Monday, May 20, 2024

film "siege" summary

siege 1998

in Saudi Arabia, during peace, a bomb killed U.S. troops. in a desert, goats stopd a car. troops killd the driver n abducted the guilty Sheik [for trial? later we see no trial. but also not assassinate danger]. in New York City, cops came to a bus with hostages. a bomb inside it exploded... it was a paint bomb so nobody died. 

an FBI guy tony the traitor came. later, tony came to an Airport for a guy carrying major money. the claim was "for a wedding dowry" but people lie so they followd the "mule". he noticed an agent so he dropd the money case and ran. that agent got the money while tony drove to chase until mule climbed over a fence and escaped in a red van.

tony learnt that the mule was held by CIA in a house. tony's FBI team raided it n arrested a CIA gal (who was secretly muslim). tony asked her about terrorist there. She refused to answer. guess why? in a car, tony his fbi partner, h' and the gal argued. they got called to another hostage bus. suicide bombers wore bombs.

the trio came among cops n firetrucks due to expecting a bomb. snipers aimed. "tony told th terrorists", while h' translated in arabic, "your complaint surely is not with children. free them please".  tony dond a *sheild vest. again the secret muslim hid her info about terrorists. 

kids came out causing a bit of *releif. the terrorists had let all six kids free. tony said "take me as a hostage for what you want, but free them all or the ones too old for soldiers" [note young first because they will probably live more years than old will live] people were surprised the terrorists did not accept to take him as a hostage.

after all did they not want hostages to demand something? the bus doors opend again. as the older people climb down... the *releif got destroyed... to everybody's horror the terrorists did their only goal: kill people. before the old can get to a safe distance, the terrorists killed everyone with the bombs. the bus exploded in a flaming fireball. 

despite the perimeter, tony and others got injured by shrapnel. tony was very emotional about the many deaths. he orderd to pressure informants, n suspects. his nose injury reopend n started bleeding. He got a name from the carrier courier. they found the student visa sponsored by a professor at a College. elise slept with a guy.

A General told tony "the Sheik is dead." FBI learnt about an owner who rents to guys who pay cash and eat pizza. when they expect a za, fbi delivered it with a team. inside a guy who spoke arabic to his partners, opend the pizza box. this exploded a smoke grenade that knocked him down. in this distraction they raided! 

an agent smashed the door. they enter with guns yelling "fbi". Two Arab terrorists did not cooperate. they shot at the "law" who fired back. the guy stood up in the crossfire. the team killed the pair. the suspicion was correct. they found explosives. they celebrated that they stopd the terrorists. 

later, the team was at a bar. tony danced with the gal until they heard a bomb. it was at a Theatre.

nx t.b.c.

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