Sunday, February 3, 2019

rare g words short

this list continues from
g something shaped like the letter g
gab to talk rapidly > idle talk
gad a pointed metal bar
gag to stop speech
gal a female human
gam a group of whales, a conversation between whalers >v, a leg
gan separated waste
gap space separating things, to make an opening
gar a kind of fish
gas something that spreads unless contained by a force or solid
gat a narrow passage of water
gay excitedly happy
gee you should turn to the right, the letter g, a thousand dollars, I. I feel surprise
gel a flexible solid
gem a special stone when polished
get to go and grasp hold to move or bring it, to obtain
gey 'gay' very
gib a male cat, a plate of metal prepared to hold things in place
gid a disease from a tapeworm in the brain
gie 'gee' to give
gig a thing that whirls, a long light boat > v
gin 'j' a trap, a machine to raise or move heavy things, v to separate waste
gin 'g' if
gnu 'noo' a large antelope with a short mane and a long tail
go to move
gob a lump
god something or a person believed to have powers that should be worshipped
goo something sticky
got received
gox oxygen when in gas form
goy a person from a nation other than Jew
gul a certain flower
gum the tissue inside the mouth that surrounds the teeth
gun a portable weapon that ejects a bullet etc.
gut the abdomen or the intestines inside it, >v to remove inside > inner [unconscious]
guy a chain etc. to steady something, >v to steady
gym a large room or building for indoor sports
gyp 'jip' to cheat, a cheat

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