Friday, May 24, 2024

c6 claws clause

chapter 6 andi and cloi in troy's toys

in the pet shop, cloi's cell phone rang. it was andi calling! andi said, "my older bro will drive to get u from home to go to the toy shop." conveniently it was in the same mall as that pet shop! changing the order meant that cloi claus already was in the destination. andi askd, "what will you do while you wait?" 

"i will do a claus pause!" cloi answerd. andi giggled gently but ma said "those lame puns are just claus flaws." cloi argued, "nothing forbade them in the claus laws!" andi changed the subject. "last christmas i heard about people who saw santa and then noticed items were missing!" cloi claimd, "that is impossible nobody sees santa!"

"because he was not your dad. just someone dressed as santa. he relied on christmas nyt when people see santa in the streets and expect santa in the home, to give gifts, for him to enter and steal. when they saw him they *beleived he was santa until it was too late." cloi argued again, "but they would see he was not flying."

"wadya mean?" askd andi. "i mean they would know if he opened the door to leave it would start an alarm and that he did not fly so it was not santa just a theif!" andi agreed, "he comes by the chimney because the doors are locked and the windows too." cloi added "and the chimney was built big enuf for the chimney sweep to go in to clean."

andi added, "so he used a rope to go down and in to steal and then to climb up the rope and out." cloi dramatized, "wen he flew away on his hang glider people said, "look up in the sky! it is a jay! no it is a jet! no it is santa claus!" both girls giggled until andi concluded, "but it was just a *theif. and here we are!

"we are now parking by the mall... no, in the underground parking lot. cloi told her mom, "her oops! his older bro drove him here. they are parking here." ma asked, "did andi like the puns?" cloi answerd, "sounded that way." ma listed, "gauz, applaus" so cloi joked, "when i scraped my knee, i used claus gauz."

"your art is "claus draws!"

"your pun earned my claus applaus!" +a: "when santa will hear these puns he will giv claus guffaws!" +c: "my sister clair n i are claus broads!" a:"do you know the story of 2 naughty brats who pranked people? but in december they stopd because of the claus cause!" +c: "there must be a million puns like santa broads, but which toy do you want?"

"first we will see what they sell. meet me at the toy shop named troy toy!" they did. in the shop they found various toys and even videos. someone had already used their idea. a video of a santa drawing sketch art and comics was called "santa draws". cloi argued, "your claus draws sounded better." andi found it!

the electric sport car was sold in paper boxes with thin windows. it came in only two colors red and blue. "my fave is red" andi announced as she took the red one. "dont forget batteries, for the remote" cloi commented. the car lacked a price tag. "oh dear we cant compute the budget for your toy!" whined andi.

cloi looked at the other boxes and saw they had stickers, "19$" the sticker said. "wow i recall when this tec first was produced in teh 80s it cost 100 dollars only rich kids got remote control." mom moaned, remembering. andi added, "now despite inflation 19 is enuf!" the gift certificate was 100$. andi began again:

"i got the toy i wanted now you can use the rest." +c: "really that is most of it 80!" +a: "so what i got what i wanted." c: "but if we share it should be half. you should pick something else too!" they started again looking for toys but none were attractiv! cloi felt horrible using more than she had expected, sharing half.

she could not even give her prize the 7 inch penny! cloi carefully looked at every shelf... most were stuffed pets or plastic dolls for adult characters for those creepy adults. or other stuff that babies play with them. finally she found the "sticky bricky" toy. 

chapter 7 the "sticky bricky blinky" toys

it was a set of bricks a bit different from lego style but attached in a similar way. the shop had two sets a fire base and an army base. "we need to build this together for a garage for your car" cloi insisted. the colorful carton had two stickers 79.99 on a yellow sticker and on a red sticker 59.99. either way the certificate was enuf.

the card would pay for batteries too. the sticky brick toy section also had a some small boxes. they held bricks n wheels to build a colorful motor byk with lyts and a tiny red race car, "look your fave!" gushed cloi. they sifted throo the smaller boxes and selected several that were tempting. 

they took the pile to the clerk by the pay gadget. the clerk also named cloi, started scanning the lines. the flat screen facing the pair showed:







cloi clerk asked, "didnt you see the sign 5 for 20? it is the same price!" cloi claus ran to the shelf grabd another box that she had doubted. she returned and said "thanks clerk cloi that was kind of you to remind us!" she scand the fifth box and the flat screen showed:


total 104$ "oh no!" moaned andi, "you said it was the same price. my gift certificate is not enuf!" 

clerk cloi ignored and asked "is that all?" cloi said "yes." she pushed the total and saw:


total 96$ "oh dear we forgot the batteries not included" andi moaned. clerk corrected, "here batteries are always included because different remote controls have different types of batteries you need the ddd coin for this toy and and the cc coin for the bricky byk. "cool its lyts will blink!" exclaimed cloi excitedly. 

andi handed the card to the clerk who scanned the foil sticker. the flat screen showed: 

total paid 

difference 4$ store credit.

clerk cloi asked, "it is easier for me if you use the store credit now. you can choose key chains and small stuff from those bins. cloi said "i can add one, to get another bricky byk, right?" clerk agreed, "that would be simpler than programming a new card for the difference." cloi went to the sticky brick and looked for another bricky byk.

she wanted the one with flashing lyts. but so unfortunate she could not find any. but it was such a cool flashing lyt toy so she checked each box carefully, to see each car or helicopter or a byk without flashing lyts, until she found in the back an old dusty box with "blinky bricky byk" on it the sticker said 7.99 but it was an old sticker.

she handed the dusty box to the clerk who scanned it "beeb" the screen showed 3.50! store credit 0.50. "it is close enuf" commented cloi. the clerk corrected, "really! look in the bins we have lots of small stuff and decorations for scrap books!" andi became excited, "i hav a scrap book! do you hav washi tape?" 

clerk shook her head, "the packs are 99 cents."

"wait" interupted cloi, "i already agreed to add a dollar, when i pland for the 5 dollar bricky byk! now that it is on sale discount i only need to add 50 cents and you can get washi tape too! andi argued this time, "but you cant pay for me!" cloi refuted,  "deduct it from the gift certificat as if i paid for something else!" 

"sold" agreed andi. cloi pulled out her lil wallet with fake credit cards and a few dollar bills and gave one to the clerk. she reminded them to bring the washi tape to scan it. cloi said "go choose the washi tape for your scrap book." so she did. mom finally came to the toy shop just in time. she had orderd andi's bro brad to come too!

brad said to cloi, "your mom thinks i need to watch andi." mom argued "she is only seven!" andi corrected "six n a half." cloi explained "she started first grade younger than usual." clerk cloi interrupted, "don't forget your coin change," handing back the coins. andi handed it on to cloi who argued:

"really now you spent most of the gift card on me you can keep the difference." so andi pocketed the cash and said,  "go to the car to drive to the fancy restaurant."

chapter 8 andi and cloi in roy's restront.

andi loaded the paper bag containing toys into her back bag. it barely fit due to the big boxes of the fire base and remote car! andi's bro brad led them across the mall. mom suggested, "the food court is that way." brad said, "those are regular, but today is a surprise party for andi it is her birthday!" andi argued "i didn't want a party!"

"that was the surprise!" explained brad. he told cloi, "i told him" pointing at andi, "to invite one frend as a gest for lunch at the fancy roy restront! for his birthday party. more respect than a silly party!" they soon came to the glass wall of the restront named "roy restront" in red letters on the smoky brown glass wall.

they came inside and andi chose a table.


meanwhile at home cloi's cat claws was doing some magic mischif ...

coming soon !

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