Sunday, May 19, 2024

start trek ng 1987 reminder list

 Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) S1

e1 in d, in 2364 picard met a superpower guy. its crew visited a magical base that they freed.

e2 The crew got ill like kirk crew but treatment failed. how heal?

e3 a leader wanted a crew lady so she dueld.  

e4 picard chased *theivs. both crafts, got trapd. how escape?

e5 d flew too far, so how return?

e6 a thing controld crew and craft computers. it controld picard to take it home.

e7 a crew teen did a minor crime where they punish by death penalty. how will they save him.

e8 Picard got back his craft but a mind control device controld him.

e9 a craft crewman got powers  n saved the crew from death even reviving 2 dead.


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