Monday, January 30, 2023

social media censorship

when Facebook was becoming popular my  pal joked, "what should you call someone who is using Facebook? a  face booger.

turns out those many suckers submit to community censorship not correctly censored slander accusation that u.s. law forbids but instead limiting words that cant injure... inverted 3 u.s. values, slanderous libel, free speech and communist censorship called community like communism. stop being a facebooger.... twitter  censor is a problem too LOGOUT and not reenter, stop submitting to fascist intolerance of fascist facebook.

alice under WATER

 Alice worked on a ship. she remembered her wonderful experience underground. 13 years had passed since she had awoken from that dream and she was age 20.

she told a sailor man, "i fear the boat will sink and even if i will swim, i will soon be too tired to continue but drown." he replied, "relax i am at sea ten years and i have not drowned." as if that proved the danger in future.

she assembled a tool. she used glass attached to science until the tool was ready. Alice held it up so the sun shone on her kneck,  through the glass . it had the effect she desired so she could continue breathing air and also get oxygen under water by sucking water and breaking it into gas and air (hydrogen and oxygen). 

alice jumped up over the wood railing and dove into the sea. she sucked water in her neck and she felt like she was breathing. she could stop fearing drowning.

she felt that swimming seemed much easier. she couldn't feel whether she was kicking her right leg or her left? she looked at her legs and saw a gray tail like a dolphin. not only could she breathe like a tuna fish but also she could propel herself easily like a dolphin or mermaid. she looked at her sailor shirt and saw she was not a lady anymore but a merman...  so he felt his face to feel man beard. the skin was smooth so he knew he was a merboy. he named himself allix, alex. however that sounded too much like alice. instead he prefered raydara raibern.

later alice would use this ability  to swim deep down where alex had a dangerous adventure and accomplished an important mission. 

she jumped leaping  up out from the sea like a dolphin and landed on the ship. she asked her sailor pal to show her his photos. she commented "your niece is adorable" but he corrected her, "dis is di picture of my daughter. denise is di niece"

to be continued...

Saturday, January 28, 2023

poem: i know christ, by pastor tal

Intro: this poem was inspired by "Kingdom Come" Song by Hillsong, album united
that song began with the important lesson that "the opportunity for US to reach the divine, shows your love now to us" a continuing involved relationship from past that never stopped and will never leave.
song: i know by pastor tal
I know Your love came with Jesus
it will not ever leave
the only way to you is faith
for all who do believe

we will still have your gift of life
after our bodies die
your grace is great a gift not earned
your spirit is nearby

In us, dwells your Holy spirit
its symbol was a bird
when it came down upon jesus
who taught your Holy word

your holy spirit is our guide
teaches your lesson: true
we ask for guidance in our lives
We live mainly for you.

story of abraham two more

 in another story of abraham the main part is a prophecy that he will have a son. the rest is a filler.

when rabbis told me the story they ALTERED IT FROM the bible.

in the bible first lord appeared to abraham. next abraham "ran to greet them" and third asked permission god do not pass the rabbis said he was talking to the one who appeared but he should ask permission before running to meet his guests. they tried to trick me instead when running to meet them he said to them "masters" not jehova please do not pass meaning stay here. who bowed the verb is plural so not abraham bowing as rabbi and niv lied to me.

the two verbs of seeing equate that the appearance of god was the three visitors. the order indicates that he "saw" god not more than saw so he was not "interrupting god to welcome guests" as rabbis lied in fact the showing of god was in the form of three persons who plural they bowed.

they asked where is your wife and one said you will have a son by sara. sara laughed saying i and my master are old... i guess if i was/were a lady i would cringe at that word master. she was smiling at the absurdity. and so it was a son was born. note: that should be connected immediately but between the prediction and isac was born, things unrelated to abraham are told and abraham does some uneventful stuff that are fillers without substance, do i mean boring? no, i mean without the "ingredients of story" i was not feeling bored when i studied them because i was forced to by religion but still the contents are empty... far from a chase where a guy is running from cops dodging and hiding stuff happens and suspense these four chapters have almost nothing happening the bit in abrahams life could be said in ten words... which do not even deserve repeating some stories due to not in abrahamstory or too lengthy around the issue, badly diluting and distracting from the point... obviously only to stretch a story long enough to fill the time around the bonfire.

so that summarized that lengthy burden and rejected several erors added by the two religions as above for example in chapter 18, the next story seems to have abraham doubting god's "judgement" and other bad messages so that does not deserve repeating nor study.

the last story i will bother with also needed replacement to censor out the ideas considered wrong by tradition. not "my morality" but tradition. also what about god commanding "abraham sacrifice yourself to death to show obedience" that is harder than spare yourself being forced to kill someone else due to fear. a REAL TEST would be abraham stab your own heart and if he did revive him. but god knew abarahm was only willing to hurt OTHERS but would not kill himself dead he wanted to live so the story is about killing someone else, which is easier than killing self... and if "overcoming your love for son" was hard still due to fear of god anger that is almost no choice: "i had to kill him or i would die" from god wrath for rebelling. worse it violated the rules in tradition.

most of chapters 18, 19, 20, 21, could simply tell the point and focus on abraham but... even abraham is too early considering his sons were not "the nation of abraham" nor israel so even abraham should not be mentioned at all except by name not ten chapters without "events in abrahams life" the only events war and fire were not involving abraham. in abraham life no drama either.

finally abraham life had some drama after long chapters without drama in his life. this drama worth repeating but with a bad message which i must replace. why do i think it is bad? not because a guy told me "god should not ask for human sacrifice" that i defended god planned to stop him... despite it was an angel of the merciful jehova that stopped him not god himself nor elohim if he planned he would personaly say stop. the problem is something else the religion of god teaches that murder is so evil that we must give our OWN lives to death instead of killing another human so abraham sinned by agreeing to kill he violated the rule to give his life so i will replace the story with the good message and lesson so you know to avoid bad book genesis.

also i note genesis 20,17 has a message that is bad and does not match the story so i warn do not read such a bad story in bad book genesis. what is so bad? that would distract from a MORE IMPORTANT MESSAGE THAT FOLLOWS HERE SO PLEASE DONT GET DISTRACTED WITH THE PRESUPPOSITION that the book or story is worth defending only if assume it is holy have bias to defend but only humans claimed it is holy, jesus NEVER SAID BY NAME it was a good book and my inspection showed it was not holy therefore not from god therefore not warrant defense unles wrongly presuppose trusting humans who claimed it was holy. so we focus on the important story called "tying".

STORY: "God said to Abraham [calling], “Abraham!”. he replied, “Here I am.” God said, “Take your son, your only son [note the word here has the hebrew word only "ihid" in contrast to describing god "is one" a different word not this word used here only... rabbis tried to lie that the word was not biblical hebrew, so could not use ihid. i trusted them until noticing here it is biblical hebrew... the word is different "ahd" one used by one from many so we can notice book deuteronomy is not the religion of the prophets nor is book genesis with plural verbs for god they appeared they led" we can be certain that the inclusion of books genesis and deuteronomy with holy books was not only wrong but insults the holy prophecies and makes the book impure like mixing poison into flour the mixture is rat poison.], whom you loved [past tense], Isaac. go to the land Moriah. "offer" [command grammar] a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.”

Abraham said to god, "my master i would obey anything else but i cannot kill anybody just because you commanded" God replied, "now i see that you fear me and deserve praise for risking my anger to kill you, to avoid the sin of killing, that is worthy of praise." so this replaced the bad story where abraham almost did the evil of sin of murder only stopped by an angel. the new testament deals with part of the problem by adding abraham believed that isac would be revivved... but that is stil the evil sin of murder which religion teaches must avoid even at the loss of his own life in their bad story anraham "feared god" anger and felt his own life was more precious than others in case he himself got punished so better someone else should die not me that is "religiously wrong" instead abraham must say according to religious obligation not "my morality" but religious obligated "over my dead body" i will die myself before murdering. the story SHOULD teach that in a book of teaching so this replaced and warned about the bad book of genesis that we see is not worthy of study nor preservation beyond the criticism here.

thor 2020 summary

 despite people SEEM "cool" if they "dare" to insult stuff... that is as shallow as family guy like people who said "this film was total cr-p" without bothering to say if the flaw was a certain detail or they felt bored, subjectively despite quality, or merely to seem cool and get likes... like most shallow/humans.
the truth is this story was VERY good and in some ways better than marvel version of thor.
this was not a marvel movie so it MUST have been based on some original thor legend updated to a modern car world with new additions by the writer.
in this thor world gods can only be killed by gods. ODIN was a god for whom wednsday name honord but despite his god powers he can get killed so not competition with a greek god. in fact loki did kill odin.
SUMMARY: the official summary did not match the story of the movie and misinterpreted the plural "they" in the trailer so i will fix the theme: loki and thor came to earth. thor is weak without his hammer. this hammer is based on norse myth see
the earth is "not invaded by aliens" instead loki one invader used his power to subjugate humans as his army. the other is too weak to invade. humans help thor who struggled against the army of humans under loki to reach his hammer. 
he surrendered the hammer to save a girl so loki stabbed him. like odin this can kill thro but... near his hammer, it gave strength so he healed and dueld loki... how did good win?
thor seperated loki from his weapon and blasted him dead with hammer zap. this freed the humans from slavery.
admittedly some stunts were off screen but the story was superb.

