Tuesday, August 31, 2021

chamber of secrets fan fiction

hermione n ron were surprised that harry had not returnd to hogwarts.
a week before easter vacation the photographer collapsed. he seemd petrified. hermione recalld reading that this was due to a basilisk kild by gaze.  the camera lens had saved his life, caused he only petrify not dead. she understood the creature was a basalisk. she told dun about the basalisk and he told her "help will always be given in hogwarts."
tragedy struck again. a few days before easter holiday. hermione was studying that easter symbolized that jesus defeated death when a first year came and told hermione "ginny is missing."
hermione started crying and went to the girls room to wash her face. there she saw myrtle and asked how did you die?
i saw eyes from there" explained myrtle. now hermione knew that the basalisk had gaed at myrtle. she inspected the sink and saw it had a special marking of a serpent.
she wished harry was at school he could speak parsel but harry had stopd doing the sin of witchcraft. hermione doubted that obeying the bible could be good who would resuce ginny from the basilik was she even alive?  ginny was missing and hermione thout that the bas took ginny.
desperate hermione went to draco malfoy. "draco i need your help" she said humbly.
draco mocked "so miss know it all does not know it all." please she begd "for the sake of ginny she is a pure blood.-- "that poor family they are riff raff but if you ask nicely how can i save her."
hermione explained that the mark on the sink was a snake and he could open the chamber of secrets for her to save ginny "you would be a hero" hermione urged. draco agreed and hissed at the sink then the "sink sank down". it had coverd a wide pipe. "i did my bit" he said n left to boast that he opend the chamber of secrets.
she slid into the entry in the wall into pipe and slid down til bend n slid out. facing the pipe was a wall. she faced the wall. on the wall were carved statues two intertwined serpents. hermiooone repeated the hissing word that draco had hisd. magicly they unentwined. like unlocking. the wall split n slid apart.
on the floor she saw a long serpent. alive? no. skin that was molted off.
she saw ginny by a column carved like snake. ginny had shut eyes and hermione feard she was petrify to stone same as camera boy.
a teen boy explained "she is not stone. i controld her."
the memory in the diary told the story to her. 
first i sent the basilisk to kill myrtle by opening the chamber of secrets many decades ago. then i blamed hagrid and nobody believed him. then i saved my memory in this diary so i could control somebody and send the basilisk later.
ginny opend the diary. when she wrote her fears i grew n controld her to  kill roosters to protect basilisk. i controld ginny to send bas' to kill mudbloods. ginny wrote about harry so i wanted to meet him but she wrote that harry did not return.
hermione realized that tom sent bas to gaze at n kill moaning myrtle. he had left the diary with his memory attached. he had used it to grow stronger until he controld ginny.
when i controld ginny she opend the chamber and sent bas to kill a mudblood but you quickly discoverd too fast.
he confessd to her "my pa was a muggle." same as you. my followers who like my teaching would reject me as their leader if they were sincere kuz i am mud myself." tom lafd mocking the absurdity. and explained "kinda like those blonds acting like a master race but not rejecting the brown haired hitler who was below them non-blond but were happy whoever told them they were superior. i copied the same idea knowing they would follow me if i taught mud was inferior to them they would still not reject me as leader" haha. they would not let you lead them she echoed in horror at the empty excuse for hate.
while tom told the tale, a phenix flew n gave her the sorting hat. tom mokd and sent the basilisk toward her.
the phenix flew n used its long golden beak to pek eyes of the basilisk so it could not gaze at her as it slid toward her. she heard dunadors words n found a sword in the sorting hat. as basilisk slid nearer, but before it could bite nor crush her, she swung the sword at basilisk body. the snake split n exploded all along its serpentine body until its injured head. she saw that its eyes were punctured by beak.
the phenix flew and gave her his diary. using same sword she stabd diary. ink sprayd upward. the form of the memory popd like a pierced balloon. ginny was free now that she had destroyed  the diary n the part of tom's life in it. ginny came n hugd hermione.
hermione knew leviosa from books. she used her wand to lift herself n ginny up the pipe to myrtle. ginny had not been dragd away by the basilisk but insted the diary had controld her. a mandrake woud save camera boy.
__easter vacation with harry
hermione visited harry at home during the easter holiday. she told story.
harry told her he found a treasure of eternal life. hermine argued if not for magic couldnt save ginny.
harry showed her book deuteronomy chapter 18 and said even benefit is a sin. but jesus died for her sin so she should join the catholic church same as he had. she accepted faith that jesus died and god raised jesus from dead on easter, but argued about the pope. they argued for awhile since harry had joined catholic until they agreed to disagree about pope.
hermione told ron that she accepted faith in jesus and would stop sinnning.
when ron mokd she said 'not as far as harry who submits to human pope". 
the wizarding world lost two great wizards but hermione and harry had accepted the faith with its gift of grace and eternal life.
hermione explained that she would stop doing witchcraft and urged ron to stop sorcery.
 ron mocked her for changing quickly so after easter ron n ginny returned to hogwarts without harry n hermionee. later when ginny would marry harry she would join the catholic faith but not yet. first ginny studied much magic and potions.
__ when sirius escaped from azkaban who would rescue him from the prison cell in hogwarts? not hermione but ginny to be continued.

harry potter at catholic camp

harry accepted the bible and wrote back that he was not returning.
__chapter 3 ginny weasley
ginny found a book that communicated with her. who will find her in the bathroom of moaning myrtle?
to be continued.
one morning after breakfast the teacher didnot come as usual.
two kids came to harry and started taunting "he believes in MAGIC but we know it ks not real." harry had DONE magic so he knew it was real. but he did not want to confess that he sind. dudley argued "what about deuteronomy chapter 18? if it is a sin then people are able to sin." the kids argued "no way! magic is not real. its like saying there are a hundred planets around our sun." the other kid argued "oh yeah? you cant just wave a branch"
harry exploded "true but inside the wood is something from a unicorn or dragon" the other kids burst in ridicule and dudley said "now you PROVED the bible is wrong kuz there are NONE of those so cant make a wand." harry echoed dudley's own arguent as the brats walkd away "but if bible said do not do it then there must be an action that was real and being described as a sin and he knew!
finally the teacher arrived and harry asked "is magic real".
the teacher answerd "of course not real"
harry interrupted what about the sin in deuteronomy 18? the teacher said "oh that! that was the primitive hebreews they wrote that nonsense we dont do any of that part. now insted i will tell you about the inquisition when we saved the souls of the heretics but now the law prevents this etc."
harry decided the teacher denied god.
god knew magic was real. he thought.
at the next break the taunters returned with a bigger kid. again they taunted he thinks magic is real. "sorcery is real" insisted harry and he knew.
the two taunters lafd and left but the bully grabd harry and pushed him down on the grund with more force than a slap.
dudley ran way.
the bully yeld "fraidy cat" at dudly. harry tried to reason with the bully "why are you in bible camp  if you think sorcery is not real.' the bully agreed i think the bible is wrong and i am nly here kuz my parents force me. harry was desperate and said you coud escape you dont wanna be here and so harry was free from the bully who left the camp by climbing the fence.
dudly arrived tooo late. he had broken the desk drawer and stolen harry wand. get that bully for pushing you.
"but its a sin" argued harry accepting the bbible. then let me do it. dudley waved the wand and said tell me what to say " say lumos" dudley said lumos but nothing happened. he was a muggle.
suddenly they heard shouting two brats were wrestling on the dirt. "give it back" yeld a smaller kid as he held the arm of a bigger kid who had extended his other arm with a notebook.
harry wwarned him give it back and warned "lumos" the edge of the wand glowed. most of the kids said "ooh" but the bully said "im not afraid of no glows" so he said a charm and broke his rule... no magic outside of school after all he was not returning there anyway. it was the last time he did the sin of sorcery, to return the sketchbook to the smaller kid. then dudley snuck back in the office hid the wand in the broken desk so noone would notice.
meanwhile at witch school ginny had started her first year 
the stone called the philosopher stone was a blood red color stone. dunador destroyed it. ginny found a book that had letters that appeared and she could write messages to it and read replies....
to be continued. 

