Monday, May 13, 2024

the exciting ending of book ring

 fellowship, Summary ring the exciting ending of Book 1 C9:

in an inn's drink chamber, Pippin drank too much beer after supper, n told strangers, "i celebrated at a big birthday party." he told them about the party. Frodo stood on a table and interrupted his story by singing. others joined the song. frodo fell off the table n from habit slid on the MAGIC ring... so he vanishd.

They all stopped singing and were quiet in shock. he came to a corner, reappeard n claimed "i rolled here." Merry rested in the room before a stroll outside. the rest of Frodo's fellowship=ff returned to the bed room. Strider followd ff, n in the bed room he talked [10] to the trio about the Dangerous Black Riders!

he warnd not to trust strangers. sam didnt trust strider either. innkeeper knockd n gave an old letter to Frodo from Gandalf. strider said "if i wanted to hurt you i already could have, so trust me." Merry returnd from walking, n reported that he saw a Black Rider. Strider advised that they arrange pillows to seem like they are in bed.

ff came to the parlor n prepared to sleep. Strider kept watch. at Frodo’s new house dark shapes [11] neared the front gate. a guy saw so fled out the back. three Black Riders broke in but frodo was not there. at the inn, Strider woke the hobbits who came to the bedroom n saw that their beds got slashed. also, all their ponies were gone! 

FF purchased a pony at an unjustly hi price and on it rode away. soon, Strider led them into the forest so the riders can't see. they came to a Marsh. they sloshed throo it for three days with bug bites and wet feet. lAter they came to a hill. They saw a symbol carved in a rock n hints of a camp where they rested. they climbed the hillside. 

around a fire, Strider told them old legends and sang about the prettiest Elf princess. "she loved a Man so chose to lose her long life, for him." Suddenly, dark shapes came. Merry and Pippin dropd down. Frodo slid on the Ring so he saw those shapes had pale faces n swords. one wearing a crown rode up the hill.

it jumped off the horse n attakd Frodo with a knife. Frodo stabd at this king's legs but got stabd in his shoulder. Strider ran holding a burning log in each hand. Frodo felt icy pain and slid off the Ring as he fainted. Frodo awoke [12] so they told him, "We saw shadows rushing until you vanishd. soon you appeared laying on the ground." 

Strider had successfully chased The Black Riders away. Strider examind Frodo’s wound in the fire lyt, n saw the dropd knife. Strider left and returnd carrying heal leaves. He put them on Frodo’s wound. at dawn, Strider led them down and south across the road into a forest. They hear two shrill cries but from afar. 

frodo weakend as days of riding passd. Strider saw  a pale green elf-stone on the path. A few days later, they saw the three trolls that the sun turned to stone when uncle Bilbo got captured by them. They obey gandalf's old letter so journeyd towards elf town so they rode on the road. They hid due to the sound of hooves. danger? 

an Elf came on his white horse to greet them. They lifted Frodo onto his  horse. Glorfindel reminded Frodo, "you are the 1 with  the ring that the Black Riders want." as he rode, Frodo dreamt dark nightmares ff traveld until exhausted. later they left the forest. the horse, with Frodo, fled the dark riders! 

four other Riders tried to ambush him. they jumped out from behind trees that were by a river. the horse carryd Frodo across the river. The Black Riders strted riding across the river... frodo was helpless and weak from his wound. three of the Riders neard frodo! suddenly water rose, rushing and toppling the riders who got washd away.

end b1

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