Friday, January 27, 2023

order of bible books

 the jew order differed from christian order and many of the differences the christians "improved" with grouping.
we will see by the contents of books that when luther selected some books and rejected some books that catholics included je did not PURIFY enough. so we must purify based on content and not trust rabbis of jews as i will explain.
jew first group five books claimed "by moses" in josephus about genesis "moses wrote and same in moses ramban and moses rambam. however the contents indicate a foreign religion due to plural verbs in genesis and sacrifices in the other four which cannot be the same religion as jeremia who specified god denied commanding sacrifice saying in chapter 7, see for yourself "you eat burnt offerings BECAUSE i did not command" that is the reason so those five are not from god but a fake like selling "sand in a box of corn flakes" whatever that crime is. we know from the contents that those books are a different religion than the faith of the prophets who brought prophecy "i did not want blood" past grammar and i did not command sacrifices so books that can cause error that he did are a foreign religion and can cause error so not reliable.
christians accepted those 5 five from rabbis but only humans said it was holy did jesus "say by name they are sources" no. his quotes often differ from the similar idea in jew book to show not from the jew book but some oher source and only the BITS quoted are worth preserving "with all your heart and soul and TWO more" that is not the jew book which was wriongly included due to bad rabbis and trusting rabbis.
we can't trust rabbis at all and certainly when the contents differ. so some translations add words "not only command" that is not the message and does not match "you eat" if also commaned.
second jew group:
joshua judges samuel kings in talmud four books
christian order is better because ruth is a story before david so before samuel is improvement. the jews wrongly call these prophet despite stories. also christian have chronicles by kings due to paralle better than jew not together but still...
the contents indicate the error to include them.
joshua has both "not by your sword" and wars and judges has wars but if war is true then "by sword" and contains lie impure or not sword is true and the majority is false i could accept either one but the truth is "not by sword" as the holy spirit sent me to teach so joshua and judges are impure.
also most of judges said "sin caused pain" but the ending refuted that they sinned and "long life" so sin does not cause subjugation. the theme was not only stories but an idea that conflicted ecclesiastes including both eccl. and judges in same group is absurd from doubt we should reject both but the truth is i was sent to teahc eccl is holy depite rabbi doubted and those that "do not match" are not holy including psalms that started wrong to show different religion than "the righteous lose due to righteousness" which is the correct faith and if they include ecl. should agree but also include the ones that do not match psalms and judges and job and proverbs all do not match as i wil list so only eccl. holy in contrast to rabbi doubted eccl. and christia acccepting from rabbis.
samuel was divided by the death of saul... the two stories of sauls death DIFFER if the student is FOOLED TO STOP due to the end of the "book" as artificialy divided he will not compare the twp versions it hid the problem but this book is separate from god whoknew which version is true so no source reliable for david etc.
the books kings and chronicles are only if we do not know history but historians calculated mesa mesha and neucdnazer so we know the years in those books are "false or exagerations" and can cause error and also SEPARATE FROM GOD who knew the correct years not exagerated that can cause error by literalists.
after the story about kings which can cause error and was wrong;ly included and should not have been included christians have more story that belong with story. however the books ezra nehemia and ester are problems... the book name is usualy due to the first word or name such as jeremia and nehemia but the book that started ezra was not preserved nd the book claimed to be ezra is not the book that is truly called ezra. also nehemia is not on the jew list so they lie it is included but still publish separate because not one book so it was wrong to includ eeither the only two that remain are ruth and ester... ruth i was sent to say is holy from god and isaiaj and jeeremia too which are mentioned by name in matthew 22 and matthew 27. ester maybe only story not holy. in fact it does not give god credit so probably onlu story not holy i was not taught that only to warn that the inclusion of books with sacrifice was wrong and that the story of kings from david to zedekia are impure and separate from god. 
so ester remains but only a story and the lengthiness is "fillers" without content maybe for suspense but too much and distract from theme.
the jews group the prophets isaiah jeremia and ezekiel only two of those holy but ezekiel has sacrific so foriegn faith not faith of israel prophets, this was grouped by time since they were the time of kings but they predict the future so so not belong with story of kings so christian improved moved prophet separate after ester.
not story job? not a story? it is a story but it is ideas mostly and the contents do not match eccl. that the wicked succeed but most of the book said you suffer for your guilt and sins like judges so foreign faith not with eccl.
same the start of psalm to emphasize the faith of the author but cannot be with eccl. so remove both to prevent conflict until holy spirit taught only eccl. correct faith but not the conflicting books: proverbs psalms and job three more books that inclusion was wrong to trust rabbis we can know from the contents are a foreign faith not from god. in contrast to isaia and jeremia and ruth. so four holy remain.
song i was not taught so i dont know from doubt we cannot trust rabbis and claim holy baselessly did jesus ever say it was holy song?
the order differs: christian order job psalms proverbs that seems time order due to job money currency ksita ancient currency like jaconb around 1700bc long before psalms that mention david by OTHERS whose time was AFTER DAVID as indicated by mentioning david.
in contrast the jew order psalms first beore job does not match content of currency so christian improved order still the contents as above indicated that the decision of rabbis to include was wrong and we cant trust rabbis.
last section is prophets jeremia wrote lament so better with jeremia improving jew order. 
daniel is from god we can agree like eccl holy.
is lament holy? just written by prophet but not "so said god" it differs from daniel bringing god message so inclusion insulted the ones that are holy.
the twelve short ones i was not taught and christians count them twelve separate and the order certainly not chronological for example malaki has truma tax which ended by exile of 722 bc certainly before jeremia in time and jona also earlier but we cant trust rabbis to include them we must INSPECT which if any did jesus mention by name. and if not included then no point tto fix order.

timeline after nebucadnezer

 timeline after nebucadnezer
nebucadnezer and destruction of jerusalem 586 bc malaki before this due to "truma" before 722 bc exile
cyrus and return to israel "538" if so 586-538= 48 years exile not 66 nor 70 etc.
artashasta "444" if so both ezra and nehemia near 420bc 430 bc ezra his seventh year and nehemia 20th.not as christian chart wrongly separated and no source that book "nehemia" was included as jewish and even book ezra the first word was the name of the book but the jew book called ezra that is not the book of ezra which started with the name.
722 bc assyria exiled northern israel so malaki before with truma law
586 neb' etc.
550 daniel
538 cyrus and return persian rule isral until 331
444 art' so ezra 430 bc nehemia 420 bc both during art' same generation but no jew book kuz not preserve ezra but replaced with other book not start with ezra and no jew book nehemia.
331 greek rule until 143 
143 hasmonean "king" manage under neighbor until 63
63 bc roman until jesus after him who cares? he got emphasized despite ancient but 30ad until 1950 too old. even 1948 was a different world. too old for anything more than: egypt border by brit in 1920's jordan border by brit 1920's brt left so borders already existed not jordan nor egypt but they "invaded" but failed to capture cities and a few anti aircraft guns scared egyptian tanks. more than that is too old unless history school.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