Monday, August 30, 2021

harry potter fan fiction

harry potter fan fiction
intro harry potter is really famous and the videos were popular too
if i would write about a different witch it would be inspired by and remind people of harry potter anyway, so i can just give credit to their framework except for the few bad parts.
__chapter one quirrel
harry potter drank the potion which hermione had advised based on the logic clues. he passed thru the doorway and thru the black flames. he enterd the underground chamber. "lumos" harry orderd his wand.
the wand lit the chamber which was empty except for a robed wizard and the special mirror. quirrel was searching the frame of the mirror for the secret compartment with the life-rock.
copying hermione, harry orderd "petrificus totalis" same as he had heard her use on nevil in the common room. instantly it  stiffened quirrel. harry then approached the mirror and longed to see his parents again... and the mirror showed him what he most desired. he gazed at his dead parents.
as the emotion distracted him he forgot about the stone with the ability to grant life which some called the philosopher stone and others called it a sorceror stone. finally headmaster dunnador appeard gripping the mirror which was a port key. 
dunnador asked harry "how did you get here?" harry explained that he used the flute to soothe the 3-jaw dog. then jumpd down onto the leafy vines which hermione had defeated with her fire. then he had followed proffessor... i thout snape but snape is not here.
dun' praised harry for stopping quirrel. now that q' was stiff, d' could cast a more powerful spell to bind quirrel who was loyal to the dark lord. dun' pointed his wand and said the spell but the dark lord struggled to free from the turban which fell.... revealing the face with slits for a nose. harry did not want voldemort escaping so he aimed his wand at the the face and said simply "petrificus totalis." this froze the dark lord. 
realizing that the dark lord's conciousness was in quirrel, dun zapd at quirrel who floated INTO the mirror trapd as a "pure reflection" and preventing any danger of the dark lord finding a new host body.
then dun told harry about horcrux. "when you have trained here for several years we will seek the horcrux. then we will slay the dark lord. harry argued "how can we kill when we are not permitted to use the avada curse?" dun taut that a different spell killed and was permitted to prevent danger but using it now would not help since at least one horcrux still remained perhaps more.
anyway the dark lord was trapd in the magic mirror in the pure image of quirrel so he could never be a threat again. 
harry asked dun about his scar and dun said your ma cast a spell to sheild you so his curse rebound and almost kild him. 
now that v is trapped we can resume your training. harry complained why doi need to study under snape. dun surprised harry that snape had vowed to protect him and was acting cruel only to hide his commitment.
harry and dun then gripd the mirror which was a port key and appeared in the office of the headmaster.
harry went to visit the hospital wing where ron was resting after his injury in the chess game.
__chapter 2 the farewell feast
at the farewell feast the decorations were green and silver.
slitheryn had won by 160 points and harry told ron he was sad that they got caut after escorting the dragon out. hermione corrected his math and specified "even if we had not lost 50 points each, still slytheryn would be ahead by ten points."
dun announced some last minute points. " for the chess game i award ron and gryffyndor fifty points." ron mumbled at least that replaced the amount i lost.
for discovering quirrel i award harry and gryffyndor 100 points. harry shook his head "still not enuf." for nevil's bravery 20 points to gryffyndor concluded dun'. the house cup was awarded to gryffyndor and nevil was the hero.
after the feast boats moved the luggage accross the lake to the trains but harry ron and hermione flew their brooms together to the train.
after an uneventful ride in the train the adults collected the students at the rail station.
uncle vernon was wearing a huge cross. harry woud soon learn the significance.
as he drove harry home vernon told him that he had discovered that the bible forbids witchcraft.
harry protested "who would battle evil wizards". vernon simply repeated " we will obey god."
the car came to the church building. it was a mexican style catholic chucrch.
as scheduled the bishops were standing and waiting harry's return. archbishop aharon welcomed harry and asked if he had any "magic wand or other magic tools." harry confessed that he did but that he must use it to fight evil wizards.
"please hand me your sinful tools."
harry obeyed the archbishop and handed his wand to aharon. then harry followed aharon into the church where they studied the bible book exodus. "slay the witch" the teacher paraphrased. harry argued magic can be used for benefit. "true and still it is a sin and we must stop sinning." harry argued "it seems inconsistent that you pick one detail in the jewish part what about the jew festivals you are free from those."
uncle vernon warned harry "do not question the teacher somethings are mystery."
usually we do first communion age nine but your family is new member in the church so will you do this sacremant? harry shrugd. so the priest named hesus put the round dry cracker in harry's mouth and harry said "my mouth is dry". yes that is the wisdom of jesus have some blood to wet your throat and harry sipd the tiny glass of sweet grape juice.
uncle vernon then sent dudley and harry to catholic summer school. dudley had started limiting his gluttony which was a sin. he only had small portions at meals and harry hardly recognized his thin face and body.
dudley said "this was my idea. i asked the missionary if the bible said anything about magic. at first the guy told me abou the three magi. so i asked if magic was a sin and when they said yes, i told my pa. he said for this alone we gotta be catholic and i even sacrificed my pie just so we could end your freek-ness.
dudley asked "now tell me, what differs from me." harry explained that he could use his wand to make light. "i mean could you use magic to escape and run away."
harry explained "certainly. we have ways of moving from place to place." hmm that kinda refutes the bible. if we ever managed to catch and kill a witch then that person must not have been a witch. harry saw the logic in that and agreed "true you would only be able to kill a regular which is murder but i could escape nad not only would you never be able to obey that but whoever you did catch must not be a wizard and therefore murder." dudley summarized so if we did manage to kill that would prove that they were not realy a wicth and we would be guilty of murder. "correct. you could never catch a real wizard."
dudley smiled "well i dont care if it means no training for you i will even sacrifice my pie that i love."
that night dudley and harry ate the small dinner simple pasta and sausages. the food was far worse than at hogwarts. when harry askd for more dudley lafd at him and said "we must not chase the pleasures of the flesh and glutoony." which meant only small portions.
a cake about thirty centimeter by 20 was cut into dice size peices everyone was allowed just a bit to teach the lesson of small portions. harry git a dice of sweet cake and dudley gulped his bit. some remained so the staff ate the rest all together.
"purple" sleeping bags [book 3] were already on the carpet floor. the boys all clened their teeth and slept.
in the morning after simple fried eggs and fried tomatoes they studied bible all day and catholic theology. harry never returned to his school.
when summer vacation ended an owl flew in and gave harry a letter. "we invite yu back to hogwarts."
harry accepted the bible and wrote back that he was not returning.
__chapter 3 ginny weasley
ginny found a book that communicated with her. who will find her in the bathroom of moaning myrtle?
to be continued.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

true ranking land area

true ranking land area 
1 russia rules most land area 17 msk
2 u.s. biden rules [temporarily as pres.] 9.63msk
3 canada rules less land than u.s.
4 brazil 8.5msk
5 australia 7.7msk
6 china 5.3 msk as explained below
7 india 3.2msk n 3 with less than 3msk: arg' kazk' algeria for top ten.
china is so superpowerful that they sway the world away from truth on several issues.
china started as a kingdom along the yellow river.
in 1911 an imperial dynasty ended. 15 regions declared free from empire. maps do not show tibet separate....
however until 1949 china had a civil war and  no communist government yet. then in oct. 1949 communist gov' started and a year later invaded and won a battle in tibet stealing it... luckily it and 4 othes are recognized as autonomous pats of china. since tibet was not truly part of china and we must not grant rewards o stealing china is actually smaller than brazil... without tibet and even smaller than australia too truly around 5 million square kilometer without the FIVE auotonomous regions certainly tibet was stolen 1.2msk.
also in land area canada is actualy less than u.s. just kuz truth.
i am not trying to claim that u.s. has more land than russia i just want truth and the truth is blurd.
so largest land area russia even after losing the republics such as kazakstan 2.7m  etc.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

