Thursday, November 28, 2019

the PROBLEM with names and a solution

the author name-problem and solutions
some talented people can think of a story, and also choose or generate the names of the characters in the story. for example "oliver and the sad day". but even they have several options for choosing the family name. and a list would help in several ways.
some names feel  repetitive such as "alice allison" or "andy anderson" or "nevyl nevin" three letters is too much same, unless "cherry chesse" sounds different. skilled writers can generate names that initial letters match such as "cora clark" or better "cora colyer." but difficult to match many names. kate with? what starts with k?
a list of names will allow authors to match the names together and select ooptions: only first letter match "kate kudrow" or two letters "larry ladd" or "cherry chesse" or "grant-grover or grover grant".
others can think of story but feel "stuck" choosing any name. the PROBLEM is then they dont publish the story just kuz some wont like the name but a LIST as below is a solution  they can choose which name FEELS good for the story.
choose name: alan/alice then choose match from  family list:
[future lists will suggest first names personal names]
list one: family names A->T.
Note almost all letters have five 5 options. i need help with i, q, and u.
alan+alden? 2. or alan+atkins etc. but asher+ash seeme too much same.
Alden, atkins, ambrose,  angel, ash, axelrod, 
basham, bedrosian, birmingham, brown, booker, butterell
carpenter, chabria. chesse. clark, colyer, cusack, 
davies, denham,  dowdall, duguid, durkin.
ebsen, elman, ennis, emyrs, evans.
fay, fisher, fox, franzl, fulton,
garden, genzel, givenchy, gladstein, gould,  gunderson.
hanson, hart, heasman, hepburn, hill, hogarty, hudson.
ingman, ireland, isgar, ishiguro,
janes, jamrok, jekyl, jordan, jurow,
kalindjian, keen, king, kovacs, kunszt.
ladd, lennon, levin/e, lisman, lucken.
mather, mercer, milliken,  moyer, muller.
naze, neal, nevin, noble, nuwirth.
obst, oke, ortiz, osgood, ott.
parisse, pelton, pill, porter, puhm.
reed, rhys, richards, rose, rooney, ruben.
saadon, shaw, singer, sobel, sturup, sullivan.
tarnawsky, thorby-theo, tracy, tottman, trudel, turturici.
unger, and u? help...

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