christian history problems

 analyzing a christian lesson chart
from 4200bc until 537bc and the years between.
christian history problems
for the purpose of "bible background" christian college tried to identify dating system. they used double talk "biblical history" as if positive good due to relation to bible while admitting different from history only influenced by bias of religion... yet still not matching their own holy book.
a christian calculated years in bible from nebucadnezer earlier and earlier claiming 3174 before nebucadnazer until the six days of creation. rabbis accepted and started counting 586bc=3174+586+2000 calling year 2000=5760 but later christians reject that. they claim 2000+4200 creation earlier than christian and rabbi total, but why kuz millions? then not thousands.
i quote counting "back" from solomon earlier
quote: "solomon 971bc" vague did they mean death lived until 971bc? meaning started king kuz died 931 after 40 years. based on that david ruled 40 if trust book samuel starting king "1011bc until 971 bc" and solomon "971 bc" until 931 bc. saul 42 years around 1050 bc
what about births? book ruth counted from the juda-ite in moses generation SIX generations until david. people wed around age 15 in ancient world so child between 16-20. 6*20=120 unless they like abraham fathered at age 100 like abraham but even bible never claimed that and even abraham questioned birth at age 100 as unbelievable. 
if exodus "1450bc" as christian chart then 1450-120=1330bc but same course wrote "in egypt 400 years" from "1806-1406" not leave in 1450 on the same paper gasp. they know nothing will fit.
choosing later to bridge to david 1406 is closer but still 1406-120=1286 unless ruth is "missing generations". still the word "holid" seems like literal father not ancestor.
also book matthew counted six generations so some christians claim "every one of those six is true plus more for the poetic groups of fourteen" but then the total would be not fourteen. what about "holy books being inspired by god to prevent error".
instead we can count from solomon 931bc as above seven generations 140+931=1071 bc moses. also note ruth wrote "fathered david but mathew wrote king david" the cause to write about david was being a king so why not wrote king? unless the reason to write about david was as a warrior and not king so the author hinted he was david not a king not like matthew. mathew thought david was king due to book samuel but he was wrong as even book ruth did not say king and book samuel has two versions how saul died because separate from god who knew how he died.
on the same page christians wrote both: "entered egypt 1876 and left 1450" total 426 not 430 and also the other version 1806-1406 400 also less than 430. also the years of levi generations are less than 400 so rabbis wrote 210 gasp. christians can copy their true but skpped here too. but the same page has both versions and neither matches the holy book 430.
they claim from abraham to flood 2400-2166=234 years but septuagint which jesus quoted from has much more years between flood until abraham.
similarly from creation until flood "4200bc until 2400bc" 1800 years neither genesis 1600 nor septuagint 2600 gasp.
according to genesis abarham prophesied "they will serve them and suffer 400 years" connected to slave but if slave less as rabbis taught then abrahma and genesis false prophets. a rabbi tried to trick me the total of slave and not their land but that does not defend book exodus in egypt 430. if 430 true then 400 false prophet and if total is 400 then further from 430.
only if we admit 430 true and therefore teach "426" if so genesis false prophet due to truly 430 therefore without book genesis no conflict to exodus and no flood in 2400 bc, less problems. but they wrote 426 does not match 430 nor the generation of levi. and on the smae paper also 400 in egyot both totals rejected 430... which is chalenged by years of levi but they could claim "true and missing skipping". either way the book exodus can cause errors and even christians dont teach the same as exodus despite "in egypt 430".so we see the course is not only self contradictory bit rejected theor own book showing they knew the books are not "reliable" sources. and cant be with 3 different versions in bible.
finally if exodus 1450bc then 1450-480=970 bc but solomon FOURTH year needed to be 970 to match instead 971 started king due to 931 if so not match 480 either.
if christians believed their book they would say 931+40-4+480=1447 if so entered 1877 but instead they wrote "1876 and 1450" while on the same paper 1806 was 400 years challenging 1876 and 1877 they knew nnot 1877 but 1406+-480= 926 after solomon died in 931 as above so whether we start 931 or start 1876 we see a mess and that even christians know they cant accept their book so certainly healthy skiepticis will not accept ANY not even one of the conflicting versions. the historical TRUTH WAS jews were by jordan river from the first jew in 1800bc not 2166 as christians teach and stayed there not going into egypt but staying by jordan river until destruction of jerusalem in 586bc matching history nebucadnezer and chart "586". still the numbers in book kings are too many between mesa and nebuc and historians calculated the kings of babylon and mobite stel! 
in the lesson we can notice the christians STRUGGLE to teach varying versions showing they know even their religious scripture cannt be trusted similarly jews claim different numbers and if true then the numbers in the bible can cause error differentnumbers therefore we cannot accept any of the conflicting versions
between cyrus return several versions 66 years or 48 years see 2 cron 36,22from destruction in 586 so we must interpret "bad decrees can be cancelled" so less than 70 but stil 46 and 66 not match but conflict so we cannot accept either. 
even mesa historians debate i saw in britanica 834 but other wensite said the victory was before that even before 850bc so the earliest detail is nebucadnezer which means cannot verufy any of the earlier problematic books whether kings or chronicles that END with nebucadnazer nor samuel nor book exodus as above only six generations! instead solomon died 931 and seven generations earlier moses 931+40+140=1111bc moses and nahshon so the jews did not enter egypt to go out by moses and nahshon but stayed by jordan river until 1111 and until "586" from forever. we must admit biblical history is not only not history but cannot be oreseneted even by those biased to accept it as we see by analyzing their course lessons.

year comparison timeline of unknown history

year comparison
comparing the christian and rabbi "religious history" versions
christians count from solomon 931 bc [100 years before  mesa 834 bc acc. britanica but >850bc+ after victory] 480 years to exodus? in 931+480=1411 before 1406bc rejected book kings. this is before the rabbi date 1312bc unless the rabbi year is wrong not as they announce during jew weddings so rabbis claim "book kings exagerated. and exageration not lie".
similarly christian chart counts 1806 to 1406 in egypt despite the same course wrote "430" and exodus 12 too! but 1406+430=1836bc they rejected exodus number. they dont write like their own holy book nor chart "430". we can compare the MESS.
EVENTS with conflict.
any event claimed to occur before "mesa mesha" around 850bc is mystery, cant accept if cant verify not verified source hebrew University book despite israel bias.
further time before mesa listing earlier is a mess:
solomon death 931bc 
temple ready 967bc, or 931bc c or 997 bc r.
solomon king 971bc or 934bc c or 1001bc r.
exit egypt 1447 kings, or 1406 c chart despite 931+480=1411  or 1312 r.
enter egypt 1877bc e, 1806bc c, 1522 bc r. 
rabbis say less than jew book and claim book "exagerated". christian chart does not match book either gasp.
TIME LINE of unknown mess
1877 bc enter egypt if trust book exodus. even religions rejected too early and wrong king in egypt.
1806bc enter egypt christian chart. flaw: if exit 1406 less than book exodus.
1522bc enter egypt rabbi. oral defeated written prophecy.
1447bc exodus if trust books exodus and kings but even religions rejected.
1406bc exit, by christian less than both 430 and 480. 931-1406=469<480 and agreed 931.
1312 bc enter, by rabbi, oral altered so claim book exagerated.
997bc temple ready rabbi, who must claim and do claim book kings exagerated.
967bc temple ready fourth year and died 931bc see below this. if so stood 380 years.
931 bc temple according to christian was 931bc+480  entered egypt, 1411 near 1406 but rejected and if trust book exodus 1836 entered but wrote:
1806 entered egypt according to christian, before hamrabi 1790bc as above.
1522 entered egypt according to rabbis 1312bc+210
1447 exit if trust book kings
1406 exited egypt according to christian after four hundred 400 years.+480=926bc after solomon died in 931bc, so wrote 931 with 480 years for judges including 50 years dividing portions and 300 years judges followed by saul david and solomon, still not enough years for 430+480. 
1312 rabbi claim exodus and that book exodus exagerated, but archeologist recorded jew rebellion by jordan river already there by the egyptian pharo of 1320bc, published by technion israel, matching christian 1406, and if that is truly 2448 in rashi then 2448+1406+2000=5854 year 2000ad so rabbi count wrong
1312 until solomon temple 950-1312=-362 so rabbis claim "we not wrong, book kings exagerated" and "exageration is not lying".
1010bc solomon born? but king 40 and started young boy not 80 total. also not less than 16 when son age 41 after 40 years. 
965bc king but less than 40 years until death 931.
967+480=1447 exodus before christian claim exit. not match anybody. as above 1406 unless claim solomon differed from  history unless book kings false.
history solomon died 931 and even christian wrote 931 unless referred temple ready 931 but still not 480 either.
comparing the mess we see the bible does not help even if we would trust it, if could, but EVEN religions admit cant accept book holy bible. how can we trust it without verification? if the earliest verification was mesa in 834 bc as historians found for this area in contrast to other regions, then we can only identify the MASSIVE mess.

