Friday, January 26, 2024

fixing the awful order in series umbrella academy e1-3

series umbrella academy, based on "dark horse" comic

s1 e1 funeral, shown in 2019 called now

in Russia, on October 1, 1989, a thin lady jumpd into a swimming pool. blood surrounded her. +fan fiction people SCREAMED due to blood." she surfaced swollen by instant pregnancy, like jesus' mother mary. soon, by the pool she gave birth. at the same time, the same *ocurd to many ladies. a rich Sir adopted "seven" of these miracle children. 

their names were Allison #3, Ben 6, Diego 2, Five 5, Klaus 4, Luther 1, and Vanya 7, two girls a+v. their numbers were 1 Luther, 2 Diego, 3 Allison, 4 Klaus, 5 five, 6 ben, 7 Vanya. ABILITIES: Allison influences. ben squid arms. diego can re-D-irect bullets and knives and moving items. five can instantly move in space and time. Klaus can hear ghost speech. luther superhuman strength. 

vanya beleved she did not have powers. +fan fiction: five was named jon by his robot mother. NOTE: Earlier events were shown later, so i will fix the bad order.

in 2002, when the kids were age 13, they trained. after training, all but a girl, Vanya, got umbrella tattoos on their wrists. she drew it on her wrist. no viktor yet! fandom is awful and tricked me! that year, the teen-team used their abilities for spoiling a bank robbery. allison used influence ability. they killed some robbers for freeing the hostages. 

jon 5 used his travel ability to dodge bullets and swap the gun away. ben 6 used squid arms to kill the thugs by the vault. Sir was on the roof with a girl, 7. later, he introduced the teens to tv. he said that he adopted six with abilities who were the "umbrella Academy." Later, in 2003, 5 left for 16 years. in 2006 ben died. in 2015 Luther came to moon for 4 years.

in 2019, when they were age 30, Allison was a film star. Diego interrupted thugs doing a home break in. Luther exited his LU-nar base. Vanya was practicing V-iolin. they heard that sir died [+due to heart failure]. they came to the large major mansion. Luther noticed sir's monocle was stolen. in sir's office, he made klaus return stolen items. 

Allison and Pogo the talking monkey welcomed "vanya" but Diego was angry that vanya wrote a book about the team. Luther sceduled the memorial for evening that day, march 24, and claimd sir got murdered. Luther told Klaus to use his ability to ask sir's GHOST how he died. Klaus tried to obey but failed and accidently spilled sir's ashes. 

Luther came into his childhood room. while he heard music the other academy members seemed connected and started dancing, [while sad about dad death oops.]

lightning flashed. they gathered in the yard where Five appeard. 5 reported that he went in time to the future but got trapped there many years. he came in a 13-year old body [since 2003]. at the memorial pogo monkey thanked sir. diego reminded them sir was bad, so Luther and Diego *fout. Diego cut Luther's arm so lu went to his room. Grace, *thair robot recharged. 

5 drove to a shop. thugs tried to abduct him so he kild them. He used a knife to dig out a device from his arm, and dropd it in a puddle. Diego dropd Sir's monocle in a river. until diego rejoined klaus in the car, k' talkd with his dead brother, Ben. Vanya came home and saw 5 was there. Vanya bandaged Five's arm. Five told: the human extinction tragedy happend in april, only 8 days left. 

__e2 in 2003 at dinner, 5 asked Sir to let him try time travel. Sir refused. 5 ran out along the street & time traveld to several seasons [*bak to spring then winter before that] until he saw a future extinction. he went to the Academy and saw its ruins. 5 tried to time travel back to 2003 but failed. he stayed in the future until he was older, age 58.

now, 2019, in a motel, a couple code named Cha Cha & Hazel found that only one room was reserved for both. they got a package of weapons. Hazel hid a large briefcase in the room's vent so she criticized him to follow rules. 2 Detectives investigated the corpses at the shop. Patch questiond a waitress witness before she found and taserd Diego. 

she cufd him and stole his police radio and forgery police badge. At the Academy, Luther said, 4 years he had livd on the Moon. al' felt sad about her daughter Claire. 5 had a glass eye, from the future so came to its manufacturer. he learnt that patient records are classified. 5 was desperate about the apocolypse so threatend staff who cald security. 

At the police station, Patch learnt that the corpses were all wanted criminals. the fingerprints on a knife matched those from an old case. Hazel and Cha Cha took Syd and torturd him for information. they learnt that Five was the kid. later, Klaus went with 5 to the eye maker and acted like Five's dad. he injured himself and said "i will blame you" so doc lookd at the file.

they learnt that the eye's serial number was not made yet. Vanya, at her home, *taut v-iolin to a teen. Luther visited Diego at a room in a gym. d's home exchanged for cleaning. d' told his alibi that he was in the rink wen sir got murdered. at the academy, Pogo showd Allison "home videos" of the science report of  her childhood with the other academy kids. 

it gave her keys to lok so it can leave. she noticed a new security video and saw the murder of sir! At a shop, 5 saw his only frend in the future, the plastic model. C&H followd him and shot at him. Five hid with doll and moved until cops came. then the 3 scatterd. in the video room Allison and Luther watched the murder, but got interrupted by 5.

In the future, Five found the glass eye in dead Luther's hand. Five saw the team's corpses with one umbrella tattoo.

umb' e3 i fixed the bad order again

before a mission, the teen-team prepared. robot helpd kids: gave Allison her eye mask. she advised Diego about his stutter. later, in 2014, Vanya got a typewriter and typed a book. she read it on a tour. Diego put her author photo on a punchbag. Now, vanya came late to music practice. in video room, Allison showd Luther the security video.

robot gave sir tea, then he fell, seemd like she killd him. They question it, but no confession. At the motel, C&H saw the message *thair delaying lost some pay. people talkd. Klaus searchd the Academy's dumpster. 5 came down the fire escape and drove a van. vanya visited Len at his shop. he gave her a wood carving shaped like a violinist. 

Allison came so he praised the actress. many people talkd lots. At a bakery, C&H *questind the waitress about the shooting and lernt the boy had an umbrella tattoo. in the Academy, the team had a meeting and voted. A&L want the robot deactivated. but 3 outvoted them. luther denied defeat saying wait for five! [but could not win 3-3! anyway.] 

jon 5 spyd on eye maker and saw a guy put a case in a car. C&H came to Umbrella Academy that has same umbrella on gate. a battle raged. a chandelier fell on luther the strong. Diego spoke with robot that stitchd its own skin. Tearfully, he switchd it off. vanya came to Len's home. at a motel, Hazel showd her Klaus was tied and gagd.  t.b.c. in e4

stargate universe series my summary

 sgu, s1 e1-3

A very long space vehicle slowed. its *Stargate activated. a soldier came out from the gate and rolled and held his rifle, prepared for danger. from where? i will fix the order!

before this stargate event, Eli was playing a computer game that connected him with his pal. eli solved a puzzle. the next morning, soldiers came to his door. oneil [a star in sg1 series] explained that the puzzle was something secret. eli took papers and closed the door. suddenly, a flash of *bryt *lyt made eli vanish.

he found himself looking out the window from in a space vehicle in Earth orbit. [+the air force had used alien technology to assemble an advanced space vehicle.] dr. Rush explaind, "we need you." he offerd to help pay for his mother's medical expenses, [instead of her paying the copays from her salary]. The ship flew away. 

Eli saw videos explaining the technologies and called his ma when she got home. he went and met a lady. after just a few hours the ship slowed by a planet. on its surface was a Base. in a room 2 soldiers were "making out". they got interrupted when Young radiod him to come. Scott obeyed, so quickly dressed and ran.

outside, Eli, and others appear by the military Base in a mountain. They enter the base, and met Scott. he and Eli went to the gate. there Scott explained the planet core provided much energy. doc diald the nine symbol code. they use eli's puzzle solution. the ninth failed.

in a different time and place! in the gate room, where a soldier had came, more people followed and were showing panic. Scott radiod by gate to slow down. more people came. a guy checked the computers. the Stargate flashed oddly, when a soldier flew out from the gate just before it switched off. the place was dark. people panicd and shouted again. 

