Tuesday, March 7, 2017

is the book genesis trustworthy?

children are taught "we must believe" a book is holy and true but what if a book is NOT worthy of our trust. shouting and criticism and even hitting the heretical child.
is the book genesis worthy, truly worthy of our trust?
if we begin with faith that is a prejudice so we must analyze that it is possible either way perhaps trustworthy perhaps not, and without assuming it is holy nor bad.
judge based on content.
if we are aware that science teaches that stars and the sun existed for "more than" ten thousand years and are also older than planet earth then immediately when we read the first chapter we meet the challenge which religious people are required to alter and corrupt different from the message which appears.
religious apply their prejudice that it must be true "a day is not a day and the order is not important."
first the ground and plants and a billion years later the sun was made. well if you know science that is the wrong order. how could god not know? unless the book is about a god who does not know or the book is not from god because if we assume god exists he would know the order.
or as some religious do: ridicule the wrong conclusions of those lying scientists why should we believe them anyway!
if we do not corrupt the contents the book tells that god told abraham "they will suffer four hundred years" since "god does not lie that must be wjhat happened yet two traditions of those who suffered say it was only 205 or 210 years this book describes a god who did not know the future and that is reason enough that it COULD HAVE been not included in the list of holy books see post "how many"
the decision: to include book genesis in the list is problematic.
some will insist anything outside the bible is false and 400 is the truth yet the bible itself in exodus shows it is less with the genrations in exodus which caused some jewish rabbis to claim 210 just 5 years "off" bad from the tradition in josephus.
if exodus is true than genesis is false. yet even exodus is bad claiming 430 years years. one of them must be removed but whch book?
religious insist on adding words to the idea which is not in text. the word in singular land is really more than one kingdom  the fact that the word torture is near the number can be ignored in order to claim the bible is consistent yet without the prejudice we are not compelled to corrupt the text we can comprehend what is there and see it is not "consistent" and some detail is false and the books are unreliable. if exodus is a bad book we can keep genesis and say 400 after all exodus claims god wants sacrifice and isaia brougt a message god did not want it and similarly jeremiah said i didnot command...
so exodus is not trustworthy it is no real challebnge to genesis leaving only the problem of the order of sun and stars and jurassic order different from reptiles and mmammals.
yet they did not remove exodus from the list and said 430 which the verse said "in egypt" includes not in egypt this is baseless and they did not add the words to the text in editing so that message is true but if so the generation list is not truly the son which totals less years and we do not know when the son was born only that the total is less and josephus preserved two hundred 5. so I propose removing all problematic books. those who "recommend" genesis I challenge them based on the problematic content. if they had their way they would kill me for my evil words demanding honesty-
in other generations christians and jews both killed heretics.
only secular morality prevents such physical violence so they hide information which threatens them in order to preserve ignorance so people choose what the religious leaders want.
in summary we have reason based on the content s long as we resist the prejudice to corrupt the content to defend outside prejudices, if exodus is true than god did not know the future so genesis is a heretical book describing a good who did not know and who specifically instructed to worship another god he did not say worship "me"  instead "god said build to the god which appeared to you" instructing to worship another in addition to plural verbs for god all these separately are enough to declare genesis heresy book and realize that the decision to include it was wrong. similarly exodus which has sacrifice when later god said i did not command warning not to continue nor accept the tradition and similar books with animal sacrifices attributed to god
hence we have reason to reject the volume that has these bad books together until THEY  sort out wcich book to remove i recommend remove all both genesis 400 and exodus as well as leviticus numbers deuteronomy because all these books have sacrifices and the later prophets warned not to continue that tradition because it is false "god did not wany god did not command so books claiming he did lied.
now we can analyze the historical books, joshua judges samuel kings oops also ruth and chronicles and ezra nehemia. they are storied but calling them "historical" creates a prejudice something the religious leaders wopuld kill us for denying of they only could...

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