Friday, January 13, 2023

the true meaning of democracy

i recently asked a teen "which you prefer? republican or democratic." as expected they were "fooled by the label" saying they prefer democratic because they want democracy... as if republicans oppose democracy?

so i askd her "please explain what you think democracy meant." she foolishly said "everybody knows." "stop guessing what i think. tell me what YOU think is a characteristic of democracy" so the fool said free speech." i"so you think in the dictionary democracy means free speech, we can check" she foolishly answered "that is what the dictionary said" obviously she had not opened a dictionary i offered we can look in oxford dictionary. "i know so i do not need to check but you are wrong and dont know english". typical foolish teen not checking.

i"explain what you mean free speech" she"free speech" like democracy means democracy that gets an x wrong answer in school you dont know a meaning by repeating the same word. so i said please try thinking for yourself do you mean "free to say anything" she foolishly said "obviously" so i said what if people want to say nigger" she interrupted "dont say that word"  i"you are limiting speech that is the OPPOSITE of free speech" she"how dare you want to say that word. i"you are talking about me instead of the issue if you limit words that is the opposite of free speech. you are against free speech." she tried to interrupt so i asked "are you able to hear a long sentence?" she"yes" i"so listen to the whole long sentence before you respond. logic a=b=c so a=c if you limit speech you are against free speech. wait... it is a long sentence... if free speech is democracy you are against democracy."

she "no i want democracy" i"if so stop limiting speech all the RULES of politicly correct pc limit speech." she foolishly said "you dont know english" i "you never looked in dictionary" she said "i know so i dont need to check" i said "you want facebook to censor and delete things but censoring is the opposite of free speech you are against free speech".

then i tried to explain to the weak minded teen, typical of this generation... democracy has two parts again she interrupted so i added i see you are to weak to hear long sentences. we can stop." she argued "how dare you i can hear a long sentence. you are wrong" i"so that is why you interrupt the long sentences? or you cant follow long sentences?"

i started again "the word democracy has two roots "CRACY" is governing and demo is the group. so democracy is the nation chooses the ruler. that is the meaning not free speech.

she foolishly replied "it does not matter" i ignored her and continued do you thing republican is against that? she"yes they are against democracy" i"so they dont want the public to choose the leader?" she "that is why they are not democratic." i continued "the word republic CONTAINS the word public meaning the public chooses the leader she"so what" so the two terms have the same meaning. she interrupted" no they dont." i"both republic and demo mean the voters choose the leaders".

she foolishly echoed "that cant be because republican is against democratic" i asked "in which issue?" she"free speech." i"but you dont let people speak freely" she"yes i do" i"do you let people say nigger" she"stop saying that word" she was trying to limit my speech. this is a sad generation when education is repeat phrases mindlessly so i protest. the meaning of true democracy is the same as republic the only difference is the issues.

dnc wants more personal freedom even to harm fetus which is harmful... to the fetus.

rnc wants to limit abortions claiming the dna of the fetus is NOT the mom so it is NOT her body. saying "my body my choice" is only about ma dna such as donating her kidney but fetus is a different body and undoubtedly human. and undoubtedly harm. what about her body hosting the baby? can i choose "my body" should not to host the baby? that depends if he will live... maybe she can eject and pay for it to LIVE not in HER body but out but killing the living human is undoubtedly harm and undoubtedly a human different than the mother. abortion kills and that is not justified.

the same as you can test all the abortion excuses AFTER BIRTH if a child is the son of a rapist can you kill the two year old? obviously pa the rapist does not justify murder yet the fetus is is the same baby that came out a day after birth and a day before birth. the claim "clump of cells" only distracts they are "not ma cells" they are human cells different from ma so not her body so not her choice. not even rape justifies murder after birth and equaly before birth. you can only punish the rapist not "punish the son of the rapist with a death penalty". perhaps part of the punishment is the rapist cant see his son as punishment for raping.

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