book exodus summary

book exodus summary
before summarizing any book we should inspect several things.
we were born into a world where we see a "holy bible" people tell us that it is a good holy book but how can we check?
people tell us the bible is good which contains BOTH the book jeremia and the book exodus and we believe HUMANS that both are good and if we do not know the CONTENTS we might never notice the problems. so i will save you time to select the important sources.
first a STORY:when i was in the jew orthodox school i was troubled by the number of years in the exodus story. in NINTH grade we were taught that when the rabbis translated the bible to greek they made a few changes which were listed in the talmud so we know any OTHER difference between septagint which is considered good in talmud mgila preserved the original except that list of changes. for example sep. preserved the years until a father birthed a son that was not a change but preserved the original, for example adam two hundred thirty, so the book genesis of jews with a different number is a forgery.
one of the changes was "the number of years in egypt and other lands 430 four hundred thirty years" but why not accept the book of exodus as true? the rabbi explained that sources wrote 210 years matching a talmudic tradition but if so that would mean the book of exodus was false as they needed to alter. i challenged how can they reject the word of god "in egypt 430 years". the rabbi answered only oral tradition guides interpretation and that numbers were exagerated by solomon and also here.
later a student showed me the year numbers of the levi generations that were less than 430 and rashi there and in talmud aboda zara points out the difference so the bible itself indicated less than 400... still an additional source that does not match is simply a CONTRADICTION since it said "in egypt" as they needed to change. so under the rabbis i believed the bible "exagerated" both the years between egypt and solomon as they explained exageration and the same doubling the years in egypt it was an exageration doubling to teach the message suffering seemed like 430 years because the agony of even a few minutes seems very long more than usual time. the story continues...
STORY: later i searched other religions and asked a christian leader about this issue. he directed me to "fast and pray for understanding" i challenged but we pray and "dont get ALL that we ask"? so he said well if you fast that strengthens the power of prayer and if it is about understanding the prophecy  then you will certainly get answered as written "ask anything in my name" meaning anything about understanding the word of god gaurunteed to get an answer.
so i said we can BOTH fast and pray and see if we get the same message? sucker! he agreed to fast but the next day when we met and i asked if he fasted he said he had no doubt because academic wrote like the rabbis.
however i got a message that matches sources so that validated the message and as above ask anything and you will GET so i got. it is not from my mind and it does match the other books.
STORY: i prayed and asked please teach me the understanding and meaning that the years of levi are less years and the years "in egypt are more years" which is true and what is the meaning? the message was "the book is not holy feel the difference and in those moments i felt several pages as guided which were holy and which were not jeremia and isaiah wer eholy but exodus and others were not" i prayed more but how long were jews in egypt? the answer was neither the jews were not in egypt so the book of exodus was not from me and is neither true nor holy in contarast to jeremia and look jeremia said i did not command sacrifice that is my message but exodus can cause error that i commanded sacrifice which is false necause i sent jeremia to fix the error and tell the truth not command so that book exodus is false and not holy."
this message matches sources because "jesus NEVER said by name he quoted book exodus" for example matthew 22,32 is SIMILAR to book exodus but he never mentioned it by name where his source was so only that detail is good but a claim about "the book exodus lacks any foundation" he never taught that the book was good. in fact the qoute similar to genesis differed from jew genesis so he was not quotuing jew genesis that book we only think is holy because of human teachers but jesus never said those two books were true instead the opposite he did not say the source by name and the qoute differed because not genesis of jews. in contrast jeremia WAS  mentioned by name nearby in mat. 27, 9 jeremia the prophet by name this suppoerted that the message was not only not my own mind but matched the sources not a foreign idea instead those who included exodus baselessly when jesus did not say it by name cannot indclude exodus. in fact exodus is a different religion than the prophet jeemia who was mentioned by name and taught god did not command sacrifice since that is true we can easily identify that exodus can cause error that did command and this is an error because truly did not and the claim to include exodus book is baseless except the details a few that jesus actualy said that are the same in both sources.
but what aboutthe time in egypt the answer was neither because the book exodus is not from me the story in acts was a symbolic parable but ttruly the jews did not go to egypt nor exit.
now that we are warned the book exodus is a different religion than jeremia and that despite willingness to accept either 430 or less like the list of levi generations the message was neither because the book is not from me but a different repigion so we can just summarise briefly what is inside instead of reading a bad book that can cause errors.
the first part described slavery:
PART ONE chapters one to 11: 
entering egypt, moses fled and saw a message. the amazing plagues... WAIT...
note: that part is very tempting but the book is a foregn religion as indicated by jeremia's true message. also even those parallel descriptions of each plague do not match each other and this not a problem because only a book from god can be expected to tell accurately but not the book exodus not from god and not holy but a different religion as indicated by the Content of sacrifices noticeably different from god who sent a message by jeremia that any such message is not from me i never commanded sacrifices so you eat the burnt offerings see for yourself in jeremia 7.
so the message to me matched the sources it is not a new message but a selection to emphasis certain parts. so the claim we hear that jeremia is good is confirmed in matthew chapter 27 by name he is a prophet so that claim has a basis in contrast to those who claim book exodus is good yet jesus "never said by name book exodus" and even the quotes similar to it are without name he never said which source so only that detail quoted is good and preserved but no basis for the whole book. similarly jude quoted enoch that does not mean that enoch is a holy book and indeed enoch was not included despite jude quoted from it only the one detail is good not the whole book, same about a detail if exodus had a similar idea that matches then that detail is supported but not the book so we see the message matched the sources.
once we know jeremia was a true prophet obedience is to accept that god did not command sacrifice and therefore not be fooled by a book that can cause an error that he did so not accept book exodus nor similar books. instead the story in acts was only a symbolic legend.
DETAILS  in part one so you know the summary instead of reading the book exodus that can cause errors. chapter 2 they prayed, moses survived by floating in a river, by the burning bush moses argued with gods message "they wont believe me". moses warned paro age 80 wait! note: they prayed for saving and not get it instead suffered 80 years prayer does not help... unless asking for understanding gods word as above ask anything in my name. king refused so amazing plagues hit. note: the story of locusts is certainly after icy hail in the story so delayed between the time when the barley was dry until exit so this conflicted later when passover is by barley harvest they had not left then according to exodus but that is not a problem because the book is not from god.
ten plagues each one with two or three versions that do not match. could edit and blend all details into one prophecy and briefly it happened" but instead different versions because not from god who knew whatever happened and in this case nation not actualy in egypt nor exit nor plagues just a symbol in book acts.
PART 2 exiting saved
summary: the exit according to rabbi count: the year 2000 was called 5760 minus 2000=3760 minus 2448 according to rashi is 1312bc this is known to be false and rabbi wrong due to mesa in 843 bc and mentioned in book kings by jehospat=generations after solomon plus 480 years is 843+480=1323 even without the kings after solomon is too long and including until josapat way too long so the rabbis were forced to interpret book kings exagerated as above. but if kings true then the rabbis were wrong both about exageration and their numbers. whatever exodus symbolized was 480 years before solomon. still the numbers between mesa=mesha until nebucadnezer are flawed so book kings ALSO not from god who knew the true numbers. the book is separated from god and not holy and only the part same as book isaiah is good not the whole book.
how did the first born die? two versions "i and not my agent" as emphasized in jew ceremony or in exodus gods angel no problem! the book is not from god.
what about the children who did not sin nor cruel or were compelled by adults? do they deserve punishment? exodus said EVERY first born god hit or an angel hit which is true? neither. the contradiction and th etradition i and not an agent indicate another hint that this book is not from god who knew which, as we saw in other examples not only caused by this problem of children but god certainly did not kill every first born including children not even by sending an agent.
the claim that he did is in a book that was never included by jesus.
SUMMARY: the israelites exited they crossed a sea led by pillars of cloud and fire. that is the exciting detail preserved here so you wont read a bad book that can cause errors. what did they eat "food from the sky" is that to hide that they stole from travelers or raided border villages? the israelites truly never left the area of the jordan river until later.
details: exodus claimed they put blood on the door hinting if a jew did not he was hit same as egyptian however isaia wrote a message from god i did not want blood in past tense not only that sinful generation of isaia but past so this also warned us book exodus is a different religion than the prophets.
the egyptian army drowned. hmm why dont divers pull up an ARMY worth of many swords and spears from whichever sea? no problem the book is not from god. if they find a pile of swords it can be interpreted that a transport ship carrying swords sunk but even the religious christians never bothered to look for swords in the sea floor.
summary" the israelites sang a song preserving some ancient grammar but the song described in josephus differed so the original was lost and replaced but this song in book exodus is a fraud mislabel.
amalek attacked but moses raised his hands and the israel soldiers won. here a christian summary accepted 430 years not exageration but as above the generation of levi challenge that and since god knew this book exodus with both conflicting numbers is separate from god and not holy.
part THREE 
relationship:  god spoke from fire. rules and laws in future grammar not truly commands and a different religions laws the one with sacrifices which differed from the prophets religion.
two versions of building a worship tent filling many chapters with the tent that contained contents. consistently this religion has two altars but that is a different religion than jeremi who said i did not command and from isaia that said i did not want blood even in past.
details: i as a father can sell my daughter to be a maid servant... yay? do i rejoice at my god given privilige to sell my daughter? i want my daughter protected where i can gaurd her until she is independent no problem this is the religion with scarifices that differed from the religion of the prophets truly not command sacrifice nor allow selling daughter.
two versions of choosing moses brother as family boost which we know is immoral. one here and one in the following book.
in summary we can see many problems that are not a challenge to the true religion of the prophets because including exodus was baseless and wrong.

