. 

he told cloe about his parents death. a preist adopted him... good? but was alcoholic... jab at christians more woke agenda christian ugly too much alcohol! just pretend holy! a small spaceship separated from Destiny.

__e4 continuity: they fixed the air system on the ship. 

STORY brif kuz no enemy: 

Monday, February 12, 2024

fixing the awful order in pilot of star gate universe

 star gate universe s1 e1 summary fixing bad order 

A very long space vehicle slowed. in it, its *Stargate activated. a soldier rolled out from the gate holding a rifle. more people followed carrying containers. they moved aside to make room for more arrivals who they expected. many more came! a soldier mysteriously flew in from the gate. the Stargate switched off leaving darkness. people exclaimed. 

the first arrival, named Scott went to the newest arrival, named col. young=CY who's head wound dripd blood. people asked where they were but it was a MYSTERY. note: two stories alternated but at different times! i will fix the bad order: a day before this stargate event, Eli solved a puzzle in a computer game. 

the next morning, soldiers came to his home. oneil [a star in sg1 series] explained that the puzzle was something secret. eli, who wore a red shirt, took papers and closed the door. suddenly, a flash of *bryt *lyt made eli vanish. 

he found himself looking out a window from inside a space vehicle over Earth. [+the air force had used alien technology to assemble an advanced space vehicle.] doc explaind, "we need you," and added something... added for political propaganda, but it was for a lie, prominently a few minutes into the first episode! as i explained in end note. now back to the story:] 

The ship flew away from earth. Eli saw videos explaining the technologies and called his ma when she got home from work. he went and met a lady. after just a few hours the ship slowed by a planet. a Base was in a mountain. in a room, 2 soldiers were "making out" which is a crime as onil said in series sg1, hinting she was civilian visitor. they got interrupted by radio ordering him to come. 

Scott obeyed, so quickly dressed and ran. by the military Base entrance, Eli, and others appeard by the use of alien tec. They enterd it and met Scott. he led Eli to the gate. there eli learnt the planet core provided much energy. doc started dialling the nine symbol code... they used eli's puzzle solution... and... the ninth failed. so doc blamed eli but eli said you said it was good! 

Eli and doc reviewd Eli's solution. CY came and invited Eli to eat dinner. doc continued studying. In the mess hall, the politician Alan toasted. doc heard classical music in his room and gazed at a picture of his wife and him. at dinner they heard booms of an attack. troops ran to their battle stations. 

CY came to the brig and releasd a guy and gave him a weapon, [in contrast to british policy dramatized in film pirates carribean that prisoners NEED to stay in prison]. from orbit, three giant ships shot at the base. many Gliders flew and fired. the space ship that *brout eli, *blokd the blasts and destroyd gliders. CY radiod the american space ship that used alien tec. 

he spoke with sam [a star in sg1] who warned him many gliders, in a pirate alliance, were flying to attak the gate Base, which they did! firing at Base. base troops returned fire [not "they open fire"] destroying *som gliders. the "battle raged" on. F-302s flew and shot the attacking gliders but were outnumberd so returnd to base. 

CY, carreyd an injured SG member, from a weapon platform into the base. this spared the pair from a damaged jet that crashd there in a blazing fire ball. by the gate, Eli suggested the ninth symbol must be swapd for the earth symbol because the one written was a misleading code to prevent people who found the address from using it. 

doc pushd a soldier away from the dial device. he canceld the dialing to earth, and diald the nine symbol address using a different ninth symbol. the gate connected! to a mystery place! people ran along corridors towards the gate. a ceiling collapsd, trapping people. CY came to nurse TJ, who was trying to stop someone's bleeding. CY ordered her to evacuate. 

the planet's core became unstable due to unstable naquadria. sam orderd all jets to return. in Base, CY came to the gate. doc tried to trick CY that he needed to do his way in order not to risk earth... which he knew was not a risk or else it would hurt his DESIRED destination. CY got angry because they needed to evacuate home! 

he ordered to switch off the gate but when doc taps cancel it stayd connected. then Scott walkd first throo the gate. many others, who *carreyd *supplys [notice different sounds in the adjacent word carry and supply! same vowel so i fixed] followed him, starting the evacuation as ordered. the base continued crumbling due to the planet's instability. CY left to help evacuate. 