Young ordered Scott to oversee the group. Young's head bled. Scott askd Eli their location. he did not know that. they felt like a train moved sideways! they are in a vehicle accelerating! a soldier counted people as orderd. Eli searched for doc.


pirat series summary another try

 list: 1, curse, 1748, 2, chest: the heart in a "chest", 1749= 3, end, 4, tide: find youth 1750, 5, dead: ghost 1751.

Curse 2003, a supernatural adventure

intro: the Black Pearl is a ship. its crew got a CURSE for stealing Aztec gold. they took lady and coin in 1748, but *1740 when kids met. 

STORY another try: in 1740, a great gray fog floated over a sea. the *Caribbean sea! on a boat [sailing toward Jamaica], a girl sang about pirats. Adults explaind that pirates murder and steal so they want to punish the evil harmful pirates. a boy floated on wood by a burning ship. they pulled him up. she hid his coin necklace.

the coin had a skull like the flag of evil pirates... that she saw on a nearby ship! it had *black sails and sailed away. "8 years" later [not twenty], in 1748, in summer, on a *Caribbean coast, she (Keira Knightley) awoke and checked. the coin was in a drawer. She heard a knock, so hid the skull coin. Her pa gave a gift: a dress for a ceremony. a guy (Orlando Bloom) came.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

the survivor lottery and the royal rebellion



in the black sea, in april 2022, a fire mysteriously blazed in the warship moskva. those on board saw the explosion on the hull as two missiles blasted the hull at the water line and set fire to the inside. damage control systems were destroyed so no damage control just spreading fires.

the highest ranking officer called on the intercom. "a small fishing boat is near. it can take five people. i want you  to understand that every one of you is precious... equally therefore those with the most military training are the added value. the most trained officers are vlad, vasli, vera, and vira. we must not sink the small fishing boat. 

"military police=MP will stay with ME here so besides those five all trying to swim will get shot so the best trained can survive." only few of the crew agreed. some said he should not get to choose we should do lottery by random to select who will live and who will drown. others argued that he had not chosen his preference but those names truly had done more officer training. 

others said if we know which five we can kill them and the five most trained will include us. others said you can't kill people. others said for the good of homeland the most trained get priority so we die for the homeland. others said admiral said he was staying he does not expect us to die more than himself. so many were calm...

until the fishing boat was in sight. then... people started jumping off the moskva with splashes. "we don't want to die!" they shouted as they dropped from the starboard deck into the sea. first three then six more! the mp opened fire, spraying rapid fire at the swimmers to prevent them from taking unjust places in the fishing boat. 

while the mps were busy 4 more jumped off the port deck. mps were watching and shot them dead. when the moskva reached the fishing boat the four officers and the admiral who had lied were the five people lowered down from the high deck to the fishing boat. the rest felt trapped some cried. some emphasized their atheism. and denial of irrational spiritual soul ideas. 

some joked about burial at sea! they were doomed as fires spread and more explosions and unstoppable blazes in addition to to the lower decks flooding causing a tilt slant called a list on the heavier side where the hole got blasted. the water line was now ten feet under water as if carrying heavy loads. they knew they were sinking and they might burn before the water ended the fire.

some said "i dont wont to burn and jumped in the sea" others said i dont want to drown and jumped in the sea. mps sprayed them with rapid fire bullets to kill them and prevent them overloading the small fish boat. the fish boat switched on its small motor and sped away. before the fish ship reached the horizon it hit a mine! 

those who had hoped to survive were not just killed but destroyed. those doomed had outlived them! the admiral appeared and said this was just to see who would jump over the side. to filter the crew. really we can all get rescued by a squadron of transport helicopters that i knew about which is why i stayed. blazing flames were extinguished as the moskva sank deeper under the water.

its tilt was already 33 degrees to the side and the deck was only a half yard from the surface but flames still burnt on deck and under deck. the transport helicopters came and soldiers who had been doomed started climbing the rope ladders to the transport. the ones first to the rope were climbing fast the others were cheering that they would be saved...

but alas tragicly the moskva had one last huge explosion. it killed anyone near it and destroyed all but two of the transport helicopters. the blast and shrapnel knocked some people off the rope so only a few made it to the two surviving helicopters. they did not get the living from the sea because both were damaged and needed to rush to shore. 

one was too damaged and soon fell in the sea. only one transport helicopter with a few sailors made it to the coast. in the copter someone asked: in a world of kings if the king died and the oldest son becomes king but he is very cruel. so people chose to revolt and want the second son to be king due to royal but not the real king what is the good thing to do?

who would you support?

one said i cant support the younger because he is not the real king. that is not the good guy must side with the real heir of the throne. other one said the good must battle the cruel  that is the good side even if not the heir. the pilot of the helicopter had a solution. considering he is cruel we can assume most people would vote against him! so that is good.

he added, we can assume the other younger brother would win the election and not only are you fighting cruelty you are supporting the one that would get elected by majority and that is the real leader because chosen by the people. the asker argued that the question was in a world of kings so voting cannot choose. 

pilot explained that he meant the one from ROYAL who has majority support. the asker was stubborn still not the real heir even if would get elected! must support the rightful heir because he inherited. another argued the pilot is still correct even in the time of king because at some time the king system ended and that was at the time of king, when changed.

so it is the time of king when changing choosing leaders so at the time of kings is the time to end the king system and all the factors point to choosing the younger brother instead of the cruel one. the pilot added "and that is the reason we are not landing in crimea we are landing in hungarey so you can choose your leader instead of putid".

indeed he landed on the coast and it was hungary. as planned hungarian trucks were waiting with rifle carriers. the passengers and crew left weapons inside the copter. they exited and wore only uniform pants not even wore uniform shirts. they excremented from russia and joined the hungarian army while waiting to apply for european union citizenship. 

the sailors were sent to the coastal patrol small warships. the admiral started low rank there but was trusted with the multiple rocket system. the pilots joined the hungarian attack helicopter squadrons. the admiral had one last card up his sleeve. he sent a coded message to the 3 most hi tec of the russian ships in the black sea fleet. 

one submarine with upgraded hi tec which happened to carry several types of rockets to shoot a row of fourteen hydrogen warheads and two new warships of destroyer class came to take the admiral home. as they neared the range of the long range missile the admiral personaly shot at the surfaced submarine that had surfaced to take him home and at the two new very expensive hi tec destroyers, 

he could not miss! russia lost its best submarine in the region and its most expensive newest destroyers of all russian destroyer class. then hungarian divers went down to get the atomic warheads. the admiral had kept his deal so hungary granted him and his crew citizenship in hungary. they invited their spouses and families to come as tourists with two way tickets and hotel rooms. 

when the family arrived they were granted spouse of citizen status and simply did not use the second half of the ticket. and that was the end of the crew of the moskva.

fan fiction, stargate origins, and summary

part SIX to ten.

continuity: catherine had followed her pa by gate. there they wrestled a gard. she tapd the arm device causing rings to come and take away the gard. they had walked in the desert until got captured and wasif got wounded. techealed him. +they had some adventures in that world... i will write later, but in part ten how she get home. 

we know she got home because daniel talked to her when she was adult. this fan fiction completes some of the story that they started in series origins. what nazi did. what harsesis baby did. reminder of series at endnote.