roy roberts the half-gay prince

roy roberts the half-gay prince
1 meet roy
roy hated school. he hated everything about it. he hated that school caused wake up time and bed time. the reason he hated going to bed at 9pm on school nyts was kuz of school.
he was only tired in the morning which was stupid kuz at that time he had aready slept since 9pm, but at 9pm after being busy all day he was never tired.
his routine at home was good.
at 6.30am his alarm beepd to wake him. he would run like mad to empty the liquid waste that had gatherd in his body all nyt. he noticed other kids had siblings and he wondered how they waited for each other to free the toilet room each morning he could not wait... and was fervently thankful to god that he did not "bless" his parents with children.
then he would dress. and eat the "bad processed" breakfast. he loved the delicious sugary flakes or nuggets or rings. he knew not to have a second bowl despite the pleasure kuz too much sugar.
when he finished he moved his bowl to the machine that woud wash dishes... but then the fun ended and the agony began.
on the fateful winter morning, roy awoke before his alarm for the first time he could remember. the pressure to empty the liquid was unbearable. the clock showed 613. he ran to the toilet and tried to aim but... his tube pointed upward. he knew the stream would flow out so he pushed to aim the tube at the toilet and then aah... he released the pee... but none exited he knew he needed same as every other morning what was wrong? was he clogd?
unable to aim roy entered the bathtub and did not aim. pee arched out like a rainbow upwards in an arc then down against the green tiles of the shower corner. he counted the seconds of flow... a b c d....  as the pressure inside eassed the tube also softened  and he stopd washing the wall. the nightmare ended... and he continued to drain regular... but wait if ut was a nightmare then he was wetting his bed!  oh no i better wake up and drain the pee before he ruins his mattress.
but how can he wake up? he pinched his arm, ow! that did not wake him. he realized he was awake. what next? he used to shower every morning but... realized that his alarm would beep he had not switched it off this time kuz he ran to pee before it. so he ran back to his room and switched it off. the clock showed 619. how had six minutes passed?
he had ran so fast to drain? and draining he knew the seconds was only 20 seconds. after switching off the alarm he ran back to the shower. as usual he reached for the fat ex knob but considered... he always showered every morning but then he went out in the cold winter with wet hair. he should CHANGE  the routine only shower at nyt in winter.
so he left the shower insted of the usual morning shower. next he pushd the handle to flush the toilet... same as every morning except this time the tolet had been unused. he regretted the wasted water and the water bill.
 next to the sink to wash his hands. he washed as usual and reached for the tooth brush but realized.... the taste of the tooth paste did linger as sposed to and what if he ate the rings without toothpaste taste? maybe it would be without mint?
why had his idiot parnets told him to brush before breakfast?? when he had not eaten anything yet. that was not the point of brush but to clean the food but no food eyt... so roy CHANGED skipd the brush teeth. insted he fild the clay cup and rinsed his mouth.
back in his tiny room, he lookd at the clothing that he had chosen last night. at the time he had liked them but now he was not in the mood of wearing those colors, again that was hi stupid parents fault. they insisted he lay his clothing prepared to save time in the morning but now he wanted different colors!
so he left those for the purpose of showing his parents his clothes were prepared for the NEXT day but chose the shirt he wanted for now... which stripes? he flipd thru the folded shirts on the shelf.
finally he dresd. he went to the table and grabd the bowl that he had made and painted. he poured the procesd grain rings and milk... wow! they tasted much better witthout mint from toothpaste... idiot parents.
if they woud be awake they woud bug him "go brush" but he had awoke earlier this time.
after eating sugary rings then was the time to brush the sugar away.... he had always done opposite brush before food when no sugar but then when sugar not brush so he CHANGED his routine and after the sugar he brushed without paste just to brush off sugar.
he left the room as his pa appeard "good brushing now go eaat" roy said "i ate first" pa argued "that wrong order..." so roy inturrupted "i brushed twice."
pa argued "that stupid you did it wrong" roy explained "gay boys brush twice". pa gasped and that shut pa up.
later, wearing a coat roy stood in the snow and the new york wind. no school busses for religious schools. a tiny car came. painted mustard yellow. the brat from 215 street went to the same jew school. he was in first grade. he was very ugly. his rich family had bought a psecial tiny car and hired a driver to take him to school every morning. since his home was near ugly uzi, this driver also drove roy t the same school... which roy hated. he hated that he rode to school with ugly uzi. he hated that school started before 8am. he hated that school started with reading prayers for a long time. he hated the repeating... day after day the same ninety pages... day after day after day with no variety.
if he had to ead a book better t read new pages each day. well TODAY was the day for change.
daryl the driver guided the tiny yellow car into the school driveway and stopd. uzi left from the front chair. the car was so tiny that one door closed over the front and back seats.
daryl drove to the next entrance. roy thankd daryl as usual and climbed out from the car. he went to his fifth grade class room. rabbi kras sat at the desk with the name book. as roy enterd the rabbi marked roy attendance. the kids sat in rows of desks same as they had since pre-school-5.
at exactly 7,30 kras orderd "rev your enjinz". as he stood up and left the class to get a drink of coffee. all the brats opened the hebrew prayer books and as usual chanted the hebrew words.... all except roy. today was the day for change.
he could think of many possibilties and combinations.
since today was wensday he would only read the fourth page of praises. he counted pages from the first page of rading but that page had tiny letters. so he skipd ahead to the section with psalms he read only the 4 psalm from that group. no repetitive anymore. and the rabbi was not here to inspect.
he sat as the other brats chanted but e was bored. what shoul he do? he almost submitted to reading with the brats... but that was just as boring!
 roy lookd around the room at the naive suckers chanting as usual when no rabbi was watching.  roy yeld "kras is out lets play ball." a few heads turned to the noise but all continued chanting the hebrew. 
all except roy.
roy looked at each of the slaves obeying their rabbi master. he did not know ost of their names.
roy scand the rows of brats all looked ugly except 3 kids scatterd among the ugly kids. one with a medium face had beautiful blond hair. another with a medium face had red-brown hair. roy liked blond better. but that third kid with dar brown hair his face was pretty er pretty-hadsome.
roy was surprised that he never noticed that pretty boy before.
he tried to think of that brats name... ned? probly ned. he had never notcied how pretty ned lookd until now. kuz he had always submitted to the chanting routine. how would he earn the privilige to hang out with ned and enjoy his pretty face all day?
ned was so pretty that roy barely noticed that the striped shirt ned wore was bulging from fat belly. 
roy now had direction and purpose. he pland how he would develop a frendship woth that faboulous face.
he would use humor. so as the brats chanted the prayers in hebrew roy thought about the many jokes he knew and decide which joke would get ned to like him. roy noticed that ned was not chanting! he was also a misfit rebel!. when the brats reached the end of a page and turned the page.... ned did not!
and he had thout ned was just a nerd until now.
wait! if ned did not read prayers then... he could tell ned a filthy joke! so he added a filthy joke to the list of jokes.
ned wore plastic rim glasses. clearish brown plastic rims. he wore a jew-cap that was unique. all the other kids wore velvet fabric mostly black... as roy noticed looking carefully at each jew cap for the first time... like his eyes were open today for the first time. he notcied most kids had black velvet but something differed some had smaller panels maybed 6 panels other broader velvet panels maybe four formed the jew cap. others had blue velevet. but ned had a different fabric black but not velvet. some other fabric. ned had one long brow over both his eyes. roy wrinkled his nose that was ugly but the face over ruled this flaw maybe he could convince ned to change... same as he had changed himself. 
ned shirt had broad stripes green and dark blue. the bulge of fat botherd roy... but the face was worth it. 
then a knew thout... a thout that never occurd to him before... under that shirt must be... a fat bulge of belly... so under the pants must be... same as his own under wear briefs. he could not see but he could know logicly if everybody wore underpants than even without seeing then ned must also be wearing white briefs same as himself... roy's heart was beating very fast he almost felt dizzy at the next idea... if boys have the same body then under those briefs... he imagined ned had the same body he had seen on himself every morning in the shower... that made his heart race as he imagined ned satnding he enjoyed ned face and traced his eyes down the male body same as his won except his own body was boring but ned's body.... roy's heart was racing very fast. he did ffeeel dizzy and gripd the edge of his desk to stop the room spinning... but his head started to ache and he collapsed his head on the desk... as all the kids swished their pages to the next page... all except ned and the now unconcious roy.
  chapter two the meeting
after prayers was a recess break.  the brats formd grups and chatted together some about shows they saw on tv others to taunt the cheap clothing of the poor kids, the change in noise woke roy who felt very very dizzy. he grabd for his snack... but wanted to impress ned. if ned sfat annoyed me then probly my bulge belly annoys him i better skip the fatty sugary cake. as he gazed at the yellow sweet sponge he considered it hardly tasted sweet compared to the sweet rings... this was no real sacrifice to skip. it did not taste like vanilla anyway.
he slid the cake into his bag and wondered why he did not feel hungry. he asked the brat next to him to share some pretzels. iss-ak offered a deal "if you are not eating the cake i will trade for all my pretzels if not then you can only have one." roy handed the cake and got issac pretzels. he ate a few crispy crunchy salty and his dizziness ended. he guesd that he needed salt for blood pressure. so he saved some pretzels for later.
then roy prepared his speeech fr prety ned.
he would say his own name then explain that he had always been shy until today but today was different kuz... um kuz today that shirt has really sexy stripes.... no stylish. um then he would tell the 3 jokes.
roy took a deep breath and walked accros the calss room between desks and between groups of loud brats. he passed a group taking about boring football stats. he thout that was boring at least durng the game stuff happened throwing and tackling the runner down but stats gross.
 he finally reacjed ned... who turned his short body sideways and looked up at the tall roy... roy did not wanna ruin this he tried to say his speech... so it would please ned but he was too scared he would look stupid... he could not speak... then worse he again imagined under ned pants were underwear... and he got dizzy again and under the underwear... 
"what up roy?' roy heard from a long way away from ned his heart pounded harder..; ned the one so pretty knew him noticed him knew his name he had not even been ceratin that ned was named ned!
finally roy answered "hi roy im ned... shidd, i mean can  i tell yu a filthy joke... fugg no! i mean do you like knock knock jokes?" ned blinkd and said "i know you are roy".
