Tuesday, February 26, 2019

summary of Jesus books

summary of new testament part 1
intro: the new testament is a group of many books. it has 4 gospels containing the lessons and parables which jesus taught. many people feel that they do not have time to read every page so i will summarize the 4 gospels and acts for easy access to know the contents quickly.  some "letters" like mail called epistles were written by paul which i will not summarize yet. the gospels tell very little about jesus childhood so these books are far from biography and not about life story. all 4 gospels contain: the lessons and parables that jesus taught and the story of the romans killing jesus. now we can summarize each one. I begin with? for whatever reason? i dont know why  matthew is published first yet i summarize it first:
MATTHEW  section 1 chapters 1-11: the fathers and kings from whom jesus inherits kingdoms. satan debated jesus. jesus taught many lessons including moral ethics and healed many people. he sent 12 to teach only jews that the time is "near". 2, 12-20: debated about sabbat, many parables as stories for lessons. wonderous acts. "does not make unclean" [meaning free from ritual of moses]. warned beware of pharisees' lessons. no divorce. 3, 21 until end: protested sales in temple. more lessons. told future. a woman anointed jesus head; "the anointed". they came [+with torches at night; source john] and took jesus to questionings. like all gospels: they killed and buried jesus. god raised jesus to life from dead=revived. also: judas threw back money and hung self. jesus sent go and clean all nations. note: he sent students "to jews" but now to all. also note emphasized moral laws while freeing "ritual clean" creating a distinction.
MARK in addition to lessons and the death with revival:
1,1-10: john predicted that a great one will do a different baptism. jesus healed many people and taught many parables. sent 12 to teach. "nothing makes unclean". jesus shined. 2,11 until end [16.8]: jesus entered jerusalem. felt hungry. told future. a woman anninted jesus head. last meal. they took jesus to questionings etc. NOTE: this book does not connect to previous generations in contrast to matthew justifying matthew first.
LUKE in addition to lessons and the death with revived:
1,1-3: "I checked stories." john and jesus born. family roots with "of" not son [hinting family of mom the only human side]. 2,4-10: jesus healed many people and revived a dead man. woman annointed his feet. sent many to teach. 3,11-19: many lessons.  NOTE: "i am not good only god is good" 18.19 [luke unitarian  in contrast to john]. 4,19.28 until end: was going to jerusalem. told future. last meal then questionings etc. jesus shows self to many.
JOHN in addition to lessons and the death with revived:
1,1-12: Jesus divine. jesus does many wonders: wine and more. some students leave after he said "eat my flesh". jesus said about self "i existed before abraham" 8.58 like "i am the one" (4.26) and "i am the shepperd" (10.14). he resurrected dead person. a woman pours to annoint his feet. 2,13-17: washed students' feet. holy spirit will come. jesus prayed. 3,18 until end: came with torches to take jesus to questionings. after they killed and buried jesus they saw the stone moved. people see jesus revived.
ACTS 1,1-7 jesus went up. holy spirit came. suffering: peter taught then they jailed peter and apostles. stefen said speech but they killed him. 2,8-14: persecuted believers so fled and taught so idea spreads: philip and paul taught about jesus. peter saw a vision. (symbol include see later). naming "kristian". peter escaped jail.  travelings to teach about jesus. [around year 45-48].  3,15 until end: debate about joining. paul in prison until quake then gaurd took him to home. magistrates escorted paul from city.  paul traveled to many places teaching [around year 50]. paul tied in jerusalem. he said speeches and many judges trialled him. innocent so sailed to rome through a storm. came to malta and rome. end. note: during these travels paul wrote the letters called epistles which are published after these five books. paul was the messenger sent to the gentiles who wrote to the gentiles in contrast to the people jesus sent to the jews in matthew as above.
THIS SUMMARIZED around 130 pages. besides 80 pages remain not counting the "disputed" book named revelation.

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