STORY part six: ra wore his fancy hat and sent soldiers to find the intruders. jaffa gards came to the tent and took catherine and her two male escorts back to prison. meanwhile, nazi showed his film device to the gard. they led him to ra. nazi showed the plug! but no electric socket outlet. ra attached a triangle pyramid to the two prongs and shynd his hand device on the pyramid. 

the video showed on the wall. "my hero" said the the S.S. nazi pointing at hitler who was shouting his angry speech. ra held the captured pistol and said, "your planet is getting strong." gards led in catherine's pa. they put a jaffa armor shirt on him. then ra pointed the pistol and shot once! it *PEIRCED the jaffa armor. 

ra ordered, "they are a threat we must destroy them."  when pa died a jaffa shot zat 3 times. professor body vanished vaporized. another jaffa dragd in the older corpse. this too 3 zaps vaporised. catherine and boys escaped how? to be continued. and more dangerous adventure in ra land!\

part TEN: conclusion

jaffa gathered in the gate room. catherine and her 2 men stood garded by jaffa with staff wepons. some jaffa wore back bags. nazi heard a baby cry so he walked to see the baby called harsisis. jaffa opened the gate to earth, catherine ran into the gate with the jaffa. "wait" shouted bil and wasif chasing her. ra aimed the pistol and shot both boys dead before they could escape!

they fell dead by the gate. during this distraction ss-guy grabbed the alien baby and ran to the gate. the baby stopped crying but the lady screamed. ra asked the lady why she screamed she pointed at the gate as the nazi carried the baby thru. ra spoke to his arm device so the gate shut off but nazi  ss-guy was already in!.

on the other side a gard heard the command and turned as nazi gated in he shot a staff blast... accidently blasting the hersisus dead. british gards were by the gate. one jaffa ignited his rocket back bag and flew up but the rifles shot him and the other jaffa dead. the brits pulled the armor off the jaffa and the ss-uniform off the nazi. when they saw the pouch they showed shock!

brit officer ordered hide this impossible stuff. they made a pile of jaffa and nazi and poured petrol and burnt the pile of corpses in a big fire that burnt the strange jaffa body with the pouch and the blasted baby and the nazi. catherine said you must go get my pa. how? in that gate but british commander said "this is impossible".

he spoke on the radio to arrange a boat to take the gate to sea. due to the war they sent the gate to nutral u.s.  meanwhile, in ra land, ra gave the pistol to a jaffa who zapd using zat at the two young men, three times. they vaporized. in u.s. the gate got lowered down into a mountain the END.

next fill in parts 6789 until the return and finale.

summary of characters: ra lived until sg1 will come later. hersisis got killed by jaffa error and corpse burnt to hide. profesor killed by ra. his corpse and 2 boys vaporized by zat. from that group only catherine lived. nazi lady eva suicide by chemical in teeth. corpse zat vaporize too. ss guy killed by jaffa and burnt by brits with jaffa corpses.

catherine took the book back to england. after the war she moved to u.s.

part six

another adventure in ra land [before the jaffa opend the gate to attack powerful hitler.]

to be continued

endnote series summary: Stargate Origins summary

e. 1-5: in 1928, in an Egyptian desert, people found a gigantic ring. Catherine Langford's pa studied it, for more than ten years, without solving the mystery. at night, an ss-nazi came and activated the device. He took her pa hostage and beyond the gate. Catherine escaped and led two soldiers, Beal, and Wasif, to the gate and in! 

ss-guy met a powerful Guld that killed a guy. her team came thru for the rescue mission and battled a gard. Catherine diald home but a symbol was missing. her team followed a guide. they met some locals [hinted they were Abydonian by name kasuf referd to 1994 film]. her team got tied but escaped and battled. Wasif got wounded but tec heald him.

e6-10 her pa got forced into alliance with nazi and guld who pland about Earth. guld & ss met locals but fail to join. Catherine allied with locals and tried stop ss-guy but face more danger. Catherine and Beal try to evacuate to safety. finally went home as described in my fan fiction. above.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

my ride in a soviet t69b tank

in the 1990s i awoke from a trip in time and space! i had been inside a tank during the war called yom kippur war when the arab neighbors of israel acted "very" neighborly and sent their tanks along the border. egypt blocked shipping and syria sent its tanks invading into northern israel. we were in a russian t69b tank crossing into northern israel. the year was 1973! 

i was the tank commander! but i did not know arabic! the controls around me had russian letters but i did not know russian. i waved my hand... so the tank driver turned obeying my orders we separated from the rest of the group. that gave me an idea since we rode on tracks i motioned my hand like a circle... the driver turned wider and we went around a hill! 

i looked out the front and saw no enemy army vehicles. the cannon guy shouted something to me in arabic pointing, but i did not understand arabic. so i followed the direction it was clearly a village with homes. i held up a hand. like stop. he started arguing with the driver and the driver was angry... i thought they were gonna stab me for not shooting at the jew village...

...but luckily the driver convinced him to save ammunition. on the radio i heard numbers. number in arabic sounds similar to hebrew we were losing many tanks as they rode under israel artillery between the mountains called golan! we were saved by going separately. we rounded the hill to attack the israel artillery from behind... but i heard a knock on the metal top of the tank.

i understood some foot soldier was there with explosives to put on the weak armor in the back or drop in a grenade. i jumped to the driver and held my hand stop! he stopped i pulled off my army uniform and white under shirt and stuck it out the gun slit! then i heard "niknattem" i knew what that meant so i said niknannu.

i opened the round door of the turret which was not even locked yikes! he coulda opened and dropped a grenade! i poked my white undershirt up and climbed up facing... the tube of the uzi rapid fire submachine gun. i climbed out and down. my gunner was stupid and was climbing up with his pistol in one hand. the israeli saw that and sprayed him with the uzi. poppoppop.

he then closed the round door pulled a grenade, pulled its pin, opened the round cover a bit dropped it in and  closed. my tank crew was doomed and the expensive computer equipment would be destroyed but at least i was alive. the grenade exploded and the ammunition inside blew up too. the tank barely held together as its joint swelled and the sides popped off and flew 7 feet away.

the turret caved in under the israeli and the noise woke me up. i awoke in high school dorm somewhere in u.s. and realized that i needed to learn russian and arabic. so i started learning russian letters and sounds but i never returned to the tank... year after year passed... until this week. a couple weeks ago in december someone told me that russia is sending old tanks from the 1950s into ukraine.

i knew this was impossible because the russians had built thousands of tanks during the 1980s and had, according to the war website, the MOST tanks in the world more than ten thousand! despite they stopped producing in 1991 when not an enemy to nato' but they still had many from the 1980s. i argued but they guy showed me pictures.

turns out, russia had around 3000 operational tanks in february '22 thinking plenty to take kiev and ukraine but were surprised to lose dozens on the first day. ukraine had not surrendered yet but claimed 200 destroyed in the first week of battle which i refused to believe but perhaps some days 30 and others ten? 

i read that in june '23 ukraine claimed to have destroyed 4000 tanks in a year and a half. i felt it was outrageous exageration except... the article quoted a brit admiral... we all know they have brit precision spy satelites and know the precise number better than those on the battlefield! brit said that number is not far from the real number. i knew he knew as above!

he said "we do not know exactly" which he did as above but he estimated "not far" 4000 from a reasonable estimate. a couple months after that ukraine celebrated destroying 5000 tanks. if true russians had lost 5/12 of their tanks, still plenty left but lost plenty nearly half! that means they lost 2000 modern tanks and indeed had sent thousands of the old ones.

in january '24 ukraine claimed to destroy 6000 tanks that means russia lost half if its total 12000 which seems impossible but considering they are old and the brit said 4000 was not far from a reasonable estimate, meaning what he saw on precision satelites... then now a haf year later they probably did destroy 2000 more old tanks easy to destroy.

all that reading caused me to dream... this morning i woke from a trip to a russian tank.  i was working as a computer programmer typing english programming words when three soldiers in green uniform drafted me into the tank armor unit. i argued that i would be more helpful fighting cyber but they laughed.

"how dare you argue. we will send you to prison . we do not need you on a computer. we need tank crews!" so i followed them to a truck. squeezed in with other non sport geeky nerds and rode the cramped crowded truck to the east border of ukraine. i recalled my dream about the t69b tank in 1973 and hoped i would be put in a t80 tank.

i knew the statistics i would be in a 1950 t64 even older than the one in the yom kippur war. to my surprise since we were nerds we got the newer t90d a limited edition for show, with fancy computers  stuff. i was the only one without glasses. my crew were two very nerdy looking engineers probably far smarter than me who were wiping the steam off their glasses in the stuffy unventilated t90.

i looked at the controls and THIS time i knew the russian letters but... they were abbreviations what the bleep was a frs? we joined a slow moving column on a road over the border, already held by us but the slow annoyed me. i yelled "chitiriski" hoping it meant forty. the driver gave me the look i belonged in an asylum so i waved my arm like when i was commander in the syra war.

he swerved the tank off the road and we rode our tracks fast passing over 100 old tanks. soon we were far ahead of the column moving between trees out of sight ukrainian drones. i was angry that i was drafted and sent into danger. i wondered if they were also unwilling to fight for piutin? but i was scared to say it because one or both might be loyal... 

nah they were too nerdy but i could not risk. so i said "i like programming better" and the younger guy said in english shut up. that was pretty loyal or was he pretending because he was scared of me? soon we coud hear the booms from the battle field! i had to test if they were not loyal like me we can surrender and hide in ukraine!