roy shouted in a frustrated tone "NO" but before he gave up for being a fol he tried one last try "when mister ippee married missoury her married name was mississipee!" ned smiled at the double meaning. roy felt so good to see the smile and relief kuz is openening disaster had not triggerd a "get away freak" as he had feared and he had chosen the PERFECT type of nerdy joke for nerdy-ned about the states.
author note: since i am ned i did like the double meaning and give credit of that joke to roy
ned said 'i dont understand filthy  jokes so tell me some."
relief surged thru roy he had not ruined his chance with pretty ned.
boldly roy said his next two jokes... maybe a bit too quickly as his breathing acceperated again gazing at ned fabulous face. "knock knock" roy paused. ned who's there? 
roy tried to stop thinking about ned's male body same as his own.... a struggle as he moved to the next part of the joke... "mud" ned looked confused.... then asked "mud who-oo-oo?"
roy nodded that was the next step.
roy concluded with the punchline "mud the dirty joke"
ned blinked and shrugd. it was not as funny as mrs ippy and he... did not understand the joke.
nor why was it dirty? oh ! kuz mud is dirty.
ned said "clever." in a polite tone.
roy thout "i am NAILIN this!" then asked "are you ready for a REALLY filthy joke?"
ned replied "nothing can be dirtier than mud".
roy was so surprised that he burst out laughing and was too dizzy to talk.
he waved good bye and ran to his own desk... just in time for rabbi kras to return... and yell at the kids who were not in the seats "no hummus for you iss-ak" the kras yelld at a second issak  not the one who traded pretzels for sponge cake.
the lesson began. all roy coud think was his stupid stupid introduction confusiono. he was furious kuz he worked so har to prepare but he was so scaref of messing up that he could not think straight. if ned had been a jerk he woulda insuted his disaster and then he would lose his chance to hang with pretty ned.
suddenly roy felt dizzy again kuz he heard neds voice ned was arguing with rabbi kras. "imust have low blood pressure today" roy thout as he slipd some more salty pretzels in his mouth and siletly sukd the salt.
ned was complaining "some rabbi YOU are calling the bible immoral."
the rabbi exploded "SHUT UP AND GET ou-u-u-u-u-t".
ned stood and left the room.
opportunity! "i gotta drain" roy whined but rabbi kras ws mad. "wait til recess" 
ned argued "our religion said witing is a sin"
roy liked how ned played tht card. was it a sin? he did not know but maybe it would convince the rabbi.
but the rabbi echoed "wait til recess"
ned ridiculed "you are a fraud pretending to be a jewish rabbi and ignoring this too."
roy had an idea without permission he could leave "yeh you are a fraud i wont listen we should all leave."
half the kids jumped out of their chairs and looked around. roy followed ned... and six kids followed roy out. the rest sat down at their desks.
ned walked to the corridor and the six ran to the gym to play ball... where they got caught and detention.
roy followed ned toward the principle office and urged ned "dont go there they will punish you follow me." so the couple went to a section with unused classrooms.
finally roy was able to tell his filthy joke that his pa had taught him. it must be really filthy kuz his ma freaked out!
roy started "i loved your line that nothing is dirtuer than mud--thanks i said. roy continued but this is a filthy joke abut PREGNANCY.
okay, i said.
so you can handle a dirty joke? roy asked doubtfully, considering ned was such a nerd.
ned nodded.
roy's dad's filthy joke: "once upon a time a lil princess went to see the kids leaving the public scool. one brat thout she was HOT so he came real close and slowly  leaned to kiss her. she jumped away and said "dont try to kiss me."--i thought maybe you wanted a kiss."--i dont evne know you!-- i dont know yet either but i know that i wanna know you and if you let me kiss your cheek i will give you cream puffs." she said "well for two creampuffs you may kiss my cheek twice."
the brat leaned and kisd each cheek. "now pay up" she demanded. "i hve them at home but if you come to my house and we play a few games iw ill give more cream puffs".
the princess did not doubt... as she should have doubted that he would do his words.... so she went to his home and they played games. after a few games the brat said "tell the truth even before the cream puffs you enjoy playing with me." she said "these games are fun so yes i guess"--see if you would not have followed me here you would not enjoy time with me.--tht does not mean i cancel my cream puff debt!--oh i will give cream puffs" the brat assured her "but later."
the family ate a dinner which for her was too simple. then the pair went to play video games for hours and hours until she was drowsy but he urged her "just play more for the cream puffs so she struggled to stay awake until... she fell asleep from tiredness. now the boy gave her his cream. get it?"
ned did not get it. i know kuz i was ned.
roy continued "the brat put a pillow under the lil princess head and went to bed. in the morning she demanded her cream puffs. the brat assured her "i already gave you the cream... and the puffs will come in around forty weeks".
ned said "i get the puffs i dont get the cream".
roy doubted "you must be kidding."--i dont understand explain the joke--i cant but i will show you if you let me sleep over lets shake hands to agree. roy extended his hand and ned mirrird but froze "wait. promise you wont give ME cream!" 
roy exploaded with laughter "of course not that would be gross. do you even know what your question means?" ned wagd no but said "you promise?" "i promise both to show you the joke and not to give any cream."
we shook hands on the agreement.
then roy asked me what was my fovrite story about abraham and we talked about bible til recess break.
at recess we went back to our empty classroom. all the brats were playing ball the teacher went to rest and only 2 nerds were reading books in the empty class room. we talked about the sports game roy had watched on tv. ry told ned what happened in the game and the excting parts ansde exlained some of the game rules too.
the bell rang so kids started pouring back in and roy said "i hope you say yes but i gotta know if i give you the answers to homework will you let me see you naked?"
ned answered the nerdiest answer possible, "you can see yoursefl all boys are the same." roy argued "the same as faces differ i gotta see you i will even tell you homework answers let me see you." roy urged.
ned said "only from a distance i will stand in the shower where naked is normal and you stand a few steps away and only for sixty seconds." roy agreed and they shook hands on the deal "kuz longer would be creepy" roy agreed.
so the next class the teacher tried to teach and finally lunch break.
we stayed in the classrom for lunch and roy asked ned if he was hungry.
"honestly no i eat kuz bad to skip meals--true but if you are not hungry toyyou can eat SMALLER portions and save the rest for when you ARE hungry."
ned nodded took a bite of his grss peanu butter samwij and put t back in the bag.
roy told more sports stores about athletes and compettions.
roy said "did you know the government gives milk to our school?" ned said nope. roy ran out and in minutes returned with two kid size carton of milk.
a brat whined "you cant bring milk in here i am eating chicken" ned said "you wont drink it.
the couple talked more stories.
after the next class roy said we can do the answers now--no i argued recess is not for work tell me more stories about athletes and sports game so he entetaind me all recess.
at dismissal roy said dont bring any heavy books i will tell you all the answers as we agreed.
i did not trust him... that was the point of the cream joke... wasnt it?
"wait here and dont carry your heavybooks". well i waited. roy returnd with his binder and showed me he had already written the answers so no need fo heavy books.
roy waited for ugly uzi at the usual spot and said he was not going in the yelow car insted he was going with me.
a minivan came so ned ashtin and roy drove to ned home. ashtin stayed in the van and went to kung fu. forget about ashtin. before they enterd ned home roy said "we gotta do the homework now to explain why nno books" ned agreed and insted of entering the home they went arooud and sat on the grass. roy read the answers for sience first and ned copied word for word without reading the question nor the text book.  roy complained "you write too slowly let me write--no the teachers will know the handwriting.
so the dictater was limited to dictating the answers. for the religious home work i told him to write kuz i thout the rabbi was too dumb to notice handwriting that is why he believed in judaism.
also i let him do the math kuz numbers were not unique shape.
but i was wrong roys numbers were smooth and pretty. i askd roy to guide my hands to make nice numbers and he did.
homework and numbers completed we enterd my empty home.
"my parents wont be home til six. what games do you like" --lets play video games--oh no you dont! til i fall asleep and you give cream? i dont even know what it is."
roy again repeated his promises he would show me whatever cream was and would not give me cream and that was so desperate to see "the real me" he would do all the conditions.
as kyle would say "lets just get this over with quickly".
if yu did not see episode one kyle is a huge jerk to all you fans of kyle who think liking kyle proves you are not a jew hater. kyle is not worthy of your love. neither is creepy astronaut jew with lenoerd in big bang. just kyle is the only jew they heard of so they say we love kyle as if that proves they dont hate jews. which is worthless.
but back t the deal.
we enterd the shower room. two curious fifth graders for the sausage fest and franks.
i stood in the shower and roy stood by the door and specified "i will start the countdown when your skin shows but undress slowly.
what ever.
first ned slid off shoes and socks then layers of shirts 
as ned yankd the undershirt roy protested slw down. so ned recoverd his chest and slowly reveald his chest.
ned did not know that roy heart was aready excitedly pounding.
off came the slacks pants. and one more layer slowly. roy beepd his watch and gazed at ned the real ned. the cold air made ned tube inflate. and poit up as described in the stephen king bok abou the dream where the breeze caused the male tube to inflate and point up.
ned stood in the showere and wiggled his shoulders 
oh my god mumbled roy.... i did not need sixty seconds.
wadya mean? ned askd. 
"it means, roy explained "that was intense and excting and we need to do this every week my god!"
i wrpd a towel around myself and left the shower. then i dresd in pyjama. roy stood in the shower room until i returnd coverd. then he opend his pants and i said "wait what are you doing i never asked to see the real you?" i am showing yu cream.
and he showed the wet breifs. and explained "at our age wehn our tube gets long white cream can come out it can make puffs like pregnancy." now i understood. "cream and puffs" got it.
sadly things went down hill. i had no video games so he entertained my by telling me stories about sports games and thletese.
 i said he should chamge out of wet cream underwear but he said he did not bother all year so just at bed time. the night had some eating and more stories  and bed time.
roy askd to shower since he had decided to only shower at nyt.
at  bedtime ry cmpalined that my bed time was insane he was allowed to stay awake til 9. 
as i lay under my covers i felt cold. i climbed out of bed and sat by the vent of heating. roy hopefully waved me into his bed. i figured he emptied his cream and showerd so i would be dry in the morning
the heat of two bodies helpd me fall asleep that winter nyt,
in the morning a strange pressing woke me
roy was kneeling on the floor and  i was in his gest bed. where we had slept. roy explained "i got bored of petting your cat so i squezzed your cat to wake you." by cat he meant the part for reproduction. "according to the booktwo minutes should be enuf time for petting the cat but nothing came out for twenty minutes except you smiled in your slepp kuz you liked it. i kept petting after my crea exited kuz you were smiiling. i petted almost six minutes til i decided to wake you and squeezd you r cat. now go piss and i will make you smile again.

