Sunday, February 3, 2019

short rare ijk

this list continues from
I the one speaking or writing
i something shaped like the letter i
ice frozen water
icy covered with ice
id the part of the psyche that is completely unconscious, instinctual needs
if in the event that, on condition that, whether, though
ilk the type or kind
ill sick, lacking good
imp a mischievous child
in positioned between limits specified, at the defined time
ink a colored liquid [usu. black unless specified], the black secretion of squids etc
inn a building or house for customers to sleep or lodge, >v
ion a group of atoms that carries extra electron/s [or lost] and so has an electric charge +\- Charge
ire intense anger, to cause intense anger
irk to make irritated, the cause of annoyance
is has the same value or meaning 'That is a car' 'Two times one is two
located in a place or has the title 'It is on the table' 'He is a knight
ism a distinctive cause or theory
it a certain thing
its relating to a certain thing ['its kennel; sometimes belonging or owning
ivy a vine that climbs as it grows
j something shaped like the letter j
jab to poke quickly and then abruptly withdraw
jag to cut into, a sharp projection
jam to press in tightly, the pressed fruit with sugar
jar a sudden severe shake, a harsh sound, >>v, a glass container
jaw the hard parts around the mouth
jay a family of bird, the letter j
jet a certain coal, a 'deep' black, a forceful stream of liquid >v
jib the arm of a crane, vt to cause to swing, vi to swing, to refuse to proceed further, a forward sail of a boat; flying+jib extends forward beyond the boat, otherwise attached to the front tip 
   jig lively springy dances 
jig lively springy dances > v, the music of a jig
jo a sweetheart
job action/s to do/done
jog to push slightly, a slight shake, to run a t a steady pace
jot to write hurriedly
jow the striking of a bell
joy the emotion resulting from success or hope of success
jug a small container with a handle, and a narrow spout on its mouth
jug to stew in a pot
jun a certain money
jus 'yus' law [of citizenship by parents versus place
 jut to extend or project out or up>n
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k something shaped like the letter k
kat a certain shrub whose leaves a nd buds are a stimulant
kay the letter k
kea 'key' a certain parrot related to the kaka 'k k' also in new zealand
kef the state of dreamy tranquility
keg a small =thirty gallons or less barrel
ken to recognize "I ken him", the range of vision
key the tool shaped to turn the bolt of a lock, a small switch or lever for an electric circuit as 'telegraph ~' >v 
kid the young child of goat related animals >v, a human child
kid to tease good humoredly, to decieve
kif the state of dreamy tranquility
kin a group from a common ancestor
kip a bundle of hides, a unit of weight of one thousand pounds which equals one halgf ton 
kit a collection of itermsa as a set for a common purpose
koa a certain tree
kor an ancient unit of capacity

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