i ordered in my best russian in fanciest words "save ammunition we have very few in storage for resupply." they barked yes sir in english... maybe i was just dreaming? one said in english "respectfully sir if we get hit our own bomb will explode in here." so i agreed we must not risk that. use all but two to practice aiming.

the gunner went to work aiming at trees ahead of us and fired 13 of the 15 anti tank shells. only two were left so we could use it but most were used for a good cause target practice. then  something exploded near us. the tank wall was *peirced! the armor, even of the t90 was weak even by a near miss! the driver stopped and switched off the radio and power. 

the gunner jumped at me with a raised steak knife. i lifted both hands to block his arm hand with the knife and yelled "i was drafted against my will" but i said it in hebrew by mistake. the guy stopped pushing the knife and said, "shto? what?". i was so scared i could only speak in hebrew but luckily he realized i was not really russian. so he lowered the knife.

he said in english "our tank is damaged we better just surrender"   i agreed "dah" they laughed and mocked my dah saying dah! we all pulled off our uniforms and climbed out of the tank we crawled to the ukrainian line and told them that a damaged t90 tank is there. we will give it if you give us new clothing and food. 

a guy sprayed rapid fire at us and said shpino! spies. according to novel james bond. luckily he only killed my crew they knew i was american and told me to lead them to the tank for capture. i crawled back the way i came. they turned the tank around and drove to surprise the russian invaders from the flank. too bad only two anti tank shells left.

i was given new clothes and ate three boiled hot dog thin sausages. i said i was a computer programmer so they sent me to a city in the west ukraine to work for a software company i made games for kids and my eyes got tired from the bright screen so i rubbed my eyes and awoke in my home here in new york.

being american had saved my life. the end.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

the vowel pair i with e and SOLUTIONS

false: "I before E except after C?" noticed word "seize" and more! 

except "E sound" in word seize, and in word neither and in leisure. THAT is the exception. i found a good sample and will show SOLUTIONS.

an added vowel changes bed to bead, led to lead, same added i is an added vowel influenced word neither, first syllable sounds like words bee eat seize! the e is first. same as leisure too!

we can say this "rule" is not an exact +++science see? but if we can remove "c" then "sience" would match rule. rhyme: "we learnt a false rule,

when we were in scool!"

c part false too! +++"ancient"... but i offer SOLUTIONS by groups. we find after a "c", rule false: "ancient" after the c has "i before e" and in species too!

also not ONLY vowel "a" sound "veil their" as exceptions, because as above, also "neither" but word neither matches the pattern.

veil does not match the pattern, so isolate the one that matches patterns. 

i exclude added prefix or suffix +ing because separate categories: ignite > reignite, or agree > agreeing any suffix: de+ism. also aging is valid.


marked by arrow > go to solution. RULE: science > sience like rule.

a, sound "A", group wait: eight > ait =8, 18, 80 etc. so ait, aiteen, aitey, aith 1/8 etc., freight > *frait, heir > *air SAME as we hear and ears distinguish. horses neigh > nai, kings reign > rain EARS can distinguish so can spell same. hold reins > rains,  their > thair, weigh > *wai, weight > *wait ears can distinguish! veil > vail. despite can group the vowel a sound that is not the pattern of words "even and saving" so better to isolate vowel e sound and add e sounds as i will show.

She wore a *vail. they combed *thair hair, i feel cold air and i am his *air. EARS distinguished. he heard the horses *nai. but neigh is pattern of seize and leisure! and different sound.

b, sound "E" group me: basis: "seize, neither" because e sound because added vowel changed "bed to bead"

atheist, caffein, ceiling, "conceit", deist, deity, either, *feild, leisure, neither, protein, *sheild, *speceis,  *weild, weird, *yeild,    

note: decaffeinated prefix and suffix category.

c, group eve, like vowel i influenced vowel in words "saving" "date" or "dating":  +++beige > bage, *dradil, neighbor > nabir like sound saving.

d, group in: ancient > *aincint. conscience > *conscince. counterfeit > counterfit, foreign >farrin, forfeit > forfit,  sovereign > *sovrin, sufficient > *sufficint.

e, group my: apartheid > apartyd, feisty > fystey,  height > hyt, heist >hyst, kaleidoscope > *kalydoscope, poltergeist > poltergyst, seismic > *sysmic, 

notes: reveille rare i will not bother with rare nor sleigh. name category: nonpareil candy name like Keith and title sheik. reindeer  like blood vessel named vein.

Monday, January 22, 2024

rym for ears

 i saw some great ideas and ryms that i recomend: intend

bite? hear byt see byt



saved in pics in case people wrongly claim that these correct ideas are error or nonsense. as we saw stubborn people can go to hel and ring the bel.

narnia dawn book summary

 lucy and her cousin went to narnia.

continued from 

comprehend analyze discuss: prince caspian book summary (


c1, lucy visited her cousin. his painting of a ship in sea pulled them to the narnia sea. they met the same caspian who they had helped in NARNIA.

they sailed to several islands and found some lost people or their stories. lucy was now too old to return to narnia, so she left forever. a few more adventures happened there with other characters.

narnia nephew book summary

 after you loved narnia in the book lion, how did earth first connect to narnia? this next book tells of the earlier time and about traveling between worlds.

continued from


c1, a boy and a girl were *naibirs and met. they explored their attic and found a door. they met his uncle who offered her a ring. she accepted the gift and went "to another place". when she vanished the boy was shocked but uncle explained that he planned to send him to bring her back after she saw what was there. he heard the story of the ancient atlantis box.

he went with rings and found an old world with statues. someone chased them so they used the rings. they came to a world with many water puddles. they went in one and came to a new world just being created. song caused the world to grow including metal that grew into a lamp post. the one at the edge of narnia in the first book. they returned to earth. 

+fan fiction the kid lived in the huge house with the wardrobe. later in the war 4 kids came. he is the one who believed lucy.

continued in book lion


narnia boy, book summary

intro: while susan was queen in NARNIA and before she returned to the home of the professor, a boy rode a horse from a southern land, and interacted with Queen SUSAN.

continued from


c1, a boy called shasta lived in a poor hut with a fisherman. once, a rich man offered to buy shasta from the fisherman as a slave. shasta was caring for the horse and said he wanted to know if the master was cruel so he can flee. the horse was a talking horse from NARNIA, and offerd to ride away, so he rode the horse north towards narnia.

he met a girl riding a talking horse. they separated by a city and plan to meet later. he heard that susan came to marry the royal family but regretted. he rode to meeting place. she heard that the family will try to get su back and also attack a naybir. she came and told him. they rode and warned the target.  narnia and the locals battled and won. boy wed girl.

end note: su returned after this to proffessr home. she returned a year later to help prince caspian in narnia. story


Sunday, January 21, 2024

lion wardrobe book summary

 During war, four kids rode a train away from the city to avoid the danger of bombs. They stayed in a giant house. after breakfast they went to explore the house. Lucy looked into a wardrobe and felt the soft fur until she felt branches and heard squeaky snow. she saw a metal lamp on a post [that had grown from metal when narnia had been brought to life, as described in next book about earlier time when a girl went to another world and her friend went to bring her back.].

a faun that had two goat legs under a human body invited her to his home. they ate. faun played music until she slept. when she awoke the faun confessed that he had set a trap so the witch would take her! lucy said, you are not really bad! so he led lucy back to the lamp. She went thru the wardrobe and was surprised that no time had passed in the home.

they did not believe her that a world was behind the wardrobe. on a rain afternoon playing hide, ed saw lucy enter wardrobe.  [in film, at night lucy went back so ed followed her]. ed followed her into narnia. he met the queen and ate sweets. She told him to bring his siblings. he returned and said they were pretending.

proffessor said believe lucy because she was otherwise usualy truthful. later they heard visitors from all sides so sat in that closet. snow made them wet so older found narnia.

the exciting ending

Aslan unfroze the prisoners of the witch. they came to help the battle against the witch and her monsters. in a few minutes the new troops killed most of the witch's loyalists. Aslan skillfully jumped on the witch and killed her. lucy used her heal fluid to heal her brother ed and other injured warriors. Aslan unfroze those who the witch froze. 