boy: wanna go out? 
rachel: sorry i am meeting sara. 
boy: "i wish i could meet sara." then he convinced sara to date him kuz "ricks" before chicks.
2 i dont exercise work out " i do internal repairs" which you cant check if i did or not.

Friday, August 13, 2021

the blond monkey butler

chapter one the job office
i felt angry at my wife not named wendy. my name was rudolf, so wendy started saying and repeating that i was "rude" rudolf whenever we argued which was almost every day.
i felt anger when i sat in the narrow corridor facing the closed wood doors. they were painted the dull shade of a pink. beside me most of the chairs were empty but some men with black beards were sitting on my left side, there empty chairs between us. on my right were more empty chairs and one man with a gray beard and gray hair.
i rememberd how my wife wendy looked. she had blond hair which i did not like and blue eyes that were too pale but she had showed so much love for me when we were students at the same college... berlin-er college.
the change was such a tragedy how now we often argued.  gone so far away from the adoration that she showed when we met. my memeories were interrupted when a door opened and a clerk announced i.d. 77074-51 kuz that is what he said.
a man from my left stood up from his chair and walked slowly toward the door between himself and me. a few slow steps. "RAUS RAUS" holerd the clerk and waved a wood bat. the man paused scared. from behind that 51 guy, two gards in black uniform one with a red nazi arm band, on his left arm,  and the other with a yellow jew arm band, on his right arm, ran toward us along the corridor and pushed 51 toward the door quickly.
the ugly pink door swung shut behind the clerk and the man and the two gards.
meanwhile, i waited for my turn. how had i gotten here? i asked myself... i had seen that idea in some film? to ask yourself "how did you get here?"
i did not recall if i walkd from home or used bus?
probably i had rode in the car that went on the pair of rails, kuz my ankle hurt with a sharp pain like a long thick metal nail punching inward...  but i did not recall sitting in it nor in a bus?
when wendy and i were in collge i had studied all the subjects related to accounting and money and taxes for business job, hoping to work for one of the many berlin shops.
i knew that around me many jews were losing their jobs and being expeld from the city... despite my father was jewish and expeld, my ma and i were not expeld kuz she was born in venice italy and was a catholic while i had an exception due to being a student for a job. i was the only jew in my class at college. i was also the only child of my italian ma. no brothers or sisters... to argue with.
i could speak italian like my ma and yiddish like my expeld pa but i did not understand german which differd from yiddish. i noticed a flaw... how did i understand the teachers at berlin college when i do not understand german? but somehow i had succeeded.
at college each month i would go to the office and get the paper receipt to show that the college had received the tuition moey from ma's brother in italy who paid my tuition directly to the college. he was a wealthy wine merchant and as a favor to his sister convinced her to send me to college if he would pay.
in my fourth year at the college, wendy had started studying electric engineering. she had blond hair which annoyed me but... on her first day at the college by the break between classes she ran and hurried to meet me and said "you look italian"  that led to a conversation about my ma from italy and her bro who paid my tuition fee.
she wanted to know me better and after planning to meet again, we hugd goodbye then we had returned to class. we had continued meeting and she would lean on my shoulder as we sat and that led to cuddling we cuddled very often she loved and enjoyed cuddling with me as we sat even in silence or talking about anything stupid. she just gushed to be near me something in me was like a magnet. i did not know what, but i felt lucky that she chose me... but... all that had changed once we were married. we argued about all the decisions... and worse last decemberr she had started to echo the nazi propaganda that she had always ignored but now echoed at me "you rude rufdolf, your hair is not blond TO INDICATE that you differ and do not belong with us. your brain is weak and your body is weak and your hair color shows you are different."
in an attempt to avoid the argument i tried agreeing with her "blond is PURE chromosomes..." but she interrupted me "as if YOU know anything about science you are TOO DUMB to know anything about science." and she ran from the room.
now here i was my third week after graduation... with my failure to get hired... i had started going to the job office to get addresses for shops that were hiring accountants... but... any shop that was active now had an accountant BEFORE i graduated. so they did not need me but maybe they did not like the accountant they had and wanted a fresh one? i had been a high score student despite my impure genetics, i was carrying both blond and brown which showed only as brown hair and brown eyes. that was impure and tainted.
i recalled the first day at this office they gave me one address of a new shop. i went to the shop and the guy said "when did you finish college?--last week--haha" he burst out laughing trying to limit his burst of laughter... "so where did you do internship" i answered we did not have any to work before the final exam but i had scored very high on the final exam.
the boss said he wants somebody who had worked before but i argued "those interns did NOT take the final exam yet" but he ignored me and waved his hand to signal me to leave.
the second week at the office they said we have no accounting job for you and gave me the document to collect money for the week for myself and mama.
now it was my third visit... my wife wendy was angry that i failed to get a job already so MANY days after graduation. it was because "your hair is not blond you are too stupid to get a job." echoing the nazi propaganda that she had started to accept and repeat, now, despite ignoring the ideas for many years when she had adored me and cuddled with me... that all was gone the morning after the wedding.
when was the wedding? i could not recall when? nor ANY wedding ceremony nor decorations, but it must have been when i knew her a few months.
the same ugly pink door soon opened... i expected the man who enterd to exit but... nope only the clerk called my number "32106. ah you the special one with the short i.d. well... get in here already." 
i rose slowly and winced from the pain of my ankle and expected him to YELL at me raus raus which meant "out" but sounded like rush rush... but he only smiled but not in a happy way the way wendy looked during intimacy with me.
i pushed passd him thru the door and the room was empty. no man i.d. 51 the two gards had vanished and nobody sat at the desk.
the same clerk who announced my number walkd and sat at the desk. "hmm accountant" he murmurd softly. then "no," and he presd a button.
the door on my ryt swung open and in walkd the two gards. the jew used his armband arm to grab me and yank me rufly up from the chair. then the nazi's arm pushed me to hurry out the white wood door... into a "coverd garage area" like many parking places. i knew this was impossible kuz beside the office was... another office with a door... except now i saw that door... in the parking area to the corridor it was not a real office.
facing me was a crowd of men and two ladies all wearing only undershirts and briefs.
a truck painted all green like an army truk stood waiting. the jew hollerd at me "take your clothing off." the nazi loudly added "NOW YOU FILTHY JEW". i argued "this is my clothing" the nazi said "more worthy people will wear it. you are the same as these." 
i refused.
the jew took his wood bat and gave me a warning hit "smack" the bat hit my arm and it hurt. "i will hit harder if you dont take off your shirt and give it to worthy." i argued that i will find a job next week. the nazi explained "new policy for jews... no more money for you. then he added in hebrew: "only "work will free you" from death." 
i echoed the only german phrase i knew "arbit makt fry" the jew laughed and said in english "your german is awful" and all the people in their undergarments laughed... well i was not botherd by people wearing only briefs.
the jew with the yellow arm band and jewish star raised the bat to hit me again and i said "i dont care."
chapter 2 the BEATING
the blows rained down on me... on my left arm and my back. i winced and gritted my teeth not to yell from pain.  the hits hurt more and more pain... more and more hits i started to gasp from the blows but i refused to cry... i gasped as the hits continued and soon released the gasps of pain... as laughter hahahaha quickly as tears of agony raind from my eyes... the others were amazed that i refused such a simple request. they had given their clothes. one said "he is even stingier than most jews."
the jew gard called a kapo job, was patient and repeated the hits until the pain was too great. i waved my arm and offerd "i will give my clothing." 
i pealed of my white collar shirt and the "jew-re-lijis-rectangle" garment and even the undershirt. i held them out so the nazi took them.
the nazi said "now give us those nice pants" i argued that i gave my shirts both instead. the nazi chuckled "you are so generous but the value of an undershirt is less than those fancy pants that you wear special for job interviews."
recalling the pain of the hits i slipd them off and stood only in brifs among the two women wearing only briefs and bras and the men. i noticed 51 guy was not there and asked where is id51? the nazi said "i shot him for spitting at me."
the last two bearded men came thru the door the same ones i has seen in the corridor.
the nazi pointed his pistol at them and said "the truk will be crowded" and shot both the men who came after me. both the older gray beard and the younger black beard.
then they orderd "into the truck."
i argued "the exhaust fumes will choke us. better to die by gun like those two." the jew swung his bat at my bruised left arm and hit me as the nazi explained the exhaust pipe is there and he pointed so i could see that it did not lead into the truck. the nazi added "like you said arbit makt fry" that meant work freed from death.
so our small group climbed up in the truck.
the nazi shot the two women in the truck and said "too crowded."
the jew puld the two female corpses from the truck and only the men and i remained.
they pointed at my bare chest and ridiculed: "you are different we have shirts but you are naked". i did not care.
the truck had only fabric sides. it started moving slowly and i could see the gards leaning on the fabric one by the back flap where we had enterd the truck. another on each side. the gard on my side of the truck the "port" side was near me and i tried some mischif... as the truk moved forward i suddenly jabd my arm at the bulge of his back to knock him off the side of the truk... but he swung away and back apparently holding something. wood hit the fabric and smacked the man beside me... who cried in pain.
the truk moved very slowly much slower than a truk on any road. the ground was very bumpy like rocks and dirt; not on any road the slowness was for not ruin the truk. the truk moved more and more i felt like forever pasd... and suddenly i heard a gross sound... the man across from me could no longer hold his "food waste" and out it came into his briefs. an odor filld the truck with the horriible smell that warned us not to eat our own waste.
the other two men announced "if he can do it so can we" and released their waste into their briefs i dont EVEN KNOW how the smell had worsened from the first smell to the added odors. well no point waiting now.  i stopd holding my waste inside... and the men who themselves freed their pressure 
yeld at me "gross you soild your brifs. now the truk will start smelling with a disgusting odor kuz of you." they all chorusd. they did the same but when i did the same they yeld at me. 
the gard leaning on the fabric shouted "did somebody soil their clothing?"
i said we all did. wooden bat hits came from both sides hitting us thru the fabric walls of the truk. i retreated to the center hollow despite no seat while the other three cried from pain as hits came thru the fabric.
when the hits finally stopd they chorusd together "look at the idiot sit on the floor not on a bench" i was silent kuz i had escaped the hits.
the truk moved for a long time... very long. the heat was terrible and soon the men near me fainted from the heat and lack of water... and due to the awful smell of four portions of waste food in a fabric bag of the truck.
they were silent it seemd they were not even breathing. ony i was alert to the bumpy truck. 
i considered their eyes were closed so i could take off my filthy brifs. i used the fabric of the truk to clean the parts that needed cleaning then i dragd a man to the soiled wall.
i stole the undershirt of a fat guy, who had fainted and it coverd me all the way down over the intimate secret parts.
soon after i dond the shirt, the truck stopd at the gate a wall of metal fence... that i would soon see. the three escort gards all wearing yellow jew armbands unfolded the flap of the back of the truck. i jumpd past and out of the mal-odor-ous truk. and thru a gate. on either side was a long metal fence. a stopd to look back curious. the gards puld out the men who had fainted and started beating them with short wood bats, one baseball bat could make three of these batons.
