Alice under ground continued from part one
CONTINUITY: if you have not yet read part 1, here i provide a summary to read from here AND ALSO a link to part one at
Alice was sitting by her sister on a hot day. she followed a rabbit that wore clothing into a rabbit hole. she fell for a very long time. she continued chasing the rabbit until she entered a hall. she found a low door and drank orange fluid which SHRUNK her. however she found that the door that she had opened was locked and the key was on the table... when she was too low to reach it.
PART TWO STORY: she found a very small ebony [!! not glass in original but a type of wood painted black] box lying under the table. she opened it. in it was a cake cube. its color was yellow but the frosting was crimson. a card on it had neatly printed words: "Alice EAT ME" each word was beautifully colored scarlet except her name colored beryl-blue. she doubted because the word yellow, which was the color of the cake, contains low. would it make her lower?
if so she could slide under the door. maybe it would be different than orange and make her taller. if it grew her larger, then she can reach up and potentially get the tiny key. this seemed to be a "win win" because she felt sad that she could not reach the key. she decided to eat it but as she raised the cake to her lips and smelled the aroma of fried pig bacon, which she ate almost daily, she worriedly wondered: "i am already very small. if i continue shrinking more, then i may end "like a blown out flame of a candle".
alice thought this about her body shrinking and considered that her life is probably the same when she will be old and her body will die her life will be like that unable to continue living without a body, same as a flame when the wax is finished. She hesitated suspiciously. finally, she concluded that whoever knew her name probably gave her something good. She tensely ate a little bit. she felt quite nervous. she pressed her hand on the top of her head to feel if it pushed up or not. she could not feel any change. She bravely ate the yellow cake.
alice asked anxiously to herself "which way? which way?" she felt great surprise that she remained the same small size. usualy nothing changes when one eats cake. staying the same generally happens, but Alice had expected a wonderful change. common cake seemed dull and stupid. very soon she finished swallowing the cake. [end chapter one in wonder but not end in under] She sat down and recalled her pet cat dina. she hoped optimistically that they would remember responsibly to feed it. she missed her cat and felt certain that it missed her which was not plausible but still possible.
soon she felt a strange pressure and stretching. the table top seemed to move toward her so fast that she understood that she was swelling like the longest naval telescope, that ever was! She excitedly exclaimed, "Goodbye, feet!" she looked down at her feet which seemed to move further and further away. she was concerned and said to them "oh, you poor far feet, oh dear! I wonder who will put on your shoes and stockings for you, from now, dears?"
the right foot replied, "you will use long arms." Alice argued, "I'm sure I can't! I will be too far from you... a great distance. i am swelling vastly. i will give you a new pair of boots every Christmas," she concluded aloud to them. she noticed that her family yearly celebrated with gifts despite they were not christian. She considered in her own mind "i must be kind to them or perhaps they won't walk the way I want to go!" she said to herself "we must send the boots by carrier." she added, "sending presents to my own feet will seem very funny! the address will seem so odd too." She imagined the address note, "ALICE'S RIGHT FOOT, THE RUG, with ALICE'S LOVE". at this moment, her head hit the roof.
she was taller than nine feet [editor's note: despite the author in u.k. he preferd feet over meter measurement and considering he was a math expert we would be wise to follow this leadership].
she grabbed the tiny golden key, and hurriedly stepped one wide step to the low door... Poor Alice! she saw that she was even further from fitting in the low door. the most she could do was look into the garden, while lying down on her back while her face was turned sideways, one cheek on the marvelous marble floor colored like a chess board with mauve marble and azure squares. only one eye saw through the doorway. the other faced the wall above it. when the door was locked she had felt hopeless and now she felt even more hopeless about going through into the gorgeous garden. she began again to cry. great tears poured from her enormous eyes...
she cried uncontrolably, against her own desire to stop. many tears giant tears flowed, until a large pool surrounded her. it was four inches deep and filling five feet from the wall until the floor sloped up. while she was crying she heard a weak sound of toenails on the marble floor approaching. Alice used her sleeve to dry her enormous eyes to see. she saw the white rabbit was passing in the hall. it wore fancier clothes with which it had splendidly dressed itself. it held an aromatic cloth.
