Friday, March 10, 2017

pleasure era eschatology and pleasure

a significant difference between the religious studies of christians to jews is the study of the era of pleasure.
christians study eschatology, based mainly on the book revelation which in greek is called apocalypse=wrath or light [my opinion always wrath even in luke].
what is our generation's response when i say "i will reveal the future: just like now fruit grows on a tree to eat, so in the future the meat of the chicken leg will.
a vegetarian might reply: meat without killing? I wish but be realistic
animatarian would say get real! it will not happen nor need to happen.
healthy skepticism. good until it is in a religious book. the jewish faith predicts "bread will grow on trees" silly? not for jws! the holy book said so therefore it is faith.
the jewish do not study about the changed world despite a famous rabbi moshe wrote about the changed world and also small hints in isaia
in contrast, christians study the "end" called eschatology and troubles and debate the order.
I must point out that:
***Eusebius around 300 AD wrote that the book "revelation" [which as mentioned begins with the greek word] apocalypse (used in modern english for great destruction ) is a DISPUTED BOOK and earlier bishops did not even mention it. which matches=would be expected if the book was not studied nor recognized.
evidence for atheism is that the liars were not stopped from tricks who in an effort to defend the addition of a disputed book into the bible, say silence of ignatius is unknown, what a dirty god-forsaken trick.
he did not read it and as eusebius wrote, it is a disputed book not holy nor prophecy from god, but merely a guess about the future.
in fact even the prophecies never say "when" so wait a thousand years maybe by chance a few details will happen, and then KEEP WAITING because no "time" for the prediction. compare this: one day US will have a woman president. keep waiting!
so studying a disputed book and things related, may be fun because it is imaginary like STAR TREK 23 century, but seriously be realistic: it is just a guess and a silly guess to claim "different" or pleasure. note: isaia never said "when" which year. so it is silly to study the era of pleasure.
***Even the bible said elsewhere "that which was, it will be".

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