Tuesday, March 7, 2017


continuing from the previous post [establish=introduction] we have several options: one is to say "the book-volume which christians give out as whole, contains problems and until they produce a different book that does not need a commentary to deny its messages, we can reject the package" and similarly for the book-volume that jews publish as the scriptures.
we can identify some of the problems and after they remove the problems, reassess if it is less problematic but they insist not to change, so this will never occur and we can+ and if we respect truth should: reject the package because they have not offered a good book and THEY  refuse to fix and edit and make a new book without the problems. what if they would say this is an anthology of conflicting ideas and each idea is valid hahaha they would never do that.
after a temple existed and the tradition existed to kill animals, for burn them, two prophets considered good EVEN BY jews and christians, brought a message "god said i did not command and did not want blood of animals" this message came to fix a tradition and IDENTIFY what was wrong in the tradition.
we can base on the book: the truth that god does not want and "did"=a past verb=did not want the blood of animals and "did not command sacrifices" with the word no... of course the religious insist no does not mean no, but we honest people prefer honesty and the word no has meaning, especially in the context "you eat it" because i did not command so the message cam to fix a tradtion and to correct an error.
we have established an idea on the book and preferred the book which came to fix an existing tradtion defining it as wrong.
we can add two more foundations: each from a book AGREED to be good books even  by those who would kill me for my heresy if they only could: as we know only secular morality prevents christians from burning heretics and jews from killing with rocks... jesus christ !!
1 in truth "God did not command to kill animals for hin and instead humans should eat them" jeremia 7 and that influences not to corrupt the similar message in isaia 1 "God did not want blood of animals" note; not wanting blood refutes the idea jesus blood cleans sin... oh well truth is too important to allow for lies. any book claiming god did command needs to be identified because god sent a message to fix such traditions.
2 in truth the faith about the "bad guys" who are wicked is "wicked will succeed to do bad for a long time while the good will be trapped by his goodness." kohelet called Ecclesiastes.
3 god is  not weak because that is what "god" means he is immortal. if so we can be certain:  if jesus died he was not divine and most christians believe the mystery that jesus both was god [john] and died [all gospels and paul] so that faith is not for honest people.
now we can identify which books "in the tradition which we received" need to be fixed: I list 29 and label which "only appear' to be inconsistent. which suffices after they claim consistency in their "convince-books". the number refers to the faith of the three faiths above we will see fifteen 15 could and should be removed.
genesis 1 god "enjoyed" sacrifices? yet did not want and other problems
exodus 1
leviticus 1
numbers 1
deuteronomy 1
samuel 3
isaia F
jeremia F
ezekiel 1
shorts 1
psalms 2
proverbs 2
job different problem
skip one
ecclesestis F
matthew jesus died? if he is divine this is a lie=3
mark 3
luke 3
john 3
letters of paul in one book. 3
from 29 we can avoid spending much time on the details of fifteen books each with many other reasons to reject but we will not spend time on them because they are not identical to the 3 fundamentals established on books which even the religious agree are good books. that leaves 14 to analyze in future posts.

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