Lucy learned that ed had broken the witch's magic staff that had been used to freeze the rebels. the four kids were crowned kings and queens of narnia.

they battled more bad guys [including the southerners see endnote] and had feasts in one paragraph of many years. They went to hunt the mythical white animal that can grant wishes. they followed it to a lamp post. they went thru the wardrobe back home. they told the proffessor that his coats were missing. he did not mind. he explained they would return to narnia but not the same way.

to be continued in book caspian... BUT while in narnia the story in book boy occured see


prince caspian book summary

continuing from: either boy horse at

there, or from lion book,


 in a train station, one year after returning from Narnia, 4 children got pulled back to Narnia. they walked along a coast and found the ruins of their palace. many centuries had worn it down. They took their gifts: Susan’s bow, Lucy’s heal fluid, & Peter's sword. soldiers tryd to drown a dwarf, named Trumpkin. Su shot an arrow at a helmet. this scared them and saved trump. 

he told them that King Miraz [from men who came from earth] ruled Narnia despite his nephew, Prince Caspian is the true heir of the throne. Miraz had killed King Caspian IX and inherited the throne. Miraz's wife birthed a son as an heir to the throne so Caspian was in danger. Caspian's tutor gave him Queen Susan's horn. 

c. rode away through the forest, until a tree branch knocked him down. dwarf found c' and brought him home. dwarf continued the history: The miraz loyalists had battled Narnians. the Narnians blew the horn. Trumpkin was to greet susan but got captured and saved. the kids led t' towards the palace. Lucy saw Aslan. at night, Lucy followed the path as instructed and met Aslan. 

Edmund, Peter and Trumpkin went to the battlefield. a dwarf was trying to summon the White Witch, but got killed. Peter dueld Miraz until Miraz fell. miraz side falsely accused that the narnians had interfered in the duel. They continued the battle despite the agreement. a lord stabbed Miraz's back. the Narnians were winning the battle so the loyalists fled to the river. 

they found that the bridge was destroyed so surrendered. Lucy had rode Aslan to bring a power to the river. it destroyed the stone bridge. seeing no bridge, the men, who had come to narnia from earth, surrenderd and accepted CASPIAN. Aslan opened a portal so the siblings went to earth, to the railway station from which they came to narnia.

Lucy will return to narnia to help caspian again to find lost people..

in voyage dawn book.


Wednesday, January 10, 2024

princess Percia 2

continued: continued from


this is the formula Cota completed, [depending on voltage.] PP said they should use di-nicklate, which was more stable and "easier to adjust the voltage using the transformer" instead of nickle battery which would also work.

(bigger for symbols the first t is not t of time it is a greek t related to vector, shaped using ascii, it shows in draft but i saw does not show published): Ï„/Ï€ ≥ (φ•↨)/(û%•rô)+(Æ’╗/Θ)-╖α (r_ Ã»/Ê)≤ Iô†/Â(r2, Î˜3, Ï†5) ≥ Ã»+(w- Î±_c) (F_g √4x7^φ)

(/end bigger).

PP explained to the king, of planet pearla, that was named for the sacred pearla river, king Kevin 7, that attaching the common di-nicklate batteries to a transformer and adjusting the voltage in the current would create a field the size of a 7 yard vehicle. it would temporarily pop out of normal space and without using any fuel pop back in, in a different place.

king kevin wondered, "what use is that? it can't go far with such a small battery?" now professor randy of rocketry explained. "depending on the magnitude and the voltage the place can be far. usualy we use fuel to move the heavy rocket but that is when it moves throo space." he paused so the king nodded, that he shood continue.

"we know that lyt travels very fast and despite that our galaxy of stars is so big that even lyt needs more time than a year to arrive in distant places." he paused and the king said the simple well known idea, "fuel pushes the heavy metal rocket but even fast for us is slow compared to lyt speed." the two professors chimed, "exactly".

pp continued, "if a rocket would try to move in SPACE it would need more time than lyt but if we control the magnitude of the voltage with the correct chemical, the electric current will generate an electrical field that will move the vehicle out of normal space and depending on the voltage it can pop out as far away as another remote galaxy!"

pr added, "it is not moving in space the way lyt moves strait in space." the king nodded to hide that he did not believe nor understand. "did you check each other's calculations?" asked the king. "absolutely, i agree" said pr. "i am certain" echoed pp. then the king rubbed his furry nek. "before i send my dautter princess percia out of our galaxy we need to test smaller distances." 

pr started to say "but that is the beauty! it is not distance..." but stopped when pp raised a paw to signal stop. king kevin sent an escort to carry the transformer and many batteries and powerful mini-computers with the best quality processers, to the newest complete rocket. 

they needed to show king kevin that they really went far, in no time. so they calculated a place one light-minute away. instructed the computer for precision and switched on the circuit. battery current ran from the battery to the transformer where the voltage was adjusted precisely and then out to the entrance of another battery.

the "out to in" of the batteries artificialy completed a circuit. the reaction in the second battery formed the electric field as the formula predicted. science caused the vehicle to vanish from normal space and exist only in an artificial field, coming out the same second in the distant place without really moving. they switched on the transmitter to send a radio message.

PP said "we are at coordinates x,y,z, in sector 4z transmitting at the time 15,16 hours." next they calculated from the place in galaxy pearla, named that because it was the galaxy that contained their planet named pearla, back to the planet. the computer calculated the precision of the current and the voltage using cota's improved formula and the electric circuit flowed.... 

they returned in an instant to the field of purple grass. the king was relieved when it re-appeared. pp announced "we sent a signal that would arrive here, later than our return. it will arrive in 40 seconds." the radio receivers were ready. one in the grassy field and another in the palace almost a mile away. the message arrived as planned.

they had moved, to the remote place, and returned in less time than the radio signal came, despite that is the speed of light. technicians in the palace triangulated the radio receivers and confirmed the message had been sent from the coordinates mentioned in the message. the king was satisfied that they vanished, went, sent the message, and returned.

he sent for princess percia to come from scool to ride the intergalactic el-drive to the galaxy that was second largest in the local group, beyond the largest one... many many lyt years away. lyt needs time because it moves throo space but this was not moving in space. it was in an artificial field that depended on voltage what type of field.

based on that it can re-enter normal space at a remote place in space. since the mass did not move, no energy needed to move the mass. since the distance was zero, so the time for travelling the huge distance must be zero too, when they re-enter space at the remote location. the only energy was using the battery.

they had plenty of cheap batteries because dinicklate is very common on planet pearla, so the king felt no risk as long as they had many reserve batteries and duplicate spare computer parts and a ray gun in case they came to a place with hostile aliens. then princess ♀ Percia held  ♂ Cota's hand as they entered the vehicle with the two profesors. 

"we honor you with the first intergalactic trip." said profesor randy to cota and percia. pr closed and secured the door from the inside and they activated the device. outside the vehicle the king watched his vehicle containing his princess, vanish! but he believed she would live in a different place.

to be continued

princess percia 1

 in the year 2023, in the galaxy of planet pearla [galaxy m32 beyond m31]...

chapter one the two big bullies

in galaxy pearla, on planet pearla by the sacred pearla river, stood a college campus. in january 2023,  a theoretical physicist, was walking to lunch. his species had evolved like our dogs but two of their 3 fingers were longer than the other finger. most of this species called canien sapien walked on 4 paws but in college they were expected to always walk tall.

he was an obedient canien so he was walking tall on two paws to show students were higher than others due to education. this theoretical physicist was named butch. his fur was boring dull gray and his eyes were brown like milk chocolate. A jok sport student ran near butch and knocked the books out of his hand while mocking "nerd alert!"

this was the fourth time that month and this time butch was ready. he turned sideways and used his longer fingers to pull the cord on his black back bag. compressed air sent a dart flying out toward the jok named birt. its tiny heat seeker aided to follow the running jok who was laughing like a howl of laughter... until the dart hit! 

it brushed throo the smooth trimmed brown fur and poked into his thik hide. its point was exactly one inch, long enuf to go throo the thik leathery skin. as internal bleeding flooded the dart tip, the chemical on the tip mixed with the blood causing internal itching. butch had several darts ready in case bullies annoyed him. 

butch pretended to moan as he pikd up his books and gatherd his note papers that had fallen from the book pages. birt started to scratch near the itchy part but all he did was knock the dart free but the itch was under his thik hide where he could not scratch. the itchy juice was spreading as the internal blood spread. 

