Saturday, January 14, 2023

most popular video 1984, 1985

1. Ghostbusters 1984, $239M see success list
2. Beverly Hills Cop 1984, $235M
A Detroit cop got hit unconscious. when he awoke, he saw his pal dead. he became an unofficial "b.h. cop". he swayed the cops in b.h. to violate rules... some for freeing a witness before the villains can kill a witness. editor's note: most of the story was weak and relied on blackxploitation which did draw audience more than "toxic white" indiana jones. analyze the "good review" some would be forced to lie that the story was good even if they felt it was weak due to threat racist that manipulated them... 
for example look at time magazine quote, taken down but preserved "Murphy exudes the kind of cheeky, cocky charm that has been missing from the screen since Cagney was a pup, snarling his way out of the ghetto." the issue of "emerge from ghetto" was revealed as the cause not the story quality nor the acting. that was from a good review. when others wrote "assumed that a movie will be a hit simply because it stars an enormously talented person" only one cause the famous actor not the content... so they did not invest in its quality. even the stretch "enormously talented" indicates the threat of being called a racist. we cant say its bad or they will call us a racist but roger ebert found the compromise dont knock the negro while telling the truth about the movie, even if the actor was barely as talented as any actor for example pryor.
3. Back to the Future 1985, $211M see success list
4. Indiana Jones 1984, $180M see success list
5. Rambo: First Blood Part II 1985, $150M
Rambo was in labor prison as punishment for his violence in part one [unpopular using his commando skills against his own country was a failed story]. mr. rambo went to the jungle of Vietnam not to *rescue but to photograph any prisoners to see if the POWs  [prisoners of war] were American nia [missing in action]. instead he freed the ones in that camp and started the pressure on the commies to free the rest.
6. Gremlins 1984, $148M 
A guy violated rules concerning his new pet which resulted in many mischievous monsters.
7. Rocky IV 1985, $128M boxing champion boxed giant
next 98m far less and <100m

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