Friday, November 29, 2019

the rebellion of clair claus part one

the date was december 20, last year [one before the time you are reading this story.]
Clair felt that she could not wait for the winter vacation. she hated skool. can you relate to that feeling? she wished that winter vacation was the entire months december and january. she also hated that the sky was already dark by the time she ended her studies at 4 in afternoon. she wished she could enjoy the "golden afternoon" in a song she heard from disney.
clair was laying in her bed at ten pm written 22:00. she knew that she needed to listen at skool and could not enjoy the nite kuz then she would be drowsy at skool and the teachers would notice and say comments at her.
as she lay on her soft mattress and soft sheet, she hugged her thick fluffy winter quilt. her ma  named izsabbel would have annoyed her if she had not done her work. that night she needed to practice the math called dividing fractions. like when was that ever useful in life?? at least if i double a recipe: half cup flour i can use math to know one cup but this?? she hated numbers in general and math was the worst subject from all the bad subjects at skool. at least in "lit" they had stories but even then the stupid skool always chose the boring stories. and emphasized fruitless grammar. who cared? as long as we understand the story. and worse was science and math that had no story at all !!
her thoughts wandered from complaining about annoying skool... to one of the boys in her class room. they were in the same class for mrs. hepburn class of science- physics, which by the way is almost entirely more boring mathematics and equations. he sat far from her near the window. clair always tried to find the chair nearest to the door. even at the "dreadful cost" of being in the front row near the teachers. ugh. she knew his name: burt. yes every day at the time of attendance the teachers would say that name "burt butterell". burt would rais a hand. soon just hearing his name made her heart flutter. he was so so hot! she loved his dark hair. even from afar. she loved from near his choclat-brown eyes under that unique long uni-brow. his nose seemed too small for his face. the nostrils were like slits and never like that gross teen named brian, that had hairs dangling from his nose. not burt. burt always appeard with combed hair and as if no hair grew in his lovely nose.
she did not mind that burt had those braces wires in his mouth that zig and zag from oddly spaced teeth. some teeth extended lower than others or were "more inside" behind the bow of the teeth. that just proved that he cared enuf to make his teeth in a row.
clair turned to look at the pale green numbers on her digit clock. that clok was a gift from her frend ava. on her fifteenth birthday she had invited som frends, including the nerd liam, to a small party. ava and barrbra who each brought their rhyming boyfrends: ayden and brayden.  however liam charlet clive and caden did not come despite her personally handing them the decorated invitations. she had not invited gross brian the hairy nose. worst of all her burt had not come. when she had handed him the colorful invitation he had been polite. "i am sorry that i cant come kuz i have..." she had not even heard his words... lost in those dreamy choclat eyes. you know what that means.
at the party each one gave her a small present. she loved ava's present the most this pink clock with pale green numbers. that showed the time 22:22 now.
oh why? when i think of that clock my mind goes to burt. he was not even at the party. she knew that she must sleep. but her mind kept returning to burt. she wrote a text message. hey burt now is all the same numbers 22:22 cool?" and send. too late she realized he would think that was not special because every day also had 11:11. and worse what if his clock showed "10:22" he would think she was a freak. she wanted him to notice her.
burt always sat  by the window in mrs. hepburn class. her eyes were constantly jumping from the clok with the black hands that barely moved... to that window where burt sat. burt was always looking at the teacher as she talked. burt almost always wore jeans. once she was near enuf to see the symbol. it was not levi nor wranggler but some other symbol that she did not know.
his shirt was almost always had a soft color-collar and only 2 or 3 buttons near the neck. she wonderd why he liked that style? but they looked great on him. and each day he chose different color shirts with those pale blue jeans and black-labor shoes. she thought as she pressed her eyelids together she must sleep. the teachers would criticise her again for being drowsy in class. but she could not stop thinking about burt sitting beside the window... finally burt was talking to her and noticing her... a great dream interrupted by "beep beep beep" yikes! morning already.
another skool day... the windows were dark from clouds and she heard rain. she jumped from her bed and switched off the beeping before her mom "queen isabella" would shout at her... and another day began...
to be continued... chapter 2 at skool and the rebellion.

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