birt started rolling on the ground to scratch the itch. butch looked at his bully. he did not enjoy the suffering but knew the necessity. birt would be busy itching for weeks and not bother anybody nor play in sports. butch noticed that he only found 3 of his papers that were between the book pages. one was missing. 

he checked and saw the most important one was safe and the two less important ones were safe just the fun one had gotten lost and he remembered that formula which was incomplete anyway. butch reached the thik silicon double doors of the dining hall. his two longers fingers reached and twisted the round knob until the iron lok clikd so he puld the door open. 

as he waukd to the line of students waiting for food, another bully, a year younger than him, but much more muscular and wider and taller too said sorry and then pushed butch over onto his four paws. again the books dropped. this jerk named jude mocked "butch broke the rule you can't walk on paws here." butch growled. his girl friend named leea rushed to carry his books. 

butch leapd at jude who skillfully dodged and ran to the door. jude mokd "if you chase me you will miss lunch." butch replied "you are only stronger than me, you weakling!" jude replied "i am still stronger and faster than you." this reminded butch about his air pressure! as soon as they exited, butch puld the cord. fft a dart flew at jude.

chapter 2 the break-up split

Jude was running straight and fast toward the basket ball arena. the heat seek did not even need to switch on as the target was in a line ahead. it could not miss and did not miss. ow howled jude. butch slowed down pretending to pant, as if out of breath, as he slowly ran trying not to topple off his two hind legs. 

really butch could run faster but wanted the itch drug to spread before they battled. as expected jude fell and used a paw to nok the dart free. jude accused "you shot a dart at me.--i do not have a blow tube" butch replied as jude started rolling on the floor. butch jumped on him as he squirmed. about 6 yards away birt was rolling over and over toward them. 

jude did not roll butch off from him because he was rocking from side to side to try and rub the itch on the rough dirt. leea came carrying his books and said "geh off him!" without the letter t. she was scared that jude would hurt the man who she cared about. butch argued "he pushed me down". by now the chemical had spread very far and jude started howwling in agony.

leea complained "enuf you are hurting him." butch stood up and said "you owe me for being merciful this time" jude just moaned same as birt was moaning. another small student came to butch and said "impressive, a small guy like us brave enuf to attack the big jude."

"i did not attack he pushed me down.--i did not mean to accuse, just jude also hit me, so i am glad you taut him a lesson.--i am not GLAD just i needed to battle back. leea looked at the bullies rolling and moaning and said "you really hurt him, you monster!" she set the books on the dirt and turned. "i said i did not enjoy it! come back... you want me to be a pushover wimp?"

leea ignored him they were done. before butch could pick up his books the li'l guy was already carrying his hero's books. butch mokd, "jude the weakling even i takled you down" jude moaned. the li'l guy said, "my name is max, i will deliver your plate." butch thanked him and went to a table one foot tall. then he sat on his tail and lay the books on the table. 

more victims thanked him for beating up the two strong sport joks. he lied "i only jumped on jude" which was true but hid that he had truly also been the one to hurt the bully birt too. max walked holding a tray with a plate of ground human beef. as butch jammed his long snout and jaws into the ground beef with gravy , max joked man is our best friend. 

max dug his snout into the plate too because he braut it. meanwhile outside the two dogs were moaning so much they could not talk. the joks at the basket ball arena stopd the game to come and see the two moaning joks. they started mokking, "get up walk it off" and howled with laughter... for around a minute but then the mood turned serious. 

a team captain asked "what happened to you." jude tried to say butch, but only a louder moan like a yip sounded. the tuf joks rord with lafter. birt addded a yap. so they returned to the game. when max and butch finished eating they walked out silently. butch wanted to recover his darts in case he would need them later. 

first he went to where he knew he had shot birt. he found the dart with soft platiccy feathers for stability. he showed it to max and said, "wanna play darts? i only hav one." max said yes so they went to the dart room. max tossed it first and got 30 points. the judge puld the dart and put it on the moving rubber belt back to the throwers. 

butch who was skilled at darts aimed low and tossed... it hit the row of 20. "you won," howled the judge. max said "i am sorry you lost to me.--it is just a game" replied butch. let's have a race to the basket ball arena. so the judge returned the dart with the prize of five darts to max. max said "i respect you, you take them." butch accepted them and said thanx. 

chapter 3 royal princess

they ran toward the arena. the two injured dogs had been carried to the doctor office. butch ran curved toward where he had seen the dart fall out of jude. he hoped max would find it but max was focusd on running fast. so butch stopd and took the dart from the ground. he would need to apply new chemical mix. 

max stopd and yeld come on! butch lied, "i dropd my dart" which was part true it was his dart but it was not the same one that he had and dropd. he ran after max who let butch win to get to the rubbery arena first. they watched the joks run fast carrying a pink ball in their jaws. when they reached the line they needed to pull the ball from their jaw and throw it up throo the bottom of the basket. 

meanwhile across the campus, percia  ♀ the dautter of  king kevin the seventh was sitting on her soft bed eating her lunch of ground cow beef. she had been a carnivorian since  the start of the scool year when she decided never to eat human beef anymore. only other animals. she wanted a human as her pet but the king did not let her.

her room mate named ayjay [short for alice juda] was eating her ground human beef as usual. ayjay, who speld her name AJ wrinkled her nose "how can you eat that stuff cows are so smelly and eat grass and are only washed rarely but humans are clean you should eat them." percia explained that she could not eat her pet.

AJ argued "you never met this one! it was not your pet!--i meant it is the species of the pets i love and you are right they always wash so they are great pets and they are smart enuf to clean themselves too." concluded princess percia. AJ said, "my parents let me get a pet. we can buy one together and keep it in our room."

princess percia felt delighted and ran to her room mate and licked her furry nose. 

Then they listened to ♫ music ♪ for awhile.

meanwhile, the paper that butch had lost was getting blown in the wind toward the men dorm. an applied physicist named Cota ♂  was leaving the dorm when he saw the paper blowing in the wind. he jumped and grabbed it in his jaw because his paws were carrying his books. he rushed because he was late for lunch again. 

he arrived in the dining hall and put his books on the shelf on the wall. than he cheated and galloped fast on all four to the end of the short line. finally he stood and got his plate of ground minced human  in gravy. leea, who loved cota second best madde her move. "come sit with me." cota carried his tray with the plate of beef and sat by her.

she said, "i am done with butch." cota agreed "yup he is too weak for you. you need a strong guy.--he is not weak he really hurt jude today!" cota argued "that is impossible! i can't believe you call yourself a physic student! my mars! butch is so not butch! he is small and weak. he could not hurt even me "let alone" [slang for more certain] jok jude who is huge and muscular."

"but he jumped on him!" insisted leea, "stop defending the cruel. why dont you care about the victim?" cota argued "the victim is the one that jude bullies, you know what? we can't be friends"  leea insisted, "butch nokd his hed on the ground1" cota ignored her and carried the tray to another table. leea started crying that she lost both her lovers the same day. 

she started to doubt, maybe she was wrong. how could little unbutch butch take down jude. her cell rang. princess percia was calling she saw PP on her screen. she started to talk with PP and she already felt better. she accepted PP invitation to come to her room to help pick out a pet human. at the other table cota slurped the gravy fast.

he went to his books on the wall shelf and analyzed the paper that he had found and had stuffed between the book pages. it was a strange formula. if true it wood allow very fast travel and not even use space time. but that could not be the purpose because some of the symbols were wrong. he reread it and the way it WAS it was worthless and did not do anything it must be for fast travel.

 cota corrected the symbols and realized part was missing. he completed it and rushed to his lab to do a simulation. he used his long fingers to type on the small squares of the keyboard and ran the simulation. it would WORK! HE COULD ASSEMBLE A ROCKET  that can go as far as the second largest galaxy in the local group! he wondered if there was any life there.

chapter 4 intergalactic travel

cota also wondered, if life had evolved like here, if so was it intelligent life? [spoiler alert earth has life even sentient life but not intelligent life]. cota contacted the rocket department claiming he wanted to test an expiremental engine. last he gallopd on four legs to the door of his professor of applied physics. he stood and pressed the bell. the electric button rang the bell.

proffessor pammo buzd the door so cota entered. "my formula works! you will not believe the impossible! and since it um,  you know so it can use cheap fuel." pammo knew this was one of his best students and stood to follow him out to the lab. cota walked and led the way too excited to talk. pammo asked what type of vehicle? 

cota answered "int- i mean space travel but not exactly, let me show you." they reached cota's lab so cota ran the simulation. "very impressive" agreed PP. "we should contact rocketry." just then the agent from rocketry came. he delivered the permission paper for interdepartment cooperation which pp gladly approved.