Alice felt so desperate she even tried to ask the rabbit, as it passed in front of her. she said to it, in a low, gentle voice, "If you please, Sir..."
"who said that?" it responded and looked around. when it saw tall alice, it jumped suddenly in surprise and dropped the cloth, before it fled fearfully. Alice took up the cloth and a bracelet the size for a rabbit foot. she sniffed the cloth and the pleasant aroma tempted her to constantly continue smelling. She wondered after the change to a tall girl, who she was? She was not the same alice who was usual size.
she certainly was not any child in her class, she undoubtedly rejected the idea, "maybe Maybel" because she was too tall to be anyone in her class. she thought about the tall girls she knew and each time for each one concluded "She is she and i am i". she tried to remember that Alice was smart and wondered if her new self was as smart or not? she tried to recite the Multiplication Table from four until twelve as she had seen in the book: "four times five is twelve. so four times six is thirteen. four times seven is fourteen. oh dear! I cannot total twenty" this proved she was not alice who knew the math. still, one proof is not enuf yet .
she considered Geography. Alice recited, "London is the capital of... Rome. France is the capital of... Paris? oh dear! dear! that's wrong, but what is correct?" She tried to recite a poem but the words came out silly.
"How will the little crocodile,
Improve its scaly tail,
And pour the water of the Nile
On every dark green scale!
How cheerfully it seems to grin
How neatly spreads its claws
And welcomes little fishes in
With gentle smiling jaws" She knew the poem was different so her eyes again filled with tears. she noticed that she had slid on the rabbit's shiny bronze bracelet. How could it fit? unless she was changing smaller. Alice went to the table and measured herself by it. She was shorter than it and was continuing shrinking gradually. what had changed? she had been sniffing the aroma.
before she would shrink like a blown out flame, she dropped the aroma cloth hastily... and instantly stopped shrinking. she was three inches high and was floating. her feet did not reach the floor. She wondered if she would stay this size forever? would her children be tiny? she had asked her pa what "made babies" and he had answered "infants are made from alcohol and bad choices". how would she get out of the sea?
Alice started swiftly swimming in a salty sea toward the garden beyond the low door... it was locked. the tiny gold key lay on the glass table as before. She realized that "little" Alice was further from reaching the key than before.
Alice realized this sea was the pool of her own tears that she had wept from giant eyes. she continued swimming around to try to find her way out. she saw something bigger than herself splashing near her. at first she thought it must be a walrus or a hippopotamus. soon she remembered that she had shrunk small so it must be something small too. As it neared she saw that it was a mouse.
desperately she began to ask it for help: "oh Mouse, do you know how to get out of this pool? I am very tired of swimming about here, oh Mouse!" The mouse looked at her, silently. [Illustration] She thought that it doesn't understand English, if it is French. she wondered if france was a friend to u.k.? u.k. was very strong, the only worthy ally was u.s. she concluded that if u.s. wanted any strong ally the only worthy ally was u.k. she repeated desperately her plea, "oh God, show me how to get out of this pool. I am very tired of swimming." noone helped. perhaps god does not know my problem or the way out. perhaps he does know but is too weak to help. perhaps he is able to help but not merciful if so the religious books were wrong. if so she concluded god acted like not exist because not exist. so she tried the mouse again desperately despite doubt if it would talk, it hadn't answered and doubt if it was french. she tried French saying the first sentence in her lesson-book... about a cat. it jumped and shivered with fright just from being reminded of that big beast. Alice apologized, "oh, I beg your pardon!" She felt afraid that it would leave because she had hurt its feelings. She hastily explained to it, "I forgot you don't like cats!"
"Not like cats!" cried the mouse shrilly, in a passionate voice. it asked her, "would you like cats if you were me?"
editor's NOTE: this is the FIRST conversation between two characters, the mouse, despite demanding conversation at the story start! carol MISSED opportunities for conversation with sister and rabbit that i fixed. despite mentioning alice pretended she was two people, her feet didn't reply so i fixed that too.