but they were already corpses dying from lack of water in the heat only i had survived... the one with no hope... and no desire to LIVE... i was the one who lived from the few in the "crowded" truk.
i sat on the ground. soon more truks came and out came only 2 or 3 alive while the corpses got puld out by the jew-gards cald kapo who beat the corpses with bats and yeld "raus raus" which means out, despite they were already puld out from the truks but most had died. from each truk of 5 to ten most were corpses... dragd into a pile. i said "you shoud burn them to save time" the nazi said "you scum are not worth our petrol fuel."
the survivors of the many truks all stood around me as i sat. soon the captain, for that was his rank in his black ss uniform, came and orderd "stand" but he said this in hebrew. they were all standing already but me. i stood and hoped that the shirt was long enuf to fool them that i wore  brifs. kuz it was much longer than my shirts.
captain rudolf same as my name warned us the gate is electric if we try to climb the gate we will die. so i argued "if so you dont need gard towers."
a kapo meaning a jew gard with a yellow arm band ran toward me to hit me for arguing with my captain. but c.r. waved him away and said that is in case you idiots try to hit our staff we will shoot from the towers.
well my decision was easy.
i had no hope of living nor finding any accountant job... nor any desire to return to my annoying wife.... i certainly was not gonna stay in a prison with gates. the electric WAS the way out.
i jumpd and ran toward the electric fence but my ankle burnd and i started limping toward it.
the captain waved his arm and the kapos chased me and grabd me before i could "electric-escape" by grabbing the fence.
captain said in hebrew "so... hmm hmm... i see you limp." i said "yes shoot me or let me grab the fence." the captain chuckled evilly and said "oh we have things FAR more painful than death for you!"
__chapter 3 the job
one zealous kapo asked for permission "can i beat him until he apologizes for arguing?" the captain waved his hand signalling to go away and continued in hebrew "your work will free you for death. we need sand bags now when the capitalist pigs from america chase our troops out of the coward italy... " he paused and pointed a whip at me "you i see you are italian like those cowards who surrenderd! only our brave troops there stayed to resist the americans." then he pointed east and continued, "... and as the soviet jew-bolshevik scum chases us backwards, and the slave-slavic..." i interrupted "if so you are NOT the master race!"
cap'n squinted then yeld in english  "how dare you... you italian coward. wadya mean"
i explained "if they defeat you then you are not the master race." cap'n argued "only their equipment is better not their bodies." i argued boldly seeing he allowd it "what 
about jesse owens the runner he ran very fast. even the blond german lost the run race." i paused and braced for a beating recalling the hits when i refused to give my shirt... and regretted my reliance on his allowing me to argue... but the cap'n just stared at me gazing... so i concluded "the americans are the master race with the negro jesse owens faster than the blond nordic nazi."
when i was done presenting my evidence capn bowed politely and said "well argued however you assume dark-s are human... surely even YOU are aware that dogs and panthers run faster than humans that is the reason animals must not compete with humans and that includes dark skin."
that made me angry and i said "well if so, dark hair is impure too!"
oops that was an error. in my anger i had blurted out something that would make him angry... but i was wrong. capn smiled and said "certainly i agree i am happy you understand and yes impure humans will be exterminated next." i now dared to say the gene idea that my wife had interrupted, "blond is pure only blond chromosomes" the capn smiled very widely "you comprehend our idea better than most of our own loyalists! i want you to be my monkey butler for one year before i kill your filthy jew corpse."
hmm a job? but how can i work? he knew i limped on my ankle.
we stood silently for a while. capn askd if i had anything interesting to add. i said "i cant change my eye color but if you like blond i am willing to change my hair color for you."
capn smiled and said "yes i can sense you are different something about you... yes i will get the hair dye." i argued "cheaper than that is the peroxide liquid."
"hey dont reveal our secret" yeld one of the survivors. capn swung his arm down and the nearest kapo began beating the insolent speaker. capn said "we know about your tricky jew deception but we inspect your eyes!"
i added "and they inspect circumcision. we jews should stop that. then we could hide better" 
capn corrected me "we can still inspect your eyes." i argued but some jews have pure blue eyes and you get them by inspecting circumcision" capn corrected me "wrong again. pure can live".
huh?? that was not what hitler taut what the heck??
capn added "that is a lie spread by jews propaganda to ridicule us.'
we stood silently.
after a long time a kapo asked "when will they start filling the bags?"
capn explained "we are waiting for the prison garments."
as soon as he said this, a lady came wearing only a gown with pale blue stripes on cheap thin white fabric. she carried a pile of gowns. each man put a striped prisoner gown over his shirt.
when she reached me capn orderd "his shirt is long enuf to cover his brifs"
so she skipd me and gave the rest to each of the remaining men.
capn left with the lady and the kapos orderd "you filthy jews" for that is what they said despite the obvious jew arm band that they were forced to wear themselves... but they DID have pure blue eyes!
"start filling these bags with dirt NOW." they hollerd.
each one of us held a fabric bag: a coarse sewn textile. i started scooping the dirt from the ground into the bag. i considered running for the electric fence again... to end my prison time but... if capn liked me and wanted me to be his butler... then maybe i could enjoy food for another year... by then the soviets would liberate this camp.
i askd a kapo "why did you not say "heil hitler" to the captain when he left. the kapo squinted then asked in a voice clearly shokd "who? who is hitler?"
then he raised his baton and warned "fill that bag with dirt. our soldiers need it for the soviet artillery".
i scraped the ground some more and scoopd it in the bag.  some of the men asked for shovels and were granted... beatings.
i scraped the hard ground so my fingers were bleeding so i used a rock to loosen soil and scoop the LOOSE dirt into the bag. the bag was gradualy filling but around me nobody else was using a stone... people were complainng their fingers hurt so a kapo cald capn who ran to our group.
"i warn you only work frees you from death. form a line so i can inspect your progress."
all the workers ran toward capn and formed two parallel lines. capn felt the lyt bags and said to the first "you are fast stand there" he obeyd. capn felt each bag and sent the fuller bags to one side and lyter bags to the other. then a loud noise, louder than i had ever heard in my life burst from a gard tower.
the row of workers collapsed in a bloody heap. capn explained "no food for  lazy, but now i will give soup and you will continue. except linguinin alfredo here. you stay." he said pointing at me.
the others lay their bags on the floor and went to eat soup.
"my name is rudolf", but he argued "no its not. that was wat your parents cald you but here i control everythng and here you are linguini."
he then said i see you cheat using a stone. "for the purpose of your command to fill the bags"
"i hate your jew tricks but you defend yourself well. if you can fill three bags by the end of this day, then you will be my monkey butler until we lose the war." i added "a blond monkey butler."
i naively trusted him and said "i will use my time to skip lunch to accomplish your goal. your desire is my action."
capn nodded and i continued scraping the earth using a rock to loosen dirt which i filled the bag. capn himself brout me a cup with a bit of water and warned "sip slowly" he tilted the clay pottery cup on my dry lips and i sipd until he puld away. "soon i will give more." he lied but i trusted him. "keep working," capn orderd.
i filled more and more of the bag. no workers returned to this work area but i saw more trucks come. as i scoopd the loosend dirt in the bag i saw a few people stumble out from the trucks and the yellow arm bands puld corpses out of the truks and beat them trying to wake them from fainting.
how had i not fainted from all this heat? i had not drank anything since befre the job office? had i drank anything that day until capn brout me? i could not recall even waking up [i had not].
the other workers returnd from lunch and said "look at the fool he misd the soup." they all lafd that i was different and continued filling dirt in the bags. i said "use a rock to loosen the dirt or else you wont fill the bag in time so they will beat you."
they lafd at me and said "listen to the idiot" i argued "dont you wanna live?"
they ignored me and scraped their fingers on the ground to fill the bags. one lady dared to say "we DONT want the nazis to have bags of protection" i argued then they will shoot you. she argued "i would rather die than help a nazi" --you dont mean that or you would run to the electric fence.
she ignored me and scrapd the ground in vain. my bag was filling the fastest but the others refused to use the rock. the sun moved across the sky and capn did not bring me more water.
i started to feel dizzy...
suddenly i heard many motors. many truks came from all the surrounding cities and young girls poured out.
they had finished school and insted of going home the truks brout them to work kuz the soldiers need sand bags to sheild them from artilery.
many teen girls poured out of the trucks. i saw capn was inspecting their eyes. most he sent toward our group and a few separated  to the side for a different job.
a kapo orderd us to stand in a line. as the teens passd she took the textile sand bag and walked to the fence to dig more dirt to fill the bag. once the man gave the bag he walked to the other side. man after man gave the textile bag to the teen girls. until my turn the girl moaned "why is mine so heavy." this got the kapos attention and he shouted for capn.
capn saw the bag was very full and said "teach the girls to use the stone."
so i went as leader of the prison group and showed the girls to find a rock and scrape the ground to loosen it and then scoop the dirt in the bag.
more and more girls arrived and crouched obeying me. the found a rock, loosened the earth and scooped in the bag.
suddenly a surprising roar... loud machine gun as loud as the loudest roar i had ever heard in my life from behind me at the gard tower.
the row of men were no longer needed for work. only while the girls were at school. they collapsed in a bloody row and the kapos dragd them to the trucks which had brout the girls.
soon the sun set but still we worked in the lyt after sunset.
at dark the girls were marched to the baraks the corpses of men were gone.
i heard a voice, "hey monkey you used your monkey tools well today" it was the capn in a deeper tone. "tmoro morning yu will only be my butler, and rest all day, not fill sand bags. your job is limited to three years or until we lose the war... whichever comes first. now come and wash your filthy sweaty jew-body."
i was delighted... i had hope but dared i hope? was this just to disappoint me?
what if the shower did not spray water... but insted the chlorine gas that germans used in the great war of 1915 certainly the horror of chlorine gas choaking was far worse. that crime was repeated more than the american atom bomb that they willl drop later... how could i know that?
i recalled the film [fifth element] when the lady cried when she saw the atom bomb and did not want to save the earth... the real evidence shoulda been the POISON gas that german prussian france and brits used in the great war which was far from great except in area. that was evidence and reasoning not to save humanity.
anyway i finaly washed my sweat away in cold water far too cold to be pleasant but i needed to get clean and i had not cleaned the food waste as well as i had wanted.
when i exited the shower "my" stolen shirt was not in the place i had hung it.
i understod monkey meant no clothing... like animal but i wanted to argue a monkey butler must wear a butler shirt. so i asked a maid to bring me a bow tie and she did. i wrapd it on my neck and walked to the dining room.
the delicious aroma of beef greeted me... i felt so hungry.
i saw the capn and asked for a butler shirt. he argued "you did not ask for butler pants--i know i am your monkey" i said in a low submissive tone. slam. his hand slapd me "you are not a slave nor a slav slave you are a butler you hear?"
he orderd a maid to bring me the long butler shirt it was yellow and covered most of my thighs.
i puld the fabric over my head and wore it like a tent. no buttons just a simple sleeve of fabric.
"i like your bow tie. i think you will also serve with the girls as my entertainment. due to your bow tie. now go rest until meal time you will serve me."
i went and lay on a soft mattress and let my eyes close. the job was not the accounting job that i wanted but it was a job i could do. he had taken me despite my limping ankle.
WARNING the next part is immoral sex slave stuff and will be published separate with a warning. sex slaves whisper


