Sunday, May 26, 2024

the exciting ending of batman 2008

the armed clowns in the building were realy hostages that snipers shot due to the trick. the thugs wore costumes so batman defeated them. he came to Joker who sent dogs to battle Batman. Joker "brutally beat Batman" using metal. On the criminal boat, a guy came to the warden and askd for the detonator to do what the warden should have done ten minutes ago. 

The warden gave it. he threw it out into the sea. even murderes only did that for their plan not stooping to the joker level. now they did not even kill to save themselves. too bad the other people did not know they were not in danger. On the ferry of innocent people, they voted: maybe the criminals won't kill us? 

most voted to kill the criminals before the criminals can kill us. yet they can't bring themselves to kill. A guy took the detonator to represent the decision but found that he can't kill people. in the building, Joker held Batman down n complaind, "neither group killed" even to save their lives (which is different than usual murders.) 

joker almost pushed his button to mass murder both non-violent groups... Batman fired his darts that *nokd the detonator away. b' threw j' out the window. j fell far but before joker died, B' used his rope shooter to save the disarmed murderer, for his rule to hurt but not kill. joker hung. cops captured him again. Batman left. 

Gordon came home n saw his family held hostage by 2 who grabd a kid. Batman came n told 2, "blame the people responsible for Rachel's death," the ones who bombed her. 2 flipd his coin that showd: shoot Batman n did that. he flipd it again, n told G', "lie to the kid 'everything will be alright', as i needed to tell Rachel knowing she will get killed." 

Batman who could afford n wore a bullet *sheild, tackld 2. they fell down a hill together. Gordon climbd down. Batman said that Joker won by turning Dent evil. later, Gordon smashd the Bat Signal. Alfred burnt Rachel's note. Lucius closed the locate machine. 

Batman explained, "If people knew the truth, then the symbol of hope would be ruind. but if people blame me for the murders, they will continue considering dent good." Batman got chased by cops n rode his Byk away.

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