alice under part four

under Chapter 3 THREE
continuity: Alice chased a rabbit underground. she fell far and followed it into a hall. she drank orange fluid that shrunk her. she tried to go in a low door but it was locked. she ate a yellow cake that grew her and took the key. at this size she was further from going in the low door than her natural size. tears poured from her eyes despite her desire not to feel sad. the huge tears made a pool four inches deep on the floor until it sloped upwards.
the white rabbit returned and saw her huge human body so it dropped an aroma cloth. she smelled the cloth and the perfume scent shrunk her so she fell in the pool. a mouse showed her the way out of the salty sea of her own tears. the rabbit showed her the way to his home where she swelled and got stuck in the house. the rabbit took rocks that it threw through a window at alice to force her to leave his house. they changed into colored cakes. she ate an orange cake and like the orange juice shrunk. she took some cakes in her pocket and fled.
STORY: alice planned to grow to her own natural size, and to find that lovely garden. however she did not know how to do those plans. she wandered among the trees round her until she heard a short bark, above her head. this made her anxiously look up in a great hurry. An enormous purple puppy was looking down at her with large round eyes. [note above and down, in original but later ran towards her, impossible if near. despite silliness could not happen so i will fix]. She wondered if it was hungry, in which case it would probably swallow her +so she told it "do not eat me."
"i want to play," it replied. Al argued that she would not risk getting trampled by playing with it, so it went to its left and she went to her left. she decided to name it but deciding WHICH name, was difficult. maybe jill jeffirson? perhaps  vicki vasquez? or cassandra callizo? what if was not a girl? humans dont have a bias to blur animal gender... fish are classified male or female, so which was the puppy? however female fish are identified should be used for human animals despite bias. Al tried hard to whistle to it. it started running toward her so she felt terribly alarmed that it might trample her under its feet like a horse. +She pulled a cake that the rabbit had thrown at her in rabbit's house, from her pocket and threw the orange one toward the dog. it ate it... but the puppy jumped back out of the small cake which it then ate. as expected it shrunk low same as the effect of orange fluid.
al knew it was neither hungry nor a danger to trample her. she picked up a little bit of stick, and held it out toward the puppy, that jumped up all four feet in the air at once. it yelped and rushed at the stick. Alice threw it so it ran toward the stick. when it reached it, and lowered its mouth down to grab it, it tumbled heels over head in its hurry. the puppy held the stick and began a series of running toward her a very little bit each time but a longer distance away. it was barking hoarsely all the while.
lastly it sat down far away and was panting, with its tongue hanging out of its mouth, and its great eyes half shut. At this distance she felt safe so al threw a yellow cake at it which ate it, and grew to its original size. Alice used this good opportunity to escape from the giant purple puppy. she ran til the puppy's bark sounded quite faint in the distance. she felt tired and gasped breath. She felt hot due to running and found a straw hat on her head, so she fanned herself with her new hat.
she leant against a buttercup to rest herself and thought that she wanted to teach it tricks, adding aloud, "if I'd been the right size to do it!" Alice looked all round her at the flowers and the blades of grass, searching for something to eat that would change her to her real height. she turned to look behind her and saw a new mushroom near her. it was a bit taller than her. she looked under it on both sides and behind the stem. she lastly looked on its top by standing up on tiptoe.
Al looked over the edge of the mushroom. she immediately saw a large blue caterpillar. it was sitting quietly smoking a long hookah. Alice tried an encouraging start for a conversation, "hi my name is Alice what is your name?" they looked at each other silently for almost a full minute until the cyan caterpillar calmly took the hookah out of its mouth. it asked her, "Who R U? [credit disney]" Alice replied rather shyly, "I do not know, sir." it asked her, "not even that?"
"at least I know who I was this morning, but I changed several times since then." it asked, "What do you mean? explain yourself." Alice answered, "I can't explain myself, sir, because I'm not myself. you see." it abruptly replied, "I don't see." Alice very politely explained, "I was many different sizes in one day, that is very confusing." it abruptly argued, "It isn't." Al argued, "later, when you will change from a caterpillar into other forms until a butterfly, you will know how strange i feel. won't you?"
"Not a bit," it again abruptly argued. She tried to explain, "i feel strange and that change would also feel strange to me."  the caterpillar contemptuously challenged, "You! who are you?" This repeated its first question, beginning again. Alice felt a little irritated due to the difficult dialogue and its very short remarks. she straightened herself up and said very gravely "you ought to tell me who you are, first." it asked, "Why?" 
when she could not think of any reason to answer this puzzling question, she turned round and walked away. caterpillar called, "Come back! I've something important to tell you." Al thought that something important was worth hearing so she turned and came back again. it instructed, "Keep your temper." Alice angrily asked "Is that all?" She had difficulty overcoming her anger but hid it as well as she could.  it answered, "No," and waited silently. Al still wanted to go to the garden but waited for whatever important thing it would say.
Alice continued waiting, despite wanting to find the garden as she planned, hoping it would tell her something worth hearing. they were silent a few minutes while she waited and it puffed out smoke. finally it took out the hookah from its mouth, and asked "so you think you're changed, do you?" Al answered, "Yes, sir, I can't remember the things I used to know, so i must be somebody different." it suggested that she try to repeat "You are old, father William". Alice timidly began: "You are old, father William," his young son said,
"you have swelled most uncommonly fat
"Yet you turned a back-somersault in at the door
"Pray what is the reason of that?"

"In my youth," his pa said, as he shook his gray locks,
"I kept all my limbs very supple,
By the use of this ointment, five shillings per box
Allow me to sell you a couple."

"You are old," said the man, "as I mentioned before,
"And your hair is exceedingly white
And yet you repeatedly stand on your head
Do you think, at your age, it is right?"

"In my youth," father William replied to his son,
"I feared it might injure my brain
But now that I'm perfectly sure I have none,
I can do it again and again."

"You are old," said the youth, "and your jaws are too weak
"For anything tougher than su-et
"Yet you eat all the goose, with the bones and the beak
"Pray, how did you manage to do it?"

"In my youth," said his father, "I argued the law,
"i practiced each case with my wife,
"so the muscular strength, which it gave to my jaw,
"Has lasted the rest of my life."

"You are old," said his son, "one would hardly suppose
"That your eye was as steady as ever
"Yet you balanced an eel on the end of your nose
"What made you amazingly clever?"

"I have answered three questions, and that is enough,"
Said his father, "don't be such a pain
"Do you think I can listen all day to such stuff?
go NOW and clean up our great Dane." When she concluded, it commented, "That was not the rhyme." Alice sadly nodded and agreed, "some of the words came out strange." it argued, "It was wrong from beginning to end." they were silent. it was the first to speak, "What size do you want to be?" al answered "my natural size." she thought to herself, "i don't like changing so often."
"so you do not want to change again?" it asked hastily as if she had spoken it aloud. She explained, "a small change is good. I wish i was a little larger, sir." it criticized harshly, "little or larger?" Alice added, "three inches is such a horrible height." it angrily argued loudly and decidedly, "a very GOOD height." it raised itself straight up while it spoke. She saw it was exactly the same height as herself. "It is strange for me" pitifully pleaded poor Alice. it put the hookah into its mouth, and smoked one puff. she thought to herself "I wish the animals here wouldn't be so EASILY offended like the caterpillar now and the mouse.
it took the hookah out of its mouth, and crawled down off the mushroom into the grass. it declared, "the top will make you grow taller. the stalk will make you shorter." alice asked it, "The top of what? the stalk of what?" so it explained, "Of the mushroom." in another moment it was out of her sight.
part five
to be continued

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

semi-fascist the GOOD HALF

 a new trend emerged the association with evil fascist and due to not truly fascist they associated by saying semi fascist to call bad names for association to seem evil which is ad hominim instead of any issue but can sway the human herd so what are they referred to? to the list of characteristics of fascism fourteen on list so if you have some semi fascist but only for misleading association to connect.

a semi fascist could have the ones that DO NOT HARM OTHER PEOPLE  such as followed tradition or conflicted description of enemies those dont harm others so the reply to "semi fascist" is the "good half" considering most of the list does not harm others so only the harmful characteristics deserve and warrant opposition not every semi fascist just usedcas a deception to connect people to something containing harm.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