"we are gonna win the bonel prize" teacher and student howled together! and that meant  honor and like its name forty long human leg bones to chew. pp called the proffessor of rocketry named randy, and asked if they had any shells 7 yards by 4 yards diameter. pr replied "obviously that is standard size but what kind of engine?"

pp explained "no engine just a transformer and a few di-nicklate batteries." pr argued, "if you were not a profesor i would say you were pranking me.--maybe i am--what?--no i was serious we need to colaborate and contact the king. the same day both professors and the king met to plan the first intergalactic trip to send royal princess percia  to...

the galaxy with earth! 

to be continued at



Monday, January 8, 2024

A Zoo Trip

Donna and Fred pland [planned] too [to] go too the small zoo by the sea. They wir [were] best frends [friends]. Fred, a boy, had red hair and green ies [eyes], slowly pulled the tab too zip up his dark bloo [blue] jacket and told his father, "now, I am taking Donna with me, on my new bike. we will be thair [there] for half hour or less."  

"wow! wat [what] can yoo doo [do] thair, wen [when] the time is so short?" pa asked. he started too tap his watch wile [while] he sat on the sofa.

"we can use the time well and see many more animals than other people. Ow!" said fred, wile he tied his white laces that had green tips, because his left to [toe] hurt. He noo [knew] he must ty [tie] his laces for riding a bike.

"Take the yam in the tin can, for a snak [snack], and enjoy the fresh air", he added too his son.

"ye [yeah]," Fred agreed and after that he titend [tightened] his black fabric belt for his jeans. He heard his baby sister cry, "Wa".

He rode his gray bike up the street, named "av. g" past [passed] a scarlet van, that was getting wax. on the way too get Donna, he saw a brown dog wag its tail and yap. At Donna's home, she said too her mother, "I want your very nice set uv [of] eerings [earings] but i cant [can't] find them."

"Ah, First look in this top drawer," ansird [answered] her mother, "if they arnt [aren't] there, then chek [check] the lo [low] drawer or get the pair that i got as a gift, from the jewelry box. Eh, Have a nice day, with your gy [guy] at the zoo. I'l [i will=i'll] ly [past of lay] on the sofa. Um, also take sum [some] fruit for him."

Donna, replied, "Oh". She had dark brown hair and brown ies [eyes]. her hair was long and hung just past her shoulders. she wore a pale pink shirt and jeans with a gray fabric belt. she thaut [thought], "I no [know] he likes those apples which ar [are] sweeter and ar his favorite." She took just one and packed it intoo her bag that started too sag. ma said take an egg, but she replied "ik!"

ma asked, "Cud [could] yoo [you] try too kum [come] home about too [two] o' clok [clock]? Bekus [because] i will give all these presents here, and the toys, too the man hoo [who] makes pretty bows and ribbons."

"na, i will not even be out that long. Only a short time," Donna explained.

"Ah, Its [it's] fine. I know how too bring these things too his house, by myself," replied her mother.

"Wy [why] wud [would] yoo go alone?"

"Uh, dont [don't] worry. Just go now. Say hi too the vet thair, for me" said her mother.

Donna left. fred, was her age, since a month ago, had not yet come so she sat on the enclosed wood deck and did some sit ups for ab muscles. Next she chekd [checked] her cellular for the DM app. She saw he had written that he had left home. wen [when] he came, he called "yo! i'm here." so she climbed on the seat uv his bike. 

Fred drank a sip uv iced tea, from his tan bottle but sum [some] dripped and made his shirt wet. "I win," she said, "I stayed dry." he just smiled and said, "Yup you won, i need better aim." She said, "Yep. Also I hope the zoo has a yak".

"yes, du [duh] obviously it has it and an ox too," he ansird, while he turned the bike too aim it and too zig and zag around people. the tag uv his jacket was scratching his nek [neck]. They rode under the el and past a kitten. "aw it is so cute," she said. He saw the pillars uv the brij [bridge] for that train were labeld with the letters em on one and en on the other.

in et [8] minutes, they came too the zoo by the ej [edge] uv the sea. he said, "er, my legs ake [ache] real bad." They each gave the money that they got from their parents. He commented "Oi, it costs a ton too buy tickets here."

"Being with my BF is worth it," Donna agreed.

"aha so you are my girl friend!"

"hu? [huh]"

"you said i'm your boy friend."

"BF is best friend, i did not mean boy friend", she explained and added, "what color shood [should] i dy [dye] my hair?"

"black like tar." They giggled.

In the zoo, they saw many animals until they came too section es, where they noticed a cart tow a horse in a small wagon  a , like a tow truck tugs a car. "Did she give us our tickets?" asked Fred. "yes, but that horse looks sad and shy. um, are you hungry? here is the apple i braut [brought]" she said and held up the bag on her arm.

"Thanx [thanks], but i will eat it later, when we will sit down. I braut yam in soy sauce, and ry [rye] bred [bread] too."

They went too the pig sty before seeing the cage with six colorful parrots and one od [odd] auk that was black and white. A cloud in the sky made their colors seem dull until it past. then the sun shone and made the colors brite [bright] again. 

"wat wil yoo doo wen yoo grow up?" he askd.

"a sly spy!" she replied.

"i will act in ad videos, I will be so rich that i can have AC in each room" he said.

in section ex, they saw the vet in the ape cage giving aid, and he said "Ew" for the stink. She aagreed "ug!". they walked far and sat on a bench and ate the picnic food, while listening too a music CD. an ant crawled on the wooden bench. he offered some apple too her but she said, "I've had enuf" because she did not want any.

after they ate, he rubbed his i [eye], and said "I wish we had py [pie]. they enterd [entered] the snake house and saw an asp. the half hour ended, so she rode home with Fred.

the end.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

batman film list


old: 1940's had 2 batman films, one in 1943 against jap spy, match 1943, and batman 1949 with robin against a hooded "hood"-lum stole device and diamonds. in films the next was in 1960's. 1950's no films.

1960's had 2 Filipino batman films, in 1965, and 1967. in u.s. 1966 against villain team who dried people. from 1967 to 1989 no batman films in u.s. but 1970's had some.

1970's Filipino film "Fight Batman Fight" 1973. also 1973, turkey's wilder batman called yarasa meaning bat. in 1979, korea had a similar gold bat. for the past 50 years 2023-1973 three foreign bats preceded 1989.

newer: 1990s had 3: Batman Returns (1992),  Batman Forever (1995) Batman & Robin (1997), not including animation just actors. also out of u.s. a 1991 Filipino batman.

2004 catwoman, 2005 begins, 2008 knight concluding with rises 2012. also untold 2010 and reboots and final victory. 2011 Consequences. 2012 revealed, against penguin.

after 2015 superman vs batman, many new ones but well known so i fill in from 1966 to 2015 until wonderful in 2016.

batman 1989 summary another try

 Batman (1989) against joker

intro: the first batman film in u.s. in the last 50 years 2023-1973 was in 1989. [see endnote, later, for foreign bats and older.]

STORY: the Gotham Mayor explained that the crime is so much, that people won't join the 200th Anniversary celebrations. District Attorney Harvey Dent must work with cops to make the city safe for the celebration. so Dent targeted a mob boss who hired crooked cops. meanwhile, Newspapers mentioned a crime fighter dressed as a bat. Knox, a reporter, investigated that. 

