Tuesday, February 26, 2019

poetry for summer months

intro: for June a joke and a poem:
Granpa Abe: what is a jew's favorite month?
Timmy: tell me.
Granpa Abe: june.
timmy: june? because of vacation? everybody likes vacation.
Granpa Abe: because it sounds like JEW+N.
title: to june the month
June I love. vacation! hurray!
free from skool more time to play
after exercise I cool and hear a tune
granpa Abe thinks its funny to call it Jew+n
I won't watch tivi [TV] all day
so I swim with Kay and May
so fast it is the end of june
why must this month end so soon?
intro: for July a joke and a poem
Granpa Abe: what is the antisemite's favorite month?
Timmy: tell me.
Granpa Abe: july.
timmy: July? why?
Granpa Abe: because it sounds like JEW+lie.
title: Hot July
July is too hot. I hate july.
to cool off cold drinks I buy.
yet a day that I enjoy
thoe loyalists say "oy"
that day is called July fourth
from oppression we came forth.

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