Friday, December 28, 2018

rare-short word aid for story with idea E+F

list continues from c+d at
e something shaped like the letter e
s-ear the organ that detects sound
s-eat the process of moving food into the mouth chewing and swallowing, to destroy gradually
s-ebb to change from a higher to a lower level
edh 'eth' the old English letter for the sound "th" of the; unlike Thomas
n-eel a family of snake-shaped fish
s-ef the letter f
n-eft a type of salamander called newt
s-egg to incite to action, the shell containing a potential child
s-ego the self, the conscious mediator between the person and reality, speaking of oneself too much, self esteem
s-eh [i. tell me more information or repeat
s-el the letter l, a raised railroad
s-elf a small being, a mischievous person
n-elk a certain large deer
s-ell a unit of length
n-elm a family of tree
s-em the letter m
n-emu 'eemyoo' a certain bird
s-en the letter n
s-end the part at the side
s-eon an indefinitely long time, one billion years [10^9 years
era the span of time counted from a certain event, that event
s-ere 'er' before the event specified
s-erg a unit of work
n-ern an eagle
err to make a mistake
ess the letter s
s-et before now was eating
eta the seventh letter in Greek
eth the letter in old English for the sound "th" of the [not of Thomas
s-eve the time called evening, before a special day
n-ewe the female of a mammal related to sheep
s-ex the letter x, one that previously held the position specified
s-eye an organ that detects light or is related to sight
f something shaped like the letter f
fa a certain tone
fad an interest that people temporarily follow with zeal
s-fag v to work hard and toil
s-fan something to move air
s-far at a large distance away
s-fat having noticeably more than usual fat
fay to join closely and fit
s-fed an agent who works for the federal government, was given food
s-fee an amount to pay for a professional service
fen low land covered in water see bog
s-few a small amount
s-fey 'fay' soon to die aj
fez a certain hat
s-fib a trivial lie
fid a wooden pin
fie i. [I feel...] disgust
n-fig a type of fruit
fin a projecting part of a sea animal in any direction (all are called fin
n-fir a family of tree
s-fit adapted or suitable for a purpose, being the needed size or form >v
fix to make something firm or stable or usable
flu ill with respiratory [breathing related] symptoms
fly to move through the air by floating or soaring [not falling
fob the part a pocket watch hangs from [strap or chain etc
s-foe an enemy in war
fog water vapor when close to ground
s-fop a man devoted to his dress
s-for towards the purpose defined or intended goal, [also used] resulting from, despite a quality specified
s-fou drunk from alcoholic liquid
s-fox a mammal similar to dogs and wolves noted by a muzzle more pointed than a wolf >foxy  with a narrow face
s-foy a farewell feast or gift
s-fro back from
s-fry to cook over a fire with oil etc
s-fud someone unimaginative or concerned about trivialities
s-fug the stale warm air of a crowded room noun
s-fun something which provides amusement or enjoyment
s-fur the hair of certain animals

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