Alice answered it, in a soothing tone, "probably not. please don't be angry about it. I wish you would meet Dinah. I think you'd like that cat." She paused to see if it had left her. it was listening, so as she swam lazily in the pool, she continued, "She is such a dear quiet thing. she sits purring so nicely by the fire, licking her paws and washing her face. she is such a nice soft thing. she helps us by catching mice... oh! I beg your pardon!" this time the mouse fur was bristling out all over.
it seemed to be trembling with rage, when it exclaimed "our family always hated cats! Nasty things! Don't talk to me about them any more!" Alice agreed and asked, in a great hurry to change the conversation, "do you like dogs?" The mouse was silent and did not answer, so Alice continued eagerly: "near our house is such a nice little dog with long curly brown hair! it'll fetch things when you throw them, and it'll sit up and beg for its dinner, and all sorts of things. it is so helpful at the farm. it kills all the rats, oh dear!" concluded Alice sadly, due to the mouse swimming away from her.
she called softly after it: "mouse dear, come back. we won't talk about cats and dogs any more. it turned and swam slowly to her. its face was pale. it said in a trembling voice "let's go to shore. I'll tell you why I hate cats and dogs." it pointed the way. the pool was getting crowded with various birds and small animals. She saw a Duck and a Dodo, a Lory and an Eaglet, and several other curious creatures. [editor's note the choices of these four symbolized similar names in the life of the author] Alice swam in the direction it had pointed. the birds followed her to the edge of the pool. end chapter one [under=end two in wonder].
chapter two
editor's note: in this chapter almost nothing happened. also the author included stuff that he himself called boring when he could briefly say "it told a dry story" without the words. so i will fix this chapter by making it easier to read:
the group of animals exited the pool. they were dripping wet. the mouse said "i know what will dry you: a dry story." he started to tell a boring dry story with long words but they were as wet as before. a bird said we should run in circles to dry. they ran and became dry. a bird said "everyone won the race" so al gave them sweets.
the mouse said, "my story is a long tale." alice commented, "i agree that your tail is long but how is a story a tail?" it told a story in the shape of a long tail about a cat. "it told me it wanted to kill me so i fled."

it concluded "MAT. that is why i don't like c's and d's". it turned to her and accused, "you are NOT listening." she replied, "knot? i will help you untie it." the mouse angrily left.
alice wished her cat was there and said, "i love dinah" the birds asked "who is dinah?" Alice answered, she is my cat." as soon as she said the word cat the whole group scattered. all the birds flew away. alice was left all alone... until she heard footsteps it was the "white rabbi". oops i wont fix that funny typo.
chapter 3=4 in wonder. editor's note this chapter, in contrast to chapter one which was wonderful is problematic and too much talking. even chapter one had too much thinking instead of SIMPLY saying "she fell a very long time". so i will fix this chapter easier to read
STORY: the white rabbit came and sent alice "that way" to get a fan. she HASTILY HURRIED to get it... but +before she grabbed it, the effect of the aroma cloth ENDED so she swelled until stuck in the house and one arm out a window. here lacked aroma cloth. she heard the rabbit shout what is that. another voice answered "arm" it said it would enter a window to see. alice TREMBLED in great fear causing the house to shake.
she moved her hand to that window and used her fingers to snatch. she heard glass shatter. she understood that it must have jumped away and fell on glass in the garden. she heard them say bring a ladder. she heard "some animal" climb up the ladder and heard taps as it crossed the roof. when it went down the chimney +it sneezed from the ash which blew its small body up out of the chimney. al heard the rabbit say "bill is flying".
when bill landed the rabbit said bring brandy. next they threw rocks through the window. ow! one hit and hurt her face. the rocks changed into orange cakes. despite cake made her tall this cake was orange like the shrink fluid. she extended her tongue from her giant head bent under the ceiling and pulled a cake in her mouth. she "swallowed" and shrunk. now she could grab the fan and several cakes, yellow and orange. she left the fan by the door and ran away.
she saw a puppy... compared to her it was much bigger. she feared it would trample her. she took an orange cake and threw it. the dog chased it and ate it and shrunk low. she tossed a yellow cake far from her. it ran and ate it and grew. she was safe. she walked between trees until reaching a mushroom. on it sat a "blue caterpillar". end chapter.
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