Thursday, August 12, 2021

Naughty Nanny or the youngest i know

the youngest i know of
intro: i recently read some shocking stats about israel.
they triggered a distant memory from my own childhood abut the "beware of the babysitter" that paarents would be FURIOUSLY livid with rage if they knew... but lil kids are curious and when nobody gets injured they do not understand why adults make such a fuss? are they jealous that we  have the same fun they do witht the responsibility of marriage? that is probly what pizd of the adults.
what were the stats? hospitals in cities in israel report the number of abortions and age...
several hundred abortions in a certan city, 80% age 18 and older... 12% age 15 etc. and only 2% age 12. hmm...
2% of several hundred? age 12? that would be a crime in western culture... even "consent" is not considered consent... yet what if the girl asked? far from a lad asking or "grabbing" what if she asked... then the boy might think she wants...
then she ends up with an abortion, as 6 age 12 did... theones needing abortions... without complaining rape kuz she asked... and who knows how many more acted the same without pregnancy kuz young.
well that reminded me of my "fun time" with a "bored babysitter."
WARNING this describes in clean words an act that makes adults furious and not for kids to read... despite happening to a six year old boy with his consent that does not count kuz minor age.
the tale of the nightmare babysitter
chapter one MEET ME
i must have been age 6 in second grade when this story occured in gradual steps as the girl planned and the unsuspecting six year old played along... after all... nobody got injured nr wounded nor even touched until "too late".
both my parents worked the common 9-5 jobs in new york city society.  common: except the wealthy then the ma only shops more and more clothes and shoes all day while the "nanny" watches the kids.
all first grade i would return from schooll... obviously long before my parents finished work at 5 pm plus travel time... and they were compeld to hire a babysitter... who they trusted so i would not be alone and "do mischif".
she must have been 16 years old and her name was not siri. when i arrived at my apartment home i needed to press the electric button and wait for her to "buzz me in" to unlock the door of the building then a few stairs up i mean four indoor stairs in two jumps, and turn left and the door of home. almost ground floor. 
again i would press the electric bell and she would buzz me in. she would always sit at the table of the kitchen YAPPING on the phone. i was bored and while other brats watched tv my strict parents forbade me watching tv. 
i was sposed to do puzzles but my first day after schol, i was too confused bby the colors and shapes and quickly decided this was a waste of time until i am older. in fact he box said "for age nine and older" they knew it was too hard for younger. what could i do? i could read books  but they were boring storie nothing ever happened just talking and talking and the toad drove his car and the other car almost hit him so he swerved off the raod... boring. recall that story? wind in the willows and other stories.
siri was yapping on th phone. day after day... i dont know maybe 4 days.
when i would come and say to the teen, age 16 not named siri, "i am bored" she would say "wait i am still on the phone" and yap more for ten... twenty... and more minutes... 
the next day when i understood her trick i was prepared and said "will you stop talking in  5 minutes?" honesty she saaid "of course not!" so i argued "then give me an idea now what should i do?" she said that i could play a table game "like you are both players."
so that is how i passed the long hours from after school until my parents came home. sometimes i played "checkers" against myself or other games with luck factors. sometimes it was fun to move in a way that one color would win. then next game so the other won, then i tried to do "the best move" for each side knowing both plans. or luck games like colored cards or dice with dots for numbers.
a year pasd with this habit and routine. 
in second grade something pleasant happned...
i would only realize at the "last step" the careful planning of this event.
i returned home as usual to my boring apartment building simple and worse no tv and isolated from "goyish" partners in the building. i had been taught by my parents jews must not tak to "goyim" and tell scary story: "they would accuse us" said my parents of killing their kids and drinking the blood and the goyim were so mad to hear such an accusatin they would come and kill the jews of the town. the blood libel which "was of course a lie we cant even eat the blood in an egg yolk"...  altough with my parents personality and cruelty to me... i could see them going too far if they were mad at a certain neighbor... but back to my special day:
after school the car drove me home, no bus for private school.
buzz buzz and i was in and saaw... an older girl age 12. she had convinced her sister that she could come along since siri often complained that "the brat bugd her that he was bored and his idiot parents dont have a tv." 
so the 12 year old not named tammy  convinced her to come along for a "playmate". but tammy had a certain game carefully pland for this six year old unsuspecting almost innocent child.
the nightmare baby-sitter...
no  complints from me i had a great time and we were both minors too young for legal prosecution and when she reads this she probly wont recall.
the first step in "tammy the twelv year old" plan was to earn my trust.
i enterd and she said "hi lets look at a toy catalog together." so we lay on the carpet and togther looked at her toy catalog that she brout some shop maybe "best? c."
we saw the colorful pictures of toys while siri babbled endlessly on the phone in the kitchen so tammy and i talked about the different toys... and she asked me "if i gave you a hundred dollars which toys would you buy?' and we played that talking game.
i did not know that was phase one of a carefully constructed plan.
then she said "lets do something NAUGHTY and look at the underwear section of the catalog."
i did not know why that was bad so we looked at the pictures of lady underwear... sure my parents would have freaked out if they knew... but what was wrong with seeing ladies wearing  tight shorts? their body was covered, not the "standard same" parts but any unique part was covered.
i barely knew the difference at that age and not yet seen only hearing in pre-schhool-3, anyway any unique parts was covered by shorts and bras and the rest was the same as a man. i could see.
i looked and said "i dont know why you think this is naughty?' phase 2 complete she asked if i wanna know why its naughty and as expected i did so she said "well boy and girl have different body shape and the lady has different shape shorts kuz different shape body. and that was the exciting stuff that the body differs."
next she said lets play a chase game. "i tammy will lead and you will follow like you are chasing but do not actually catch me." wel that seemd dumb and pointless but i woulda been "bored to death" so i chased her... you adults audience know ladies love when "a man chases them" as long as he stays a safe distance! hahaha.
so we ran circles, repeating a tiny circle around a soft chair in the sirtting room where normal people have their tv.
 tammy ran fast! really fast and she was way taller than me age 6 and longer legs but i strained and she paced herself until... she saw i was sweaty. at one point i heard a yell "quiet your gigling is too loud" i guess we were gigling?
next phase tammy sid i should change out of my sweaty clothing...  that she had caused the sweat... and wear the pj pants that she brought "because they were soft and comfy" but she had a condition. i must not wear any briefs between my skin and the pants and if i played her dance game i could keep the as a gift.
the color was nice dark blue and thick soft fabric very soft and smooth and comfy.
so i took my bribe and changed out. i noticed that it was "for girls"  meaning no opening for a male to pee. just all around fabric.
next came the dancing game.
tammy said "slowly pull the soft pj as high as you can so its tight and then tie the strings like a  belt." i did and the soft fabric was tight against my legs and covered my belly too. then she said "now move the belt part from side to side like a hawaii hula dance" and demonstrated as she moved HER skirt from side to side a bit to her left and then straight and a bit to the right which i did not understand yet... but was deasier for her like sliding a curtain to cover a window and uncover. but as you certainly know that same action differs for a boy male at least when the fabric is "tight and high" and as she expected the motion and contact caused the "male finger" to inflate and i felt ashamed that she could see it but i assured myself it was the "same as the bra covering" the unique parts... as tammy had orchestrated.
tammy announced "i knew that would work!" wadya mean? "i made you ready to plug the plug into the slit."
YOU know what that means but i did not understand.
obviously i had a healthy curiosity and combined with an eager teacher... and a yapping babysitter that combination is  a parents nightmare!
tammylifted her jeans style skirt which had coverd til her knees and for the first time i saw and understood she was not wearing any layer under her skirt no briefs... same as she had told me to wear the pj... i assumed she was wearing briefs under her skirt coverd by the skirt but nope.
for the first time in my life i saw the covered part of the girls uniqueness when i was around 6 in second grade. tammy asked "wadya see" i said "um i only see you are not a boy and i dont know what do i see?" just a smooth flesh belly down and down to the leg joint. and only the joint i knew that was "not a boy but what was it". and where was the slit she had mentioned so i searched... and between the legs i saw  sorta like fluffy plushy lips like a long slot or  a slit that was unique.
then tammy explained that was for "when i get older my husband is gonna put his long thing" pointing at the bulge in my pj "into the slot".
i echoed the idea "i gues sthat is whta i wll do with my wife."
"see we are being NAUGHTY" tammy teased.
well now i look back and sadly my wife did not act like married but that was a different time revealing that my prediction was wrong.
fnally the culmination of tammys plan she said "i see you are ready to try NOW"
and considering she saw i was inflated finger she was correct and i was curious so then we did the horror unspeakable yet pleasant act. i lay on my back and the twelve year old covered me with her skirt and moved "the plug into theslot" and i was surprised at the pleasure considering i was too young to be a father physicly i thout that part was not "ripe yet". she was smiling like she was enjoying even more than me!
and i knew siri would not put down the phone.
tammy escorted her sister almost every week once a week for several months but then she got taller and stopd coming but i had a fun time and the fact she repeated several times means she did not regret.
and that is how to do it without needing an abortion! six year old boys do not cause pregnancy!
AND DIFFERING from the song writer and singer... gives NEW UNINTENTIONAL meaning to the phrase "sometimes i let it in... im still good."

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

summary of 30 year war first 13 years

 part one- summary of 30 year war first 13 years 

the 30 year war in 1600's
summary: 400 years ago in the year 1618 a war started that would last 30 years until 1648
christians in bohemia revolted against the pope and "protested" catholic religious system. even the swedish phase was for religion as explained.
this war was battled in the areas around the southern coast of baltic sea.
1 bohemia 1618-1625
catholic authority closed a church for different ideas. also destroyed a second church. thurn-p led a revolt that started in Prague.
sides p=protestant, c=catholic
may 23, 1618, two governers "survived a fall from a high window fifty feet/16 meters" claiming rebels threw them out the window. later, in a long battle, mansfeld-p and his troops  defeated the "holy" imperial-c troops.
1619 thurn-p led troops to attack vienna but turned away to help the troops in bohemia. he tried again but imperial-c caused retreat. maximilian-c led troops to subdue the austrian areas which were mostly protestant. spain-c also sent troops that battled in that area until a surrendr with a treaty in 1620.
max'-c with troops won a battle [white mt' nov. 1620.] they subjugated bohemians [under pope]  and killed the rebel leaders and forbade protestantism in all bohema. catholics responded to the prot'-reformation with a violent counter-reformation in silesia which was ore violent in some places.
max'-c with allies won another battle conquering more.
april 1622 mans'-p won battle wiesloch against tilly-c but infollowing months tilly-c won 2 battles.
in 1626 wallenstein-c led "holy" imperial-c army and defeated mans'-p by bridge of dessau. m' fled but died.  w' used robbery for supplies. later in august tilly-c won another battle at lutter, brunswick, against prot' king of denmark.
in 1627, wa'-c conquered holstein jutland [denmark peninsula] and more.
in 1628 siege for ten weeks until w' left due to defenders. 
march 1629, wa'-c led troops to brutally end sects which differed from catholic faith. in may denmark-p surrendered and compromise dividing land. reltives of swedish king lost land... see below.
1630 even catholics complained "terrible extortion" of w' for his army. emperor dismissed w' and a large part of amy.
SWEDISH phase:
july 1630 swedish king landed troops on the coast pomerania [south edge of baltic]. he claimed he was helping the victims meaning the oppressed protestants. [this was also religous refuting page 431 by page 434 in addition to his relatives].
sweden ruled both sides of baltic [west and east coasts] and made alliance with france.
sw'-p defeated "holy" imperial troops-c who retreated from pomerania so sw' controlled more of baltic coast. sw' also conquered frankfurt and in negotiations got more.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