wanda's wedding

wanda's wedding, historical fiction
yay post 900 HUNDREDS such accomplished.
1949 december, israel, acre
the wedding was wonderful! one woman named wanda wobson was wearing the color that she had always dreamed for her wedding, bright greenish yellow. her parents' pressure had been huge to wear white same as every wedding but wanda wanted her favorite color and demanded "on my special day i can't be society's slave".
wanda had met her husband harold harrison in december 1947 in the same city then called "acre, palestine". his parents called him his jewish name aaron but the british document showed his name harold. his family had fled violence in russia which was also tragicly common in the countries by russia. 
often the religion caused conflict because the orthodox church separate from catholic and protestant blamed the jews for their part in jesus death... which they wanted and needed for forgiveness of sin, but also wanted to blame jews. similarly polish pogroms perpetrated by catholic church... they would not "forgive" the jews until the popes announcement in the 1960's despite the desire that jesus die for their sins since that was benefit in their faith they should thank the jews for their part in the romans killing jesus which atoned sins but accused "deicide" despite not exactly a god... they weekly announce "one god the father with three persons" which is a "mystery" but one god nonetheless since nobody killed "one god the father" jews only shouting that the romans should kill jesus but not the father in heaven, and then the romans killed jesus not god the father it was not truly deicide but for catholics three in one is close enough to be deicide but if jesus death was benefit then the jews part was a part of the benefit and even jesus while on the cross said "forgive them" but catholics refused to submit to their own books and even to jesus for many centuries. despite their own book and these three factors the catholic desire to hate jews was stronger than their holy book and even the foundation of their faith that christ died for their sins.
 these violence events caused death and damage to jews in russia and the region so a man named peter was a refugee fleeing the deadly pogroms and escaped russia into a boat in the black sea. he had bribed a sailor to exchange places so he would work at the sailor's position on the boat and do his jobs until the port in greece.
peter paid the sailor and went aboard the deck of the ship wearing the sailor uniform given to him by the one he bribed. for saving his life as a refugee he lied and showed the sailors paper which lacked a picture and was allowed on board for the job. peter worked hard and obeyed the captain's commands and crew commands too. he frequently made the motion of the cross the way the sailor had taught him so they would not suspect he was from a jewish family.
the slow journey went to port after port many ports along the west coast of the black sea but peter stayed on and worked. obviously much cargo was unloaded and loaded on the ship at each port. the ship passed between a narrow strait and reached the nile sea called mediteranean which is greek for med=middle between terra=land between the lands. every sea is med-terra like the adriatic sea and north sea and baltic sea so the name was the local greek name.
when the boat arrived in a greek port peter carried cargo off from the ship ashore... but undressed in the shack. he had stuffed a long sleep gown into a bag he carried so he put on the long robe. he added the cloth turban and walked out asking "mosk? mosk?" which nobody understood.
the weekly wages he had earned were with him so he had purchased a ticket to the ancient land of king solomon then named israel, but at the time of the trip named palestine due to the roman control and the name stayed for centuries. as the sun set he kneeled and pretended to pray to alla despite his rejection of any religious book. he looked like a muslim in the gown and prayed five times a day.
after a short trip of around 8 days he came to acre, palestine. he continued the muslim act by joining the muslim community in acre which was pronounced akka in arabic. he was offered a bride as common in that era and the muslim culture so he wed her in a muslim ceremony with the qadi.
peter had a daughter by his wife and she was palestinian by birth. when she reached age 14, peter arranged his daughter's marriage to a jew from europe. he prefered a jew due to his own true secret family. he used the muslim authority granted to father for arrange her wedding as he desired. their daughter, peter's granddaughter, was a jewish palestinian due to her father. she changed her name to wanda and when she met hari in 1947, they started a relationship.
a year after the name was "renewed returned refreshed israel" they wed in 1949. when the government changed from british to mixed israeli jew with israeli arab in parliament called knesset, wanda's ma rejected islam, that was in 1948. she begged her relatives to stay in the same city but they obeyed the arab leaders by leaving the british borders that had been established in the 1920's between british palestine and egypt when egypt was granted independence. similarly the border was set when jordan became independent only jew land needed to wait many years all the 1930's and until 1948 before its independence. just long enough that the jews had nowhere to flee from the nazis. harold claimed that britain had chosen not to  enforce the german disarmement agreement but allowed, so he complained,  the nazi to build a vast air force... this would lead to the 2 thinhs brits wanted, glory: a guaranteed british glorious victory and less jews would try come to british palestine because the nazis would obey hitlers well known published book that jews are germs and no crime to kill harmful germs.
when the cease fire was established in june 1949 she again sent a telegram to call her relatives back to her city, the war ended that month, but they wrote that they would not return. the new governemnt did the same as austria and other governments and annuled the ownership of abandoned homes which was justified as government and even more justified when the "ex-owner" did not come when he was able when hostilities ended in 1949. 
in 1952, one cousin wrote that he would come, but she replied that they missed their chance in 1949 once hostilities ended they had no excuse "to flee a war zone" and had not returned using that excuse. by 1952, she explained it was too late and certainly later was even later than too late.
hari asked his marriage mom why she left islam?
she explained that the quran said that the bible of moses was good and the teaching of jesus was light therefore she felt a conflict when the teachers claimed the christian book was corrupt... that violated her commitment to quran and surely alla knew if it was corrupt yet long after the christian version was published the quran wrote it is good so she believed the quran and that the teachers were deceiving her. so she left the lying teachers of islam and went to the light of the book of jesus as she had always believed due to the quran.
she noticed that the stories were parallel yet different. when muslims say "jesus never said he was god" they mean in THEIR OWN quran the quote was not included but the christian bible has conflicting sources on this issue.
jesus did say he and the father are one... semmingly claiming diviniy and the jews understood that and were furious. she herself was between the two faiths considering jesus spoke often in parable he only meant symbolicly they are one same as usualy spoke parables and symbolic "eat my body" meaning faith.
hari challenged her why she did not go to the catholic church if she believed in the new testament.
she had studied the new testament and knew that biblical peter was married and that bishops must have one wife, in book timothy, not that peter appointed bishops as leader but the community chose someone with one wife, therefore the so-called bishops of catholic were not real bishops fue to without one wife and if any fake bishop appointed pope no real bishop existed so the appointment of pope was a fraud therefore when the fraud pope appointed by non bishops who did not have one wife, and was not married himself, he was not truly the pope with the pope authority to appoint bishops as catholics claim. so the pope was not appointed by a true bishop who could not appoint a pope who was "based on peter" while peter was married in contrast to the pope not matching its own basis of peter... the biblical peter. similarly the appointments by the unappointed pope, were not real cardinal kuz  not by a true pope so they were not true bishops neither by appointment of pope nor the biblical rule of one wife in paul's letter to timothy which catholics consider holy but ignore.
for these reasons she left islam despite its billion "talkers" who say i am muslim, (oops not "believers" we only hear words and see not teach wife to cover face) who were not troubled by that conflict, or were too scared of their neighbors... she had been scared too even under the british until the liberal israel government. 
when she left islam she did not accept catholic due to the pope problem not being married to one wife. 
hari challenged her to do the common baptism of christianity but she had her answer for that too based on her holy book, the holy bible said one baptism. was that water? if so then the verse on corinthians (oops not colosians) all were baptised by spirit is false because one baptism not more. the fact that baptism is by spirit revealed the lie of those who claim baptism is "always water" but there not water so not every... in fact water was before jesus just a custom of john the baptist not the new faith which truly had baptism of spirit and truly one baptism, no other as one in ephesians, which she believed holy apostolic until her coworker gave a paper from bible college about deuteropaul books.
she did not fit in with the protestants either who teach water baptism despite not obligation, nor necessity same as those on the cross not baptised yet still her neighbors encouraged... but she felt that added beyond the one baptism as above.
hari was impressed by her consistency but did not accept any god. he said "i cannot reach any conclusion so it cannot affect my faith nor actions".
1950 january, acre israel. wanda was noticeably pregnant, around 17 weeks but hari did not want the responsibility of a child so he urged his wife to abort the fetus. she beleieved in christianity which taught "sanctity of life" she cannot end the life of the fetus. he tried to pursuade her "it is in your body so you can eject it if you want" she argued even if she wanted that is not realy her body since the baby is a mix of his genetic stuff. they knew that in the 1940's too. hari realized he was wrong the fetus was not her body. hari demanded a divorce... guess what? jesus taught you cannot divorce. 
in desperation he tried to find a solution, despite fetus not her body but part him, he said "your body is a SLAVE to the fetus so "that choice you have for your body." wanda answered that is still not an excuse to kill it kuz only can eject it, to free herself she must have arrangements so it will not die but abortion kills it. hari was very angry at religion but his buddy said dont you believe if i broke your window that would be bad. hari agreed that is harm and bad damage. so the pal continued from the fetus perspective you are harming the fetus even a small injury is damage same as evil damage to break a window so worse if it would stop living.
so hari simply traveled to haifa. in haifa he could not find work and was expelled from his apartment home. the same night criminals who happened to speak aabic stole his shoes and stabbed this kofir the denier of muhamed and that was the end of harold harrison. had harold went to hell? how can we know? 
the end. 

top videos 1988, 1989

1. Batman 1989, $251M
Batman battled crime. this time he faced the dangerous and deadly Joker.
2. Indiana Jones 1989, $197M see success list
3. Rain Man 1988, $179M Drama
in l.a. a man heard that his brother got the inheritance, a fortune. he traveled with the heir, hoping to get from the fortune.
4. Who Framed Roger Rabbit 1988, $156M
a cartoon rabbit was suspected of murder. it asked a detective to hide itself because it got "framed". (their summary was awful, if *accused the accuser must prove not the defendant) how will they stop the evil plot to dissolve toon town?
5. Lethal Weapon 2 1989, $147M
2 men followed diplomats who are misusing their immunity for real crimes.
6. Look Who's Talking 1989, $140M
a single lady birthed the child of a married man. a cab driver romanced her. the newborn baby's thoughts can be heard as it went on an adventure.
next 131m<140m

