Saturday, November 9, 2019

my summary to replace bad series "jag"

jag-off-ic-ers, the action to replace and warn about the bad series jag.
summary of 1-7
first episode called "pilot" summary and warning:  pilots fly jets to the zone of "no fly" demilitarize and go to shoot two jets violators. the navigator prepared the missile but the pilot ordered not to use it. he moves near the mig and shoots a missile. the second mig chased him and the helper jet fails to chase it away so he spins and oops magicaly the mig passes so he shoots it with guns.
both she and pilot get praise destroying the violation jets but she gets pushed off the boat that carries jets by unknown hands. the internal investigators must discover why she died and if pushed into sea. they catch somebody between admitting they dont know who did it, and before finding evidence that points at the suspect. so stupid series. only select action here so this replaces bad series. ah and the wording on the cover even worse to sway the reader that us navy is guilty of crimes. and other mistakes so i must replace.
2 a  submarine follows a test target. the test-torpedo follows the target but then the developer sends it to threaten citizens kuz wants money, so how will the inv. trick him? he tricked the navy to use only he control.
3 practicing artillery, a soldier instructs wrong coordinates. the bomb kills and injures people. the inv. will see what happened... and the writers will pretend to be judges misusing the safety of fiction to sway the viewers i mean most humans will be swayed by the injected ideas that the actors as judge and lawyer say. terrible trick. only action select kuz the writers are not judges nor should they pretend to be nor try to sway viewers from the camaflage of fiction.
so only action here to replace series named jag beware.
another flaw is the bad decision. when pilot has the option of chase missile it seems destructive to risk entire jet and crew to get near enough to use cheaper missile and gun. if goal is not to use expensive missile then risked entire jet! no punishment for  reckless risk when had option. and that is supposedly the judges series.
must be replaced by short action seections.
4 investigate murder bla bla bla
5 jets fly from the aircraft carrier boat. the soldiers on the ground called "marines" practice aiming at the jets. the pilot flew very low, close to the ground. but the autopilot is not low enuf so he tries lower and crashed. inv will try to recreate whatever happened.
6 a long limo enters the gate of an embassy. the gaurd saw somebody running on the railing above the embassy. he fears assassin and mistakenly shoots a child. what does he deserve? we are not judge nor studied laws. so stupid.
7 gaurds stop a car and say we inspect. the suspicious driver crashed thru the barrier so the gaurds shoot pistols until the driver stops they find a rocket launcher inside. inv. will try to discover whatever happened.

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