Friday, January 27, 2023

order of bible books

 the jew order differed from christian order and many of the differences the christians "improved" with grouping.
we will see by the contents of books that when luther selected some books and rejected some books that catholics included je did not PURIFY enough. so we must purify based on content and not trust rabbis of jews as i will explain.
jew first group five books claimed "by moses" in josephus about genesis "moses wrote and same in moses ramban and moses rambam. however the contents indicate a foreign religion due to plural verbs in genesis and sacrifices in the other four which cannot be the same religion as jeremia who specified god denied commanding sacrifice saying in chapter 7, see for yourself "you eat burnt offerings BECAUSE i did not command" that is the reason so those five are not from god but a fake like selling "sand in a box of corn flakes" whatever that crime is. we know from the contents that those books are a different religion than the faith of the prophets who brought prophecy "i did not want blood" past grammar and i did not command sacrifices so books that can cause error that he did are a foreign religion and can cause error so not reliable.
christians accepted those 5 five from rabbis but only humans said it was holy did jesus "say by name they are sources" no. his quotes often differ from the similar idea in jew book to show not from the jew book but some oher source and only the BITS quoted are worth preserving "with all your heart and soul and TWO more" that is not the jew book which was wriongly included due to bad rabbis and trusting rabbis.
we can't trust rabbis at all and certainly when the contents differ. so some translations add words "not only command" that is not the message and does not match "you eat" if also commaned.
second jew group:
joshua judges samuel kings in talmud four books
christian order is better because ruth is a story before david so before samuel is improvement. the jews wrongly call these prophet despite stories. also christian have chronicles by kings due to paralle better than jew not together but still...
the contents indicate the error to include them.
joshua has both "not by your sword" and wars and judges has wars but if war is true then "by sword" and contains lie impure or not sword is true and the majority is false i could accept either one but the truth is "not by sword" as the holy spirit sent me to teach so joshua and judges are impure.
also most of judges said "sin caused pain" but the ending refuted that they sinned and "long life" so sin does not cause subjugation. the theme was not only stories but an idea that conflicted ecclesiastes including both eccl. and judges in same group is absurd from doubt we should reject both but the truth is i was sent to teahc eccl is holy depite rabbi doubted and those that "do not match" are not holy including psalms that started wrong to show different religion than "the righteous lose due to righteousness" which is the correct faith and if they include ecl. should agree but also include the ones that do not match psalms and judges and job and proverbs all do not match as i wil list so only eccl. holy in contrast to rabbi doubted eccl. and christia acccepting from rabbis.
samuel was divided by the death of saul... the two stories of sauls death DIFFER if the student is FOOLED TO STOP due to the end of the "book" as artificialy divided he will not compare the twp versions it hid the problem but this book is separate from god whoknew which version is true so no source reliable for david etc.
the books kings and chronicles are only if we do not know history but historians calculated mesa mesha and neucdnazer so we know the years in those books are "false or exagerations" and can cause error and also SEPARATE FROM GOD who knew the correct years not exagerated that can cause error by literalists.
after the story about kings which can cause error and was wrong;ly included and should not have been included christians have more story that belong with story. however the books ezra nehemia and ester are problems... the book name is usualy due to the first word or name such as jeremia and nehemia but the book that started ezra was not preserved nd the book claimed to be ezra is not the book that is truly called ezra. also nehemia is not on the jew list so they lie it is included but still publish separate because not one book so it was wrong to includ eeither the only two that remain are ruth and ester... ruth i was sent to say is holy from god and isaiaj and jeeremia too which are mentioned by name in matthew 22 and matthew 27. ester maybe only story not holy. in fact it does not give god credit so probably onlu story not holy i was not taught that only to warn that the inclusion of books with sacrifice was wrong and that the story of kings from david to zedekia are impure and separate from god. 
so ester remains but only a story and the lengthiness is "fillers" without content maybe for suspense but too much and distract from theme.
the jews group the prophets isaiah jeremia and ezekiel only two of those holy but ezekiel has sacrific so foriegn faith not faith of israel prophets, this was grouped by time since they were the time of kings but they predict the future so so not belong with story of kings so christian improved moved prophet separate after ester.
not story job? not a story? it is a story but it is ideas mostly and the contents do not match eccl. that the wicked succeed but most of the book said you suffer for your guilt and sins like judges so foreign faith not with eccl.
same the start of psalm to emphasize the faith of the author but cannot be with eccl. so remove both to prevent conflict until holy spirit taught only eccl. correct faith but not the conflicting books: proverbs psalms and job three more books that inclusion was wrong to trust rabbis we can know from the contents are a foreign faith not from god. in contrast to isaia and jeremia and ruth. so four holy remain.
song i was not taught so i dont know from doubt we cannot trust rabbis and claim holy baselessly did jesus ever say it was holy song?
the order differs: christian order job psalms proverbs that seems time order due to job money currency ksita ancient currency like jaconb around 1700bc long before psalms that mention david by OTHERS whose time was AFTER DAVID as indicated by mentioning david.
in contrast the jew order psalms first beore job does not match content of currency so christian improved order still the contents as above indicated that the decision of rabbis to include was wrong and we cant trust rabbis.
last section is prophets jeremia wrote lament so better with jeremia improving jew order. 
daniel is from god we can agree like eccl holy.
is lament holy? just written by prophet but not "so said god" it differs from daniel bringing god message so inclusion insulted the ones that are holy.
the twelve short ones i was not taught and christians count them twelve separate and the order certainly not chronological for example malaki has truma tax which ended by exile of 722 bc certainly before jeremia in time and jona also earlier but we cant trust rabbis to include them we must INSPECT which if any did jesus mention by name. and if not included then no point tto fix order.

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