Sunday, February 3, 2019

short rare p+q words

this list continues from
par an accepted standard >v, that is equal, a value
pas 'pa' a step, a dance step, fo~ a bad step
pat a gentle tap with the hand
paw the clawed foot of an animal that walks on four legs, to touch clumsily
pax 'paks' the kiss of peace, the tablet kissed
pay to give money in exchange for something
pe 'pay' a certain hebrew letter
pea a certain vine with green rounded seeds
ped part of soil
pee a certain letter v
peg cylinder shaped tapered wood, to attach with a peg
pen a small enclosed space>v, the animals in it, something to write with using ink
pep energy and high spirits>v
per for each
perfect past perfect 'had' an action completed at or before a past time
pes part of the hind leg
pet an animal kept for company not for work
pew a long bench
phi 'fye' a certain greek letter
pi a certain greek letter, a mix, type that is mixed like pie filling
pic an accurate image of something, a movie, a lance
pie showing different colors, an edible crust filled with a food mixture
pig a young swine
pin metal etc. to fasten things together, metal etc. to hang from
pip a dot as on dice etc., a small seed
pis many pi letters
pit a hole in the ground
pix accurate images
ply to twist together, a strand, a layer
pod the part of a plant for seeds
poi a food of prepared taro
pol someone involved in government
pop to cause to burst open, a father
pot a round container
pot a round container often metal for cooking over a fire but also for plants
pow a sound of a hit
pox a sickness causing small elevated bubbles of inflamed skin
pro a reason to affirm
pry to raise apart with a lever, to ask nosey questions
pse 'sye' a certain greek letter
psi 'sye' a certain greek letter
pub the place where alcoholic drinks are sold and drunk
pud a grain food which is soft
pug to pack with clay
pul a certain money
pun to say a word in a way that suggests different meanings
pup a young dog
pus a yellowish thick fluid
put to lay in a place
pya a certain money
pyx a certain box
qt n silent
qua 'kwa' in the character of
quo 'kwo' by what

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