Sunday, January 15, 2023

atomic bomb guilt, hiroshima

hiroshima atomic bomb guilt

was the u.s. use of the atomic bomb a "stain and guilt" on u.s. history?

before the issue of the USE we must clarify WHO is getting accused.

voter turnout was less than 60% only 56%. 44% did NOT SUPPORT either dnc or rnc so the "accusation" is certainly NOT at the voters who did not support the guy who used commander chief authority to nuke a wide area. 

the rnc opposed dnc wanting a replacement. a different guy not truman.  we cannot be certain that rnc would also use mass destruction as deceptive dnc lie baselessly... especially considering rnc idea sanctity of life and rnc president bush opposing wmd meaning POISON GAS CHEMICAL  weapons which were  used n found... rnc opposed wmd so only dnc truman and dnc voters caused such an evil weapon, the wide area atom bomb is worse than poison gas. considering rnc conservative direction, value life even fetus, plausible use only precision bombing of factory not wide area mass murder.

the gap was 20% of electors 100/500 represented voters voted  against truman and f.d.r. despite 80% is majority to win, the turnout was 56% of voters so 20%oppose plus 46% not support either, totals 66% 2/3 not support f.d.r. nor truman dnc who did not represent u.s. voters when truman ordered use wide area bomb. so before we even START the accusation debate we must identify that ONLY d.n.c. is a possible guilt but rnc opposed and 66% voters did not support dnc as above.

the dnc claims the goal to end the war justified any weapon. on other issues dnc itself accused that goal does not justify the method... so this is not a defense for anti-moral anti-ethical methods.

same as west DOES NOT cannot torture to get info, dnc cant use immoral wide area vast murder even for good intentions. the atom bomb did not cause the EMPOROR to surrender... does that mean need a second? or wrong to think it would cause surrender. it was wrong. we saw it did not sway him so nagasaki guilt is even worse.

either way the accusation of guilt is only at dnc truman who used vast murder worse than POISON GAS not rnc nor voters of sanctitu life even fetus... once this has been established, no need to debate simply blame dnc and dnc voters... in fact 17 of dnc supporters from 530 STOPPED supporting dnc in 1944. dnc LOST support even from dnc voters.

compare 1940 dnc 449 elector but lost 17 of those who had supported STOPPED  supported. the vast 432 is less by 17 even supporters stopped supporting dnc.

so the blame for the guilt of atom bomb is not an accusation against voters but only against DNC voters and truman.

the pattern is consistent the dnc consistently points at "the stain and guilt of American history" only to try and shift blame AWAY from dnc who THEMSELVES insisted on separation of negro schools called segregation.... and dnc insisted Slavery that was dnc not "American guilt" but dnc guilt. they only speak of American history to try and shift the dnc OWN guilt away from themselves... unjustly and worse to wrongly blame all americans when rnc opposed slavery and segregation and truman.

the pattern is "blame america for what we dnc did" slavery school separation segregated and vast atom bomb but the dnc and truman in dnc was the one who perpetrated those! 

so the reply is "truman was dnc" but rnc wanted precision bombing and bomb "sights" for aiming at the factory only.

we see this issue too is a dnc trick to try to shift blame from themselves same as school segregated who did those things including truman decision to order vast atom bomb. the 46% who opposed truman are not even ACCUSED  even before the debate if ending a war can use immoral torture or killing children who are compelled by adults and cannot be blamed even if they were soldiers which is possible in emperor system yet still debatable and EITHER way the accusation only accused dnc truman and dnc voters who wanted him t' as v.p. wanting to ignore "tradition" including "sanctity of life" but not the 44% non turnout meaning voters who did not support either including not truman.

furthermore EVEN  dnc supporters 449 stopped support by 17 gap to 432 electors indicating millions of dnc stopped supporting dnc and further from sinful and harmful dnc was the rnc not even included in accusation therefore...

the issue of atom bomb CAN be simplified "dnc is guilty same as segregation not all americans nor rnc" same as cannot blame protestant for catholic inquisition same can't blame rnc for devilish dnc truman and his dnc voters who reject the sanctity of life which is not only American fetus but IS the issue for a vast atom bomb debate for the life of the enemy who might not be guilty if he is a child forced to shoot compelled by adults.

the bottom line is dnc is the stain on American history and supporting dnc joined the dnc guilt for atom bomb mass murder and slavery... which lincoln rnc opposed. sanctity of life is a TRADITIONAL  concept those "against tradition such as antifa" join the atom bomb guilt because the issue is sanctity of life while anti opposed fascist "tradition" instead of distinguished which PARTS of fascism are harmful and only those worthy to oppose.

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