Tuesday, January 10, 2023

surprising weather pattern in israel

 despite i only checked two years january the finding was very shocking. i expected either random or added heat as the sunlight time increased ever since dec. 21 HOWEVER instead i was surprised by the ineffective sun and even on the SAME DATE not random.

both years the warmer heat in the begining of january was NOT TRAPPED but went away and even the added sun failed to warm israel consistently both years in mid january on the SAME DATE 14 january the heat left immediately and did not return due to sun despite added sun each day more and more.

so for people like me who saw propaganda of "global warming causing flooding" the specific "climate change" that scientists saw is "concerning" a word that does not mean worry but is still an emotion inappropriate for scientists can be soothed... the heat is NOT TRAPPED but leaves not only every night but the accumalation also consistently left in mid january with a drop in temperature less heat due to heat escaping desppite added sun.

in fact the cooling of 2022 was LESS HEAT than the few warm days in 2021 consistently colder than average so even if sometimes we find hotter that is only purely caused by sun because the heat did leave and was not trapped by "greenhouse gasses" which we need some... for some heat to be trapped or we would freeze like mars and the co2 and water vapor is good for that and in a good amount when we have a livable range while allowing heat to exit as above and the last haf of january is the coldest time in israel from january 14 until the added sun finally has an impact in february.

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