analyzing the responses to suffering

analyzing the responses to suffering
as usual fox news "bothered" to bring both sides. i mean in the past they gave voice to those who criticized dnc democrats and also gave voice to family guy that used its comedy to poke at some fox news people... fox hosted family guy... which poked at bob dole republican and used comedy for "associations of evil to rnc names" several times not to both sides just the rnc, and even including a fox news guy who the family guy people hated for his different opinions and mentioned by name in family guy while fox hosted both family guy and that news guy.
similarly in hurricane ian when the people in florida suffered deaths and damage fox bothered to bring BOTH sides and we can see which responses were humane and which responses were the delay of aid while emphasizing "using people sufferings to attack political rivals" the way fascists had done.
fox started with the president response as expected in any crisis what does the leader respond? this time biden dnc "predicted the future" this "might be a substantial loss of life" instead of focusing on now, he predicted the future why would he do that? we will see his cruel agenda. following the dnc tradition of dnc truman atom bomb worse than poison gas on whole families and in general fdr dnc "strategy" of sending soldiers into danger when the same soldiers could be used differently but president is commander in chief and when c in c is dnc we see he preferrd to ignore risks and send his citizens into danger in the wrong order no sanctity of life neither his own citizens nor japanese families. and this dnc tradition continues as biden dnc predicted the future and used fear mongering not about facts and current suffering but the future...
if we know that the governor of florida is rnc then we understand biden dnc poke.. he wants to distract from "something" by emphasizing fear and the best way to baselelssly cause fear is "fear the future death sounds scary" and this "maybe substantial death" look at those words of gobldy gook what the bleep is "substantial death" when we talk about death
what kind of description is substantial just vague deception to shift blame of death to rnc in florida. instead of responding about now suffering he used the danger not only for a fear mongering prediction which is the future not known but worse biden dnc politiciesd used suffering and death to hint an accusation at the rnc governor. not enough deaths now... "possibly in future substantial deaths" we see the emphasis on the future instead of SHOWING empathy now... serving teh political purpose make the rival rnc look bad by using suffering and future predictions.
in contrast we see the humane emphasis at fox news despite bringing both sides the president dnc horrifying fear mongering response also the other side the humane side peole are suffering nature harming their homes, i add people wanna live in pleasant environments the furniture and furnishings and decorations and the feeling of home... destroyed by fast winds 150 miles per hour winds! damaging homes fox news focused n the damage and the suffering that is humane...
NOW WE can comprehend what biden dnc was distracting from dont think about the suffering and the need for assistance to rebuild, money should not go for humane showing empathy and help in damage instead money should go for the climate change agenda instead and delay the aid and focus on the scary death and the future instead.
governor of florida is rnc then we know HOW people voted... the majority of  VOTERS voted rnc.  now we comprehend biden dnc knows WHO VOTED FOR THE RNC those are the VOTERS who elected rnc so when he can, biden dnc wants to punish them for electing desantis and other rnc instead of dnc so let them suffer longer and longer and distract the public with scary death if not now "maybe" the scary death toll will rise. so those are the two sides.
talking about scary death is for what we NOT notice as fox news reporter pointed out and emphasized "we are not seeing assistance nor aid" and we are "waiting for biden to send aid" that is the humane response SHOWING empathy and mercy caring about their suffering they need help, that is the humane side and biden could hsend aid but instead we see the other side biden dnc DELAYED sending aid? AS ABOVE WE KNOW HOW VOTERS VOTED IF RNC GOT ELECTED IF I CAN I WILL LET EM SUFFER LONGER.
not only was he delaying aid and assistance bby not sending rushed aid he is distracting people by making future predictions... it served the political purpose to say "your cars are warming the planet and making storms worse" the emphasis of dnc campaign, and SPENDING instead of SHOWING empathy now for the suffering and caring enough to send aid immediately and asistance to rebuild... we return to the idea of warming, while fox brought both sides mainstream media was quoted but also the other side "it is very bad causing suffering "fourth worst" that fact indicated the pattern "intensity is not increasing" the past had three powerful storms more intense and more powerful and instead now less intense despite added emissions from MILLIONS of truck engines since then. so that refuted the idea of intensifying. these is no pattern of each year a stronger storm instead te strong storm is less than the past which is why biden had to speak of the future and whhat "may be" not the now when it is less intense than the three stronger ones.
and not sending aid for rebuilding.
so biden dnc speaking of scary death not only distracted from his punishing voters but also showed the politicization of people suffering by dnc  to make rnc look bad as if not rescuing despite truly rescue efforts.
not only to distract from the cruel lack of aid which fox reported as news "we dont see aid" that is news NOW despite seeing the damage and suffering instead of helping the suffering with merciful action biden jabbed the political rival rnc emphasizing scary death to make the rival rnc look bad. but before we show the other side of the death we ned to comprehemd that he did that as a distraction from something "more evil" which is the cold hearted delay not sending aid as presidents have done in the past. trump sent aid to new orleans so biden is even worse than trump by biden dnc delaying aid... in fact trump rnc might not be as bad as people claimed considering helping the flooding etc. in new orleans in that tragic flooding in his watch done by the weather.
now we return to the accusation against rnc governor... the accusation is about the future not even now! one side is to blame the governor for bad management people are dying what is the other side? fox again presented both sides "helicopters are flying rescue missions the roads are damaged but peole were instructed to stay off the roads for rescuers" the emphasis is on the resuce efforts so dont accuse rnc governor for nature deaths when he is arranging rescue activities. in contrast to the cold hearted delaying of aid done by dnc biden. those are the two sides.
again fox brought both sides about climate change the mainstrearm news talks about "cliamte change" meaning human influenced warming... and fox did not hide their opinion instead they brought both fox quoted them and also the other side when cnn tried to get a scientist to say the storm was intensified by climmate change the scientist did not agree. hmm who is ignoring science? is "denying climate change ignoring science? the scientists did not agree".
as we see the fact is not a patten of intensifying but the opposite  less severe than three stronger storms and the fact is rescue effrts are being done but instead sending aid by biden dnc is delayed to punish voters who voted for rival rnc as we see by who got elected. he used the suffering for the future "may be many deaths" as if rnc in not doing enough when in fact he is aranging the management of rescue efforts... despite the delay in aid from biden dnc with his continued tradition of cold hearted ignoring suffering it is more impottant for him to falsely accuse the political rival rnc in florida than to act humane by rushing aid to the people to rebuild their homes and businesses.
the mainstream used the suffering to emphasize the political agenda of over emphasizing climate change as if until not climate was "not change stable?" as "sheldon the genius" said in comedy big bang "change is not ealy change when something has always been changing" then change is consstent continuing the pattern not a real "change in the pattern". in fact if the stron storm is weaker we see not intensufying from the three stronger storms which is why biden cant talk about now he prefers to make prediction about death for fear mongering whch peole wont notice due to his emphasis to blamernc for the deaths falsely while he is arranging rescue activities. the opposite of dnc sending covid positive to "isolation with old people" meaning those with higher risk of flu death lets give them the risk of lung infection... which is merely continuing the dnc "tradition" of non-sanctity of life risk the elderly people despite the family cares about them... dont limit harm to fetus despite life and undoubtedly different dna than mother not fetus is not "her body" and undoubtedly a human life.
the ephasis on climate change is not only politicization but distracted from the humane response showing empathy and sending aid which biden dnc delayed that is teh two sides one side delayed aid despite suffering and distracts from his cruelty by talking about something else something scary deaths, not now now is less severe than past so the prediction with doubt... about may be big deaths because now not worse than previous storms so he must use future doubt to make it seem worse than it is, when we know the intesntity was less than three strong storms in the past so truly a relative lessening in intensity and make the rival rnc look bad falsely because only the future possibilty not now when rescue operations are performed.
as expected fox critices the emphasis on climate change which dnc agenda is pushing... by showong the other side people are suffering have a humane reaction of showing empathy and emphasizing the rescue efforts and the desire of people to rebuild. instead of showing empathy for the sufering they use the suffering for political fear mongering about the future as above and for falsely blaming rnc rival for many deaths when truly rescue effrots are performed and since now not worse he needs to deceive people that it "may be more deaths" only a possibility but scary death distracts from the doubt and the certainty that the winds were ACTUALY less... DESPITE added truck emissions by millions of truck engines from millioons of gallons of fuel added since those past storms and since last hurricane season...despite that less intense... what about calling c02 the "evil greenhouse gas" that would mean both their and "your constant breathing" emits co2 the "evil green house gas". like how dare we breathe if co2 is bad. look at those athletes straining and gasping for air as they run... exhaling... omg maybe we should ban nfl then we would have less greenhouse gas than simple breathing and less misuse of public tv for opinion in general which i cant hold MY sign at the football game but the can kneel to insult the national symbol... cancelling nfl is a win win... no public insult and less co2. 
still, the truth is we need the water vapor and co2 to hold part of the heat and indeed EVERY evening heat does escape not trapped but some heat stays due to wate vapor and co2 which we need so we wont FREEZE LIKE MARS OR THE MOON.
so we have analyzed the two sides and seen that fox bothered to bring both sides which is great for analysis and news companies instea of one sided bias reporting that i see on another news that i stiopped watching in contrast fox brought both sides the humane side of caring and the DESIRE to help showing empathy and merciful assistance in emphasizing rescue efforts and the desire to send aid... which cold hearted dnc biden delayed... and the other side the non humane reply to use the suffering to distract people from the lack of aid and only to cause fear about the future using "maybe" and the unknown future for politics to falsely accuse the rival rnc and make them seem bad in theeyes of the simple people who here "scary death" and the emphasis on climate change which might noy be a priority compared to education of YOUR KIDS and grandchildren... and other issues... but using their suffering not as an oppurtunity to ACT merciful and show empathy but to EXTEND TEH SUFFERING by delaying aid and assistance to use the suffering for the emphasis on the expensive climate change agenda whic might not be a prioriy over other issues but due to suffering seems important sdespit ethe fact that it is not intensifying but truly LESS than previous major storms despite the added emissions since last year and precvious storms as above.
also the "potential limitation of pollution in u.s. " will have no effect when africa and china are polluting the sea and air unstoppable at ahuge rate the amount of plastic pouring out of china rivers into the sea has been measured and despite the chinese are sinking the world boat nobody can slow them down... and instead of focusing on the "plastic flowing from river to sea" in every country including china which pollutes much more the propaganda speaks of "use of plastic" obviously richer countries can afford "single use and throw products" but the issue is not the use but where it WENT and goes plastic cups are recyclable with that number and people are probably putting them in the "bins" same as plastic bottles in cintrast to africa and india and china's billions and billions despite not "reich enough to use single use" and throw so truly "less use" that is only a distraction from where it GOES the plastic used does go into china rivers and from them into the sea and while u.s. rivers also flush plasti out we know the rate of china pollution is more both in plastic and air pollution of gas emissions not only co2 but poison gasses from industry which nobody can slow down so as long as the "chinese drill a hole in their cabin in the boat" nobody can go in and stop them so the efforts to have less pollution elsewhere will have no difference when the air and water is getting poisoned anyway and nobody can "trespass" and slow down the china government nor the billions and billions of chinese and india and africa truly billions not just fear exageration as bad biden dnc but real billions and real flowing from rivers to sea that is a huge problem to emphasize not the "use of plastic cups" that have the recycle number on them and modernized countries such as u.s. do recycle or other modernized countries can "burn at high temperatures" enough heat to split the ch into water vapor in contrast to regular fires which are just filthy smoke. but we conclude with the two sides of the response to suffering in the hurricane euther the humane response added by fix the showing of empathy to suffering and the desire to hellp and rescue missins which sho acting merciful and the desire for aid from biden while the ugly truth that biden did delay it and the other side how dnc tried to use the suffering for political agaenda as above instead of acting humane and sending aid bt they hated desantis too much and they know WHO VOTED FOR THE RNC those are the VOTERS who elected rnc biden dnc wants to punish them for electing desantis and other rnc instead of dnc so let them suffer longer and longer and distract the public with scary death if not now "maybe" the scary death toll will rise. 
so those are the two sides.

