Sunday, May 19, 2024

phil future reminder list

FUTURE FIL with gadgets  

Production Code 101 v

phil Tutord Keely to teach her math. she was accepting despite felt ashamed that he was not in her group. Pim got elected chalk monitor.

__future 22nd century gadgets or items

Cheezeola: cheese cola, a future flavor. 

Homework Helmet: an eye visor for kids to see scool lessons.

Scanylizer: showed n gave clothes for kids.

Spray Food: food formed from foam: brownies etc.

Time Machine: it travels time but broke. it hid as a common craft. 

102, v Phil used a gadget to seem athletic and competed. Pim hid his secret.

gadgets: Nose Mold Kit: made a nose for Phil to unlock the gadgets. 

Penny Missil: A small device that propels anything it was stuck to. 

Ultra Sonic Laser Light: cleans plates.

103 v Phil n Keely cheer for a game until she told her mom the truth.

104, v Phil added a toe due to four toes, like future people. while he crushed "toe-ma-toes" barefoot, his new toe fell off. Keely found it so he exposed the unbeleivable secret that he came from the future.

limb maker kit: it made a toe.

105 v phil's family found A Caveman in their home and try to get rid of him. Pim slept over at a class mate.

106, v Phil used a gadget to seem deformed, to cause a girl to stop liking him. her love overcame that. Pim joind the student band.

D.N.A. Scrambler: it can change somebody's appearance.

107 v Phil's science project used new tec. Phil's dad distracted the gard so he can take out the part.

Cinespecs: sunglasses that show videos.

Milk Engine: it is fueld by milk. in 2075 oil ran out so it got invented.

108 v Phil videod for a scool project, but was too demanding. his pals fled! he copied himself. Pim competed in fast walk. 

gadget: it can make copies of people

109 v when Pim got bullyd at *scool, Phil helpd her face a bully, whose older brother b' got angry at Phil. Phil learnt that b lost his beloved rabbit n used tec to make a copy rabbit that he gave. fan fiction: the bully said "you cant replace the one i loved" n hit him anyway. pim used tec to zap the bully. the sister returned and pushed pim so phil used his tec to zap that bully. both bullies appear in prison where they grow to adult like the ager. they say we don't belong here! the cop replied "that is what everyone said."

gadget: it can make a rabbit

110 v Phil's pa wanted to celebrate a future festival. Phil got invited to a party.

Laser Squash kit: a glove to throw and hit a laser lyt ball against a wall like handball 

111 v at scool when a gal, d' askd about Keely's crush, T, phil used tec to appear like t, to see what she wanted. d' kissd "t" indicating they were close so cheating on Keely. Phil warnd her who accused him of jealous lies, to break them up. Pim lied that Debbie's crush "hit on 

me" to break them up. it worked. later keely saw D kiss T, who said "did i ever say we were exclusive?". k' apologized to Phil.  

Instamorph: it can scan and transfrom someone to look like the one scanned.

112 v Keely used Phil's gadget to seem age 25. they helpd a teacher regain his dating confidence.

New Ager: it can change the age of people n plants.

113 v Phil wanted an upgrade for his sky-ak jet. he can hav it if he "fills in phils in" for his parents by watching Pim all weekend, but she did mischif!

skyak it is like a jet kayak that can fly in the sky

114 v Phil and Pim try to prevent dad singing odd old songs in scool again. gadget: it made a copy of pa.

115 v Phil heard Keely sing. except for him, she had stage fright. even at home she was too shy to sing for a few people. Phil used tec to shrink n wait on the mic to encourage her. this helpd until She swung the mic stand, so Phil *flyd.

116 v team, Phil got threatened! his family can't return to the future unless he will do pranks.

117 v Phil and Keely do a dog care job. gadget: it translated animal talk.

118  v Phil came to 2nd grade for writing n met a jerk. he learnt that the jerks camera, Tanner's little brother's camera, that was on his helmet, recorded his embarrassing moments in 2nd grade. phil tryd to get the tape back by climbing to his room in Tanner's house but faild. at scool morning announcements Tanner showd phil's embarrassing moments! Tanner's little brother came and told Tanner's embarrassing things: he had cryd at the petting zoo, last week, because a goat touched him. tanner learnt his lesson!

119 v Debbie was a cyborg who enslave kids to make cupcakes insted of the halloween party. Phil said to eat the cupcakes so it overheated from stress ending the slavery. future item: the cyborg

120 bull v Phil used a gadget to hide what he did to a bull. Pim pretended Curtis was her dad for a parent conference.

121 v Phil was controlled by Curtis due to a gadget that swapd personalitys. Phil acted uncivilized at Alice's event until she dumpd him. 

gadget: it can swap personality.

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