in orbit sam realized the planet will soon explode! two of her jets are returning but she can't wait! she must save who she can! if she would wait, all will die, so flew away. inside, CY ran towards the gate. a fiery explosion chased him and threw him throo it. the planet exploded, which destroyd the unsuspecting attacking enemy. 

from a spaceship, sam contacted jak, at the pentagon. she reported that the planet exploded and destroyed the pirates who attakd. she asked if the base's people came to earth? he answerd, "no." Carter exclaimd the mystery, "Then where did they go!" connecting to the first part.

in gate room, Eli left it and searchd for doc with scott. they found doc by a window. they saw space and knew that they were in a spaceship. Rush explaind that they were in an ancient "Ancient" spaceship. they were flying faster than light=FTL' but not needing hyperspace. the air vents switched off due to life system faild. 

in gate room, CY lay injured and in his mind remembered: his home. he was with his wife who got upset and said that she won't wait for him. he tried to stand. his vision blurred and a seizure started. the lights by gate switchd on. Scott returnd to the group and explaind to them that they are in a spaceship. far from earth, and lost!

he calmd them by saying "they are doing everything they can". a Senator Alan angrily demanded to use gate, until he suddenly fell with gasps. nurse TJ ran to chek. Alan pulld out his heart medicin. Elsewhere in ship, Eli and Rush argued how to respond to the problem in the life support system. Scott and Greer came. Eli warnd that Rush's solution "might actually" riskd destroying the ship. 

a guy aimd a pistol at doc. Scott ordered lower your gun but he was too scared, look where doc led us. they argued more. until  Scott convinced guy to lower the gun. doc pressd a button... but nothing happens. both were wrong. TJ is in the gate room caring to CY bleeding. she recalled a conversation with Wray. 

doc showd a hologram of the ship's journey from Earth. for hundreds of thousands of years it passd throo many galaxeys. they realized why they needed so much power for the stargate! the ship and themselves were billions of light years from their families. no such power to use the gate to return. note: too far to fly back home in their lifetime.

e2 no enemies. passengers heard about the imminent danger, due to a problem in life system. they found hull holes too.

e3 no enemies. they *brout the needed mineral for the life system. next enemy is deadly snake on jungle planet in e8! just drama... how to overcome troubles that they will OBVIOUSLY overcome in time.

END NOTE:  when doc told eli to come, he said the government offerd to help pay for his ma's medical expenses, [instead of her paying the insurance copay from her job salary... as we will see later she came home from her job] this was added and served the political agenda!

they added to the story in 2009, for political democrat agenda!  to lie that "people were forced to pay for *necessarey expensive treatments so everybody needs obamacare." the episode was in 2009 WHEN this political issue got argued and to sway public opinion to the newly elected obama using a "compassionate" lie! the inclusion of this political agenda...

prominent! in the first episode, and just a few minutes from the start, got donors for funded this series! sadly it was to promote a lie because...

work insurance plans DO pay for necessary procedures, except the smaller co-payment called deductible meaning able to deduct by insurance company, from the total moving it to the customer. this should prevent customers asking for unnecessary procedures and greedy doctors happily doing them, because the customer would only pay if he really needed treatment. 

this same problem occurd about circumcision that is not excising cutting out any BAD part like cancer, but for insurance money the greedy doctors are so greedy that they IGNORE the medical association called "ama and aap" who published "not sufficient" justification to cut. greedy doctors "recomend" but not a real medical recommendation as above the medical recommendation is not cut..

this medicly unnecessary procedure was encouraged for the quick money. many doctors would lie to their trusting patients that they "medically recomend" circumcision which they do recomend for getting money but that is not a medical recomendation! just a lie, because the true recomendation is "not sufficient so not recommended. just misleading for the insurance money.

STORY: when u.k. insurance stopped paying for circumcision, sudddenly parents realized that the fact  insurance not pay, shows it was not medical necessity nor even urgent. but u.s. does not learn from u.k. so doctors can make their quick buck. but this should not be in the episode? neither should their obamacare lie! 

they added a political agenda to the episode but something far more urgent! is protect victims of circumcision cut.

series steven universe fan fiction and summary of the disappointing conclusion

 the disappointing conclusion of the wonderful series steven universe with fan fiction.

first: my alternate ending because you already know the series and if not, the summary will follow.

