Saturday, June 1, 2024

batman 2008

 the bank robbery and film summary, batman 2008

in Gotham on a sunny day, a pair slid between buildings down to a roof. #1 cut all communications before his own partner killed #1. 3 more thugs, wearing clown masks, enterd a bank n fired warning shots, to hold hostages for robbing a bank vault. #5 said that the planner who isnt participating deserved less. 

one replied, "that is why they call him '*Joker'." a pair scared the hostages but #5 came to the vault. the roof thug drilled it. #5 waited until the vault opend n asked the driller if he killd the thug, as orderd. #2 confirmed and got the same death. while 5 held the hostages, 3 n 4 filld large duffle bags with money n put them facing the door. 

a bank guy ignored the hostage situation by firing at the thugs- not standard security policy! a criminal garded this bank that held mob money. when the shots stopd, #3 asked if the shot gun was empty. #5 nodded. 3 stood and fired a burst at the mob gard who fired his last shot killing 3. 

4 asked, "will you kill me?" while following 5, who lowered his gun n retreated near the door. "no. i kill the bus driver," answerd 5. a scool bus smashed in n killd 4. the driver put the big bags in the bus. 5 neared the injured mob bank manager n showed his face: The Joker. 

Joker put a grenade into the mobber's mouth and kept his word to kill the bus driver *theif. a string attached the grenade to the bus. joker drove out so the grenade pin popd out terrifying the mobster... but it was just a gas grenade. 

at *nyt the batsignal was on clouds. in a car park tower, a guy met a thug who complained about the drug sale. some batmen fired at the criminals. Scarecrow gasd one from his cuff saying, "Batman never uses a gun" so these are fake. the Batmobile crashd throo a barricade n fired rockets at a wall, so the criminals fled. 

The real Batman came n bent the rifle barrel [same as hagrid in a recent 2002 film] of a Batman n knockd him out to prevent danger. The mobster sent dogs to attack some Batmen. Batman killed dogs but his arm got "badly bitten". Scarecrow drove a white van until Batman jumpd onto its side. 

Scarecrow swerved crashing Batman against a pillar so he fell. Scarecrow "drove down," AROUND the parking ramp so Batman dropd onto the van's roof so it crashd. He tied the Batmen "bad vigilantees" and Scarecrow n thugs for cops to arrest. Gordon n Batman came to the bank, n saw Joker on security video.

Gordon askd, "is he a threat?" Batman said that he is less priority than organized mobs. at Bruce's home, he stitched his dog bite. Alfred warnd Bruce, "know your limits."

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