Sunday, February 3, 2019

short rare vwxyz words

list continues from
va continue playing music
van a large vehicle
vas a duct or tube
vat a large container
vet a pet doctor
vex to annoy
via through
vie to strive for superiority
vim exertion of strength
vis force and energy
voe a small bay or inlet
vol two spread wings which are joined
vow a solemn promise
vox an instrument producing tones like a human voice
[wa the cry of an infant
waa the cry of an infant v waaed like baaed]
wad a small bundle v
wag to move side to side repeatedly or up and down
wan weak and feeble or dim v to become
war hostile fighting with weapons
was had the specification (quality mentioned)
waw 'vav' a hebrew letter
wax the dull yellow solid made by bees rom esters and hydrocarbons
way a road for travel from place to place, an opening to pass
we the group including the one talking or writing
web an intricate structure like a weave, the woven fabric until removing from the loom, the tissue connecting fingers
wed took for a wife by ceremony
wee very small bit
wen a cyst which forms when a gland was blocked and it filled
wet with liquid or consisting of it, rainy weather
who tell me the person, the unknown person [the one who has five should wave]
why say the reason or cause
wig a head cover of hair
win to acheive victory
wis to have the knowledge
wit the ability to reason or remember
wiz someone very clever or skillful
woe intense suffering or grief, ruinous trouble >i. i feel such
wok a pan shaped like a huge bowl
won acheived victory
woo to seek affection
wop a tough italian
wot to know [I wot, but you wit]
wow i. i feel amazed or proud, a success, to excite enthusiastic approval
wry to twist out of shape >aj
wud 'boot' insane
wye the letter y, a y-shaped part
xi 'zye' a greek letter, a particle
xu 'soo' a money
yak a large ox
yam a sweet potato, the edible root of various plants
yap a quick bark, to bark insistently, to talk insistently
yaw to stray from the course
ye the listeners
yea i agree> a vote yes
yen a strong desire >to desire intensely, a money
yep i agree
yes i agree, i disagree to a negative you did not see my pen? yes, what you asked is true, i think what you said is true
yet until now, until a certain time, despite what was mentioned
yew an evergreen tree
yin the passive principle
yip to bark quickly and continuously
yod a hebrew letter
yon at that place, those there
you the one or ones spoken to [no yum]
yup i agree
zag a sharp turn>v, a short straight line of a zigzag course at an angle to a zig
zap to destroy suddenly, to cook quickly in a microwave oven
zed the letter z
zee the letter z
zig a sharp turn>v, a short straight line of a zigzag course at an angle to a zag
zip to move quickly vi,vt to fasten using the fastener with two rows of teeth joined by a sliding wye the zipper, to store data compactly
zoo the place where people can safely see animals, that collection of animals
zu the place where people can safely see animals.

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