+fan fiction: while white diamond was busy *gradualey taking control of blue and yellow diamonds, peridot flew the metal lid/platform holding connie's new sword from bismuth and surprised white. white lost its form down to a diamond that was... surprise! not really white. it was a quartz! translucent brown the inverse of rose quartz! this destruction freed blue and yellow diamond.

pearl imprisoned it so it could not take control of anybody. steven's families flew to earth in the leg ship. uniting 3 diamonds with the crystal gems' four gems sufficed to revert the damaged gems that returned home to homeworld with Blue and Yellow diamonds. blue and yellow no longer feared white diamond's control so granted independence to the empire. 

Yellow diamond went to enjoy its steam sauna freed from empire management. blue diamond went to its hot tub bath. they all lived happily ever after until... spineli came to earth!

SUMMARY: last ten episodes

s5 e19+20, Apart: Garnet felt bad due to Rose's secret so  became "Apart" so Sapphire ran away. Steven and Amethyst searched for Ruby and also had fun.

e21+22 Question: Ruby argued with Sapphire and went to be a cowboy. later, during preparations for the Ruby Sapphire wedding, Steven freed Bismuth to attend, as a big surprise.

e23+24 Reunited: at Ruby Sapphire wedding, the guests celebrated. next, Blue & Yellow Diamond flew to destroy Earth. the cluster was steven's *frend so battled a diamond while Crystal Gems battled the other. Steven wanted to talk but diamonds did not *beleiv him about Pink Diamond until he used his *sheild.

e25+26 Homeworld: Steven showd diamonds the damaged gems that he wanted to fix. they all flew to Homeworld to visit his family white diamond. Steven met White Diamond, but could not tell it about the damaged gems. he dressd like pink. *note: plot flaw! they already learned he was steven when separated from his human body so no connection to pink. 

this part exposed the bias writers who were so desperate even to violate the plot to be anti-bible and made him a cross dresser, without plot need except their need to be anti-bible. in a series specificly aimed at children as mentioned in season 5 while battling white. steven the "good guy and role model" can dress like pink diamond so can all the kids!

this bump helps notice the "stubborn" diamonds punished him for "fusing" but the "good" guy who wanted to help everyone, said fusing is fine! for their agenda to misuse entertainment for more anti-bible propaganda. now we understand why the strongest diamond who was evil was white... the same woke pattern of agendas.

these agendas: associated white with evil, also fusing is fine and anti-fusing is bad. also cross dressing is fine, all the woke agendas together using entertainment like that, to indoctrinate children is horrible.]

e27 Alone: Steven made a royal ball hoping to speak to White Diamond, who did not come. he and the #Crystal_Gems must follow the annoying local rules. Steven violated local law by fusing with Connie. diamonds got angry. the Crystal Gems tried to defend him so diamonds destroyed their image down to the gem. 

e28 escapism, Steven and Connie were imprisoned. he used psychic ability to fly and crash on earth. he was in the body of a Watermelon Steven and overcame many difficulties to ask his friends for help.

e29 the long conclusion title: Change: Steven argued with Blue Diamond until it felt bad for pink, and "changed its mind" so freed Steven and Connie. Yellow wanted to obey white so dueld blue. blue reminded Yellow of pink so Yellow "changed its mind" so led them to a leg ship for escaping. steven carried the Crystal Gems. White Diamond blokd them but arm ships attakd white. 

steven learnt that Bismuth, Lapis and Peridot repaired and flew the arm ships to join him, as he had asked. they made white listen by battling.

note: steven wanted to talk and each time talking was impossible or failed which is realistic and teaches talking does not help... until after war, but then the ending was a disappointment: tricking white diamond is still an evil trick. "you are not white you are flawed fix all the flaws like you". instead see my fan fiction, above, for alternate ending.

Monday, February 5, 2024

big bang reminder s3

 big bang s3, d1 

opener told about opener so he angry

jim' *wich cricket

goth *lukd goth

pirat raj needed a job 


venj sheldon avenged helium with foam

gorilla teach like to gorilla

maternal mother of len met his gal

psychic len has trouble with panny psychic. reference later sheldon will go to a psychic.