Eckhardt, a cop, got pay from mob. the boss heard that his mistress was having an affair with the vice-boss, Jack Napier. so boss sent jack on a dangerous mission and warned cops to prepare. boss told Eckhardt to kill jack in a raid on the Chemical factory. Commissioner Gordon came to the factory and ordered "capture jack alive" for questioning. 

in factory, Batman captured Napier. a crooked cop held Gordon hostage using a gun, so batman freed jack who shot Eckhardt dead. [see what happens if you free a criminal? and possible to also shoot gordon after freed]

+fan fiction: "a crooked cop held a cop hostage using a gun, so batman freed jack who shot the hostage and ekhart dead."

jack also shot at Batman who deflected the bullet. it caused shrapnel to hit jack's face. he tumbled over a railing and fell into chemicals. Batman vanished. Bruce Wayne, billionaire, [in the 1940's when batman first fought crime he was a millionaire but now millionaires are barely rich enough for two houses so billionaire] lived in a mansion with only his butler.

there, at a fund-raising party, Bruce met Vicki Vale, photojournalist. jak survived the toxic chemicals that twisted his face in addition to its scars from shrapnel. face surgery did not succeed so he had a "permanent grin" like a clown so he painted his face white and dyed his hair green and called himself "The Joker". he killed [unseen some gaurds and] his boss and took over the crime. 

joker also killed two partners. he added chemicals in hygiene products, that, if combined, can kill. a news-person died during a live showing causing fear. at a Museum, Joker set a trap for Vale. his thugs slashed and marked the Art, except one which Joker liked. [even bad guys are not ALL bad but still bad guys].

Joker had used acid to burn a lady's face. here he tried to burn vale's face, but she splashed water on him. Batman came down thru the roof window with shattered glass, and helped her escape and took her home. Joker felt angry at Batman for ruining his plans. Joker came to Vale's apartment and found bruce there. Joker aimed a gun at him, said his fancy phrase and shot Bruce.

bruce recalled that the murderer of his parents had said the same thing. Joker saw a dented metal platter and that Bruce has disappeared. At the newspaper office, workers spoke about the murder of Bruce Wayne's parents: they were mugged and murdered while their young boy watched. vale went to Wayne who was studying in the Batcave. 

she appeared in his secret batcave, because Alfred let her, when she KNEW the double identity. bruce warned her that he is too busy for a relationship and suited as Batman. Joker made a night parade for the celebration. news reporters came and notice strange containers on the balloons. joker started throwing much cash. 

the crowds rejoiced and rushed near the balloons to get some. Joker began gassing the crowd. Batman flew the Batwing and moved the balloons away out of the city. Joker shot his number one thug. Batman flew and shot at Joker, who shot the jet using chemical pellet so bat landed. Vicki came to the jet. joker grabd her and pulled her to the top of tall building. 

Batman chased them up. the men dueld until Joker pushed Batman and Vicki over a ledge that they grab. Joker mokd them until his helicopter flew to get him. he grabd the rope ladder. Batman shot a wire around the Joker's leg, and around a stone statue. the Joker rode the ladder up until the wire broke the statue pulling Joker off the ladder. he fell far. last, gordon showed the Bat signal.

phil future summary and tec

 code 101 Future Tutor, STORY brif: in the year 2121, phil traveled with his family to various times, until the time machine vehicle broke, stranding them in 2004. he went to school and tutored a gal. [see detailed after gadgets.]

Future tec, in theme: Homework Helmet: a golden visor that shows a video of a school teacher.

Time Machine: looks like "RV". pa tried to fix its parts.

in story: Scanylizer: a hologram for clothes.

Spray Food: a spray foam that hardens into various foods, for example Brownie cakes.

STORY detailed, Phil, a teen boy went to school with his sister Pim. he met and tutored Keely. Pim tried to get elected chalk monitor. she won but not a win. 

code 102  jock, STORY brif: Phil used tec to qualify for gymnastics and compete. Pim knew the secret!

tec in story: Nose Mold Kit: can unlock the time machine that held the tec.

Penny: it generates power for a burst that moves items.

Ultra Sonic Laser Light: for cleaning dishes.

STORY detailed +

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

simon super hero 3

continued from


on the ride home, simon sat in the front seat beside the cop. the radio crackled "calling all cars, armed robbery in gas shop at..." before cop could tell simon,  anything that he can't take him home, simon was already gone... through the radio...

he came out of a cellular phone near his home. he had already decided not to use his powers. he appeared on the street and jogged home. nobody even noticed that he appeared, except the cell owner noticed the battery dropped to 40% and wondered how. only a kid saw, who knew not to say he saw a guy appear. 

the kid knew that the adults would just lie that he had always been there even if they knew he had not been there because adults interpret stuff that way. at home simon could zap through the wire and purify himself but he was in the mood of a hot shower. he had no appetite so he skipped supper again, 

simon zapped by wire into the shower room purifying himself as he reappeared by the shower. he remembered that he had wanted a meal at night and had not eaten all day. he turned on the water and waited for the comftorble temperature. he wondered if the water would fry him or his electric ability but if so drinking the diet cola would have hurt too. 

sure enough he stepped under the many thin streams of warm water and heard crackling but no pain.he enjoyed the warm water all over. oops he had not prepared a towel near the shower! so after the shower he zapped himself out by wire to his bed room and reformed only body no sweat or water so dry. he had watched movies all day.

should he watch a different film? he would read. he had started a book as a child but did not remember the story nor if he finished it or skipped parts to finish it or read all of it. he probably had not understood some words so he should re-read it now as an adult. he went to his bookshelf by the door. 

he looked at the books that he had brought with him when he first got the job and moved away from his parents. he took his books here. he saw several books that he enjoyed and had trouble choosing which one so he took two books and decided to divide the time. he carried the books into bed and realized he had not yet put on pijama so he pulled pijama set on. 

simon sat by his desk in his room where the desk lamp light shone down on the book. he read and enjoyed the book... but not for long!

his burglar alarm started blaring. it went off which means it went on! he had decided not to use his powers but this was different. he zipped from room to room by wire until finding the window in the second bedroom open, but the thief had already left. he zipped back to his own room and saw the guy searching the drawers. 

simon zipped to his own cellular phone and came out of the guy pocket!

"this is not yours!" simon accused. the thief as usual pulled his gun. for a millisecond simon felt confused because the hands were black but the eye circles in the ski mask were pale? he heard the gun shot so he zapped through the cell phone again and fried the murderer. he pulled off the ski mask and saw a white guy. but his hands were black? 

simon looked closer and saw he wore dark brown gloves to prevent fingerprints. the alarm was still blaring and he realized the alarm had not stopped the thief who knew he had time before cops came and had been prepared with a gun that he even shot to deal with the homeowner. he realized he needed a gun if not for his powers.

he would lock it in a safe so nobody would steal it but then he could not get it when a burglar came. so he would keep it under his pillow with the clip in but no bullet in the chamber then he could pull it from under his pillow if he needed it and just push the bottom part of the gun forward to load the bullet from the magazine.

but all this was not relevant now that he DID have powers. he could use his powers to fry any criminals but he decided not to use his powers against criminals unless they came here. he switched off the alarm so the alarm "went on" meaning it switched off.

next he searched the thiefs pockets and retrieved his phone. he found a deep pocket added in the shirt that had several wallets that the thief had stolen. the pant pockets were empty except for stolen and very nice watches. no id. in each pocket was a fancy watch probably stolen so thief had planned to wear them and use the money in the wallets.

simon wondered if he should return the wallets? each driver license had an address?

secretly entering their home was the crime of trespassing even if he was coming to put back the wallet. if he met the person at the door they would accuse him of stealing the wallet so the only option was to  put everything but the cash bills down the sink grinder for disposal. no need to cancel the credit card because it would not get used. 

by the time he gathered all the cash from the seven wallets and wore one of the stolen watches he heard a bang on the door. the cops came due to the alarm! dam! they would find the corpse! 

he zapped by wire to his room and fried the corpse to ashes. then zap by wire to the electric outlet by the door. he said it was a false alarm. the cop said that is what a burglar would say. stand back we will shoot through the door. simon opened the door and saw two cops beside the door crouching. "come on in i will show you what happened."--you live here?" they asked.

they saw he had no weapon so lowered theirs. he pulled his wallet from his jeans that had dropped by the floor when he had zapped himself into the shower. one cop said yes this is the address. the other cop said "but a crook would have the wallet of the owner with the address!" so the second cop compared the photo id and saw same person for address. 

simon led them into the room and showed the open window. he said "i opened the window and set off the alarm. nobody came in." so the cops left. simon went back to bed zapping over the pile of gray ash. he would vacuum tomorrow.

to be continued...