Monday, January 23, 2023

a hebrew poem about faith in jesus fulfilled prophecy

 אני אוהב אוֹתְךָ בְּכָל לִבִּי

על הברית שתורה שלך בלב
ישוע מת לשלם עבורי
החיה אותו ועל ימין יושב

רק בחסדך ולא במעשים
מתנה שהמאמין לא יאובד
טיהרת לבי חידשת אותי
אתה איתי ואני לא לבד
את צורכינו אנא לנו תתן
כמו סיפור אכילת לחמים
מַלְכוּתְךָ תתגלה גם בָּאָרֶץ
כִּי מלכותך לְעוֹלְמֵי עוֹלָמִים

גילית בישוע אַהֲבָתְךָ
לשלם עבורי ברחמים
אנא שלח לנו את יְשׁוּעָתְךָ
כִּי מלכותך לְעוֹלְמֵי עוֹלָמִים

did paul teach the divinity of jesus

most Christians claimed they believe in a trinity. both protestant and catholic claim they believe in a trinity meaning "one god three persons." so monotheism.
does that mean the analogy "a man worked as a judge. he stopped working as a judge and started working as a chef. this is the same person whether his title is chef or judge" but that is not the faith! jesus prayed not by my will but yours. they have separate wills.
origen specified jesus was less than god... that is not the same one nor a real god. undoubtedly origen knew gospel john where jesus said i and father are one but he also knew that as usual jesus spoke in symbols and parables... as he often did. he does not mean the "same one with different functions"  as described but a symbol as usual a parable.  
in fact paul specified several times that jesus is not the same as theo same as origen in Origen, First, 33–4 [I.3 despite knowing john chapter ten. 
when paul said "god raised jesus from the dead in romans, if truly dead they are not the same one because god raised him while he was dead. no need to separate body... as paul specified there and in cor. the spirit of god theo but jesus is lord not theo surely he knew john 10 but still taught not the same one. jesus spoke as usual in a symbol.
the "attractive hook" at the start of john seems to say both parts. if we replace the word "word" with jesus but that is neither the local meaning nor pauls faith.
the "word was with god" is separate not the same one... but which word? the word was god that is the letters with god. not as they claimed jesus was both with and god. that does not say which word god spoke? but he specified the word was god that was the word which was with god. the word became flesh. which word the word god became flesh. both paul and origen knew this and still distinguished not the same one.
the claim of divinity could be based on paul if he said jesus is theo the same word but instead it is baseless and differed frrom paul. so the trinity is not theo as most protestant and catholic claim that religion abandoned not only the teachings of paul but even their own book. only of someone distinguished theo from lord not divine and not theo are they trusting the word of god.
since jesus is less he is certainly not the same one nor a real god but less than god. if so hiw can his sacrifice drath pay for sins? because he is lord beyond any human even if son of god, believers are sons, but the son of god jesus was more, he was lord, so his death cleaned sins while still not god as paul and origen dared to write despite knowing john 10 still jesus words are same as usuual a symbol a nd parallel whereas precision is jesus is lord not theo.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

gender identity

 in this generation the people make ENORMOUS EFFORT  to blur gender as if chromosomes are not real. if i say xy chromosomes distinct they reply xxy... did they agree xy is male? they only argue about xxy so they have agreed xy is male dedpite words. even if we assume xxy is doubt still xy is male almost everyone can be identified by xy those with the smaller called y are male those xx can be identified is female. EVERY cell testified MILLIONS of witnesses which is male and which female.

but they argue equality means same, wrong equal respect differs from same.

"menstruation affected blood pressure" so the amount of blood pressure considered healthy differs from male to female. separate CHARTS due to REAL differences between male or female not same, not one chart and the contents of chart differ.

if i say menstruate the liars reply dont talk about personal... to hide the distinction but the fact is healthy females drip but healthy men dont drain uteral  blood.

the deceivers will argue "you are saying young girls are male" to play word games... but young girls are not mature they potentialy will menstruating if healthy.

so i rephrase the bodily structure for menstruating distinguished female, not the ouuter slots but the bodily structure for menstruation is the distinction even if not menstruate meaning not drip due to age older or younger.

the fact is menstruation often caused CRAMPS men do not get monthly menstrual cramps that differs and can affect army service. both male and female can be distracted by other bodily fluids..  although honestly wevknow fear releases them.. but females have added monthly menstrual cramps that can be dangerous in battle.

so due to word games and "call me him" the objective truth is bodily structure of menstruation distinguished gender and even has effect on blood pressure so the liars with "no menstruation structure" who say call me lady are still objectively male.

the religion named science

after criticism of ancient religion in preceding post i also critical of the religion  named science which has been acting like evil religion. 

 people use "ridiculed" method if anyone dared to doubt the global warming  "humans caused" you "can't deny science"

yet science used the same as blind religion, if you dont understand it say it and accept it regardless. if a science book claimed the universe or matter in universe is a finite time that is history not science... despite the benefits of peer review that experts inspect each other, the benefit ABSENT in religion and in religious books... nobody DARES to fix even known "scribal errors" nobody inspected the content!

an error will stay preserved without fixing so religion is harmful yet blind faith in science books is just as absurd.

i cant disprove global warming i can only exhibit that the "heat is not trapped" each night and other facts that challenged the emotional "concerned scientists"

when science should be separated from emotion. 

when astrophysics claimed the galaxies are moving apart... that has big problems we  need permission to doubt the blind faith of the religion called science DESPITE its advantages and reliability over ancient religions. 

when science claimed the matter in universe is around 14 billion years age how did they get that. not that religion is better but  how? i asked a physicist who explained the academic blind faith when they can SEE it is false but choose blind faith.

galaxies are moving apart in a way that space seemed to expand between them like "surface of a sphere" they extrapolated from the separation that last year they were nearer therefore a finite time they were near each other so further  past perhaps one inch of volume. i challenged this part in a preceding post too.

the same astrophysics book also claimed andromeda galaxy is moving NEARER to earth based on blue shift in contrast to the fact that galaxies are moving apart based on red shift... but that means not a central outward motion from one  center which is the assumption for calculated age.

if as they claimed central then all move parallel with angles but that conflicted observations of blue shift indicating not apart and not as magazine said "paint dots on the surface of an expanding balloon" that explanation conflicted observation not even one would move toward another if their description  was not false.

we know from observation that is real science that their description is false. 

if two are moving nearer they must not claim moving out from a center to extrapolate the nearness in the past. simply admit it is a mystery why some move apart and some move together.

consider the equation rt=d rate times time totals distance. if rate is finite less than speed of light called c, as modern science claimed,  matter cant move faster than c, then r<c. also time if they claimed apart indicates the past nearness of 14b. also finite then we can compute distance between the opposite galaxies. simply choose a past moment in past yesterday and multiply rt since r<c for matter and t at a moment in past is finite then the total distance is LESS than 14c from center and opposite galaxies from center not more than, but certainly less than 28 billion light years distance at that past time so the volume between edges of matter would be computable but... only if truth is they move apart which they know is false... at least one is not moving apart not moving away from the same assumed center as those estimating the speed of apart that started 14b years ago. that is also blind faith despite knowing the exception as above. the theory can be identified as false just as easily as the earth center failed to explain some of the nearby planets... they knew it was not an explanation but the religious book psalms said "the earth stands" not move therefore sun must move around earth despite the failure to explain some of the planets called regression... now we smile smugly at their foolishness while we REPEAT the same foolishness... we know not all move apart  yet calculate as if all were moving apart and had been together... not only is that presumption in doubt we have enough data to know it is the "wrong explanation" but nobody can deny science... even whrn failed to explain observation which should be based on observation by its own rules.

they  know the claim of apart is false yet use it to ridicule the religions that claim thousands of years age... like at jew weddings... that is allowing personal desire to influence the result and ignore the fact that the same book of astrophysics said for beginners at least one is not apart if so their description is certainly false not to defend six thousand but because the religion called science has the same danger of blind faith as ancient religion. even when they could notice not all apart so cant imagine nearer until center the model is already known to be false yet the scientists are just as blind as blind religion in their emotional will to mock the false thousand, they claim billions but the model is certainly false. they could see not one center of big bang so neither method the religious 10^3 nor 14x10^9 is a valid explanation for the universe. so admit mystery... until AFTER  a suggestion succeeded. 

the issue was only emphasised to mock religion not due to real science such claimed about past is history and false history as above.