swallowed a fly, new version

swallowed a fly, new version
inspired by the song by bonne and mills but my improvements
the old witch with sick eye
has swallowed a fly
i d'no why she swallowed a fly
how soon she'll die?
that same witch, has swallowed a frog
she sat on a log when she gulped the frog
she gulped the frog to catch the fly 
i d'no why she swallowed a fly
now she wont die
that same witch, has swallowed a cat
from her witch hat, she gulped a black cat
she gulped the cat to catch the frog 
she gulped the frog to catch the fly 
i d'no why she swallowed a fly
she soon will die
that same witch, has swallowed a dog
she gulped a big dog larger than a frog 
she gulped the dog to chase the cat
she gulped the cat to catch the frog 
she gulped the frog to catch the fly 
i d'no why she swallowed a fly
she soon will die
that same witch, has swallowed dry wood
she felt that she should, swallow that wood
she gulped the wood to chase the dog
she gulped the dog to chase the cat
she gulped the cat to catch the frog 
she gulped the frog to catch the fly 
i d'no why she swallowed a fly
she soon will die
that same witch, gulped wick with fire
she thought that they, would burn inside her
she gulped the fire to burn that wood
she gulped the wood to chase the dog
she gulped the dog to chase the cat
she gulped the cat to catch the frog 
she gulped the frog to catch the fly 
i d'no why she swallowed a fly
she soon will die
that same witch, swallowed much dirt
that must hurt, to gulp lots of dirt
she ate the dirt to stop the fire
that wick with fire which burned inside her
she gulped the fire to burn that wood
she gulped the wood to chase the dog
she gulped the dog to chase the cat
she gulped the cat to catch the frog 
she gulped the frog to catch the fly 
i d'no why she swallowed a fly
she soon will die
that same witch, swallowed green grass
kuz grass on dirt will grow real fast
she ate the dirt to stop the fire
she gulped the fire to burn that wood
she gulped the wood to chase the dog
she gulped the dog to chase the cat
she gulped the cat to catch the frog 
she gulped the frog to catch the fly 
i d'no why she swallowed a fly
she soon will die
that same witch, swallowed a cow
her throat somehow gulped it- wow!
she gulped a cow to eat the grass
kuz grass on dirt will grow real fast
she ate the dirt to stop the fire
she gulped the fire to burn that wood
she gulped the wood to chase the dog
she gulped the dog to chase the cat
she gulped the cat to catch the frog 
she gulped the frog to catch the fly 
i d'no why she swallowed a fly
she soon will die
that same old witch went to the ocean
there she mixed and brewed a potion
out came the cow she gulped somehow
out came the grass and dirt and flame
out came the wood and dog and cat
out came the frog but not the fly
she jumped on her broom and started to fly
but... this song was a lie.

Monday, August 2, 2021

before writing and "end of stone age"

history by zone
intro: when was the bronze age in africa?
at the time period when other places had a bronze age much of africa CONTINUED the stone age using stone tools.
similarly the "start of writing" differs in different regions. we know wrote at certain times in certain areas but doubt if they wrote before?
the history books have bad order so one historian tried to organize and despite improving even his has a bad order and vague words so somebody me needs to fix it.
the earliest writing was the nile civilization. they started writing we know from near 3000 bc 
writing nile 3150 b.c.
so before mesopotamia! as we now know in later studies that replaced outdated studies.
the age before writing was stone there so we begin with the nile valley. also order of alphabet africa before asia but more importantly writing was near 3000 bc so before mes' 2850 bc.
before writing, the era is called stone age kuz humans "did differ from animals" and used stone tools. studying skeletons revealed that our ancient ancestors were "human" called homo and differed from apes called pithicus for distinction. the researchers tried to distinguish and break the stone era into sub-periods: like if the stone was polished or if the pottery was painted but i will simplify eras kuz all used stone until  metal.
some physical differences between pithicaus ape and human are "walking erect" and larger frontal brain section. the part about personality and emotion made famous in the phrase lobotomy.
in nile valley started writing near 3150 bc and until then stone tools until bronz -3150. so there -3000 starts "era of history" p.22  which is defined by writing. the same family continued ruling inheriting from king called dynasty.
in the rest of that continent, the stone age continued later than other places: east: stone tools continued until iron in 300 a.d, so "no bronze age p.23". south: also stone until iron age. mostly did not even polish the stone tools found only rare. west central: stone continued longer until iron which was later there than other parts [>300]. in northwest stone until punic iron age in first mil' [-800v]. 
next era: writing -3000 until -333 
from start of writing until greek conquest of nile valley.
in -3000 two kingdoms ruled the nile valley. the dynasty started in -2850 after conquering north. the dynasty ruled egypt from the north coast of nile valley up hills southward as far as the first major steep waterfall around 550 miles south from the north coast. a river trip from there would be 750 miles kuz turning. egypt was around two miles wide in a strip along river. the nile usualy starts rising in june [abib in ancient egyptian and bible] coinciding with the "end may " harvest.
around -2500 developed different styles of writing. p.36 dynasties ruled egypt and recorded who was king and more from 3000 until 2615.
MESOPOTAMIA until -2850
meanwhile in mesopotamia meaning between rivers the stone age ended with writing near -2850. painted pottery near -5000. a few hundred years later the style spread southward so near -4500 painted pottery, not only baked clay for containers but painted for decoration. later, had cyclander seals and "the beginning of" writing recorded history "near -2850" p.16, therefore after egypt writing. bronz?
jordan river region stone age until -3000 bronz. unknown when start bronz in nile probly same as east coast: none. as above writing started over a hundred year LATER p.16.
pottery  -5500. p.17
arabia unknown until -900 except bahren isle near -1200.
meso-mari: the land between the seas we call "black and med" pottery -7000. stone until bronz -2600 later there than jordan river region. but before bronz by caspian sea -2200. here earliest writing -1900 during hiti kingdom.
south from caspian: stone til bronz 3  millenium. too coarse. pottery -6000.
indus valley stone til bronz -2100. writing there started -1100 later and iron also later.
central india peninsula stone til -1200.
yellow valley stone til -1400 bronz n wrote. east coast stone til bronz -250 later than nan rr -500. japan started iron +200much after west.
writing in mesopotamia as above. many city kingdoms. 4 millenium "drained marsh" into irrigation for city [new meaning to peleg not merely water canal but to drain. see p.27]
sumer? see other page. had a unique language. suspicious. -2850 sumer kingdom. akad -2360 til -2180.  amorite -1850 came east "from west" and established babylon and spread amorite rule -1750. follwed by mitani -1400. 28b

Sunday, August 1, 2021

mid-life crisis with some solutions

 when is the mid life crisis? in many country men live until 76 so before age 40 would not be a mid life crisis.
the list in a certain book was foolish to group some with some so i fix order, kuz some who succeed ask "is this all? no more? while those less successful know the answer: more success and their expectations and dreams are more than they have.
new order:
when men have a "midlife" crisis what are the issues they usualy face? we can group two groups those who succeeded at their careers and the rest... of US.
first:  if succeed some successful have a crisis is this all? nothing more? which can be "solved" either emotionally or materialy. for example remembering  "i have a family and i love" maybe a wife i love or if not her at least the brats. material:  to ADD more: new car or hobby or travel in response to "is this all to life?"  due to the crisis.
for others the crisis is harsher. some did not acheive expectations then they can answer "more would be those failures" ergo in response some switch careers to solve the crisis.
those who fail feel low self esteem or men feel anguish 
life not his "youthful aspirations".  they might feel regrets, or low self esteem.... unless success at his career.
so how to solve those?
1, expectations failed or disappointment. realizing those expectations were probly not realistic or not in contrl then it is "not your fault" about failing and not low self esteem. or to admit "i was mistaken to expect it now i know." which can also lead to a career change.
2,  low self esteem some feel like their failures indicate they are too weak or failures. however this too can be comforted that many things were "beyond your control" which can lead to regrets but solves the first two. feeling regret can be solved by admitting "too late now perhaps i was wrong or chose wrong but now it is already done. same as a caught criminal cannot change do not worry about the past jjust take the punishment the past cannot be changed.
3. if "youthful aspirations" not acheived perhaps they were "too+ "youthful" or error or beyond control... redirecting the crisis to regret as above.
4. regrets: the past cannot be changed so harmful to think of changing the past. if your own chases regret does not benefit. if others deserve blame then THEY will say "the past cannot be changed" which despite true does not free them from apologizing and only a monster would not apologize.
do i feel any of those?
is nothing more to life? i did not succeed so success would be more.
i never expected success so no disappointment. i hoped but most things were beyond my control so i realize not my control.
failure or ow self esteem? if i have a skill than i AM good for that skill even if that career failed it does not define me after i have a skill unless i lack a skill then i need to get one.
my aspirations were to "teach a certain religion" and i did not do that... it seems i failed my goal but actualy i realized that goal was the wrong direction my "lack of acheiving it was a choice" that i admitted my error to decide that goal.
regrets many but i know i cannot change them so i do not try to think of a different path and if you do... then rent the video "butterfly effect"... at least now you cannot change the past.
sometimes marriage can cause a problem the same wife can be boring or worse if she is annoying... if you are not catholic divorce her between misery and loneliness get away from misery. if you are catholic... perhaps time to change that and stop following the pope and get divorced... the king of england did. unless you regret not making a pre-nup contract then you cant change it so go to counseling and whine "i want my marriage to work but she is so annoying" which is true due to the lack of a pre-nup!
so all the problems have simple solutions.